HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-82-454t $ Of , - z +, n , 10 - 7 t- t 0� �v t ti 1 G , / �„ �'�: j2.E1•rao�� S � .. .� � � . C'D``r'. -�,�' eiyl- ?i,3 v CiSo. L i E---rt;R 1p..g p+ -a0 pYN�-R C7 - IQ' C>� �._ \ 1P P-oPoS�v I-..E-�C- HW.., G FST t to j pi _, ems" F- QG FsX- --- 4a 1 T W 4Tt4 N }...>, R•�/ 1 � Cao / •R .n. -T G.. cc ..,r'•' d� Z_M!H �Itd Ci .ltr l_i SDS `/ 1 \."�� �� 1 r ..7"O / O' / 1 15 Cb �. . . 'T - L' r a i •�' � �. `tom ~i 1 L 3 CD � /`�' C� _ 6 � ----`. } < � � ` -1.-n.:.. � —_ --._' - 3'-(0• W_ ', N f /: CJ5L` - x —3 _ - — r-� t — ` _ 8 r " _ � .�--•'."" � 20 �' st'!••/t . v • 4/ / ;6 / D. E. M. LINE 4 J ✓ y �F- SEDGE OF SALT MARSH \ 4 NOTE: The mini -um di stanc bewefn thP't:)roposed house a -r �.,P..�G _ , y �' and de ` ached ara. e o i i:> lot is to be 13' . All c-nstructi nn is t+he in conformance with - � _ ----� ter^ � G'; �.. s 4 'C.�,\p L—� � y,_ � ��' the T�,;,wn o:- `Iarr;uuth oninq b,/ -Lc -w. r (M: i y I I, I -� LIQUID LEVEL I` •f, •TEE �; _ J -- NOT- To 5cP L E "OT TD scAL E div ,_ t �itits u U2.t�.D� = l 4 � 55 Ftr.��su Ge�aa� �tr.►Isu �e.doE" ---_. _ OOvErL E3.c0 = 1 C- 7-op TOP oc 1=pUtvD. _. 777 b z \ d C- L 6CAVEZ� __ ' l Cl) i L C A� r- t -1 T N 4 1 G � � PT SY�� IBM PCO F(t....i NOT TO 'SCALE z I _ EDGE OF SALT MARS 2 �`�� 1 1� 4� S F 0 -y. 0 0 � 2 3 DESIGN CRITERIA TEST HOLE DATE - Lot 89 GENERAL NOTES rl Number of Bedrooms =3 Date of Test #1: February 6,'1980 1.1c�,,- Gal reinforced concrete septic tank End concrete } Gallons/Day/Bedroom = 110 Test by Robert Eldridge Engineering Co. distribution box by t.�T�..�� or equal. -- Total Daily Design Flow = 330 gallons with Leo Decoteau, Health Agent present. No Garbage Grinders to be Installed 2. vf,.' Board of Health must be notified when system Required Leaching es8 than 2 min/inch 0'-0" - 0'-3" Loam is nearly complete and prior to backfillincg. CREATIVE HOUSING CO. INC. Percolation Rate les ' ea = 1 SF/Gal = 330 SF � 0'-3" - 1'-0" Subsoil Leaching Area Provided = 15' x 25' = 375 SFz375LPo 1' —0" - 61-0" Medium to Coarse Sand 3. Elevations based on v 5c-� �.; Datum Plane. i Water at 5'-2" , Sand was too unstable below the water 4. Unless ot'.erwise :voted all system components shall big table to excavate to 10'. installed in accordance with Section 5 of t? -,e State LEGEND n an" terry Cod,_, dated "lay 20, 1977 and any local rules a!�t:,licable. --10-- Existing Contour TEST HOLE #2 & 3 S. Ary deleterious material must be excavated and removed - 31 Proposed Contour Date of Test: June 11, 1979 tc 3" below the -surface of the natural permeable soil. r By Robert Eldridge Engineering Co. Backfill as required with a gravel or sand fill material, 2 x 9 Existing Spot Grade having a percolation rate in its original location of 2 t 11-011 - 41-4" (Loam and Subsoil min. per inch or better, and free frcm fines, clay, l t 9 x 5 Proposed Spot Grade 4'-4" - 6' + Medium to Coarse Sand organic material, and large boulders. Sand was too unstable below the water � . '�•" - � 6. D .D'i. line is the limit of restriction established Test Hole Location table iso excavate to 10' �rJ r j ; - by the Department of Environmental Management adjacent C. I. Cast Iron to the salt marsh. _. 