HomeMy WebLinkAboutSav-On - General Specifications Retail Facilitry - Sheet 2i.
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3 e.to be a co oted s assumed to be earth aria other
m rt v
. : a e hot on be rem wf w
L o s t c a ed th o er shay 1` 1f r k _
C1 e . OC
}t e
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:..notrfY theco trotl is
Owners Re re� _ntvtry nd ,will no r n
e a t oceed u tr volume of 1V 6 Imn' r t f
P P - . ed ate +� ter yard concrete r have C� eas v e suffrcrentt
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d ' d.towork ex ovofi uredRock rs defihaenecn rs measned os ony stone or rpreventcrit morrfn9
d sea1+
n compound
d"Roller cvrrn9 o Coot that canof ,be r m ved by �o �ow r shovel,,:v t 1 2 cu.Yd. H n rd iaA$ o atonesInc.,ris. or Sonoborn Series
r n lob
op lied by asor a noobshrt brush or roller -
bucket coPOc tY o wtout use of drftIfn9 ariaex ..'explosives. 800
ith ma'facture s r
nt;trucrons at o rateossardance wn r
111-3--f :P r'
ac ti sta da footfn s n f r n
d o d oundat o s on earth f ill n
9 _ of to exceel Id q
d 450 , f I
7. 9 ACCEPTANCE OF PREMISES (S'HELL RETAIL FACILITY will not be permitted. , Fill excess cu un r„f rn
1 p is de oat gs a'nd
ou a w n n fl
o s t eo c ete o d Jill an excess cut cinder 1 b
y, s a s Allyard concrete
shall be
cured for of least three
of an
Contr cfor Fas is” i. Protect otom of excavation fom frost. ritempe 7 0. abrr tor occe sthe premises rn w+ h tomped 9r v roaroture surrounding
the concrete of not less than 70xF
condition, and Company makes: no warranties express o Footings or ._ slobs wI'll n t r
o P Y P 9 s v s ot, be ,paced on frozen g aurid.
five days at 50xF, �,or twelve do s at not less than 40xF.
implied, as to the condition of the remisesincluding, but
p p
not limited to- , ffttness for any. particular purpose. - -1 11- 3 :9A{
I excavation areas sh
alt be properly barricaded and
_ During
..the curing
period, concrete shoal be protected otected fromias re uEr to insure safety of the!ubl+c and + med);dom e bYe uent, materials, and traffic.)rked
11 FLEARING SIT erh 1ogees No excavation sha1I be
left open without relent+
frcotion 'and barricades v rni ht. •
a o e , : ` As soon _
9 , : - as concrete floors within the building nn
AlI Entire :lotwill:be cleared b General Controctor of oil
cannot be dented
: Y with 'fingernail
cover with :either one la er of Srsatkr f
111 4Y
w h extending below f h FiLLI G A D GRADING
ve elation do n to .dept a to g be o roots o such r t
9 'Contractor) a e o ed of least four inches or 20 m+1
.- paper PP polyethylene. This _
$ Genera
.- ve elation. All trees except -those shown on tons to remain will � Y
9 P Pprotection will be properly maintained
P P P until all work is = ,
be removed from remises, including stumps and roots. No 111-4-o. Place fill ' to bring entire lot `to rodes shown on plans.
P 9 Pg 9 p :completed.
or4ontc matter will be allowed to remain .on any
portion of the Contractor will remove from lot any, surplus material and will
on which fill material o a +n rs to be , laced. be res ons+ble for obloinina dna Iocrn an borrowed material --
property , P 9 P P _ _AP 9 Y a IV 7 Contractor will furnish oil metal forms where indicated on
requrred, All fill will be free of organic material- and Large drawings.
N-2 General Contractor will remove or relocate oil buildings, stones Fill will be laced 'in 6 maximum foyer with moisture
9 P Y
f n . _n nobstructionsr necessary - _
fnCtud+ng t5u daUo s, and to o grade added when required .and compacted with sheep s foot or wobble � 1V $ .Cement' dusting,to dr u standing water n
y p g e o new concrete. NOT
tar proper er installation of all work under this contract. This wheel roller. No c m' octan of material flooded r will
p ..P P g by tucks ALLOWED.
will include all items,; whether indicated on the drawings o be .accepted. All fill will be compacted to 95% compaction
not. that `would be required for proper installation of the according to Standard Proctor Compaction Test,,ASTM 6 98- 58T IV -9 Protective
clothing (i.e., long pants, boots) shall be worn b
work, supplied both by General Contractor and Fobricatorwith Contractor assuming oil costsinvolved in independent employees involved
_ with the lab. of new concrete placement aria
laboratorytests.. finish., '
sh. Contractors employees shall hove eye protection when
In case of rebuild of existing station, see addenda. ever concrete lackhamm ring, sowing, or breaking is performed.
