HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 Dec 14 - Notice of BOA Mtg and Health Comments Re: Petitions Town of Yarmouth
Per M.G.L.: All town and school boards, committees, commissions, and authorities shall post a
notice of every meeting at least 48 hours prior to such meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays,
and legal holidays. Notice shall contain a listing of topics/agenda that the chair reasonably
anticipates will be discussed at the meeting.
Notice of Meetings
Name of committee, board, etc: Board of Appeals
Date of Meeting: December 14, 2017
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Town Hall — Main Hearing Room
Aqenda (Topics to be discussed):
Request for Review (continued from Mav 26, Auqust 11, December 8, 2016
June 22 & Julv 27, 2017):
PETITION #4485: Seaview Motel Condominium Trust, 785 Route 28, South
Yarmouth. Requests to be placed on Board's Agenda for required Review as set forth in
Continued from September 28, 2017(never opened):
PETITION #4709: Robert K. Boucher and Karen D. Boucher, 218 Setucket Road,
Yarmouth Port. Property location: 571 Route 6A, YarmouthPort. Map &lot#: 0124.76;
Zoning District: R-40. The applicant seeks to reverse the decision of the Building
Commissioner regarding the existing use of the property and/or Special Permit under
Zoning By-law §104.3.2(2), 202.5, and 203.5 of Zoning Bylaw &Use §202.5 A1 and B3 in
an R-40 Zoning District and also §203.5(E) permit accessory structure to be located in
setback as well as any and all other relief which in the discretion of the Board of Appeals is
PETITION #4716: Kenneth Patrizzi, 44 Pilgrim Lane, Manchester, CT 06040 Property
location: 40 Aft Road, South Yarmouth, Map & lot#: 0026.49; Zoning District: R-25.
The applicant seeks a Special Permit under Zoning By-law §104.3.2 (2) and/or a Variance ,
from §202.5 for existing 10`x 20' shed in side and rear setbacks.
PETITION #4718: Dayboard Inc., 3155 Federal St., Ste. 700, Boston, MA 02110
Property location: 168 Route 6A, YarmouthPort. Map & lot#: 0122.39; Zoning
District: R-40. The applicant seeks transfer of Special Permit under Zoning By-law §202.5
(A6) for owner-occupied Bed and Breakfast.
, .
PETITION #4719: William Benoit, 32 Mountain Ash Lane, Pembroke, MA 02359
Property location: 11 Broadcast Lane, West Yarmouth. Map & lot#: 0014.99; Zoning
District: R-25. The applicant seeks a Special Permit under Zoning By-law §104.3.2 (2) to
raze and replace in same footprint increasing height only and a Variance from §202.5 for
rear setback relief.
PETITION 4721: Richard and Jill Gentile, 141 Seaview Avenue, South Yarmouth,
MA Map & lot#: 0025.63; Zoning District: R-25. The applicant seeks a Special Permit
under Zoning By-law §104.3.2 (4) and/or a Variance from §202.5 to modify and expand a
pre-existing non-conforming use, being two single family dwellings on one lot.
1. Minutes: July-September
Posted By (Name): Sandi Clark Signature: sand[cl�Yk
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vonHone, Amy
From: vonHone, Amy
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 9:41 AM
To: Clark, Sandi
Subject: RE: 12-14-17 ZBA Agenda
Petition #4709: 571 Route 6A, Yarmouthport
This property consists of a single family dwelling with a 1995 Title 5 septic system located to the rear of the
dwelling. The accessory structure must not be located over the existing septic system components to allow for
adequate access for routine maintenance and repair. Additionally, portions of the system are not designed to
withstand vehicular traffic or heavy loads that can potentially damage the system. At this time, the business of
wildlife rehabilitation does not fall under the jurisdiction of any current local Health Department animal
regulations, however, it does require MA Fish and Wildlife review and permitting. There is also a concem
about potential nuisance noise and odors generated by the proposed use of the accessory structure that could
affect abutting neighbors that should be adequately addressed. Location of the accessory structure will require
full review by the Health Department for permitting and approval.
Petition #4716: 40 Aft Road, South Yarmouth
This property consists of a single family dwelling serviced by a pre-1978 septic system. Due to the age of the
system, there are no as-built records on file indicating the type or location of the system. Location of the
existing shed will require full review by the Health Department to confirm the existing shed is not located over
any existing septic components.
Petition #4718: 168 Route 6A, Yarmouthport
This property is currently licensed by the Health Department as a compliant Bed and Breakfast establishment
with a total of 5 Bedrooms designated for use by guests of the establishment. Any change in use or number of
rental bedrooms will require full review by the Health Department.
Petition #4719: 11 Broadcast Lane, West Yarmouth
This property consists of a single family dwelling serviced by a 2006 Title 5 septic system designed for a
maximum 3 Bedrooms. The Health Department has reviewed and approved the proposal to raze the existing
dwelling and replace it with a proposed 3 Bedroom dwelling including an addition to be constructed on the
westerly side of the current footprint.
Petition #4721: 141 Seaview Avenue, South Yarmouth
This property consists of finro single family dwellings and a detached garage serviced by a combination of a
1991 Title 5 septic system servicing the Main House and a cesspool servicing the Rear Cottage. The Health
Department has conducted a preliminary review of a proposed septic system upgrade to accommodate a
maximum of 5 Bedrooms between the existing structures. Full review by the Health Department of the current
proposal to raze and replace the Rear Cottage is required to insure compliance with the new Title 5 septic
system. This lot is NOT located within a Zone of Contribution (Zone II) and is therefore NOT limited to a '
maximum number of bedrooms based on the size of the Iot. Maximum bedroom capacity will be dependent on
the permitting of a new Title 5 septic system without variances to accommodate the total number of bedrooms
being proposed.
Please contact me with any questions on the above.
Thank you, Amy
, .
Amy L.von Hone, R.S., C.H.O.
Assistant Health Director
Yarmouth Health Department
From: Clark, Sandi
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2017 2:07 PM
j To: Armstrong, James; Barnstable Planning; Brandolini,Jim; Cheryl Wheeler; Cipro, Linda; Dan Fortier
(dfortierCc�town.dennis.ma.us); Elliott, Ken; Grant, Kelly; Greene, Karen; Heaslip, Brian; IT Director; Kieran Healy;
Lawson, Carl; Grylls, Mark; Mills, Dan; Murphy, Bruce; Raiskio, Eric; Renaud, Philip; Richard Neitr (neitr.reCa�verizon.net);
Sawyer, Jon; Sean Igoe; Sears, Tim; Steven DeYoung; Thomas Roche ; vonHone, Amy; Waygan, Mary; Williams,
Kathleen; Wrock, Douglas
( Subject: 12-14-17 ZBA Agenda