HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 Jun 17 - Faxed Copy of DEP Renewal of Piloting Approval 06/17f2002 14:03 5083628506 EAGLE SURVEVING INC PAGE 02 . a �UN. -12� 02 (WED! 10:46 S I Er!NUNDGRo�!p TEL��A 1 '65 3! �I P. 002 � � COMMONWEALT�i OF .Njt�►SSACI3VSETT:�,� EXECU'!'NE QFFICE OP' ENVtRONMEN7,4L AF�'AIRS DEPARTNYENT OF ENVtgONMEN'r'AI, P�i�tOTECTION ONE WINTE}t STREET, 80STpN, MA 02108 637•2l�2•3�00 JA1VE 8�1P�T Qowiaoe 80B J)CJR1iND S.�•ury iJLiTRHN A.LI$8 , CammiNioasr RENEWAL OF;I'ILOTING APPR�VAL � � PursuBnt to Title�, 310 C1vIIt 15.000 ' N$me and Addr�ss of Applicant: Siogtuutid Envi=otimental Servi�rs. 1s�c. 49 Pavilion AveAuc Prvvidcncc, IZI �2905 Trade name of techno]ogy and m�del numbers; `:orweco Siagulair Model`960 DN(300, 75Q, ' 1000, 1�50 and 1500 C}PD aapaciry) (hereisiafiertbc "S3�stem'�. Date of Application: January 19, 20U 1 . Trnnsmittal Nurmbcr: w107fi94 . • D�te of Issuancc: � Augusi 17,3001 Date of Expiratiati: Au�tut ]7,200b Authorit��for XlBtt�nce Pt�3ttaat to Title 5 of the 5tete E�vironmeaLal Code, 310 CMR 1 S.00Q, th��Dep�m���of ` E3i'vironment�l Protectiott her�eby issue9 this Approval to; Sie�und Envi:�amGntal Services, Ine,,49 Pavilion Avenue� pravidCnce, g,j 0?90i ('aareinafter "thc Compa�;;�"), to Pilet in�the Cort�onwealth of Mztssachusetts tbe System described herein. Salc and L��e of the Systert� are conditioaed on and sub,�ect to compliat�ce by thc Cosnpeay aad the Systcn��m�vnor with the teztas �rid candi'iions stt fotth below_ Any noncompliance with the tmms or can�:isUons of this Approval co��a violation of 310 CMR 15.000. .� ��/ d ; �. � g A si t ommissioaer D� $ureasi of Resourcc Proteetion Dsparrtaeat of Enviro�men�t,a] protection TM�f�tOrstY�n i�rslkblt In�lurna��f�rm�t b;r1LLae vur ADA Ce�14�1w��(�l�):7'Mfe72. D�►Pn lh�Wo11Q 1M0�W�h, �uM�wa:sMt�enw.�p � pnnlb on R�pwd►��r i 06/17/02 MON 14:00 [T%/RX NO 8378] 06I17I2002 14:03 5083628506 EAGLE SURVEVING INC PAGE 03 . � �UN. -12' Q1 (WED) 10�46 SIEGMUNDGRoUP TEL�4o1 '85 311'9 P. o03 Sibgniair R�f1ewAJ of Pitotir�Approva! x. p�o��� 1. The purpose of this Approval is to pro�►ide field tesiing a;�d tcchi�ical demoAstration of the Systetn in 'vla�sachv,ge�� oA a Pilat:ibg Approvetl basis, so �s to eva]uate whother the 5ysterc caa fi�sction eff�ctivcly. 2. Wi�i tha necessary perauts aad approvals required by 31 "�CMR I 5.000, this P�lot APPmval autborizes th� e�se ax�d inst,ei2ation of the Systei;i in Massachusetts, and requires testi,ng so tbat the DepZrtaeni cac�deteamine wh;:ther the 5ystem Consist�ntly ean or cannot funttion to eflFectivaly redvee t�:rtai nitrageA (YN)to less than 10 zng/L. T1y is eqval co TKN(tot�tl Y{j��Ni;:t��cn)pins NO2 (Ni�iu)plus NO3 (Nitratc), : � 3• Th� SY���Y pn1Y be installe� on �'acilities that meet tl:ie criteria of 310 CMR� 1�.285(2). II• Ylesign Sttadards 1. ?he System consists of a chre:-compar�ent extend;,:d aeration wastewatcr �aatmertt system contai.ued in a conCrete tg�lc. �� fust �hambcr is the primary settIing arca with a b�fIe uatsr�on to prevc�it solids fr;:im onterin� the secvnd compartmeut. A blower operar„ag on ;p �j,a�� on ��•� 30 m.inut�s off cyC1e aarates th� seeond ohember�promotin� aerobie digestion. A re-circulation p�p Iecated in a chamber p�aced ic�medi�.ul9 after the di�;�rge from thc third �h�a�bcr re=�irculatCs ap�roxiraa;�iy 13 to 20 peieent of tt�•�processcd wastevvatex ta tbe first ohamber. ',�he ra-cL:ula�nn pump is oper����d on thc same timer mecharsism as th� aarator motor i3� thisd chaznbcr cont�.ius the Bio-ZCiaetic uaii . aad swves as a clarification ana nitr�tion area. Sehe�;;.pcs of the System are attached to this Approval, 2. The System sbalI be installed !