HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertifications , �� �� � ERTIFICATE OF ALLERGEN AW�I�E.I�TESS TRAINING Name of Recipient: Kyndra L Kelier Date of Compietion: November 2, 2016 R Date of Expiration: November 2, 2021 J48tINf1�}`� 71ae above-rrame:l�cr.,or,is l.i�r,>Gjr issu��rf tlfi.c cYr-t��rrte fcr cort��letin�nn al.j�r;�er a�cnrer.e;�;raiarn�pre�,�ran; rP�o�niz�n hy th�=.ilarsarhu3.:tt�1')�15nrrnrt r;r,%Fn/li:H.^a/th Berkshirc �+ � .� rrr aaor.l•rnu w:tfi 1[15 C':LIR 590.l1179(Gir��;,>: � AHEC � � .�rca Fic�tO�tiducation Cc.ritv.i• 71.�is c�rttflrrtt.��;illl r,,iraJi.d jr:f' (). .f' /� � �'itt�t^�cid.�t:�nsavhustitc.a , r rvr S ,eara rorr.dnten corrra.etion. , � ��a:�r_a��yfi..�dalk:ruyrr;�ining.ni�; �� �� I � �1 w � � p� � �� �ER.TI�IC.A.TE tJF '� ALLER.GEN AWARENESS �'RAINING � Name of Recipient: Terri Putnam Date of Completion: November 2, 2016 � Date of Expiration: November 2, 2021 � - 73,�e nGaue-nnmed p��YlOfl tS J,7[Yi'&y is.cr,ed t1Jic;srt�rzte IssueA Bti•: fci'cosnpl tir,�an allergen a2c�m'enr.ss trnininq1ira�,ra»t recogxizedbytb�•:Ljassachusetf.aDr�iartmer.tr,fl�i�blicFl��rlth ` ' ir��taardanc��;rth,125�IV[R_49D.Qp9((� p �r, Bcrkshire 1r.1r i � AHEC �riS tPYli�[iitt.�4t;iJ1�r;Yfq/i�in- A�r<�Heaitt�Fdacation(tnh�r ' f .�t'<'�+(-Sf S'¢�p:�froynrlateofrnm�letioA. PittstSe(d,:lfassneimsetts ;�•++�:.tua;i�aclaller jvCrainiitK.n�y; �� � � l �� 1 � � � � � � CERTIFICATE QF � .1�.L L E R�E N AW.AR '� ENESS TRAININ� Name of Recipient` Pedro Davila � Date of Compietion: November 2, 2016 � � Date of Expiratian: November 2, 2021 � � 7F,e abaae-nam.e�l2n�rson ir(rrr.�by i;srred tl.�is r�rtifii;rte IStl1e`��y` � fot-co�t��letin,�c nn�11e��,er�rizcnrene;s;rnivrir,�f�rahra»f _ : Je�a,�.nizerlhytl,reil9n.v?c%uaett.rl)�(�nrtm�rtajPrrhlrcHenith s tserkshEre »r rircorr��inee i!?�IOS'CtLIR 540(J09(<,);�1)(rr)• ,Cl�.IE� —. .. ... 1 i.��tie:eltle}'slucatiOri C�'rrlrr 77_�ir retlfti:rtf uill f,t rnlicl f.'�r-fivn rSf�y�¢ar�ficm rlatr ofrn•rnp:l,:lior. 1'ittsfirid �x�qsnrhusetts � w�vstruati,�>d.+licr�ytr:�ini ng.,��� �� � � � � , �� �.� CERTIFIC.A�"E C�F � ALLER.GEN AWARENESS TRAINI.I'�TG � Name of Recipient: Wiiliam Surprenant Date of Completion: November 2, 2016 � j Date of Expiration: November 2, 2021 � Issued$y=: ?he sbo-r���-named�ersLn ir b�reLy i;r„e�f this tert.jitzrte for corufil�tir��an n1Ter�ren rz:unrenerc lraining j�ro�r�rm : reto�ni<<d hy tl.rc 1�lannc.husetir U;t�rrtmcat of Pnhlrc F1eaJfh iterkshim R� in ttr ordr:nce a;ith 1(),5 CA-1R 59D.009(C;J(.3J(,'i1• AHEi�. ... r1re.3 fieuith F.<fveqtion Cerrler Tl.�zt cerlrfi<�rifr.uill Lrt v�nlicl f'oa'�:ic(.SJ pearx fi�.m tl�rte ofuimfil,-tinrr. i'itts6eld.:l4assnchusctts �vwu�.rnalondallerwtruiniitg.���g .�� �� 1 � � w � . � � ► � � ' � � �•a�' . � " � * ! � � � s ° � � �� N O � � � m; �j W Tn � � Q � � � o� � � r— � c+� a �- � /� m � Q- ri ��"o � � � � c �-� � �� � � � � � � � � � rn � . � = � � � Z ti' � � . � � � N ��'m' � � � m . � � T z „� � Q � � � D ° � @ �� � , p � m w � L N X � N Z � �m N � � c� � � o N �, � � � m a : � � � � Q . x � .