HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-18-3563'I i TYPE 11 B PRIMARY STRUCTURAL FRAME(G) O BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR (F,G) INTERIOR 0 0 NONBEARING WALLS AND PARTITIONS(E) 0 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION AND SECONDARY MEMBERS 0 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND SECONDARY MEMBERS 0 (C) t " f TP} a . § m''� #n k 3 4 4g x c. a, ape ' �• f t it �� � z" S" Y w. � i rt �•. a �. � S�Eq.,� r b - <11 N= ; Site Location Plan Code Information DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: 1988 (EATON WING CONSTRUCTED 1998) OCCUPANCY GROUP: R2, "RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCIES CONTAINING... MORE THAN TWO DWELLING UNITS WHERE THE OCCUPANTS ARE PRIMARILY PERMANENT IN NATURE'. CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION: 1113 (CURRENT MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING CODE, 8TH EDITION "... TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION. IN WHICH THE BUILDING ELEMENTS LISTED IN TABLE GO I ARE OF ANY NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS, EXCEPT AS PERMITTED IN SECTION G03 AND OTHER AREAS OF THIS CODE".) 2C (MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING CODE, 4TH EDITION, 1988) THE BUILDING HAS BEEN OBSERVED TO HAVE FULL SPRINKLER COVERAGE WITH A SYSTEM THAT COMPLIES WITH CODE SECTION 903.3.1.2 (NEPA TYPE 13K SPRINKLER SYSTEM) FIRE -RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING ELEMENTS (HOURS) FROM TABLE GO 1, MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE, 8TH EDITION Site Locus Plan BUILDING ELEMENT TYPE 11 B PRIMARY STRUCTURAL FRAME(G) O BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR (F,G) INTERIOR 0 0 NONBEARING WALLS AND PARTITIONS(E) 0 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION AND SECONDARY MEMBERS 0 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND SECONDARY MEMBERS 0 (C) t " f TP} a . § #n 4g ' IS.dd b - <11 ; { a,,. -., 'r Site Location Plan Code Information DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: 1988 (EATON WING CONSTRUCTED 1998) OCCUPANCY GROUP: R2, "RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCIES CONTAINING... MORE THAN TWO DWELLING UNITS WHERE THE OCCUPANTS ARE PRIMARILY PERMANENT IN NATURE'. CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION: 1113 (CURRENT MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING CODE, 8TH EDITION "... TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION. IN WHICH THE BUILDING ELEMENTS LISTED IN TABLE GO I ARE OF ANY NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS, EXCEPT AS PERMITTED IN SECTION G03 AND OTHER AREAS OF THIS CODE".) 2C (MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING CODE, 4TH EDITION, 1988) THE BUILDING HAS BEEN OBSERVED TO HAVE FULL SPRINKLER COVERAGE WITH A SYSTEM THAT COMPLIES WITH CODE SECTION 903.3.1.2 (NEPA TYPE 13K SPRINKLER SYSTEM) FIRE -RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING ELEMENTS (HOURS) FROM TABLE GO 1, MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE, 8TH EDITION Site Locus Plan BUILDING ELEMENT TYPE 11 B PRIMARY STRUCTURAL FRAME(G) O BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR (F,G) INTERIOR 0 0 NONBEARING WALLS AND PARTITIONS(E) 0 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION AND SECONDARY MEMBERS 0 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND SECONDARY MEMBERS 0 (C) WORK Key Plan N.T.S. General'Notes 1 . WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE, 780 CMR, 8THEDITION. 2. BUILDING WILL REMAIN FULLY OCCUPIED DURING ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. COOPERATE WITH, OWNER DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS TO MINIMIZE CONFLICTS AND FACILITATE RESIDENT USAGE TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. PERFORM WORK SO AS NOT TO INTERFEhE WITH OWNER'S AND RESIDENT'S DAY -I -DAY OPERATIONS. NOTES: C IN ALL OCCUPANCIES, HEAVY TIMBER SHALL BE ALLOWED WHERE A I -HOUR 3. REFER TO AND COMPLY WITH INFiORMATION CONTAINED IN THE EVACUATION AND PHASING OR LESS PIKE -RESISTANCE RATING IS REQUIRED. [NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS PLANS FOR THIS PROPERTY. REFER TO THE OWNER AND/OR ARCHITECT IN CASE OF WORK] REQUIRED CHANGES TO THESE PLANS. MAINTAIN EXISTING EXITS UNLESS OTHERWISE E NOT LESS THAN THE FIRE -RESISTANCE RATING REQUIRED BY OTHER INDICATED. SECTIONS OF THIS CODE [OTHER SECTIONS DO NOT MODIFY REQUIREMENTS] 4. REFER TO AND COORDINATE WORK IN THESE DRAWINGS WITH INTERIOR FINISH DRAWINGS F NOT LESS THAN THE FIRE -RESISTANCE RATING BASED ON FIRE PREPARED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL TEAM, INC. REFER TO THE OWNER AND ARCHITECT IN SEPARATION DISTANCE (TADLE G02). [EXTERIOR WALL RATING NOT CASE OF CONFLICT WITH REQUIREMENTS. APPLICABLE TO THIS WORK] S THAN THE FIRE RESISTANCE RATING AS REFERENCED IN SECTION S. MODIFY L LOCATIONS OF SPRINKR HEADS AS NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH COVERAGE PER G NOT LESNFPA 13R. 704. 10. [FIRE RATING OF EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS WORK) G. REFER TO OTHER NOTES ON IND VIDUAL DRAWINGS. I Owner: Maplewood 5enlor Living One Gorham Island We.5tport, CT OG880 Architect: DMS de5lgn, Ilc 5uite 339C, 100 Cumming5 Center Beverly, MA 0 19 15 �� r I Phone: 978-965-3470. ..03�= Fax: 8GG-5 13-5573LY, Structural Engineer: Coastal Encgineering Company, Inc. 2GO Cranberry Highway Orleans, MA 02653 Phone: 508-255-G5 TOWN OF l'A MOUTH REVIEWED FOR BUILDING AND ZONING CODE COMPU- ANCE. ERRORS OR OMMISSIONS DO NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY OF "AS UILT" COMPLIA CE DATE: Drawings: BUILDING oFFicw Cover 5heet AO.O I 5pecification5 Al .01 Floor Plan FILE COPY A 1.02 Reflected Ceiling Plans A 1.03 Roof Plan A3.01 5ection5 A5.01 Details PERMIT 5ET: 31 May 201 7 A r Owner: Maplewood 5enlor Living One Gorham Island We.5tport, CT OG880 Architect: DMS de5lgn, Ilc 5uite 339C, 100 Cumming5 Center Beverly, MA 0 19 15 �� r I Phone: 978-965-3470. ..03�= Fax: 8GG-5 13-5573LY, Structural Engineer: Coastal Encgineering Company, Inc. 2GO Cranberry Highway Orleans, MA 02653 Phone: 508-255-G5 TOWN OF l'A MOUTH REVIEWED FOR BUILDING AND ZONING CODE COMPU- ANCE. ERRORS OR OMMISSIONS DO NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY OF "AS UILT" COMPLIA CE DATE: Drawings: BUILDING oFFicw Cover 5heet AO.O I 5pecification5 Al .01 Floor Plan FILE COPY A 1.02 Reflected Ceiling Plans A 1.03 Roof Plan A3.01 5ection5 A5.01 Details PERMIT 5ET: 31 May 201 7 I II SECTION 010000 - PROJECT REQUIREMENTS A. Summary: I . The Project consists of the selective removal and replacement of existing roofing and roof support Structure located above the existing swimming pool. Work includes necessary replacement of associated wall structure, exterior siding, new acoustic ceiling and replacement of weatherstripping at exterior doors. B. Project Requirements: I . Prior or Concurrent Work by Others: Interior cosmetic improvements shall be in progress elsewhere within the building. 2.Exi5ting Site Conditions and Restrictions: The building outside the work area will be fully occupied during the duration of the project. Separation with residential areas 'shall be maintained at all times, and interaction with residents, visitors to the building and staff will not be allowed. 