�a w��,5�1-c- -- K�,r id� 7 9 Gf,�.�l-P �� ��
�"ct r►+D�e �- 'L� �n �f��n�l'C r n o70 /�1�i�e�/ �c'r-i�
CAMP DIRECTOR: ���''��+ �-`� � ���5
PHONE#: S`p� � 2—3�9� ���� ��, z.c� ►7 �3}3 C� �
Day � ��;d ri `Ttx,�n! r0�i � 1� `�2nGt�.D, �i� -��S'�� m
Sport � Non-Sport CAMPER CAPACITY:
Tri � Primitive � Tra�el � �p
"No"column= ✓marked below indicates a violation of 430.000.
"Yes"column= ✓marked below indicates compliance with provision of 430.000.
`2�T/A"column=✓marked below indicates that the rovision of 430.000 is not licable to this cam .
.451 Current Certificate(s)of Occupancy from
local buildin ins tor for sl in assembl areas
Z15 Written com liance from local fire d t.
.300(A)(2) Private water supply
(a) DEP a roval(>25 eople,>60 days/ )
300(A)(2) Private water supply
ro� BOH approval,chemical&bacterial analyses
<25 eo le,<60da s/
.090(A) z Procedures for Background Review of - /
Staf�/Volunteers Y
Staff- CORI and SORI e"j 5 5��
� .090(C) —Previous Work History—3 References— � C�,cz,i� ��.z
Out-of-state/International Criminal Back ound Checks
Volunteer Staff— CORI and SORI
.090(D) —Previous Work History— 3 References—
Out-of-state/International Crixninal Background Checks
.090(� �Background Info-Received,reviewed,&made _ /
determination r uired ursuant to.090(C&D) °v
� .091 Staff/Volunteer Orientation Plan&Review
.093 Abuse&Neglect Prevention/Report rocedures
Discipline Policy:Appropriate Discipline Methods&
.191 PY'ohibitions:(1)Corporal Punishment,including spanking,is
B� prohibited;(2)No camper shall be subjected to cruel or severe
�C� punishment,humiliarion,or verbal abuse;(3)No camper sha11 be
denied food or shelter as a form of punishment;(4)No child
shall be unished for soilin ,wettin or not usin the toilet
.210(A) Fire Evacuation Plan and Drills
.210(B) Disaster Plan
.210(C) Lost Cam er Plan / Lost Swunmer Pl
Z10(D) Traffic Control Plan
430-Inspection Sheet-8-8-16.docx Page 1
.211(A) Camper doesn't show up for day
.211(B) Cam er doesn't show u at oint of ick u
.2ll(C) Child not re istered arrives
� �� � � � r. :
� �a� � � ���. � `
�: �,� �
.• .. �� . -�. . � ��#��"'����1'�� ����
. _. � ..._ ,.�. . .. ,.
Copy of Policy(Parents/Stat�: Care of Mildly ill
.159(B)(2) Campers,Administration of Meds&Emergency ✓
Health Care Provision
.190(B) Camper released only to Parents or Parent- �
Desi ted Individual in writin
y� Statement: Regulatory Compliance&Licensing
.190(C) "T'his camp must comply with regs of the MDPH&be ✓
licensed b the LBOH"
.190(D) �orm parents of right to review background ✓
�at hme or check,health care,discipline policies and
appucanon� 'evance rocedures u on r uest
.212(A) Dail Itiner -Co to Parents
.212(B) Source of Emer enc Care V
Contingency Plans(natival disasters,missing campers,
.212(C) lost swimmers,illness and injury)shall Travel wit11
Cam ers&Staff
Vehicle must comply with MGLc.90 s7B&7D: ,�r (�
<14 passengers&driver is camp coach,director,etc.private
.250 vehicles may be used ��1AC',F U'MC/� ��-
>14 passengers,vehicle must be school bus
All vehicles must be RMV com liant /�, 0 �-St' �!i►'�•
.253 Pro er automobile insurance
.251(C) Seatbelts must be wom
.251(I� Camper<7yrs not transported longer than 1 hr to
Camp vehicle drivers: 18yrs,2yrs driving experience,
Z52 current license for type of vehicle
First Aid certified if no other trained staff aboard.
