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IZ'' N�IJ�IoLE , r FAI�t=1t�� S�_J"1 S Gv�,..lrl r•�1A�t-iol.F� 3��1-''t I�" � Plt_t... GO�,q-ltJr IEtJ� r�l r sF l- M�4NIrAo-.F C L-1-2AD7 v < - PAr? q'' AD4 IIS 2 Gbt�IG�ETE �� C5� t7Erv.7t_� anal I�11-A�/-�'x�'' vApoe' (SEE •I�TAII..-� FA t Scr'l 5 2ELC�l�eY A>7<1t�Ee /GaP SPI U� Gor�+I U Ml✓l�l t t_�(. d� f UAB Z33 V��'� Z'' FXT2�Toe (Gasau�E o+-lP! Pim / FI l. -l_ BC.. POA 11J U i.I E ' IT ' / Z' GAt�• t i f PPtt_ z„ Z° «,-4731 AVtF�IElz r3�,FEAAL-E i/8., ��JJC?F ° 4.t cnJ p>JiJ4 112'' OE�.1 6Z4C7�� )-Io tr o '/s' Ec?!. Uzxal L_1OLE o�1Elz� Lt_ �1T cFF lrr�, �/ Vr .l , oVE►�Fi i� �A( R.� �GiZ'j' PETA i l_ �211•�lAt�+''rAtil,�� hIo T 'TC=�sCt_�. - � ,..- o - - o d b . a a. • � .a - .� Lt CCI•-Y��� P� 4. ti_4 4 i CO” �?�eD1klG 311, CiGt�L FAQ •D t'TAI t� FIS PE--IL- MODEL MODEL __._.. DWT -2P 8000 - DWT -2P 10000 With With Standard Standard Fittings 4...� 4'71/z►� 4'71/2'► ►/ Shown 1 ►r 7'41/2" n • 7'41/2" Shown 27,,2 "-j�-- 33" ! t--4-27 /2 271/2 33-271/2" --,— .4 0. .4 V T8" ID 718" ID ` , ► . ► , ► . 1 8„Zn 8/21 7' 111/ar► �p F 7' 111/x” OD 4,1011 --5' 6'/ `417?r —516 —4'10" 4'1011 8'31' 417" 8'311— -25'3" '31125'3" 30' 9"• . • er enwa cev •.. centered nen 'reditralr 1MesntaollMmanwe cover 1. Hold do�mstrap rib beanonsare indicated byarrows►� 3. Fillings are centered onan8'radiuslromlhecenlerofthem y 1. Hold down strap rib locations are Indicated by arrows ►• •� 3. Fillings are een a ed o 6 from Y 2. For Information and fimhatlons on accessory locations on tanks, refer and spaced 120 degrees apart. 2. For Information and limit atlonsonaccessory locations antanks, refer and spaced 120 degrees ao&rL 10 current issue of Pub. No - i to current issue of Pub. No. 3-PE•6312" Fibergtes Tanks for Fuel Storage'* SPE -6312 "Fiberglas Tanks for Fuel Storage MK, SIZE NO. ITEM POSITION t MK SIZE NO. REM POSITION j t A 22' 2 Manway U1 —A I 22' 2 Manway W J B 24 -Sq. 2 DenectorPlate J 0 24'Sq. 2 DerfectorPlato = 0 C a' 6 NPT Fittings (Ses Hole 3) 1,2,3 oneachmmway�over Q c i- 6 NPT Fittings (See Note 3) ' 1,2,3 on each manwaycover LLJ = D 6' 2 NPT Monitoring Fitting I V D I a' 2 NPT Monitoring Filling (.% E _ 2 • LlftLuga ._ .,. .., :..: N E 2 Llft Lugs 1 W ` id i 1' Wide F 12' Thick 2 Bumper Pad ZF 2' Thick 2 Bumper Pad Z G l LL II N� Bio �1•,:.;; Cs�l: T:;, f:�- -kA t�7 i v < Q \ /8' 14" P.EA CIr`AVEI, glow wwll� �E�/IC� c> �171�;LI�t A'f ALLG Liv at'i P!t� otil• xy X/ t2E�A2-444 41 // � D - TA '� NG'P�SEE- 6 .' r-- _ _ .. _. • _ _. " �—.._ _. F -I t'a'r -IAC �t-G � I \�/��\ j���� �i .�a++ �! F-• ArLC r, P!cAL:) Imo -I . �J ri ���� � � ` //\% �� '�i %% /: ` � � % \�/\\� �� /� • % f j:0\ Co1�1G.L'E-TE. n4� e P> • - icd r'1A1. i4eL_F_r Go�/6iz EIJ C- V I L -k-1 e v v r LE_ rJIA. �/G /I -C IG,~ 6 6.AF ! I Is. v __ _ _ _, �E1•.!T��-!!TE. Hca! crz . lK ar Slri✓ �7�AIL.-r-- .. _ a:. ax• : LG oncrete +.i a:r,c• yn ,;tai 6 •�.�e^; . 'r:•:. :. ;� Reservoir 5111, 0r y C :,4'°�. •,: :::5:: o:w o;• ,, - o :s' '•'` Shown Flexible o� E�C�; /4Tio-i - Z' VG> .?moo �/ traffic Model RS •.1 irl,,,,:�•w+. •.