HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-18-3749 o nrgTOWN OF YARMOUTH Building Department CERTIFICATE OF 24 A 'lir (508) 398-2231 ext.1261 OCCUPANCY 0`16" C PERMIT NO BLD-18-003749 s M,i �.5, �" DANIEL MCGRATH ADDRESS: 53 SISTERS CIRCLE,YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 ZONING DISTRICT R-40 Bldg.Type: Residential SUBDIVISION MAP BLOCK LOT 093.4.4 'BUILDING IS TO ;BE REMARKS New Construction per approved plan 780 CMR MSBC,8 - • 'on,TOY B 3 bedrooms,2.5 baths, kitchen, dining room, living ro• , offic: as per - dated 1/2/18. } DATE: arc;J CERTIFICATE O F CIA•. ION - ,� ',N4 ANREW POPIELARSKI BUILDING DEPT BY 42 WHISTLER LANE YARMOUTH PORT, MA PHONE -IS PERMIT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPOY ANY STREET, ALLEY OR SIDEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER TEMPORARILY OR ERMANENTLY.ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY,NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILDING CODE,MUST BE APPROVED BY THE JRISDICTION. STREET OR ALLEY GRADES AS WELL AS DEPTH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF JBLIC WORKS. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY BUILDING INSPECTIONS APPROVALS FIRE: OTHER OLD •C/N6s f/'cwt✓ f DATE: //�/9u1 DATE: Lill hi , INSPECTOR: /` ,P./ c-n Alvei INSPECTOR: tLJ.'l4rt eAgLeitanzAa ELECTRICAL I ( BOARD OF HEALTH DATE: DATE: / 7-3/9/i'�/I` 70.0 INSPECTOR: / INSPECTOR: fc.C2/Si a GTT021> PLUMBING/GAS FINAL BUILDING DATE: /7/4,457-'/ DATE: /r2s//r INSPECTOR: ZAAL- INSPECTOR: //szc SPa/S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: DATE NAME 4. . oF' ;. Y44 4,o TOWN OF YARMOUTH 3 ,c e 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax(508)398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE Site Inspection Framing k Occupancy Permit _Other(Specify) OKH Application#: /7 Ato 97 Property Address: . 3 S;S,-Irio ��ro l Owner: Ant-n:s,.0 f ,,p;P_ qr Jc. Contractor: a\ Contact Phone#: ai.V S$$ nto Contact Phone#: So -776.-1/S77 Findings: f-(•-amu_ ` irn<. i�� � <�'✓, % /�-- f 1e ,coni) en--e:71-AkeCP..r - Inspection by: 73c%aZ, (r cGnirra '7 Date: z/3/f 7 Time: / / ,0 pm >/ Pass Pass Pending Receipt of As-Built Plans As-Built Plans Received: Fail a recut ii CZA Minor Change Letter DEC - 3 2018 1/2016 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGK.NAY apt'Yah. TOWN OF YARMOUTH Building Department BUILDING 2A '0 (508) 398-2231 ext.1261 0 2-.,r,, ' ' _C PERMIT NO BLD-18-003749 PERMIT • E" rt..�„. . Z JOB WEATHER CARD t 70 ISSUE DATE 01/05/2018 —.- APPLICANT DANIEL MCGRATH PERMIT TO New Building AT(LOCATION) :53 SISTERS CIR,YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 ' ZONING DISTRICT ! Bldg.Type: Residential - SUBDIVISION MAP BLOCK LOT 093.4.4 BUILDING IS TO BE: CONST TYPE V B . USE GROUP R-3 __ J -REMARKS New Construction per approved plan 780 CMR MSBC,8th Edition,TOY CONTRACTOR Bylaws:3 bedrooms,2.5 baths,kitchen,dining room,living room,office as per . : LICENSE CS-107897 plans dated 1/2/18.(508-776-4577)NOTE:A CERTIFIED AS BUILT IS Construction Supervisor REQUIRED BEFORE FINAL INSPECTIONS. DANIEL MCGRATH DANIEL MCGRATH ---,-- ---- �-_---' West Yarmouth, MA 02673 AREA(SQ FT) 1,992,34728 EST COST($) 202000.00 PERMIT FEE($) 1,103.00 ---------------------- ------ OWNER ANDREW POPIELARSKI BUILDING DEPT BY ADDRESS 42 WHISTLER LANE ___ YARMOUTH PORT MA 02675 .a. PHONE --- -- THIS PERMIT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET, ALLEY OR SIDEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILDING CODE, MUST BE APPROVED BY THE JURISDICTION. STREET OR ALLEY GRADES AS WELL AS DEPTH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS.THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT RELEASE THE APPLICANT FROM MINIMUM INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR ALL APPROVED PLANS MUST BE RETAINED ON WHERE APPLICABLE SEPARATE CONSTRUCTION WORK 1)FOUNDATIONS OR JOB AND THIS CARD KEPT POSTED UNTIL PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR FOOTINGS.2)PRIOR TO COVERING STRUCTURAL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE.WHERE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING/GAS MEMBERS(READY FOR LATH OR FINISH COVERING) A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS AND MECHANICAL 3)FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE OCCUPANCY 4) REQUIRED,SUCH BUILDING SHALL NOT BE INSTALLATIONS. REFER TO DETAILED INSPECTION SCHEDULE OCCUPIED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM STREET BUILDING INSPECTIONS APPROVALS RUE--Pet Pa/rath 9fiidey ?- -,// ACL'A\-c. - pr„1t fzecie Gft G NC ^ Z uze liar * vat C-MPS 247- Nx r I((te(� E.- ,2c1ti, rod ), 5 oK r IRS J)aP' T- o .K tr'J 'L`n°.>- CL !s J.-p,- 15 10 - Lk— it- l�-•"' Ptah) t °bard;( 1S '.4..- F-th' C.& T• 6-(Oc)€ ) 1- /R• / R OTHER: WORK SHALL NOT PROCEED PERMIT WILL BECOME NULL AND VOID IF INPSECTIONS INDICATED ON THIS CARD UNTIL THE INSPECTOR HAS CONSTRUCTION WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN SIX CAN BE ARRANGED FOR BY TELEPHONE APPROVED THE VARIOUS MONTHS OF DATE THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AS NOTED OR WRITTEN NOTIFICATION. STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION ARC\/F • w 531D - 115 - 0037t3/4°l ' RECEIVED Home Energy Rating Certificate Rating Date: 2018-10-23 DEC 04 2018 Final Re Oft Registry ID: 472499984 BUILDING DEPARTMENT {� EkotropeID: Kvpqpny2 By HERS® Index Score: ' Annual Savings Home: Your home's HERS score is a relative 53 Sisters Or, Yarmouth, MA 02675 4 performance score.The lower the ' number, the more energy efficient the Builder: home.To learn more,visit I `Relative to an average U.S.home Andrew Popielarski Your Home's Estimated Energy Use: This home meets or exceeds the Use[MBtu[ Annual Cost criteria of the following: Heating 11.6 $627 2015 International Energy Conservation Code Cooling 0.3 $17 Hot Water 2.6 $138 Lights/Appliances 17.7 $954 Service Charges $0 Generation(e.g.Solar) 0.0 -$0 Total: 32.2 $1,737 r * HEFtr Indextia Home Feature Summary: Rating Completed by: 014*tangy Home Type: Single family detached - Energy Rater.ChrisMazzola „e Conditioned Floor Area: Z060sq.ft. RESNETID:8873503 Existing no Number of Bedrooms 3 H01e`s 134 Primary Heating System: Air Source Heat Pump•Electric•95 HSPF Rating Company:Home Energy Raters,LLC uo 180 State RD Suite 2 Upper sw PrimarySource Cooling System: Air Heat Pump•Electric•17.5 SEER Refe.ence - 508-833-3100 Hone 100 Primary Water Heating Water Heater•Electric•3.55 Energy Factor to - House Tightness 164 CFM50(0.555 ACH50) Rating Provider:Energy Raters of Massachusetts /r ,. . a Ventilation: 84.0 CFM•41.8 Watts 2 Woodlawn Street Amesbury,MA 01913 /zi t/, F} leA Go Dud Leakage to Outside 24 CFM2S 978-270-3911 ji` --» s so Above Grade Walk R-20 - �'� .. w Ceiling: Vaulted Root R-52 - Hom so ThH ' Window Type: -Value:0.31,SHGC:028 aka aA to Foundation Walls R-12 l.>f1ka /rl Zero Energy O Some outflowChris Mazzola,Certified Energy Rater .»„».., Digitally signed:10/26/18 at 5 A9 PM ekot O WPe,.e. 'Vets ,0703 meEn g5tanda re r � s �..able� ting . e 1$t: . . rairN ., aset ....„...... ,r......5 ET , 2015 IECC R-406 RESNET , L . k - - ---A, iemi.,0_ Registered Energy Rating Index ks.ppinEtt.E..R . esspnrt ProP4RY Energy Rating exile Information Builder:Andrew Popielarsid Company:Home Energy Raters,LLC RESNET Registered Rating Address: Phone:508-833-3100 Rating No:472499984 53 Sisters Cir,Yarmouth,MA 02675 Rater.Chris Mazzola Rater ID(RTIN):8873503 Date Rated:2018-10-23 . === tima t• • b may Existing Iir 4...406114° Rated Home Calculated Rated Home Cost($tyr) Energy Use(MBtu) Heating 11.6 $627 Homes m up Cooling 0.3 $17 _4120 Water Heating 2.6 $138 Reference ...,a Lights&Appliances 17.7 $954 Home „ye Photovoltaics 0.0 $0 Total 32.2 $1,737 —15 taw.