HomeMy WebLinkAboutMass DPH Guidance for Implementing REg 105 CMR 432.000 ������������ ��� � �� � � �� .� ��`�� � � �� ��.� ��'r ot=��"°� 2 ������hu�et�s� D�ep�r�tment �f �`ubiic �+��.lth � ��idar�ce,fnr l��l`er�e�ti�ag R��ula��i�►r� It?� +�`1t2'l�' �.3,�,fl�� � 3. May 1�, �C}I'� �. 8ased c��Ma�sachuseetts t�reneral Lav��(M.�.L�}c. 1�X, �I27A,✓�,�o�nmmc�zaly re�'earr�d�c�as"�hri�sti�a�s La�", a�d the Mas�ach�asetts Department:�f Fub�ic He�1�ka����}e��.ent}pre�ic�u�ly i�s��d�c7id�i�e�n Chri��ia�'s L;a�v,the I;3ep�ent l�as p�°omulg�ed reg�alation 1 C}5 ��R��2,�(�t}: "Minirnu� R�qu�r�me�t��t�x�I'`er�c�na� Flo�tia�D�srices��az`TVlinc�r�hildren�t��cipal�tl Re�re��ia��a;l Pr��rams anti��gs",eff€ctiv+��Iay�, � ��ll'7, fih�Ia�t�nd re�izlati�ns esnl,y a�gl�tc�s�mming��clit�in�;are�at tnarine c�r fr���Zwat�r''�aches�znd �' e�pli�i�1��x�Iude��v�zruning pc�c�l�,vaadin�pc�p�s� �d c���ar�i��ial�dies saf�ater. �n.a��if.i:r�n��ie Dep�t��t is issusng th��guidan�e dt��um��t to suppc�rt cc��plianc��vith�he regul�.�c�n,��a pr�rvide a,��ociated. best�az��i���d Go h.e1p�ssist munici��l azzd r�reatit�nal pr+�gtams and camgs implemer�tir�g provisic�n�af'��e regc�latio�, ��cordin�t��v1.C�.I.�. c. 1 l l, §127A'/�,all�unicipal and r�cr�ataonal pra�tam.s�n�lic��s� ear�nps m�t. 1� I7etez�zazne each mrinc�r's swunming ability�:ric�r ta a,Ilowing participat�oz�i�.switn�n�r�g activities; i 2) Ma�r:availab�e properlv siz��at�ci snu�fitfi�g Typ�I,II,�ar III pers�anal fl4t�.ti�n devi�e� ��'FD) �; t�ail minc�r child.zen w�o h�ve been dete�nin�d t�b�a nc�n-swimm�r or at-risk��a��r, ar�d 3} Acce�t a�'F�I�prt�vid�by a parent t�r gt�ardian c�f a zninor far tl��t�annr tc�u�e �h��e xa� attendance �t�h�prc��am t�r ca:z�.p. �wim�ibili�T3eterma�ation; � � Cb,rz�taaw's L�w,in part,rec�uire�t�t municipai and reereatio�al progratn�;�d Iic�nsed c�ps�etetmine�h ` p�rticipa�king minc�r�s swizn�i�ing ability,pric�r�c�c�z�at�i�£irst swi�nmi.�tg ses��c�n,i�s t�rd�r tct id��tify�ind classify n�n-��vi�mm+�rs and at-risl�swimmers, If mu�i�ip�l�c►d�ec�reati�nal prc�grar�s and licen�ed cat�ps deter�r�ine that all part��ipsnts�re asswmed to be nc�n-s°wi��ners,�d en�ure pr��rly�tting PFDs are available to a11 zninor� �n;ga�ed in�vvicnmin�;activiti�s withix�areas classi��d for nc�n-swin�r�iers,then s�xim�esf.s ar�nc�t required. * B���d�n��put fr�m water safet�prc�fessi�n�s, indi�vidi��ls w�o dc�nofi meet c�iteri�fox a R�d ��cc�ss i.��el 3 sti�vim r�,ting ar a 1'MCA�1inn+a�r�all b�clas�i�ec�as a"non-swi�nzne�'x and i�dividu�ls u�ho znay�r m�y�tc�t�ta�e met the criteria for a�:ed�rc��s L�ve13 swin�rating�r the YM�CA [t�i�n+�w,b�t ha�`e be�n determined tcc�have a g�hysi�al,psycht��c��ica1�medical,or cag�itivc:d�sabili�y fihat�t�u1d neg��i�ely imgact �i�+az��Zer swair.