3.Contractor'5 Use of Premises and Adjacent Facilities: a. Access to the work Site will be from the exterior, only. b. Coordinate parking requirements with the facility management. Park only in areas designated by management. c. Coordinate deliveries with management to avoid disruption and inconvenience to re51dent5, visitors and Staff. d.Limit work in the project area to normal business working hours, 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM, Monday through Friday except as otherwise indicated. 4.Do not interrupt utilities serving facllitle5 occupied by the Owner or re5ident5 unle55 permitted under the following conditions, and only then after providing temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: a. Notify Owner not less than two (2) days in advance of proposed utility interruptions. b. Obtain Owner's written permission before proceeding with utility interruptions., 5.5moking 15 not permitted within the buildings or within 25 feet of entrances, operable windows or outdoor air intakes. C. Permits: I . Apply for, obtain, and pay for building and any other permits required to perform the work. Submit copies to Architect and Owner. D. Intent: I . Drawings and specifications are intended to provide the basis for the proper completion of the Project Suitable for the intended use of the Owner. 2.Item5 not expressly Set forth but which are reasonably implied or necessary for the proper performance of this work shall be included. E. Coordination: I . Coordinate the work of all trades. 2.Prepare coordination drawings for areas where close tolerances are required between building elements and mechanical and electrical work. 3.Verify location of utilities and existing conditions. Notify Architect of conditions differing from those indicated on the Drawings. 4.Verify dimensions on Drawings with dimensions at the Project. Do not scale Drawings. F. Cutting and Patching: I . Provide cutting and patching work to properly complete the Project. 2.Do not remove or alter structural components without written approval 3.Cut with tools appropriate for materials to be cut. 4.Patch with materials and methods to P roduce patch which 15 not visible from a distance of five feet. 5.Do not cut and patch in a manner that would result in !a failure of the work to perform as intended, decrease fire performance, decrease acoustical performance, decrease energy performance, decrease operational life, or decrease safety factors. G. Field Engineering: I . Verify and locate utilities, existing facilities, and equipment. 2.5urvey and layout improvements, utllitie5, Structures, and components. H. Project Meetings: I . Arrange for a precon5truction conference prior to start of construction. Meeting Shall be attended by Owner, Architect, Contractor, and major subcontractors. 2.Arrange for progress meetings once a month during construction, prior to application for payment. Record minutes and distribute promptly. I. Submittals: for a I. submit a project schedule and update at least monthly. Submit o approval all submittals listed in individual sections or as required to coordinate the work. Provide submittals in electronic form (i.e. pdf files), or at least 3 hard copies. 2.Include details of construction and adjacent construction in Shop drawings. Clearly indicate any deviations from requirements of the contract documents. Fabricate materials from approved shop drawings only. J. Quality Assurance: I. Comply with applicable codes, regulations, ordinances and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, including acce55ibifity guidelines where applicable. Submit copies of mspection reports, notices and similar documents to Architect. 2.Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. 3.1-15e experienced installers. Furnish evidence of experience if requested. 4.Deliver, handle, and store materials in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions. u c 5.U5e of any Supplier or Subcontractor 15 s bje t to Own e r5 approval. 6.Engage and pay for testing agencies a5 required. (III Refer to individual sections for additional requirements. K. Temporary Facilities: I . Provide temporary facilities and connections as required for the proper completion of the project. 2. Owner will pay for utility service consumed. Do not waste. 3.Provide temporary protection for adjacent areas to prevent contamination by construction dust and debris. 4.Provide temporary barricades a5 necessary to ensure protection of the public. 5.Provide suitable waste disposal units and empty regularly. Do not permit accumulation of trash and waste materials. i 6.Provide temporary sanitary facilities. 7.Mamtain egress within and around construction areas. 8.Maintain fire alarm systems in operation during construction. 9.Maintain the existing sprinkler system in operation during construction. 10. Provide fire extinguishers in work areas during construction. I I . Provide temporary protection for adjacent construction. Promptly repair any damage at no additional cost to the Owner. L. Products and Substitutions: I . Provide products and materials specified. Request Architect's selection of colors and accessories in sufficient time to avoid delaying progress of the work. 2.5ubmit requests for substitutions shall be in writing, including reasons. Submit Sufficient information for Architect to evaluate proposed substitution. 3.Remove and replace work which does not conform to the contract documents at no additional expense to the Owner. M. Installation: I . Inspect substrates and report unsatisfactory conditions in writing. 2.Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.Take field measurements prior to fabrication where practical. Form to required shapes and sizes with true edges, Imes and angles. Provide inserts and templates a5 needed for work of other trades. 4.1n5tall materials in exact accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved submittals. I 5.In5tall materials'in proper relation with adjacent construction and with proper appearance. G.Restore units damaged during installation. Replace units which cannot be Ilre5tored at no additional expense to the Owner. 7.Refer to additional installation req uirements and ',tolerances Specified under individual specification sections. N. Closeout: . Prepare punchlist for remaining work for review by the Architect. 2.Complete punchlist items promptly at no ad itional expense to the Owner. 3.5ubmit accurate record documents of building and Site. 4.5ubmit operating manuals, maintenance manuals, and warranty information. 5.Kemove temporary faofitie5 and provide final cleaning and touch-up. 6.Ke5tore portions of building, site improvements, landscaping and other items damaged by construction operations to the 5ati5factionll of the Architect at no additional expense to the Owner. I SECTION 0241 19 - SELECTIVE DEMOLITION A. Summary: 1 . Provide selective demolition of building components' designated to be removed. 2.Provide selective demolition of exterior facade, 5tructure5, and components designated to be removed. 3.Protect portions of building, site and adjacent Structures affected' by demolition operations. 