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VIOLA. ASSOCIATES, PO BOX 389, CENTERVILLE MA 02632 Ph:(508)-771-3457 Fax:(508)-771-3496 Sprinklers • Water Gardens • Pools • Low Voltage Lighting Date 7/3/18 • f` / / � l� ` Yarmouth Town Hall—Building Department ouRoute ou S Soutt h Yarmouth,Ma.02664 Inspectoi Grylls, I have attached some documentation and building permit for an in-ground spa we are currently in the process of installing.Included in the documentation is the building permit,the site plan for the project,and the stamped structural.The client would like to use a Katchakid Pool Safety Net to satisfy the barrier requirement I have attached the documentation from the manufacturer stating it is in compliance with ASTM code F1346-91.Can you please review the documentation and let me know if this meets your approval for the barrier requirement for an in ground spa? I would like to order and install so I can schedule a final inspection to close out my permit. Thank you, • Ed Trainor Viola Associates,Inc. 1 124 { - -fin day; g — c l ;sicci,:,,,::44,,i ,42.01 4fl44 a en c c b. ...‹ ,„, i N 43)a tilt g;' , a ,s7 ; ' m { `� m !a n g is , c es `c tri3X ire- Z; Bss�� @ T e K m w j a G Z f? �. rti,-, , a - r .^^ 6 a wm-0.tar'",R e .w (rye �5._. rp i w a cc. ui N CO 113 G. -. � $ .vi � �3 *{ C' '� 'cif i}- LS�sz i��l v ET a m(0 n. -44y `�a O'co a. Ca tr ,y a� i ii U .....� 1 is 0 :1/4) V ± xi .... .trim.A . , 2 m -4r,-.0 Y. eS m r a a Ss"' .41.1,,,t4;, m a F 6 '• m mi 40 t40 fs ' esn K a LI ma. +s es G 4�'y a v fl4 tT''ga's'`t Q1 d ; tea:_': (r Try i 's4Frrugy} legtZkda Olegyr .fii; ATM F-1346,91 Section is General Requirements for Safety Covers G-1 rusts a oNtise a galley covers— deices installed by the manufacturer. or responsible parkas.or both, detailed frstruticns for fnslagaiion shall be Overt in a boars Included In the packaging or'a label, or both,attached to the saver. These covers . are only installed by .a factory trained and approved pool phofi ions]. 6.2 Labels attarhad t5 the met-shall ntee3 the general requirements described in 8.5.1 and Labeling meets requirements.. 8.3. Markings fix safely covet!, shalY rde, &S1The r -af3ciurees name, 6.32 bate manufachssd Cc inolailed,and e.s.a instructionsto consumers to i pect the wer for premature wear Cr .deterioration., 6.14 Labels attached to ccsshall meet the general requirements described Fa 8;x.1,8:,and 8.9. Markings anti Labeling meet the requirements.. 6.4 Fastening mace nisei pr acirvicea—Ties. attachment prints, anchors, anchorage, and contcatsfor automatic Covers or other means of fastening a cover shall include provisions such as keys, ccsnbinalfn Alas, special tools, devices, or inaccessibae locations, and the like; to inhibit children under live years of age from removing or op'tratingthe =mar. Wtsen subjected to the load and perimeter derma. seen testis desuibed En fL1 mid 92, off f tenirr9 devices shall remain In their intended, secured,or _. ._. closed, or bot, positions. Alter the test,the Intended perfomia tie. of thedevice shall not tie In} au-ct. Fastening devices and attachment paints meet requirements. The detachment • mechanism and procedure is sufficiently difficult to prevent a five-year akd:from removing the net All fond NM Were met, 6.6 —The Covet Shall be designed tri such a way ji."'i.tr when{t Is tested lJ'yr ite test method desxiticd el g.d, any opening in the major Componi:r t or bentreen The ewe of the cover and the top scrfae° of the pool or spa does,rot glow the tent object le;pads through. The test object shall not gain access to the water;or be subject to antrexnent, meats requirements. Access to the pool was restricted fit all tests. ASTM F-1346.91. Section 7: Performance 'Requirements for Safely Covers Z1 Static toed—In the tasv cf a pool with a width or diameter of greater than 8 ft; !rola the periphery, the cover shall to able Co had the weight cf 485 Ib. (2 adufl and I child)to pemar'l a mon operation. Passed,. 7,1.1 In the case of a pact with a residues t6 *meter not greater Mal 8 ft the ca'ra st r willfavtf the weight tat 275 lb. (weight of I child and 1 adult). Compliance shalt be determined by the test.rrnethoo descited in at ' Hot4ppllc®hfe 7.2 Perirrtetot Do rton-The Cower shalt be designed in Such a Way that, %own it Is tested by the test rnellied do crlbed on 92. deg ction of the caret does net allow the lest obit to pass between the cover and the side of the pool.o{to gain access to to rater, Passed. 7,3 Surface Drainage —The cover shall be so constructed, or incorporate a system, or bave an auxiliary system ptovidod, that when used in accordance to the manubctwa's instructions,,shell drain substantially all the stavxarag vole from the rnrer within a period of 30 ruink, nu ca;.Satlon of ncanei rainfall. Comp_ lia-tto stwal be deternzraed oohs test in g.3. Past. 74 OJMrOg Test Tho S Sh01 be (conducted by the lest cnethtd daubed an 9.4 to ternansirate that any opening in the rhojor component or between the edge of the moi' and the deck surface dor coping well, or both,ar d the top surfaos of the pool or the tip Sur ite 4f the spa is sufflrgrtly small and strong to pre%ertit the opening from being farad CO a sale that will allow the test object to pass ttrcu h. Passed: ASTM F-1346-91 Section 8: Minimum Label Requirements for Ail Covers for Swirl ming Pools, Spas,and Hot Tubs i&.1 P ucticf boa.Required to'denary menutectutei St ip Meat req+ r:ernentsof B.5.1 and 8.8-8.82 Meets requirement 62 Wemii,gLsbets•Required of all ravers 8.2.1 S,wit Word:WARNING 8.22 Safety Atari'Signal'. {: Go PT PA w • •e c p S La m A 00 o '{ m. °' ika NI. is '• '. a a 4921 m m y' Qui. q a ib+ mom ;, , o aNc, R� m �� m m 'R . L Y„ wei. m ' t '� m • ,� gl Cr {0 0'� Fr M E 4 0.87= im ' I im ��4 C Iy3 Oo.eCao . ICLkii 0.o 71 -0 ,7. .(4 ! 71 to Imo b es.m ak a• m .. ° �7 m mor ; c � .mL .041 a ani +mown � aeqa s C m,y m. A � [� mao'� IF pm. o •471 y +` = y `� tri <�} ;j '0. p" • 4 2wig. Q,— pmt m, = J _ m Q fi .;�° ,at. 5,1,... --'.�� m:�, ra 0 7 R. ,d V ,3--= th Ira �� aI g .T �A c1. �•y . ^F• • e 5.d Word rnessase latter height shalt be: '. fe 4'�xing Mwimu L*ttorIielghlt ilor Minimum tetter I-ieight fe t CJlstance k ; c FAVpRABLERsading UN iAvpR1t aRme Less then 24 in. Height(1n,)= VF wv ni inns Hag1st(ir,,}a View Distance 150 75 '24 to(46 in. Height:fin,)= vv.,/nigtnnce Height¢in,} m.View Distar3ce 30 I 150 e ceeter Wan 96 in. Height On =View Distance I t-ti.;;hi{in.