�r�zrzg ability;si�all be cl�ss"�"iec�as an"a�:risl�swimmex", � �ll mi�c�rs, in�lueiing prt��ran�or camp p�icip��,st�,vc�l�nt+�ersy an� �c�unselcsr�in Tr�ining{�IT�, tc�b�s�n t�ted,at a minimum ancce per sunuz�er,tt�d+�termine s��r�i�.�a�ili°ty> • I�t a�rdarzee v��ith the regulatit�n��s�.�te�t�shall t�e c..�nduct�d trr overseen by�tr�ined+�ertifiet��'�vim In�tructc�r���Z��hc►1d� apgro�r��te c�r�i�ica�ierns frc�m a natio�ally rectt�nize�swiz�z inst�t.ictcar prc�gra�n, '. su�h��the Am��ican Red Cr��s�AR�)or�ae Y�C�,c�r an ec�uivalent certific��e,as deterr�artetl b��th� Dep�rtment.A lifeguaxd mainfiainin�curre�at requirem�nts as outlin�zn t��r�gula�on��nay alsc� c:on�uct ' swi�m tests as a �wim A�sess�r if they have�axevic�usly obse��ed one ar�d participa�d i�a t�ne annu�l swim test�r�.i�ing cc�nducted by�C�I. � Sv�im�t�sting ne�s fia be ct�nducted at the sam.e ar a cairiparable loc��ion to�I�ere the swimt��ing activities will vccur ux►Iess the naunicip�and recreatior�al prc�gram c�r licensed ca�n.p provides dedi�a�ed lifeguards at the rna��iz�e of f�eshu�a�er beach wh�re swimri�ing will oecur,in w�ich case s�i�te�tzng�a.y be condu�ted at a�wit�.ming pool griQr to the swin��.ing activities. • Swim tests must be conc�uctecl unde�r close supervision and without th:�use of a FFI). If�parexzt or guardia�prcruides a PFD for their c�ild,th�rnunicipal and recreati�an�►rc��ram�r licer�s�d:caa�zp sh�ould ct�nf�with the parent�r guardi�n,�riar to any swim�esting,that this testing will he conducted without the us�of the PFI�. +� The Department has created the"Swim and Fit Test 1VIodel Documentatian Form"as a�..opfiic�for�.ie operators to c�ocument anc�track swim t�sting and PFD fit tests.'The form pro�itles far i:�dividual'zzed docux�ent�tian far each rninor bei�g swim and fit te�ted,ar who has been provided a PFD from a par�nt or �uardian,and is available on the I�epat°�ment's website. iden�ifvin�Non-�wimmers and At-Risk Swimmers N�n-s�vi�ers and�t-risk syvim.tnm�rs ne�ti ta be ident�f�d whenever they are at a s�v.i�ing t�r divirtg area,i.n acGordance with 14�C]IU�R.432.40�(A)(8): Belaw are several e�camples of how mu�icipal and z��cx�ataa�al prog:rarr�s c�r Iicensed�amps may choa�e t�accorrrplish this: +� Prc►viding ct�I�red wrist b�n.t�s�at arre nat easily transf�rred betvveen each child�a icientif�their s�vimYning abili�;ar « P�rc�viding nQn toxic,v�ater�prc�of,tem�orary ta�ttoos with U.S.Fo�tl&D�ug Admi�us#ratioz3.