HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-075 - Rip Rap Restoration & Relocation PlanMANEPEACE - Edye of exis t/ny pa vemen t 0 ROUTE 28 Existing brrdye and cu/vert Concrete surface cJroinage channel M.H.8 Existing Approx, limit of work. under \ Permit No, MA - DENN- 79 -? 7 rip -rap /o remain / \ _ Edye of existiny pavement C.B Malch to exisf1nq� \ \ \ Relocaled rip-ra/a \ \ PARKING AREA Relocated sand- trop Exisfin9 rip -rap \\ ,\\ f f'® and leaching• beg( to be removed \ r f77-� cma relocated — \ M. H. W STORES , `1 GREGORY AND HARRY BOTSIVALES I Q�l o o 681 ROUTE 28, W. YARMOUTH, MASS. j p f I I Iti existing I I 1 1 1 ! I n 1 1 0 M. H. yatch lo existing 1 ! 1 1 1 GORDON P GARDINER 1 l 1 1 ET. UX WAREHOUSE xistinq rip -rap � o remain 4-1 '� .; 4' � perforated p/pes �o L /eachinq bed Sand- trap NP - e) .h grate fl, G, E GATEWAY ISLES YACHT CLUB INC. Exist/ny rip -rap MARINA DANIEL E. STRIAR, ET AL. 299 MAIN STREET, W. YARMOUTH, MASS. PLAN SCALE: 1 ° = 20' Exisfin9 rip -rap to he removed and re%cater/ Existing cJround surface (see Plan RPlocaferl rip -rap E/. G. S E/. �. 5 M.H. W, El. 2.5 , M. L. W, El, 0.0 Exstinq hottoin of river -- sv-6,0 i`�/ E/.-6.0 New bo lfom o f ri ver SECTION A -A SCALE:'I = 10' i Relocated sand - trap, New paved surface -slope to re/ocaled sand -Trap Relocates' leaching bed Po /y „x „lin/n9' e'er stone chips LOCATION MAP SCALE: I"= 1500' NOTES: This plan /s based on drawings enlil/ed, 'Plan to Accompany Pel/tion of Gordon P. Gardiner ET LIX., fo place ancq' maintain rip -rap and fill in Parker's River- Yarmouth, fgarnslable County, Mass, "/n two sheets, dated, "'Sept /97�� revised, ''Tune /977 and Nov. /978, This plan incorporates those drawings by reference, 2. The purpose of this restoral/on plan is to depict the location of the rip -rap as it I's to be relocated to briny it info compliance with Corps of ifnylneer's Per1n'1't No, MA-DE1VN-79-27. This wall I's to be constructed as it Was origina//y except for ifs newloCc? tion, which w/ll be between zero and twenty -Two feet shoreward of ils present unauthorized local/on. 3 All con4'i'//ons contained in the Department of the Army Permit No. MA -DEN/✓ -79-27 and in the originalOrder of Conditions, os modified by The Corps permil, shall appy To the relocations of the wa//, 4, The /eachinq bed shown on the original plans shall be relocated as necessary to accommodate the oeposltioniny of the wall, A suggested location is shown on this plan. 5, Relocalion of the wall shall be performer/ so as to minimize sedimentation. G, Construction shall not take place duriny the spawning season or indiyenous finfish rand, shellfish. For the Parker's River, This period begins on April / and coolinues until October /, Relocation shall nol hegin prior to April / unless the work can be comple led before that dale, 7. Once the wall has been relocated, the river bottom shall be restored to the coed/lion that existed prior to the construction of the wall al its unauthorized position,