HomeMy WebLinkAboutPages From Failed Inspection Report� � .�t 1�; 2Q17 15;12 HP Fax page 9 _ A�_., , F�������`���;� i �,, Commonwea�th ot'Massachusetts J��- `� � �`��� '� � TI'��� �r'► �;}�tCI�� �I1��JE +►#IQIl FQI"Ii7 ' H�ALTH D�PT. � s�bsurtace sw�+ags Dispersal syst�tn Forn►-P�o!kir voluntary Assessments � 2 Ginger Fttxtt t;ane i Q�rty ada� t�aurie Demcrne � owner own.ra rmme ir�fotmation is South Y$�trtouth MA 02664 6-23-7 7 raqu�tor avery page. Gitytltown State Zip Ccde C1ate n�Ins c#ion Ps tn s ti' � an re�u m I�' It� ugt t�s ' • p� ubmitted an th�#orm.fnape+cdon fQm�s ma�r rrot:be�Itered�n any � wsy.Plegse gee complate�ss checktist at fhe end af the fcrm.; i `'",�''��`wh°" A. General tnfvrmatian fi11i�aut forms �1�� an the com�tet� s � ,��e anly M►e 1eb 1 Ii1SpeCtOr: ��',, ....,,�.,� k�Y tc move ycur ' �., �� eursor-donot Jarnes D.Sea��s ��' .1AMES us�t�►g r+etum Nune af irt�pectat �` Nar : :co� 'L`a iif6 Eftt2 � 8 �*'. •,t � CornPurY t+ta�me ' ! •�,RTtf�..•`O 153 C�mmereial Stre�t r'�s�i�tsp��� � Camp�ny Adrkeas � Maishpee MA 02649 Citylfo�wn Stste tip Code 5Q8-477-887? S1&23 Telepi�v�Nurrt�et Lir�nse Number B. Certifi�at�on �certify that I have per�naAy insp�ected�he sewage tlisposaf'syst�m at this�ddfess and that#he : inf�m�ativn rapcsrted below�s true.�ccurate and compfet�as af ths t#me t�f the inspe�tbrt.The in�pecti�n was perfortneti based Q� my training and experi�nce in the proper fu�n and mairt#enance of an si�e sra�ra�e dispqsal sys�erns. i arn a D�P appraved systern InspecEor�rr�uartt to�actian 15.340 of Titte 5(314 CNlR t5.000j.The system: Q Pass�s {� CcntlitiQnaNy Passes � fa�ri � Needs Furk�er�valuatiort by the Lo�al.Appr�ving�+fhoriry sPe�or`s si�atuns 7-10-i7 �ce' Ths system inspec�r shall submit a aopy of#his inspecticin report#�the Rpproving Authaity{Boa�c! of Health Or D�P}within 3Q days c�t`Cocnp[eting this insp+�#ion. t#�te system has a�Sign fiovr of id.�d0 gpd vr greater,the'tnspectcr and ths system cn�mer shatl submit the repart ta#he appropriats regionai of�ice of#he QEP.The origina(shouid be�+ent t�th�sys�m�mer and c�pies�nt to the buyer;ff appiicable,snd the appraving aut�tority. '"':This repott only desc►ib�ctandit�a��at th��rne of k�spect�on and u�qr tha�contiit�o�fs o#vs�r at th�f�me.ThIS ir�speCtlon tiaes no#adde�es htaw th�sy�tern wiit'pe�rm in ths future;,uttder the sarne€�r dit�srsn#condit�ans o#ws�. t�ne.dx•rev.�1t6 Sitle 5 OIIkJsllrt�pSclE�n Famt:S�pI 3rKape Di4pos�t'SY�MD*PaQs 1 oF 1? I � .b�t 13� 2017 15;12 k� Fax page 2 ; , ! I , �, � Commonweailth of Massachusetts Titte 5 t�fficiallns�ect��n Fc�rm � Sut�urtace Sewag�Disposal'�tstem Fotm-IV�t far Vofuntary Assessments 2 Ginqer�lum Lane Prope�y 1�id�ass l.2tutie[3emon8 t)wner ��'a Name iniormaiion is south Yarnnoum a2 1 ui�d tor eu�e MA 664 fr2�- 7 �4 N , , P89s, CitylTown 5�tste Zip Ctxle' t3ate of tnsp�ction B. Certific�rtion (can#.� inspec�csn Su�nmary:�heck A,B,C,D or E i alw�ys comple#e all a#Saction 0 A) Syatem Pas�: ❑ �have nc�found any in#armation which indicates t�►�t any 4i the fa�lure criteiria described in 310+GMR 'f 5,3Q3 s�r in 31 R CMR 1�<304 e�ast.Any failute criteris not�valusied ar� intiiCa#,ed beiouv;' Comttten#s: F�i1ed syskem M-40 units in ttci+ae vnaY. The aystem is a 10�Q Ga�Tank Q 8c�x antl pit. �.;: `:�,w.-�'.. ..�: �r � ���,�.,,.� :"�► B} '$iy$t@�i R:{?M!'1NOfially Pd8$6S: ; �1 flne or mvre system c.