HomeMy WebLinkAboutHyannis Marine Service - Installation Plan003FLAGS 7(A:014- \/E -.JT PIpE. 10 iAALL .&_e)CT-E up -rOL'U . F . D ETE>2s�1 t Tl E LaATI OrI 0 JHE FIF-LD. anode is connected b a lead wire, attachment to the tank cover PP2 terminal with backfin material — AfL F_SS TO 'fAr�� GO�JEfL T01 I ALLEfD y r TA t�J k �Lllo Fi s LAS SES SP lis -7 shall be checked to assure this connection has not been 14. As an alternative, this tank may be equipped with a Protection damoged. Where domoged: the connection must be rees . - toblished in strict accordance with s#i•P; specifications. ��� 1 rnorYtoring system, which includes o monitoring test Q.P. SLP.B To j"oP TA1�K. = 18 , tat' mounted at the end of he tank Prior to ckfilrng, ex- P� s non mos t ba 8. Where anchors \\ . \ \ .\ ! " `� \, ng by means of o concrete slob is required, the tend the monitoring system to 4" below grade leve! without ///,�� • •� �f �, �� tank must not be laced direct on the ; P directly pod. A layer of fine pulling it out of the mounting bracket. The PPC' test station FO LJfJDA-rIOt�J WALL / or pea gravel, sond or Na 8 crushed stone (Na 8 coarse shall be protected by a grode manhole of 7-Ih" minimum �) I E IG �T L I ICtJO G I� 3 p00 GAL TA:,i !L A � e r ate ASTM -448 at least 6 inches des must be spread diameter. � \�� � � �� , �, , / � ��� �' every over the dmensbns of the pod to separate the tank t ' from the pod 15 Contact between the steel tank and the fosowing equipment can nullify the cathodic protection design externot or internal '�V �, A ��:;,�• The tank stag not be placed on any other hard or sharp m \. �� �j, , /,,, //j c!z2HFAGTEP SOIL T0 piping, pumps. valves, electrical goging or monitoring equip - 3/, _ �, �, f� material that can cause deformation of the Conk on damage ment. and grounding systems A simple contintity test between g FEASTOOF_ dlJ�EiZ TkllK o �s p�A5N0 to the coctirq the PP219 lead wire and each connected system will verify SEE I 5"r{, LL A T I O 8.1 If installation area is in a tidal area, the tank 'bedding' the electrical isolation. Continuity should not be present. l OT A `mate6al s Id be 1¢�e gray`' p�?e ra+� tcr�-•�` rthon Sd 16. T he`bockiiit !hail be de ` site.') cast I v „r+ to T � _-.. .. - �` JtiJ iy QrN�t1d tr... C O w - .•.'. •, .r -. ... ..• of fs� 'rJC: .r _�Jt Cv*'� iJi ul :. ��J ♦..• strops to ensure that the Straps are separated iron the Conks coating especially where tamping is required. (Sea NFRA 30 by separating pad made o! on inert insulating dielectric and state or local codes for depth of ccver required.) moteriot The separating pod should be at Jeoe 2 inches wider 17. All Conks must be monitored to assure proper cathodic pro - than hold down straps' width and must be carefully placed tection of the fork Monitoring shat be occonTJshad by taking 3 anywhere an the tank where hold down straps would come structure to sol voltage readings within 1 year atter Instatk into direct contact with the tank shell. tion, and then In 5 year intervalr Intervals for the kfe of the installation - - - Flan'iogeneot�s txockt� fbllo late koc t t nd fed i regutat' f od- AKEPEACE lO U.L. APPROVED TANK CONTAINMENT RESERVOIR 