} a View Distance 400 • st f Mots_osivirorent 8:6 Lotter Style .Signal WOrct ■ Sans Sorg-'Upper 0.1Se Only • 6.2 Message Panel • :Sens Serif-Uppercase only 8.8,3 Axe:Aare Lettering Styles ▪ dMedi'um Helvetica. ■ Bold Helvetica • News Gat1 a Sold Meets Requirements 8.6.4 Races -Location slat be such that The message v4t . 3.64 -Be.readily visible to It* intended v1owr s, taking Into ocrAideradon all passible, viewing angles 3.6.6 --Mort the viewer to the inkier dal hazard In lima to take epprOpfiote aac1ton 0:6.7 -Meet rnust be so as net to lit:removed in the frith;press Mots Roqufroirient 8.7 Life Expectance-Labe{sly have a reasonable expecled Lie with goad color stabtly an,Iwcod message fegirtAty, 0.8.1 Protection - Placement of label shouldprovide protection from fcreseenblo d'agnzSge, farting,or titsu?l obstruction used by aeration, tifrtviolet tight or substances Seth aS OtiOrliCalS Oa dirt. 8,82 A.Mechmenr-The label shag be att*hod per,�r ly to he product so that it c innct be easily removed. Mccts Requirements 8.8 Replacement Product/warning Iab&s thodd bo replaced Lid the product user wizen they no for ler meet IeriSraoty requirements for safe %dewing distances d bsd In L5,1 and VI, In caves leoftere,prroducs have eaaensive expecad gra ca where exposed to extrema conditions. the product user should be ale to:obtain replacement Ia is from the nianufacexec or responsible party. Meets requitement a9 fnstructionatfse Label — Any prWrutt instructions or use labels not attached to the product, Intended to be vie,RwEed t ry the conszanortcser shy con4'rirs In Its =dents the sara%k,applicat: waa ng hal es bat forth ka 8.3-S.t63. .. Meets requirement 8.10 Pe koga o Label—it packaging is Intended fcc pr duct display to lite consitcrier4ser,, ap icable waman label 03 scribed In 8,246,3 shalt be placed on tho printWW'Side of the pac-tcage intended for display orb:VW consumer Wornt_ation. The lobo! shag bo ptWed co or affixed to the pelage and not esily removable- Meet: to-quire/nen; -Xetchskice nets are not sold tlrortly to customers through retail straw.but oro orgy,va isble through tactcxy trained degets and imtalem 2.11 t rrrrranceLsbr3.ring—:f{Il labels Shall note ft*specific weer classiErcatioui. Meets recmreineis ASTM F-1340-91 SSStiOh 9: Test Methods dor Safety Covers ' 9.1-9.4These sections describe the specific taste test objects that are required is be perfcrmed In order to satisfy the retrarerrients lot Sectica 7. All of the sews were peris mad a'id I restlisam Indicated in the Section 7 par ratih of this(apart. Digerati Determination --- The-test i Katcisakid''lhej Pool Cover PASSED allof the regr:S evrmrtts ofAS77I'-Ff946- 91 Goma cd .Rem' le. as s e:i5ad in S ct€on 0, AS7 'W 1,946•97 Pet4vw.ance Requirements,. speeill in Sealon 7, and ASTM-F1346-91 kflarskrat LaSel Requirements. as specified ki Set'licn,8. Very tru:y yours, interCity Testing and Consulting R.Stephen Wortnian ©rddn i- . Daanarit Consulting Engine„r Director • gy{ eta air) ¢ J'3� 4 3 ...„,,tr 4 F 1 W..YF Nom+ C K NY `yR '} `4 [ -i; r`" Viet- P`r - I3 ., , g 4>-,p'7• ',.,.? ,, 'w 2 tt + `us'.T`7 y,,r'yi4,fre '-Lea "" .F' wv-`yv*tF' ++Y ovo1-.an - .-„es--,..., trr ps- r wn. c a,.,• _ :' Y . "e7 k +t,;3a triggr a t f * l r` £.,` y,",�' Ys 3>t'R§c�coc ,s'rc > ' rnt'tyr }'t^,`>e^s,-6,a�., r +�y t y7,7 f �.. i�xPah n Fr Kl'+� -+r�ii� rs v • y� r d f )r 'I a fr.,e� a 'z3 '^C.3".a.kke ,0n 5#0„,„, Ps.3. tf ie ixtraaa a' rw }l4. #spa `P# 4 ' 1, ? nnt, A':,tf J-k: ,.�„p ��` AY 'G` '� ;i:--7.0,,,-1‘,, at. tql, a �'rr"n' 'fit-'- ' 1 y it ""1 ate' e .7„4.4...,,sti. kfr:pi • t4 K. fah s " ,i . w� `, T o,C--e• '�5aile�jr `Net .tip � 2 ,3 ,�f = fi - r�;; 'IT''fil f:.11t. `i'zttr aza,a$a1"' d Vc T`1O� I.1 145^ rs t ) yI:1 t ' � ^r`.. :Y"`^ S1 N+,a.W ,7,. y, .-tAti' }y��p 7.1/_y_, 'I. Y t rtl . a ? g ef�Ary .; r „ Y ,A qt f� KATCHfiA� rr !,> ' K_f D'- r s1 /Aptp• v rb 1\1 F N T Y Eye {65, M A11Y�•li Tal y .W'IQ! KATCHAKID INC. -- ??1;.3),:'74r:.li �'M i �D`r a lt -_ I v"� 'n `-"'per e SE''t i F, u" u 1330 Sryerxood Forest Street Ste.301 `- : l r 4 4y*t • j `' Houston.Teas 77043ti � ` 1Y.fie! ; s r "3 411.4 ,___ 1 3J' Pw 1 Tel (T13)46343305 • pi� Toll-Free 16685523242 ) ..._tetp' y'� -.r ' ., yty Fax 03)4638307 'ad re PrrW $ Av 'S'�,t I r r e llt�T t Erna InfoOketcnela coo / "eE.AY' ° Y 4 tI S` y ♦ 0•mwMa ler rJY tY � T ^k (I 1. jtv vl�; r n� 2 d. , ,V� t r 1-866.333-fi36) - f� r Mr - PA t "3 C w.f�'e EitaX yy±±.. X ��-p Ac'tq.� � .elntic 4!0-- 0 2F.t,45e lV ?lei x i P 1-666-ssz-ezaz 'Teas , ! iYC3'�� s4 . vfae¢f��.>, 1�, �y,''s'�3.rc Athena e . i r ` %-e M Yet 1!r 2 ca �'Y 'Ra yY��-+ ,�}. {' 1-688552-6241 -ry�geq.{r^+'+ s Ks3c .a'�vy T � t--� y .*w..t.- ---. Florida A 1Norldw�• e-Leader _ ' _ A� 1-377-796.7379 a -�3 - �l - '—as- }.• tgan _ in 0ciLSa eey- _ yrs , -fl . •rw.katMl•IYa.GHrl 'x�eZ D Gr4 ea �s-„cam-n 1R �T'�sa —..rmi r'r"v.Fa`��.. .' 7e ®rte A �$, ' al me � Al:tib• Via.-.Y+ras"�'c+® '®mss.-, _tP .p} s j T& ry -�araevr"®.�.e► �'m ;" u. '�+ -.�r,I+ ~ITT4iry. > -A%"ir *Mara). � ' Remember,the Helcbakel•net Is•spppementerT pool•arely eq.Tne aM e•IeIY HaHW pods k HIE NEeO est competent•oury � � '^;g : , tArgae ,yrismeswaosIs. A .• 4�Slty r Coea _� 3� ar = ' 1 �'g li> m1: v ,Parr+ , e 11,, .. .y fPt.s IA .:*1*gg x}.d a 1 'w rx . , 1' d. SSa ,,,, nth �,. .Ja-. .� k 'y� r��Lxd$r�'� ' q-,i �+#1 taE Ty��"v:;s , ;fes ,L r'• «Y"`<i *r...e r„'t �!"' �"ti+'t3'S4•r r , } .r ;1 r b '�`.i.•k `r*'a -w;y�r,R : � t i •y'- -• , 't' i,'' 1.'M1V'�y�,� "l5.5rb4'h�#} �?£ .t1 ��Yind repi-, r'• �'i?°"-7�:'�i«y�+-Kx^ai'i: .y r�, �4,+ av . fi 3rA + ' J+ i '~ A rel. f t rio.0 S VIM }eA a e. sem, -1 -`E 1 1#`L `}a h? 1 r 'Fc. c!(tTa $■j M y 57 d 1+• .aF "'#"ld�tj{ A ki, 'C 'r}^ -'a'�. FY' '� �.L� st3.' � + e s i 31 ..«n... '' :r.`fi '1sd� Ar rF''x i < +' t. " .,,. f ,iftgy �� e"-.-c-'Dt',f4 q4w 4- .`k7' J�"Et`- °\ ,, T�i ,s` tri 3a t t .n ■r, - :5i ++�`S *`i .s ; e,r �t ' ,c FFFFF >'YF"t+ a + isys �� f JrfrY `� r "{rt-h <'" :r2 }, dn �18ic re----bt c - 3Y. ,r�: ty}Rnr it F e. t,r� 4:-.‘ ,L-a" t) : > T :.� ♦ ��4,�.w R laiJ a _ sea `-s / •. pJrr NR ri 9 r. ,r, 1 ' 1 1e JMti�iS .1 31. ' Fla. } qty � �.#� #� x K ! } a. {'� 't`U A T Sr{�,t+ F„ v'�C sfan u . phi ' �f'' Nv/°f � • L y�,t •''�'r '. t`x `f < ♦[[a�� .,L.��v--ty•. , t 'w+]IAv't1 t � + 1.,+.^, ..--. r x v - j. i G s y'� ,.ri (, <- # rte ikm. \r � R, • t- ~ \ -S .r ��},�,rA .�z L'5?s «" r., ti f{ i ) �. � .T Yy.'� h A �S it. r •P' 1. 1 qy 9k iE'"� P'aM¢ � '�t+.� ��Y'1+ rAi�•e i by g >zti £C'eri�'-/ *" Cy % `T44_n -4 •• met , A t - ;7,1 Mit --. ,,r4'k.. .. { ykrr .5y ,,.sex Ae+ .^ \'7a3L' '�+ M' ta"..0°"V * Y. }f \'4At 1 �' T r'�,ss<-th i tysfi�i e -4,--!..k- r• . ,1-14,!!...-4-2-?; T l t'GMx.£x T'a �i"#SrY 4 ,-"<s"tai R�" �• t*. r rte▪ ', ;Y 42 a lirely* ,'`� , 'C �• .t% :. �{", '4'...-r - r ,y 1 a P} t' .4,. ., b J � • mt' +r_ - wre.-e ;1 .fir.-- sn'rx• i^ v Y 4 eerrga v> �gy$`;j}Y1�,�k ,,,,cal,..;•.,.4 'C y« - y '. a>,+ •t "tz.#-�i c+ .- r- -sir r r 7.4? ) .W44'1 } ;} 14J* A Lt ;tsS . . iys .tto °g'-1�k �-- FtJ- Ce, - sA . .4• _\• s ,;a i,.• s, � �. '}K'3 S t t+ e4F [1 y tr'i>0Ste - - s ! f " x-+ 1'-yv�. '��j g4T `4�'. `Z3 ? A'j'f .p •f�,� # stt yu e -1- ..,:ti---;e1.2..1-..,,Leri: a. t r • ra.. _.s'-=._5rw 1- a, .� :�.� S-. g � °C'1 a, C (x`g�gqyt7 :if b:..F 4 4.5 i Ji IVTrl a4' R� �.1>—t. y z. -_Fn.•Jk , .tea-+: .rr�i*3G y > .....,001. v,",.--- ^o+,..'+45 > '"k"'y ,P"`r C' i ;1fi�J1M1i ry"� agl,r. 'r'• ` w , 4 ' Sr� `GSA Gs'- __ r `;yvR t"' 1 1 V yyy i r. vie/.^ i.. c'p# .- Sr,,�, $� 7h1 }}ry-}aG� t h'} r llh 'r 1 i.'W.71.`"r j� 3,�h� ^71 J l. 1:}.al la wb� •r`,++W, ____. ^� ,F i' ' t rt4 �.;°"t 9+ ♦ .R 1. I t .z.„t: E 1 - ;0 alig i r ,.irc 1 t* < to ,n,;•:?1•+,q 4 . t ifill' ICU } rut a - x` � J 1i,1 B • e.. dr1 _ i id _,.. -_ see. h a 2-t T, ✓"Ir^ V,. n ,., Ye' , rt.ufitr.at,„ '.rid 11 �R /A iga i f, .r f �1 Vi ,n1saC Y ^ .vim Y � f� NA't1r'n.n �iM1 Y f of T f sl ""`� a0 : � - ri - - }- The Katchakid® _......,..a.„,,,,,/,.„,„„c,,....„. ° *". y - .s- d3. fS • .s�� r>.r` A. ] .-_ ;rY. Y ._Sf!. r”.. � � y `< " I.`'X,,rw. F e� R - ;t For the safety of children and pets and your peace of mind. � .M�`3.P ' �xn T4 ,� ' � � �" ie.4 'l Sr '+ Swimming pods bmg tun,re axe eiM prevention and peace o/mind are what the +` , a p„ 1 to >-s j. i �* ` •_ _.r.,. beauty Into our lives,but wIN Nem coma the katehaNld from IratMakid Inc.Is ell ` Y g <9� �_ .,�v2`v „,,,.i.,„.,._ 7A sedous safety Issues end oyou t oice about.with a 100 percent safety record,it 'i"e' --•- —_sr 9 RIAS -�” ''� as Eb'� "Y� Yo pool,It's u to la one of Ns most secur4 proven safety _-�-�- .-.. .� ,.q 11 a own s P you to keep tet -a - -_ �`--,ate rystems avaliabie today. ¢� s� Y"�� �S cMdren end ewe from failing Into the water. --=-a- - .74-� y� a � -- 24lnura a day,every day of the year- Metleulousiy developed,rigorously tested end '^�' ¢�t � �y -= because a child can tlrown in kss tlme(twn Aga :� 4.`� �T..m � Deed. over bur def t -far r ®. ��+..® C �., k takes to answer Ne plane.The statistics (lien arty of its competitors-the ASTM as= •+� �� r.a��yr �� `i .� � aJa, on erownthg aboev nLs irrvolving cNidren Stallard F33a691 carpliant Iratchakid ......... L �® ®m.®�a�,�.,�s., � +.���..ve all young people ere alarrring.out tl,ese Meorporalea every motlern Innovakon In chit .�_-+�.msaraoa�wo ..................................... ��emw imanx b.r "y,�.. �y�a0w� eceltlenb arc also PrcvenUWe. Pool safe TIutY v. j,�l [ tX wly Ka[rhaldd is at Ne -��s �e e��vr ..ia.....ems...s�aw ....— ' , 9•-,--.1 ,se �ass� asa.�nwway�aee ^avaall '" .��,wq®e 13oere0000 Ne poalPmtecUon Ytlusby.Over ���'aliy�vQ<�'a��tar�F _ parents.schools,caranunitles arq ire a.E�,�LJ�:an®ea® C's 0t\ aai �a� �4®af�iJarw�ig �>.a-rim �,1. -�� - , r + `•i i® ltZU y� �� i ilk eatery e.pens wwxavide rey an k. - • .<..J._t•' n j.r m! ssx c J. wqwTt.a xar•x+•, iwa`T.? • Al8f+etLlle9al�.- ' hrF' v ^ t X600/}Ir srt y �3.. tJy"i4F.. 1' - two 's°k.i' N ''' ' ' Ne American Lifeguard bsocev1g'4y susrw1N . '''''7r ,N-V1" f`"kia ,-14 yrYa -.;. 6 - - • • 4. iI• lite-ii °t EM! " ly :�' /�k}�q'• ri9trP+• 1�4-F p,l{ i9ti >�'7?. 'tangy Fof �k , �_15'd het M� i,,�t- •!p. ° 4C,k f 1 _ "�x `r Yi.cri l^ �•5;1filt45 :` lgPet u s 3.F{f : cit ^' 3 r sA' t`: ,y ^ g' a 1'ytf r Miiiii4me, 1�;`r.{ E'�zf{�.'`i. / 4,14,1 / ,, : r ,d - �.tr f r f, -Lis �* Left! • #tIt ; iJ •.,icS •y el ea• r - •' HQ+! A 4e1.V et M t ',sA. ���--' I. y� KVA ,1 7 ~ y t r'k�' Y,,,ra'orfy /,� / AK at )a0`S.+nh � \+S T f f4 i . u#qy, ♦ + �wds Yat V ee G 1 s.3 : l' Y I r 41r y.•4K I+`,�fi,* i s ., I•�r t•p .. �", 1• ..,.F1n.IRY� din S; L S. v ..,filT; ,;r xi-t fig L 1 i'-' al y� S t "tC7 w{ a..IE -'t•::rr":iNot,i7 ..w tf, fl 1.1°- t�,s}rta f9<I�Pr3f"at rd ,t41c.tMfaN f . qs � a• �' 1 i, al 1 , 1 4 t1l ��! �1y { y iv 15 .dcn�R�i *'Al.'+Are!, • 4- _1 -vH441.4 4 0i 44k= 311rw 0t3 'lav ih Yfitf6 Ol is4 '. ,.1+,t, N441 '"T.>.`'. ._,a. ,��.; .� 'rr.�` �ry;➢l:I' �;44i, rg4R it I.rl�';XZ. g„°_'ri•g/.� r t .r liken • 4 / td Y1119�r bkitk I 1l 0.1 `e1:as .-Qw7•e- t sA ° .f :°` 4;7' s Designed & Installed "t '"" `' w ""' A ..a:'r/aim$ a a. -.t x5 t-+""A• iww7, -' "rfz"1J 1 ▪.t Y ! _.�* ILx.S'.�es' . i t tH 1 'G r-t fir*•rsn^"'4 mrd ,i :1aVte, c 4 s .i, „S".'r with Safety in Mind i 3 . hau a'S t iiYaie �ex""�t � :. Y�L T• ^ ' � �ac£3� ^tgi< 2' i e'-. e5`' HOW IT WORKS. WHY BUY A KATCHAKID _ The Katchakid•Swimming Pool Safety Na POOL SAFETY NET? axY•� $ � -ase- - -.7. • � �- J 3. :. • t-' f st T Is specifically designed as a barter to help •No child has ever drowned In a pool .r :tea-"'s-.cam -3 y -. t- t. protect children from exposed,open water protected by a correctly installed Katchakld. rti:ey-1L k• t n-s ^•rc•• r- • rter-; __. l"4"FliAt '' E. ¢ r s.a f _ e ac ,c i Like a large tennis racket,the W and - „X a- wintersafe net is stretched over the pod •Kloffers the highest quality,most ::' E r and anchored with flush mounted fasteners. rigorously tested materials and system r .F -•�H▪ L t• '3 • "' • ,� ra v . We can cover swimming pools,spas,split available.Our pool nets are reliable and �! i r- t • `+: durable,even In the most extreme condition. y - "' "' decks and rockeries as each Katchakid net "l +<' a-'I'"`".Z -_aS^•" _ Is custom-shaped and Installed to salt thef "n r%•-I• s r.-r - s r `".ser -n a na •KatchakM meets avid ASTM safety codes n. . rra i+ a rt ¢,� TZ• aw__r s L` .� • ..._ water feature. Metalled on page M. K i.-`�-ww _ t s f s s srAtA: se c t72 "a� } ysy t ..wt a`T i M `r.i-a_ f Once installed,Me Katchakid Is easycfr- k L'=t' _C L,,.sGr 4 aro er tr. S i 'x y a �.h.f •Our Installation technicians go through an .__ �e3'!x94"- i•YN A rat�.•� r u,ca L'%- Ly- x for Pod owners to remove and replace. Intensive mre tsIv standards. rce th certification program In order to re on the job, � 'I ,Ca:'--7,121 -.4 +�1 i L-;, le n i s' .1E T y▪ s g?s a t Yti y-+b_ C, , (Please see tecnnkal Information ont �a 1 t_F r s s t £ - .•a KalcPeek!Fittings and Components on they can expertly Install a Katchakid overany •i L~"w x_r 1 Vsnr / E sl L ,vii ler L fa0'•za}t„ , `t'"' i page 41. - size or shape ▪ r <(s:A. Firs b f r sL fi'. x n poolwopen area of water that L r yEFS r/ Y w -y's.s z". • r+e' ° ` requires protection. d � ; 1 z—± fr.vt f!- iR?� t Jh s..Lj 4.... e � ryz= tt v a:x iLF x-it iwC i`3� . -We oiler resr' E":3 t, ",T :�'+= 3bt :: i h you Wnsive customer Service. rr 'k t+ J2i 4 j irI'\ L j �' .' 5i fa �TA.;T 7Tt *g.1;:4,7";,,:'i .,y C �-- t:, with trained representatives and technicians has p s.. .,-',::....'4,;1;*` 1' t ' t•- c;; 1 4. t "'f ',.. L 1 ,x �t q , , in all the local markets we serve.If ▪ 1,71.47:17,t2 airy questions or your Katchakid requires ami f A. rA '� 1 , ,. x 4 • t ;/7 •C• } { 1-2L(-...5:-".;, :. w �, adjustment,we're there for you. t, ;' a • r �' i� ▪ ' , ��--,, ,▪ tom ' r x n] l A ^ ri I >.. 1 y a I 34 0 i _ 1 e. Y Y ” N l 4 r fJ a • t F� 7 ;3 t v ..a 1 z s f • } . • • • t t 5 r J 1 f K y9 r 1 'e .:('-'7&-;'-'c'44-: 1 - t f 3 { r t r j FASTENERS Katchakid®Fittings ouli5,;k,gli`4,.=i ; .: ;. t '+ wNl L` The Ifatclwkld's t ( J,X� I+ - 'ill-. 1�};. .� +4=�' ',�+:'.: arglnhee/estenen ere &:Components t ` ofi �' prccislonengneeredlmmNghgrade, t * ° t i 7.. ; I i .;�: g rostbee stainless steel. f M c. i - Fmematenals and meticulous,tnanufacturing Processes: =r' :+ " ,. ej '' r• '� -�' tl make all the difference !t �, r- , ' y " ' ,t ` + ; 'is > - ' 1;1- 'y qpg ✓ - i t ' .�}��yt, 'I'F rt'tG�r_IJ C� s Imo'..' Ef` /..?!„ POOL NOTING ( f% rI(ATCHAK105 CENTRALt - te`' Pt{� �'i^1c � t�� A}, 1 r Manufactured ham duraok four nYllimetert' TENSION SYSTEh( CTS v� xwr ; x !'� „tr.'S i If- e eat Y' High Oenslry Polyetlylene(m)fiber composedr. - t KstMaklda CEO,Flair Eason P▪a' a ,- Y�„, 7 of linear macraroleaks seturoted with +•t'nY� EE - r THE EZ-0FF ROLLER f..-. � l '"''��a6$ E j Ep-neared and patenleEYhe 1< tz-t .4-4117', 3J Wnsubstituted aliphetic hydrocarbons This,r �• [[[[MKlal central Tensloning c- The Katcoller constructed from ht holo Z ...-.41.: chors II t material contains continuous hwKlBlament x y ':' $system(CTS)In 1988:The t storage roller k consWctad from hi [.� end,resists ebrasbn;moths and Dadeda i /CTs totlayW a multifaceted glpualiry i �"• s'Y 3 ' "' 'ohmic'"" system that uses a serka of puikys set Ina rigid PVC,With a pressure rating of W.p •sutkct toesact ion,rpconhor prres rd' Ps1370. stretched Gild heatset to gluwrcgulerana =Cmular fashion to open and pluse to Dontrq 4 .. ▪ `stable mesh saes.-:These pe asses`: ' tension Of nec.7he Net can be _av F t f t f i The uick Roller makes nmvva1 o/the safety KATCNAKIO ANCHORS :!-': guarantee rte Katchakids cesserpe eQusted loom tlgnt to vary tl Mab the CTS net tlulck and easy.it generally takes three to i• pe 8 �, r-etf".:7 Countersunk,durable Nrough the uniformly o!meso size anti Is tlesigned N such a way thaC nest children z 7 flue minutes m remove,and five to eight coin• ,§"� hlgtldenslry nylon toamate I Mrot tl8huess r under the e8e of i?yeah canrpt remtrve m urea to replace on an Avera a swimming q;. i =` p t� F rt n, 38 g Pool. , rera available In Crcam, y r e With the EZ-0FF Roper st net wn oe reined i MoGray ar Terracotta; ^Chemkaly treated NMI laboratory developed Tho I(atdmWd uses en tlrerage o!X2 tti 16 ' ^4 -.+E3. coloruordination to match f `Che mum Wetted wit kd orato� that pulleys per ret targerpcols apse over 43 s '� from the Pod area and stored unUi reW fired. .At the IOP of the ss anc kd ancnor _ � Katcliakld LW-stashM.m fading,tleterloratbn !reC or those Mtn more than ono 2lealy t. ( range Is a nigh quality buss anchor Over time deAne4 fl le usualy require two CTS I, u sndNEge Men sugeclW to harsD cAmatb {sYstamv allawirig iM Kaldrakld to be re i wf N ar when acid washed•the countersunk I4 .= condltrta:This mefetlal is also resilient to t replaced end tlghten•M vrlN releUw a t"4774' �v i 'r}�t Katchakld brass eared p matches the color of y .orolacM,pool chaterial sod does net hold t ' ^, �^ I - or aesom pool - r v 5 r r i7.41.<...!' } f ,'I of Kat tone pebble and Pea gravel deck.making �'. Y ' the archon krok alrrosl Invisible.All I, y :.r,.r .,S.,r 1 �r ( 3 PULLEYS s r c 1 ilr of KatchakW9 anchors ere I Udike Fry other pod Soley reC Ne •- + Oyer the Past 40 r if+;,� �' ak>" i▪'-'177S1IrtR/ '�f desig ed to end s creel. lty `Katcl+ekd has a udgoe diamond slim gee t re Years-°, Esson her. ir ("Fr *,I desigrep to De disaeeL [r design.Toe mesh.when NII secured Is eweys end p vnNmery ratIonm toes oT i l quare Inshape,put rye material resumes Its Pullen and Wfley cobest rations K hes.,' r11 -,AV } rz �es a- l j t the oohs ed that the best pulleys fora pool net x 3 1'�iilt`gtNit+v tr } vp.�i// 17:„.::: � ill I .origiriel diamond torte ashen the tensiW k %are consouded from tlurable h s a'a 'Wet t A I » a .released.Tho diamond rotvstmCtlW ensues - ignBraEe'tylan (, g j �-;t Ir` i I r ,e manageable streamllnetl flow that reels up alsonbp whie Weueptlonelty strong ere also rat an Im t lav safety fectoi M r "I r►AS i nil' 'evenly end arnooNty over the ErRolfer. vmalntalN t - t' - nBUie---nett kvel oT tendon s.' i fi •AvallaWe in Nrce cola notions Ocean Glue'' `- I h[Black or Desert Sand 2t r as r 1 t ' l Y t i• t r{{ �� CD ^ r : 1 ... .a tt�7�li(y°�x•„'y'�-"'"`uS3,e � � ,. r t ,+'¢ - '( _ 14 L !` '4 �ryf.wt TF. YfY 'r r s f ' 4 >i ( 1 . h i .r. �S,u• rI k z rat 3 } r ly` hpl � � t v t s )e .. Y f } 5 1 ,'i. y { r t I - " :t ,,„,.„::,_,, r'; .gF '1w++ a.w tw '' w r .. {:= e`1 ,k&:11 ▪ r� v.} • ;i f rf -r T._ x x - -4-44r sw ' st 1 t 3 yrt i _,3<X���`4 .w. .._.h _e M f..�. ..u_6'.:_! v�fu.:wsit e. rta..a.,,...:La..L • - - -- utt u„ gym'--,sar����a..... m om" °l.e... .4�" e. "— dsS'. i-•`ie sj,,,,,,,,4.......5v{'. yr �",®,." oma- � w c .j- Aiatiri w.e se" .issaittia.. mac. 'aftit ?. -"a � Tr FrequentlyIL. 'Ealltawsin� t C. w , • �. .� Asked Questions - d.N. L. �1 -�y`e�" •.. '-P`P">`� 'f '^r�;spa C"r" .c»r, M�rrixt �X WHAT HAPPENS IF MY CHILD FALLS ���±p. a, ,.a. y " yx;,r = .,`* .,•''t' OR CRAWLS ONTO THE KATCHAKID? HOW LONG DOES R TAKE TO REMOVE -y•..F°^ mow • - ��.,; ..,"7.r.„.,.4:A ; -s t•iI -; AND REPLACE THE KATCHAKID AND IS The Katckid•serves as a barrierbetween I It DIFFICULT? #. •T y en e Kr'inn 'a I 'ttgvs{ f es. rajt the child and the water.As long as the net Is It generally takes three to live minutes to �« y , •••`1.1a Y'+. ,..t,_,.. � 4 I.� .tTr..i. .Y In Hood Tion,property positioned and remove the Natchaki0 eM flue b elgM Mmrtee 1 a • 1 ya + 0_ f e' .,{ e I ®41; r 4r cit tensioned,the net will support the weight of a to replace the net on an enrage swimming ,c-y` '• �F young child near the pool's edge.Kalchakid% pod.Most of Katchaklda regular users are i • a aa 'wn. y_S unique mesh sire has a dual at small female so we have developed our as system ��� �_ r •e 0 .'T' ; I,t�L +yy}4 fl enough to prevent a toddler%head from with this consideration. Fek� _ 4r*Td rt e. ; "AZr+ penetrating the net while simultaneously large �.tX � � #e v u �4 p I •® �'t`� ,f e '•s. .t9 ( '� r �_` enough to discourage movement.Most children ,WILL THE KATCHAKID INTERFERE WITH tlY('9-•2 - 1Q 'N Mil find the KatWWd uncomfortable to nave MY POOL CLEANER? L'T S n°t *TOi � '• �'`� y i_Z*Z. } �`,��, ity,Cr�r ��c� +r' on,which MU also deter any further Crawlingerly i_I_ n Q r lir a I ` �d i �. '`TVYG I 'i�r on the neL N0.When tensionedprothe Katchapositioludr anchored iyYtt fyvrr{{ Y��^^` it. F X {, T�v: *C Y and motthe Ka[chaWd will not Interfere fgt iC I� k. � k„ eP °• 4 �'1- 0 s�. `^� , `- :i with most standard automaticcleaning }� Y^ WHAT IF MY CHILD FALLS FACE DOWN Pod ♦ z ++. 1 r 'yr ON THE KATCHAKID? equipment.Chemical maintenance Is also �1 Lys'_- ►{�-p yr�q tFit '',�`7 - f,„ t?.A w r yli �ro x;y ay. `t: easy-you don't have to remove the Nakhadd ` LtI' t1� V t•TSA J. �p v' 0.11 . �� n- .k.th Q4r+#.9:5': ':' 1,+` �T'" . lit Is obviously dependent of the age and to easy -youtd your pool. _, u ,y.,,-Il y%VVPP t T r .,6"rt let „^-� 4151- T �,�.4 ,ate[[ ,l yam¢ weight of your child but most children underjx, • t '� flue year will be kept off the water and out of f. xr•2# �.-44.t"F'X; Li ' 1 .'.. "T.,- y, laic:ri Asa - ry''if r"�' trj.- HOW LONG CAN I EXPECT MY It r 3rd'^ y `5 ''§�,yi mho # ` 1r y ty,St.,c' .. Ta l'{.v-t `4 danger.K a child over off years falls face down HATCHAK G TO LAST? z.- r^a.< a ztz 4 Y 3j �' $w' ei A.11+'4* 6 4'i" r r..r^,l r4',, on the ng straight th he et she is usually the net.. -,(C14,4„.%,M-,-W.1k L k• 4 ..t{'r : J - r 4 x of getting straight back up and off of rel A Natchakl0 that has been treated with a Aja?a a `f{ �';' .F y#S qsS .,� �µr«ef'-y,+•t J<tc� � �' y�" reasonable amount of care should last an + byk,� ^ t'xF=•3C'6' .a + r na"' r a� 1 ' ,I t Cyt i r..;w „A ^�_ CAN A CHILD REMOVE THE KATCHAKID average of len years. a " tt 44101111111P''''. � *�Y rs� i°# + ��^{� `tvr• `�"" y.s�K - wtit-Ste:r,h"` '� � OR CRAWL UNDERNEATH IT? µ�}" g, , YY 1'(.r�e ep, r x MY POOL HAS A COMPLEX SHAPE WRH A Y+«Iz 4,11 ie; c �, r - pr.r'� ,.js i The Katchakid cannot be removed by most NEGATIVE EDGE CAN fT BE COVERED? '"y,.- ,u.�� "itr1/4-3471 'fv i' 5 ., „, children order 1Z year of age.when PrecerN + -ta t 'qtr kr [ .514.1 • u%In A'xv- positioned,enddred and tensioned the net Forty years of operation equals a lot o/ „�>t,:•21/tor,y J �r H[ t� nets end cot op n water ld has covered > 't-T vr'�lwl's R h '14...:4,44.,..-..-,14.,...,• ' �°n r°?'�agz' will not have any perimeter gaps Mr a child to every type oto n reservoirs to ygi-.� crawl underneath. pa "tt rr:�iY v' ;3'K tP» yy`� '_s' - "°✓''- municipality swimming pools and ponds,This .kw- rh 11l t ay sgfr i i s3a�'@ a- HOW IS THE KATCHAKID SECURED vast experience makes It possible for us to k�j j r f y cF' "Y..;N �--+ - t TO THE POOL7 undertake and cover any veriey of water t yw 1Z Y?Salx s<J, '�y 1 u '`I}!b feature or unsafe areas with total confidence, a'� Trt r, t 'Wank. - The Katchakld is custom-shaped during •} . ��p.�zc''afi, '4, ♦ r {, ",.� mac' j Installation by our trained professional t=x 4 ",e,is'+s^_'iu'`inr1+>a p} rk Bi ',( - _ IS THE KATCHAKID AFFECTED SBY?THE • -'i-'.. i^ i.-_ - " bytechnicians.a mll The Kalsteel Is then attached SUN AND OR POOL CHEMICALS? - � by a small stainless steel fastener to a brass No.The Ketcham('pool netting is treated with - I F or nylon anchor,spaced at+1.30-inch _ ! Intervals around the pool laboratory developed maximum UV stabilized . deteriorate when The subjected will not shrink or �.. deteriorate subjected to harsh climatic conditions.Our material will not fade. ,a A y M y �"`� ! -Centers for Disease Cor tr l and PrevehMohr Mattonal Center`tr f6r Injury Prevention and Control - i' . • { . , 4 � 1 '�4d ` i -.1'..;-'.'t :dr I .2s 'ro L ry,1TLL�um yA `},�.: ; II S,,> er}" •'91 l�kAt. t.. ��.;�Katchakid's Safety & T s ma - 1� � Quality Assurance Checklist yy` i S Tri '�- Rely on Katchakid•for superior quality,durability and ease of use ,• a74.1141 •ASTM STANDARD F1346-91 COMPLIANT. -WILL NOT SHRINK-The Katchakid pool - .' • �., •UNIQUE DUAL-ACTION MESH SIZE Is netting Is chembally treated with laboratory its�� ris ��� �y # �* �p small enough to prevent a toddlah Bead developed maximum W inhbltors so the 'J04.a w Y 1 is '+ �" f. L vo-r s Imre Penetrating the net and large enough netting b resistant b shdnkage,even when °- �al V , :14"':. Y ga^sr:i s-tea„subjected to harsh climatic conditions. i 4 r ape - :i ����®�'lila �' 1r� " ft;Ti .,, tole discourage movement net i J. t�lsyaPjli �� -t ' 1„,e C t r {cCi ri 1 •KEEPS CHILDREN OFF THE POOL-Most 'CONVENIENT-You do not need to e t s r s�~ ,4 t I. a �„ "yM `*A± children and pets will find the Katchakkl or one your Pool t your rlon. ehlodna[e ham•' 4._. ._.'r a0"` 4 F � „3. i b ty r or chemically treat your pool. uncomfortable to move on,which will deter ra. mi 4'a+T761iv� tg3fT� ?%t'e Ate+ �J _ .f j any further crawling on the safety net •EASY ON AND OFF- Katchakd's EZ-off •NO EXPOSED AREA OF WATER-K properly Portable Storage Rohe,constructed from }..1.m high grade patio fovaturc PVC.assists with ^S sul Yk 'pit I r kK +apes:-sa- `PJ.''ym positbnM,anchored end tensioned,the net .h t 1's - s-d -- " --5. : ,y$ will not have a easy wird uv removal. •- _ 1 t{ 1c ,w -E. n all,pMme[er gaps that would .-a--� al" P I `tNit .i I yP 34 - - --.ry' f 'rte ,y allow a child to crawl underneath. •AESTHETICALLY PLEASING-The Katchakid 5 .t•"' t . `a -.1.-4._ •TOTAL VISIBILITY-Top to bottom visibility of Is available b Ocean Blue,Jet Black and er7,,.,y „�rr " your pool gives you additional peace of Mrd. Desert Sand. _y - s ,L31 +`jrr 1sir 1 „; ___,,____ __ __________L...,„,- �" .g j(}. Fist-_ What ASTM F1346-91.Compliant Means to You - r ., y__K • -. ems" ' 1�' _:,;Simile E a ..pit .. :• � - a ,�a� The nettlWb pool net nwureclued x UV united Stain Wnk Meaty.gMNr old Nn Waled Angst, .vCY'£ J 1,M1.✓ ��s�.i ty K9lWeb Inc is Si eOnVInsh at,ASTM Cede conniving to die ASTMS code 4NW P0elee5 antra -s---"r � /" qA --'-- _- - F13Wi91Ior,nWe,M SMeq S.She KMci,albp0tl alaINlMWbasaKawa that they Moe a,.tlthe MA �� "mac.., e {rF��� Mt mewls the clan 00Mtlsa ASTMS demanding Mon.of ppq apattbn eMlslx(Wrcduce dor drowning cr" { 4710 �\ �4 A. Series a performance tests and labeling requirements. nsic a small nld,Ws s T + ;.i ° e �••, _.nl S SomeNIM m,WbMM ATTM WCMatlw EE e� T°j_jly,�,yfAlenp f-+. Y� i13e6at xMbe: FACTS r tr kt � AD' O Fq�+�3` t '+f —�Spy +�+1 _C�"r{./ ` MVwW Sl fid ase MNblub aeeipµweigh"( 4854 ASTM set codes Yb standards they do not een7. 