•111114•0 gooney CONlibnil ..---; 5......e. ERI with PV:46 ERI withoutcoPV2 Emissions:46crons).6.0 Zero Energy - -: : Thbil°Ine Electric(kWh):9,422.2 24 w Home U i Natural Gas(Therms):0.0 Energy Savings($)' :N/A r' wafters, ex.,. -O -Baud en Ite 2015 ECG 19-a lideenoi deur Mn. Makimurn&anvil Ratinaindex•Thii Hornei Ersigi Rano IndEnc4annit PASS This home MEETS the Energy Rating Index Score requirement of 2015 IECC R-406 for Climate Zone 5.It MEETS all of the requirements verified by Ekotrope.Mandatory requirements are summarized on the 2nd page of this report,some of which are not verified by Ekotrope. Name: Chris Mazzola Signature: Cbio Afairta Organization: Home Energy Raters,LW Digitally signed: 10/26/1 Bat 5:09 PM matiagoor3ralmrurraLimr- ...' - , - 2 t ....„ .i22 -: . , I ocroiawv—N,... Company:Energy Raters of Massachusetts fre r5c,S... ., a CI, r Address2 Woodlawn Street Amesbury,MA01913 * ,s...d*, Phone 4:978-270-3911 ir„ ver-Skr-kk Fax!: I: *. -.".wv.viot..../ ••- To determine If a provider is properly accredited go to:www.resnetusrprofessionaVprograms/search_dlrectoty I r 1 (Confirmed and tested) Giniate7o Mandatory°-,-etjuirements Provision Number Topic Compliance Decision 2009 IECC Table Building thermal envelope minimum insulation levels and PASS 4021.1 or 4021.3 maximum fenestration U-factor and SHGC R401.3 Post a permanent certificate listing the level of efficiencies Certificate required for CO Installed In the house R402.4 Envelope air leakage maximum leakage rate (Climate Zone 5 AC1-150) PASS R402.4.1/Table Comply with air sealing and Insulation requirements M Table Checklist required for CO R402.4.1.1 8402.4.1.1 R402.4.4 Rooms containing fuel-burning appliances PASS• . R402.5 Maximum fenestration U-factor and SHGC (U-Factor)PASS (SHGC)PASS R403.1.2 Heat purrp controls _. . .. .. PAST 8405.2 Ducts outside of conditioned space to be insulated to a PAST - - minimum of R-6. R403.3.2 Duct sealing on at ducts PAST R403.3.3 Duct testing for ducts in unconditioned space PAST 8403.33 Building cavities not used as ducts. PASS' R403.5.1 Heated water circulation and temperature maintenance PASS•. systems cony R403.5.3 Hot water pipe insulated to R-3 PASS R403.6 Mechanical ventilation meeting the requirements of the IRC PAST or IMC.Outdoor air and exhaust dampers installed 8403.7 ACCA Manual J and S conducted for all heating and cooling ACCA forms required for systems. permit R403.8 Systems serving multiple dwelling units to meet the PAST mechanical requirements of the IECC commercial R403.9 Snow met and Ice system controls Installed where applicable PASS' R403.10 Pools and permanent spa energy consumption meet PASS' requirements for heaters,time clocks and covers 14403.11 Portable spas meet the requirements of APSP-14. PASS' R404.1 High efficacy lights installed in 75%of permanently installed PASS fixtures. 'These hems have been field-venfxed by the Rater,Field Inspector,Code Inspector,or Builder. 