HomeMy WebLinkAboutHyannis Marine Service - Specifications- Specifications for installation of Part. III Products 1. Underground Fuel Tanks 2.01 Double -Wall Fiberglas Underground Storage Tanks - located at the Hyannis Marine, Hyannis, MA A. I..'Loading Conditions -Tanks shall meet the fol lowing, design criteria: General 1. External hydrostatic pressure. Buried in ground with 7' of overburden tank, the hole.fully flooded and a safety factor i,.,1 *• i, Vented to atmosphere center of a manway. 3. -Follow over the top of the The contractor shall provide double-wall Fiberglas underground storage tanks 2• . of 5.1 against general•buckl in g , of loads: When installed according to manufacturers installation U.L. Labeled for petroleum products in sizes and with fittings as shown on nstructions tanks will withstand surface H-20 axle loads the drawings." The tanks shall be manufactured by Owens-Corning Fiberglas i lbs./axle). and installed with'their instructions. 3. ,32,000 .eternal load: Primary tank and annular space shall withstand indepen- Part I General -Section 13410 components rating. ' dent pressure test of 5 psi on tanks of 4' through,10' diameters.. 2-3/4 in. round 4. Resulting in a 5 to 1 safety factor. Tanks shall be d°signed to support accessory equipment such as 1.01 Related work specified in other sections. 2.02 Accessories heating coils, ladders, drop tubes, etc. when installed according to a. Cast -in -Place Concrete: Section 03300 0.2 amps manufacturer's recommendations and -limitations. b.- c. Anchor Bolts: Section 05501 _ _ Plastic Pipe: Section 15064 6.roduct.Storage Requirements: d. Liquid Level Gauges: Section 15174 1. All primary tanks must be vented. Tanks are designed for operation at 1.02 Governing Standards Monitoring circuit atmospheric pressure only, except for use with vapor recovery systems manufacturer. Each strap :hall designation at a pressure or vacuum of approximately 1 psi. Tanks shall be capable of storing liquids with specific gravity up to a. ASTM Specification D4021-81. Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester .2. load•for tank diameter as shown. b'. Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks. U.L. 1316. 3. 1.1. Maximum temperature. Tanks shall be capable of storing gasoline, (90.5% c. NationalFireP-otection Association (NEPA 30) & 70 � gasohol (90% gasoline and 10% ethanol mixture), g AV gas, jet fuel, diesel fuel 4.75% 4'.75% GTBA), d. e. Factory Mutual File J:I. OK6AF.A5__ _ National 'Sanitation Foundation Testin L�oratory, January 1984. •. � gasoline, methanol , or potable water at' underground temperatures, or fuel oil at. • interior surface. ,Standard 15. „ 'V �=//.•' 4. temperatures not to exceed 150°F at the tank p s. petroleum products. inert to P 1 ine Tanks shall be._chemical y p Lf. Compliance with 527 CMR 9.00-15.00 . to 2% sodium chloride, g. Adherence to the Town of Yarmouth Fire. Department and Board of V B. Dimensional Requirements (refer to Owens-Corning literature. ' u: Health Regulations.C. * Alarm test button for each circuit * Warning bell on gallonage.) h. OFC Publication 3.PE12681 Visual appearance A colorless to pale yellow, 1.03 Submittals 1. Nominal.capacity of the tanks shall be 8,000 gallons and 10,000 gallons. feet ) each. a. Shop Drawings: Contractors shall submit copies of shop drawings for 2. Nominal outside diameter of the tanks shall be eight .(8 Nominal overall length of the tanks shall be twenty-six feet (26 ,) ` each tank. Drawings shall include all critical dimensions and -show 3, and thirty-one feet fireproofed and mesh for all steel columns all fittings and accessories i.e. manways, ladders, hold-down straps, or All manways will be furnished complete with U.L. listed gaskets, 2. Y Drum weight 555 lbs._ heating coils etc. Materials of construction shall be in accordance Steel - To be clean and free from ':ieavy rust w, bolts and covers. 