� � � � � � � 3 a y, c �'` � � � � � z � �� � � � a � �, a �: ?� � �, nQ � � -� . s� � O� � -u � � ' � �� �- �� � . � 4 � � � * �3 � %, 2C 1•H L$ ' � . �t r. � � �� � �� i � Q j T � � �m N � s � � � o � �-o w � � Z � � m � � � � . .�� - � -�-� c s� � � ��' � � m � m ro N � � �. � r. �.. � Z �- � � �. Q rn � ° � � '�,,,, � N � � � o -� ., o � � �� p � m � µ � � X � —Tti N D _' -��. � �'n' I`V � ,p ro � N � � 0 N � � � � -� o � ° . ,.� � � � � � o � � _ �: N � � � � � � W � � z � �'� T ro _ � � �. � �. Q o' � � � T � � , �. 3. 3' : a ' L•��'�sEiC■77 www.capecodsafetytraining.com � � � NS� CPR �aurse - '�' � a Adult, Chitd, lnfant, FBAO & AED 3 hour ciass tvame: Kyndra Keiler secur��y ccntroi n!o. Address: Doy1$'s Restaurant .`� Address: I329 Main Street,Route 28 City, State, Zip: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Course Gompletion Date: 111211201fi Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Tra�ing Expiration f��te: 11121f2018 Instructor Name: Rick Todd lnstructor(Vumber: 1040918 Kyndra Keller � has successfully completed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. , ,Y - ,_.._....��,_.�._..�__.�.�._.�.._.___._n_ ...�_,._.v_,��._._�..�.._.,....._��._ _ ... _._.,_._ _�r_� . � .... ._ , __.. _ ,I The National Safety Council saves lives by preventing inJuries and deatns at work, in hames ar;ci communifi�s ; and on the roads through leadership, research,education and advocacy. j �or more life-saving courses#rom NSC please visit nsc.orgffatraining ! ; .�..�.,._.a.Q�._�._..___.��_._..._.�_�......�.,.a._..���..k,_<.,_ r TH1S DOCUMENT 1S VOID IF REPRODUCED 5ecu�I,co�tro!tdo. � Kyndra Keller _ ■ {l�s comp'etE:�ti�a NSC CPR Course Your experience in the Nationa!Safety Councii CPR,Adu�,Child,infant&AED couse you took is very important to us. zra�n�n�centE�: CapeCodSafetyTra�►ing Please give us your feedback at comr;atio�Qate: 11t21C101b IISC.orgJfirstaidevatuation �rr�es: �����p�g Ir�siructicn?!Nc.i�s: 3 h� �,2�j��.�i M1044948 instruCtor Signature fnstruc?or hlo. . ,� ^ �i���» »,..._� N��/-in i# for life� nsc.orglfiatraining -. � ^ o� • v s r �-a �s �e �� .a } 2 t �� I '!;:;?3iu f075 4 ^,C�91S0.;2(71iiP::��n �Sste'r,Gc::_ 7�i�a .i;0 www.capecodsafetytraining.com � , ' . - 'i' IVSC CPR Course - " � Adult, Child, Infant, FBA� & AED 3 hour class Name: Dfanna Wilcox secur���r co;,t:o�`o. Address: Doyle's Restaurant ,1 �-_;s.