� 5CriCS betwecn �the ��.i,ildiAg scwer and the distributian box of a srandard Ti�r 5 systcm as construcG;�ci in accflrdauce with 3l4 CMR 15.100 - 15.279, subje�; to the provisions a�tbi;�qpptp��. �e use of a sep�a taalc is aot reqczired. Tu�o or a�ore utiit5 may be install�d in para11e1 to ; aoaouvmodate larger desi�n flows. 3. I�a accordaac� with 310 Cl�vIIt 1�.317(2)� � inrrcase u, calculat�d al7owable nitrv�en-loading per acre is aI]oHed for facilities, with th:�:use of the Systern in �'ras subject to nitrogen IoadinB ��tions, under 310 C11�fIt 15.2]4, When used in sucla�rcas; i• for�9idential facilities wiL a desigr� flow less thau ;;A.00 gallOns per day . (gpd), the desigu flow�hheil aot exc ve d 6 6 0 g s l lons j�,:r d�y p�r�Cle ` (�Pda), �x• tbr nQa-r�sidential faciiitie� ��itb a desigs�flow �ess tl:4au 2,OU0 gpd, the desi8a�low sh�ll nvt exceea�SO �pda, iu. fot g[j facitit�es with desi�a 9ows�,000 gpd or grea;�tr,thc des�grt flew sha11 r�ot cxcced 440�pds Pw�s:Z ot 8 O6/17/02 MON 14:00 [TX/RX NO 8378] 06/17/2002 14:03 5083628506 EAGLE SURVEYING INC PAGE 04 JUN. -t:' 021WED1 t0�47 StEGMLNDr,ROUP TEL:401 '85 311sj P, 004 _ Sin�ulair Reecwa!o!Pilotine Approval � AI. Geoersl Conditions 1. No mvre than 15 Systems me►y b:insta]led smder this Apg:�val. A representative of tbe Compat7y shall bc onsite �o iAspect aad approvt eac`�l 3ystem iustallation. i 2, All provisioas of 310 Clv�t ]5.000 aze applicable to the ur�of'this Sysum,th� System owner aad thc Company,-xcept th�se that specift��ally have bcen vmricd by the terrns of this Approval. I: 3. Aay required Operetios�and nzainrtnan�c sball be ptrform,ld in accordaace with a Aeparttaent appro�ved plan. An��raquired semplC analYsi� ��11 be condueted by at► 'sndepCndent U.S. EPA or DfiP spproved�estiag labora���ry,or a DEP �pproved� . independant univarsity laborntor.•. It is a violation of ihi9 ,�ipproval to faisi�y any dau coliected pvrsuent to an approvcd tasti�plan,to omi�'any rGqu,ired d�ta or to fail to sub�it�►ny repor!rcquirCd by such p1aa. 4. The foUowing t�ble lists the monitonng req�remcats fot°�ystent6 installed urider this Approval. TI�e foliowing paramcters shall be monitor•�t�i:pH, biochemical oxy�en demand (BODs),total swpcnded solids{TSS), an��TN. All monitorin� cl�ta shall be subraitted to tho Dc*�arcment aad Soeal appso�.�ag authority within 30 . days of the sazapling datc. � . � ,.k_ Facility'I'ype Deaigaa low Strcam � Frequeocy ��eIe I Monihly fos at lcast the fir�t six Reside•ntial <2,D04 � E#'flueat I month.a, qu8tterly thereaf�.;�r ��b R�sideneial >Z,p00 �ucnt& h9ontbly for at least th�fi��ert 18 composite* — E�Iueat mouths, Non-residcntial AlI �uent & 1�Zonthly for�t lessi the fi;•�t 18 cvmposite' Ef�luent n�aouths, � *Unless otheruvise Specified by the Dep�,-�aea� cemposits sha11 '"�� d�terminod based on facility op�ratiotl 5. The faeility served by the Syste�aad th� System itself st�t�1 bc open ta inspectian s�d sempling by the DeparCa�enc a.