�FD�) certificati�n fc�r clyesic+alorants and coanpiia�ce wi�h Cc►nsumer Pr�duct a�d S��ty Camm"t�c�n(CP�C� aud Ameri�an S+ociety of T�sfing It�Iat�ria�s(ASTIVI)requ.ire�ents, +� Tempara.ry t�ttaos th�.t are d.igitally printed(with computer inksj an temp�rary tai-��a tr�fer p�.per a�d Henna-�ased temporary tatko�s sho�ld not be use�,c�r • Any oth�r method includin�s�irn markers designed with FDA cornpliant,#c��ric-fi�e cc�smetic ingre�tient� v��hic�allows for a:n ea.sy i�ienti�cation to di�ferentis.te b�tvveen n�n-svvin�n�rs,�,t-risk switnme�s ant�other C�r`dS31�3f�(��WIIIllT1�TS; o Aleohal-based sl�in ink hh�nnd sta�nps should nat be u�ed. The iclent�ficativn prc+cess shault�be clearl��o�tlined and documented in the munieipal and r�creatic�nai prc�gran� ar licensed cam�'s pol`aci�s and proc�duxes. C�rn�inement to Dedieait�d �wimmin�Areas Christian's Law requir�s munieipal and recrea�ional pr�tgrams and licensed cats�p��o en�ure all participants, ' incl�ding non-�vairr�mers and at-risk switnmers that are either d.�termined thrr�ug�a swim test car d�si;gnate�i as such by th�pro�ram or ea�np og�ra�t�x, as well as minors who�e par�nts or g�ar�ians have provicler��1'FI�for their c�ild,be confined to swimrn��g areas consi�ter�t�vifih the limits�f thei�su=imn�in,�skills or ta sw�ning areas requiring lesser�kills than those for'�vhich they h�`=e been classifiecl. .A.II swimrning area��ha11 be pernsitt�d and meet the reguirement�of regulatic�n 105 CMT�.�45.Ut�fl� Minimwn �tandards fc�r Bathing Beaches ': ��tate�anitary Ccsci�, Cha.pter�II). +� In,c�rder fi��ro��rly identif�c�z��in�rne�t a��eas at the���mmix�g�ite,th�I3e��ent s���ests th�t t�ie =: rni�i�ipa��d recreati�nal prt��ram c�r l��ens�d c.a�np c���ratcrr creat�a�v�ttezf�a�t site�al�for �tl�zztifi�a��a�a�:nd°[��i�a.ing�urpa���:This�it��l�sht�ulcl�ciude all.�at�at�c��i�'i�i� b�rrier���i b�au�daraes�f�e�wimmin�c�r d'zvin�g�re�,z�c��ding but r�c�t li�nit�ci tc�z�+���,�ees�c�.rc�p-c,f�'s,buo�s, ro�s�dt�c�s,di�ing bc�ard p1�tf'orm�>ar�d sJicies,��ich s�c�u�d cl�riy autiin�t���s i�w�ich�peczf�ed ���er�,nc��n-s�vim�n�rs and�t-��� ��i���e�s lz�ve���ss. This���e plan m�y be pc�steti a�the svvirnmit�� or d�vin��area,u�i�iz�d a��art of staff�ri�n°���i�ns,�maintarned��iffh c�t�;�r r��c��ds i���cardance with 105 �MR:4��.(l(}0, + Addil:ic�naitly,th�Depa3-tment su�ge�ts e��l�rr�a�u�aic�pal and recreational pro�ran��ntlli�ensed camp consid�r�nplementing a"buddy syste�"fc�r aJl zni.nc�rs who are participafii���a�sv��ing ar di��.