HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 Mar to Apr - Emails and Faxes vonHone, Amy From: vonHone, Amy Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 11:02 AM To: 'JOHN BURKE' Cc: Sears, Tim Subject: RE: 202 Pleasant street basement plan Hi- The septic installer has pulled a Title 5 installation application for this project. However, prior to issuing the installation permit, the Health Department and Building Department will need the revised floor plan for the basement as discussed below. I confirmed with Tim from Building Department that he has not received a copy , either. Thank you for your prompt attention, Amy Amy L.von Hone, R.S., C.H.O. Assistant Health Director Yarmouth Health Department ' From: ]OHN BURKE [mailto:sean.burke111Ca�gmail.com] Sent:Tuesday, March 07, 2017 10:53 AM To: Chris DeOrsay; ]im Sullivan; vonHone, Amy ' Cc: Conor Watson ' Subject: Fwd: 202 Pleasant street basement plan �y, . This is not a bedroom. We will have the doorway widened to 4 feet and submit a plan showing the i same. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I Begin forwarded message: � I From: "vonHone, Amy" <AVonHoneCc�varmouth.ma.us> ' Subject: RE: 202 Pleasant street basement plan Date: March 7, 2017 at 10:01:57 AM EST To: "'sburkeCa�42northbuilders.com"' <sburke 42northbuilders.com> Cc: "Sears, Tim" <tsears �yarmouth.ma.us>, "'jsullivanCa�pvsullivan.com"' <jsullivanCa�pvsullivan.com>, "Murphy, Bruce" <BMurphy�a�yarmouth.ma.us> Sean- The Health Department, at the request of the Building Department, has reviewed the change of floor plan for the main house basement. Based on the Title 5 regulations, this Bonus Room 2 meets the definition of , bedroom. The current septic system design is not large enough to handle an additional bedroom. Therefore, ' in order to disqualify the proposed Bonus Room as a bedroom, the floor plan would need to be revised to show a minimum 4' wide cased opening. If the owner intends to use this room as a bedroom, the septic system would need to be redesigned to accommodate the additional bedroom flow(there appears to be enough room to expand the leach 1 C � vonHone, Amy From: vonHone,Amy Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 10:02 AM To: 'sburke@42northbuilders.com' Cc: Sears, Tim; jsullivan@pvsullivan.com; Murphy, Bruce Subject: RE: 202 Pleasant street basement plan Sean- The Health Department, at the request of the Building Department, has reviewed the change of floor plan for the main house basement. Based on the Title 5 regulatians, this Banus Room 2 meets the definition of bedroom. The current septic system design is not large enough to handle an additional bedroom. Therefore, � in order to disqualify the proposed Bonus Room as a bedroom, the floor plan would need to be revised to show � a minimum 4' wide cased opening. ' If the owner intends to use this room as a bedroom, the septic system wauld need to be redesigned to accommodate the additional bedroom flow(there appears to be enough room to expand the leach facility). Additionally, the Building Department would require further revisions ta include proper egress, ' ventilation, and lighting to meet the bui{ding code for sleeping areas. Tim Sears can elaborate on those issues, if needed. i Please contact me with any question or comments. f Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Amy Amy L. von Hone, R.S., G.H.O. Assistant Health Director � Yarmouth Health Department ' 1146 Route 28 ' South Yarmouth, MA 02664 ! � (0) 508-398-2231 X1241 (F) 508-760-3472 avonhone(a�varmouth.ma.us , From: Sears,Tim Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 9:38 AM : To: vonHone, Amy Subject: FW: 202 Pleasant street basement plan j ,i .