� _ . Address: 1329 Main Street Route 28 - t- -- - City, State,Zip: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Course Completion pate: ���y112018 Trainirg Center: ����Safety Tralning Expiration�Date: y1121i2018 )nstructor Name: Rick Tadd Instructar Number: �pqpg�g Dianna Wilcox has saccesst'ulfy completed the NSC CPR Course based ort the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. _.,\ 7 The National Safety Gouncil saves lives by preventing inj�iries and deaths at w�ork, in homes and communities and on the roads through feadership, research,education and advocacy. F For more lifie-saving courses from NSC please visit nsc.org/fatraining � I , TH1S DOCUMENT IS VQID tF REPRODUCED � s�cur�i�c ntro ��o. .''' '�' Dianna Wilcox has comp!et�d fno NSC CPR Course Your experience in the National Safety Cauncil CPR,Aduk,Child,intant&AED COUSe you tOOk is very impOrt2nt t0 US. Tra ninc�Cen�Er: Cape Cod Safety T►aining Please give us your feedback a# ccm�;'ation Date: 11I2112016 nsc.orglfirstaidevaluatian �xc:res: T����18 �nstr����i����!h�:��s� 3 hr �"—%-'% #1040918 fnstructor Signa:ure Ins4uctcr�o. �.5. Ci�In it fOI" Ilfe` nsc.orgffatraining :m <; . < . ' , " "` ��` ;����� ,�°��c �t .tr v� �. ��� � �,,. � �i� _....__..__.. .__-._._ _ .-� - .r..�\ ��: � �('�' ..�a �, ���� �i�'���Na�.�� . �} �J�1�'.�' � . �".�S 4.�11y;, . . ��� ���� �� . r: ����� `"���``�'� www.ca ecodsafet raining.com ��� � � ��������M � � �'���'� ``� ��; . � , 11tSC CPR C4urS _ �� .. + } . . : � f 3d� t ,��:.` �h � " y Adult, Child, tnfant, FBAO & AED .:v 3 hour ciass �'a���: Stephenie Campbel! s:;c<<;�t;�c��nt�o�zo. �cictress; Dayle's Restaurant ��ddtess: 1329,'�iain Street,Route 28 City, State, Z�p: Souih Y�nouth,�fA Q2b64 Cai�rse Com,r�letian Dai�: 11/21/20?B i'r��n;nc;Cer�ter: Ca�Cod Satety Training �xr�;ration Date: 11/21l2018 lnstr��tcr-�Va�T,e; Rick Tadd Insircictor+�E+,�ni�Pr; 1p40918 � Stephenie Campbell � has successfully eompleted the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines tor CPR and ECC. . ,...:._... . ._ __ __ _ _ �_ _ , _ ., _ , � Ths National Saisfy Courci!s�ves lives b �reventin irrurres anc�aeafi,s at�,ro;�c is�h � r � � Y, g � , ,on�es a.,c!comrnui��#es ana c,i tae roads throu�i�leadership, research, ed�scation anct advoc�cy. " For more life-sat%;�t�courses from NSC p,eass visit nsc.org/fatrainsng � � THIS DOCUMENT!S VOlD !F REPROpUCED � ��": . �.,�- � .;y �:U��.;�. �j �� -��1 ��" p t - � Stephenie Campbell � i — v�,�,�.;�.� r.,:�CE.7;,.utF,,.i�r.:. . t'�� NSC CPR Cot�rse Your experisnce in the National Safety Counci! CPR,Adu1t,Child,tnfant 8 AEO � couse you took is very important to us. r,;�,•,�,�,;�,;;E.. Cape Cod Ssfery Trafning Ptease give us your feedback at co:,,;:�a;:�n���,E: 1�12�f2016 + nsc.arg/firstaideva(uation ex, ;:�s: 11124l2018 �"` ` ��"`�`��''j 3 hr M %, �' `� —__ #1040918__— � #, E�i.ta��c�-�tuic �I;�,t����c ','•n. ��7C"II"� It �FOP IIfG`' nsc.org/fatralning ,i � �,� x, , ' , ;,' .. . ,' . , � �r .._� . ..._.. ._ __... ....... . _, �..., __ _ . ..,. .. .....� . , � , NSC CPR �ourse - ''' � � Adult, lnfant, Child, FBAO & AED 3 hour ciass � �?