�d th� locat approving :��ority at all reasonable timcs. � 6. In aceordance with applieable lav��;tb�Dcpartment a�d/or �loeal apprdving au t horiry may reguiro the owacr ojthe Syst�to cease oi,E r a t ion of the systcm and/ar to talce any other actioa as i�decros necessary to pr,�tact public health, safety,wielfare at�d the environmen:. � � 7. The Dcparmiarlt��not dcur�nin�d that the performar,ce :�f d�c System will ` provide a level of protection to pu�lic healtb tud safcty ar���d tbe eaviroameAt that is nt le�t eqttivalent to t�at of a seu�er system. Aceording?- ,no Systam shall be instelled, if it is fe�sible to connec�Tbe facility�o a senitar���se�r, unlcss as a11cv�+ed by 31 Q CNIlZ 15.00A. ` P��e:3 oi 8 O6/17/02 MON 14:00 ' [T%/RX NO 8378] 06117/2002 14:03 5083628506 EAGLE SURVEYING INC PAGE 05 , JUIY, - 12' 02 (WED) 10;48 SfEG�9��NDG��UP TEL:�(►1 "85 311 'f P. 005 Sine�lsir Rec�ewsl olP�totin�wpprovsl � ! 8� Desagtt gad iAsta�lation of th� Systi-m st7all bc is� strict cor.t�crmancc with the Compsny'S DEP spproved plaas and specific$tions, 3�0 C'�!R 15.000 snd this Approvul. N. Coaditioos Appue�ble to t6e System Uwaer ' l. Tha SyStem 19 apprOved in conne�*ion with i6e discl�Asg� ;:�i s�itary wastewaur on1y. Any aon-sanitary wastewater ges��raud or iucd at tl���facility served by thc System shall aot be invoduccd i�to the System and shall t�+E lawAally disposed of. '. Operation and 1Vlainunes�ce plan end aFre�zat: � i. 7brou�hout its life,the S�s�em shall be under aa o���cration and . �nsaiaten8acc(0&NIj a��emen:t. Tl�e first O&M a�;; ement shall be for at � Icast 18 montt� with the C�mpany. Eaeb subseqn:: t O&M agreement shs�ll be fot at least cne y��. � ii_ No System shall be used i:ntil an O&M plan is sab.:�ittad to tlse Depaztment at►d thc laca' �?pro��iug au�horiry whic:'�: a. pro�►ides far the caaeacting af a person ar:'�n competent in providia�services cor�sistent with iha SysU::�'s spccificntivns and the op�ration and:�aintenance requirer�ent�!specified by the d�si�er�d an;•s',ccified by�c Depttroaz�;:�tt; � b, eontaius�autine C&M acuuiti�s specifiod 1��thc Company nceessary for prop�operation of the Syste.�� ; c. cont�s pro�edures for norifieatioA to t�e I':�ep�ent and the loral approvi.og etstAoriry withm fiv�days c S�a System failurc or � el�um Cvcnt and for corrCctive measttres to 1�e taketi immediaiely; d. provides the name of an operafoz, which ur.,�be a Messaehusetts ce�ifird operato:e�required by�57 CI►� ",_04,tbat will oparate a�d moaitor rhe 5}�sum� � - fOr 8 System sen►ing a Facility with f��design flow less than 2,000 �p�ine operatoz must opr,rat�����d maintair►t]le Syseem at�e frequaacy'p�cified ir.�Se�tioa III item 4 and anytime t�ere is aa alarm event; ` � for a Sys�r�serviag facili.ry with a ,.�yi�flow otZ,00D �ad or grra�zer. the operato�:n�st apc�te and maintain the System at le�sc manthly�nd anyti�;�.th�re is an alarm event; and � e. contains ati egrpemant to monit4r the Systc c�fo�s at la�st the �rst l8 moaths a�desai3ed in Section V, itr,.�s ,� through 9. �- Afbcr fhG first 18 moaihs of operapc�aa, if the 5ystem is $pp�-�ved as acccpteble by ' the Dep�ent,tlu ovmer shall si�a at least s enc ycar a�����mcnt with �y individu�l or fum wi�a Massachu.SCtLs certified operator c;��'the appropriste �ade. i• L�]uent dis�ar�c limits shal! remain as p=escribed �i Section V� item 6. Should the Systc�exceed cbe applic�bie TN, BOD;f;' or TSS limit on two consecutive sampliag eveass, the ownar shall bave ;�Eta pet'son vr fitm co�aatcd to monitor the 5ystom suba�it wit�i� 60 �.�ays a rvporc io the �se;�pre O6/17/02 MON 14:00 [Tx/RX NO 8378] 06I17l2002 14:03 5083628506 EAGLE SURVEYING INC PAGE 06 i ' ' JUN, -I2` 02 (WED) 10��8 S 1 EGMt�NDGRO[!P T�L�401 %85 3l 1�� P, A06 . Sin�ulatr Ren�wal OIPiloti�Q Appro�•a] � Deparhr�eni on the reasou5 for th�exceecia,�,ces wit'7�teeomm�nd$tians of how fEtture violations wiL 'n�prevented. ' ii. Thc o�uvncr shall �bn�it momtoring d�ta and O &I+�I�iaspectian results to the Departmeat and t�'�e lo.;a! approvia�authority v��t3�iu 30 days of�ch sa�ripIing datc au�d each iaspectiOn date. The inspe�:�ion result5 rtiusi ix racvrded on a DEP approt•c�iaspecttou form and a �xhnology checklist, e�pies af which arc attacbad te thia Approval, The �ns must be cOmpleted by the Systcm oper�.tor. � iii, 7'he ovvrser may request, in writla�, a chang�. in tbe �nitoring reyuu�ements from the Depac�nent. ' 4. Tha owncr of th� Systara shall at all um�s have ihe 5ysterr��,,ptoperly operated aad ' maintairud ia �cardance with tbe Company's and the desi,�er's operation aad maintannuce requiremears atsd this Approval. ' 5. A,t�y�imc the operator is changed;�1th�.n sev�n days of suc�chatt�e,thv owr�er shall notify the Dcpartmtnt�v+d w:loc2tl appzoving author��y iq writin� and submit a copy of the new agreem�t to ope�rate ru►d moaite�the System. 6. The owner shall fluz�ish the Y)epa-�ent any infot�atian,��,�ch the Depa�xneac may reqc�cst re�arding tbe Systam,within 21 days of t6e d,��e of reccipt ef that request. � 7. The owner of thc Systcro shall pro�ide e copy of this Appr�:�val,prior to tbe si�iag of a purchase and sale agr..^�►ent far thc faciliry se::�ved by the Systcm or anv portion thcreof,io tt�e proposed new o�wrier. . 8: n �� . , ` �''����x �-', `�t�a �� ��„ -..3 ��� ��E+�,�� � �;;� t����r v� a � - . ��- 4�. `6��►i���d o�ai���as�rr��,�vat. 9. The ow�er ahall raeord in tbe aypTopriau registry of d�eds �notic�that discloses the existenco o�Lhiy Pilot Use approved alterustive sy�t�sr��d the iavolvement of the Depsrtmeat is�the approti•� o!'thc system. Prier to tF[e local spproving �Sutbo�ity's isst�aace of a Cerdfira�.!af Campliance for the �prt�n, tt,e owncr shall b�th record the ootice iu th�registry ar,d suba�it to c��.�Depamnent end rhe ]oc�l approving authority tbe book and p��e nunzber of th�!s�cordiug. ?. . Witbin fotvteen days of the)ocal approvin�authority's issr.�tc�e of tlac Cet�dficate of Cosupli�ee,the owner shall submit a cflpy of thc Certit i�Cate of Complianec to the Dapar�ent � v'. Condiqoas ApplicAble to tl,e Companz� . A 1. Sy 3enuary 31 of each year,the Compeny shaIl submit�to tL�e Deparaneni e�rapon, signed by a cerporate efficer, gen�al par�er ar Company �:�wner� that cantains iuformation oA the System,for the�mvious eelendar year. �e reporC shail stau: the nut�aber of units of the System setd for use in Massach�::�s duxing thc previous yesr; thc eddress of each installed System,the�au•��tr's namc aad addsees, the type vf use(e.g. resideanal, caasmerciel, schn�a�.institiiational)� aad ' p■ga:s oi 6 � i O6/17/02 MON 14:00 [TX/RX NO 8378] i 06/17I2002 14:03 5083628506 EAGLE SURUEYING INC PAGE 07 , , J�N, -1�' 0: (WED) 10��9 SIEGM��NDGROI'P TEL:40! 