4.Notify Owner of schedule of shut-off of utilities which Serve occupied spaces. 5.Provide temporary protection for the public from demolition operations. 6.Provide pollution control during demolition operations. 7.Provide removal and legal disposal of materials. B. Submittals: 1. Submit demolition Schedule. Include methods for protecting adjacent work and location of temporary partitions if applicable. 2.5ubmit proposed location for disposal of materials, and permit if applicable. C. Demolition: 1. Survey existing conditions and correlate with Drawings and specifications to verify extent of demolition required. 2. Verify conditions at site to determine whether demolition methods proposed for use will not endanger existing structures by overloading, failure, or unplanned collapse. 3 Perform demolition operations by methods which do not endanger adjacent Spaces, structures, or the public., 4.Perlform demolition operations to prevent dust and pollutant hazards. Provide chutes as required to control dust and debris. SECTION 050170 '- REPAIR OF GALVANIZED AND OTHER METAL 5URFACES A. Summary: I . Repair existing galvanized coatings on structural and other metal surfaces that are Showing rust. 2. Prepare and coat existing non -galvanized structural metal materials. B. References: I . ASTM A780 - Practice' for Repair of Dama ed and Uncoated Areas of Hot -Di Galvanized p p Coatings. ' 2. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) Documents a. 55PC-PA2 Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Magnetic Gages b.55PC-5P2 Hand Tool Cleaning c. 55PC-5P5/NACE No. I White Metal Blast'Cieaning d. SSPC-SP I O/NAGE No.2 Near -White Blast Cleaning e. SSPC-SP I I Power Tool Cleaning to Bare' Metal 3.AAA5HTO/N513A 58.1 - Guide Specification for Coating Systems with Inorganic Zinc -Rich Primer C. Products: I . Zinc -Rich Paint: a. Zinc -rich paints shall' contain either between 65'% to 69% metallic zinc by weight or greater than 92% metallic zinc by weight lin dry film. b. Comply with Fed. Spec. DOD -P-2 1035a c. Comply with applicable requirements in ASTM A 780 d. Comply with SSPC-Paint 20 e. Comply with SSPC-Paint 29 f. Comply with AA5HTO M 300 D. installation: I . Surfaces to be repaired or coated with paints containing zinc dust shall be clean, dry, and free of oil, grease, preexisting paint, and corrosion by-products. 2.Where heavy corrosion is evident, or foi joints that are identified a5 critical by the structural engineer, blast clean the surface in accordance with 55PC5P I 0/NACE No. 2 near white metal. At other locations, clean'the surface to bare metal, in accordance with SSPC-SP i I, as a minimum. Where circumstances do not allow blast or power tool cleaning, and with the Architect's or structural engineer's permission, hand tool areas n i clean in accordance withSSPC Sreconditioned To ensure that a smooth eco d tioned coating can be'effected, surface preparation Shall extend into the undamaged g d g alvanized coating. The method and extent of surface preparation shall be agreeable to the Architect and/or structural engineer. 3.If the area to be reconditioned includes welds, first remove all weld flux residue and weld spatter (of a size that cannot be removed by wire brushing or blast cleaning) by mechanical means, such as chipping, grinding, or power scaling, etc. 4.5pI ay or brush -apply the paints containing zinc dust to the prepared area. Apply the paint a5 in accordance with the manufacturers printed m5truction5 in a single application employing multiple passes to achieve a dry film thickness to be agreed upon between the contracting parties. Allow adequate curing time before subjecting repaired items to service conditions in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. 5.The dry film coating thickness for the repair paint shall be 50% greater than the surrounding galvanized coating, but not greater than 4.0 mils. Take thickness measurements with either a magnetic, electromagnetic, or eddy -current gage to ensure that the applied coating is as specified in accordance with 55PC-PA2. SECTION 061000 - ROUGH CARPENTRY A. Summary: . Provide Rough Carpentry: 2.Fra'ming with dimension lumber. 3.Wood grounds; nailers, and blocking. 4.Wood furring. 5. Sheathing. B. 5ubmittal5: I . Submit product data. C. Products: I . Lumber Standards and Grade Stamps: PS 20, American Softwood Lumber Standard and inspection agency grade stamps. 2.Con5truction Panel Standards: PS 1, U.S. Product Standard for C nstruction and Industrial Plywood; APA PRP -108. 3.Wood Framing Standards: NFPA House Framing Manual a. Exterior Wall Framing, 2x4: 2 inch by 4 inch nominal studs, 16 inches on center. 4.Pre5ervative Treatment: AWPA C2 for lu or and AWPA C9 for plywood; waterborne pressure treatment. III a. Preservative retention 0.40 pcf. SECTION 07600 - FLASHING AND 5HEET METAL 5.Dimen5ion Lumber: CU H U y-+ t1 'III �I :� A. Summary: I Provide Flashing and Sheet Metal: � � b. Species: Any species of grade indicated. a. Preservative retention 0.40 pcf. SECTION 07600 - FLASHING AND 5HEET METAL 5.Dimen5ion Lumber: CU H U y-+ t1 a. Structural Framing: No. 2 grade. :� A. Summary: I Provide Flashing and Sheet Metal: � � b. Species: Any species of grade indicated. •U . 2. Metal counterflashing and base flashing. c. Miscellaneous Lumber Blocking and Nailers: I � I 3.5heet metal accessories. � 0 d.MoisturContent: 19 percent. e od w QO ® e. Grade: Standard rade light framin gg a� B. Submittals: U b A 1. Submit product data, samples, shop drawmg5. Q� 6.Con5truction Panels: C. Products: a. Wall Sheathing: APA Sheathing, Exterior. b. Roof Sheathing: APA Sheathing, Exterior. I 1. Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim: LO U U�N °� MOO 7.AuxiliarY Materials: Q� a. Sheet Aluminum: ASTM B AAMA6 20. 209, 20 au e (.032 Two -coat fluoro pof g g inch). ) Y mer finish a. Felt Air Infiltration Barrier: Asphalt saturated organic felt, ASTM D 226, Type 1, No. 15 felt, unperforated. b. fabricated Units: Compliance p with SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual U00 b. Framing Anchors and Fasteners: Non -corrosive, suitable for load and exposure. 2. Auxiliary Materials: D. Installation: a. Bituminous isolation coating. b.I�astic and elastomeric sealants. 1. Comply with requirements of Section 01000 - Project Requirements. C. Rosin -sized building ' lip sheet. 2.Comply with NEPA Manual for House Framing, NFPA Recommended Nailing Schedule, and paper NFPA National Design 5pecification5 for Wood Construction. d., Polyethylene underlayment. 3.Comply with APA Design and Construction Guide, Residential and Commercial e.IReglet5 and metal accessories. Construction. f. Asphaltic roofing cement. 4.Provide nailers, blocking and grounds where required. Set work plumb, level and D. in5tl llation: accurately cut. I. Comply with requirements of Section 01000 - Project Requirements. 5.Wood in contact with concrete, masonry or'within 6 inches of grade shall be preservative treated. Comply with manufacturer's requirements for treated materials. 2.Instali flashing and sheet metal with provision for expansion and contraction. 3.ln5tall flashing and sheet metal to shed water properly. 