�mponents a�described in the"Canditianal Pass"section need ro be replac�i or repaired.The syst�m. u�n cx�mp��tion of the reptacement er repair,as a�ved by the Boatd of Health,witl pass. Check the box f�r"yes" '•na'Qr"not determined"�Y, N,Nt?}fcx'ttte follvwirtg s#atemerrts,If"noE d��erminect..pieas�expiain. The aeptio tank ia rne#�I�nd ovsr 24 year�old*or tho septic tank(whckt�r metai ar na)i�sQvcturaify ur�scund,e�ibi#s subatantiai inflitration oce�cf�iltration t�r tank fa�lur8 is irt�ninent. Sys�rn wili pass inspe�tion if the existing tank is r�epl�ced witt,a ccm�lying sep�ic tar�k as ap�rove�by#he Bc3arc!of Health. `A me#al septic tank wil!pass inspeetion if it is structura{ly sound, nat teaking and if a Certit"icate of �o�pliancs ind�cating tha#the tank ia lsss than 2t�years atd is avail��le. D �' ❑ N ❑ ND(Expfai�aef�w}: tSins.�iov•rev.B+tB Tilte 5 Lll�eisi kfa�edion Fbrm:Sutisu+i�ce Sawape Uiaposal SriNm�Page 2 af 1T � Jul 9� 2417 15t12 F�' Fax pag+e 4 ,II ' . � Commonwealth of Massachuse##� Tit1e 5 �ff�cial ln�p�ctic�n �orm Subwrtaca Sewage Disp�ai System Form-Na�t ft�r Volunfary Assessments 2 Gfnger Plurn lane ` Qroperty nddress Laurie Derrtone a� t�,nets t+tame infor�zt�tion'rs SOuth YBm�ulfl IUTA 626B4 6-23•17 rsqutrsd Es�r e�rery paQe. ��#Y�ovm State Z1pCotle Dat�otlnspectian B. Cerrtifi�catian:(cor�t.) Z. Sy�tam wiil fstt unksa Ehe Board af He��th;a�►d Puk��C Wa►#�Supptler�if aay� dst+�rminas that the sys#ern is functioning in a manner that protects the public healtt�, safety and vnvironment: I� The systern has a septic tank at�ci soil�beorptian system (SAS)and the 5A5 is within 1 QO feet of a su�e water supptY or tributary tc a surface water supply. ❑ The,$ystern tta�a septic tank art�SAS and th$S}a►S is within a Zarte 9 c�f a p�,talic water supply. � The sys#sr�has a septic tank ar�d SAS and ths SAS is wittrin 50 feet of a priva�water ��►PA�Y weiL ' C] TF�systern has a septic Cank and SAS and the SAS is less than 10U fee#bu#5t3 feet or more from a private water�upPly wetl*'. N4t�thc�d used to de#ermine distance; *�This systerrt�ss�s�'the wel#water arr�(ysis.Perfarmed at a'DEP certi�esf laboratory, 'har feca! cvtiiorm bacteria indicates at�ent ar�ci the presence c�f ammortia rtitrc�gen and nitra#e n�nrogen is equai to or lgss tt�an 5 PPrn, Pravided�at no other failu�e cr3tet�a are tr"�ggered.A copy of tttie analysis must Ge attached tc i#us ftlrm. 3, Other. Oj SysEem FaHuro Criberla Applicable ta Att Systems. Y�must indicate"Y�s"�r"No"ta each�f#he foltowing#t�r g!j inspections: Yes Nc� � � Backup af s�xrage into faciiity or system component due t�o overbade�or c1c�g�ed SAS ar casspool ❑ � Discharge or ponding of�effluenf to#he surface of t�e ground or surfat�waters dus ta a�t overls�adad ar ctagged SAS or oes�oO1 � � S#atic liquid levet in the distr'ibu#io�r btxx abave outiet inver�due to an overiasdetl bt Ck�gged SAS Or t',�SSp�t11 � � i..��i de�t►ir��is�s�arr�'beic�►finvert o��vaitable v�otunt��#ess than'r�d�r fbw �'�T �ia.dac•rav:6tiB Title 5 OfbGid�epeclbats fwtre SiltattaCa SeWiqs Qi�SYa�'1'1i0Q A 4�t7 ! � �l 13 ZQ17 15:14 t�P Fax page 1 t} � ( i � �cmrnornrvealth a#�iiassachus�tts 'fitle � t��ficial ln�pe+c�ic�� Form � Sube�urfacs Sswags Disp�al;;sy�tem��m-Not f�r Voluntary Assessrn�ts 2 Ginger Plum Lane �rcpeny�adoross — Laurie I3emone C�mer pr,�ter's Narr�e inhxmatrcm is Sc�u#h Yatrntt�utft MA 02564 �-23-17 roqu'med#or every ��U �x�'! p�ge, Citytf�urt 5tate 2'rp Code Date af Inspection �. Sy�tem [nformation {cont) S�ptic Tenk(�ont.