••. W ilj.n. .r.�.,.,r�. .h f. I / 1 �LY--V i::-�f--+1-�. '-^� Adjustable a / lead cable Riser pipe cap/ I JConduitl. 2v�h1rJ and fitting Junction - box" to control pane( Riser pipe** 14' /4' Vent holes- 0 r Reservoir High level alarm t� Riser pipe - sensor alarm 1 ligh liquid - cap Low level a ^ , - level switch ELLS Z, �, c_4-. I Liquid FRP Riser pipe- t Monitoring reservoir filling FluidJL U — o G� 4 Diameter Double wap tank f✓ low liquid infernally /�dfustable Ers7TG1 A cF "Contractor supplied , % - — - 0 ` " level switch threaded lead cable - --Perforaled G o�l�la,l'�TG�L plastic casing I go J:::_ZE�ZGLAS' 01 1 t- i SAL Submersible Pump Offset From Center 6' c" (Red Jacket Only) Piping Sump Sensor Model PSS " Completed Piping Sump Instaffation>' with Optional Sump Se!>sor / Lead wre 71" m n. Oft SEZ �l/A 1-16-1-4 � � ELL ✓ E-1 A I I- N '::Ja+,�?:r,.;r5fi.iErr•;.i2"•,.,—-•-1�.4 y. y' :4"x2"reducer _ i.�, .. T � ! �� ao o � •.: }' ,..e , wi,h dram fill"gs' rod , tional r opSubmersible pump :Fittings for elechtcal Pipe sump fitting 4" Hose clamp i .';COnneCliOnS ih,i0r1 "�nnuuu„t • } Outer wad pipe O N PP les Turb ne 1 90° ed Flexible connector i I nq 30” long Opironal j 4 FRP bel cp ourmg, Primary pipe 2" or 3" Manway cover Stainless steel P PnxJ Prsnary P Pe (M223-8) That switch sump senior FRP filling i tDovbte wall p p ( ; ttveaded It by bet Junction box' .q n t �"� sump Perforated plastic casing® I I �------ Optional vent and/or stage 2o•- \apor recovery ire �/ ! 47-- Z7A, i 9E]�rAl LS li +Jur -ro <rAL - ' _.._t .TOP. C©U125E-_-GLASS .1... C31'rUM. COt,lGE2E_ I'E .._. 2r 611Jt2F-1Z 6002SE GLASS 1 517 eoi 6' 7N'A VA AS 4rr Pe- SE .G 2A VE. P' ~ .:5 r_ •� a: �, c•�-� .:'�r� LOAN( -a FZ GLA.. NAtZ V.E►JIhIG - ��LSIY�MaM � - Y + .�- �II� 5GALE . i = 1 -O I I I rct�¢ oP1t-toi'KL1 p�I I I AL -L-- FI ps. WL IN � E�, Jnr c. 7/4 -MA IN S TREE T, YARMOUTH, MASS. - nEF� 02 t-291 MA /N S TREE T. ORLEANS, MASS. � � PI-A1rE i WILING ADRESS: P. 0. BOX 11-9. , I YARMOUTH ORT- AfA55- - 02675 - ---10, ooC-" Gil a,. T� 1�, - -10 Consulting and design engineers ® Civil and structural 1 REVISiONS i E'rAI L.5 C� I A' ice �LU� I �I��--t V� I I� `'`� �f �AI �i !`� TOLERANCES J r t _tG ,ucE►r AS NOTEo, NO. DATE BY {r%QI �'n, ra"I-1/C�— _. iV� ��-i�L•E DECIMAL 1 i-Zi.-`�.'' �i7J� ...L'�ftil�i •.�t•-+-tf�-1 J� In�EST Y%�.w.�Tt•i . F�4CTIONAL ' DRAWN BY SCALE MATERIAL Z;a.NG NO. _ ` CHK'D DATE ANGULAR LiTO c ( c t= 3 TRACED tzE�sA,-SET ' 151- ozro E i -�— dT�2 t�1P� F3' ��n�-%t�1N`�IE�tT CD• O.A- Sr l I"i�-{ cam. i ( 3' f7iA . Fo 2- , z' DIA. FCl�_7 <�, ASr_-U IDE_ d -G F Plt�i�IG �1>✓iP S142-ZZ�-`' f i�j ;'��-�-- P�� 5 I G __ QI �J� slJt�lPs�sorz_ r1L?P=t_ F'sS i j�J � i�•ExtsnaG r="vEu ioJ C t 1. c trJES -J <::..D Cs�l: T:;, f:�- -kA t�7 i v < Q \ /8' 14" P.EA CIr`AVEI, glow wwll� �E�/IC� c> �171�;LI�t A'f ALLG Liv at'i P!t� otil• xy X/ t2E�A2-444 41 // � D - TA '� NG'P�SEE- 6 .' r-- _ _ .. _. • _ _. " �—.._ _. F -I t'a'r -IAC �t-G � I \�/��\ j���� �i .