HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertifications i � f y'r 14 r . x �" � tVSC ��rst Aid �ourse � � ^ 4ri1.: � `�� � I �`� � � � � � �.�p�GNS � rt. � � � Security Control No. R! Ad�i �i' '���� �'$ �; t.. wr �'�a t.,., ro.s �..= fTa�!': � ��.. ;�urse '��a t Date: 5 f 18/16 Training Center:MASS.SAFETY COUNC IL �<:��[)�.�te: 5/I 8�1 g Instructor Name:R•�A`KAR I A + Instructor Number. 1��501 . i ---- _---_ __� �ERARI��IGIOVANNI.-- has suceessfuNy completed the NSC Firs#Aid Course. . � . _ _ _._ _._�._..__ _. _ , __.. . :_ __wv____.�__._�...�___ -� � , ; � ��iti�.:; ��;ouncil saves li,rt�s i:;y�xe�venting injuries and deaths at work,in homes and communities l 7r�'k�> :�wgY?leadershi{� r ��=.;ar:�h, �ducation and advocac;y. ! � �� � _ _ .. _ _ __._._..._. _. _. __..._.___ _...._.__._..._...___._.._ —1� � � � � THIS D(3CiJ9V1ENT IS VO1D IF R�PRODUCED � i ! � , _ . ___ _ _� ;�,� �:;�� �. i $gn�rifiE C;an(rnl Nn. � �. �`'��;'�`� �_ ■ � � /' �t'� � �. � GERARD DIGIOVANNI�,��,v, �., �, .�.,.�- � has completed the ���' NSC First Aid Course '�� �life-� . ` • �°�ourses from NSC STANDARD ' r".r , ; ��:U Tr��'„'�,�,c«,�e�: MASS.SAFETI' CQUNGII� � �� , C���7i:�tgti�ri Date: 1=xpires: 5�1 H�16 �nstructionai Hours: L� ':Airborne Pathoqens 5/16/19 R .SAMARIA 176501 ' Ins;r+.ictor Sigr.ature � inStruCtor N0. ���.. � �� �� �� �0���� nsc.orc�lfaFraining �� ��`ry�� � �� ' � �� � � �< ,q;a a • i :;; -. Y n�' t •.4 �� �•f ��- �++wYtNJ.��'�Hr�Hi+�}��ir�a`:d`kr»'�Me�i�� , , � i 35pM0115 73177-Q000 Print�U�r.��c!;Sa 82J7L� i . ... � :;� t • . �i y s �.i� NS►C ��r�t A1d Course .. `'`f � . .. �' �j�,= l � ���r � I�i ' S2CUf12y COfitf0l�IO. ' /�f�C, ' ����� � ,.,:� .� �� �:. , .� , ��� :. . ' �urse : i;��Date: 5/I$/16 Training Center:MASS.SAFETY CQUNCIL � ':�� C)ate: 5/I 8,l l g Instri,ctor Name:� •�AP�IAR IA Instructor Number: 1?&5 01 I --- --- _G.ERARD DIGIOVANNT � has successfuliy completed the NSC First Aid Course. i i ; ' .._. . ._.._._,. _ ...... . . ... _._. _. .. ....... �. ... ..___.. .._ _.. ._..... . ....__... ._�.__..._.._.._.,..�__�_._.._:._...�.,.� ! _ � `��{i+r" :;ouncil saves lives�;y��rf�venting injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities '` �r+'�� ,�wgh I�adershi�_; r �.;,.�r;;h,c�ducatinn and advocac;y. s : Y ... . ._ . ........ . . ...... ..... � ,.� . ...�.,.,��.._„_... _ ... l. THlS Q�3��fMENT#S Y01D IF REPROptlCED i i I � I � � _.. F� ;�. �_ _ _ _.� °�i� � �,'�` .. :�. &?GUrih�(:ontrn)typ. � ;`"� � � � � GERARD DIGIOVI�1NIdI���� �; ;�; � "������ has completed the � ''��fi� � `_ �`; courses from NSC NSC First Aid Course � .; ';;!��.p STANDARD � r,����,��„'cc�,te�: MASS.SAFETY CJUNCII. � � ' � Cc.,crr,I�Ucm Da1e: . '�I�irborne Pathoqc�ns � �.xF�;�AS: 5/18/16 Instructionai Hours: t� 5/16/19 . R.SAMARTA 1765�1 �ns +c tor Si�r ature �" _,�� �� ��. .� ,{� '���„ Instructor No. _ nsc.orglfaCraininq ,x?� � ' "�° ------____ `'„- � � . ,�. � �..�..,�"r.F.�.;,,.�.��,.;4�»��,�''.','..��'',�r���;�:..,��. , ._. .,... ., 3:i0AA0 i 15 73177•OOOp Ptintetl�t,'r,�!:S;, 8<^97;i f i � � � a i � � � i � � �I , I I i i�����'I�,j� � , " NSC First Aid Gourse Name: Security Controi No. Address Ad��sS: 340856 City,State,Zip: Course Completion Date: ���g��� Training Center: � Expiration Date: �����t Y Instructor Name: instructor Number: 1. ��1.