�a� �ctz�t��i�s. n A bud�y�yst�m is d�signed to p�r�r�eam-u��uc��ec�ple,r�f�rre�tc�a:�"l��d�iies�',t€�stay tcig��her�d be res�ac�n�ibl�fc�r l�e�:pui�ir�ek c�f ea�h other,a�w�11�s 1�so�e�ne�Cnc�w if`either z�eeds assistance c�r can't L�e Itrea��uv�1e at�ae wat�rfr�nt.T'�e buddi����as a�xn�,le unit ir� c�rder tc�a�a�itor and�a.elp each�t�er�i�i�.�swi�unir�c�r d`avir��activit�e�. c� �ud�ies��ould be tearn�d up baseci�n:s�im�lar sv�unniing abi�i�it is�c�t ad�i�able�tea�n up a �v�rimm�r with a nt�x�-swi�e�r�r at-ri�k s��rr�ner. � A"bu�idy check"s�Zaulcl be p�:t'ar�ed a�,prc�xin�atel}r ��ry 1��ainut��, A.fter a ci�s�.gnated�ign�l li�.�blowing�whist�e, all swiznmir�g�rr divin�shauld�tc��and ��h minc�r tl�zer�in.�cted ta go tc�their est�blished b�dd.y; st�nd in�he v��ter,and hold the�r buddie��aai�d hi�h in the air while the Ii�`�g��.rd and Qther coun�elt��s ez�sure everyone is acc�unt�3 f��r. Unee#�e�ount is conf�rn3�� s�i�aming c�r diving may resuxne� � • The I��p��zr,en�recc�r�7mencis c��t�ctir���€�n�l��h�peratQrs tc�i�aqc�ir��bcr�t��is�i��local byla�rs, ardi�an�,car r�gulatians prohik�it�iag th�use c�f PFI)s du�ta wat�r�c�rr�nt�a�d und�r�c�w cc��c�rzzs,priar to sc��duli�:� any s���imm�ng�ct�vi�i�s. �n�t�ria�g PI�:Gs sre Made Avai�able. C�r%st��z'� I�a�r�uir���hat rr�uni�a�a�az�d r�c�an�l pr��rams and lic�:����ar��s h�v��.s�steez�n z�piace fc� �nake PFI�s availabl�;tc���n-swirnmers�d at-ris�C�vtirixnz°��ers,a�d requires pra�t�ms anccl camps tc�a�cept a PFI� frc�z��par���t�r legal guardian fc�r their claild ta us�w��n the�e progr�ms or lic����a��s con�uct swimrriing ar water�r�nt���kiv'st��s�t fi�esh c�r sait-�vater b�acl��s. • t�pexa�c�rs afmunicipal and r�creatic�n�ll pra�ran�s and licensed ca�nps'm���n�.intain�teir c�wn ir�ventc�ry of PFI��c�r�tave�hhem pr�vided by��each c�pc���c�r,in�vhich case the p�ro�n c�p��atrrr rnu�t se�ure a�ritten agre�ment fc�r th�amc�unt�d tl�e�t�ncl%tia�+�f��ie FFi��, • The PFI?s s��aulc�b�ac�ess�Caie�or sta�f`�tlis�ribt�t€�t+�participar�t�at�r en:rc�ut�t�th�sv�inimin�c�r diving�re�and Qnl�af�er a deter�:inatic�z�b:�beecn made c�n swimmi�abzZz�y. + �+►1.1�FI?s, includin�thase prt�vided�y�p�nt c�r g��rt�ia.n,ne�ta lae I1,��C�ast�iru�rd(t.T��C�r)c�rrtified �cr���i��tc�typ�(I,TI,III),siz�,�d buc�y�nc�,zn sez�iceable c�ndi�ion and praperly�if��d tc�each , ir�dividual pr�i�r trr k�eing�sed fc�r th�e fu�t�ime. c� A T'FT}:sha.Il nat have rip�,tears,hc�l��,visible mold or mild��v€�d�ar, si�ns c�f vv�terlc��gging, � �ed seams,s�raps or h�rd�v�e,�r�y shcin�c��e ar leaks in t�ur���t��erzal. cr ,;AIII P�s�ai��aained car�-�i�e d�r���h�se�t�r�sh�uld b��t�are�i in an area wi�h a€�e�u�te na�ural �ar nn�cha�ical v�n�il�tiarz,in�s�ri�r tc�e�as� a proper c�i��prt��e�s bet���n u�e. t�nce th� se��is c�ver,the P�L?s should b�tlsarc�ug�ly ciried and filaen stc�r�d i� aza a��a vtirh��f�����-e �a�.