HomeMy WebLinkAboutHyannis Marine Service - Details002.Q l A'' AD r r L , • �� Gf��'Gl'-=� PA' �+�IG2� TE PA�J va— "JuT TC, L-_ - Cc�s_iic�.�17 �_—__ - — 2"x2" ��Gr7�'�L;�,r-;=r--13ic�,J/nL.�• � /�' ��� �� I I, /����\ � � ��'✓i"��� A ���-i—I�� �i:.-�l��l� j-icL..• _� � j�����\� S4�•r.�- �"£ �s3?r—C,�'^,�,..> I ,'i• r' ���,�r� � �:� `"S'�I � ,/� /'� '��/, V� I O�/)✓��I LL• s, \/,D.�JC 1�•:.. �' �.�1j\/C�,I�F_-� 1= � �� _-�J � � P� fir- �!�G � I ' �! L-1/ -tet- _ , I i F1 1_1 PEI MODEL DWT -2P 10000 .With Standard Fittings 27 /2" 471 Fir 4'7'/2 -- 271/2rr n 7'4/2" Shown 271/2'► 1 T41/2 33 rr . 271/2 ►► _ a 1 ({ l 7' 8'r ID 1 ► A got IT" fq .4. . ► . ► � 8r 2rr F F :,ne:O6j.�. 'dol. �`Ja +].: Co ..�C:.r A'�'P`•..•�s r''} •%ti: ••�� Eri:e'•> o-;a�o •�; _ri.•r'" ^•.an-;. ,:.:xt:•:i:::<;i•.•,;t•: nesetvoir Sensor G� _ �/� ; of --.-► t0 Shown Flexible conduit T C- �,t,'° :F;� �`• o: J• :, °4? :: Model RS t ^ 1 •.,<.�:_ �«':y=�traf('Ic pad '; :>•,: - .,,..oY'��. :,as;• .� ... �r .r.��•' II � , <'k c ,� �:i Ad b i. r�,�\dj, eslate cable I % Riser pipe cap Conduit - to and fitting Junction to control panel Lj _ t o� E box" ,,. ' Riser pipe..14 II Vent holes- High level alarm 1! I � : r 1 •�I�-rrt, � cel Reservoir % Riser pipe- sensor Low level alarm I-ligh liquid caP z,, ,: �, T om_ ;, i : � L� level switch = t . Liquid FRP Riser pipe- - Fotor'ng reservoir titling _ ouid 777777_ j 4" Diameter "Contrlctor supplied Double wan tank -� liquid _ — _ Internal) Adjustable level swih threaded lead cable 1.0 X20 ASIi FP,� T,�_u11D --Perfornled MODEL plastic casirig ---- — - DWT -2P 8000 - With = 13 Standard - 1 - Fittings I [-�> GLS ESc12�D1 iZ �E� DI 1Z 5.�S'Z 1 � In Shown e' 6. suanersbte Pump Offset From Center Piping Sump Sensor Model PSS I C1oytraipicle-d P' itt9 $u histasllalkionn� . (Red Jacket Only) Lead vire TZ ' rtin. "0D wilt, Optional S:np Sensor 9 E� V "ce8rX, 2 7'111�qnOD wiidra drain Trip rod + optonal Subner5 I pump Fdhgs for electrtcaPipe sumpfitting4'T Union Hose stamp connectroru r Outer wall pipe 4,10►► `Sr g►► 4� 7►► �5► g►► --4' 10" Tixbne - 3"�4" sopes O t , - FlexbleconneCtOr 30* 4' 10" $, 3„ 4' 7„ 8► 3.r 4,10„ Ptputgstmp -- l honai �� 4 FRP bel coup) rrg Prattary 9 25' 3" : z� i` Prsnary PPe 'steel . or 3" Manway cove Slarness r rr € stmtp sensor FRP defitting (M223 8) Mat switch i 30 9 RPn9 u Perforate plastic ca s e _Junction box n stage 2 I' Double wall ppe male by bel f -:. s mP ! 3.Fintn serecentaredonan6'radiusliomihecenterotthemanwaycover � � - Oprionalventend/or tae 0 0� dpi r �® Sq 1. Hold down strap rib locations are indicated by arrows 11 g vapor recovery line 1.HolddownstrapriblocationsereIndicatedbyarrows►. 