�t;���. `�t � has successfulty completed the NSC�'irst Aid Course. i I $ � � � � The National Safety Councii saves�ives by preventing injuries and deaths at work,in homes and cammunities ' and on the roads through leadership,research,education and advocacy. ; �.� i , � � � THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED Securiry control No. � � _ „ , ..�a#U�J� , £►'���_P�ts'+� ��,,�yN5Nt�6�►+ has completed the NSC First Aid Cour's� '. Mo�e life-saving courses from NSC PEDIATRIC •NSC First Aid,tPR&AED Trai�ir�Center. MASS.SAFETY COUNC IL ' •IdSC tPR&AED comp�et+on Date: S'�i y?�;�„, ' •IdSC 8loodborne&Airborne Pathogens �"��� `��''�`� �"'�1D"���� R.SAIMARIA 1765�I i Instructo�Siqnature Insiructor No. r I I j , � I I � _ , I I i � I �I I � � NSC First Aid Gourse Name: Security Contra Na Address Address: �,4 Q$�S C'rty, State,Zip: Course Completion Date: *,�`�`t S��f Io Training Center: Expiration Date: �"��g��4 instructor Name: ; fnstructor Number: i f ����R `CJ; - � r _� ' has successfuily compieted the NSC First Aid Course. ' ( � -- �,..,�.__�..�.._.� � � [ The Nationa!Sa#ety Councit saves lives by preventing i�juries and deaths at work,in homes and communities and on the roads through leadership,research,education and advocacy. TH{S DOCUMENT IS VOID iF REPRODUCED � � F f � , � � �' $9CUfl�(�Af1�K31�. ����. � y�,�� _ - �340 5 I"t€'i�.Q�(t�t. '��ra, �� r�� � � �63GL has cwnpieted the � NSC Firs#Aid Caurse I More life-saving courses from NSC PED IATR I C � •NSC First Aid,CPR&AED Tra�r,�r,9 Ce�,t�: MASS,SAFETY COUNCIL ; •NSC CPR&AED Comptetion Date: S'�i s3 I l�., j •NSC Bloodborne&Airborne Pathogens �"�� 5�+�1.�� i�in'c�'o�,��o,,.�:4 � R.SAP�AR IA 1765 01 instructor Sianature tnstructor No. � T , I i . I j _ � � ! • NSC First Aid Course ��,e: Security Control No. Address: Address: �6���8 City, State,Zip; ; r , Course Completion Date: �.`j�l��l� Training Center: MASS.SAFETY COUNCIL ; Expiration Date: 5�t��i� Instructor Name: R.SAMAR IA , ! Ins#ructor Number: 136'�Q I i � � . ` . i � has successfuily completed the NSC First Aid Course. �� The Nationa!Safety Council saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at w � ; ar�d on the roads through leadership,resaarch,education and adva;acy. ����m���munities 4 I � � � I 6 � THlS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED � _ _ � E r * Security COntroi No. i � l ������� , c����� comp et the � More life-saving courses from NSC � j�'�d�w� ' � •NSC First Aid,CPR&AED PED IATR I C � Tra�+ns�nter.MASS.SAFETY COITNCIL •NSC CPR&AED com�iet;«,o�e.�^��g,��� ; -NSC Bloodborne&Airborne Pathogens ����f j,���� ir,���0�,�:4 R.SAMARIA I76501 Instn�Mor Sianature ������Q � t � � ' ! 1 i I � • i � � • NSC First Aid Course � Name: Address: Se�uritY Con#rol No. Address: 2 s�,��� Cit�, State,Zip: i i � Course Completion Date: ��j�E1�i� Training Center: MASS.SAFETY COUNCIL � Expiration Date: �5�(t��1� Instructor Name: R��AMARIA � Instructor Rlumber: 1,,����}1 ! ` i � has successfully compfeted the NSC First Aid Course. , The National Safety Council saves(ives by preventing injuries and deaths at work,in homes and communities and on the roads through leadership,research,education and advocacy. . � , I � I THIS DQCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED j 4 _ _. � � f _ _ � # � SecuritY Control Na ' � �,��/` ` ������� c!