4.In5tail gutters and downspouts to dram water properly. SECTION 072 100 - THERMAL INSULATION A. Summary: 5.15folate dissimilar metals with bituminous coating. I . Provide Building Insulation and Vapor Retarders: I a. Thermal insulation in exterior walls, blanket type. SECTION 07900 - JOINT SEALERS A. Summary: b. Thermal insulation above roof decking where asphalt shingles are to be installed, board I . Provide joint Sealers at interior and exterior vertical and horizontal joints. type. c. Fire5afing m5ulation, board or blanket type, as necessary. 5. Submittals: 2.5ubmit product data, mockup of each joint type, adhesion test results for each joint type.) d. Sheet vapor retarders. C. Products: B. Submittals: I .Submit roduct data. p I . Urethane Elastomeric Joint Sealants: a.I,Nonsag Type and Application: One -part non5ag urethane sealant, ASTM C 920, for G. Pr Oduct5: vertical and horizontal joints, exterior and interior use. , . Board Insulation: 2.5ilicone Elastomeric Joint Sealants: a. Polyi5ocyanurate board, rigid, FS HH -1- 1972/ 1 , Class 2. a. Exterior Use: One -part nonacid curing silicone sealant, ASTM C 920, fo'r vertical and t/Batt su a tion: 2.Blanke In I II 'horizontalomts, modulus as required for application, J q a. Glass fiber or mineral slag fiber, ASTM C 665, Type I (unfaced). b. Interior Use: One -part mildew -resistant silicone sealant, ASTM C 920.' 3.Fire5afmg Insulation: 3.Auxifiary Materials: a. Semi refractory fiber board, semi rigid, ASTM C 61 2, Types I A, 113 or 2.. a.IElastomeric tubing backer rods. b. Unfaced mineral wool fiber blanket, ASTM C 665 Type I. b.bond breaker tape. I 4.Va or Retarder (Not Integral with Insulation): p g D. Installation: a. Polyethylene, A5TM D 4397, 10 mils, 0. 13 perm or less vapor transmission rating. I . Comply with requirements of (Section 01000 - Project Requirements. 5.Acce55orie5: 2.Te5t Sealant adhesion for each substrate required. a. Adhesives and mechanical anchors. 3.In5tall in proper relation with adjacent work. b. Crack sealers and tapes. 4.Clean adjacent surfaces soiled with sealant immediately. D. Installation: I . Comply with requirements of Section 01000 - Project Requirements. SECTION 087 10 - DOOR HARDWARE 2.In5tall insulation and vapor retarders with continuous coverage to provide optimum A. Summary: performance. I . Remodel existing hardware. 31ap and seal joints and perimeters of vapor retarders. B. Submittals: 4.In5tal( multiple layers of board insulation with staggered joints. I . Submit product data, Samples, proposed hardware schedule, maintenance data. C. Products: SECTION 073 100 - SHINGLES I .Weatherstripping A. Summary: 2. Thresholds a5 nece55a rY 1 . Provide asphalt shingles for roofing applications. D. fn5tallation: 2. Provide wood shingles for sidewall applications. I . Comply with requirements of Section 01000 - Project Requirements. . B. Submittals:I 1. Submit data, 2. Comply with hardware, manufacturers instructions. product samples, 2.Roofing shingles with 30 -year warranty. SECTION 095 10 - ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS C. Products: A. Summary: I . Products: As selected by Architect complying with the following. i I . Provide acoustical lay -in ceilings, trim, and metal 5u5pen5ion system. 2. Shingles: B. Submittals: a. Heavyweight, laminated, glass -fiber -reinforced asphalt strip shingles. Match 1. Submit product data, samples. manufacturer and color of shin les on the adjacent roof. g j C. Products: b. Accessories: Hip and ridge shingles; 30# felt, ASTM D 226; self -adhering, I . Acoustical Panel Ceilings: g polyethylene -faced sheet perimeter underlayment, ASTM D 1970; metal flashing and drip edge. a.Il5ize: 24 by 24 inches 3.Wood Shingles: b Thickness: 5/8 inch. a. Type: No. i Grade Blue Label western red cedar. clEd e Detail: Sq u are. b. Accessories: 30# Felt, ASTM D 226; 5elf-adherin9 polyethylene -faced sheet d.1 Pattern: Fissured perimeter underlayment, ASTM D 1970; metal flashing and drip edge; ridge vent; e. Type: Suitable for wet or humid environments. Cerama uard 605 by Arm5tron g World prefabricated hip and ridge shin 1e5. Indu5triC5 or approved eqal 4.Fa5tener5: Non corrosive and non -staining. 2.565pen5ion Systems: D. Installation: a.I Exposed grid suspension system, A5TM C 635 light duty classification, standard I. Comply with requirements of Section 01000 - Project Requirements. profile, double -web aluminum with prepainted aluminum cap . 2. Comply with NBCA Steep Roofing Manual b.Fire Rating: Non -fire -resistance rated sus en51on system. 3.Coordinate shinle installation with fla5hin s and metal accessories to shed water' g 9 3.5u5pension System Acce55ories; Attachment devices and hangers, ASTM C 635. All properly. accessories shall be aluminurr I with painted or anodized finish, or galvanized steel a.I Cap Material: Painted aluminum finish. SECTION 075300 - SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANE ROOFINGb Edge molding and trim. A. Summary:D. installation: I . Provide single -ply membrane roofing and roof insulation. 1. Comply with requirements of O 1000 Project Requirements. 2.Remove existing roofing, insulation, and flashing. (Section 3.Modi fY roofing for Construction. T 2. M,ea5ure and layout acoustical ractical ceifing5 to avoid less than 112 panel units whenever existin 9 9 new 4.Membrane Roofing Warranty: Manufacturer's I O -year warranty. p . 3.1n5tall suspension systems in accordance with ASTM C 636. B. Submittals: 4.In5tall panels with pattern or i in one-way. grain running o e y. 1. Submit product data, shop drawings, I 0 -year warranty, maintenance data. SECTION 053 10 - STEEL DECK C. Products: I PART 11 - GENERAL I . Membrane Roofing: Totally adhered. 1 . 1 SUMMARY a. EPDM Membrane: EPDM, 60 mils, A5TM D 4637, Type 1. A. This Section mcludes the following: 2.ln5ulation: Polyi5ocyanurate 11I. Roof deck. 3.5heet Metal Accessories: SMACNA and NBCA recommendations. I 1.2 SUBMITTALS D. Installation: A. Product Data: For each type of deck, accessory, and product indicated. I . Comply with requirements of Section 01000 - Project Requirements. B. Shop Drawings: Show layout and types of deck panels, anchorage detaill5, reinforcing 1 2.Coordinate membrane roofing installation with flashings and metal accessories to shed channels, pans, cut deck openings, special jointing, accessories, and attachments to water properly. 1 other construction. 3.Detaihng and installation Shall comply with ensure warranty. manufacturer's standard details as required to C. Product certificates. D. Welding certificates., E. Field quality -control test and inspection reports. F. Research/Evaluation Kep orts: For steel deck. L I 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to AWS D 1 .3, "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel." B. Fire -Test -Response Characteristics: Where indicated, provide steel deck units identical to those tested for fire resistance per ASTM E 1 19 by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. I . Fire -Resistance Ratings: Indicated by design designations of applicable testing and inspecting agency. 2. Steel deck units shall be identified with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. C. A151 5pecification5: Comply with calculated structural characteristics of Steel deck according to A151'5 "North American Specification for the Design of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members." 