1 i IECC 2015 Performance Compliance Property Organization 53 Sisters Cir Home Energy Raters,LLC Yarmouth,MA 02675 508-833-3100 Inspection Status Chris Mazzola 2018-10-23 53 Sisters Circle Rater ID(RTII%):8873503 Sisters Circle 53-Kvpqpny2 Builder RESNET Registered(Confirmed) Andrew Popielarski Annual Energy Cost Design IECC 2015 As Designed Performance Heating $717 $542 Cooling $34 $29 Water Heating $138 $138 Subtotal-Used to determine compliance _ 55 , . $889 $708 lights&Appliances $738 $762 Onsite generation $0 $0 Total 5555 • $1,627 • $1,471 40.53 rata.? 402.5 ammas e-based compliance Air Leakage Testing Area.3% Cwe4,ted average fenestrationpasse - _ ©4020 0 a- 404 LarMafory Checklist Equipmentted average fenestration Lighting Equipment EfficiencyU-F0 0 Design exceeds requirements for IECC 2015 Performance compliance by 20.3%. Me ed pony aameiont al Ins code ane nbn aaab Pau report I anal tie tab anew cab compliance exam" boon oaaul S.admdana MP On reavameb M CWpler 40l M adopted abmeions Energy Grievance Cob base On Cera TOB 5.a rakng is Pmlacea I carry Pe tie eaten claw(Incited leen is mwaea wed tie teem plae apeoacaaaae ambo ode Waal or*bbried with be pane apptcadon r nano is Cain 1 candy Intl M address referenced above has keel eyeeeeteed and ono menden mesons a M IECC nee been eetedad b mea a exceed tie mint ol me IECC a We be Meed a suer by abbe Fatly - Name: Chris Mazzola Signature: (',{t 4.Maw(Q, Organization: Home Energy Raters,LLC Digitally signed: 10/26/18 at 5:09 PM • Ekotrope RATER-Version 3.1.02031 ECC 2115 hMnace anp4ae nue trialed mono Eeaopoe lregy neanM1n.ekes a e6NETM.wda HMS We'e Tae • • IECC2015 Building UA Compliance Property Organization • 53 Sisters Cir - Home Energy Raters,LLC Yarmouth.MA02675 508-833-3100 inspection Status Chris Mazzola 2018-10-23 53 Sisters Circle Rater ID(RTIN):8873503 Sisters Circb 53•Kvpgpny2 Builder RESNET Registered(Confirmed) Andrew Popielarski Building UA Elements IECC Reference As Designed Ceilings 25.4 23.6 Above-Grade Walls 90.7 87.8 Windows,Doors and Skylights 81.3 81.4 Slab Floor: 27.1 23.5 Framed Floors 1.7 1.8 Basement Walls 29.3 31.5 Rim Joists 73 6.7 Overall UA(Design must be equal or lower): 2632 256.3 • Mandatory Requirements • 4b11S 4614.12 4013 Tal ae alternative for Insulation and Mr Leakage Testing Axs-eson ighted average fenestration © © 0 7615 404 Pandetory Checklist Axes-weighted average fenestration lighting Equoena Efficiency © 0 0 40132 410.33 -Duct Testing Hot water pipe insulation © 0 Design exceeds requirements for IECC 2015 Prescriptive compliance by 2.6%. • • Name: Chris Mazzola Signature: (',(,t4 Maajs(a, Organization: Home Energy Raters,LLC Digitally signed: 10/26118 at 5:09 PM 1 • • Ekotrope RATER-Version Air Leakage Report Property Organization 53 Sisters Gr Home Energy Raters,LLC Yarmouth,MA02675 508-833-3100 Inspection Status Chris Mazzola 2018-10-23 53 Sisters Circle Rater ID(RTIN):8873503 Sisters Circle 53-Kvpqpny2 Builder RESNET Registered(Confirmed) Andrew Popietarski • General Information Conditioned Floor Area[sq.ft.] 2,060 Infiltration Volume[cu.ft.] 17,740 Number of Bedrooms 3 Air Leakage Measured Infiltration 164 CFM50(0.555 ACH50) ACH50(Calculated) 0.555 ELA[sq.in.](Calculated) 9.02 ELA per 100 s.f.Shel Area(Calculated) 0211 CFM50(Calculated) 164 Duct Leakage System 1 System 2 System 3 Leakage to Outdoors[CFM®25 Pa] 20.0 24.0 16.0 Leakage to Outdoors[CFM25/100 s.f.] 2.7 3.1 3.0 Leakage to Outdoors[CFM25/CFA] 0.027 0.031 0.030 Total Leakage Test Type Post-Construction Post-Construction Post-Construction Total Leakage[CFM®25 Pa] 20.0 24.0 16.0 Total Leakage[CFM25/100 s.f.] 2.7 3.1 3.0 Total Leakage[CFM25/CFA] 0.027 0.031 0.030 Mechanical Ventilation Rate[CFM] 84.0 Hours per day 24.0 Fan Watts 418 Recovery Efficiency% 60.0 Runs at least once every 3 hrs? true Average Rate[CFM] 84.0 2010 ASHRAE 622 Req.Cont.Ventilation 50.6 2013 ASHRAE 622 Req.Cont.Ventilation 83.8 I Ekotrope RATER-Version 3.1.02031 Building Specification Summary Property Organization 53 Sisters Cir Home Energy Raters,LLC Yarmouth,MA02675 508-833-3100 inspection Status Chris Mazzola 2018-10-23 53 Sisters Circle Rater ID(RTIN):8873503. Sisters Circle 53•Kvpqpny2 Builder RESNET Registered(Confirmed) Andrew Popielarskl Building information