�a++ �! F-• ArLC r, P!cAL:) Imo -I . �J ri ���� � � ` //\% �� '�i %% /: ` � � % \�/\\� �� /� • % f j:0\ Co1�1G.L'E-TE. n4� e P> • - icd r'1A1. i4eL_F_r Go�/6iz EIJ C- V I L -k-1 e v v r LE_ rJIA. �/G /I -C IG,~ 6 6.AF ! I Is. v __ _ _ _, �E1•.!T��-!!TE. Hca! crz . lK ar Slri✓ �7�AIL.-r-- .. _ a:. ax• : LG oncrete +.i a:r,c• yn ,;tai 6 •�.�e^; . 'r:•:. :. ;� Reservoir 5111, 0r y C :,4'°�. •,: :::5:: o:w o;• ,, - o :s' '•'` Shown Flexible o� E�C�; /4Tio-i - Z' VG> .?moo �/ traffic Model RS •.1 irl,,,,:�•w+. •.••. W ilj.n. .r.�.,.,r�. .h f. I / 1 �LY--V i::-�f--+1-�. '-^� Adjustable a / lead cable Riser pipe cap/ I JConduitl. 2v�h1rJ and fitting Junction - box" to control pane( Riser pipe** 14' /4' Vent holes- 0 r Reservoir High level alarm t� Riser pipe - sensor alarm 1 ligh liquid - cap Low level a ^ , - level switch ELLS Z, �, c_4-. I Liquid FRP Riser pipe- t Monitoring reservoir filling FluidJL U — o G� 4 Diameter Double wap tank f✓ low liquid infernally /�dfustable Ers7TG1 A cF "Contractor supplied , % - — - 0 ` " level switch threaded lead cable - --Perforaled G o�l�la,l'�TG�L plastic casing I go J:::_ZE�ZGLAS' 01 1 t- i SAL Submersible Pump Offset From Center 6' c" (Red Jacket Only) Piping Sump Sensor Model PSS " Completed Piping Sump Instaffation>' with Optional Sump Se!>sor / Lead wre 71" m n. Oft SEZ �l/A 1-16-1-4 � � ELL ✓ E-1 A I I- N '::Ja+,�?:r,.;r5fi.iErr•;.i2"•,.,—-•-1�.4 y. y' :4"x2"reducer _ i.�, .. T � ! �� ao o � •.: }' ,..e , wi,h dram fill"gs' rod , tional r opSubmersible pump :Fittings for elechtcal Pipe sump fitting 4" Hose clamp i .';COnneCliOnS ih,i0r1 "�nnuuu„t • } Outer wad pipe O N PP les Turb ne 1 90° ed Flexible connector i I nq 30” long Opironal j 4 FRP bel cp ourmg, Primary pipe 2" or 3" Manway cover Stainless steel P PnxJ Prsnary P Pe (M223-8) That switch sump senior FRP filling i tDovbte wall p p ( ; ttveaded It by bet Junction box' .q n t �"� sump Perforated plastic casing® I I �------ Optional vent and/or stage 2o•- \apor recovery ire �/ ! 47-- Z7A, i 9E]�rAl LS li +Jur -ro <rAL - ' _.._t .TOP. C©U125E-_-GLASS .1... C31'rUM. COt,lGE2E_ I'E .._. 2r 611Jt2F-1Z 6002SE GLASS 1 517 eoi 6' 7N'A VA AS 4rr Pe- SE .G 2A VE. P' ~ .:5 r_ •� a: �, c•�-� .:'�r� LOAN( -a FZ GLA.. NAtZ V.E►JIhIG - ��LSIY�MaM � - Y + .�- �II� 5GALE . i = 1 -O I I I rct�¢ oP1t-toi'KL1 p�I I I AL -L-- FI ps. WL IN � E�, Jnr c. 7/4 -MA IN S TREE T, YARMOUTH, MASS. - nEF� 02 t-291 MA /N S TREE T. ORLEANS, MASS. � � PI-A1rE i WILING ADRESS: P. 0. BOX 11-9. , I YARMOUTH ORT- AfA55- - 02675 - ---10, ooC-" Gil a,. T� 1�, - -10 Consulting and design engineers ® Civil and structural 1 REVISiONS i E'rAI L.5 C� I A' ice �LU� I �I��--t V� I I� `'`� �f �AI �i !`� TOLERANCES J r t _tG ,ucE►r AS NOTEo, NO. DATE BY {r%QI �'n, ra"I-1/C�— _. iV� ��-i�L•E DECIMAL 1 i-Zi.-`�.'' �i7J� ...L'�ftil�i •.�t•-+-tf�-1 J� In�EST Y%�.w.�Tt•i . F�4CTIONAL ' DRAWN BY SCALE MATERIAL Z;a.NG NO. _ ` CHK'D DATE ANGULAR LiTO c ( c t= 3 TRACED