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i SPECIFICATIONS: DOCTOR'S OFFICE FOR WILLOW ST. REALTY TRUST 1. Scope of Work: Work includes all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and services to provide complete, tested and operative systems as follows: a. Install a new 400 amp. 120/240 volt single phase service to a new wall mounted meter bank. Also install new feeders as shown. b. Install circuit breaker panels. c. Install lighting, power outlet and HVAC circuits. d. Install lighting fixtures. 2. Permits, Codes & Inspections: The Contractor will arrange and pay for all permits and electrical inspections. All work shall conform to the Mass. Electrical Code 1999, power company regulations and all other pertinent state and local codes. 3. Drawings: Scales on the drawings are approximate. The word `install" shall mean to furnish, install and connect complete, tested and operable. 4. Workmanship: All work shall be done by qualified electricians in a first class manner. 5. Coordination: The Contractor shall consult with the Project Engineer whenever clarification of plans or specification is necessary. 6. Materials: All materials shall be new and bear the UL label. Submit a list and cuts of all panels, fixtures and devices for approval. 7. As -built Drawings: The Contractor shall keep a set of drawings on the job at all tines. The drawings shall be marked up daily to show all changes and the current status of job completion. 8. Cleaning: The Contractor shall insure that all electrical equipment is clean and free of dirt, corrosion or damage at final inspection. 9. Cutting: The Contractor shall be responsible for all drilling, cutting and trenching except as noted. Do not cut structural members. 10. Service Feeder and Branch Circuit Wiring: All wire shall be X12 A. W. G. min. THWN copper except as noted. Branch circuit and feeder wiring shall be type NM cable except type AC cable is to be used for all wiring within the six exam rooms. All. cables shall be concealed except where concealment is not practical, conductors in ETT or surfacemold may be installed exposed. 11. Panelboards: Circuit breaker type panelboards with separate ground and neutral busses, full size plug-in breakers and overs shall be installed complete with typed circuit directories. 12. Outlet boxes to be steel or cast metal types. 13. Devices: These shall be specification grade throughout. Plates shall be specification grade with smooth white finish. 14. Lighting Fixtures: These shall' be' installed complete with lamps and all accessories.`'•Fluorescent ballasts shall be energy saving type conforming to -Federal standards.. Fluorescent lamps shall be warm white. 15. Guarantee: The Contractor -shall guarantee all materials and workmanship for a period of one year after date of,final acceptance. rN CJr .CI WOMEN ■ r � ' •-ITh 7G� ^t 1=. 1141 ICU ..,. E= .. E'•� • pu • 11■ � fFa ONE LINE SERVICE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM VP METER BANK 12OV240V 1 -PHASE V/6 -SECTIONS 400A BUSS 5-100A BREAKERS 1-60A BREAKER PNL i 3113,1#8 1-1/21C PNL � 2 3#6,1#8 1—•C PPII. �_[3-0 US PNL 3 3#3,1#8 1-1/21C SPARE SPARE 0-0 El Fl -n P 1=X • Xi a • • • SH�LVES , LIGHT P WAITING ROOM PP P P P B ROOM '1 A 1 A P 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A B 1 B ENTRY OFFICE/ EXAM EXAM EXAM DOCTOR'S IC EXAM d ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 OFFICE 1 F-11 EX d ROOM 1 • P P 1 A I P • P ■ B A + P 0 15 90 1 A 17 A 17 A 17 A 1 A s s s st I I S S PI 1 M �T 1 ANWAR" a �. P B 1 B B S P P P P P 1 ■ S, n -u re -a4 HECK IN AREA i6 B 16 B _ 16 B 16 B 16F—IB 16 B • i X S■I � �12 12 P M� P 4 1 E CHECK OUT AREA ((j)_ t.3M COwisr rrw - P1 P1 ff=�� 50V 16 B 1 m • RECEPTION • 5, OP Pa P I S P v k P P 4 L.J. � B � � '� P P � S, 15 B EXAM EXAM •� NURSES ROOM 6 P �P2 ROOMS i V S, B WORK ARE 1 6 B i A • 1 A 1 A 4 1i .'. I 1 A 1 A 17 A 1 A s•TM r"" 16 B 16 S' P ulk� C=7) (by 1 -01 & 1 B H, C. ME OFFICE EQUIPMENT _ is B XQC • P 15 B L 6 B 18 B • 1 • S, 1 B S, P P ' P P 18 B S, S, DOCTOR'S BILLING P PHONE 1s B is B P. A. OFFICE W OFFICE 2 ® OFFICE & DATA STAFF JANITOf� ® OFFICE 1 A 1 A 1 A A• • MANAGE CPLOSET P s P P L BREAK ROOMS P X16 ' 1 B A 1 A X15 B P 18 B B 18 B 18 18 B lei ,F1,• sif I� , sal h Al' itt� NF1. • A • Air J_L* I P3 es,a REVISIONS RE -C" ELEMIC 1W_ — Electric c c DA'M S.Yawusouth MASSACHUS&I a DRAWN BY: RP FILE NAME ANM HAUZff 1 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED BY: J•M• JOB NO.: DWG. N0.: DATE CHECKED BY: DATE 05/VJOI CONTRACT- PW INK n■ roe WILLOW STREET REALTY TRUST Yarmouth, MASSACHUSETTS PROPOSED DOCTOR'S OFFICE ELECTRICAL PLANS MEN ■ I ELECTRICAL SHEET OF I O n n b H 24'—g» 7' —101A" g'-- 6" 99-6 1$ r-ior x 0 -If r -le x 4•-� _ SHELVES . ENTRY 0 1 -- --, I EXAM -nLE _ , OFFICE/ , ROOM 1 LIGHT EXAM EXAM WAITING ROOK EXAM Q = ROOM ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ® CPT N VCT ".. � VCT VCT VCT 99�6" r -le x e-. r EXAM ROOM 4 VC T 12'-3" DOC TOR'S OFFIC E 1 CPT 5 —/ • - 2!_g"4'-0 Owl r_ 1/2 WALL O L000 VISION PANEL I s'-cr...1 s•-ar a-ar �'..or �-a- r-o� r -d _ IN DOOR . , „ , . I DRINKING CO N _ NOTE: w ,FOUNTAIN I ® co ONE HOUR RATED DOORS OFF CORRIDOR LO +� CHECK IN AREA 89.3" —3 RJ --6 1'4' P.0" � H.0 . WOMEN - - - - - 10:.;000, - - CHECK OUT AREA5'-6» 6� 3" 6' 6" tD O' CPT - I cuss MSION EXAM = EXAM O _ ; P""a'" 000R ROOM 5 I NURSES' co ROOM 6 c � _ . M REC EPT10N i ; cPT vCT _ Z co WORK AREA w VCT 0 rn w I CPT pT N sN Hoa•IT Z 0 L! » ! n © V— , UPPER TOP W Lo — 9--•---.--..� 0 .- 6----------- 9 » r� cn b H.C. MEN � '----------------------------- - - � ! . t� FINISH HEIGHT 42' VICT 19 C MINIMAR OFFICE EQUIPMENT TO UhrPER TOP >� 01 12! g» . V i I i _ ..J � wi 09 w Y� § .. ..NOTE. , .. .. .., . �' p • LC% �" � 1r M w 79-4" I x DOUB LE LAYER OF 5/8" 3'-a' LO w ,fIREC ODE BOARD ON 2X6 _ • A° C E CO ' >~ PARTY WALL TO RIDGE DOC TORS _ OFFIC E 2 NOIL- w B ILLING 5/8" FIRECODE BOARD ON N �� w I to CPT M OFFIC E CEILINGS AND ON ALL OFFICE STA STAFF - cPT INTERIOR PARn•noNs M GER CL07.7T BREAK ROOM o M OFFICE EQUIPMENT CPT VCT Z I O w �- I < b s' -Ie x 4•-9- r-tC x 4•->r _ r -t0' x W -,r r -,a- x 4•-4 r-,cr x 4•-r r -le x 4•-9r r -,o' x 4•-r r -,o' x 4•-ar 3 !. ,_ » » .®» 16!_0» 10,_2» 6'_3" '�6 119-4 8 11 /4 29 6 10 0 .5 6 LOCUS: 130 ANSEL HALLETT ROAD 6972 SF TOTAL BUILDING SHOWN HERE 4200 SF PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN 2772 SF UNFINISHED UNFINISHED AREA , I i _ I 11 1.- F? E rl 1,7- 1 V E D •- RErEIVED JUN 0.8 2001 Yarmouth Fire & Rescue ICA�1T�s COPY. ;er, A� , APP1- `� D. t. ., e�nr Atm OF VILLOU STRE E T REALT Y PI/ST SCALE: APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY DATE: 5-IIt-01 REVISED -FLOOR PLAN 134 ANSEL RAI -LETT MAD - W Y/lA/V0vlli, NA DRAWING NUMBER SPECIFICATIONS: DOCTOR'S OFFICE FOR WILLOW ST. REALTY TRUST 1. Scope of Work: Work includes all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and services to provide complete, tested and operative systems as follows: a. Install a new 400 amp. 120/240 volt single phase service to a new wall mounted meter bank. Also install new feeders as shown. b. Install circuit breaker panels. c. Install lighting, power outlet and HVAC circuits. d. Install lighting fixtures. 2. Permits, Codes & Inspections: The Contractor will arrange and pay for all permits and electrical inspections. All work shall conform to the Mass, Electrical Code 1999, power oarpany regulations and all other pertinent state and local codes. 3. Drawings: Scales on the drawings are approximate. The word 'install" shall mean to furnish, install and connect complete, tested and operable. 4. Workmanship: All work shall be done by qualified electricians in a first class manner: 5. Coordination: The Contractor shall consult with the Project Engineer whenever clarification of plans or specification is necessary. 6. Materials: All materials shall be new and bear the UL label. Submit a list and cuts of all panels, fixtures and devices for approval. 7. As -built Drawings: The Contractor shall keep a set of drawings on the job at all times. The drawings shall be narked up daily to show all changes and the current status of job completion. S. Cleaning: The Contractor shall insure that all electrical equipment is clean and free of dirt, corrosion or damage at final inspection. 9. Cutting: The Contractor shall be responsible for all drilling, cutting and trenching except as noted. Do not cut structural members. 10. Service Feeder and Branch Circuit hiring: All wire shall be #12 A. W. G. nin. THWN copper except as noted. Branch circuit and feeder wiring shall be type NM cable except type AC cable is to be used for all wiring within the six exam rooms. All cables shall be concealed except where concealment is not practical, conductors in EMT or surfacemold may be installed exposed. 11. Panelboards: Circuit breaker type panelboards with separate ground and neutral busses, full size plug-in breakers and covers shall be installed complete with typed circuit directories. 12. outlet boxes to be steel or cast metal types. 13. Devices: These shall be specification grade throughout. Plates shall be specification grade with smooth white finish. 14. Lighting Fixtures: These shall be -installed complete with lamps and all accessories. -'"Fluorescent ballasts shall be energy saving type conforming to -•Federal standards.. Fluorescent lamps shall be warm white. 15. Guarantee: The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and workmanship for a period of one year after date of -final acceptance. co .C. WOMEN ( 11 B L a 31 • ��-a:^°�3.�rf� :vim wl• « t . . wl' « 1MON 1 =1 «, ME mEmk.-±-nrm ... [t■ EN •. if■ • fhb E� P 0 I[] I r SHELVES P P P WAITING ROOM B P LIGHT P P ' 1 A 1 A P 1 A B 1 B ENTRY , OFFICE/EXAM EXAM EXAM ROOM 2 ' ROOM 1 P P • P1 A pe I e 0 15 A 17 A Z=x -00 • , • S S S ONE LINE SERVICE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM VP METER BANK 120V240V 1 -PHASE V/6 -SECTIONS 400A BUSS 5-100A BREAKERS 1-60A BREAKER PM - 1 3113,1#8 1-1/2'C PNL 2 3#6,1#8 1-'C 0-0 PNL PNL 3 3#3,1118 1-1/2'C SPARE SPARE 0-0 ,Q W. Me P IA 1 A EXAM EXAM ROOM 3 ROOM 4 P22 17 A 17 A St S Irm P P a•waae t 1 M 1 woe • ^• _ P ® P P p ® P B S• B 1 BT7 S, �-.• .e-,. �� HECK INREA 16 B 16 B 16 B 16 B 16 B --' le --X • 12 1 12 P EM -CHECK OUT AREA ® PliQ &S S, S, S, St I am ®EMVAW S PiPl ,• -�, RECEPTION • 10 &=P P . PP — P n P P • 1 B 15 B EXAM NURSES' 9; EXAM WORK AREC ROOM 6 ROOM S GC S, B 1 A • 1 A 1 A � ` Q 1 Q 17L --JA 1 A S, P i X11 • • ® ® • H.C. ME IiL dl UFFICD EQUIPMENT 15 LIB -7 N_ .Q .4 QR • �U• 15 B P i • 14 BS, P P P P ` P P BILLING P OFFICE P PHONE ' 1s B is B OFFICE ® CLOSET STAFF ® P • 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 MANAGE P � BREAK ROOM 1 A i A 0 P 1 B },� y� x 18 18 yB 1 . iL• •�11� �(1 Il /I Il• (I f�_ M !1 Il is A/O P 18 B P,A, OFFICE Pe I 18 B RE{ate ELWMC W_ DATE: m Electric Inc a.irarnscmmth MAssACHUSEYM DATE- DRAWN BY: RP DESIGNED BY: J -M- FILE NAME AHM HALLM 1 SCALE AS SHOWN JOB N0.: DWG. N0.: OiECKED BY: DATE 05/14/01 CONTRACT: ..�;INN �.. ..� 1.1r-'TWNO _�= MIEN `jt■ NO 1 r� :� ' r-•sfr=A1:■ * - L'BlIs7. _i ��Q ". - I(15 t:,si.' T>♦ lint Iby �rI�fir-i •. .. OW Q��f[:) = • t�lEr'T, ill Ne rxl • t NNNN1rZ1 a 31 • ��-a:^°�3.�rf� :vim wl• « t . . wl' « 1MON 1 =1 «, ME mEmk.-±-nrm ... [t■ EN •. if■ • fhb E� P 0 I[] I r SHELVES P P P WAITING ROOM B P LIGHT P P ' 1 A 1 A P 1 A B 1 B ENTRY , OFFICE/EXAM EXAM EXAM ROOM 2 ' ROOM 1 P P • P1 A pe I e 0 15 A 17 A Z=x -00 • , • S S S ONE LINE SERVICE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM VP METER BANK 120V240V 1 -PHASE V/6 -SECTIONS 400A BUSS 5-100A BREAKERS 1-60A BREAKER PM - 1 3113,1#8 1-1/2'C PNL 2 3#6,1#8 1-'C 0-0 PNL PNL 3 3#3,1118 1-1/2'C SPARE SPARE 0-0 ,Q W. Me P IA 1 A EXAM EXAM ROOM 3 ROOM 4 P22 17 A 17 A St S Irm P P a•waae t 1 M 1 woe • ^• _ P ® P P p ® P B S• B 1 BT7 S, �-.• .e-,. �� HECK INREA 16 B 16 B 16 B 16 B 16 B --' le --X • 12 1 12 P EM -CHECK OUT AREA ® PliQ &S S, S, S, St I am ®EMVAW S PiPl ,• -�, RECEPTION • 10 &=P P . PP — P n P P • 1 B 15 B EXAM NURSES' 9; EXAM WORK AREC ROOM 6 ROOM S GC S, B 1 A • 1 A 1 A � ` Q 1 Q 17L --JA 1 A S, P i X11 • • ® ® • H.C. ME IiL dl UFFICD EQUIPMENT 15 LIB -7 N_ .Q .4 QR • �U• 15 B P i • 14 BS, P P P P ` P P BILLING P OFFICE P PHONE ' 1s B is B OFFICE ® CLOSET STAFF ® P • 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 MANAGE P � BREAK ROOM 1 A i A 0 P 1 B },� y� x 18 18 yB 1 . iL• •�11� �(1 Il /I Il• (I f�_ M !1 Il is A/O P 18 B P,A, OFFICE Pe I 18 B S, 16 B • P 16 B P mni o•war rM p� '16 P 16 1B S, b�W JANITOF` P ar.o Oet '"-> 16 B O P 1DOCTOR AS OFFICE 1 P 1 A t= OEM am P ® II I 16 B �i .. 18 B DOCTOR'S OFFICE 2 P 18= B WILLOW STREET REALTY TRUST Yarmouth, MASSACHUSETTS PROPOSED DOCTOR'S OFFICE ELECTRICAL PLANS rK • UK MEN • • I ELECTRICAL SHEET OF RE{ate ELWMC W_ DATE: m Electric Inc a.irarnscmmth MAssACHUSEYM DATE- DRAWN BY: RP DESIGNED BY: J -M- FILE NAME AHM HALLM 1 SCALE AS SHOWN JOB N0.: DWG. N0.: OiECKED BY: DATE 05/14/01 CONTRACT: S, 16 B • P 16 B P mni o•war rM p� '16 P 16 1B S, b�W JANITOF` P ar.o Oet '"-> 16 B O P 1DOCTOR AS OFFICE 1 P 1 A t= OEM am P ® II I 16 B �i .. 18 B DOCTOR'S OFFICE 2 P 18= B WILLOW STREET REALTY TRUST Yarmouth, MASSACHUSETTS PROPOSED DOCTOR'S OFFICE ELECTRICAL PLANS rK • UK MEN • • I ELECTRICAL SHEET OF 70tt-/ WA�"E P{�tNG ---- �t✓NT PtPING ----- GOLD WATT pl�It�a t N c.ix-a.�►,rt^ �l��E 6 C�A� � tP 1N6 .•ALL �:t.Y � V:xV ,0t7r it 0 \is - it Acct mumaING sP cTmAT2oNS -GENERAL: tIS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL MATERIALS, .LABOR,. EQUIPMENT, SERVICES At'! INCIDENTALS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ALL PLUMBING WORK ,IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STATE PLUMBING CODE AND TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE LOCAL PLUMBING INSPECTOR. THE PLUMBING WORK SHALL INCLUDE,_ALL SOIL, WASTE, VENT, NATER PIPING, INSULATION, FIXTURES, AND ALL APPURTENANCES. NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE PLUMBING SYSTEM. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ANY--NECESSARY;PERMITS FOR THE EXECUTION OF HIS WORK. THE WORK SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT NECESSARILY BE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: 1.. Soil, waste and vent piping. Building waste shall extend 10 ft. beyond foundation to be continued by General Co.atractor to septic system. 2.. Cold, and hot water piping. 3.. Plumb'ng fixtures. 4 , . Pipinc, insulation. 5.. Electeic water heater. 6.. Natural gas piping. MATERIALS: SOIL, VENT AND WASTE PIPING to be PVC,'cast iron or copper. WATER PIPI:13 within the building shall be hard temper type "L" with wrought copper or cast bt-nnze fittings. GAS PTPINU shall be schedule 40 black steel with malleable iron, screwed fittings. CLEANOUTS A.:,all be provid-ad at the ends of all branches, on all soil .and waste traps and in sure other 'portions as will enable every .portion of interior pipes to be cleaned. JOINTS shall be packed in cast iron pipes as permitted by code and caulked in a manner inuring tight 'joints without straining the bell'. No -Rub couplings maybe used at the Contractor's option. INSULATION shall be equal to Ar,Maflex or fiberglass !i" minimum thickness and applied to all water piping. PLUMBING FIXTURES'shall be furnished and installed to include fittings and trim that are not ftrnished with the fixtures but are required for a complete installation. Fixtures shall be as manufactured by Yz-hler, Elkay, American Standard, Fiat, or approved equal as follows: P-1 Water closet:* American Standard Cadet elongated toilet 2898.012. P-2 H.C. inter closet: American Standard 2998.012. P-3 Wall hong sink: American Standard Declyn 0321,026. P-4 H.C. Lav: American Standard 9141.011 lav with Moen 8800 Nandi -cap faucet. P-5 Counter sink: Elkay PSR 1517-7 stainless steel 3 hole with Moen L4601 faucet. P-6 Counter sink: Elkay DLR2522-12 stainless steel 3 hole with Moen 7200 faucet. P-7 Janitc.r's Bink: to be selected by the Architect. WATER HEA11:1 shall be 30 gallon electric as manufactured by Ruud, Bradford White, or equal. EXECUTION: INSTALLATI;'t� of all plumbing work shall be in with industry standards of good practice, i:i well as manufacturer's recommendations for details of installation. The mechanical and architectural drawings.are indicative of the plumbing work to be done. Coordinate the installation of all work with that of the other trades so that all work may, be performed in the most direct and Workmanlike manner and so -that ,interference between architectural and structural features will be avoided. AT COMPLETION and at appropriate times during the course of the installation the Plumbing Contractor shall test all piping and make certain for water or gas tightness tufore applying insulation or rxtcealment. Partial tests shall be made as required by the -progress of work. Test ,ater piping to: a hydrostatic pressure of 150psi for a period of 2 hours, or av required by the plumbing inspector. If inspection:! or tests show defects, such defective work or ,materials shall be replaced an] inspection and test repeated. All repairs'to piping shall be made with new materints. U2 1�/,t'y. 4 t L C 1 tf2 G Ia0 GSM 12o GSM • e - --- l - P5 � ,i �5 f -Fra v? Up i -- No• t GSM G n�F1eta T j L 1 G 1'/¢ G I g44„ , I - ------ -- - - _ - - - - _ _ C .. IIp __ uutsn 1 �. t CYC pof^ W0.12 - 3 O i{ G/4� { N t P olo,rnl' z 4 _ � �t� t=M 50 �•u+ t ► , .1 �,o ��ti � ` � o Fin ., _ "' .. 3 v c c P, P4 — -- �- ©--- �-- --- -- — 1 1 Y a `1 - i r , a tl f - cf r M v (P5 P51 t Pt P1 I i 1 t 1,A,. v. Ute - ___ _---__ 2,VUP MA o � I I c - too leo c - t to cI A y� _ > L9 : A CSM,I If 7 t Y t 5-- IF g t2 t2 l 1� i-0�t`7 t'. t ' W ROLA ir-xA- V Nt 4 b t4 $' ti P _ PtxTu4,_ oJv2�tcGF W. V. nw V4W R i2k�Ci�l'' 8"S6 f�TAt_ lE1D- t*1G. 52'50 - t W/N�ODEt- PLS �7!fFt.I�Ei�-, ttL"-CV, DnrAP�R Gt T 2 - hTAFP Nf: G to GfclttNtJ P- W u t O 'A t0 NAD,T�i G[�!.t3�' C�s.ItI.E AGGtrle;05 H� LJ R�G4�Js1"+P• '� WALL- 'Co t tc T .E �� L Av 5"Tt� Ft= ^4 " Tot Lf-+ I- 12 t 2 2 Z H Ax4pt - C f f, G AG t+: 0C t 2 q 1 R7 =AN►TD2'S - JAti- 2 �{tlt� is G. U2 1�/,t'y. 4 t L C 1 tf2 G Ia0 GSM 12o GSM • e - --- l - P5 � ,i �5 f -Fra v? Up i -- No• t GSM G n�F1eta T j L 1 G 1'/¢ G I g44„ , I - ------ -- - - _ - - - - _ _ C .. IIp __ uutsn 1 �. t CYC pof^ W0.12 - 3 O i{ G/4� { N t P olo,rnl' z 4 _ � �t� t=M 50 �•u+ t ► , .1 �,o ��ti � ` � o Fin ., _ "' .. 3 v c c P, P4 — -- �- ©--- �-- --- -- — 1 1 Y a `1 - i r , a tl f - cf r M v (P5 P51 t Pt P1 I i 1 t 1,A,. v. Ute - ___ _---__ 2,VUP MA o � I I c - too leo c - t to cI A y� _ > L9 : A CSM,I If 7 t Y t 5-- IF g t2 t2 l 1� i-0�t`7 t'. t ' W ROLA ir-xA- V Nt 4 b t4 $' ti HVAC SYSTEM SPECIFICATION AND NOTES GENERAL: THE HVAC CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE, FEDERAL, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS, AS WELL AS-A.S.H.R.A.E. AND S.M.A.C.N.A. STANDARDS OF THE INDUSTRY. THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS IS TO SCHEMATICALLY REPRESENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS,, SIZING AND ROUTING. EXACT LOCATION OF _ COMPONENTS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH CONDITIONS OF THE NEW CONSTRUCTION AND THE WORK OF OTHER TRADES. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE LINE VOLTAGE WIR:NG TO ALL HVAC EQUIPMENT WITH CONTROL WIRING BY HVAC CONTRACTOR. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GAS PIPING TO HVAC EQUIPMENT. MATERIAL & C'1'UIPMENT: - I .... THE GAS FIRED FURNACES SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY TRANE CO. AND SHALL BE MODEL TUDOSOC936J WITH BOMBH GAS INPUT, 63MBH OUTPUT, FOR UP -FLOW INSTALLATION. EACH, FURNACE SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES, PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT AND EXTERNAL FILTER RACK. EACH FURNACE SHALL. BE SINGLE ZONE OPERATION WITH A PROGRAMMABLE SPACE THERMOSTAT. FURNACES SH1':- INCLUDE SPLIT -SYSTEM COOLING COMPONENTS AS FOLLOWS: FURNACES hU.1 & 2 A MATCHING EVAPORATOR COIL UNIT INTERCONNECTED WITH A HATCHING OUTDOOR 208/230V 1 PHASE CONDENSING UNIT WITH ARI STANDARD COOLING CAPACITY RATING A F E I E ED T AT 36 MBH MINIMUM. LOC TION 0 CON" LASING UN TS TO B DETERMIN IN HE FIELD. 2....PROVIDE AN IN-LINE EXHAUST FAN AS MANUFACTURED BY GREENHECK MODEL CSP -150 WITH MODEL WL -60 WALL LOUVERED DT';CHARGE AND MODEL MS -16 SINGLE POLE WALL SJITCH WITH PILOT LIGHT. IN:ER-WIRE FAN WITH _TROL-A-TEMP MOTORIZED FRESH AIR DAMPER TO OPEN .DAMPER +THEN FAN IS ACTIVATED. - 3 .... PROVIDE CTIVATED.-3....PROVIDE GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS AS MANUFACTURED BY HART & COOLEY, MET;L INDUSTRIES, OR EQUAL WHERE SHOWN OF MODELS AND SIZES INDICATED IN THE -SCHEDULE. 4 .... DUCTWORY, SHALL BE GALVANIZED SHEETMETAL AND/OR FIBROUS GLASS DUCT BOARD, AT .4E CONTRACTOR'S OPTION, TO BE FABRICATED -AND INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCU:iOANCE VITH S.M.A.C.N.A. STANDARDS. INSULATE ALL SUPPLY, RETURN, INTAKE, AND EXHAUST DUCTWORK IN ATTIC WITH 2" THICK FIBERGLASS DUCTWRAP WIr"l VAPOR BARRIER. LINE RETURN PLENUMS AT FURNACE WITH 1" THICK 3N DENSITY AAT FACED FI2ERGLASS ACOUSTIC INSULATION FIVE FEET --BEYOND FURNACE CONN'.C'ION. FLEXIIILE DUCT CONNECTION TO DIFFUSER BOOTS SHALL BE EQUAL TO OWF':::./CORNING INI.25. CLASS I. 5..PROVIDE FLUE GAS VENT PIPING FROM FURNF.CES TO OUTDOORS AS RC, BY THE FURNACE MANUFACTURER. 6..PROVIDE PVC CONDENSATE DRAIN AND COPPER REFRIGERANT PIPING IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNIT MANUFACTURER'S RECOM`fENDATIONS. INSULAT: REFRIGERANT SUCTION LINE WITH ARMAFLEX. EXTEND DRAIN TO JANITOR'S SINK. INSTALLATION OF ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DONE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR F L E U PMENT AS WELL AS OPERATION 0 ALL T THE DETAILS OF INSTALLATION AND I Q , STANDARDS OF GOOD PRACTICES OF THE INDUSTRY. ALL PIPING, CONDUIT,• DUCTWORK, AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO INCLUDE THE NECESSARY COMPONENTS TO ISOLATE AND/OR ELIMINATE ANY TRANSMISSION OF VIBRATION OR NOISE TO THE OCCUPIED Ai(CA. THE HVAC CONTRACTOR. SHALL GUARANTEE THE OPERATION AND PERFORMANCE (M THE INSTALLED SYSTEM AGAINST DEFECTS OF :MATERIALS, WORKMANSHIP, AND EQUIPMENT FUNCTION FOR PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE OWNER. AIR CHANGE N('M: SYSTEMS SHALL BE BALANCED TO NOT LESS THAN AIR QUANTITIES SHOWN WHICH PROVIDES FOR >6 AIR CHANGES PER HOUR IN ALL OCCUPIED AREAS WITH EXCEPTION OF THE TOILET ROOMS AND JANITOR"S CLOSET WHICH ARE EXHAUSTED AT ),10 AIR CHANGES PER HOUR AS PER THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING COGS. Wit, or ^EDrIAR\ '� . SCALE: t%i} u! t i �APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY ©t'UNV,te PE 'NKER, DATE: .� OQ I �a fiJ $� �,•' � �.�,� l 34 ",M ---TT RD- j til.. ' - s-�VN11-1v P.>r Go utti r. DRAWING i ttoa.'Ci-1 9)7-t QiScr _ : `Y,n T-(� OEL� M,F6tZ. � M.or�4 pr<MA�'.►'•fj elk Ooe GE:LEN6 S.VP?l`� i2k�Ci�l'' 8"S6 f�TAt_ lE1D- t*1G. 52'50 - t W/N�ODEt- PLS �7!fFt.I�Ei�-, ttL"-CV, DnrAP�R Nf: G to GfclttNtJ P- W u t O 'A t0 NAD,T�i G[�!.t3�' C�s.ItI.E LJ R�G4�Js1"+P• '� G�t�►NC� .E �� HVAC SYSTEM SPECIFICATION AND NOTES GENERAL: THE HVAC CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE, FEDERAL, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS, AS WELL AS-A.S.H.R.A.E. AND S.M.A.C.N.A. STANDARDS OF THE INDUSTRY. THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS IS TO SCHEMATICALLY REPRESENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS,, SIZING AND ROUTING. EXACT LOCATION OF _ COMPONENTS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH CONDITIONS OF THE NEW CONSTRUCTION AND THE WORK OF OTHER TRADES. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE LINE VOLTAGE WIR:NG TO ALL HVAC EQUIPMENT WITH CONTROL WIRING BY HVAC CONTRACTOR. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GAS PIPING TO HVAC EQUIPMENT. MATERIAL & C'1'UIPMENT: - I .... THE GAS FIRED FURNACES SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY TRANE CO. AND SHALL BE MODEL TUDOSOC936J WITH BOMBH GAS INPUT, 63MBH OUTPUT, FOR UP -FLOW INSTALLATION. EACH, FURNACE SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES, PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT AND EXTERNAL FILTER RACK. EACH FURNACE SHALL. BE SINGLE ZONE OPERATION WITH A PROGRAMMABLE SPACE THERMOSTAT. FURNACES SH1':- INCLUDE SPLIT -SYSTEM COOLING COMPONENTS AS FOLLOWS: FURNACES hU.1 & 2 A MATCHING EVAPORATOR COIL UNIT INTERCONNECTED WITH A HATCHING OUTDOOR 208/230V 1 PHASE CONDENSING UNIT WITH ARI STANDARD COOLING CAPACITY RATING A F E I E ED T AT 36 MBH MINIMUM. LOC TION 0 CON" LASING UN TS TO B DETERMIN IN HE FIELD. 2....PROVIDE AN IN-LINE EXHAUST FAN AS MANUFACTURED BY GREENHECK MODEL CSP -150 WITH MODEL WL -60 WALL LOUVERED DT';CHARGE AND MODEL MS -16 SINGLE POLE WALL SJITCH WITH PILOT LIGHT. IN:ER-WIRE FAN WITH _TROL-A-TEMP MOTORIZED FRESH AIR DAMPER TO OPEN .DAMPER +THEN FAN IS ACTIVATED. - 3 .... PROVIDE CTIVATED.-3....PROVIDE GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS AS MANUFACTURED BY HART & COOLEY, MET;L INDUSTRIES, OR EQUAL WHERE SHOWN OF MODELS AND SIZES INDICATED IN THE -SCHEDULE. 4 .... DUCTWORY, SHALL BE GALVANIZED SHEETMETAL AND/OR FIBROUS GLASS DUCT BOARD, AT .4E CONTRACTOR'S OPTION, TO BE FABRICATED -AND INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCU:iOANCE VITH S.M.A.C.N.A. STANDARDS. INSULATE ALL SUPPLY, RETURN, INTAKE, AND EXHAUST DUCTWORK IN ATTIC WITH 2" THICK FIBERGLASS DUCTWRAP WIr"l VAPOR BARRIER. LINE RETURN PLENUMS AT FURNACE WITH 1" THICK 3N DENSITY AAT FACED FI2ERGLASS ACOUSTIC INSULATION FIVE FEET --BEYOND FURNACE CONN'.C'ION. FLEXIIILE DUCT CONNECTION TO DIFFUSER BOOTS SHALL BE EQUAL TO OWF':::./CORNING INI.25. CLASS I. 5..PROVIDE FLUE GAS VENT PIPING FROM FURNF.CES TO OUTDOORS AS RC, BY THE FURNACE MANUFACTURER. 6..PROVIDE PVC CONDENSATE DRAIN AND COPPER REFRIGERANT PIPING IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNIT MANUFACTURER'S RECOM`fENDATIONS. INSULAT: REFRIGERANT SUCTION LINE WITH ARMAFLEX. EXTEND DRAIN TO JANITOR'S SINK. INSTALLATION OF ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DONE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR F L E U PMENT AS WELL AS OPERATION 0 ALL T THE DETAILS OF INSTALLATION AND I Q , STANDARDS OF GOOD PRACTICES OF THE INDUSTRY. ALL PIPING, CONDUIT,• DUCTWORK, AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO INCLUDE THE NECESSARY COMPONENTS TO ISOLATE AND/OR ELIMINATE ANY TRANSMISSION OF VIBRATION OR NOISE TO THE OCCUPIED Ai(CA. THE HVAC CONTRACTOR. SHALL GUARANTEE THE OPERATION AND PERFORMANCE (M THE INSTALLED SYSTEM AGAINST DEFECTS OF :MATERIALS, WORKMANSHIP, AND EQUIPMENT FUNCTION FOR PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE OWNER. AIR CHANGE N('M: SYSTEMS SHALL BE BALANCED TO NOT LESS THAN AIR QUANTITIES SHOWN WHICH PROVIDES FOR >6 AIR CHANGES PER HOUR IN ALL OCCUPIED AREAS WITH EXCEPTION OF THE TOILET ROOMS AND JANITOR"S CLOSET WHICH ARE EXHAUSTED AT ),10 AIR CHANGES PER HOUR AS PER THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING COGS. Wit, or ^EDrIAR\ '� . SCALE: t%i} u! t i �APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY ©t'UNV,te PE 'NKER, DATE: .� OQ I �a fiJ $� �,•' � �.�,� l 34 ",M ---TT RD- j til.. ' - s-�VN11-1v P.>r Go utti r. DRAWING i ttoa.'Ci-1 9)7-t QiScr _ :