, � E �� � \��� � ��
'w.y= .,_ ..� '� ..��.��... '. � ,,,,, ... 3e; - �, ; \ � . "sF- .
. . . . . ..,.... . .._ . ...... . �......_... . �:�.. .
.102(A) Residential Camp:25 yrs,completed course in � ��� � ���
cam admnustration or at least 2 seasons ex erience
.102(B) Day Camp:21 yrs,completed camp administration � ��_�,
course or 2 seasons ex erience
.102(C) P�itive,Travel,Trip: 21 yrs&proof of ✓ y �,,��y ��'__ _ J
ex erience.
.102(D) .� .�Y �� .,� �\ ' �` ::a,: �Ov��il ��P�
when director off-site>12 hrs.�s,�»»m�m�r�at��e>
,,� �.
:��' ;� :,;�
_ .� . ..-:
1� Day Camp,Non-Sport: � �� G� �� �
Counseloi= l6 . Junior Counselor= 15
.1� Other camps: Counselors= 18 yrs or graduated �
from hi h school. Junior Counselors= 16
.100 All counselors 3 older than cam ers
430-Inspection Sheet-8-8-16.docx Page 2
�.; „. .: , „ � �
, �� � �� �
� :?:' �..,. x. .._m__ �� .. . __.�,.��
Residential/Day Camps: � : � '�ES ��
.101(A) 1 staffper 10 kids over 6 yrs
1 staff er 5 cam ers 6 s and under 3 �� r� �7 �`�� >7
B� Primitive,Travel,Trip: .— ?�` 8'�� �i
.101 1 counselor er 10 c ers. 2 counselor min. � ��� c�l
Special Needs:
.101(C) 1 counselor per 4 mildly disabled campers
1 counselor er 2 severel disabled cam ers
�a,� �����
American Red Cross Lifeguard Trng cert.,CPR �� ��� ��� �a„�,
.103 for Professional Rescuer&First Aid Cert. or their �
if supervising 2+staf�must be 21yis&experience w/management
_� .�'..
American Red Cross:�`Lifeguard Trng cert.�CPR �
.103 for Professional Rescuer cert. &First Aid Cert.or
their uivalents.
3 u oc_+�r�a5 .�,".�o�
NP PA(w/pediatric training) f3c,���:t 1L��'�a k
.159(A) *Chec or Health Care Consultant Agreement* � l�2� ��i L'�'t/��o.��/ �y?3�!
Lincense#: � A�ldi th Ci�
� n,,,a,�,� �1�.t
.159(C) 18 ,First Aid&CPR certified s��^^ �� i�
' '�!' .159(B) Health Care Polic
j� .160(A) ALL Medications stored in Ori inal Containers
Meds stored in Secured Cabinet
�yp .160(B) &if necessary refrigerated in box affixed in
I refri erator(if no secon lock)
', .1� Injury Reports completed for fatality or serious �
' in' .Co sent to NIDPH.
160(C) Medication administered by Health Supervisor or /
Licensed Health Care Professional V
.160(C) written list of a11 meds administered at camp
i � (if H.S.not a L.H.C.P.auth'd to admin Rx,meds
.160(B) Refri erator tem erature 38 to 42
I � 'tled�c�l i.ac���3�01�
� .155 bound,pr�numbered pages,ink entries,no skipped
.161(A) Day/Residential Camps-Infirmary provided
Residential Cam s -Exterior li t
.453 Lighting provided in infirmary
.161(B) Residential Camp-Area for isolation of ill child
F`irst :�d I;it: non-peifumed soap,sterile gauze
.161(C) ��es,compresses,adhesive tape,bandage
scissors,triangular and rolled bandages,CPR
mask,tweezers,cold pack,gloves.
