HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 - I/A Summary Sheet emailed to BCDHE 2013 May 01i
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iEmerga#rcy Planning (iR 7est Ceaiter R9edica!Resen e Corps Septic�oan Prografn Tobaeco Control BarnsBahie Caunty
Barnsta6Ee Cauncy Depart€nenk of Neafth and Envircrnmonf>Cape arsd Isiands€iealtfi Agent Ccralition>ReferencQs and Resourca�s>New I/A System Pertnit Summary
Hot Tapics � Meetings and Events
� New I/A System Permit Summary Sheet
' No events at this time.
, _
MRC Disaster MenWl Health j
�Training Survey
Resource Library Additions � Department Inforntation
�_...._ __ _._.. Your Summary Sheet was submitted successfully. Monday-Friday
�epartment Prograrrss � � 8:OOam-4:30pm
! __. _.. Main Line:(508)375-6613
�Q�� � Site Information
Main Fax:(508)362-2603
Administrefive Division _
� _ Laboratory Line:(508)375-6605
Aiternetive Sepzic Syskems Town Yartnouth Town Pertnit#QS-257 Laboratory Fax:(508)362-7103
Alfernativc SapYic Tesk Cen#er
Map/Parcel 24/136 Unique Town ID#
Bathing Beaah th�ater t�uaiify _...... -::. -:. I 3195 Main Street
Er�viro.Nealth and Safety 1 Ske Address 94 Iroquois Boulevard � P.O.Box 427
__.. _.. ,...
Land#il[Monitoriny � Owner Name Leanna Comdan Bamstable,MA 02630
_. _ � __ _._
RAeciical Reserve Corps � Altemate Name Thomas Sheehan Jr. Map and Direc4ions
_� _ ..– ____.__ �. _._. _
PubBfc HealYh Nurse Home Phone 568-337 fi042 Mailing Address 35 Mill Farm Drive
���'�A'"1�x���5 Work Phone: Mansfield MA 02048 Site Search
Regsona3 Emergeacy Planning ;
Regional Tobecco Contro!
, Title V Information 3
� Septic Loan Program ; . ._ .._ ..... ..... .. ._ ._._ ... __ ..___ ... i �
I Serviee to Boards of Health i '---- --..
_ � ._ — , —
I ; Building Use•Residential , Design Flow:330 '
Undergrocansl 5torage Tanks i
� Water i�ua[ity Laboratr,ry Seasonal? Yes� No "`�� Unknown��� Bedrooms:3 '
TiGe V NSA? Yes�. No'::;' Unknown �'' Lot Size:11500 s.f.
News and Resources
__ ... _.. ........ .........
�Q�� � Non-Standard Components
. _....
_ . _
s�af[DiraocQry . _
ReSoureE Llbrary ' Please list all components s.g.i!A ireatment unit,pump chamber,pre-and post equalizaUon tanks, ',
Event Calendar ! pressure distribution SAS, effluent filter, UV unit, eic., and maintenance schedule for each i
���,V�y� component e.g.quartedy,2zlyr,annuai,etc. '
Em lo mant Q _.
� P Y PPARuaitles i _...._ __.
i Perc Rite Dnp Dispersal System
; Health Agents Coalit€on
� ,Fibouf _ .r��. . .._ .
AnnouncemenTs _ __
'' I/A Treatment Unit
� Refarences and Resouraes � _......... _.
��, Meetirrg Agendas _... _..
Make&Model Perc Rde Dn Dis ersal S stem DEP Pertnit Type: General :''
� Open Meeting Law P P ...... Y__....... .
� ,
Presentatian Mater�als Approval Date:09(28/08 COC Date:;10124108 Provisional r
I{A Permit Summary 08M Ent�ty Oakson Inc � Remedial t�;
� __. . __ — _ '��
Contract Date:11/15l08 Contrad Length.;2 years Pilot� ';
Install Date.'10/17/08 Startup Date::10(22/OS I DEP Pertnit ID#
InfluenUEffluent Monitoring Requirements and Limits
__ _ _......._
' _ _...... _—
Please indicate water quality parameters that must be monitored and any town mandated water ',
! quality limits;if no limits are shown,we wili assume parameters and effluent limits spec�ed in the '
' system's DEP approva! wilf apply. Note: You need not specify units such as mg?L for these ';
parameters.Simply eMer the limit specified by the Board of Health in the blank.If there is an upper '
and lower iimit separate them with e slash or hyphen like so:619.if a non-standard unit of ineasure is '
; reQuired,piease mention it in The"Other Applicable Limits"box. ',
_ _ '
Ammonia � pH'� Alkahniry € ' Orgamc N �:
TKN � ' BOD5 Coliform �'. Organic P :':
,�. :.__� _
Ndrate ' : CBOD ,"� 'Conductance�`: Total P�"
http://www.barnstablecountyhealth.org/cape-and-islands-health-agent-coaliti... 5/1/2013
Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment —New I/A Syst... Page 2 of 2
Nitrite:� TSS: ' OiUGrease �: : TDS '
Total N '�' Temperature Water Use �
Monrtonng _...... ;
Schedule Per DEP reqwrements ! Other Limits
_ _. _. _....... �
Influent �
. : ... ..... '
Ammonia '� ' pH ' Alkalinity� Organic N
TKN (`` BODS Colrform -':' Organic P 4
:,, m �
Nitrate� CBOD s Conductance ` Total P '
. '��. . ..... . i
NiVite'�� TSS � ' Oil/Grease�� TDS � _
Total N '". Tempereture Water Use `.'..
Monrtonng ___
Other Limits
Schedule.......... . ............. __ _._.__ _...._...
_ __
Additional Comments/Information
_ _....... _:... _..
' Feel free to add any additionaE information significant about this system in the€ines below. '
_..... _...... _._ ................ �
� i
__ _ '.
' Sheet Submission
Your Email':avonhone@yarmouth.ma.us
Your Summary Sheet was submitted successfully.
Lagtn Rssocfrce�itrrary €�awni€s�ds 3irectEans Contac#s LegaE Natices
http://www.barnstablecountyhealth.org/cape-and-islands-health-agent-coaliti... 5/1/2013 