�� ��_�; Na�,�,E; Pedro Davila sv;��t�t,control Na. Address: Doyle's Restaurant Adaress: 1329 Main Street,Route 28 Gity, State, Zip: S.Yarmouth,Ma 02664 Course Completion Date: 11i21f2016 Trainin�Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Expiration C'J`�te: 11t2112018 instructor Name: Rick Todd (nstructor Number: 1040958 Pedro Davila has successfully completed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC, , �y. v_M. �._���_.._�..._.�...._... ...� ... .._,_ �. �,..��._...__�_.__. _, _ .�,_,._. . _ _ _ The National Safety Cour,cii saves lives by preventing inju;ies and deaths at work,in homes and communities and on the roads through leadership, research,education and advocacy, For more life-saving courses from NSC piease visit nsc.org/fatraining 7HfS DQCUMEN7IS VOID IF REPRODUCED suc;,rity contro!r!o. � . ;.. ,+ PedrO QaVlla ' A h3s eemp:..ted ti�., NSG CPR Course Your experience in the National Safety Council Adu�,Child,intant CPR,FBAO 8 AED couse you took is very important to us. Tr�n�n�cenie-: Gape Cod Safety Training Please give us your feedback at Comp'at±�n cate: 11t211Z0i8 nsc.org/firstaidevaluation �X�"�'� 1912912018 �''s��`:cfi�o`'a+�!�"-5` 3 hr /�� .��y v�> #9�. fnstruetor Signature Instruetcr fJo. N�� .q . a > ��/1 �� �0� ����i� IISC.O1��fatY'd111111C�J � � 3r �S � E s��o���5a � d� � . J �:�a�..�.�. ��.�.�.�? . .,�.._� ... � _� 1 �.,...�..,,.. ,ni_ ....�.ni�.�.^.�n�r.a•�....-�C,��n.�('�, . 7�11 .f�;'..,'7 , www.capec odsafetytraining.com . '�' NSC CPR Course ' � Adult, Child, Infant, FBAO & AED 3 hour class Name: Lisa Miller Se��irity Cont;oi�!o. Aeidress: Doyle's Restaurant Address: 1329 Main Street,Route 28 City, State,Zip: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Course Completion D�te; 11121/2016 Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Expiration Qate: 11/21/2018 Instructor Narne: Rick Todd Instructor Number: �(04pgqg Lisa Mi�ler has successfuily completed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guideiines for CPR and ECC. � �_a..�.,�.w,�..�,.�..�,, ,u..��_��..�_��,.9_.�.�,�_� am..._�.�_.�..�_.�����. �7.„�. �,b..��.w . , .�..�, . _,_ -- �.._._ d- .. .., ,�M ! The National Safety Council saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths aE work, in homes and communities ? and on the roads through leadership,research,education and advocacy. � For rnore life-saving courses from NSC please visit nsc.org/fatraining ' t TH1S DOCUMENT!S VOID IF REPR�DUCED � sEc��y ce�,ico!r���. '�" Lisa Miiler � h�s eon;o'eted th� NSG CPR Course Yaur experience in#he National Safety Council CPR,Aduk,Child,Infant 8 AED couse you took is very important to us. Tra.n n�csnter: CapeCod Satety T�ainSng Piease give us your feedback at comp'elion Cate: t1@712016 nsc.org/firstaidevaluation Ex��es: �����p�g instr�rct±ona;hc::��; 3 hr ��"'� #1040918 �``-1-/ � Instruetor 8ic}natt<<e instrt�ctcr�va, � . . }}}.��� N.S .�'i—If1 i't fOP �1'F@" nsc.org/fatraining ,' � "� �.. [ ' :.'e e t 9 ��� P���,4�4T)NE 1�� , .�;� :: �,.-��,�:�� ....