HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptiTech Final Inspection & Start-Up Check List __..._...____.___._...._..._..._�.._...__-------....__._...............................�....
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Final Inspection & Start-Up Check List
.n r (Revised 03/30/09) �
�i h ea.L I���a�.l Pb,pa..�Ti e S
Customer; 1 Sd�l�lt#: ���r In Ground Date:�tart up Date: / �� �`�
Address: ��`� �'Ta-'�t�v�11 /-t�re, �• Ycuw�a�t-f� �l� •
Phone: Model• � v7�00 f�
DisEributor�Iatne ��'��� S�� '� ��ic�- Dist. Contact /t��.�' ��a'so
r�e�r� us����
Checklist Item Cotuments
�ank is full of clean water
❑ Outlet is equipped with effluent filter(not necessary if denite system) N � _ '
� [V� Denite�nly—Outl t compartment has hP�avy media added o'�n� ���`�-- �-�`—
��C�, �a v+n�0��.f w+.c�t
�No visible evidence of settlement around tank
Parte[ is in an accessible lacatian and properly mounted
Heater is instaifed if outdoors(cold�veather climates only)and set to 40-SO F.
�Panel is supplied�vith hvo power circuits of coiti�ect size
Vcrify electrical connections with wiring diagrain
J-box iii tank
�ontrol panel terminal b[ocks
(Insure a!l connections orc tight&x�ices are numbered)
Elect�ical conduit fibm panel to processar is sealed
nsure copy of electrical�viring diagram is stored in cantrol panel
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Castomer: �''u� �d� Job/K#t#: �� Bate: 7 �� a� l �
�Tank is no deeper than 24-inches belo�v final grade
Risers are properly sealed
�ank is free of debris(rocks,waodchips,dii�t,etc)
[��Unit filled with water to bottom of support structure pipes
�Verify mechanical connections and check for leaks
Inlet Pipe(4-inch PVC)
�ischarge Pipe(2-inch PVC)
Pum -back Pipe(1-1/2-inch PVC}
Denite Recycie (1-1/2-inch PVC)
Air inlet instatIed�vith positive pitch back to tank
[�Was system tested?
(Exercise enBre systcn�in maintenance�node and note amperagc rcadings)
�Re-circtilation Pump(s)Atttp Draw: `� ` y f�-�
�Pump Backs 1'��mp(s}Amp Dra�v: 02' �a ���
�Discharge Pump(s)Amp Draw: oZ'� Ii-+"'� _
[�'�De-Nitrification Mix Pump(s}Amp Draw: �. ` � �p
/� �
Are Discharge Pump(s)catibrated? r�u.c��v e y SQ�
(Nota PSI Gnuge Reading)
Q'�JAre Pump-back and Denite Pumps calibrated? ry �=�-r
ote PSI Gauge R d€ng)
Is high float level correct?
Is low floai level cor�ect?
❑ Is UV properly connected and bulb illuminated?f�/�
Is bag placement optimized?
Insure PLC is in"run"mode or"terminal mode"
(Tcrminal mq�e only with oelecomcnunications)
❑ Verify TelecommunicAtion Caru�ection(if applicAble) N/�-
P�ge 2 of 3
l � � �
Customer: � � , /iw�• Job/Kit#: 3.�`� Date: � /O o20/�
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�e access covsrs at or slightly above finished grade a��d accessible year round?
�access covers tight?
Is comptcte installation in accordance�vith tlie Contractor Installatian Manual?
If Installatlon is not in accordance�vith Installatton Manuat.Do not leave system on!
Notifv SeptiTech.the owner and or the installing contractor of the issues!
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