HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 Mar 16 - Sign Off Transmittal, Plans - Pool Shed r___ _ . _ _ . .�.. _ _ _ . .�r� n>.�_`-�.. .. . _ ���.��� �Y Yqh TOWN OF YARMOUTH . ..�-��� �; � ;;�-,� HEALTH DEPARTMENT a:. - `�.� �. _� ���4'' ``�l� PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET ,�M� To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: � �3 �'1�1�1,(1 ��-. . �„� . �����}(1 C.�l.}�. -- ��}�,_ �..-U 1��. Proposed Improvement: ��t�l C„� �. ��D(��-� I�O C; � �,�, � �S�2� U� C,�t�S� , ��� ,^�� , � Applicant: fil.���P�l�l..l�-�,t"1�- � �c..'-1���_S T c�..l�� �l C Tel. No.:,�V� 3 �,�. C��11 � i , --�- Address: ? �11 I U ; -�. U 1�-� � {�'l(.��)(� Date Filed: �� � i � Pc� ���k- I`�5� , �� r'�1-F�►���'-t,m;� ��l **Ifyou would like e-mail notification ofsign off,please provide e-mail address: C.�h► ��L.J 1 C�.e'., (,�'.���`l._ �SS C:Cl2..�� , C`U'1'� Owner Name: 1 }1�'L✓!�-� y�1(�(Y'UJ�'��SSC.0 . L���.- � Tr l S {� C��tt���, � rr ��.r�2�,t►� - ►Yl►ch�.�-I L cJl..s..��I c�..9 Owner Address:��(�; ��C?�,�,,�G�i �4--�_ �.,l��� YY`�;-� (�;<�5,,(; ti Owner Tel. No.: �j U� •�7�I �_�L U(,, .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. ' Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: ', (l.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, ' and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note:Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; ', (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. ' .....:............................................................................:... ... ...................:........................::.....::...i.............................................................................................:.......................................:.:.....:............:..:................................................. ' REVIEWED BY: DATE: �j - �� ' � PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: o . Cammonwealth of Massachuse�Gs Executive Office of Energy &Environmentaf Affairs Department of Enviranmen�al Pratection Southeaat Regiona! (7ffice•2Cl Riv�rside D�ive, Lakeviile MA�2347•5p8-946-2700 Charles D.Baker Matthew A.BeaYon Governor Q���D��p secretary Karyn E.Pofito Martin Suuberg Lieutenant Govemor MAR � 6 2O1� ' Commissioner ' HEALTH DEP? � January 9,2017 '�, Mr. Michael Edwards RE: YARMOUTH:BRP WP 68,The Cove at The Cove at Yazrnoufih Associates LP Yarmauth , 183 Route,28 Permit Na.: 162 -4 ; West Yarmouth,MA 02673 � i Dear Mr. Edwards: � ; MassDEP is in receipt of your application on December 2, 2016 requesting the addition � of a new swinuning pool, a seasonal restaurant and batluoom �aciiities for improvements at The Cave at Yalmouth, Yarmouth, Massachusetts. The facili�y possesses a Groundwater Discharge � Permit allowing it to discharge up to 39,900 gallons per day (gpd). After review of your ; . application, MassDEP agrees with your assessment that the proposed improvennents will not ? exceed the design capacity of the sewage treatment and disposal system serving the facility. � Accardingly, MassDEP approves the request for the addztional swimming pool, seasonal ; restauran.t and bathrooz�a faciliry subject to the following: `' � � r 1. There is to be no increase in the cuirent approved parmit flow of 39,900 gallons per day 3 from the facility. � � 2. Should the faciiity exceed its peiznitted flow, the faczlities allowed under this approval '� will have to be abandoned � 3. The facility served by the system and#he system itself shall be open to inspection by the MassDEP and the Yarmouth Board of Health. � � � 0 . � !I If � This information is available In alternate format Call Michetle Waters-Ekanem,Dlverslfy DErector,at 677•292-5751.7TY#MassRelay Service i-800-439-2370 � MassQEP Website:www.mass.govldep � Prinled on Recycted Aaper � �,- � � _ � I; � If you have any questions or require additional information,please contact rrze at{508)946-2$14. Very iruiy yours, .,�f� ��U - � Brian A.Dudiey Bureau of Water Resources D/AT/ cc: Taija L.McGrra.il,P.E. Coastal Engineeziz�g Company,Inc. 260 Cranberry Highway, Orleans,Massachusetts 02653 � � � 1 • i i 3 � � t ; ! i 12'- O'I. 3 NewShed S.W. Elevation 1/4" = 1'-011 I I I I L— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J n New New S. E. Elevation 1 /4" = V-011 I L------------- New Shed N.W. Elevation [-T A W 171%7 I!' t`r A T R "f,Y1Fl ,' I \TE ROUNL ROOF. n New Shed and Pergola Plan ' 1/411 = 1'-0" ATAS, DUTCH SEAM PANEL ROOF 5/8" CDX SHEATHING 2 X RAFTF 5 A1.6 LOUVERS AND PURLINS BY AMERICAN LOUVERED ROOF de and Slimtter n Shed Building Eave Detail 1 1 /2" =1'-0" ETAL SAVE :IM / FLASHING C4 EAVE TRIM - "%RAL (PAINTED 2 Shed Roof Plan 7 3/4 KITE) X BORAL SOFFIT, PAINTED 0\1" o 0 X 3 BORAL FACIA, PAINTED 0 0 g <C =Ll --1 I FEd I4 n Pergola Column Detail 1 1 /2" = 1'-0" AN DOWNSPOUT BORAL WRAPPED POSTS (SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS) n Pergola Post Plan 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 6X6 POST ON POST BASF, ON FOOTING. (SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS) 2X BLOCKING WRAP WITH PAINTED 3/4" THICK BORAL V - GROOVED BOARDS. BASE: THICK 9 1/4" HIGH 1/4" = 1'-0"1`i YYvI�'✓J L -- -----------i n Shed Building Section �" 1/4" = 1'-0" .. --- LOUVERS AND PURLINS BY AMERICAN LOUVERED ROOF --- -- SYSTEMS 7 = NJ- WOOD BEAMS AND BRACES - A1.6 (SEE STRUXCTURAL 6 DRAWINGS) \ 1" THICK BORAL N / TRIM 3/4" THICK BORAL WRAPPED POSTS (SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS) Section though Pergola U 1 /4" = 1'-0" (SCI@CEOMGU MAR 16 2017 HEALTH DEPT. V � U U � � Zq 00 U 'V) V) Q U � ISSUE DATES: Permit Set 18 January 2017 0 No. 6555 F W WOODSHOLE, GO MR U O O � CCS � 7 ,O U CCS � v Q w � 0 00 r ---i New Shed and Pergola Plans, Elevations and Section DWG #: A1,06