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect steel deck from corrosion, deformation, and other damage during delivery, storage, and handling. B. Stack steel deck on platforms or pallets and slope to provide drainage. Protect with a waterproof covering and ventilate to avoid condensation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: B. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: I . ASC Profiles, Inc. 2. Canam Steel Corp.;The Canam Manac Group. 3. Consolidated 5y5tem5, Inc. 4. DACS, Inc. 5. D -Mac Industries Inc. G. Epic Metals Corporation. 7. Marlyn Steel Decks, Inc. 8. New Millennium Building Systems, LLC. 9. Nucor Corp.; Vulcraft Division. O. Roof Deck, Inc. I I . United Steel Deck, Inc. 12. Valley Joist; Division of EBSCO Industries, Inc. 13. Verco Manufacturing Co. 14. Wheeling Corrugating Company; Div. of Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corporation. 2.2 ROOF DECK A. Steel Roof Deck: Fabricate panels, without top -flange stiffening grooves, to comply with "SDI 5pecification5 and Commentary for Steel Roof Deck," in SDI Publication No. 30, and with the following: I . Galvanized Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/A 653M, Structural Steel (55), Grade G90 (Z275) zinc coating. 2. Deck Profile: Type WR, wide rib. 3. Profile Depth: 1-1 /2 inches (38 mm). 4. Design Uncoated -Steel Thickness: 0.0295 inch (0.75 mm). 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. General: Provide manufacturer's standard accessory materials for deck that comply with requirements indicated. B. Mechanical Fasteners: Corrosion -resistant, low-velocity, power -actuated or pneumatically driven carbon -steel fasteners; or self -drilling, self -threading screws. C. Side -Lap Fasteners: Corrosion -resistant, hexagonal washer head; self -drilling, carbon -steel screws, No. 10 (4.8 -mm) minimum diameter. D. Flexible Closure 5trip5: Vulcanized, closed -cell, synthetic rubber. E. Miscellaneous Sheet Metal Deck Accessories: Steel sheet, minimum yield strength of 33,000 psi (230 MPa), not less than 0.0359 -inch (0.91 -mm) design uncoated thickness, of same material and finish as deck; of profile indicated or required for application. F. Repair Paint: Manufacturer's Standard rust -inhibitive primer of Same color as primer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install deck panels and accessories according to applicable specifications and commentary in SDi Publication No. 30, manufacturer's written instructions, requirements in this Section, and a5 indicated. B. Place deck panels on supporting frame and adjust to final position with ends accurately aligned and bearing on Supporting frame before being permanently fastened. Do not Stretch or contract side -lap interlocks. C. Place deck panels flat and square and fasten to supporting frame without warp or deflection. D. Cut and neatly fit deck panels and accessories around openings and other work projecting through or adjacent to deck. E. Provide additional reinforcement and closure pieces at openings as required for strength, continuity of deck, and support of other work. F. Comply with AWS requirements and procedures for manual shielded metal arc welding, appearance and quality of welds and me hods U5Cd for correcting welding work G. Mechanical fasteners may be used in lieu of welding to fasten deck. Locate mechanical fasteners and install according to deck manufacturer's written m5truction5. H. End Bearing: Install deck ends over supporting frame with a minimum end bearing of 1-1 /2 inches (38 mm). I. Misc IlaneosRoof-Deck Aecessories: install finish stri s, end closures, and reinforcing channels according to deck manufacturer's written instructions. Mechanically fasten to substrate to provide a complete deck installation. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and prepare test reports. B. Field welds will be subject to mspection. C. Testing agency will report mspection results promptly and in writing to Contractor and Architect. D. Remove and replace work that does not comply with specified requirements. E. Additional in5pectmg, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of corrected work with specified requirements. 3.3 REPAIRS A. Galvanizing Repairs: Prepare and repair damaged galvanized coatings on both surfaces of deck with galvanized repair paint according to ASTM A 780 and manufacturer's written m5truction5. END OF SECTION 05310 1 �W V CU H U y-+ t1 N :� .r"n J � � IZ •U c� .1 v+ � 0 od w QO ® a� •� U b A LO 01 Q� N Hj C1) LO 1 �W V CU H U y-+ t1 N :� .r"n J � � IZ •U c� v+ � 0 od w QO ® a� •� U b � LO 01 Q� N Hj C1) LO U U�N °� MOO Q� 3� �• 4-J 00 � 4 U00 0 4 "4 PL4 1 �W V CU H U y-+ N :� .r"n J o � IZ c� v+ � 0 od w QO ® a� w b � C� U C1) LO 1 CU H U y-+ N :� .r"n J o � IZ 117sko"41; "_1 P1 - : REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING ALUMINUM * GLASS ENTRY bOOR. RETAIN EXISTING FRAME. — — i — — — — — — — — PROVIDE NEW HARDWARE Floor Plan. 10 SCALE: 1/4"-1-0 : ADJUST DOOR ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY TO ALLOW SMOOTH OPERATION AND SECURE LATCHING. REDUCE PERIMETER GAPS AS REQUIRED FOR NEW WEATHERSTRIP. INSTALL NEW WEATHERSTRIP ON EXISTING DOORS - REFER TO SPECIFICATION � N cz GJ QO n � A ® cV " c� r—� r—♦ III I .0 ®O N ® U1 14-1 o 0 a CL) N A U Qa 1 CIO U � N cz GJ QO n � A ® cV " c� r—� r—♦ III I .0 N ® U1 14-1 o 0 a N A U Qa 1 CIO U o0 0 CNX .'--J :j ai o $ 040 � N cz GJ QO n � A ® cV " c� r—� r—♦ III � 14-1 o 0 a U Qa C� Lo � N cz GJ QO n � A ® cV " c� r—� r—♦ c KEY I A EXISTING BENT WIDE -FLANGE BEAM ! 9- ! I" DP. x I I -1 /4" FLANGE WIDTH, GALVANIZED, WITH 8" x 4" ALUMINUM BOX BEAM ABOVE 1 B EXISTING BEND WIDE -FLANGE BEAM, 19-1/4" DP. x I I - 114" FLANGE WIDTH, GALVANIZED 20 EXISTING STRAIGHT WIDE -FLANGE BEAM, 19-1/4" DP, x I 1-1 /4 FLANGE WIDTH, GALVANIZED EXISTING 5TEEL BEAM, 12- I/4" DP. x 4" FLANGE WIDTH, GALVANIZED, WITH 8" x 4" ALUMINUM BOX BEAM ABOVE EXISTING STEEL PURLIN, 12" DP. x 4" FLANGE WIDTH, GALVANIZED 5 EXISTING 5TEEL PURLIN, 12-114" DP. x 4" FLANGE WIDTH, GALVANIZED �G EXISTING 5TEEL CHANNEL, 9" DP. x 2-1/2" WIDTH, GALVANIZED OEXISTING SLOPED 5TEEL PURLIN CARRYING BACK OF ROOF DECK, 12 DP. x 4 FLANGE WIDTH, GALVANIZED 8A EXISTING GYPSUM ENCL05URE WITH G" METAL STUD FRAME 8B N A EX15TIN G SLOPED GYPSUM E CLOSURE WITH 6 METAL 5TU D FRAME NEW IN5ULATED DOUBLE-5KINITRAN5LUCENT FI5ERGLA55 ROOF PANELS ON EXISTING STRUCTURE. MANUFACTURER AND CONTRACTOR 5HALL'PKOVIDE THERMAL PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OF THE 5ELECTED ROOF PANEI-5 FOR THE MECHANICAL ENGINEER ""r' " t! U1 NEW GRID AND 2x2 CERAMIC -BASED ACOU51 IC TILE 1 I I /A3.01 C I , Reflected Gelling Plan -Proposed SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" �� I (/A3.01 1 C Reflected Ceiling Plan - Existing SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" •o Cd SII m_ Q, • h � V v/�1/ O 0 N H+ A r� i 00 1 I I /A3.01 C I , Reflected Gelling Plan -Proposed SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" �� I (/A3.01 1 C Reflected Ceiling Plan - Existing SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" •o Cd Al • h � V v/�1/ o 0 N H+ A r� i 00 V 1� LV cu t!