3.Fitlingsereeenleredonan6'rediusfrom the eenbrolthe manwaycover '1 2. For information and limitations on accessory tocationsantanks. voter and spaced 120 degrees apart. - - 2. For information and limitations on accessory locations on tanks. refer and spaced 120 degrees apart. '1. tocunentissue ofPub. No. 3-PE•6312••FibergtasTanks for Fuel Slot age" - locyrrrentissueotPub.No.3•PE•6312••Flberglas Tanks for Fuel Storage POSITION 5f�SZ 4 Z1� Z M MK SIZE 1 l - POSITION ,t �+�IG2� TE PA�J va— "JuT TC, L-_ - Cc�s_iic�.�17 �_—__ - — 2"x2" ��Gr7�'�L;�,r-;=r--13ic�,J/nL.�• � /�' ��� �� I I, /����\ � � ��'✓i"��� A ���-i—I�� �i:.-�l��l� j-icL..• _� � j�����\� S4�•r.�- �"£ �s3?r—C,�'^,�,..> I ,'i• r' ���,�r� � �:� `"S'�I � ,/� /'� '��/, V� I O�/)✓��I LL• s, \/,D.�JC 1�•:.. �' �.�1j\/C�,I�F_-� 1= � �� _-�J � � P� fir- �!�G � I ' �! L-1/ -tet- _ , I i F1 1_1 PEI MODEL DWT -2P 10000 .With Standard Fittings 27 /2" 471 Fir 4'7'/2 -- 271/2rr n 7'4/2" Shown 271/2'► 1 T41/2 33 rr . 271/2 ►► _ a 1 ({ l 7' 8'r ID 1 ► A got IT" fq .4. . ► . ► � 8r 2rr F F :,ne:O6j.�. 'dol. �`Ja +].: Co ..�C:.r A'�'P`•..•�s r''} •%ti: ••�� Eri:e'•> o-;a�o •�; _ri.•r'" ^•.an-;. ,:.:xt:•:i:::<;i•.•,;t•: nesetvoir Sensor G� _ �/� ; of --.-► t0 Shown Flexible conduit T C- �,t,'° :F;� �`• o: J• :, °4? :: Model RS t ^ 1 •.,<.�:_ �«':y=�traf('Ic pad '; :>•,: - .,,..oY'��. :,as;• .� ... �r .r.��•' II � , <'k c ,� �:i Ad b i. r�,�\dj, eslate cable I % Riser pipe cap Conduit - to and fitting Junction to control panel Lj _ t o� E box" ,,. ' Riser pipe..14 II Vent holes- High level alarm 1! I � : r 1 •�I�-rrt, � cel Reservoir % Riser pipe- sensor Low level alarm I-ligh liquid caP z,, ,: �, T om_ ;, i : � L� level switch = t . Liquid FRP Riser pipe- - Fotor'ng reservoir titling _ ouid 777777_ j 4" Diameter "Contrlctor supplied Double wan tank -� liquid _ — _ Internal) Adjustable level swih threaded lead cable 1.0 X20 ASIi FP,� T,�_u11D --Perfornled MODEL plastic casirig ---- — - DWT -2P 8000 - With = 13 Standard - 1 - Fittings I [-�> GLS ESc12�D1 iZ �E� DI 1Z 5.�S'Z 1 � In Shown e' 6. suanersbte Pump Offset From Center Piping Sump Sensor Model PSS I C1oytraipicle-d P' itt9 $u histasllalkionn� . (Red Jacket Only) Lead vire TZ ' rtin. "0D wilt, Optional S:np Sensor 9 E� V "ce8rX, 2 7'111�qnOD wiidra drain Trip rod + optonal Subner5 I pump Fdhgs for electrtcaPipe sumpfitting4'T Union Hose stamp connectroru r Outer wall pipe 4,10►► `Sr g►► 4� 7►► �5► g►► --4' 10" Tixbne - 3"�4" sopes O t , - FlexbleconneCtOr 30* 4' 10" $, 3„ 4' 7„ 8► 3.r 4,10„ Ptputgstmp -- l honai �� 4 FRP bel coup) rrg Prattary 9 25' 3" : z� i` Prsnary PPe 'steel . or 3" Manway cove Slarness r rr € stmtp sensor FRP defitting (M223 8) Mat switch i 30 9 RPn9 u Perforate plastic ca s e _Junction box n stage 2 I' Double wall ppe male by bel f -:. s mP ! 3.Fintn serecentaredonan6'radiusliomihecenterotthemanwaycover � � - Oprionalventend/or tae 0 0� dpi r �® Sq 1. Hold down strap rib locations are indicated by arrows 11 g vapor recovery line 1.HolddownstrapriblocationsereIndicatedbyarrows►. 