�at�iz�ec.i dry u�til th�fc�llc�wir�g s��an. c� The s�ceable�anditioz�sa;E each FFD nmus�be znspecte� annu�Ily,prefer�bl�r at the begztu�iz�g c�r ettd afih�seasc��p�iar to�ff-�eas�r� stc�ra��,�cswever it is recommex�dcd that mor�fxe�uent �nsp�ctic�z�s are conducied wifi.�a prc�cedur�in place fc�r grop�z°ly dispc�sin�any fihat are no� d�termin�d tcr b�in servic�a.bl�cc�ndit�c�n, � In�'c��mat��n on��types c�f�'�`I?s> �iz�s�lecti�n, and ti�a�fc�r det�nni�in��maintainirzg a PFL�in serviceahle cc�nc�ition ar�availa��e dire��l� Crc�rr�t�e ITSC�'r w��saite at, http:llw�vw.�ascgb+��tst�g.c�r�l��t'etyttafe�a�ket.wear �e�rin��t►t�r_�if�_,j�cks;f.�rs�� [Ali sp�ce�repFe�e�t an underscore el�aracter" "in�he�=����t��tidress.] + �hen�F�D i�u�ed by a minc�r, ert�er��e� �����prc��ided by�pragra��r��p c�r�r��n c��e is d��pped of�by�.p�nt c�r Iegai guarcizan,trainec�staff�"�t znu�icipal and rec�ation�l prc��r�an�i:lic�nsed.camps s�all�ns�ure��P�L�is proper��sized.accc�rd'rn�tt��nanufaettzrex's guidelis�es��ar hei��t and va�ight, s�cur�iy fast�n�d and�s�es�ed for a prt���r�t pri�r tt��ach s��irr�ming�c�iv%iy, * The T3ep�r�n�nt rccQmmends�iat all �t�bc trazned fc�x PFI�fit t�s�ng by reviewin�xbe �hort g�iidan�e vid�a�rovideci k���he Tlepartment vwith a.ssistance frc�m the U.S. Cc��st Gu�rd Auu��l��xy ar�d 1��ssa�husett�s Par�s��partment of Cunservatac���Recre�t��ns. �Iink�c��he video can be found a.t the�vet�site be1�w. ht�o�l���rr;:��.,�.�r�i�t��a�s,�cav�cf�. ��t�`d�s��'�rc���m���n��r�tm�nt�l-h�:althf��jm�s�r�itz�t�s��f��sx��n� i�c� h�ir�3 * �1ta�-�wiun�n�rs,at-risk sv��immer�,and part%cipant���hose parer�ts c�r legal�uardi�ca�h�ve provid�d a P� fc�r th�ir child a�d are aware c��'���c�ndi�i��zs,dc���t need t�wesr a I'k T��lurir��closcly�u�er�fii�ed su�im tesks, sv���z��l��sc�n�,an�.���r cic�s��y su�servis�d n�n-swi�vni�g beach���r�rc�nt�ctivi�ies,including ��di.ng`r�s�a�Io�water wh�re the wat�r depth is��s th�n two feet,hc��vever a�'2�D��c�t�1d��om�'�r aIl at�er�vY�znz�ing activities,and v�h����Ter minr��s�r�on a do�k. "Close�y�up�rvi��"r�ci�-swi�ing actzvities s�ould be supervis�d b�adults a#:a ra�tio�f on�a�luit f�r ev�r�f ve rnzrit�rs 1�elcaw age 7�d at� ratic� af���t� 10 for a�ll n�inors ag+e 7 ar�d abov�e. � A P�I.