HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 Aug 24 - Sign off Transmittal, Demolition Sign Off Sheet.,..�:r �. _ _.._-_-� _ ,aY-�Ya� TOWN OF YARMOUTH { -�'�:'� �, ��•-;� HEALTH DEPARTMENT Q:....� � , `_�`3 ��«''� `'��� PERMIT APPLICt�TION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET ,,,��Jey To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location:��� Z, �j��}Q„ '?� �,.},�.�T{�..� m t�� 1'1('�0. C�Z,�� Proposed Improvement:��'�j������.��� �1����Q� APplicant��15��.- f�l.�� �.0 - �f1C• Tel. No.: � 'y�-U�d Address:��... �3 ���"'�`� ���� �j..�(���.�,�, C�ZC�H�jj Date Filed: � y f � **Ifyou would like e-mail notifacation ofsign ofJ;please provide e-mail address: G..�`�C�„!'[ C}�.�� }Y- COM Owner Name: , � y���(,Y'��-��t�l._�Q..Y�f'1�—��Q �Y�...'C1'Q"'(�..fY`� Owner Address:��� ��1 �'��..`���C}�-1(� �(`(�Owner Tel. No.: �2��3 ...........................:...............................................................................................................................................:..:...............................................................:............................:...................................................................................... RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septa.ge Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed)— Note:Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. ......................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ......................... .......................................:..........:.:. _ � REVIEWED BY: DATE: � 4` � �� PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/COND IONS: Z W�G i� jZ- �t C S !�?�'"vl. ' I �o��Y9R,� TOWN OF YARMOUTH a _ , � _y BUILDING DEPARTMENT " MATTA�.�Cp. .-�J ' 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 261 ���MW�SLD^ G�� . BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOTAL DEMOLITION SIGN-OFF FORM State Building Code(780 CMR) Chapter 33, Section 3303.6-Service Connections "Before a building or structure is demolished or removed, the owner or agent shall notify all utilities having service connections within the structure, such as water, electric, gas sewer and other connections. A permit to demolish or remove a building or structure shall not be issued until a release is obtained from the utilities, stating that their respective service connections and appurtenant equipment, such as meter and regulators, have been removed or sealed and plugged in a safe manner." i "All debris shall be disposed of in accordance with 780CMR 111.5." � Building or Structure Location:�j3Z'�i0�3�e-Z-B"Map: Lot: Owner's Name: "�����ddress:�O�� a�,�3 Phone: Contractor s Name:�x�R.�C Address:k,b-�,y„ �c�� q Phone:?��•c{a2'a�j'�O Eversource: Date:g( ��t7 �W`�h� ►r+�c-o�5 BY� -T�d b�00�C'ar- �U�r,npi�r,�gs Title:�5�'�`nC� s�v`��-' �t1�f,��f= National Grid: Date: g�151�1 By� �c�+�; c,,�e�►,do� Title: �'p r. c�jQ�1� �i�C.P. Cp'M S�12aC C�-�`,.� G6'n t1o2.G�iOs1$ Water Dept.: Date: By: Title: Board of Health: Date: ��.�ir(i-]`� By� ��� Kc��'� ' � Title: ��a��� Condition: �� v�0�2 S-e��<< s 7 C�� '� Fire Dept.: Date: By: Title: Historic Commission: Date: � ` By: 'v f R Title: Conservation: Date: � �� By: Comcast: Date: N�� 3/15