1 . NOTE: AT,THE COMPLETION OF THE SEPTIQ r P.V.C. Polyvinyl Chloride SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION THE BOARD OF HEALTH Applicant: Creative Housing Co., Inc. Approved: IS' TO BE PROVIDED A CERTIFICATE FROM A 385 Deoot Road Boxborough, MA C2159 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER THAT t - f E SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN ' THE E S , COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PLAN. _� vZiICA Yarmou Bo rd f ealth Agent ' r , PROPOSED' SEPTIC SYSTEM PLAN HARBORSIDE NOTE: REFER TO THE SUPERCEDING ORDER OF CONDITIO"1S DATED JUNE 25, 1981, N•�� #r, BY THE MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF Eli IRON�`=TAL QUALITY ENGI EERING "' � ) � - -r t .' aN: M LOT 94 .WEST, YARMOUTH MASS FOR WETLA\�S PER,'�.IT CONDITIONS GOVERhINC C0.1STP.UCTI0�1 4_J 'HIS, LOT. :... S DATE. SHEET `— .erg :. , ...: � .-. i' C "—. t.'> - -' irs: 1= r' �L_•r..: ,v.<.. � 'Tu G ��.`.e. n., � GALE �;,;, �.,.,: r BRA:AFORD SAIVETZ & ASSOCIATES. INC. / 4L _ -30, MAY 13 ,198 , _ - I L. O F DA` REVISION 1ADL CHKD APPD RAwNeY. ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS x # t r BY 1 D CHKD BY APPA BY PLAN NO ertAlNTaee : ti •. 0 BY BY � . MASS 02186 i 61 7 r 04- x5020 X 413 HS. 7 ti\ "OT TD scAL E div ,_ t �itits u U2.t�.D� = l 4 � 55 Ftr.��su Ge�aa� �tr.►Isu �e.doE" ---_. _ OOvErL E3.c0 = 1 C- 7-op TOP oc 1=pUtvD. _. 777 b z \ d C- L 6CAVEZ� __ ' l Cl) i L C A� r- t -1 T N 4 1 G � � PT SY�� IBM PCO F(t....i NOT TO 'SCALE z I _ EDGE OF SALT MARS 2 �`�� 1 1� 4� S F 0 -y. 0 0 � 2 3 DESIGN CRITERIA TEST HOLE DATE - Lot 89 GENERAL NOTES rl Number of Bedrooms =3 Date of Test #1: February 6,'1980 1.1c�,,- Gal reinforced concrete septic tank End concrete } Gallons/Day/Bedroom = 110 Test by Robert Eldridge Engineering Co. distribution box by t.�T�..�� or equal. -- Total Daily Design Flow = 330 gallons with Leo Decoteau, Health Agent present. No Garbage Grinders to be Installed 2. vf,.' Board of Health must be notified when system Required Leaching es8 than 2 min/inch 0'-0" - 0'-3" Loam is nearly complete and prior to backfillincg. CREATIVE HOUSING CO. INC. Percolation Rate les ' ea = 1 SF/Gal = 330 SF � 0'-3" - 1'-0" Subsoil Leaching Area Provided = 15' x 25' = 375 SFz375LPo 1' —0" - 61-0" Medium to Coarse Sand 3. Elevations based on v 5c-� �.; Datum Plane. i Water at 5'-2" , Sand was too unstable below the water 4. Unless ot'.erwise :voted all system components shall big table to excavate to 10'. installed in accordance with Section 5 of t? -,e State LEGEND n an" terry Cod,_, dated "lay 20, 1977 and any local rules a!