�s�c�uld z��ver be worn duri�g�ny div�ng�ctiviti�s. ' + A��i�ipa�a.t sheaul�nc��be allawed t�svvi�if a parent or guardi�n prc�vid�s�FFI}t�iat dcc�ces�c�t fit pro��:rly or is�s�t in serviceahle cc�r�difia�a�nd p���ssit�� s�oulci be pr��rid�tl�ay the gare�i c�r,guarciian ��`are�n.z�It�rrna:�i�Fe PFD is issue�i. � 'I�e i)e�artrnent�s als��reated the"l���u1�.�an 10� ��R.�3�.t�00—Guician�����cklist"whi�h is a�ail�ble cs�t�r�Departm�nt'�wel�site,���ssi�t��st�keh+�lciers v�ith mee�in�the ovez�Il r�;quire�nent�c�f the regulatic�ns. Ft�r mor�-infotmation p(�ase visit the MC�F�}i—Communiiy Sanitation Program website www.mi�ss,govJdp�/dcs c� cont�ct the Massachus�i.ts[3epartt7�enC c�f Public Heal#�,Bureau af Environrnental Nea(th at�i7W6Z4-575?. �� Th� Cc��xnonv��ealth t�f Mas�achuse�� __= Execu�i�r+� {��fice of H�alth and H�trnan ��rtri��s t�epartment c�f Pub(i� H�aith E3ur��u c��Enviranmen#al H��(th ��rnm�r�ity �anit�tic�n Pr��ram 2�� VUasl�ir�gt�n S�re�t, Bc�ston, M� Q�'��8��1� c�A��.Es r�.sax�� Phg�e: 617'-��4-5�57 Fax: �17���-���7 A9A�tY�t3U SUDDERS Govettia' I 1 T . V��'���-�3G�V �eot�tSry N�OI+tlGA BHAREi.,t�ID,RAAPH � KARY�1 E�R+�LI'Tf3 Commissioner Lieutenant Gavemar re�;s��-�z4.soflo www.rr,ass.govrdph I�e�u��ion 1�5 ���. 4f3�.{}Q� - +�u�da�nc� �Cb��c ` � �: � ��niciraal�nd Re�r�f�c►nal Proaram or Gatnt� �larne: e+�ddrt�s�: ' � Uper��rlDir�cto�. �hon� Number: � �C`fr�,�k if`�r�,s��t,° ❑ P'r�li�zes,�rc�eed�res and records pursusni to 432.400 are ct�zxezat and readiI�avail�ble. ,' � ❑ C�rienf�tic�n�a4�n for�t��and vc�Iunteers�cluc���c�+mpli�nce v�ith lU5�`MR432.{}�tU. � ❑ Traizzi�g�r�d certifi�a�ian for��rti��d�u�i�m Ixtsix-czct�r�a�d�u�izr►�4ssesss��s,fncludin�swirt�t�st c���rv��n arrd parti�zpa�c��d�e�. � T3�acum�n�tzon�f indivi€iz�ais successfu�I�cc�mpl�ting P�D fit test training. � � �u�rret�t znve.t�t+�r�+csf 7'�'Ds for use by desi�nate�l t�on-swia�mers and at-risk swim�z�sers. � PFDs r��di�y availabl��nd in�ervicea�Ie�n�tditi.c�n< ❑ lf applicabl�,ce�n��tion�af tl�ird Part�'pravis�c�n of PF1�s(e.g.—copy af cdz�tract�. i ❑ Stara�e f�cilii�(Pez�n�an�ntl�nobile)prat.�cti���F�s�Crc�r�i th��t��nents and prt�vidtixt��.d�u�e v��xil�ti��, � �wim�hi�ity cietermir�a�i�rns cot�ducted fc�r�11 minars�nd t��urnenf�d appropria�ely, ❑ �it�-speeific procedures tc�cc��nfine p�rtic€p�nts ta aness cc>rtsistent wi�h ti�e�r svvvi�nira�abiiiti�s. � If ap�licable,a proceduz��c�r managirtg P�`i3�prc�vid�r3 b��.parent or leg�.l guar�ian. � If applica�l�,a�rocedur��or con�ac�ing a parent or I��a1�uardian that pr�rvid+�s a FFI�that d��s nc�t�t groper�y or is no� in serviceable condi�an. � ldeni�f��c�tian system utilized ta verif}�nc�n-swimrn�rs and a�t-risk s�immers at swimming vanue, �uiti�r�ce Gheciclist 5-12-'i 7