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Location: AM�/ LOT� Date of Subdivision Approv
Street ' ' �i� <� Zone of Contribution:
Villa�e Commercial Residential
Owner: �`�D�t��j'���y�C�'/ Installer__��.�'
Builder: Engineer ��
1. Re uired n mber of co ies received.
2. Date of s ils exam and ercol tio test n t older than 2 ears.
3. 4 feet of nat r 11 oc rrin erviou m erial bove wat r ta le new c nst c ion
4 Foundation 2 feet above hi�h point of fronting road for new construction �C
5 Water availabilitv letter from Water De�artment for new construction X
. enc k ' ' �a e and s wn- V if near wetl ds
7 Building sewer does not:exit center of house
8 Septic tank a minimum of 10 feet from house and deck �'
9. Leac in ' imu of 2 f from house and 10 f m deck
10 Leaching a minimum of l00 feet from wetlands
11 Leac�ing a �nimt�m of 150 feet from drinking wells/25 feet from irrigation wells X
12 Svstem meets all other setback requirements >C
13. Uses adjustment for maximum high groundwater.
14. Leachin 4 -5 feet above ad'u t d water t b e or bott of est it.
15 Svstem not in top or subsoil or 5 foot removal
16. Pro�osed cont u are uita le.
17. Svste meet sl e re uire e ts - ' . 1/8" 1/4" ef rr d
18. v �em e ts bre ut re ire ts- asto e e eva i n ca 'ed out 15 feet minimum.
19. S �rcified t sizes are ro er s ba on outlet tee.
20. Sewa fl w under 1 000 d for a el
21 '�to _a� rba dis�osal
22. Svstem ad uat 1 s' e f r it ' t de u .
23. M' ' m 6" to e or echanica lv om acted below th t and d-box.
24. Manhole c ver wit ' " ade - s tic tank and um cha ber.
25. Electrical ermit f r um cham r.
?6. Pum - 2" line wee hole che k valve s nit -box al o e ara e circui
7. Se tic t nk a m c er to F cto wate roo d.
28. Vent ovi ed i lea ' low e r under d 'vewa r arkin
29. Engineer to inspect and certify_ la removal
wall c n truetion c e le
c. commercial s stem
30. En ineer and L nd Surve or sta and si nature. '
31 H20 loading when system subject to vehicular traffic �
32 Title V application and fee signed by.a licensed installer �1
33. Foundation tootin 2 feet above ad'usted water table.
34. Lot subdivided rior to Jul 31 1986 - Nitrat Loadin .
35. Subdivided rior �o A ri 7 19R9 - Phos hor s Zone 300'.
Plan reviewed bv: