HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecorded Deed Restriction and Application �'•9�€ ���r'�t� �"� 1?'� �:4N"�a�+'+c�.'r�" ���-'-"�'�---���.?' � o�:�. : ��s a� ,�•������, �. - TQWN OF YARMOUTH �_ � ��: � ;,� 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 �,���� Telephone(508)39&2231 ext.1240, Fax(508)760-34�2 BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE OF DEED RESTRICTION RESIDENTIAL i ! Notice is hereby given of the applicability of the Town of Yarmouth Health Department for a ? deed restriction, to 9 Archie Road , shown in Town Assessors Book dated 2017 , Map 39, = Parcel 179. As Deed is recorded at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, on the Deed Book 28306 , Page 321 . a � --- As,;plan of land is�recorded at the.Barnstable Co.unty,Registry.of:Deeds,�n a subdivision plan ; titled "Subdivision of Land in West Yarmouth Mass for Ralph M & Annette S Johnson, Jr" ; Lot 23, Dated January 21. 1950, and recorded on the Plan Book 91 Page 41. � � The engineered plan prepared by J.C. Ellis Design Co. , dated Revised Julv 17, 2017 � approved by the Health Department on AuQust 14, 2017 , requixes a maximum, not to �'' exceed: � ; c�° (1)the number of bedrooms not to exceed Two (2�per design restrictions, � (a) Title 5, Section 15.203, System Sewage Flow Design Criteria � �° (b) Title 5, Section 15.405,Ma�cimum Feasible Compliance: 1. Separation between Groundwater and Leach Facility � 2. Separation between Leach Facility and Drainage Basin � U O a � N Ya o alth Departmen, M � C� a -�� �`� o Bruce G. Murphy, Health ire or,R.S., C.H.O., MPH Date .. _ _ 00 _ ._ _ �. _ .:. N " o Owner/Representative: 0 � I have read and fully understand the conditions of the above:restrictions A an ac ept them as written: a� � � r�,,,�' V s � John W. Monaghan,Jr , Owner Date � � �-• �!� '-� � ��., Burnetta F. Mohaghan, Owner Date .., � � 684 Schoharie Turnpike Duanesburg,NY 12056 BARNSTABLE REGlSTRY OF DEEDS John F, Meade� Register .��'Y��,, TOWN OF YARMOUTH � � � 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 �y��4�� Telephone(508)39&2231 ext. 1240, Fax(508)760-3472 BOARD OF HEALTH August 14,2017 John W. &Burnetta F. Monaghan 684 Schoharie Turnpike Duanesburg,NY 12053 RE: Two Bedroom Deed Restriction 9 Archie Road,Yarmouth,MA Dear Mr. &Mrs. Monaghan: Please find enclosed the Two Bedroom Deed Restriction which is required as part of the septic system approval process for the replacement of the septic system at the above address. The Deed Restriction must be signed and dated by the current owner(s) or legal designee. Once the restriction is signed,please have the original restriction recorded and stamped with the new Registry recording information at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Route 6A, Barnstable. The recording fee at the Registry is currently $ 75.00. A copy of the stamped Restriction must then be returned to the Health Department as proof of the recording prior to issuance of the Title S Certificate of Compliance which is typically issued upon installation and approval of the septic system. If there are any further questions,please contact this office at 508-398-2231 X1240. Thank you for your prompt attention. Sincerely, y L.von Hone, R.S., C.H.O. Assistant Health Director cc: file i °� r TOWN OF YARMOj.JTH Boardof � � Health = 1146 ROUTE?8,SOUTH YARMOUTH. MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24�15! - 0�,,,.�► Telephone(508)398-2231,ext. 1241 Health Fax(508) 760-3472 Division APPLICATION FOR TITLE 5 DEED RESTRICTION The information requested below must be accurate and completed in full to ensure the deed restriction can be completed properly and in a timely manner. 1. Town of Yarmouth Assessor's Book(most current): Map�� Lot �� Address � f1�GN�� ��a 2. The property deed is recorded at the Barnstable County Registry af Deeds in Deed Book Z83�,Page 32� or Land Court Certificate 3. The lot indicated above is shown on a plan of land entitled: $�u�,D�v�sw or^ (sa.�a 1�► 4�s� YAn.+�...,-rH I�lAsl tore., IZs�H rvi•�!�rr�S.J�w,•i�.•� �"R_. __, dated J.a,►�An..-. 2� 1�Sb The plan of land for the lot is recorded at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan ��`- �- � Book R 1 Page N ( or Land Court Plan 4. The engineered septic plan has been prepared by �. L. E��,s ,1�65�(,,a �o and dated ��+. 7- /7-!7 5. Board of Health approval date �" /�� � � 6. The number of bedrooms is restricted to z 7. Owner Name: Jdu�► W. Aa9 ��►��e�('q � Mo�,A�l4a� Address: 6 8� S'G N c��lA+'ct.►�' Tv2,a R 1�F" �..�u�.�Fr g�ric,- 1�1Y ! 20.�6 The required information supplied to this department for the application of a Title 5 Deed Restriction is correct as shown above. Applicant Date os�2a�o � � � l l �3c�:�r�a#� � �-Ic��itl� '� 1��G fZfJl.i'��25. S�3UTE•i YARh�1Qt�Tt-l. �iASS.�.C!•iUS�`�T�t�?GC�-2��5! I o �"cl:phc�ctc{S(l#3�a9�4-??�l,ext. 1��!1 I t��lth [ ati{S�}�3)7G�I-i-€72 L�ias���c� � APFLICATION FQR TITLE 5 DEED RESTRICTION The information requested below mvst bc accurate and cc�mpleted in full to ensure the deed restriction can be completed praperly and in a timety manner. 1. Town c�f Yacmouth Assessor's Book(most current). Map�: Lot� �Address ,�p i2. The prc�perty deed is recorded at the Bamstabie County Registry of Deeds in Deed Boo .�. , Page 3.2���.��r Land Court Ge�tificate . 3. The lot indicated above is showrt on a plan of land entitled• �� ,�: � : rr� .+� ' r �,�Iz [! _�r� '— �`�.��a��r�.� ,dated,.�r,�- �1�'��"� The plan af�a d for the lti is recorded at the Barnstable�ounty Registry o�'Deeds in €'lan Boak �,� Page�, / _�ar L�and Court Plan � , i �. The engineered septic glan has been prepared by and dated S. Boacd af HealCh appcovat date 6. The number of bedroarns is restricted to .� 7. 4wner Name: Address: � g I.�U The required infarrnatian supptied to this department t`or the applicatian of a Title 5 Deed Restriction is carrect as shown ab�ve. Applicant Date �sr_���� � , Bk 2E3�6 P�321 �349a� ��—t1;3-2t314 8 �12 s 48� i i + IfASSACi#l5ETT5 STATE EXGISE 1'AX BARNSTABLE CQtlNTY REGYSftiY QF DEEDS ' Outt� 08-AS-�Ot4 i 02s48a� � Gtl:s 103II anc:= 34925 i Fee= f�410.i0 Co�sz iY2b•Ot1�.0E! � � B�6 AB8 E C�D t riY REGYSTRY OF DEEE}S i D Dat�= 08-QS-2014 d 42:4$Pp tti�: i030 OoK:s 34925 Fee< f324.00 Can�: �1213rE?OII.Oa � I, BRIAN GIPBON, of 34 Pazkhaven Drive, Vallejo, Califorr�ia, as Pereona2 Representative under the WILL OF NURMAN B. GIPSON, lat� of Yaxmouth (West� e Harastable Caunty, Massachuset�s, by power ccnferred by said Wi21 and evexy other pawer, � far cansideratian paidr and in full cansideration a� oNE HCtNDRED TWENTX THOt1SAND AND QO/1p0 {�320,000.0{3? DClLI,ARS, i , � grant to JQHIV W. MONAGf�AN, JR. and BaRNETTA F. MONAGHAN, ot Y SeNeyA�ie Tp kt. br.�a,rracBnAq_N�l, as husband and wife ae tenants by the en�irety, with qnitaie3m coveria.ats ; the lanfl Lagether with the bea3ldings ther�on, located at 9 Archie � Road, Yazmouth (West? , 8arnstab�e County, Massachueetts, bounded , and deecrfhed ae follows: EASTERLY by Archie Raad, as shown an glan hereinaf�er m�ntioned, sixty-five t�5} �eet; SOUTFIERLY by F�ot 24, as shown an eaid plan, one hundred t100) feet; WESTBRi�Y by W�at Yarmouth-Yaz�mouth Raad sa-ca'�led, as showa an said Flan, si�cty-fiva (S5) feet; and NORTfi'ERLY 2xy Lo� 2�, as shown on said plan, ane hurtdred (loo} keet. Cantainiag 6�ofl square feet, mare ar �eas, accard3.ng to eaid p1.aa, arid being shcam aa LOT 23 on a plaa entit].ed "3uhdivi.sivn of Land in West Ysisnaath� Ma$sachusetts �or Ra2ph M. & Annett� 8. Jchnson, Jr." by Chase, Kelly & Sweetger, Lngin�ers, dated U„�,� January �1, 1950 and recorded in Barnstable Caunty Registry of w„mti,m„tu,kw,,r.c Deeds in Plan 8oak 91, Page 4 7.. Nso��,�so.aw�: r.Q.e�tui wr�s�s��o� T�.soe:»a.��u � i Bk 28306 Pg322 $34925 , , a � Th� at�ove-described remises ar� canv� ed s � p y ubjec� to an� with the � beaefi� of restrictioas, rights, righCs c� way, easem�nts, appcartenanc�� and re9trictf.ons af r�cord in,sraEar as the same are now in force and effec�. � �'or title see d�ed dated October 2€�, 2Dii and recorded with Barnstable CounCy Regi�txy o� Deede in Sook Z580D� Page 167m Said Norntan P. Gipson dec�ased September 19' 2�13, la�e af Yarraouth �West) a Massachusetts, See Sarnstabl� Prataate 1]orket Na. BA33P�.545EA. Witr�ess my hand and sea� this j�j day af9tL�.G� , 2D14. g� . ! 1 ri��v� `I �j� Z6 t�f Brian Gipson, Perscnal Representative at the Estate of Norman B. Gipeca STAT� [3F CALI FORN�A C'[}[7rlTY QF On thas day of , 2014, hefoxe rne, the undexaigned notazy gub�.ia� personally apgeared BRIAN GIPSON, P�rsonal Representative as a�oresaic3, prov�d ta me through satisfactory evidence of identific�tion, which was �o be the gex�on wha�� name is eigned an th� preceding or attached dsscument, astd acknawledged ta me that he signed it vo�.untarily gor its stated gurpose. '� ���� ���i�t�lC�t,, �d,�'�� Na�ary Publ c won�.r r.��K.,�u,�ec. ee9�wa,s�+.Qu,�: !O.Da�2ttE K�nb,iA11026D! � Td.SOi•7R1�i]�4 i i . I Bk 28306 Pq323 �34925 ACKN4W�EDGMENT i State at catifomia County of San FrancEsco � p� July�t&, 2014 ���re�� Y. Barrt�eta-Digest€, Notary Public ; (Inse�t name and tr�e of ihe aff�cer� i persortally appeased BRan Gipson who proved to mc on the basis of satiafactory cvldence ta be the (s}whose name isl re * d io the wittiin Inatrumertt astd e to�tEt he! hetthey ex+ecvled the ssme in � E rJtheir authorized capac#ty(ies},and that I erllheir stg ro(s�a�the insUument the n�s),or ttfe entEty upon behatf of whict�the {s}aded,executed t!re ic�strumeaE. I cer#ify ur�r PENAt,TY OF P�RJURY unde�tt�e laws of the Skate of Ca�fomia that ths foregoir�g P��9raptt f�tctte and coRaci i VdITNESS hand and oifiClat sea4, x 6AAauEtk•O�ESTI mY Commis�ioa�M 1093�23 ,� _a Nat�{Y P�lk.C�t�arnit � N�meOs CountY " ��µ �����Expitet.iui 18.2ai� Signature t (Sea4} i e�t�st� ��is�Y o� a�os