'a5 311�) P, nn� 5ia�uiRir Renewe�l of Pilotlne Approval tk�t design flow; �d for a]) SystCms instaltcd since the dst`,� of issu.a�ce of thc ftrss Piloting Approval for thhis Synstem (August 20, 1996), al] Y���own failures, malfunatians. and carrecti�e actio�s takea and the date atr�``address of each such evei�t. 2. Th� Company shall notify the Director af tbe Watershed���7mitting Program at lta�t 30 days in adv�ce of the propose��aasfer of owarr�:�ip of the uchnology for which this Approv�l is issued Said notiftcatian shaU iri��lude thc name�d address ofthe proposed new own:r and a writter�a�eem�,�t batwccn ti�e exiscing aad pro,posed aew owner aoatainia�a specific date for tr�,��fcr of ownership, responsibility, cpvGrage Rnd liabiiiry between them. All ptr:ivisions of thi8 Approval applicable to the Cnrnpa�y sha�l be applicabl�u•�succegsors�d assigus of the COmpany� uni�ss the Deparms�nt determinas othera��ise. � 3. The Company sha11 furnish the Daparr�ent any i.nformatir��Y tbat the Depa.rarient reqursts regardin�the.$yscem, v�7�hen 21 days of the data r��f rcccipt of that � requcs� 4. Prior to its sale of the 5ystem� th� Compa.ny shall provide i;hc purc�aser with a copy of this Apprdval. In �y cenaaet for distributioa or s,�1e of the Sysicm,the COmpany sl'�al] require thc disQibuzor or scller to provide t;�ie purchaser of thc . Systiem,prior to ar�y sa)o of t�c 5��.�em, with a copy of th's`Appmval, . 5. For at least the first I 8 mont�s of operation,the Company;ii�all b�raspoasible foz op�r�tittg,maini8iniag aad monizr�ring tha Systtrns in accx'�rdance with Sectiva III, item 4 of this Approval. 6. F�ffiue�t diseharge concentrauoas �om ihe System shaal r���,ct or exceed sccoDdary trestment sta�dards of 30 rng/L BODs attd 30 ni�IL TSS. The effluent p�i shall not v�y mote tban O.S sundard units ftom the inl'lueAt water supply. 'Y'he TN eoneen�atioA in the efftucat discbarged from th� ;�y9tem shall not excecd i.) 19 mg/L for Systems serviag r:sidentiel facilities with rlesi�m flows lcss[han �,000 gpd; and 'u,)?S m�/L,for S���tems scrvin�reside,ntie,l'facilities with design �loyvs of 2,000 gpd or greeter and �1l Systems semng noa �residential facilities. 7. During�he first 18 months of opr�axian, ex�luding thc firs�i:three rr�o�ths of startup oper'etiotu, if the e�luent co�ce�r ativa from the Systet� t��tcoeds the applicable �'N,BOD�or TSS litnit an two couseaudve sa�onpling ever�i�,the Company shall wit}�u 60 days submit a repore to zna Depar�nent explai.ni-,$the reasona for the exceedances with reeommenda�ior.s for operationa] or de:��rgn chapQes to pravent futvr�violations. � 8. For at lesst the firsi 18 months of c�peraUoa of each $ystor�,,the Company shall be r�sponsible for subxnitting mvnitoring data and O &M i��tpection results to thc Depar�naat �d the Ioc�l approviag authority withia 30 dr��+s of each samplin� detc and each inspectiog date. 1'�t inspaction results musi�e secarded on a DEP appr4ved inspectian form and a tcchnolog}►chccklis� cop �!s of which sra � attaehed to this Approvnl. AacuraTe completiob of the for;i�s s}�ll bc thc � resPe�ibility of tbe Caaapany, 9• Within 30 days of the end af the fi.