Ill -4--b. Grades not otherwise indicated , on plans will be uniform
levels or slopes between points of 9+Ven elevations. Abrupt
111 EXCAVATION, BACFiLL slopes in es than AND RA�iN es will . be rounded.
.� 9 p
k .
. _ : V-1 NRA
($y General Contractor)
E 1
- ;
(o) to top so is placed, the entire area shown on plans to When required General Contractor will erect II
grading, n kfitlin necessary _ 1 .. ..
o masonry retain
Include all excavating, gad g, a d bac g ecessa y to be grossed' or planted shall be sodded or seeded as specified in walls and other specified
.. - . , . 9 p d items to size, height, and thick
complete the work shown on drawings and specified herein. on General Layout. If seeded, State Highway s" ecificot+ons for ne h w =
Y 9 Y P ss s o n on the drawings with workmanship conform+n to the
Further,, this area : of work .,will be carried out to the minumum filled slopes shall apply. Sod shall be o solid cover of best standards of the trade. All blocks must be Underwriters
code standards listed by the latest edition of the Uniform living gross. Sod shall be cut approximately 1 -1/2-inches Laboratories, inc. approved and with "fine' surface texture.
Building Code, section titled Excavation, and Grading and thick and be free of weeds and stones. Just prior to plocinq Broken or defective units will not be accepted. Samples of
'including the latest OSHA requirements refering specifically to sod or ,seed, commercial fertilizer of 6 12112 rode shall be P
9 concrete blocks and/or face brick will be submitted to Owner's
excavation work titled Construction Standard for Excavations, 29 uniformly 'spread over the top soil. Apply fertilizer of the Representative for approval before start of work.
CFR 1926, Subpart P. rote of 50 -lbs. per 1000 -sq, ft.
Refer to addenda for veneer brick or split rock specifications.
I11-2 TOP 501L (b) Sod shall be placed smoothly, edge to edge, with staggered Remove all dirt, fnortor spots, stains, etc., from masonry and
points and then tomped or rolled to eliminate air pockets. On leave in first class condition. All wolfs will be protected at
General Contractor will remove an to soil from lot and slopes of 2 to 1 and greater. sod shall be fastened in lore
Y P P 9 P .end of day's work by placing waterproof paper over 'top of wall.
Properly store for future placement in grossed and planted with wood pegs, or other approved method. Sod shall be
areas. Stripped top soil will be free of cloy, large stones thoroughly watered immediately after placement and additional V-2 MORTAR AND JOINTS
and debris, watering shote be mode doily for ten days. Water thereafter as
necessary.Sod (hot is damaged b stora a or placing will be
9 Y 9 , P 9 Mortarfor concrete block will be one part Portland Cement with
As soon as possible after curbs hove been placed and areas to rejected and must be replaced b General Contractor.
be grossed ore established, the top soil previously removed or Y not more than 25% by volume of hydrated or putty lime, to three
Parts clean sharp sand. All materials for mortars will be
borrowed soil will be used to fill _these areas to a minimum
depth of 4". The existing sub -base will be scori€led to o IV Q R ,WQRK E3Y (GEMP , QNTRACTOR) measured by volume.
depth of 6" .
.(Refer to addenda for alternate floating slob requirement) White mortar made with Medusa cement is required .when white '
(Defer to Fabricators drawings for dimensions & proper placement of brick is specified.
111-3 X AVATI N
anchor bolts or grout pockets)
Both horizontal and vertical joints of face bricks will be
Ili -3-a. Remove completely oil existing wolis, floors, footings, IV -1 N RAL
iers, slobs and other obstructions within the round Oreo to fully bedded with mortar approximately 3/8�� wide and will be
P 9' roked 1/4" deep; all ether "block joints ore to be tooled
be occupied by new buildings. tanks, tines or equipment and for General Contractor will furnish. #1+oroughl mix, Icicp and
r .
Y P c��ncove, befc,re mortar sets.
a distance of 6 -feet beyond perimeter o new bu+ldrnos or frntsh oil plo,r� o ,d reinforced concrete work for fowings,
walls. In areas to be sur toted or planted, remove all existing foundation walls, piers, floors, driveways, pump , islands
wolfs, curbs, paving and other obstructions to depth of 24" slobs, works, curhings,retaining wolfs, etc., required to
below finished grade. Complete the service' station facilities, to dimensions as
shown on the drawings..Oar-O-Wall" . or equal will be installed in all masonry walls
Controctor will set accurate) and be
Y above and below grode every third course.
.111-3-b. Existing wells, cisterns or catch basins not to ,be reused, responsible for all bolts, sleeves, etc,, and will cooperate
that ore within 6 -feet of the new building wolfs, will be with all other trades. V-4 WALL TIES
-cleaned out to solid sub-grode with sand to underside of new
-footing or floor slob. Existing basement floors, cisterns or IV -2 All concrete will be 3000 -psi 0 28_doys ready -mix, No concrete Provide galvanized heavy duty wall ties on l'-4" centers verti
cess --pools, outside of buildingarea, if of mason or concrete will 'be emptied from mix truck after 1 -1 2 hours hove lapsed masonry P P Cotly and on 2'-0" centers horizontally on all wolfs receiving
and to be' left in place, will be cleaned of ail debris andsince the time water was added of the plant. No re --tempering veneer brick or split stone
bottoms broken up to provide drainage before on), fill is placed of concrete will be allowed, Concrete will hove moximum stump
over them. of 4". Concrete will not be placed of temperatures below 40xF VI 'TS RUCTVRAL STEEL & SHEET METAL WORK BY FABRICATOR
unless otherwise directed by Owner's representative and pro
111-3-c. Excavate for footings to elevations and dimensions tested with necessary admix.
indicated, or below frost line or extend to depth required by _QENERA
tocol building code, whichever is greater. Excavation for IV --3 Where expansion joints ore indicated they will be "Flexcetl" or
footings will be cut to indicated sizes and concrete poured in equal precast asphaltum joints. Joints will be provided at o The General Contractor is directly responsible to hove the site
clean-cut trenches without cove -ins. Side forms shall be used minimum of each 400 -sq. ft. of concrete slobs and for each 20 clear and base paving material in place, compacted and graded
only with specific approval. to 30 -.feet of curbing. All expansion joints in yard paving prior to fabricator delivering and placing buildings and wwr air
will be 112"
low and filled with hot tar, canopies. r�vtstoy _, Ivo
111-3-d. If suitable bearings for foundations are not encountered -- -- - at the depth indicated on drawings, the contractor will IV -4 Reinforcing steel- will be 6» x 6" x X10 welded wire, mesh or Steel fabricator shoil not work on site until the area is safe �~
immediatelynotify the Owner's Representative and will not deformed rods free of rust and state or as -shown on drowin SHELL OIL COMPANY
Y P " " q• » for both his tabor and equipment. Shell Engineer is to insure
.proceed until measurements ore mode to establish additional Additional 3%8 .0 rods 0 8 _O.C. each way will -be Placed 1 -1 2
Y / the yard and concrete conditions ore acceptable for safe work. = HOUSTON, TEXAS
volume of excavation. above the bottom of concrete when .slobs occur over large fitted All underground piping and electrical trenches should be
excovotions such as tanks, lifts and cellars.
bockfilled to -grode and oil loose rubbish removed from
construction area.
fV-5 Other floor oreas, pump islands, curbing, equipment bases,
etc., will be noturol ' cement color, steel trowelled too denseRETAIL FACILITIES
and true finish. After removal of forms, vertical surfaces
will be � grouted and steel trowelled or otherwise treated to
present smooth dense finish. New sidewalks, pump islands mats,.
'z apron, and driveway entrances will be steel trowelled and light
E� broom finish perpendicular to flow of traffic. Curb cuts will sckr CWI/Arvi
UJ be installed as shown on drawings and constructed os required :WEo
a by local regulations. avis IT A. RINCDN
CKMID BY J.F. TRYiY)l DR - 90056'