20. STORAGE TANK OPENINGS Q COLUMN INSPECTION PORT U.L. APPROVED OUTER WRAP � INSPECTION COLUMN it k>_" DERVRITERS IJiBORATORIES INC.0 LISTED TYTL I SECONDARY NTA NKENT IEAGRJUMD TAKK MR PLAXKULE LIQUIDS CIRCUKFEREHTIAL DEGR •ONSULT LOCAL AUTHORITIES lEFORi COVERIN THIS TANK MO.X xxxx ENVIRO - TANK03WP E DUAL CONTAINMENT MASSACHUSETTS ENGINEERING CO INC AVON LASS. 02322 _ Ming of clean sand gravel, or other w oppGca ai s a e, a era Ions or non -corrosive Inert materials shall be placed along bottom ditional tank monitoring requirements. 4-�t-4 PLE-fE 5f E61 F 16 ATIOt.15 "rO SE. 500 FLI E0 5-� oI„jrJEtZ - tJ�TE : - PJZOPOSED SLAB -F S � 2F-1►1Fo2GED 3G� f c Co! JGRETE r,Ilt_L ADEQtl4lTI—LY p2E6LdPE ATI`( FLOTAT+o0 cr= lrAt: LhIDeiz eez ,JOv, TAr1K tt.! ToE Evt=o-r G 600JOp - .-- a AT =fZ_ 10Fj LT9ATI6P�.1 . 5LAB 15 We -16 01'Ep AT 60 1 bs• _sQ. FT oR 2' 14tf-S 1 Q. QC5 �5 _ .�ZHl- of MAr_ _ �Er t S QO. 4 M Art 1% tVlzEtzS N __ in�5tprt 7-to1J* r SCtZJCRcrJS t. It rr g� - Fl; 1 ArJ C,� - 6 It-1� J►J �tP �JO S'�P ,t✓ TAr�� rOZ klASiT-7 oI C_ iS -p t3+✓ (.c 1✓O OF -17115 Se �\J tLr—:7 Btu t LID i rJGc r�'i�lt-�'; Ttof c��Ct FtcRT tor.7 "TO 1� GF �c htA�. PAUL -. (I N S1�HAl 1 Y LERJNG 749 Main Street Suite B ®Box 266 CIATFS OF Osterville,Massa chusetts02655 � f (617) 420-2223 . TERV1 LLE Consulting and design engineers + Civil and structural TOLERANCES REvrsrons LJiJDE2G201JrJD STEL S(012AGt� �(At��- jEXCE" AS NOTED) NO. DATE BY J N STA L.L AT I O J PL AIJ DBCIMAL 1 g� r2187 P.J-D• IAJA` Of_ IL RkE2 t -1 -(AUTOS MAIZ44F_ Ai2LItJ6T0lJ STtZEF-T iJEST `' A;zHoUTr-I . MASS- - FRACTIONAL J. DRAWN BY SCALE MATERIAL s P.� oTEO _ CHWD - DATE I I (CJ7 DRAWING NO. ` ANGULAR E5 TRACED APP'D •' ;. � •. :. r ME-ENQ,NE[11EC INSTALLATION INSTRU 11ONS • black 132tob.Untheblo lashing - - -_ .. a :. :' shoo nec should be used where necessary. Under no circumstances use _ - � �� —._1 - Q SGALE= — N � MOVEN PNOTECTIOUNDERGROUND STEEL STORAGE TANKS WiTH Stl-Ps CONTROL CORROSION COOL SYSTEM ' C:ilOifiS at stings OfOUrld the tank shell. tab Uncal enough lead wire from the Conk mound i to 9 ng ug Z' 7.1 sit -P; tanks may be equipped with either zinc or magnes- 1 The excavation shop be free from any hard or sharp material sides of tank by hand shoveling and tamping to ensure that tum anodes Zinc anodes ors effective in an sol resistivities Mpgnesium anodes are designed for soil resistivities 20000 that may cause damage to the tank coating. (Core shop be the tank Is fully and evenly supported around bottom quadrant• 1►J S ALL. S f t� I G 4G F L�>z SLAP_, oF T taken during hstallatlon that foreign matter is not Introduced into the excavation or bockfip ) 11. The plugs at unused openings shoo be removed Apply 72. After an stl-P; tank has been placed in the excavation, if 13.4 Route wire to avoid strain or breakage during bockfil. Do not 3 oG� gS 1 2 The bottom of the excavation shop be covered with ciean compatibte4 non -hardening pipe sealant to internal bushing threads Permanent metal plugs shop be kzstased at on unused STEELr2 E I {" o F 3 8 A25 e .1 z o- c . sand or gravel to a depth of one foot, suitably graded and openings -'rA c•� K.. �'Et�l A t t�lD�.l2 of S LAS "Tn F� leveled. 