430-Inspecrion Sheet-8-8-16.docx Page 3
Health Record for each Camper&Staff:
.150 Staff/Camper>18 yrs-Emergency Contact Info
Camper<18 yrs must have Written Parental
Permission for Meds/Emer enc Care
Residential,Travel/Trip,Sports Camp—Physical
.151(A)(B) required(past 2 years)
Da Cam —ParendGuardian si s off on ood health
Campers and Staff under 18vrs: Number of records checked:
M1��II2: 1�`dose= 12 mos or older,
Measles: 2nddose=grades K-12 or age equiv
Polio: 3 doses IPV or OPV,ar
4 doses mix IPV/OPV
Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and ��,�
Pertussis*: -
4 doses DTaP/DTP/DT or, � � _ �,.� — �Z3Z..
.152(A) 3 doses of Td
(persons 7 years or older needing addirional vaccines to �(„�— ��Z3— ���
comply with above,Td is to be used)
*Booster dose of Td:
-grades 7-10 need booster if>Syrs since last dose ��
of DTaP/DTP/DT fyj� l l �
-grades 11-12 need booster if more than 10 yrs
since last dose of DTaP/DTP/DT/Td
He B: 3 doses if born on or after 1/1/92
Campers and Staff over 18vrs: Number of records
Measles: 2 doses(exempt born before 1957) checked:
Mumps: 1 dose (exempt born before 1957) �
.152(B) Rubella: 1 dose
Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids*:
3 doses DT/Td
*Booster dose of Td required if more than 10 yrs
since last dose.
.190 Activities and physical environment meet the needs
of cam ers;do not ose hazard to health/safe .
.163 Operator encourages sun protection for all.
Swimming Pool: in compliance with 105 CMR
.430 435.00-Pernut Posted
**VBG Com liance Letter**
.432 Bathing Beach: in compliance with 105 CMR
445.00-weekly water sampling conducted.
Proper supervision at swunxning venue:
.103 1 lifeguard per 25 campers
1 counselor per 10 campers ,
Plan to check swiminers-"buddy system"
.204(B) Swim test to classify swunmers by ability.
.204(A) S�'�"mming areas clean and safe,no swimming at
undesignated sites or at mght without lighting.
.204(E) Piers and floats in good repair.
430-Inspecrion Sheet-8-8-16.docx Page 4
Watercraft: equipped with USCG approved �
.204(G) flotation devices and worn by all campers and
staffparticipating in watercraft activities.
Campers must be certified by ARC level3 �
.204(fI) swunmers or equivalent for white water,
hazardous salt or fresh water acrivities.
Minimum 2 counselors in separate watercraft
.103(C) supervising white water,hazardous salt or fresh
water activities.
� � �,��� � �
, -���
�;.. :. . ��._ ,..;. , : . ' �..::
.205 Equipment in good repair,safety precautions
.206 Equipment properly maintained,fields/surfaces �
free of holes/accident hazards
.206 Playground equipment secure,no concrete
under/around it,pliable swing seats.
.201 Single shot rifles only
.201 Shooting range away from other activity areas
.201 Firearms in good condition, stored in locked
cabinet.Ammunition locked in s arate cabinet
.103 Certifications for other high-risk activities,eg:
NRA Instructor Certification for Firearms
, � ,� �
, � � +i � ` ` ames/Certs:
��' � �. �'' �., :. � . � � � �:
.. __`,,. ..... ,..., , . ..
.202 Equipment in good condition,stored locked �
Range away from other activity areas,clearly
.202 marked as danger area.Must have common firing /
line and 25 ards clearance behind each tar et. �
.203 P�Onal weapons,bows,rifles allowed w/camp
o erator's written ernussion
.103(G) 1 Certified Instructor per 10 campers
minimal 2 counselors
.103(G) Riders must wear hard hat
.103(G) Licensed stable
.457 Day Camp provides shelter for on-going camp f
.216 Residential-Smoke detectors provided
.456 Adequate egresses free from obstruction
.453 Lighting provided for stairways
.454 Floors maintained.