3. - see standard tank drawings. with Section 1.02 of this specification. -'< D. p Annular Space p b. CatalogData: Contractor shall submit copies of manufacturer's 1. ' ndar shell walls Tanks shall have a space between the primary and seco y c. literature. Certification Plate: U.L. labels for petroleum products shall be the contractor. Wiring is �< to allow for the free flow and containment of all leaked product from manway cover shall haje three 4�� NPT steel fittings weadedan12l0oce• in affixed to each tank. 2. the primary tank. Tanks.shall be designed -to provide monitoring capability as noted: s d. Installation Instructions and Calibration Charts: The contractors :a.. AccessbiIity to the tank bottom' between the primary and secondary panel to the probe assembly. shall submit two copies of each. - Consulting and design engineers Civil and structural walls. Tanke 1,000 gallon capacity and larger shal1-have one 4" Dimensions: " G. Piping Sumps Model SPS42-22A NPT on one end of the tank. Tanks 4,000 gallon capacity and larger the center of the cover to the center line of the fittingo fittingThe 4" fitting Assembled Sensor shall have one 4" NPT fitting located at each end of the tank. All r l' tanks shall` include one 4" NPT fitting in the Fiberglas reservoir. H. Piping Sump Sensor Sensor is pre -assembled and ready to wire. All electrical components are U.L. listed NEMA 4X. This float switch sensor is capable of detecting a 2" or more accumulation of liquid (water or product) in the piping sump. Contact are normally closed. The float switch is stainless steel; the float switch is housed in plastic casing and includes a mounting clamp. I. Switch Panel Model SP -1 The switch panel is pre -assembled and ready to wire. All electrical components are U.L. listed NEMA 4X. The.electrical box is nonmetallic. . J. Manway Interface Ring Shall be constructed of minimum 1/4" thick steel plate.- The interface ring includes welded studs, bolts, washers and cork gaskets to mount the inter- face ring and manway cover to the tank manway. The outer bolt pattern on the interface ring includes welded nuts, bolts, washers, and compression a ring .(minimum 1/4" thick) to fasten the secondary containment membrane (contractor supplied) for the piping system to the interace ring. K. Steel Compression Rings - - - Shall be constructed of minimum 1/4" thick carbon steel with bolt holes ina' bolt hole circle to be compatible with the manway cover bolt patterns. . L. FiberglasAttachment Rings _ Shall be constructed of minimum 1/4" thick Fiberglas materials.and - surface mounted to the tank top around existing manways. The 30" ID Fiberglas attachment ring is used in conjunction with a 2211 -ID manway. The 42" ID Fiberglas attachment ring is used in conjunction with the 30 ID manway. Both Fiberglas attachment rings include pre -drilled bolt holes in a bolt circle to match the 30" manway bolt pattern. M. Ladders Shall be standard carbon steel supplied by the tank manufacturer. Refer to drawings for location. N. Heating Coils Shall be standard item as manufactured and/or supplied by the tank manufacturer including.22" manway. 0. Tank.Lifting Lugs Provide lifting lug(s) on all tanks. Lugs shall be capable of withstanding weight of tank with a safety factor of 3 to 1.` P. Fitting Pods 1. Fitting Pods shall be factory installed at the locations shown in the tank drawings. 2. Double-wall fitting Pods will include a 2" NPT half coupling steel ' fitting for monitoring the upper compartment. Q. Fitting Threaded -NPT 1. All threaded fittings on U.L. labeled tanks for storage of petroleum products shall be:located in the manway lid(s) or fitting Pods and be constructed consistent with the requirements of the U.L. label. Fittings to be supplied with threaded cast iron plugs. 2. All standard threaded fittings. are 4" in diameter and shall be half couplings. Reducers .are to be used for smaller sizes where specified and provided by contractor. 3. Thread Standards - All threaded fittings shall have machine tolerances in accordance with the ANSI standard for each fitting size. 4: Strength - NPT fittings will withstand a minimum of 150 foot-pounds of torque and 1,000 foot-pounds of bending, both with 2:1 factor of safety. 5. Sizes Standard Inlet 4" Outlet 411 Vent 411 Gauge 411 Fill 411 6. Location - refer to drawing for location. 7. Suction Line -'Shall be installed on site by the contractor. Diameter of pipe and grade and schedule as called out in other sections.. 8. Return Line - Shall be installed on the site by the contractor. Diameter of pipe and grade and schedule as called out in other sections. 9. All rigid internal piping shall be terminated 4" from the bottoms of the tanks. Part III Execution 3.01j 3.02 Installation and Testing J/tanks shall be tested and installed according to the•current installationstructions provided with the tank (refer to Owens-Corning Fiberglas publication 3 -PE -6304 and 3 -PE -12681 and include as part of your specification). ✓ o 11091 Imm NR slim- "IRN N "mill" 110i MAKEPEACE . 