11.1. The d1 -electric bushings in sti-P; tonics shot not be removed Z 1ZEi ►J Fxn r V, ` D]1 10 uIl Rte. 3. The excavation shall extend a distance of at least one foot from the unused openings The plugs in tank openings which around the perimeter of the tank provkSng sufficient clearance are to be used should not be over -tightened as this may ALL STEEL TC BE 62ADE 64-,, ASTH for anodes cause the bushing to unscrew with the plug. Care shall be 50I L �Er-JEATti SLAB TO E3E Cls-{GTED 4. An air test of the tank above ground is recommended. Pressure should not exceed 5pounds per square inch (PSIG) white a taken not to crossthread or damage the r*qT etolUc bush - Ings when replacing plugs or installing required tank piping. soap solution is applied to weld seamNote Dual wap tank s 11.2 Prior to backfilii ng. all openings shag be visuaay inspected to _ - au testing sting will differ. Consult Tank fabricator for air test assure that the stl•P; dielectric nylon bushings remain In recommendations. place Where flanged openings have been used the dielec- •b. Before placing the tank in the excavation, all dirt clods and tric isolation shat) be confirmed with a conttrx,ity tester. No similar foreign matter shag be cleaned from the honks and areas of coating damage shag be repaired with a touch up shag pass through the factory InstoUed dielectric flanges flanges Dielectric isolation is required assure tank L coating provided ` 12 Where air or hydrostatic testing is required offer Irutagatton ft r not;o it _ -5.1. When so shipped. remove protective plastic covering from is recommended that the pressure applied shat not be in ex- cess of 5 pounds per square inch (PSIG) as measured at the weld' -on zinc anodes to assure proper onode operation top of the tank. 3 tJAtZS C IZ . o•G. G>1 IE v lA`>! Verify anode integrity prion to backfill.13. 6. Equipment to lift the tank shah be of adequate size to lift and bower the tank without dragging and dropping to ensure no Prior to completion of the backfill, the Profocc t n Prover 2? monitoring terminal located near the top of the tank must be I O i d I ge 1-4SSHi- -- --- damage to the, tank. of the tooting positioned as follows . 7. Tanks shag be carefully lifted and lowered by use of cables 13.1 Select a terminal location on a pipe near grade that wig be • - ha' f d t lo t C accessible through a grade manhole upon completion of anode is connected b a lead wire, attachment to the tank cover PP2 terminal with backfin material — AfL F_SS TO 'fAr�� GO�JEfL T01 I ALLEfD y r TA t�J k �Lllo Fi s LAS SES SP lis -7 shall be checked to assure this connection has not been 14. As an alternative, this tank may be equipped with a Protection damoged. Where domoged: the connection must be rees . - toblished in strict accordance with s#i•P; specifications. ��� 1 rnorYtoring system, which includes o monitoring test Q.P. SLP.B To j"oP TA1�K. = 18 , tat' mounted at the end of he tank Prior to ckfilrng, ex- P� s non mos t ba 8. Where anchors \\ . \ \ .