HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication and WC� OCT-18-2017 14�13 YRRMOUTH HERLTH DEPT 5�760347 P.03 TQWN pF YARMOtiTH BOAItll ON HEAI�TH Al'PLIC:ATInN FOR LICENSE/PERMIT-2018 *Please complete form and attach all necessary documents by December 1'S.2(119. Failure tc>do so will resutt in the return of yoar agplication packet. ES7'ABLiSHMENT NAML: TAX ID• l� �R• LOCATTON ADDRESS: Z S•YWw►o TEL.#: " �� MAILIIVG ADDRESS: 5 0 � � E-MAIL ADDRE;SS: 0.S h . (, �- (.�GE�s� OWNER NAME: Tho mGV� hr'1�C C GrrYl►� �.1� CORPOTtATION NAME t APPLIC:ABLC): Ma�6. v. f.l.G MANACETt'S NAME: �"�''^'�'g_ �''��C'd4r�a1 '1'L,L.#: ��L 3�b MAILING t1L)llRl'sSS: 2�v� �_ 2 fc.0 D2.661'� _ POOI.CERTIFICATIUNS: � � "',°� 1'he paol supervisor must be certified as a Poul Operator,as required by State law. Pleasc list the designated � -�—� ���r Pool OperAtor(s)a»d attach a copy of the certification to this Parm. '`--� N "�a �.�'h�mq� �,cCornTil-k z. � N �sr � o �;:A: Pooi operators must list a minimum of two employ�es currently certified in standard First Aid and Community _. Cazdiopulmonary Resuscitatinn(CPR),having one certified emp loy�e an premises at all times. Please list the � � �..� employee4 below and attach eopies of their certificatic�ns to this form.'T'he Heatth Dep�rtment witl not use paxt years'recorda. Yau must provide new copies and maintain a file At your place of business. �. ` t 2. C�a�0�1 et(,� C�' BC��h - 3. ' 4. °. �� ' `�,�' FOOD PRUTBCTION MANAGF..RS-C•ER'I'IFTCATIONS: ; All foc�d service establishments are required to have at lcast one full-time employee who is certified as a Food �'� � Protection Maneger,as dciin�d in the St�►te Sanitary Code tor Food Service Establishments, lU5 CMK 5�0_000. �--+- � Please attach copies of certification to this application. The Heulth Dep�rtment will not use past years'records. iYou must provide new copies and maintain a file at your establishment. .`: ',� 1. ���C1GS� �I��„�, 2. -�', � � ; ' PERSON TN CHARGE: � Each food establishment must have at lcast one 1'erson In Charge(PIC)on site durin�;haurs of operation. 1.'�i�P�c�Gn�. �'h I rl P,c�l 2. 1 ' .a� �1 n S l�,�� �v�/�✓1 - �T AI.I.ERGEN CERTIFIC:A'1'IONS: � Alt food service establishments are requireci to have at leasi onc full-time employee who has Aller�en certification, as defined in the State Sanitary Code for Food S�rvic;e Establishments,lOS CMR 590.009(G�3)(a). Please�ttach ! copies of certification to this application. The Health Department will not use past years'reeords. You must I provide new copies and maintain a filc at your estahlishment. � �` 1. ,t�1�1� J R./��� IV�1 2. k{EIMLICH CERTIFICATIUNS: All food service establishments with 25 seats or more must have at least onc employee bained in the Heimlich Maneuver on the premiscs at all times. Plea:se tist yuur cmployees trained in anti-choking procedures below and attaeh copies of employee certifications to this form. The Hestlth Department wili oot use past years'records. 'You mu�t provide new copies and maintain a tile at your place of business. �.C.�il�n ��1,1,(� ivan z. O � 3. _a �5�� ..��, a. RFSTAURANT 5EA'1'1NG: TOTAL# �� OFFTCF IJfiE ONLY �µ'�—'��'��6�� L(1D(:INC: .I I,ICTiNSF•.R�()UIlttU FEE PERMITA I.I(:F:NS�It�:QUI1tEU FBi: PIiRMPI'# LICENSEREQU�R�n FEi� ELMIT#��,�O�SP—'��"'�B��J _BBcB b55 CARIN $55 „LMO'T'EL SI10��•��, ��.`SP'��,��Oy INN $SS C'AMP S55 �SWIMMING PWL SI IOea�l9�Rl� yw� —LUUCiF $55 I'ItAILEkPARK $IOS � 1 Wi11RLP(NJL $1lOcst.—T ��s�:ev�cE: - - -- �� ('wP��io1KP.�`I-�"lt2-'6y' LIC�NtiG REt1U1tL�.0 FEE PERMIT A L(C6NSE REQUIRF.