�s= 18 months of opereti�m the Company shs11 subtnit a su�mary r�port on ascb s}�stem�describing tbe oi���ratiosis nf the systern, ariy cbgn�es iti vper�tion or desi�that wera macie dwi.ng the pilotinQ period,thc P��e:6 cf 8 06/17/02 MON 14:00 [TX/RX NO 8378] � 06117/2002 14: 03 5083628506 EAGLE SURVEYING INC PAGE 08 JUN. -12' 02 (IYED) 10: 50 S�ECMUNDr,ROUP TEL:401 7a5 311�� P. oa8 51n�ulair�t.newal ofPilotin�Approv■! � • - � fir3al restilts of the Pilotisg program for that systern sud W,�ethcr the syster� cnet thc ef�lutut lirtits for thc previo�s 12 months of operaUo�..f That report shail al�o include either recommendaiions for approving and endiu�; e Piloting progam �or t6at system or reeommcndetinns for continuing Pilotir�.�for an.y systeaa that ha�not performed as planned. I 0, 'Y'he Dcparrment will review the repoz� in item 9 abave sz:�de�tcrmine if addiuonal Pilating of the system is rcquired. The Company shall eig;l�er corrtiaua tbe Pilotin� uir proQru�for that system as required by thc DCpartment or �eaiove ibe a�ystem a�d rapiace it with a fully complying Title � system. If the n°��attment daterniftlas tbat tlit system has perforraed at Lhe relevant]ovr�l for at}��4ast 12 tnonths,the Company esn nun the responsibili.y fer oparatinn �d m�'� tariag eftl�e systca► over ta the owaor in�ceordaece with Sectian N, ium 3 cr this Approval. 12. If thc Compsny wishcs to eontinue�hi9 Piloting Approva,`.!aft�r its expiration dat�, the COriip�y Sh$il apply for and obtain a xenewal af this .�I�ppxovetl. The CompPtny sball submit a renew�tl applicatian at ]ca9t 180 dayS b�ferr��tbe expiration date of this Approval, cuzless permissioA�er a later date has been �araeti in writing by the Dcpar�nent. VI. Yteport�ng ' � 1. All notiees eit�d documents requi::d ta be submitted to Lhr��Departrnem by this Approval shall be submitted to: Director . Wdters�ed petttiitdng Pm�am ' Dapar�nent of'En�ironm:atal Protection Ont Winter Sneet• Gtb ���or , 8oston,Mess�ch�setts 0�]0$ : VIT. Rigbts oi tbe Department � � � 1. The A�partment mey snspeAd,modify ox r�voke this Ap�•��ov�] for cauae, includi�g, but�ot limit�d to,non•corrtplistice wi'�h th�tey-r�of this Approval, noa-paynzeat of the annua] compliar�ce a�suranae fee,£or btauiiag tho Approval ' by nsisrepresCritBtion or f8ilure to disclose fullp aIl reIevar�i faats or any chaagc in or disco�ery of conditions that would con9tituu�ounds ':br discontis►uauce af tbe • Approv�l,or as neeessary for thc protectioa of public ba�..;� safidty, welfare or the cavironment, and as nuthorized by-applicable law. The D�;. artment rescrvcs its rigbts to telce aay enforeemeat ae�on sutharized by law��- rb respect to this Approv� and/br tlne Systsm against the owoer. or opereU�� o�the Systcm and/or � the Gomyany. VIiI. �zplr:tioa date � ' t 1, Notwithstauding the expiratiou 3Pta of this Approve�l, am���Systena sold a�ad installnd prior to the expirarioa daLe of t2us.�pproval, anrl��approved, installcd and n�aaiutained in complia�cc with th+s qpprovat (as it rnay t���medified) and 310 CMI� 15.400, IIlay TCA18i.n lti USC UII�eSS thC ACpBltu7B�riT, !�e Ioca1 approvisig , . p,�.:7 ora � 06/17/02 MON 14:00 ' [TX/RX NO 83781 r 06/17l2002 14:03 5083628506 EAGLE SURVEYING INC PAGE 09 a • t JUN. -I 2' 02(WEU I 10�51 S 1 EGMUNAGR�UP TEL�40 l ''85 31 .b P. 009 Sie�ulafr Renewaf otPilotinp Approval i � �►uthority�Oi a cOL�Tt iEquiteS thE SystCII1 LO bC ri�0atF1� OT"�1T10VCd, OS tCCjuiTCS c�19C�rgCS t0 tbe Sy►Si�1 to cC�tS:. � i � � I • i 1 � I � t � i l I i I i � . i � � , q 3 i i i i i I • ' � ! � j 'r 1 , I ' I - ' • , �, ' i ' i , � . r i 1 t f 4 i i �i�:a Ot� � . O6/17/02 MON 14:00 [T%/RX NO 8378]