\ ! " `� \, ng by means of o concrete slob is required, the tend the monitoring system to 4" below grade leve! without ///,�� • •� �f �, �� tank must not be laced direct on the ; P directly pod. A layer of fine pulling it out of the mounting bracket. The PPC' test station FO LJfJDA-rIOt�J WALL / or pea gravel, sond or Na 8 crushed stone (Na 8 coarse shall be protected by a grode manhole of 7-Ih" minimum �) I E IG �T L I ICtJO G I� 3 p00 GAL TA:,i !L A � e r ate ASTM -448 at least 6 inches des must be spread diameter. � \�� � � �� , �, , / � ��� �' every over the dmensbns of the pod to separate the tank t ' from the pod 15 Contact between the steel tank and the fosowing equipment can nullify the cathodic protection design externot or internal '�V �, A ��:;,�• The tank stag not be placed on any other hard or sharp m \. �� �j, , /,,, //j c!z2HFAGTEP SOIL T0 piping, pumps. valves, electrical goging or monitoring equip - 3/, _ �, �, f� material that can cause deformation of the Conk on damage ment. and grounding systems A simple contintity test between g FEASTOOF_ dlJ�EiZ TkllK o �s p�A5N0 to the coctirq the PP219 lead wire and each connected system will verify SEE I 5"r{, LL A T I O 8.1 If installation area is in a tidal area, the tank 'bedding' the electrical isolation. Continuity should not be present. l OT A `mate6al s Id be 1¢�e gray`' p�?e ra+� tcr�-•�` rthon Sd 16. T he`bockiiit !hail be de ` site.') cast I v „r+ to T � _-.. .. - �` JtiJ iy QrN�t1d tr... C O w - .•.'. •, .r -. ... ..• of fs� 'rJC: .r _�Jt Cv*'� iJi ul :. ��J ♦..• strops to ensure that the Straps are separated iron the Conks coating especially where tamping is required. (Sea NFRA 30 by separating pad made o! on inert insulating dielectric and state or local codes for depth of ccver required.) moteriot The separating pod should be at Jeoe 2 inches wider 17. All Conks must be monitored to assure proper cathodic pro - than hold down straps' width and must be carefully placed tection of the fork Monitoring shat be occonTJshad by taking 3 anywhere an the tank where hold down straps would come structure to sol voltage readings within 1 year atter Instatk into direct contact with the tank shell. tion, and then In 5 year intervalr Intervals for the kfe of the installation - - - Flan'iogeneot�s txockt� fbllo late koc t t nd fed i regutat' f od- AKEPEACE lO U.L. APPROVED TANK CONTAINMENT RESERVOIR 20. STORAGE TANK OPENINGS Q COLUMN INSPECTION PORT U.L. APPROVED OUTER WRAP � INSPECTION COLUMN it k>_" DERVRITERS IJiBORATORIES INC.0 LISTED TYTL I SECONDARY NTA NKENT IEAGRJUMD TAKK MR PLAXKULE LIQUIDS CIRCUKFEREHTIAL DEGR •ONSULT LOCAL AUTHORITIES lEFORi COVERIN THIS TANK MO.X xxxx ENVIRO - TANK03WP E DUAL CONTAINMENT MASSACHUSETTS ENGINEERING CO INC AVON LASS. 02322 _ Ming of clean sand gravel, or other w oppGca ai s a e, a era Ions or non -corrosive Inert materials shall be placed along bottom ditional tank monitoring requirements. 4-�t-4 PLE-fE 5f E61 F 16 ATIOt.15 "rO SE. 500 FLI E0 5-� oI„jrJEtZ - tJ�TE : - PJZOPOSED SLAB -F S � 2F-1►1Fo2GED 3G� f c Co! JGRETE r,Ilt_L ADEQtl4lTI—LY p2E6LdPE ATI`( FLOTAT+o0 cr= lrAt: LhIDeiz eez ,JOv, TAr1K tt.! ToE Evt=o-r G 600JOp - .-- a AT =fZ_ 10Fj LT9ATI6P�.1 . 5LAB 15 We -16 01'Ep AT 60 1 bs• _sQ. FT oR 2' 14tf-S 1 Q. QC5 �5 _ .�ZHl- of MAr_ _ �Er t S QO. 4 M Art 1% tVlzEtzS N __ in�5tprt 7-to1J* r SCtZJCRcrJS t. It rr g� - Fl; 1 ArJ C,� - 6 It-1� J►J �tP �JO S'�P ,t✓ TAr�� rOZ klASiT-7 oI C_ iS -p t3+✓ (.c 1✓O OF -17115 Se �\J tLr—:7 Btu t LID i rJGc r�'i�lt-�'; Ttof c��Ct FtcRT tor.7 "TO 1� GF �c htA�. PAUL -. (I N S1�HAl 1 Y LERJNG 749 Main Street Suite B ®Box 266 CIATFS OF Osterville,Massa chusetts02655 � f (617) 420-2223 . TERV1 LLE Consulting and design engineers + Civil and structural TOLERANCES REvrsrons LJiJDE2G201JrJD STEL S(012AGt� �(At��- jEXCE" AS NOTED) NO. DATE BY J N STA L.L AT I O J PL AIJ DBCIMAL 1 g� r2187 P.J-D• IAJA` Of_ IL RkE2 t -1 -(AUTOS MAIZ44F_ Ai2LItJ6T0lJ STtZEF-T iJEST `' A;zHoUTr-I . MASS- - FRACTIONAL J. DRAWN BY SCALE MATERIAL s P.� oTEO _ CHWD - DATE I I (CJ7 DRAWING NO. ` ANGULAR E5 TRACED APP'D •' ;. � •. :. I lud� angle) attach to ug pinstailotion. ed the Gffl� lugs provided. A spreader r black 132tob.Untheblo lashing - - -_ .. a :. :' shoo nec should be used where necessary. Under no circumstances use nylon pipe by resecting the king � �� —._1 - Q SGALE= — - C:ilOifiS at stings OfOUrld the tank shell. tab Uncal enough lead wire from the Conk mound i to 9 ng ug Z' 7.1 sit -P; tanks may be equipped with either zinc or magnes- reach the terminal location with an additional 4 feat of stock tum anodes Zinc anodes ors effective in an sol resistivities Mpgnesium anodes are designed for soil resistivities 20000 13.3 Secure the PP2t terminal to the pipe by tightening the block nylon pipe Joshing. The lead wire terminations shop remain ohm -cm or greater. seated. 72. After an stl-P; tank has been placed in the excavation, if 13.4 Route wire to avoid strain or breakage during bockfil. Do not anode is connected b a lead wire, attachment to the tank cover PP2 terminal with backfin material — AfL F_SS TO 'fAr�� GO�JEfL T01 I ALLEfD y r TA t�J k �Lllo Fi s LAS SES SP lis -7 shall be checked to assure this connection has not been 14. As an alternative, this tank may be equipped with a Protection damoged. Where domoged: the connection must be rees . - toblished in strict accordance with s#i•P; specifications. ��� 1 rnorYtoring system, which includes o monitoring test Q.P. SLP.B To j"oP TA1�K. = 18 , tat' mounted at the end of he tank Prior to ckfilrng, ex- P� s non mos t ba 8. Where anchors \\ . \ \ .\ ! " `� \, ng by means of o concrete slob is required, the tend the monitoring system to 4" below grade leve! without ///,�� • •� �f �, �� tank must not be laced direct on the ; P directly pod. A layer of fine pulling it out of the mounting bracket. The PPC' test station FO LJfJDA-rIOt�J WALL / or pea gravel, sond or Na 8 crushed stone (Na 8 coarse shall be protected by a grode manhole of 7-Ih" minimum �) I E IG �T L I ICtJO G I� 3 p00 GAL TA:,i !L A � e r ate ASTM -448 at least 6 inches des must be spread diameter. � \�� � � �� , �, , / � ��� �' every over the dmensbns of the pod to separate the tank t ' from the pod 15 Contact between the steel tank and the fosowing equipment can nullify the cathodic protection design externot or internal '�V �, A ��:;,�• The tank stag not be placed on any other hard or sharp m \. �� �j, , /,,, //j c!z2HFAGTEP SOIL T0 piping, pumps. valves, electrical goging or