� F731i PHRMI'I'# UCI:NSIi RI{(?UIItED FEE PCRMIT# 0-IOOSf:ATti $125 C:()NI'IN�N'I'AL S35 NQN-PRO�IT $3U _�,�IOOSEATS S2O0 ��( l COMMONVIC. $t,0 �� --WIiULESALE S8U ,., g�����--���J�y =RGS1D.K!'I'CHt:N $8D N�;TAIL SERVICE: I.ICGNSE ItEQU1RED FEF, PF.NMI'1'A LlCENSE REQUIRF.D FTI? PIi1tMi'I'N LICF.NSG RL',QUIRED FEE PCRMIT# <50.c(�.fl. SSD '•25,0(l�. ft. 5285 VENDING-POOU $25 ,-"[25,000 sq.0. 6150 � =PR07.F.N��tiSLiR'I' $40 I'ODACCO S I 10 ^ Nana�cHaxcE: sis AMOUNT DUE _ $7QO,�O ****�PI.F.ASE TURN OVk:R AND COMPI.ETC OTH�;R SIQE OF FpRM°*•�R ' OCT-18-2017 14-14 Y�1TH HERLTH DEPT 508760347 P.04 ADM[IYISTRATION Under Chapter 152,Section 25C,Subsec.Kion 6,the Town of Yarmouth is naw required to hold issuance or renewal of any license or permit ta aperate a business if a person ar company does nat have a Certitecate of Worker's Compensation Insurance. THE A'ITACHED STATE WOIt[CER'S CUMPENSATION INSLTRANCE AFFiDAV1T MCJST BE COMPLETED ANll STGNED,OR CLRT.OF INSIJRANCE ATTACHN:T�� OR WORKER'S COMP.AFFII]AViT SIGNED AND ATTACIiED Tvwn of Yazmouth taxes and liens must he paid prior to renewai or issuance of your pernuts. PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATELY IF PAID: YES NO MOTELS AND OTHER LODC�NG ESTABLISHM�I�TS TRANSIENT OCCUFANCY: For purposes of the limitations of Motel or Hote!use,Transient a;cupaney shall be iimited to the temporary and short term occupancy,ordinarily and customarily associated with motel and hotel use. � Transient oceupants must have and be able to demonsKrate that they maintain a principal placc of residence elsewhere.Transient occupaz�cy shall generally refer to continuous occupancy of not more than thirty(30)days,and an aggregate�f not morc than ninety(90)d�ys within any six(6)month period. Use of a guest unit as a residence ar dwellin�unit shall nof be considered transient. Qccupancy that is subject to the wllection of Room Occupancy Lxcise,as defined in M.G.L.c.64G or 830 CMR b<1Ci,as amended,shall�enerally be considercd 1'ransient. I'OOLS ' POOL OP�NING:All swimming,wading and whirl�wols which havc been closed for the season must be inspected jby the Health Department prior to openin�, Cantact the Health Department to schedule the inspection three(3) , days prior to opening.PLEASE NOTE:People are rTOT allowed ta sit in the pooi area until the pool has been inspec:ted and opened. , POOL WATER TESTING: The vwdter must be tcstc;d for pseudomonas,total coliform and standard plate count ; by a State certified lab,and submitted to the Health Department three(3)days prior to opening,and quarterly thereafter. POOL CLOSYIVG:Every autdoor in ground swunmin�;pool must be drained or covered within seven(7)days of closm�. FO011 SERVICE i SEASOIVAY.FOOD SEI2VTCE OPENING: Al]fpod service establishments must be inspec;ted by the Health Department prior to opening. Plcase contact the ��ealth Department to schedule thc inspection three(3)days prior to opening. ' CATERING POLICY': I Anyone who csters within the Town of Yarmouth must notify the'Yarmouth Health Department by filin�;the mquired Temporary 1'ood Service Applicatian form 72 hours prior to the catered event. Thesc fotms can be obta�ned at the Health Department,or from the Town's wehsite at www.yarmouth.ma.us under Health Department, Dawnioadable Forms. FRUZEATAES5ERT5: Frozen desserts must be tested by a State certified lab prior to opening and monthly thcreafter,with sfunple results submitted to the Health Department. Failure ta d�sn will result in the suspension or revocation of your Frozen Dessert Aermii until the ahove terms have been met. OUTSIDE CAFES: Outside cafes(i.e.,outdoot seating with waiter/waitrc,ss service),must have prior approval frnm the Board ofHealth. OUTDOOR COOKING: Outdoor caoking,preparation,or display of any focxi product by a retail or foad service establishment is prohibited. NOTICF.:Permits run annually from January 1 to Uecember:i l. IT