1 , b. -i Thefollowing continuous monitoring condi tions are compatible.with• E. Fiberglas Tank Bottom Sumps 1. - - Features li Model S60014A -- --- -- the cavity between the inner and outer tank: 1. Sumps shall be factory installed at the tank bottom directly under the Provide adequate ties for all steel bars and stirrups in slabs and in slabs and beams to be held at correct . i,.,1 *• i, Vented to atmosphere center of a manway. 3. -Follow Number of monitoring circuits 4• 4. * Sealed tank cavity 2. Sump will include a tank bottom deflector plate within the sump at the accordance with A.C.I. 318. 5. * Vacuum -3" mercury maximum (1.5 psi max:) bottom. Electrical Weatherproof , 6. * Positive air pressure (3 psi max.) * Hydrostatic pressure -7 foot maximum head pressure over tank top.' 3. The sum will be 8" in diameter p ameer 4" d andeep. components rating. ' (NEMA 4X) 2-3/4 in. round F. Hydrostatic Monitor Accessories Dimensions 20"H x 17"W .x 10"D 2.02 Accessories • Total power 0.2 amps A. Anchor Straps -'Provide glass' fiber -reinforced plastic anchor straps for 1. Brine Antifreeze ' g consumption • 20 watts a shall be as specified by each tank shown. Number and location of straps be capable of withstanding the -buoyancy Brine solution BAS -30 Monitoring circuit 12 Volts A.C. manufacturer. Each strap :hall designation - Type A-5-7% air entrained cement load•for tank diameter as shown. - Slump Range - 2-4" power .033 amps 8' 0 - 25,000 lbs.' Chemical composition_ 301 t calcium chloride, sub -soil in a medium state. in-situ material be encountered a more detailed analysis is required.. Straps shall be standard a.,s supplied by the,.tank manufacturer. 1% to 3% potassium chloride, 1% All control panel include: *Panel Lights for each circuit 1. _• . to 2% sodium chloride, noted. B. Certification Plate - Undei-writers' Laboratory label and Factory Mutual u: Balance water * Alarm test button for each circuit * Warning bell i= label shall be permanently affixed to each tank. Visual appearance A colorless to pale yellow, * Transmission contact (normally closed) for phone dialer C. Flanged Manwaysodorless 22" manways are prvided with each tank of 4,000 gallon resting on masonry, except as otherwise shown. fluid * .- Panel housing materials.. figerglass --- - - 1. Two standard more capacity.. Specific gravity @ 'S0°F 1.272-1.31' * Two spare light bulbs fireproofed and mesh for all steel columns or All manways will be furnished complete with U.L. listed gaskets, 2. Y Drum weight 555 lbs._ *Wall mounting hardware Alarm bell silense switch Steel - To be clean and free from ':ieavy rust w, bolts and covers. 3. - see standard tank drawings. Drum dimensions _ 22 1/2 diameter *Hasp for padlock • .Location 4. For tanks of 4,000 gallon capacity or more, each standard steel , LOW 33 3/4" height Note: All wiring materials are provided by the contractor. Wiring is �< STREET, YARMOUTH, MASS. manway cover shall haje three 4�� NPT steel fittings weadedan12l0oce• in 2. Reservoir Sensor Model RS10 ( ) S TREE T, ORLEANS, MASS.. required from the power source.to the control panel and -from the control , MAILING ADRESS: P.O. BOX I/9 One cover will have the•three 4 fittings welded pI have three 4" fittings welded YARMOUTH PORT, MASS, 02675 panel to the probe assembly. I Consulting and design engineers Civil and structural spacing and the second cover will 11 an 8 radius from in line. The 22 mar1�'ay cover fittings are on Dimensions: G. Piping Sumps Model SPS42-22A BY the center of the cover to the center line of the fittingo fittingThe 4" fitting Assembled Sensor 2.75" dia. maximum x 16"L.. 1 l' cover with three axial line fittings will have one ' The 30" manway cover fittings are on a 12�� Lead Cable 121L maximum Dimensions: 42" dia x 36"H the cover center. "manwa cover fittings are on a 15" radius. radius; the 36 ) to -provide PVC Riser Pipe - Weight: 175 lbs. 5. " ' meter and 42" high will be supplied Manway risers 48 �n dia f A 24" x24" street box with a Cap & Fitting 4" dia. Capacity: 238 gallons J access to the manway lid. galvanized cover must be provided by contractor for at grade installation. be for the Flexible Conduit 3/8" dia. x 18 % 'Materials: Isophthalic Polyester 6. Fiberglass manway extension tubes 24" long will provided outlined in Section 3 above. Electrical Components p Pipe Fittings• .