monitoring equip - 3/, _ �, �, f� material that can cause deformation of the Conk on damage ment. and grounding systems A simple contintity test between g FEASTOOF_ dlJ�EiZ TkllK o �s p�A5N0 to the coctirq the PP219 lead wire and each connected system will verify SEE I 5"r{, LL A T I O 8.1 If installation area is in a tidal area, the tank 'bedding' the electrical isolation. Continuity should not be present. l OT A `mate6al s Id be 1¢�e gray`' p�?e ra+� tcr�-•�` rthon Sd 16. T he`bockiiit !hail be de ` site.') cast I v „r+ to T � _-.. .. - �` JtiJ iy QrN�t1d tr... C O w - .•.'. •, .r -. ... ..• of fs� 'rJC: .r _�Jt Cv*'� iJi ul :. ��J ♦..• strops to ensure that the Straps are separated iron the Conks coating especially where tamping is required. (Sea NFRA 30 by separating pad made o! on inert insulating dielectric and state or local codes for depth of ccver required.) moteriot The separating pod should be at Jeoe 2 inches wider 17. All Conks must be monitored to assure proper cathodic pro - than hold down straps' width and must be carefully placed tection of the fork Monitoring shat be occonTJshad by taking 3 anywhere an the tank where hold down straps would come structure to sol voltage readings within 1 year atter Instatk into direct contact with the tank shell. tion, and then In 5 year intervalr Intervals for the kfe of the installation - - - Flan'iogeneot�s txockt� fbllo late koc t t nd fed i regutat' f od- AKEPEACE lO U.L. APPROVED TANK CONTAINMENT RESERVOIR 20. STORAGE TANK OPENINGS Q COLUMN INSPECTION PORT U.L. APPROVED OUTER WRAP � INSPECTION COLUMN it k>_" DERVRITERS IJiBORATORIES INC.0 LISTED TYTL I SECONDARY NTA NKENT IEAGRJUMD TAKK MR PLAXKULE LIQUIDS CIRCUKFEREHTIAL DEGR •ONSULT LOCAL AUTHORITIES lEFORi COVERIN THIS TANK MO.X xxxx ENVIRO - TANK03WP E DUAL CONTAINMENT MASSACHUSETTS ENGINEERING CO INC AVON LASS. 02322 _ Ming of clean sand gravel, or other w oppGca ai s a e, a era Ions or non -corrosive Inert materials shall be placed along bottom ditional tank monitoring requirements. 4-�t-4 PLE-fE 5f E61 F 16 ATIOt.15 "rO SE. 500 FLI E0 5-� oI„jrJEtZ - tJ�TE : - PJZOPOSED SLAB -F S � 2F-1►1Fo2GED 3G� f c Co! JGRETE r,Ilt_L ADEQtl4lTI—LY p2E6LdPE ATI`( FLOTAT+o0 cr= lrAt: LhIDeiz eez ,JOv, TAr1K tt.! ToE Evt=o-r G 600JOp - .-- a AT =fZ_ 10Fj LT9ATI6P�.1 . 5LAB 15 We -16 01'Ep AT 60 1 bs• _sQ. FT oR 2' 14tf-S 1 Q. QC5 �5 _ .�ZHl- of MAr_ _ �Er t S QO. 4 M Art 1% tVlzEtzS N __ in�5tprt 7-to1J* r SCtZJCRcrJS t. It rr g� - Fl; 1 ArJ C,� - 6 It-1� J►J �tP �JO S'�P ,t✓ TAr�� rOZ klASiT-7 oI C_ iS -p t3+✓ (.c 1✓O OF -17115 Se �\J tLr—:7 Btu t LID i rJGc r�'i�lt-�'; Ttof c��Ct FtcRT tor.7 "TO 1� GF �c htA�. PAUL -. (I N S1�HAl 1 Y LERJNG 749 Main Street Suite B ®Box 266 CIATFS OF Osterville,Massa chusetts02655 � f (617) 420-2223 . TERV1 LLE Consulting and design engineers + Civil and structural TOLERANCES REvrsrons LJiJDE2G201JrJD STEL S(012AGt� �(At��- jEXCE" AS NOTED) NO. DATE BY J N STA L.L AT I O J PL AIJ DBCIMAL 1 g� r2187 P.J-D• IAJA` Of_ IL RkE2 t -1 -(AUTOS MAIZ44F_ Ai2LItJ6T0lJ STtZEF-T iJEST `' A;zHoUTr-I . MASS- - FRACTIONAL J. DRAWN BY SCALE MATERIAL s P.� oTEO _ CHWD - DATE I I (CJ7 DRAWING NO. ` ANGULAR E5 TRACED APP'D