�%�vYrv camp Ute More life-saving cou�ses from NSC N3C irst qid Course •NSC First Aid,CPR&AED PEDIATRI C TraininyCerrter:MASS.SAFETY COUNCIL •NSC CPR&AED ; oorr��et�oate:�'~j��,�j� •NSC Bioodborne&Airbome Pathogens �"�:�-�t���� i�sw��Ho„�s:4 , - R.SAMARIA 1765Q1 � instnictor Sianature lnstructor No. � , . .�' NS� CPR Course . � 1 � � Name: ' Address: �cu�itY Cvntroi No. ; { Address: � i ' Ciry,Sta#e,Zip: Course Completion Date: �f! ''�jf tp Training Center: M A S S.S A F E T Y C O U N C I L E x p i r a t i�n Da te: Instructor Name: R.SAMAR IA ���� �� / Instructor Number: 1 7 6 5 O 1 d �����r�..� �t, ���� R . �V, � .� � � . . has successful�y compieted t�NSC CPR Course based on the current Ciuidelines for CPR and ECC. � The Natianal Safety Councii saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work,in homes and communi�ies and on the roads through leadership,rese�rch,educatiorr an8 advc�cacy. For more iife-saving coursas from NSC piease vis�t nsc.csrgf#atwaining THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID!F REPRODUCED ! _ ; i _ _ _ , ... . . .. . . . f .,.... .. ....., ......... ....... ,....... ..... .. ...... .. . .. � I S.."""`7 VtJ11uV�IY�, i � � � �♦ +� ��er wmr �� . . � ���F Dr'�� !11-s��ss.n..� - @ � � hF�.4 COfilpl@f8d 2f'IB �� � . Your experience in the National Safety Councii ���R �u�s8 couse you took is very important to us. ADULT,CNILD � INFANT Please give us your feedback at T�"""g�"t� MASS.SAFETY COUNCIL nsc.orgffirstaidevaivation �O�"���te: �,��. : Expires: Sl��% Inshucfional Hours: 3 R.SAMARIA 17fi501 ����,n t� � �nstructor Signature Instructor No. �r ��e° nsc.orglfatraining ' • -« .. -� �rawa3ls �ojs a0000a�so�2a�eNar�«,aisarrsrycau,a� rst�a-0000 � ; 1 - "'�' � I�ISC CPR �ourse j , � a ; ; � ��e' Security Control No. AdclreSs: �+ j Address: ��C���� City,State,Zip: Course Completian Date: �����/iP Training Center: MASS.SAFETY COUNCIL : Expiration Date: ��(� � Instructor Name: R.SAMARIA t i.,�% fnstructorNumber: 176501 � a _ {'�at�en.�.. �..c���, ����.. '�1 Gi�o%� ,� has successfutly complsted the NSC CPR Course based on the current Gaidelines for CPR and ECC. i The Nationai Safery Councit savc�(ives by preven#ing in}uries and dea#hs at work,in homas and communities and on the roads through l�dership,resea►-ch,education and advocacy. � For more�#e-saving courses fr-am tVSG piease visit�sc.c�rg�fatraining i i THIS QOCUMENT IS VOID (F REPRODUCED Security Controi No. �. .������� � '� �tarlen�_e,-� T�r�',�.,�, . n�com�eced me NSC GPR Course Your experience in#he National Sa#ety Cauncit ADULT,CHILD � INF�iNT couse you took is very important to us. T����sc�: MASS.SAFETY COUNCIL Please give us your feedback at comp�nw,oats: C�,�� nsc.orglfirstaidevaluation ��►es: S/���t instn�tiona�Hour�: 3 R.SA1�dARIA 176501 iristructor Signature Instructor No. NSC-in it for life" nsaorg/fatraining . , , ., ,, -. 