430-Inspecrion Sheet-8-8-16.docx Page 5
Provide adequate space:
.458 40sqft/person in single bed; 35sqft/person in
bunk bed; SOsqft/person in sleeping area
requiring special equipment
Provide bed/cot per person with 6 feet between
.470 sleeper's heads and: 3 feet between single beds/
4�� feet between bunks
Campers and staff with limited mobility housed on �
.459 ground level; egesses leading to grade or ramp
.452 Screens provided. Screen door self-closing.
.454 Floors maintained.
�� .. ; ��-� , �'��l'�°� ,.;
_ ,.� � ��
_ e_ _ e_ � ,� __ � �
21� Fire-retardant and non-to�c.No open flame ✓
� � ' � ;
y ��
_ _ . ..,:.. �...__� -. 4 �..
.360 Proper sewage disposal
301 Plumbing in good working order �
Adequate#of toi7ets: -
All camps:2 toilets/privy seats for each sex �
.370 Day Camp:>60 of one sex,provide 1 additional
toilet per every 30 people of that sex
Residential:>20 of one sex,provide
additional toilet per every 10 people of that sex.
Toilet less than 200 feet from sleeping rooms.
372 Toilet paper provided.Windows/openings �
screened. Screen doors self-closing.
�73 Adequate#of sinks: �
Day/Residential Camp: 1 per every 30 people
�74 Adequate#of showers:
Residential Camp: 1 shower/tub per 20 people
��g��g� Special needs campers provided facilities that �'
meet their needs
.453 Lighting provided ✓
.375 Toilets and Shower rooms ventilated to outdoors �
�76 Hot water at sinks,showers/tubs not more than �
��� Sanitary facilities maintained in clean condition �
Shower room floors washed daily
, ,, : ,
_. .:�� :. ;; ��.. ,:� ..�. . .... _ . _. �� � ' �`�
... ...._ '. �,..._ .... �..� ,
.162 Residential Camp: Laundry facilities provided
.472 Bedding and towels laundered;no common towels �
430-Inspection Sheet-8-8-16.docx Page 6
300 Potable water provided
300/.304 Adequate and centralized drinking water facilities � ,
-No common drinking cups
Day/Residential Camps: Telephone readily
.209 available with#s of HCC,Local Hospitals,Police, ;
Fire,Ambulance '
Z13 Emerge��cy Communieation Systerc�/I'rocedure
.165 Tobacco use restricted to designated areas not ,
accessible to campers.
350/.355 Proper storage and disposal of solid waste �
Z07 Proper storage and operation of power equipment ✓ '
.214 Flamtnable and hazardous materials labeled and '
stored in locked unoccupied building.
.400 Rodent and insect control
.401 Weed and no�ous plant control
.450 Site location does not cause undue traffic hazards '
and is accessible at a11 times
Food service in compliance with 105 CMR
�20 590.000,Minimum Standards for Food ✓
Establishments.Pernut posted in food service
.330 Nutritious meals that include a variety of foods
served. Menus posted.
Residential camps—Provide at least three
.331 nutritious meals. Foods must meet Recommended
Dietary Allowances(RDA)
332 Day camps—Each meal provided must meet 1/3 /
of the RDA requirements. ��
Adequately trained staff and equipment provided �
.334 to ensure handicapped campers are eating
nutritious meals.
Proper methods for storing meals brought from �p '�`�`� �
335 home. Meals provided to campers who arrive
without a bag lunch.
.452 Screening provided for food preparation and food ,f
service areas. Screen doors must be self-closing.
.453 Lighting provided in kitchen and dining area. �
.471 Sleeping prohibited in food areas.
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