HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 Jan 03 - Letter/Contract from Siegmund Environmental Services JAN. 2. 2003 11 : OlAM SIEGMUND ENVIRON N0. 096 P. 1/1 . � ; . . 7anuary 2,20�3 3IBGMU�TD E�TV'IRONIV�BNTAL 3ERVICES,hvc. To: Amy L.Von Hone,RS.,C.T�T.O. Town of Yarmouth Health Deparbment � �� �0 ��(�? a9 P.vuion A�o 1146 Rte, 2S �A N 0 2 20D3 �rov�aenoe,iu aa9os South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Tca aoi-�as-oiso ���; 508-398-0836 HEALTH �ex aoi-�as-�tto t�EPT. &�u:a��� s►��a�oup.�m From: Hollister S. Siegmund �1 StcgmundGroWp Compar�y R.e: Singula.ir Installation ASSOCTATLA Mazzafenro Residence COMPANTES: 64 Mellville Road South Xarmauth,MA SBSi Job#MA 162 DN U.S.A� ' A.J.Reaources ' Massachusens �Y� GA12Y The aforementioned Singulair wsatewater treatmont systearn was properly installed and M�1��• rendexed operational on Decembe�9,2002. and , Profes-Aqua,Kt't, ,,�,�p��e�D�P approval,testing of the system wil]commence a�proxunately 1 montb � eudapest ��e homeowx�ez has moved in. i UssIA SgSi wi11 provide youx office with a11 test results, iu�spection reports and all other Sesi-Krasnodar �o��om regarding the operation and maiz�tenance of the system, � Krasnodur If there is any additional inforn�ation we can provide,ploase do not hesitate to natify us at � S VAI�REPUBLIC your convenience. � Ekostar/usa spol,sr.o. ; Tomasov WEST II�IDIES �g��' � c—,� Rosewater Systems,N.V. 1 tst S, �e [�n SY.Maarte� g Principal McAlastair,I�td, � Nevi� ' cc:MA 162 DN Jobfile ; i � � � ; 12/11/02 14:02 FAX 508 862 3100 E%CEL SwITCHING MFG �002 DEC. -11' 021WED) 13�54 SI�G�UNDGROUP . . TEL:401 785 3110 P. 002 � � , S�GMUND ENVIROIVMENTAY.SERViCES,INC. 49 Pavilion Avonue,Providence,Rhode Yslsnd 0�905 tel:401 785 0130 fsx:4017$S 3110 1NITIAL SINGLTX,AIlZ MAINTENANCfi CONT1iACT IN MA33ACi�USETTS For Pilo!!ng Use Sys�ems(Denite) This contraci� entered inro between Siegmund Bnviravnental Services, Ino_, (SESi) and I�ck lVla�uferro, (F3omeowner) this lith day of Dece�anber ,2002, shall be binding upon bath psr�ies in accordanoe with the oonditions and terms set forth below: Term of Contraot: 12/11/2002-12/11/Z004 Location af Singulair. 64 Mellville Roa(�,South`Yarmouth MA SESi Jnb Number_ MA-16�4(Dl� The Seivice and Maintenane� contra�t sha11 consist of four rogulaz servica visiis at apprpximately six moath intervals by trained tcchnicians to: 1) inspect tha depth o�'solids in the �irst chamber astd notify the homeowner if pumping is recommended 2) cheok that amperage draw of th�motor'rs within proper operaCing limits 3) remeve�nd clean air sheH and aepirator 4) inspect conditinn of the filter; service if necessary 5) check overall operstion of unit � complete inspection forrn aud submit to homeowner and loc$1/state authorities,if rec;uired ; In addition to�he re�larly seheduled service vi�its,SESi wi11 perform the first 10 sampling tests. SESi wiIl also ' monitor the Bystem on a qu�rterly basia for the first year. SBSi wi11 respond to non-scheduled events vvithin a 48 hour period from time of notification. SESI wil] apply a charge for labor, transportation, and shipping in aeeo�nce with ihe Singulair fifty year exchange program for replaeement or ropair to the aerator motor. The PURCHASER t�nd/or the O WN�R of the Sin�u[air wi I I be rasponsible for additional teating$nd related costs slwuld the Deparrment of Ba�virnnmenta! protectinn (DB� and/or the 7'own (where the Singulair is located) ; require testing beyond the predetermined and pre paid period. The refusal of the PYJ'RCFIASfiR and/or t�e OWNER to pre-pay for additianal testing shall be interpreted that the PLTRCHASER and/or the OWNER have � asswned all the aonsequences for stopping the testittg Uefrn'�such was authori2ed by pEP and/or the Town and indemni�jed SESI fxom aay acdon by AEP or the Town. PerformanCe testin� required by the bTP license j aAproval is based on an instantaneaus grsb sample which can be et.�ected by a nuTnber of factors beyond the j controI of SESI,sueh as:maintenanee af�continucd service program,the dtsruption of the biological trea4nent process and tesling gtaegdtffes si7d pratocol. SESI shc�ll not be held $nancially respor�sible for the repair, replacemCnt,or modification of the treatment sysren�resulting from conditions beyond our control. ; Non-scheduled servico vislts result�ing �um prnduct pse in � 1n�nner inconsistent with the directions ; contuined in the Uwner's Manual, negligence, tampertng or un-authorized rnoditications of equipment, termination of electrlclty to the ntotor,dischargo of hArmfnl chemical�,malfi�nc�ions not attri6utable to the ; Singulair system or other improper pse will result in a aervica Gharge of�50 payable at the time of service. ` Should payment be contested or not made,the balance due will be applied to future scheduled servfice visits. When calling about your Singulair Wastewatcr Treatmcnt Systam,please refer to the SESi Job 1Vurnber. SESi: Date: /_ � L � I i Homeowner: � Date:� �'�- i Revisea�ar2aoi y i i E 4 i