__ ___...... �......._. ........._._........... From: Sean Work [mailto:sburkeCa�42northbuilders.com] ; Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 10:31 AM To: Sears,Tim k Cc: jsullivan@pvsullivan.com; Chris DeOrsay Subject: 202 Pleasant street basement plan Dear Tim, ' 1 i I r Z i i 4 f f i 1 � � � l � � I Ii � � I � f f `no��uZ ` •pau���� aas as�aid •��a�tu��� � au�uzo.z� suzoo�au��uijaqei uetd�uauzas�q pa�epdn ue pa�sanbaz no�s� itann s��o��adsui t��u��ala auZ i vonHone, Amy From: Healy, Kieran J. <khealy@bscgroup.com> Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 2:35 PM To: vonHone, Amy Subject: 212 Pleasant Street-Septic Design Plans Hello Amy We did a perk on this last month and I am sending Peter from my office down with plans today. I do not have Arch. plans yet the buyer is asking if you can review so he knows he just needs to conform with bedrooms and that there are no other issues.We will be filing with con Com too. There will be 4 bedrooms in the dwelling and two bedrooms in the garage. Regards Kieran J. Healy � Professional Land Surveyor BSC Group 349 Route 28, Unit D � West Yarmouth � MA 02673 ' direct � 617-896-4586 main � 508-778-8919 cell ( 774-487-0298 ', � � ► i I I I I � i II I � E � i I � , k f f i � 1 � � Ta Q�iuce Murphy Page 1 of 3 2016-02-1616:02:39(GM� 15088151325 From: Matthew Fitzsimmons �TuV t��FIC�. OF 1VIA'�'T�IFW P. FI'�Z�II�Mt)N P�.�` : REC�IV - ���VZII7=I"I.CFI.l7RtV�,SUIT2,�1 _ V�vEs'r�.'�Rn�tcv�•x,MA U2673 *�� i � 2��� (�oH�g��•-1�.n7S TI:I.�'PHUNE (,�y08)83J-1,^y2,rj FACSIMII.E . . . � � . � . . . ... . . . . � � � � . � YL&ASE R1:1i[iR�TO � ��',. FII.F AT0. ' 2oi5-473-SE �'.��"��l��I � �� � �'�_�. ����.��., � '�'�: [��u�.e 1l9.�,ar�hy,llire�to�•, �'ar.a�xur���a h�ealth Uept. F�C):1'1: Nfat7:hewv 1". k'a9aszance�.�ms,�sq. I�EC�1'�ENT F:�X: ��41$;7�i4-:��72 I i 121E: ZA2�'l��sanit Stir�t,�uth Yarrryoul-h,1bTA d2664 j I�ATF�: I�eb��t�ary 9.6,�Q1G ' � ; 1v11U1VI13Lit OF P.A(�:��(inetndin�cov�,r:;heet): 3 i I�IIESgAGE: � � Dear f3ruce: V i � � "['hai�k you again foi•youc tirn�on ltre p��ne a couple wpeks a�t�t:o discuss th.is�roperty. Be1��w please t7nd a�3raft a�reement bct�veen E�uyer arid selfer for the huyc;�t�acce�t fuil resporxsibility for the ►ic�•septic ii�stall�tion, and to not drive ovea•tht�.t:�m��io�i of the leech feld tlla.t is under tl�e driveway. Since we IaSt spoke, the i�uye�'s at7orney has a�;qu.esi;�,�d to hlve tl�e new'system installeci�Withip fhree years,as apposed to tl�e twa ye�ars we diset�ssed, w�ih the use bcing seas�3�at only,and tlie coi�sti�►ictiuia anticipated to e�.�tend bey�c�nd t{�e two years. [t sou.��ds tike tl�eir en�ineer is icY good uontact with Cons�rvation and your office,so cau(d you' ' call Attori�ey t�r�nk Shannon a.t(G17)�7y-1313 at;our cc�nvenience to di:scuss�ny revisions you�n�ay have7 E'leas�clo not h�sitace('c.�c�mt�;ct me sl��c�iilcf.you have any qi�cstions. ~ � �1'har►I:y�ou, � A7�.tihcw I'. Fitzsimmons,Gsq> I �� , � V , ; ; � � � To: P,7uce Mutphy Page 2 of 3 2016-02-16 16:02:39(GMn 1 50881 51 325` From: Matthew Fitzsimmons �rrT�,�: �r�r�r��sYSTi�� CUMI'L�ANCE AGR:CEMElh11 LENID�it/'�ORTGr�iC�E: : sr���,r��s�: �s�c��:���. �. s�:c.�:x;�, BLJYER(S�/�iOR�(7dVI;R{S): J�.AlO'��� 1�✓I. �(TL�.�V�N LOCUS: 2�2 PL�ASA,N� S7'RE�7', S�UTH YAItiV��UTIH[,MA,02�4 ' CLASING ]�A,TI+:: l�!IA,IZ.i,~.N[ '�,2�1�d6 We,;.he u;iclersi���ed Bii}Ter.(s)a1a.c� Sclle�°(s), hereby acknowlncige th�t the property is served by an cin-site waste w�ter system tlaat is n�t in compliance uncler Title U of the State - Environmental Code (310 CivlR 15.30). (Plea:se see attacheci Titile V inspection form ciated Decernber l�,2Q15, as filed with th�l3oard of�-ieaJtt�.) The Buyer agrees to accept r.esponsibility witli res��ect ta future izx�tall�ti:on�f an anc.i��ground septic sysCezn serviciiig ihe rEsidence in compl3ance wifh Fecteral, MasSnchusctts, anci inunicipal law. T'l�e �3uyer agreE:s; at Bu;yer.'s expense a1�:er Cl.osin�, to c:n�i.neer and izp�Zr�de tl�c existing ' , TiYle V septic systein servicin�ih�resicE.