}, [}istattCe from'�p of siudge to t�c+#tom of outlet tee or batffl8 29" �ir Scurn thickness aistance fi�om tc�p of scum to�p cf outie#tea or baffle 12" E}istance from bottom af scum Eo bcttorn of oudet tes or baifle 18" Asbuil#-Tape hlow ti�re dimer�sions de�mtlned? SIut�9e Jud,ge Camments(Qn pumping rec�mmendaficns,inlet and outfet tee or baffle`tx�r�ditian,structural irrtegrity> � liquid le�reis as relafed to c�utiet iRvert, evide►'u;e af(e�kage� etc.�: ' ,� � Tank at wa�king levei,Tank at 6"bett�w grade wfbc�th cov+�rs steel at grade in�tvp dr�re. th,t � � � baff{e in baffle 8�tee: l�te:H-1�t�c. �� Gro�se Trap(ioc:ate on site pfan}; I3e}�ttt beiaw gt�ade: � Materiai ofi-e�nstrucircrn: [�c�ncrete 0 me�al ❑fi#e�glass ❑Potl►ethY�ne ❑s�ther(explain): D�m�ensicns: Scum th�kness Distance from tap of scum t4 top c�#ctuttet tes or baff{e Distance�rcc�m boftorn o#scum to E�ttom af cufl�t tee or baffls Date af iast pumping: Date t5�s.aoc•rw:sr+6 rN.s c7l�ara kKveq'ie,+Form buae�rraa seways c�sa�et$yeeenr-raQe to ar 17 .�l 13. 24'47 15:14 F� Fax Pa�e 1Z - � ` C�ommonwealth of RAasaachu� Title 5 �ffi�ial �nsp�ec�ic�n �arrn Sub�urtace S�w�ga n�pa�wwl Sys�m Foret�•Nc�t fc3r Votun#ary As�essrnent� 2 Ginger Plum L2tne . P1�PBrty Adtl� �U(f@�4'I7tOEt� (�wner {)W►lBt'S Nitme ���maaan i�, South Yarmtwth MA 02664 6-23-i 7 required for every page. CitylTcwn S`ta#e Zip Ccde oate of inspect��n D. Sys#em 1r�f�►rmation {cvnt.) '' t3�tr�ibution Boic(it pres�nt mus#k�e opened�(tcrcate gn sit�ptan�. Depth c�#tiquid I�+rel abave oudet invert � Comments{nate if bax is levei and distribud�rn ta autlets-equai,any evrcience t�f�alicis earryover,any � ' evidence of leakage intg cr out vf box,e#c.}: ,�� D Box ivcated w/c�nera[}Box and cover under btar�c�dri�. �� Pump Chamb�r(loca#e on si#e plan}: Pumps in warking order. (� Yes ❑ tdc�` Rlarms in vuarking�rder, C� Yss C] No* Comrs�nts�nate cwndition o#pump chamber,c�ndi#iart Qf pumps ar�d appurtenances,etc.}: *if pumps or atarms are not in warki�tg cxder,systern is�condiEicnal pass. Soil A#�orption Syst�m tSAS}(locate on s�s plan, excavatian nct r�uirseci�:` If SAS nat l�ateci,expl�in why: tS�roAoc•rer:8t18 Ta�s c�t r��,f«„+:aub�.t.�.s.�ae��sy�,+•�,,z��r � � ,hrl 13�2(?9 7 15:15 HP Fax page 13 � � � Commonwea#th of Massachusett� � �It�� � �}'�IC121� �t1��3�C�1�?!1 F�1"�1 Subsurtacs Sswage Qispc�sat System Form-Not#o�Vctuntary Assessments 2 Gin�'Pturn Lane ProRs�+Atld►res! I.�U�18 Q�t1'10R8 �� Chnrtef8 Al�ne ir�fsarmation ia South Y�mouth MA 02GS� 6 23-17 requ�ect fcu evay ��� Stsie Zip Catk Da�art lnspeabon �e. , Q. System tnfQrrrta�i�n icon#.� , I Ty�' � leaching pits number: � ❑ leact�ing cf�mbers' numt�er. � � I ❑ leacliin$gBNe�ries ' number: [� Iea�hirlg#re�lChes numk�8i',len�th. t le �ch in fie#is ` n � um r ' be d� n si�ns: 9 , rr�e D averilow c�sspQol number, Q` innovativelalternaGve system TYpelname of technolo$y: ' Cvmm�nts(ncte conditiic�n of sat,signs of hydrautic#ailare, levei o��ding,damp sc�it,condi�or►Of ��� vegst�a�an,eta.�: Le�ring is a t�04 Gal.Precast pit. Pit at 28"beiow grade wi�teel cover at g�ade in @t�ck'T�p d�tre �U � . H-10 pi� ,� � � g� �� � � Cesspcwis{ces�ooi must be pum�ed�s part af inspection){tccate c�site plan): Num#er�nd ct��f'igurati�n t3�pth—top ot tiquid ic�inl�t invert t3ePfh of st�li�s layer E3epth of scum layer Dirnensiar�s of cssspoof Materiais af canstruGticm Indi�atian of grout�+dwater inflow Q Yes (� Na tsim.doc r rev.ane rdse r�da�h�pac�ronForai:sutis4�fac.,8warpo�o�at8v�n+�+'+aw taaf 5T