Rating Conditioned Area[sq.R) 2,060.00 HERS Index 46 Conditioned Volume[cu.R] 17,740.00 HERS Index wb PV 46 Thermal Boundary Area[sq.fl] 4,279.50 Number Of Bedrooms 3 -Housing Type Single family detached Building Shell Ceiling w/Attic'None Windows(largest)i U-Value:0.31,SHGC:0.28 Vaulted Ceiling i Window/Wall Ratio 10.11 R44,LDF,12',10x16,G1,Unfin fished U-0.02 Infiltration 1164 CFM50(0.555 ACH50) Above Grade Walls 1 R20,I.DF,6x16,01 U-0.05 Duct Lkg to Outside 124 CFM25 Found.Walls i R15,WF,3.5',4x18,G1 R-12 Total Duct Leakage 124 CFM25(Post-Construction) Framed Floorsi R30,LDF,B',10x16,G1 R-30 Slabs i RSSU,24W R-7 Mechanical Systems Heating Pk Source Heat Pump•Electric•9.5 HSPF Cooling Air Source Heat Pump•Electric•17.5 SEER Water Heating Water Heater•Electric•3.55 Energy Factor - Programmable Thermostat Yes Ventilation System 84.0 CFM•41.8 Watts Lights and Appliances Percent Interior LED 100% Clothes Dryer Fuel Electric Percent Exterior LED 100% _ ... Clothes Dryer CEF 2.6 Refrigerator(kWh/yr) 6420 Clothes Washer LER(kWh/yr) 90.0 Dishwasher Efficiency 270 kWh Clothes Washer Capacity 4.5 Ceiling Fan(CFM/Watt) 704 Range/Oven Fuel Electric Ekotrope RATER-Version 3.1.02031 TM sari.,,m.•ria mishits•warm*w Quanta a horn..Nm o omen,. • RESNET HOME ENERGY RATING Standard Disclosure For home(s)located at 53 Sisters Cir,Yarmouth,MA Check the applicable disclosure(s)in accordance with the instructions on the reverse of this page: 1.The Rater or the Rater's employer is receiving a fee for providing the rating on this home. n 2.In addition to the rating,the Rater of Rater's employer has also provided the following consulting services for this home: DA.Mechanical system design 0 B.Moisture control or indoor air quality consulting DC.Performance testing and/or commissioning other than required for the rating itself ❑D.Training for sales or construction personnel O E.Other(specify) TA 3.The Rater of the Rater's employee is: OA.The seller of this home or their agent DB.The mortgagor for some portion of the financed payments on this home EC.An employee,contractor,or consultant of the electric and/or natural gas utility serving this home 04.The Rater or Rater's employer is a supplier or installer of products,which may include: Products Installed in this home by OR is In the business of HVAC systems QRater DEmployer QRater DEmployer Thermal insulation systems DRater DEmployer DRater DEmployer Air sealing of envelope or duct systems QRater DEmployer QRater DEmployer Energy efficient appliances DRater DEmpbyer DRater DEmployer Construction(builder,developer,construction contractor,etc) DRater DErnpbyer DRater DEmployer Other(specify): DRater DEmployer DRater DEmployer E5.This home has been verified under the provisions of Chapter 6,Section 603"Technical Requiements for Sampling'of the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy j Services Network(RESNET).Rater Certification is 8873503 To report any complaints regarding this Raters service,please visit: http:/www.energyratersma.coniFeedbactNew.htni Name: Chris Mazzola Signature: Owe.Nande Organization: Home Energy Raters,LLC Digitally signed: 10/26/18 at 5:09 PM I attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.Asa Rater or Rating Provider I abide by the rating quality control provisions of the Mortgage Industry NationalHome Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy Services Network(RESNET).The national rating quality control provisions of the rating standard are contained inChapter One 4.C.8.of the standard and are posted at httpd/resnetus/standards/RESNET Mortgage_Industry_NationaLHERS_Standards.pdf The Home Energy Rating Standard Disclosure for this home is available from the rating provider. RESNET Form 03001-2-Amended April 24,2007