�n�c� (as rlotec�by th.e ii�spection,and as requi:red by the Town.'s r�sp��;tive cte�s�rlments) on or betvr��ttyree (3) years frorri tlie Clo�ing Date,or to re�lace the syste.m wi[h a new s}�si�m �is part of a�•el�uil 'or.�atie,n of t.he 1•esidence.13uy�r agxees to ,' enga.�e ar1 enginzer to�arrlinencc syste�l�.clesi�n for the property, and a.sooia as practicable iollowii��;en�;�;;enietri� tu deliver tt� the 1'�-rnoutlt I�ealth De�artrnent a complete appl:zcation for the upbrade or new systc�tn, inc:ludi�tg pErcolation test r.esults aiYd.syst�m cicsign plans. Buyer � agrees to co�r.r.«uiucate r�vith�I�cli�alt��.i�)eg<<rf�zaei�t as to tlie prabr€ss with pIan;�and uihether any additional tui�e wiIl �e necesss�r�for ci.esi�» or irist�llation.Aziy add:itiona.l e:xtensinz�s in tiine ' are at'the d'zscr�tion�f t}-►e I?i.rrctoc t�f t���:[�e;K1t1��Uepartn�ent. � ' Buyer agre�s tc.� �1.�'t driv� �ver th:at prai-t ufi the teech fi��lt� wli:ich is iildicatcd in.the ; ins��ciica�i as bein� �.eneath�11e e:xistzn�;;sa.,�cl drzveway. ' In.c�r�sicieratic�n 111��r�fc�xe, th.e S�;l�e:r a�re�s t�credit the�3uyer at the tirr�e.��F closinb the sum o�'TH[��sE TF��Oli�/�.NI� 1�'V�;�-�IINI�}Z�I.�ANI3 N4/1.00']�OLi,�ItS ($3,SOt�.40). Witraes:>c�ur/��7.y h:ai�d(�) �t��i s�a�(s) a.s c�1't��i� closin� datc set foi�th abov�. BUYERtS} SELLER(S) � ! _._._._________.._—______._ ------- ------ , _ k �� To: 6tuce Murphy Page 3 of 3 2016-02-16 16:02:39(GM'n 150881'51325 From: Matthew Fitzsimmons : i � �Co.�x�na�r�w��Dt�of Ma�sachus�ei:ts � Barnstable,ss. : {�n thiti,the �i�ny r�f._ xm1G, before me, the unc�ersigned Tvotarv Yublic,' personally ap�ear�c� the al�ove��m�d S➢2�f�1T� �t. SECKEi.,,�roved to`m�tl�rough satisfactory evidence af�clentificatiou;, whic�� vv�;re � ]Mt�,ssacl�usett�s l�rivers' License az�d/or[ ] _ �,to be tl�.e perso��s ��liosc�iaatnes�re sigt,.eci ot�the precediz�g or attdelieci ' aOCUI11e11� 3I�CI WI10 SV✓41'e OY 1�Pmed to n�e that tlie contents of the docum�nt�x��t�tvthful and ; accucate io ttie l�est of iheir knowvle�t�e a;iid Ueli:efS and aciulow)edged t�e#oregoing to be their. [ free act�nd.d�>�cl. ; _ _.��.�_.__..��.__�_.�.—_ Notary Publ ic, 1v1y Cori�m:[ssi���xpires: �;or�znon��,'f�AI$�l E)ff iVIaSS1C�'lY35�$�� Barixsif�ble, s�. nn thi.s, th.� d:�y of 20A6, before me, the ui�:dersi�ned Notary Public, perso�nally ap�eaxed tl�e ��r.>�,vE�,:�:�-n�a ,��,n���;S l`v�. SU�LI��T, proved to xne through sa.tisfact�iy evidei�ce of�dtinti��ieation,whicll wf>re [ ] Mass��}�useY.ts ]�rivers' Lic;ense and/or[ ) _ , tc� be�the per��r.,s ;�Ytose nanles�+a•c;si.br,ed on t11e preceding or attaclxed ; d�cixn�ent, and wh�sw��F•e or 3fiirrr�ecl t�iiie that tY�e conlents of t:h�, docuicnen.t are truthful and. � accura�t:;to the best of thuir l�.nowled�e and belief,and acl:ii�wlcdbed fkre 1'uregoin�ta be tlieir free act and.d�ed. � , , , Notary:�uf7li�s: Niy Com.ini.s:�io� E;;ct�ires: 4 i i � � � ; -� � ; �.,, - Y E--',_ } - . �t�_ „ , � �� � _ � ___ ._ __. ,, TITLE V SEPTIC SYSTEM COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT [�[(�C50M�D LENDER/MORTGAGEE: _ � MAR 0 8 2016 - SELLER(S): .BROOKE R. SECKE`L HEALTH DEP7 BUYER(S)BORROWER(S): JAMES M. SULLNAN LOCUS: 202 PLEASANT STREET, SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 . CLOSING DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 2416 We,the undersigned Buyer(s) and Seller(s),hereby acknowledge that the properiy is served by an on-site waste water system that is not in compliance under Title V of the State Environmental Code (310 CMR 15.30). (Please see attached