'Ry �} 't ]F..a_—^-•�as '-++_,-- �,y¢� .t� (2 adults waldu alwpemM tense operation. .oao'e.petweMWMap,ppct.M((atSFoOJa .e. cs:�y� .s F1' all; '� g . t 7"ra4'[ tom' J ael=te y ane net mesh or •wnWiK and up toalernN ASIS code Me product ® �`ry ?e g�—o,s ri My ed whe should a pens croups should M tested to w onsl. en tMvatay MSTM C� l '' - 13�l�55 -S�k�' +l '�� �; �se�® ',',qq�-��=��Q=teen to aeasrK•stlb rape saeu.Kn•minivans breadth does not wreck ahpMalasl.the 40orcxn pea den tgi • o® 0145 Mea x tam Vxv4 access at any point Or we Issue The product wannporu iSM owe how a.aodan �� 1 all (AO � _ • ®w a pod while MMmaarwwtlso pounds W.F.'S.* um,WnMInthat pendular ASIA code axswx 7----*------ t tt0 d� 1i f Jl� j% A ' 'Meeh aeewM lenwemens nor Mpwersb rya awMy pod saebMaMMsee beonwyrtwr's "1 R l� ' p was.spas end not ms. pining compliance ASTM Fddebat,nwuM inch Siv'ii '•‘1.4 l ` 4...:-* -t _tom h an cry*. �y .h�y� i 2 �'` r� .�,4.; C. ,e r ititx-ps . ll ES"' J' �, h " \ 4 4�s N Tbv s yMfY?�.1.. t f 'un r 3P • ® KArtH Katchakid Pool SafetyAK ' 'r I Net` -N;rheast BSB Name ,JT Newton Contact Details Address Home Phone Work Phone City Mashpee Mobile 508-477-4814 Preferred Install Date State/ZIP Massachusetts Email jnewton@maffeilandscape.com Map 104 Nearest Intersection - Fax - Source Diagram of Pool Pool Net Specs Pool Surround , Length Cl Above Ground w/Rail rrl' e I $t Width ❑Kaol Deck 1 ' I im 1j tis '`r :arc u�^•- ! 41 r ❑CTS&Ratchet 0 Flagstone €� .� ❑Roller 0 Pavers .94fN r + �=xF + a ®Wall Anchors ®Concrete s. "� "F t , y ,� �•jt . ❑Incorporate Spa y"tlZvT St+-.f r At• < y-t,y ya3 r a-''"=:'`;..r '4 'Watt t r ; „'' '� 'gi`-` r�'€ ❑Combo Leaf Cover 3"f. ,fit 4 ) .00%-"� ? mss �. ti �'• «.'�.�.,� Spa Net Specs Anchors 5✓ .' y i iy s'i'p a. $ r.J*& r r ��:.v�a.` w,� w �f Length 12 Width 10 ❑Plates ®CTs&ratchet 0 Gray ®Brass CUSTOMER MUST BE PRESENT FOR DEMONSTRATION Color E Five Year Special Instructions 0 Desert Sand Warranty 0 Ocean Blue 'Customer to choose net color prior to installation ❑Jet Black Installer Date (ase details on IMYMO side) Terms-C.O.D. Method of Payment Price $ 1366.00 ❑Check 0 Credit Card ❑Visa/Amex 0 MC/Discover Sales Tax $ included Card It Total Due $ 1366.00 Security Code Exp.Date Deposit $ 400.00 due prior Name on Card Balance $ 966.00 due upon install ❑Billing Address Same as Above Payment In full is due upon completion of Installation.Late payments Billing Address are subject to a$30.00 collection fee plus a 1.5%monthly finance charge.All sales of custom made safety barriers are final. WARNING:The Katchakid°net is a supplementary pool safety aid,and not a substitute for the undivided and competent supervision of an adult.A Katchakid°net can never replace adult supervision,nor can It be a guarantee against drownings or other accidents.Always replace your net after swimming. I hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions as listed on the reverse side. Customer Signature Date Estimator Signature DCQgGl �lp� Date 6-29-18 Katchakid Northeast 744 Broadway,Albany,NY 12201 I Tel.1 (877)456-6387 i Into@katchakid.com • • • • CONDITIONAL SALES CONTRACT 1. The Seller is hereby granted access to the aforementioned property for the purpose of measuring,Installing,and or removing the pool safety net"net"for work and or repairs. 2. Title to the pool safety net remains with the Seller until the balance has been paid in full.Payment In full is due upon the completion of Installation. 3. The Buyer agrees to purchase the aforementioned pool safety net at the price as stated in this estimate. 4. The Buyer may cancel this contract at any time prior to midnight of the third business day of this transaction by written notice.This contract cannot be cancelled 72 hours before agreed installation. 5. The Buyer shall within three(3)days from delivery and or installation of the pool safety net notify the Seller,In writing of the necessity of making adjustments to the said pool safety net Failure to notify the Seller shall constitute as acceptance and fulfillment of contract. 6. The Seller is not responsible for damage on account of pre-existing defective surface conditions,or surface cleaning or runoff Into the pool,if any. 7. Seller is not responsible for damage to any objects either above or below ground:Including decking,tiles,pavers,coping,electrical lines, water lines,and pipes and gas lines.Seller will endeavor to avoid damage of any kind. 8. The Seller is not responsible for any sediment that may occur on the patio surface due to drilling. 9. The Seller Is not responsible for damage to the pool safety net caused by misuse,abuse,alteration,accidents,animals,adverse weather conditions,burglary or any acts of God. 10.This estimate Is valid for 90 days from the date of the estimate. KATCHAKID POOL SAFETY NET WARRANTY Katchakid warrants against defects in material and craftsmanship,including parts and labor for a period of five(5)years from the date of purchase and installation(the"Warranty Period").This warranty shall apply to the Katchakid pool safety net system("net")as Installed by a Katchakid certified technician on the pool and/or spa for which It was designed and only when used according to manufacturer's published specifications'. WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS:Buyer's pool safety net is custom designed and installed for use only on the Buyer's pool and/or spa.Any modification to the pool safety net by anyone other than a Katchakid Inc.certified technician voids this Warranty.The Warranty does not apply to damage caused, for example,by children,animals,acts of God,external heat sources(E.g.bar-b-q pits,pool heaters,ovens),unauthorized modification,misuse, accidents,weather,burglary,Buyer's negligence and accidents that occur when the pool safety net Is not properly secured or stored.Katchakid reserves the right to examine the product and circumstances of the alleged defect to determine whether the warranty is applicable.Katchakld is not responsible for personal injury,seepage,sediment or property damage that occurs during site assessment,drilling,installation or repairs,Including, without limitation,damage to:fences,landscape,soil surfaces and landscape;wires,utility lines,pipes,sprinklers,sewer and septic lines;pool and spa decking,coping,surround,tile,filters,heaters,jets,water features and cleaning systems. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE GOODS PROVIDED ON THE CONTRACT.KATCHAKID DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF ANY OTHER KIND,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY THAT THE GOODS ARE MERCHANTABLE OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. BUYER'S REMEDIES:During the Warranty Period.Katchakld will,as its sole option,repair or replace the goods that do not conform to the published specifications or,at Katchakid's sole discretion,refund an equitable portion of the purchase price for any nonconforming good sold to Buyer.This will be Buyer's only remedy.Katchakid will not be liable for Incidental or consequential damages even if Katchakld's attempt to repair defects falls,but In consequential damages as part of its bargain with Katchakld.Buyer acknowledges that the purchase price would be higher If Katchakld were required, tobear responsibility for such damages. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY:Information In manufacturer's printed catalog,on its website(www.katchakid.com)audio-visual materials,statements and any other document Is given after the exercise of due care In Its compilation,preparation,and Issuance.However,KATCHAKID DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM SUCH INFORMATION,except for the obligation under the Warranty to repair or replace the product or,at Katchakid's option,to refund an equitable portion of the purchase price. WARNING Katchakid Pool Safety Nets are supplementary pool safety aids,and not a substitute for the undivided and competent supervision of an adult. A Katchakld pool safety net can never replace adult supervision,nor can it be a guarantee against drowning or other accidents. Always replace your pool safety net atter swimming. AVOID DROWNING RISK-NEVER LEAVE CHILDREN UNATTENDED NEAR WATER. NON-SECURED OR IMPROPERLY SECURED COVERS ARE A HAZARD. DO NOT WALK ON A COVER EXCEPT IN AN EMERGENCY. FAILURE TO FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN INJURY OR DROWNING. THE KATCHAKID POOL NET MEETS ASTM F1346-91 WHEN USED AS INSTRUCTED. WARNING-TO REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY DO NOT PERMIT CHILDREN TO OPERATE THIS PRODUCT. ALWAYS INSPECT NET AND COMPONENTS BEFORE USE-IF WEAR OR DEFECT IS NOTICED CEASE AND DESIST USE IMMEDIATELY AND CALL KATCHAKID FOR REPAIR. • • • Qg•Y'1k TOWN OF YAR JLJTH Building Department BUILDING 2 trQ (508)398-2231 ext.1261 . • Q • y�-y PERMIT NO BLDPS-18-002958 PERMIT „..trtoY;;�cm ISSUE DATE 11/17/2017 JOB WEATHER CARD ! APPLICANT EDWARD TRAINOR PERMIT TO • . . . ..� ._..�.e �., I A-1-17(LOCATION) 1121 GREAT ISLAND RD,WEST YARMOUTH, MA ZONING DISTRICT Bldg.Type: eeid'n%it; . ..--- ._ --- -. ..-.-._ --.-- ..... SUBDIVISION MAP BLOCK LOT 004.14 : BUILDING IS TO BE: 'CONST TYPE .: I USE GROUP REMARKS Hot Tub-Install 10 x 11 hot tub as per plans dated 11/16/17.(508-771-3457) CONTRACTOR . • LICENSE CSFA-106159 Construction Supervisor 1 ' : EDWARD TRAINOR --- - - _ --._._.. ;'EDWARDTRAINOR "--' ' '-"' :.West Yarmouth,MA 02673 AREA(SQ FT) •4_-_-:. 95,88 EST COST-- =.-7 7. - PERMIT FEE($) 60.000 -_.___ __ -_ OWNER CHACE BARBARA B TR— _ ._....._-.__--_-_.-__....____---_----:..., ___ . BUILDING DEPT BY ADDRESS C/O POINT GAMMON,46 ABORN ST 4TH FLR PROVIDENCE RI 02903 �) ' .a _._. ___.___..._....._...----.... . .-. PHONE THIS PERMIT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET, ALLEY OR SIDEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER 1EMPORARILY OR PrF.MANENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILDING CODE, MUST BE ''^PROVED BY THE JURISDICTION. STREET OR ALLEY GRADES AS Writ. AS DEPTH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY E: OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS.THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT RELEASE THE APPLICANT!FROM MINIMUM INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR ALL APPROVED PLANS MUST BE RETAINED ON WHERE APPLICABLE SEPARATE CONSTRUCTION WORK 1)FOUNDATIONS OR - JOB AND THIS CARD KEPT POSTED UNTIL PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR FOOTINGS.2)PRIOR TO COVERING STRUCTURAL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE.WHERE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING/GAS MEMBERS(READY FOR LATH OR FINISH COVERING) A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS AND MECHANICAL A;FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE OCCUPANCY 4) REQUIRED,OUCH BUILDING SHALL NOT BE INSTALLATIONS. r•:i Ic?:.i 0:DETAILED INSPECTION SCHEDULE OCCUPIED UNTIL FINAL:INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM STREET Dliit.DINC INSPECTIONS APPROVALS I». - .--- ---- I L • • .-.. I OTHER: • /zi/ig - . Ina (vc - /46/gyiav !P' A5e4/ WORK SHALL NOT PROCEED PERMIT W ILL BECOME NULL AND VOID IF INPSECTIONS INDICATED ON THIS CARD UNTIL THE INSPECTOR HAS CONSTRUCTION WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN SIX CAN BE ARRANGED FOR BY TELEPHONE APPROVED THE VARIOUS MONTHS OF DATE THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AS NOTED OR WRITTEN NOTIFICATION. STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION ARrlVF 642'1 ASSESSORS MAP 3 PARCEL 4 505'1 OVERVIEW LOCUS 80 40 0 80 240 1 inch = 80 & 100' FROM TOP OF o COASTAL BANK 1 / LOT 42 50' FROM TOP OF ;- h3l LAWN AREA L� 'I COASTAL BANK / i \D\e016/- -20--) \\\ \ \\ \ X22.3 ) f(/ 1 t -- �� r ��� . \ / -;�, 1• <20.EDGE OF CLEARING ` STONE WALL/FIREPLACE ���``` ���� C 21? 211 "23/ `-SHRUB X20.9 "22.6 PB >21-1NX 21.3 / y LAWN AREA ' / / / / / / / X5.3 \�\ I x22.6 ;;22.3 / �/ /// / PROPOSED HOT TUB / Qo / / / / / // cl X21./ PROPOSED PROPOSED HOT TUBBLUESTONE EQUIP. ><22 2r \�L I ` J PROPOSED N �` LAWN AREA I \ DECK l iILI X22.2 \ � �• / >:4.5 � H _ \ EDGE OF LAWN / �NOV _..,._._.N SHRUB-�`� // �/1 / � �3 017 / <v HEALTH �DE�PT / �� r� All %�\\ x20.5 X20.5 X.22.1 X21..9 �hT`, � �'�/I\�� I ti�� \ / / / / / 5051 X20.9 /;:20.104 DESIGN REFERENCES: SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN BY MAFFEI LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS REVISED 3-21-17. SEE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING PLANS DATED REV. 11-28-16 BY BREWSTER THORNTON GROUP FOR DETAILS. NOTE: PROPOSED PROJECT AREA LIES WITHIN 100' BUFFER ZONE TO TOP OF COASTAL BANK AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO JURISDICTION UNDER THE WETLAND PROTECTION ACT AND/OR TOWN OF YARMOUTH WETLAND BYLAW. - / /// // // // / PLAN BENCHMARK TOP OF CONCRETE / / / , / / X4.13 / BOUND-EL=19.96 (NAVD 1988) / 20 10 0 20 A �N.rWies, css.lV 1 inch = 20 & 1101 OpO 0� \ LOCUS c \ I ' YARMOUTH, MA KEY MAP NO SCALE PLAN REFERENCES: ASSESSORS MAP 4, PARCEL 14 LAND COURT PLAN 4075-J FLOOD NOTE: FLOOD ZONE VE (EL 15) AS SHOWN ON FEMA FIRM PANEL #25001CO782J EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 16, 2014 DA TUM NO TE: ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL D A?1JkA 1988 (N kkl) 198e) - LEGEND ASSESSORS MAP 4 `t PARCEL 13 2LOT 42 LCP 4075 J G ASSESOR MAP 4 C t PARCEL 14 PINE 642'1 ASSESSORS MAP 3 PARCEL 4 505'1 OVERVIEW LOCUS 80 40 0 80 240 1 inch = 80 & 100' FROM TOP OF o COASTAL BANK 1 / LOT 42 50' FROM TOP OF ;- h3l LAWN AREA L� 'I COASTAL BANK / i \D\e016/- -20--) \\\ \ \\ \ X22.3 ) f(/ 1 t -- �� r ��� . \ / -;�, 1• <20.EDGE OF CLEARING ` STONE WALL/FIREPLACE ���``` ���� C 21? 