(2) 3" FRP coupling @-90° manways as Rating UL listed spacing D. Fill Tubes Switching Contacts Normally closed* Electrical Ftgs: (4) 1 Steel NPT full coupling 1. plastic. Tubes shall be fiberglass-reinforced� 4" diameter, and shall include a. 3. Electronic Control Panels � ' Sump' @ 900 spacing r 2. nstalled Tubes shall be factory i to 4" diameter. 1' l fitting with a d)uble tapped reducer bushing 6 9 • Bolt Pattern: SPS42-22A:22" 3. stee Tubes shall be standard items'as manufactured and installed by the The I:Oontrol panel shall be constructed of UL listed. electronic components: ' SPS42-30A:30" tank manufacturer. The control panel power source is 120 volts A.C. (contractor privded.wiring). Gaskets: Same 4. tubes supplied : Owens-Corning. Other fill tubes of appro-. FRP fill to pP s' The sensor monitoring circuit'is an intrinsically safe circuit, i.e., the priate design can be supplied by 'contractor. circuit is incapable of releasing sufficient electrical or thermal energy Bolts & Washers: Galvanized steel 5. Location -FRP -fill tubes hall be located in the center fitting of the to cuase ignition of specific hazardous material under "normal" or "fault" Type Lid: Steel manway cover operting conditions. manway,, cover. Lid Opening: 22" dia. ' Lid Fittings: • (1) 4" NPT l= Special Conditions J1. General: All metal fittings and piping shall be cathodically protected and coated with Koppers Bitumastic No. 300-M with minimum thickness of •16 mils. V/2. Owners Engineer to inspect and certify all phases of site work -and installation. Upon completion of project, the Design Engineer shall submit an "As -built" drawing to the Town Fire and Health Dept. Note: Distribution fuel lines fed. by pressure of 35 psi. (Re: J.D. Hallberg &'Sons, Inc. - Installers) GENERAL SPECI'=ICATIONS CONCRETE` 1. Concrete•'shall develop a strength of 3000 Lbs. per sq. in. at 28 days.+,,, -- --- -- Reinforcement shall be intermediate grade Jeformed bars. 2. Provide adequate ties for all steel bars and stirrups in slabs and in slabs and beams to be held at correct beams. All reinforcing steel distance from forms by adequate concrete blocks, steel chairs,'or ties. 3. -Follow A.C.I. 318 rules as'to stirrups, column ties, and anchorages. 4. Provide longitudinal or temperature reinforcement in solid slabs in 1? accordance with A.C.I. 318. 5. All negative moment rods to extend to quarter points of spans 'unless otherwise shown. 6. At ends of non -continuous beams, provide cnchor bars in top of beam. 1/3 of main reinforcement but not less than m i Anchors to be equivalent to by 4 ft. long, unless noted otherwise. 2-3/4 in. round Concrete - Minimum f'c 3000 PSI ACI 318.77 - Steel bar coverage per - Maximum aggregate size 1/2" - Type IA -5-7% air entrained cement - Reinforcing steel - details not shown on drawing shall g be made in accordance with ACI detailing manual 315-65 - Footing/Foundation-minimum f'c 3,000 psi - Centerline Footings -minimum f'c 3,000 psi - Maximum aggregate size 1/2" - Type A-5-7% air entrained cement - Slump Range - 2-4" - Strip walls,no sooner than 24 hours NOTE: Foundation has an assumed soil of medium to fine sand with loamy Should substantially different sub -soil in a medium state. in-situ material be encountered a more detailed analysis is required.. STEEL' 1. All lintels shall have 6 in. minimum bearing each side unless otherwise' noted. 2. Steel joists to have not less than 4 in. bearing on walls. u: 3. Where open web steel joists span more than 14 ft. provide safety headers of approved type. 4. Provide standard bearing plates and government anchors for all steel beams resting on masonry, except as otherwise shown. 5. Double steel beam nand girders to be provided.with pipe separators. 6. Provide soffit clips for bottom flanges of all steel beams to be.. to be fireproofed. fireproofed and mesh for all steel columns 7. fin thickness shall be as follows: Beams 2", columns 2". Fireproofing Steel - To be clean and free from ':ieavy rust w, - Grade 60 ASTM A615 i. • , LOW &W _LL E'R, INC. 714 MAIN STREET, YARMOUTH, MASS. I .-29 MAIN S TREE T, ORLEANS, MASS.. MAILING ADRESS: P.O. BOX I/9 YARMOUTH PORT, MASS, 02675 I Consulting and design engineers Civil and structural TOLERANCES REVISIONS (EXCEPtASNOTFDI NO. DATE BY DECIMAL L Ct-A-nC) : AZLj .- To (,I c'l = Ira, 1 z GLa Ear': `I �Xt`��� IS ��lP I✓ FRACTIONAL 3 DRAWN BYSCALE MATERIAL 1 3 4 CHWD DATE DRAWING NO. - ANGULAR -? TRACED APP'D S 2