IS YOUR RESPONSI�iLITY TO RETURN THE COMPLFTED RENEWAL APPLICA'T'IOI�(S)AND RF..QiJiRED FEE(S)BY DECEMBF..R 15,2017. f ALL Rr;NOVATI4NS Tn ANY FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, MQTEL OR POOL (i.e., PAiNTING, NEW EQUIPMENT,ETC.),MLJST BE REPORTED TO AND APPR�VED BY THE BOATtll OF HEALTH PRIOR TO COMMENC MENT. RENOVATIONS MAY Rt? 11RE A STT PLAN. DATE: I� 2S SICNATURE: � PR1NT NAM�;d't TTTLE: b9flu�t C 1J a�,,.iaivi� 1 OCT-18-2�17 14�14 YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPT 5@8760347 P.05 �� �I IFP ti.VlIWIFS��awcrsasis vJ lI1lWJ[{\./i/�i�74LL�1 Department ofl�tducf.rdal�ccidents O�`,�"i.ce of Investigations ` 1 Co�agress Street,Suite l0U Bastvn, MA 021I4-2017 www.»eass.gov/[lia Workers' Compensatian Insurance Affidavit: Generai Busit�esses A,AflI1G��1f IpfOCm811ol1 Please�rint Le�ih1Y Business/Organizati�n Name:�,a� �[�r�„�� N a ..�i►P ,�op, �.R�s N V ..A�-� 4 "(� L(,,C, �aa��ss: �2.,2, ��; L� City/StatelZip: S +�A Q�,'C K {"� OL66�Phone#: ��$ " 3��(� q3U'0 Arc you an empioyer?Ch�k the appropriate baa: Susiness Type(required): 1.� I am a employer with r o n . _employees(full anoU �• � ��� or patt-time)•� 6. �RestaurantBar/Eating Establishment 2_❑ �am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no �. � p�C��nd/or Sales(inct.reai estate,auto,etc.) emplayees warlcing for rcxe in any capaeiry_ (Tio workers' cornp.insurance required] g- ❑Non-profit 3.❑ 'VVe are a corporation and it,4 officers have exercised 9. [� Entertainm�nt their right of exemption per c. 152, §1(4),and we have 2�t,Q Manufactv.ring ; na employees. [No v►�orkers' comp. insursnce required]* ' ! 4_� We are a non-profit organization,staffed by volunteers, Y 1-Q Health Care with no enipioyee&- [No wprkers' cotnp. insurance req,] 12-❑ C1tY►er *Any appliu�nt thst checics bax#i musi aiso fill out the seet'sun below slyawing their workcrs'cnmT�cns:�t.ion policy information. �"*tf the eorporate officers have exempted theuYselves,but the corporati�n has athor empipyees,a workers'compensation poHcy is rcquircd and tiuc:h�n orgaaizatian should check box#1. r am an e�rynluy�r tJ�at i.r providing worker.s'co�apensativ�ansurance for my en�Coycec B�low is tke podtcy information. � Insurance Company Name:_�.��Rt],S �``��T 11 �I N'�1�ClQ � ! ; ,q � Insurer's A,ddress: �5�� SuIPE Rt Q'R� N 11 E IJufi� � � � city/StatelZip: C�..E V��.(�1{.�'� , d� C�t��(� Policy#�or Self-ins.Lia.#���_�����O�G1 -- Expiration Date: � Attach a copy of the�vorkers'compensation poticy dcclaration page(s6owia�the policy number nd piration date), Failure to seau�e caverage as required under Sec,-tion 25A,of MGL e. 152 can lead to the unpasition of crinninal penalties of a fine up to$1,504.Q0 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form af a STOP WORI�ORDER and a fine af up to$250.00 a day against the vialatar. Be advi�xl that a copy of this sta.tement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigatiatts of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. r da her ert�,und e p,�(rtS a �thulties nf perJury that fhe i.nfurma�on provBd�d a�bov is true and currec� Si ature� Date• O L �� Phone#: (� � � Officir�l use only. Do►�ot write in this�irea,to b�cor►tpleted hy city or town vf,�cia.� City or Tawn: Permi#/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Baard of$eaith �.