�t:,licable. --10-- Existing Contour TEST HOLE #2 & 3 S. Ary deleterious material must be excavated and removed - 31 Proposed Contour Date of Test: June 11, 1979 tc 3" below the -surface of the natural permeable soil. r By Robert Eldridge Engineering Co. Backfill as required with a gravel or sand fill material, 2 x 9 Existing Spot Grade having a percolation rate in its original location of 2 t 11-011 - 41-4" (Loam and Subsoil min. per inch or better, and free frcm fines, clay, l t 9 x 5 Proposed Spot Grade 4'-4" - 6' + Medium to Coarse Sand organic material, and large boulders. Sand was too unstable below the water � . '�•" - � 6. D .D'i. line is the limit of restriction established Test Hole Location table iso excavate to 10' �rJ r j ; - by the Department of Environmental Management adjacent C. I. Cast Iron to the salt marsh. _. 1 . NOTE: AT,THE COMPLETION OF THE SEPTIQ r P.V.C. Polyvinyl Chloride SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION THE BOARD OF HEALTH Applicant: Creative Housing Co., Inc. Approved: IS' TO BE PROVIDED A CERTIFICATE FROM A 385 Deoot Road Boxborough, MA C2159 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER THAT t - f E SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN ' THE E S , COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PLAN. _� vZiICA Yarmou Bo rd f ealth Agent ' r , PROPOSED' SEPTIC SYSTEM PLAN HARBORSIDE NOTE: REFER TO THE SUPERCEDING ORDER OF CONDITIO"1S DATED JUNE 25, 1981, N•�� #r, BY THE MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF Eli IRON�`=TAL QUALITY ENGI EERING "' � ) � - -r t .' aN: M LOT 94 .WEST, YARMOUTH MASS FOR WETLA\�S PER,'�.IT CONDITIONS GOVERhINC C0.1STP.UCTI0�1 4_J 'HIS, LOT. :... S DATE. SHEET `— .erg :. , ...: � .-. i' C "—. t.'> - -' irs: 1= r' �L_•r..: ,v.<.. � 'Tu G ��.`.e. n., � GALE �;,;, �.,.,: r BRA:AFORD SAIVETZ & ASSOCIATES. INC. / 4L _ -30, MAY 13 ,198 , _ - I L. O F DA` REVISION 1ADL CHKD APPD RAwNeY. ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS x # t r BY 1 D CHKD BY APPA BY PLAN NO ertAlNTaee : ti •. 0 BY BY � . MASS 02186 i 61 7 r 04- x5020 X 413 HS. 7 COPYRIGHT BY CLAUDE H. MIOUELLE 'The material contained in These drawings and the design - DRAWN CHECKED SH ETN they are intended to convey are the exclusive property of Claude H. Miquella• Possession and use hereof is granted �r REVISED sxw only confidentially in connection with construction and/or ` i sale'of the structure depicted herein as authorized by him,0JOB N i and the recipient agrees to abide by these restrictions. Any �j r 1 _f use, reproduction or disclosure of any information, in whole C' a u d e �t17 � q U e i 1e' a S S o`C i a.�e Aor in part, contained herein, without written permission of c Claude H: Miquelle, is expressly; prohibited. 20 West emerson street,: mei rose, mass. 02176 61 665-69 3 �t17 } f 3 } f l ` t � a F_� 'Ci Y N v LU O O u U N Wrig t, .. :�.�._ Z- YI *+ �; V G •i N I: d -CV . f C'a c i '>, 3 W 'a ° a 0_ a � �_lr.. V f c y 4 N i .O c o' •3 UA �3 - 11 O yC. p-.0 i,� O,•3 .. �..j:. - Y CL •Y p a o. o a `° `� v o u i •� >>"-- -- —__..x �, _ .. n_.: ..:.t- _ �. -:.. 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