211 "23/ `-SHRUB X20.9 "22.6 PB >21-1NX 21.3 / y LAWN AREA ' / / / / / / / X5.3 \�\ I x22.6 ;;22.3 / �/ /// / PROPOSED HOT TUB / Qo / / / / / // cl X21./ PROPOSED PROPOSED HOT TUBBLUESTONE EQUIP. ><22 2r \�L I ` J PROPOSED N �` LAWN AREA I \ DECK l iILI X22.2 \ � �• / >:4.5 � H _ \ EDGE OF LAWN / �NOV _..,._._.N SHRUB-�`� // �/1 / � �3 017 / <v HEALTH �DE�PT / �� r� All %�\\ x20.5 X20.5 X.22.1 X21..9 �hT`, � �'�/I\�� I ti�� \ / / / / / 5051 X20.9 /;:20.104 DESIGN REFERENCES: SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN BY MAFFEI LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS REVISED 3-21-17. SEE FOUNDATION AND FRAMING PLANS DATED REV. 11-28-16 BY BREWSTER THORNTON GROUP FOR DETAILS. NOTE: PROPOSED PROJECT AREA LIES WITHIN 100' BUFFER ZONE TO TOP OF COASTAL BANK AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO JURISDICTION UNDER THE WETLAND PROTECTION ACT AND/OR TOWN OF YARMOUTH WETLAND BYLAW. - / /// // // // / PLAN BENCHMARK TOP OF CONCRETE / / / , / / X4.13 / BOUND-EL=19.96 (NAVD 1988) / 20 10 0 20 A �N.rWies, css.lV 1 inch = 20 & 1101 OpO 0� \ LOCUS c \ I ' YARMOUTH, MA KEY MAP NO SCALE PLAN REFERENCES: ASSESSORS MAP 4, PARCEL 14 LAND COURT PLAN 4075-J FLOOD NOTE: FLOOD ZONE VE (EL 15) AS SHOWN ON FEMA FIRM PANEL #25001CO782J EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 16, 2014 DA TUM NO TE: ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL D A?1JkA 1988 (N kkl) 198e) - LEGEND EXISTING ■ BOUND tD ELECTRIC MANHOLE IRRIIGATION G FALGPOLE t OA PINE \h' MISC. TREE — —10 — — CONTOUR X18.1 SPOT GRADE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE I CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE LOCATED AS THEY EXISTED ON THE GROUND AS' OF 10-04-16. DATE A tll2 1'I H OF P.L.S 9c McELWEE N No. 33602 0FESS���� SUR%J 'rV`i35j� COASTAL engineering co. 260 Cranberry Hwy. Orleans, MA 02653 508.255.6511 P 508.255.6700 F z 0 SEAL ?����N OF Mqs� DAVID J o� MICH IE CZ O Q w w C U� �H E•+ v C7 E E— � � W SCALE AS NOTED DRAWING FILE C 18624-C3D.dwg DATE 04-12-17 DRAWNBY MAP CHECKED BY r` a N U " ci O • G W 1 OF 1 SHEETS PROJECT NO. C18624.00 TO BE DETERMINED. 12 Spa Walls "Z <1 \8" Trough Walls 8 Pool Floor. and Floor #3'@ 12" O.C. E.W. #4 @ 12" O.C. E.W. Horizontally Through Out Horizontally Through Out Entire Spa Walls Hydrostatic Relief Valve Entire Spa Floor rte; r M, Install Per Manufacturer's` Specifications: F 4 ,y fi'►e�L. � VIOLA . A, ASSOCIATES 1011011 110 ROSARY LANE, UNIT A, � I HYANNIS, MA 02601 508) 771-3457 VIOLAASSOCIATES.COM DRN. BY: DATE: REV. NO,: DATE: - 10.9.17 SCALE: 318"=1' y GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS - SIZE: DEPTH: . REFERENCE NUMBER: TILE: COPING: - DECK: TYPE: EXISTING PATIO: 6-0" FINISH: TYPE: d v PUMP: TYPE: SIZE: STRUCTURAL NOTES: FILTER: TYPE: SIZE: t HEATER: TYPE:. SIZE: 'I. All construction IS to conform to the Massachusetts SKIMMERS: state buildin code and all applicable product and design standards. g pp g LIGHT: TYPE: REQ'D: 1'-61 Absence of specific items from these drawings does not inferthat POOL CONTROL ° Main DrainsPOO.% Per Code o thV contractor is relieved from the statutory code requirements. CLEANING SYSTEM: L. All materials and methods of construction shall conform - SANITIZATION SYSTEM: 49" to the approved rules and standards for materials, tests, OTHER: and requirements of accepted engineering practice as listed SPA SPECIFICATIONS 4'-0" Spillover Edge in =Appendix A of the Massachusetts State Building Code. SIZE: ELEVATION: THERAPY JETS: , THERAPY PUMP: o P0OL NOTES: CONTROLS: LIGHT: ° v' — SPILLWAY: 1. Assume maximum safe soil bearing pressure- 2,000 OTHER: 2. All pools are to be paced on natural, undisturbed material d or compacted granular fill. Subsoil bearing strata shall be free a from all vegetation, loam, and organic material. A Q 4 4. 3. Do not place backfill against pool walls until all walls have `obtained 7 day cure strength. 4. All pool floors shall be placed on a 18" layer of crushed stone, compacted to 95% standard proctor density at the NOTE: Measurements are .from TOP of beam. Subtract 3" for optimum moisture content. water height Water Height Spillover Edge E-! T RETE NOTES: S O C o -1 _B„ - - - - - - Shotcrete mixture, form -work, delivery, placement, and reinforcement 3'-91' shall conform to all requirements of ACI 506.2-95 (latest edition), unless otherwise noted. - 2. Concrete materials shall be: ASTM C Type 1 Portland Cement. i., �. a 4 Sand and Gravel aggregates shall be normal weight and conform to REVIEWED FOR 6UILDING AND ZOMNG CODE ANCE. ASTM C33 Standards. Aggregate not meeting ASTM C33 Standards ERRORS OR OW OMPU- . APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONSt00NpTRELIEVtTHE ' may be used provided pre construction tests demonstrates. the 61LITY COMPLIANCE. ssulLr DATE: % - l6--/� srotcrete #3 @ 1211 O.C. E.W. •_ can meet specified requirements. All concrete shall be air -entrained. _ BUILDING FICIAL O Vertically Through Out Entire Concrete compressive strength, (f c) in 28 days. #3 @ 12" O.C. Shallow End Floor Spa Walls #4 Double Row Horizontally A11 concrete work- 5,000 psi. „ To Deep End Floor within 2 of Beam '' LLCopy Within 18" Of Spa Beam ZZ NOTE: ELEVATIONS ON EQUIPMENT AND SOUND PROOFING IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLOOD ZONE REGULATIONS- _ TO BE DETERMINED. 12 Spa Walls "Z <1 \8" Trough Walls 8 Pool Floor. and Floor #3'@ 12" O.C. E.W. #4 @ 12" O.C. E.W. Horizontally Through Out Horizontally Through Out Entire Spa Walls Hydrostatic Relief Valve Entire Spa Floor rte; r M, Install Per Manufacturer's` Specifications: F 4 ,y fi'►e�L. � VIOLA . A, ASSOCIATES 1011011 110 ROSARY LANE, UNIT A, � I HYANNIS, MA 02601 508) 771-3457 VIOLAASSOCIATES.COM DRN. BY: DATE: REV. NO,: DATE: - 10.9.17 SCALE: 318"=1'