HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist '. _ TOWN OF YARMOUTH :� � 7 �� SEWAGE PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST � Location: AM �f3 LOT 'l�. Date of Subdivision Approval Street Zone of Contribution: In Out�_ Village - Commercial Residential �o Owmer: /����,r� ���1� Installer ?�� Builder: Engineer ���G'��%/►� � �—� ZZ_ C��'1�1�1 ��e�� � � N/A YES NO 1. Required number of conies received. � � ?. Date of soils exam and percolation test not older than 2 years 1--� 3. � feet of naturallv occumn��ervious material. above water table(new constructionL �' �. Foundation 2 feet above hi h ' t f ntin road fo ew construction. ✓ � Water availabilitv letter from Water De artment for new construction � 6. Benchmark indicated and shown-NGVD if near wetlands. ✓` 7. Buildin sewer does not:exi ce of house. 8 Septic tank a minimum of 10 feet from house and deck 9. Leaching a minimum of 20 feet from house and 10 feet from deck , 10. Leaching a minimum of l OQ_feet from wetland . �---� 11. Leachin� a minimum of 150 feet from drinking wells/25 feet from irrigation wells 12. vstem meets all oth r et r u' e t . ✓ 13. ses ad'ustment f r ma imu u dwat r. 14. Leachin 4 -5 feet above a 'ust wate t 1 o t f t � i�. Svstem not in to o s b il r f o re val. ; 16. Proposed contours are suitable. 17 Svstem meets slope requirements - min 1/8" 1/4" nreferred 18 Svstem meets breakout re�uirements- �eastone elevation camed out 15 feet �nirr�um 1_9. S ecified tee s' es are o er a on out et tee ?0. Sewa�e flow under 10.000 gRd for narceL 21. No a�ge disposaL �.� ??. Svstem adequately sized for its intended use: �3 Vlinimum 6" stone or mechanica�lv comnacted below the tank and d-box ?-�. Ylanhole covers within 6" of�ade - se�tic tank and�ump chamber ?5. Electrical pernut for pum�chamber. �.� ' �6 Pump svstem - 2" line weep hole check valve sanitarv in d-box alarm on se�arate circuit . .,-� 27. Septic tank and u n chamber to be Facto wa �ofed. , � ?$. Vent provided i leaching below 3 feet or�nder driveway or�g ._-� �9. En�ineer to msnect and certify : �, clav removal --- b. wall construction schedule —% c;_�ommercial st�stem .�- 30. En�ineer and Land Surveyor stam� and signature. ._/ 31. H20 loadin<T when svstem sub1ect to vehicular traffic � 32. T�tle V appiication and fee si ng ed bv a licensed installer ��' 33. Foundation tiootin� 2 feet above adjusted water table �- 34. Lot subdivided nrior to Julv 31. 1986 - Nitrate Loading. �--�, �5. Subd�vided pnor io Apnl 7. 19R9 - Phost�horus Zone 300' Plan reviewed by: �'�,^. j