3.Fitlingsereeenleredonan6'rediusfrom the eenbrolthe manwaycover '1 2. For information and limitations on accessory tocationsantanks. voter and spaced 120 degrees apart. - - 2. For information and limitations on accessory locations on tanks. refer and spaced 120 degrees apart. '1. tocunentissue ofPub. No. 3-PE•6312••FibergtasTanks for Fuel Slot age" - locyrrrentissueotPub.No.3•PE•6312••Flberglas Tanks for Fuel Storage POSITION 5f�SZ 4 Z1� Z M MK SIZE NO. ITEM POSITION A 22' 2 Manwey c B 24'Sq. 2 DeflectorPiate 2 C 4- 6 NPT Fittings (See Note 3) 1,2,3 ontech mmweycover D 4' 2 NPT Monitortn2Fitting II E — 2 LlftLnyr _ F 1' Wlde 2' TM1lek 2 um Ber Pad P G ( J H 1 MK SIZE NO. ITE ,r _. �, q 17.E►.ISE :. .G IZAt7Et?•..:STOtJE _` -6. L,0 4M 'Or- GLA-(.. [4 A 1217. E li J 1 tJ G i "> t LL E A D �4LZA5d�re�r Irl /_�- 5GA LE 1=1 t3 EfL� t.�SS Pt lam._,. C � o. A . s�1 •�-I F _ell - 3"r pIA FO p7 FSFJ _ I .� moo GSL��� L 0 W WEL L ER, INC. �,� . ;�� .I� I i� Q t3ALL �J i OI=F �/Al�✓t-- lo, oo;� ��; TAS � =:_ - ,1 7/4 "AIN STREET, YARMOUTH, MASS. Fi O O O O (coir IEGi Tn FIs%. / • Z9 "AIN STREET, ORLEANS, MASS.. QI P IJ4 5Jt41 ' 5. � 4 AL -14 E_ Pt-�i'E UA/LING ADRESS: P. O. BOX //9 . rAfl"oUTH PORT. UASS. ' 02675 Consulting and design engineers ® Civil and structural �I�I �� TOLERANCES �%J,, LIE X _ REVISIONS l� Cr- 'r0 V7 - - - - I ����lexCErr AS voreDt NO. DATE BY DECIMAL p SGA i io�'LtI�!1'rca� S I• InIEST ti'L.�+�'I�tlTt I �fll`� - - - FRACTIONAL SCALE MATERIAL 3 • DRAWN BY ` ` AS tJ ter) - �M i t DATE DRAWING NO. a 1 I 5 r �. , I ri, ANGULAR. --A \ TRACED APP'Dam ° - - - •- MAKEPEACE Ill _J (a W z H tl. A 1 22' 2 Manway Deflector Plate 1.2,3oneach menwaycovar ��AI LS NPT Fittings (See Note 3) NPT Monitoring Fitting Llrt lugs d � Bumper Pary TOP _COUI2SE__.GLASS .1_. a1TUM. 601JG12ETE .._. . Zrr P>hJPEi2 GOUQSE GLASS 1 511. eodc. B 21"Sq. 2 c 4- 6 p 4' 2 E _ 2 F /•Wide 2'Thick 2 G II ( J ,r _. �, q 17.E►.ISE :. .G IZAt7Et?•..:STOtJE _` -6. L,0 4M 'Or- GLA-(.. [4 A 1217. E li J 1 tJ G i "> t LL E A D �4LZA5d�re�r Irl /_�- 5GA LE 1=1 t3 EfL� t.�SS Pt lam._,. C � o. A . s�1 •�-I F _ell - 3"r pIA FO p7 FSFJ _ I .� moo GSL��� L 0 W WEL L ER, INC. �,� . ;�� .I� I i� Q t3ALL �J i OI=F �/Al�✓t-- lo, oo;� ��; TAS � =:_ - ,1 7/4 "AIN STREET, YARMOUTH, MASS. Fi O O O O (coir IEGi Tn FIs%. / • Z9 "AIN STREET, ORLEANS, MASS.. QI P IJ4 5Jt41 ' 5. � 4 AL -14 E_ Pt-�i'E UA/LING ADRESS: P. O. BOX //9 . rAfl"oUTH PORT. UASS. ' 02675 Consulting and design engineers ® Civil and structural �I�I �� TOLERANCES �%J,, LIE X _ REVISIONS l� Cr- 'r0 V7 - - - - I ����lexCErr AS voreDt NO. DATE BY DECIMAL p SGA i io�'LtI�!1'rca� S I• InIEST ti'L.�+�'I�tlTt I �fll`� - - - FRACTIONAL SCALE MATERIAL 3 • DRAWN BY ` ` AS tJ ter) - �M i t DATE DRAWING NO. a 1 I 5 r �. , I ri, ANGULAR. --A \ TRACED APP'Dam ° - - - •- MAKEPEACE