�AN W rr�j ® C "" O �1 •bjD U P-4 Cq Cq i ;N 4- n G Cq 0 Ln N 4"4 U e a� '.000 v00 p N 4 co ,-� tri P W Al • h � V v/�1/ o 0 N H+ A r� i 00 V 1� LV cu t!�AN W rr�j k O "" O co 04 P-4 Cd • h � V v/�1/ o 0 N H+ A r� i 00 V LV cu P1 NEW MEMBRANE (ROOFING OVER TAPERED R-30 (MIN.) POLYISOCYANURATE 23 RIGID IN5ULATION A5.01 AND NEW GALVANIZED METAL ROOF DECK. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATION j�— 1 2 ------- 0 - --o O` NEW A5PHALT 5HINGLE5 OVER R-30 POLY15OCYANURATI RIGID IN5ULATION AND NEW 22 GALVANIZED A5.01 METAL ROOF DECK: � REFER TO THE 5PECIFICATION 1 P NEW IN5ULATED 13 ALLA5.01)AT BELO 22 5.01 23 5.01 a] a 4 O 1 20 � C h �I !2 j A5.0 I rl 2 L "I -- ----- 13 ALLA5.01)AT BELO 22 5.01 23 5.01 a] a 4 O 1 h O d] 00 V� cd A A NEW ASPHALT, SHINGLES OVER R-30 POLY15OCYANURATE 12 20 INSULATION RIGID INSi AND NEW rl2 GALVANIZED A5.01, AL OOF DECK MET R NEW INSULATED DOUBLE -SKIN .� :...,a TRANSLUCENT FIBERGLASS ROOF PANELS ON EXISTING STRUCTURE ! r 12 i 7 22 A5.0I nPP_ HAND j Partial Longitudinal Section 11 SCALE: 1/4" = F -a" 2 20 AT ROOF, BEYOND A5.01 A5.01 SLOPE DOWN O\-\ •-.� 1 /4"/FOOT (TYPICAL) 2 0\ 2 P P A5.01 3 \ O\ EW ACOUSTIC i p5 CEILING TILE DN NEW GRID. PF(-1FO Yinni NEW MEMBRANE ROOFING OVERTAPERED R-30 (MIN.) POLYISOCYANURATE RIGID INSULATION AND NEW GALVANIZED METAL ROOF DECK NEW ASPHALT SHINGLES WITH 30 -YEAR WARRANTY OVER R-30 POLYISOCYANURATE GID INSULATION AN EW GALVA D METAL ROO ECK NEW INSULATED DOUBLE -SKIN i ASS ROOF PANELS ON EXISTING STRUCTURE i 12 NEW SLOPED ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE ON NEW GRID. REFER TO SPECIFICATION REPAIRS AT DRINKING FOUNTAIN: ---� 1 . REMOVE EXISTING DRINKING FOUNTAIN. 2. REMOVE EXISTING WALL INCLUDING WALL SURFACES AND STUDS. 3. REMOVE AND REPLACE DETERIORATED DRAIN UNDER SLAB. RESTORE 5LA13 AS NECESSARY. 4. REBUILD WALL WITH NEW METAL STUDS AND MOLD-RE515TANT 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD AT EACH FACE, 5. INSTALL PT BLOCKING IN WALL FOR NEW WATER FOUNTAIN. G. PROVIDE AND INSTALL A NEW WATER FOUNTAIN. CENTER ON WALL. FIN15H SPOUT' HEIGHT SHALL BE 30 MAXIMUM ABOVE FINISH FLOOR. O � C� O -� U i 4-J .0 A O U cn 61i A Cd O a LO N „J A '.....� CCS -r-4 s go +-+ U 4-J U p, M N T U W14�c wo Cz 0%00 ' o 't REPAIRS AT DRINKING FOUNTAIN: ---� 1 . REMOVE EXISTING DRINKING FOUNTAIN. 2. REMOVE EXISTING WALL INCLUDING WALL SURFACES AND STUDS. 3. REMOVE AND REPLACE DETERIORATED DRAIN UNDER SLAB. RESTORE 5LA13 AS NECESSARY. 4. REBUILD WALL WITH NEW METAL STUDS AND MOLD-RE515TANT 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD AT EACH FACE, 5. INSTALL PT BLOCKING IN WALL FOR NEW WATER FOUNTAIN. G. PROVIDE AND INSTALL A NEW WATER FOUNTAIN. CENTER ON WALL. FIN15H SPOUT' HEIGHT SHALL BE 30 MAXIMUM ABOVE FINISH FLOOR. O � C� O -� U i 4-J A O U cn 61i A Cd O a LO N Q 0 0.4 bA '.....� CCS -r-4 s go +-+ U 4-J U p, M N T U W14�c wo Cz 0%00 ' o 't C > 000 e ° as a w REPAIRS AT DRINKING FOUNTAIN: ---� 1 . REMOVE EXISTING DRINKING FOUNTAIN. 2. REMOVE EXISTING WALL INCLUDING WALL SURFACES AND STUDS. 3. REMOVE AND REPLACE DETERIORATED DRAIN UNDER SLAB. RESTORE 5LA13 AS NECESSARY. 4. REBUILD WALL WITH NEW METAL STUDS AND MOLD-RE515TANT 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD AT EACH FACE, 5. INSTALL PT BLOCKING IN WALL FOR NEW WATER FOUNTAIN. G. PROVIDE AND INSTALL A NEW WATER FOUNTAIN. CENTER ON WALL. FIN15H SPOUT' HEIGHT SHALL BE 30 MAXIMUM ABOVE FINISH FLOOR. O � h O -� PA i 4-J A n U cn 61i A Cd O a O acs" Cd 9 0.4 bA '.....� cz -r-4 U T Cz O � h O -� N i 4-J m p U cn 61i A H A �I I� CAUsersTeter0ropbox (DMS Design, LLC)Wlaplewood-Mayflower Place -579 Buck Island Road, Yarmouth, MA\05 - CDskSwimming PooltDetailslMayflower_Details.dwg 6/1/2017 i I--- LAP AND ADHERE NEW CEDAR SHINGLE SIDING UNDERLAYMENT OVER TO MATCH EXISTING A5.0� FLASKING CONTINUOUS FLASHING BY v CONTINUOUS 15# FELT ROOF PANEL INSTALLER EXTEND ROOFING 7 Tir r UNDERLAYMENT 12" UP WALL!. PREFINISHED .032" ALUMINUM STEP FLASHING TO EXTEND , 8" ABOVE TOP OF ROOFING W NEW INSULATED r F til DOUBLE -SKIN �,�[ 4-4A �✓1 .0 TRANSLUCENT FIBERGLASS u� ROOF PANEL cd v� REBUILD WALL, AS NECESSARY, A FILL VOIDS WITH SPRAY FOAM --- – ------ --- --- ----- —--------- ---- TO MATCH EXISTING A SEALANT (TYPICAL) TURN VAPOR BARRIER UP WALL EXISTING/NEW ROOF PANEL AND SEAL TO SHEATHING SUPPORT STRUCTURE BY INSULATED BLOCKING (TYPICAL) ROOF PANEL MANUFACTURER EX15TING STRUCTURE - EXISTING STRUCTURE - VERIFY IN FIELD VERIFY IN FIELD Shingle' -Panel Connection at Side Detail: Shingle Roof at Sidewall 2% 13 SCALE: 1-1/2" =1'-0" SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" LAP AND ADHERE UNDERLAYMENT OVER FLASHING CONTINUOUS FLASHING BY MEMBRANE FABRIC FLASHING qSo ROOF PANEL INSTALLER NOTE: .032" PREFIN15HFD ALUMINUM VERIFY FLASHING AND ANY BRAKE METAL FLASHING PANEL WATERPROOFING COMPATIBILITY IF IN CONTACT I xG PVC TRIM. CHAMFER, TOP WITH SHINGLE ROOFING OR AS0 TO MATCH UPPER ROOF UNDERLAYMENT, OR PROVIDE SLOPE. SET IN CONTINUOUS SEPARATION BED OF ROOFING CEMENT 1 "`---- INSULATED BLOCKING (TYPICAL) INSULATED BLOCKING (TYPICAL) —� """`------- FILL VOIDS WITH SPRAY FOAM qso, SEALANT (TYPICAL) i o NEW INSULATED DOU BLE -SKI N TRANSLUCENT FIBERGLASS ROOF PANEL 1 -1 /2" GALVANIZED ROOF DECK EXOTING/NEW ROOF PANEL (TYPICAL) SUPPORT STRUCTURE BY ROOF PANEL MANUFACTURER EX15TINGISTRUCTURE - EXISTING STRUCTURE VERIFY IN FIELD Shingle' -Panel Connection at -Top Ridge at Membrane -Asphalt 2 2 SCALE: 1-1 2" = 1'-0" 12 SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" APPROXIMATE ASPHALT SHINGLES - EXI5TING SLOPE: REFER TO SPECIFICATION 12 7 SELF -ADHERING SHEET UNDERIAYMENT AT ROOF PERIMETER, VALLEYS qs° AND RIDGE5 (TYPICAL}. ALL OTHER AREAS SHALL ` BE COVERED WITH .� INSULATED BLOCKING (TYPICAL) �` CONTINUOUS 30# ROOF FELT LAP AND ADHERE 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD, MECHANICALLY FASTENED TO UNDERLAYMENT OVER ROOF DECK DRIP EDGE K-30 RIGID ROOF INSULATION - CONTINUOUS PREFINI5HED ALUMINUM DRIP EDGE x PVC TRIM CONTINUOUS I 0 -MIL POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER ` (TYPICAL) EXISTING'TRIM AT WALL, NEW 1-1 /2" GALVANIZED BELOW ROOF DECK Detail: Eave at Shingle Roof n Detail: Asphalt Shingle Roof 1 11 SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1-1/2" - 1'-o" EXISTING SHINGLE ROOFING - �,�-- PATCH WITH NEW TO MATCH AS NECESSARY '--- ROOFING UNDEKLAYMENT OVERLAPS FLASHING MATCH EXISTING AS ADHERED .OGO EPDM NECESSARY MEMBRANE ROOF 8" WIDE ;032" FLAT ALUMINUM FLASHING SLOPE DOWN Fq� MEMBRANE FABRIC FLASHING 1/4" PER FOOT TAPERED ROOF INSULATION,' MINIMUM 1/8" PER FOOT EXISTING ROOF SHEATHING (EXISTING STRUCTURE SLOPES APPROX. 1 /8" PER FOOT, MEMBRANE ROOFING MFR'S RESULTING SLOPE = 1/4"/FOOT) ° STANDARD VALLEY -CORNER A5.01 DETAIL — -- — K-30 RIGID ROOF INSULATION --- EXISTING STRUCTURE - VERIFY IN FIELD CONTINUOUS 10 -MIL POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER INSULATED BLOCKING (TYPICAL) (TYPICAL) NEW 1-1/2" GALVANIZED ROOF DECK Detail: hMembrane at Existing Roof etail: Membrane Roof SCALE: 10 SCALE: 1-1 j2" = 1'-0" 1-1%2" = 1'-0" W r F til 0 N �,�[ 4-4A �✓1 .0 u� cd v� A A A F til 0 N �,�[ 4-4A �✓1 cd v� A A Elmomu 11 t Title: .HVAC' OPTION # 1 I .. „ .. -, , SECOND' FLOOR , „ sEooN D FLOOR .., 24x19 USKIN L375D R ,: „' - • , OUVER INTAKE 11.00 CFM; " 1:� f S . FT FREE AREA Q NSU ' T M P W LA EDS . LENUM , I i _ . _. ," .: , ,. 