__..: ,...._:� / � www.capecodsafetytraining.com '�' NSC CPR Course ' � Adul#, Ghild, In#ant, FBAO & AED 3 hour class N�me: N8t1Cy.1011@S Security Gor�trol Ro. Address: Doyte's Restaurant Address: 1329 Main Street,Route 28 ` � � City, State,Zip: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Course Compietion D,�te: 11t21l2016 Training Cen#er: Cape Cod Safety Training Expiration Date: ���211Y��g Instructar Na��e: Rick Todd �nstructor Number: �pqpg�g Nancy Jones has successfuity compie#ed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The National Safety Counci(saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at wori<, in hames and communities � and on fha roads through leadership, research,education and advocacy. ; For more life-saving courses from NSC please visit nsc.orglfatraining i j f THiS DOCUMENT IS VOID 1F REPRODUCED S�c�irity co:�t,o'�lo. � : .a ; : Nancy Jones � has ccmrfeted i�2 NSC CPR Course Your experisnce in the National Safety Council CPR,Adu�,ChNd,infa�8 AED couse you took is very important to us. T,a��r,�cE-,t�,: CapeCodSatetyTratning Pieass give us your feedback at ccm�fetion Date: 19f2112046 nsc.org/firstaidevaluation Exo.�es: 111211Z018 `f5"`�0f���'`'����"��� 3 hr � ��_j�.�i #1040918 Instructor Sigr.atur8 h�striactt�r i�a. „ } p Q � � . . . - �� ��� ■ '` O■ � .�i u nsc.org/fatraining �• . < > � ��-��a m; r n �a7�'�a s s "' � a;e , � � � � 2 _ � � -, ,. �' ��_r� - � � � � NSC CPR Course _ �._ � � "�. � � Adutt, lnfant, Chitd, FBACJ & AED 3 hour ciass Name: Janelle Manchester Sectirity Contrc!No. Address: Doyle's Restaurant �:_. _: ` `� ' v. Address: 1329 Main Street,Route 28 City, State, Zip: S.Yarmouth,Ma 02664 Course Comp;etion Date: 11I21/Y016 Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Tratning Expiration �ate: 11121/2018 Instructor Name: Rick Todd Instructor IVUft1�l2f: 'IO4II9'IS Janelle Manchester has successfully compieted the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC, � �,_y, ��.�� u�._�V�_ �.._ �� _. .�_�._�._w�._ ��.�� �_�... �� �--�_e..�.._ .�.�� �..._.�.. � __ � The National Safety Council saves iives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities i and on the roads through leadership, research,education and advocacy. � For more life-sav;ng courses from NSC please visit nsc.org/fatraining ; ; TH1S DOCUMENT IS V�tD IF REPRQDUCED ', se�ur'riy Con;ra:ftio. ��� � Janelle Manchester � � � �.. � , � i�?s c..;r�'.etsd tt�u NSC CPR Caurse Your experience in the National Safety Councl) AduN,Chiid,infant CPR,FBAO 8 AEO couse you took is very important to us. rra�,�n�center: Cape Cod Safety Training Please give us your feedback at eo:n;,�ei��n Date: q�n1120i6 nsaorg/firstaidevaluation �?°"�s' 11/21/2018 �"'i"`:=r°r'+�'`'"'s: 3 hr � � I a� .1 #taaos�s Instructpr S+c�nat�+re Instructcr ho. NSV�II7 It fOP IIf�` nsc.orgJfatraining ����. 4��� � �� ���k��, f x>� t � ,, ,, ,' �����,����r , � � �1nn.qen;lr. tn1-^. (I^:^:^..�at:'1(`,'1:11Rn•��;,+n:+!c.�':::�./'..:�..r.� 7<iiT.:_nr.•:,