�ulidiqg Departmcnt 3.City/Town Clerk 4.X..icerssing Board 5.Sclectmen's Of�ice 6.0#her __ Cont�ct Person• �h��ne#• www.mass.grn+/dia TOTAL P.05 i Yrevious Policy I�umber Policy flumber NEW S 2263559 SLL�C'I'IV� INSURANCE C01�IPANY Ul� T'IIL SOU'I'I�EAST' 342G"1'ORI'.vGDU'V WAY, CHARL07"TE,NC 28277 DECLARATIONS - COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA LIABILITY COVERAGE �em One -tiame uf'Insured & Mailing Address Policy Period SEE COMMERCIAL POLICY CUMMON DECLARATION: IL-7025 Frum: MARCH 13, 2017 To: MARCH 13, 2018 12:01 A.M.,S�andard'I'ime At 1'he Insured's Mailing Address. COUERAGE EFF. DATE:MAR. 13, 2017 Producer: Pruducer Number: SEE COMMERCIAL POLICY COMMON DECLARATION: IL-7025 00-20014-00000 'Vamed Insured is: �TD LIABILITY Business of the '�;amed Inxured: HOTEL Limits Of Insurance Occurrence I,imit 51,000,000.00 Aggregate I.imit Si,000,000.00 Self Retained Limit: S.00 Schedule of Underlying Insurance and Limits � Standard Employers I.iability or Stop-(�ap Polic�� \io. KWC1085464 ' � Employers Liability Policy ' � M I N � Company AmTrust GrouP _ � _ � I'olicy Pericxt F,mployers Liability I;ach Accident $1,000,000 From: MARCH 13, 2017 Disease F;ach F,mployee $1,000,000 � _, To: MARCN 13, 2018 __ Disease Each_Policy �-1,0Q0,000 - Commercial General Liability Policy Policy No. S 226355900 � Company Selective Ins Co of the S ; — _ Policy Period General Aggregate 52,000,000 _ From: MARCH 13, 2017 Products-Completed Operations $2,000,000 _ To: MARCH 13, 2018 Personal and Advertising Injury I.,imit $1,000,000 = Each Occurrence I.imit S1,000,000 — Automobile Liability Policy Policy No. A 910510300 Company Selective Ins Co of South Policy Period Rodily Injury and I'roperty From: MARCH 13, 2017 Damage Combined Each Accident S1,000,000 To: MARCH 13, 2018 Premium Schedule: Estimated Expusure Rase Rate Rate Per Annual Minimum Premium F,stimated Nremium Due In the event of cancellation by the Named Insured we wi(1 receive arid retain not less than $200.00 as the Policy Minimum Premium. ' i orms and Ln orsements: E�����:�,�� ����� SEE FORMS AND ENDORSEMENT SCFIEDULE: IL 7028 ; ���g�,�(�.. . ' AUGUST 14, 2017 NORTHEAST REGION Issue Dale lssuing 011ice Authorized Representative rx_nnnz im ioa� *u���nen.� ..,,,," i , _ 64913267 AmTrust Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. A Stock Insurance Company WORKERS COMPENSATION WC 99 00 01 B AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY 1 of 5 INSURANCE POLICY INFORMATION PAGE Ncci Code: 68405 1. Insured: Policy Number: KWC1085464 Maclyn LLC 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth,MA 02664 _Individual Partnership Other workplaces not shown above: Corporation X LLC See Extension of Information Page Federal Tax ID: ' Producer: AmTrust North America,Inc. Risk Id: c/o HUB International New England,LLC Renewal of: New 299 Ballardvale Street Wilmington,MA 01887 2. The policy period is from 3/13/2017 to 3/13/2018 12:01 a.m.at the insured's mailing address. 3. A. Workers Compensation Insurance:Part One of the policy applies to the Workers Compensation Law of � the states listed here:Massachusetts � B. Employers Liability Insurance: Part Two of the policy applies to work in each state listed in item 3.A. � The limits of our liability under Part Two are: � State Bodily Injury by Accident Bodily Injury by Disease Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 each accident $1,000,000 policy limit $1,000,000 each employee � C. Other States Insurance: Part Three of the policy applies to the states,if any,listed here: All states except ND,OH,WA,WY and State(s)Designated in Item 3A. D. This policy includes these endorsements and schedules:See Extension of Information Page � 4. The premium for this policy wili be determined by our Manuals of Rules,Classifications,Rates and Rating Plans.All information required below is subject to verification and change by audit. a See Extension of Information Page TOTAL ESTIMATED ANNUAL PREMIUM 11,086 STATE ASSESSMENT 681 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 11,767 Minimum Premium 401 Deposit Premium 1,786 Issue Date:3/15/2017 Countersigned by: � � m 0 U � � N � � �