1 I j _ . ., , ' F i ULL S ZE OF LOUVER S RE IR D." Q -1 E • >: _, L , _ , N I_ _ >EXISTING . EXPA SON _, � " ,. 1.6x12 OA { __ , _ __ TA TO REMAfN _. NK , ,; :„ : , ., _ , .: . 0 28"x24" BUSKIN L375D " ,_ _ _ _r , ,.. ;:, a .,. _ : _, " :: '. EXIS,.ING OILER _ _ . _ T B o -. o "" �-LOUVER "EXHAUST :1600 CFM -. _, „. _: _ TO REMA IN I - .SPLIT TO 2 14x 0A DN ) 8 r EXISTING 0 4.67 S FT. FREE AREA Q ,. _ _ ,, '. _ . _, I , _. I j I P P, EX S NG BO LE UM TO REMA T R : z :, , . _ - _ , � , �; TO RV _ 1 & 2 H ,BOILER: z o I T _.. W NSULA ED S.M. `P ENUM j i , _ _ , , _ , , :' ``; :. OA INLETS TACK _ S ED 16xT2 EA w FULL SIZE OF LOUVER "AS ;" v ,, - 0 : EXIS G UM HIGH TO REMA N ., TIN P P• I _ EXISTING AIR „ cn 0 0 4 -. , . : .. RE UIRED. Q _. _ o _. _ I I P P. 1 EX ST NG UM LOW TO 'REMA N { P AT T ,: •. SE AR OR O , ..... � _ :; BD X2 _ _ ,� o , .> „ - : , "_ _..._: . _..:�. :. , , . _ REMAIN . 0 z , ' •.'. ,' ,. „, 12x12 :EA o _ o o , LL HW PIPI ,, _ A NG _ _.. IN T 0 BE SULA ED , WS&R EXI TIN S A CCU o o : _ :., _ ... __ , 4 F M 8x1 EA RQ - — -- -'2r► �' EXIS IN ACCU T _ ,, . . , (' _, I TO REM IN „ a --- NR -1 T T V, &2 EA OU ES TO REM IN .. .,. ". , . „" j X2 STACKED "'. ,., _ _,, . EXISTING HU A r7 ii :i i = , �i i F k X2 STACKS D 12 EA > _ „ PUMP TO ` EMAIN R !i ,_- _ _ __ ,. __, I x10 _ __ I T EX S INC R FRIGERANT LI UID '' Q J _., , :. _ EF - r� 1 / i TO H 1 RV E H U AST _ . _ TO Pf 1 T A LCA ION 'SPECIFIC LJ r & ` CTI N , IPIN SU 0 P G TO REMAIN :, _ .: 4 _ _ 2 4 2 EA L o% .. AND DEFROS NLETS _ _ , EXISTING C N' DENSATE DRAIN - X STACKED 2 12x10 EA XI TI S NG HW RHC G R C�" T H EXJSITN 1IW: H TO `REMAIN A -24x ., 4-500 20x18 SA , ' TO HRV-2 HAUST , , I \ T0, EMAI I R TO REMA N ,; `, 1Y P. 2 1 8 SA x -R' 1 �' S 8 A A D DEFROS"INLET N 14x24 EA S , = I „. _ EXIST NG AHU TO REMAIN EXISTING HRV k _ DUCTSO ESIGN ;: X D TO ;REMAI LOCATE ON INTERIOR ST _ 1 _. __, X2 S ACKE 14x8 SA , ,, , r , , "• FLOOR 'ALL W ," i , k, I, ,. , ,. �,., FROM HRV 1 & 2 HU . ,. , "; _ , : _ CO E ND FLOOR _ S GOND LOOR F �.• , j , �. , ,. - , , . ,. , ,, - >, ,. :, ' ' ., ;. • ; '` :. :', °, " " :; ,, :: ; ___ , :' 11 t Title: .HVAC' OPTION # 1 00 W r. , „ u, , x " _ k, A r silo, {;. won: wyyyyy lot , . «, « r _ _ r I TOW I " I U�; f . « „ ` --a Pro ed No. J , a� raven Vol , II „ t + « , ec e 13 , I' „ , z , LL I , < I , Y 1 Sca e• _ m 1i n PI n HVAC Pi in De oto a P9 z, - VA =D ` w rkD liionPl HVAC uct o Demot a n r x Date: k _ « x, : > , _-^. SCALE: ( hot , r _ , r r > r : p „ , r , „ _ I , - t _ t r _ �t . " „ - P ^ „ ,4 r " , « x r „. : , .r r m , - N, , „ „ Eli NA -2 :. « you 10 ( _. r « , , M,r Asia POO r J - , too - QUIt ; , a -a; ,f , m f y w n -, . ., . < v: is , r , i• s „ < oil , u , , hot :r a i. .f ; Iw. mm� 18"0, SA ,ENNETH H. BECK 101 ect: Checked By TIC 'OR , j AMPERE.:FRAME 'ABOVE KW f FLEXIBLE LUNNr-U I IVN AU MU N �v r-Quir. F_ I N� 1:j 'NT AFF FINISHED FLOOR, LTG LIGHTING kRD� OF.�CO RACT. CHECK, STAMP AND AFG ABOVE FINISHED GRADE c )ICATE�DEVIATIONS FROM CONTRACT :f PROVIDE SH OP `AIC :APRERE� INTERRUPTING CAPACITY 8 9 0, S,I D ATE (l) PHASE'AN HOMERUNfTO PANELBbARD `Pll',-�tIRCIJIT NUMBER 1. DIAGONAL LINE N IC D (1 NEUTRAL� 2 ON THE 'DRAWINGS. AL 20A 1 P' CONDUCTOR. GROUNDING CON DUCTOR� -UNDERSTOOD. FORS" EQUIPMENT CUTS AND :� -AT AMPEREJRIP MEC MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRICAL, CODE ONLY ATS :,AUTOMATIC, TRANSFER SWITCH MILO MAIN LUGS FPLW "OR SUBMITTAL REVIEW. AWG C AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE CONDUT� MTG MTD MOUNTING MOUNT ED P P1 1 3 HOMERUN TO PANEL BOARD 'Pl' CIRCUIT NUMBER 1. -&: 3. DIAGONAL I L� INDICATE (2) PHASE AND (2) NEUTRAL i�UN 'R. A MCC- MOTOR CONTROL CENTER, J_(2)'�OA ND ER CONDUCTO :(2) GROUNDING CO OCTM D STO BLW Engineers Inc. -BUILDING CKT Cl RCUIT NEC NATIONAL ELECTRICAll CODE 311 Great Road, Post Office Box 1551 TILINEAR TO STRUCTURE. CB CIRCUIT BREAKER Littleton Massachusetts 01460 'VERSA, COPPER NS NTS NON—SYSTEM NOT TO SCALE�, T: '978.486.4301 F: 978. 428.0067 PPl-1,3,5 HOMERUN TO PANELBOARD 'Pl,' CIRCUIT NUMBER 1, 3 & DIAGONAL LINES INDICATE (3) PHASE AND (3) NEUTRAL /ICE SHALL BE INCLUDED AS ]F CL DC CENTERLINE DIRECT CURRENT vvww. blwengiri ers.con) e �NUMBER (3) 20A/ 1 P CONDUCTOR., (3) GROUNDING 'CONDUCTOR UNDERSTOOD.�_ HVAC ELECTPJC14L PLUMBING *FIRE PR OTECTION PC PLUMBING CONTRAC R E SHOWN ON THE MECHANICAL Stamp. DRAWING' -RICAL- CONTRACTOR ELECT RPM RMS NS PER REVOLUTIO MINUTE ROOT MEAN'SQUARE VALUE PP1_1 315 HOMERUN TO PANELBOARD 'Pl', CIRCUITr'NUMBER 1, 3 & 5. DIAGONAL LINES INDICATE (3) PHASE AND (1) NEUTRAL EMH ELECTRICAL MANHOLE RGS RIGID, STEEL,,CONDUIT 20A/3P CONDUCTOR., (1) GROUNDING 'CONDUCTOR UNDERSTOOD. t .D WITH �EXPANSION FITT NGS., ELECTR I C WATER COOLER. 'M SF SQUARE -FOOT,. NEUTRAL_ J 'Revisions - RICAL B ELECTRIC ETALUC CONDUIT :SOLID E 'CARRYING CONDUCTORS ARE�SHOWN NT, FLMT 'FLEXIBLE. LIQUID TIGHT,MIETALLIC 'TO, BING SWITCHBOARD f PPI — 135 3, 5. DIAGONAL' LIN PHASE.. 6ONDOCTORS� RUN RD 'Pl':� 0 ES INbi HOME TO PANELBOA C CUIT NUMBER 1, CATE G1 'CURRENTCARRY ING CONDUCTORS IN A, GC_ G ERAL"SPECI FICATION S EN GENERAL NOTES TYPI CAL POWER EQUIPMENT 0 f2 A/3P, , NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR -,NOT REQUIRED.' _(1) GROUNDING'CONDUCTOR UNDERSTOOD.' N6 s sue, j 'CONDITIONS OF GENERAL' :RE IREMENTS APPLY TO WORK SH OWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACT� AND DIVISION 1 T 1 . ALL CONDUIT, WIRING AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALL ED AND GROUNDED IN ACCORDANC E, WITH T� E LA EST ..... . GND 120/208, VOLT PAN ELB OARD SURFACE MOUNTED VOLTS EXAMINE DRAWINGS AND OTHER SPECIFICATIONS FOR REQUIREMENTS, THAT, AFFECT WORK SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. STANDARDS OF THE NATIONAL & STATE ELECTRICAL CODES AND ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL REGULATIONS C11 fit e GFI �GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTING - VAI, VOLT7AMPERE 2. GULAR NUMBER NTIT1 IES NECESSA PR IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'N QUA RY TO COMPLETE OVIDE ITEMSf REFERRED TO IN SIN ALL. CONDUITS ARE SHOWN DIAGRAMMATICALLY. EXA CT LOCATION AND METHOD OF SUPPO RT S'HALL BE� DETERMINED IN MOTOR, NUMERAL INDICATES f �S QF� OTHER TRAD ES11TO AVOIDANY HVAC ORK.� THE FIELD, EXCEPT WHERE SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS ARE SHOW N. ALL CONDU IT RUNS� SHALL BE', RIGIDLY :VARIABLE FIR EQUENCY,,DRIVE L : 1 1 1 1 " 6 1 " , , , , , , . , I I f 3.�'," VISIT SITE Nb H WORK UST,:BEr PERFORMED. REPORTfADVERSE ONDITIONS IN WRITING AND EXAMINE CO ITIONS UNDER',WHIC SUPPORTED. MA TYPE "'I N D. DISCONNECT SWITCH, NON -FUSIBLE TYPE;_,RAED 30A 3P,, IN -NE CUNLE 'SS OTHERWISFr OTE 3R I I � I r M ni A I r h lewo W P_ ATP P P P pno F ORK SHALL_ BE - AS, COMPLETE. -ACCEPTANCE OF- EX ISTING CONDITIONS �IENGINEER. COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUED 3. NO CONDUIT SMALLER THAN 3/4 INCH ELECTRICAL TRADE SIZE SHALL BE USED, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY,� CALLED FOR�ON MA TYPE ENCLO UR �DEN&ES :N'd pi M ap od-Som tving, r, INCLUDING. PREPARATORY WORK DONE,BY OTHERS THE DRAWINGS. 