3�OM0318 ]075 9000p8130�2Qt$NakionalSafgtyCpiu�cil 79474-OOpQ X f I I 1 , 1 , NSC CPR Course ' � k + � , Name: � Security Control No. i Address: � �� Address: ,� � City, State,Trp: � i Course Completion Date: , Training Center:MASS.SAFETY COIIATCIL i Expiration Date: instructor Name:R.SAMAR IA 1 Instructor Number: 176501 ` ' t /� t has succsssfui(y cam the NSC CPR Course based an the current Quidelines for CPR and ECC. The National Safe#y�unc�saves lives by pc�ven#ing injuries and deaths at work,in homes ar�d communities 'r and on the roads thrc��h lead�rsttip,research,�,iucation and advpcacy, j Far more life-saving eou�fram NSC p(ease visit ns�.on�ff�rairting i , . � � THIS DOCUMENT!3 VOtD IF REPRODUCED E � � �" $@Cllft�(�i011tf0)NO. f' �� ^ � �� ° has c �pieted the 1 Your experience in tMe National Safety Counci� � C R�ur� couse you took is very important to us. ADULT,CH I LD & I NFANT Please give us your feedback at zra�nir,�center: I�IA$S.gAFETY COUNCIL � nSCA �nP�etron Date: rglfirrstaidevaluation Expires: msmKt�ona�►io�,rs: 3 R.RAMARTA � �7�c,n� tnefnu-tnr S�nnatirra InStnu:tnr Nn. k 1 �( i i � . � NSC CPR Course � � F , � ' Name: � Address: Securiry Contro►No. Address: �� � Ciry,State,Zip: Course Completian Date: Training Cent�-:MASS.SAFETY COUNC IL Expiration Date: Instructor Name:R.SAMAR IA � Instructor Number: 1?650I I � , ��_ � ` / ( has successfu�ly comp ted the NSC CPR Cours�based on the current Gu�de�ines for CPR and ECC. 7�he#Vatic�na!Safiefy Cc�uncil saves ti�e,s bY preventing�njuries and dea#hs a#work,in homes and communities .and tm the roacts thrcxa�h Isatiership,rese�zrCh,ec�uc�tion artd 8E �� For more Nte-saving c�r�a'ses frorrt NSC pfea5e visi#nsc.C�rg�f�tt�irtirig j �� 7'H�S DOCUMENT IS YOID!F REPR�DUCED ; � � � Secu�ty Controi No. . �j � ������ Your e �� p►eted the '� xperience in the Nationai Safety Ca�n��� N�C C R Course couse you took is very;,�rtarrt to us. ADtTLT,CHILD � ' P1e�se 9�ve u s y o u r f e e d b a c k a t T�"�s�e n t e r: M A S S.S AFETYNeONT � nsc.orgffltst��devaluation com�tetion oate: UNCIL � ��: , �nstructional Hours: 3 --B_.�A MA 1?T s I �n�tnrrTnr�nnattuq � 7 .� Insfnictor Na � , � � � IVS� GPR Course - "'� _ , � Name: Security Controi No. Address: � � Address: CitY�State�Ztp: Course Completion Date: Training Center: MASS.SAFETY COLTNCIL Expiration Date: Instructor Name; R.SAMAR IA Instructor Number: �76501 lf ��� • �� has successfu{ly mpleted the SC CPR Course based on the curren#GuideNnes for CPR and ECC. The National Safety Counc+t saues#iues by}�r'eventit�g injuries and deaths at wo�#c,ir�homes and ec3mmun�ties and on the roads througkt leadership,research,educatic�n artd advacaey. Far mare{ife-saving coeuse,s fi�rn NSC please�i�It r�c.c�rglfatraitting _ � t THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID tF REPRODUCED � _ _ �s�rrty convo�rvo. f6 ��� �� e * ��� � NSC CP'R Cout's� Your experience in the Nationai Safety Councii ADULT,CHILD & TNFANT couse you took is very important to us. rr��,m9 c,�,ter: MASS.SAFETF COUNCIL Please give us your feedback at �10��e: nsc.orgf#ir�taidevaluation ��s� m�ruct;or,�ffo�s: 3 ; R.SAMARIA 176501 ' InstrnCfor SignBtare Mshuctor No. N�V-in it for life° nsc.orglfatraining • • •a .+ d �OM0316 1015 900068130 02016 Nffiior�al SafetY�au�cn 7917a-0006 i � i �