Title V inspection form dated December 14,2015 indicating un.dersized design for four(4)bedrooms and components of H-10 ' strength rather than H-20 for below-driveway use.) � The Buyer agrees to accept full responsihility with respect to compliance with Federal Law;Massachusetts law, and municipal law i.n connection with the underground septic system servicing the residence. The Buyer agrees, at Buyer's expense after Closing,to engineer and upgrade the existing Title V septic system servicing the residence (as noted by the inspection}on or before December 3 l, 2016, or to replace the system with a new system as part of a demolitian and rebuild, or renovation of the residence. Buyer agrees to engage an engineer to commence system design for the property, and as soon as practicable following engagement,to deliver to the Yarmouth Health ' Department a complete application for the upgrade or new system, including percolation test results and system design plans. Buyer agrees to communicate with the Health Departrnent on or , � before November 30, 2016 as to the current status of the repair or new system plans and whether - any additional time wi]1 be necessary for design or installation. Any additional extensions in time are at the discretion of the Director of the Health Deparhnent. � In consideration therefore,the Seller agrees to credit the Buyer at the time of closing the- " sum of$3,500.00 on the HITD-1 Settlement Statement or Closing Disclosure, as applicable. VJitness our/my hand(s) and seal(s) as of the closing date set forth above. - ,- r . � f , ; . „ BtJYER(S} ,� ; ry� a ,f;/ SEL�,�(S) � � f, , ; , ; ; , , ((( , �t/, ��y �'� �j ?�� , ;�� i����>/l��L��. �G�/ .���.. :� l./'�+),/'�� '��� _ .G.� ' . • ' � � f �f: ' / rt � , �- - ' J . , • , - . . � ` ,--� ,r� .�' ��'r`�? __ __...� . i � - - ��`� � - ;,,r---c L�Z��:�...�.-.--y i . . � � � ~ 4 y J I r :�. � . . /' � ����� ;� i i (�� r���` `�y� �,� �`,����"""��. � . - � � j Murphy, Bruce From: Murphy, Bruce Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 4:17 PM To: 'Francis A. Shannon, II1, Esq.' Cc: Matthew P. Fitzsimmons, Esq. (matt@fitzsimmons-law-office.com) Subject: RE: PVS/Yarmouth Received. �����d�D Thanks �A� �8 2��6 Bruce t3. Murphy HEALTH DEPT. Director af Health Town of Yarmouth Registered Sanitarian Certified Nealth Officer Master's De�ree PubEic Health _._ ___.... _._. _.�.�...,.,__�... ... ....... ...... ...__._.,,,. From: Francis A. Shannon, III, Esq. [mailto:fashannonCa�shannonlawassociates.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 2:48 PM To: Murphy, Bruce Cc: Matthew P. Fitzsimmons, Esq. (matt@fitzsimmons-law-office.com) Subject: PVS/Yarmouth Mr. Murphy—Pursuant to the request of Attorney Matthew P. Fitzsimmons, please find a copy of the following attached with regard to the property located at 202 Pleasant Street,Yarmouth, MA: 1. Title V Septic System Compliance Agreement. Francis A. Shannan, III, Esq. Shannon Law Associates, Inc. 3QQ Crown Colony Drive, Suite 504 Quincy, MA Q2169-09Q4 �elephane 1-617-479-1313 Facsimile 1-617-A79-1233 Portable 1-617-686-3514 err�ail fashannon(u7shannonlawassociates.com visit our website at www.shannonlawassociates.com This transmission and the accompanying documents cc�ntain Isgally privileged and confidential infarmation. The information is intended only for the use af the recipient(s) named herein. Ifi yau are nat an intended recipient, yc�u are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution ar exploitation of, or the taking of any action in reliar�ce an, the contents of this transmissian is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmissian in error; please notify us immediately by telephone to arrange for destruction and/or return of the transrnissior�at our expense. ! I 1 