6th r G am s an d S 00 4:. 0 R I E FORM mATERIALS 'AND ON: DR I 6 0 b'WE ELECTRICAL WORK WITH R N AW N , M WOR E IN VERY,'�� D ETAIL UNDER THIS PERFOR K AND PROVIDE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT TO MAKE INSTALLATION COMPLET ' S ERWISE 0 3 POLE . IN �NEMA 0 TH PE 20A FUSE, �TYPE 1 FNCL SURF UNLEs FUSED TED_ �30AAF�� DISCONNECT. SWITCH, TY :RA -30k :Westport,' CY06880 �SHO DRAWINGS WN ON HESE -CONTRACT- WHETHER OR NOT SPECIFICALLY SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. _ ' 'I tr I I r : f I . 1 0 T NOTED r . ��,GIVE D LICENSES, PAY�:FtES 'AND ES�'AND OBTAIN ECESSARY :NOT PLANS OB AIN,PERMITS -AN :BACK CHARG �N ICES, F LE CONDUCTORS AND CABLE SHALL BE MINIMUM #12 AWG, 600 VOLT, COPPER WITH TYP E THHN/THWN INSULATION PROVIDE� f ll� 1, f ' , :r �� , 'APPROVALS,,FROM- AUTHORIT IES4�THAf HAVE JURISDICTION.j , �5. AW ND 'SEPARAT E GREEN GROUND IN ALL FEEDERS. WIRE SIZE #8 AWG AND LARGER SHALL BE STRANDED, G DUCT 'MOUNTED OR OS '.SMOKE� DETEC R,, -_D INDICATES: SMQKE:DETECT TO SHALL BE_SOLID. �.COLOR.CODE CONDUCTORS BLACK, RED, BLUE, WITH WHITE NEUTRAL -ANDaGREEN GROUND , L) D LAWS OF LOCALc'. AND: FEDERAL 06VERNMENT S AND S STATE, 11RED'BY CODES, REGULATIONS ERrbR AN R EXCEPT AS NOTED FOR 120 VOLT 6THER,AUTHORITIES WITH LAWFUL, �jUR�SDICTION MASONRY WALLS AND STRUCTURAL CEI bNS SHALL BE SLEEVED. 6. F LING PENETRATI -ALL LOOR 7 MATERIAL 'AND EQUIPMENT SHALL, BE' UL,': NEMA,' ANSI,' IEEE,,��ADA APPROVED FOR NTENDED SERVICE., MATERIAL ECH EQUIPMENT, TAG; ��IREFER;TO MECHANick,$CEDULE..�,, . . . ..... AND�,INSTALLAT0 SHALL MEEr UIREMENTS OF NATIONAL AND, STATE 1LECTRICA 7. PROVIDE FIRE/MOISTURE_ SEAL FOR WALL, FLOOR OR CEILING PENETRATIONS. 8 T7AND AVAILABLE Fb INSPECTION MA NTAIN RECORD �:DRAWINGS -ON' SITE. RECORD SET MUST ',$E_'COMPLETE CURREN R 8. DO NOT LAY CABLES OR RACEWAY ON, OR SUPPORT FROM SUSPENDED CEILING OR PIPING AND �DUCTWORK. D 'WHEN REQUISITIONS FOR PAYMENT ARE SUBMITTED. 9 -OUTLET BOXES SHALL BE -MOUNTED FLUSH. CONDUIT SHALL BE RUN CONCEALED. WHERE -WALLSr.',ARE, BLOCK, DEVICES 9. IR U EEr'W'RK IN -WRITING FOR FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE. REPAIR OR � EPLACE rDEFECTIVE 'G ARANT AND WIRING SHALL BE SURFACE MOUNTED. PROVIDE WIREMOLD OR EQUAL TO SURFACE MOUNTED�RACEWAY WITH MATERIALS OR INSTALLATION T NO'COST TO OWNER. CORRECT,:DAMAGE CAUSED IN MAKING NECESSARY REPA RS AND FINISHED BOXES. REPLACEMENTS UNDER GUARANTEE NO COST 70 OWNER. I - I I I , I I 10. r I r -NOT UBMIT GUARANTEE O ENGINEER, BEFORE FINAL PAYMEN­ STATEMENT'r OF 6ARANTEE� REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE , FLEXIBLE CONDUIT CONNECTIONS SH ALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 6'-0 r I I � : 1 - I I I I I I I r . I , r BRAN 'FEEDER 'SYMBO LS r C H CIRCUIT AND C) -0 INTERPRETED TO 'LIMIT WNER'S'RIGHTS UNDER LAW' AND HIS CONTRACT. , 1 1 V INFORMATION AND DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND. INDICATE, GENERAL, ARRANGEMENT OF, SYSTEMS. r PRO IDEr COMPONENTS SHOWN ON r RISER DIAGRAMS, -BUT NOT, �SHOWN ON PLANS, AND VICE VERSA, AS, IF,EXPRESSLY �REQIJIRED 'ON BRANCH CIRCUIT OR FEEDER CONCEALED UNLESS 0 THERWISE NOTED. BRANCrW:CIRCU'T DIAGONAL LINES NDICATE NUMBER OR -,CONDUCTORS, NO DIAGONAL' LINES INDICATES TWO (2) CONDUCTORS '(11 PHAS AND 1, NEUTRAL ROUND' BOTH. SIZE TOR 12 AWGrAND 3/4" CONDUIT WISE NOTED WIRE(S) NOT INDICATED.. IN UNLESS OTHER M WUM r ERS MINIMUM 'INTERRUPTING CAPACI TY HALL- BE 10,00 0 AMPS SYMMETRICAL AT 'A BBREVIATIONS �E 12. UTILIZE MOLDED CASE� CIRCUMBREAK "C INDICATES (3) 1 :(l )# 1 -,AWG(NEUTR '#6,,GROUNDr IN A /2" CONDUIT 1 AWG P HASE), -,.240 VOLTS.� IMC INTERMEDIATE 'METAL LIC CON DUIT 4# 1,� #,�G4 I 13. �WRI NG B FO "AWARD OF.tONTRACT. QTHERMSE;-'� IN TIN D E RE 'A DRESS QUESTIONS REGARDING DRAWINGS TO n r I h , A I : _� : . , , , - ' ' ' A/AMP AMPERE' JB JUNCTION BOX - AC ALTERNATING C URRENT' tA I A v I I AN in I T_AhAQ r7 P T7 ENCE IN THE'INSTALLATION "THEIR, RESPECTIVE EQUIPME �:ALL WIRING �IN rn t k i n i t, i r, ' OTC C_ I �7. AL'L:FIREPROOFIN ROOM'BELOW .81 T RF IN GALVANIZE1 j AMPERE.:FRAME 'ABOVE KW f FLEXIBLE LUNNr-U I IVN AU MU N �v r-Quir. F_ I N� 1:j 'NT AFF FINISHED FLOOR, LTG ENCE IN THE'INSTALLATION "THEIR, RESPECTIVE EQUIPME �:ALL WIRING �IN rn t k i n i t, i r, ' OTC C_ I �7. AL'L:FIREPROOFIN ROOM'BELOW .81 T RF IN GALVANIZE1 LUC CONDUIT. SSiBLE AND'ATA Tll� ED WITH, INTERRUPTI( JLN ,AF AMPERE.:FRAME 'ABOVE KW KILOWATT f FLEXIBLE LUNNr-U I IVN AU MU N �v r-Quir. F_ I N� 1:j 'NT AFF FINISHED FLOOR, LTG LIGHTING kRD� OF.�CO RACT. CHECK, STAMP AND AFG ABOVE FINISHED GRADE c )ICATE�DEVIATIONS FROM CONTRACT :f PROVIDE SH OP `AIC :APRERE� INTERRUPTING CAPACITY PWR MCB POWER MAIN CIRCUIT' R PID1 I S,I D ATE (l) PHASE'AN HOMERUNfTO PANELBbARD `Pll',-�tIRCIJIT NUMBER 1. DIAGONAL LINE N IC D (1 NEUTRAL� ON THE 'DRAWINGS. AL -ALUMINUM 20A 1 P' CONDUCTOR. GROUNDING CON DUCTOR� -UNDERSTOOD. FORS" EQUIPMENT CUTS AND :� -AT AMPEREJRIP MEC MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRICAL, CODE ONLY ATS :,AUTOMATIC, TRANSFER SWITCH MILO MAIN LUGS "OR SUBMITTAL REVIEW. AWG C AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE CONDUT� MTG MTD MOUNTING MOUNT ED P P1 1 3 HOMERUN TO PANEL BOARD 'Pl' CIRCUIT NUMBER 1. -&: 3. DIAGONAL I L� INDICATE (2) PHASE AND (2) NEUTRAL i�UN 'R. MCC- MOTOR CONTROL CENTER, J_(2)'�OA ND ER CONDUCTO :(2) GROUNDING CO OCTM D STO -BUILDING CKT Cl RCUIT NEC NATIONAL ELECTRICAll CODE TILINEAR TO STRUCTURE. CB CIRCUIT BREAKER 'VERSA, COPPER NS NTS NON—SYSTEM NOT TO SCALE�, PPl-1,3,5 HOMERUN TO PANELBOARD 'Pl,' CIRCUIT NUMBER 1, 3 & DIAGONAL LINES INDICATE (3) PHASE AND (3) NEUTRAL /ICE SHALL BE INCLUDED AS ]F CL DC CENTERLINE DIRECT CURRENT No, # �NUMBER (3) 20A/ 1 P CONDUCTOR., (3) GROUNDING 'CONDUCTOR UNDERSTOOD.�_ DUAL ELEMENT PC PLUMBING CONTRAC R E SHOWN ON THE MECHANICAL :DWG EC DRAWING' -RICAL- CONTRACTOR ELECT RPM RMS NS PER REVOLUTIO MINUTE ROOT MEAN'SQUARE VALUE PP1_1 315 HOMERUN TO PANELBOARD 'Pl', CIRCUITr'NUMBER 1, 3 & 5. DIAGONAL LINES INDICATE (3) PHASE AND (1) NEUTRAL EMH ELECTRICAL MANHOLE RGS RIGID, STEEL,,CONDUIT 20A/3P CONDUCTOR., (1) GROUNDING 'CONDUCTOR UNDERSTOOD. .D WITH �EXPANSION FITT NGS., ELECTR I C WATER COOLER. 'M SF SQUARE -FOOT,. NEUTRAL_ J 'Revisions - MT ELECTRIC ETALUC CONDUIT :SOLID E 'CARRYING CONDUCTORS ARE�SHOWN NT, FLMT 'FLEXIBLE. LIQUID TIGHT,MIETALLIC 'TO, BING SWITCHBOARD f PPI — 135 3, 5. DIAGONAL' LIN PHASE.. 6ONDOCTORS� RUN RD 'Pl':� 0 ES INbi HOME TO PANELBOA C CUIT NUMBER 1, CATE 'CURRENTCARRY ING CONDUCTORS IN A, GC_ GENERAL CONTRACTOR,� _T TYPI CAL 0 f2 A/3P, , NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR -,NOT REQUIRED.' _(1) GROUNDING'CONDUCTOR UNDERSTOOD.' N6 s sue, D a e,", ,HE STATE� T ..... . GND GROUND"�: VOLTS .NDED.-BY GFI �GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTING - VAI, VOLT7AMPERE f �S QF� OTHER TRAD ES11TO AVOIDANY HVAC HEO G VENTI CONDITIONING - ' 1 N LATION AND AIR 1, VFD :VARIABLE FIR EQUENCY,,DRIVE L : 1 1 1 1 " 6 1 " , , , , , , . , I I f I I � I r M ni A I r h W P_ ATP P P P pno F LUC CONDUIT. SSiBLE AND'ATA Tll� ED WITH, INTERRUPTI( JLN TT ,: k L I I f O F 4 a Prgj ect: M - O c� Ttx�'/ *,-: I! II I II f A �.. 1 a I Is i f I i f� E� I! F , i E a I! I L x fi I f I �.. 1 a I Is .e®