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Seafood Sarn's 1006 Rade 28 South Yarrnouth,MA 02664-5644 For service visit us oniine at www.gettips.c�m .� r i i _ __ - - -- _ _ -__ _ __----- --_ . . . � This�ecognizes that C � I � O Trncy VivaAmore �� has completed the requirements for �.0 Cy0l�tver wl/Reslaarast Emergencies a� �,ducted by Cape Cod aad Islands C6apter Date Completed 5/l7noto ' The American Red Goss reco9nizes this certiFkate as valid for N/A Year(s)from oompieNon date. www.RedCross.org � Instructor's Signature ` c�c.���� Chapter Cape Cod&Islands Chapier � � Holder's Signature _ Sbck No.Q53948(Rav.5/O6� . Security CcmtrQ�No. ' + �Natalie Mason ���� � � � has compieted the NSC CPR Course More life-saving courses from NSC c�,a�r,cn�a,�saeo • NSC First Aid, CPR&AED Traini�g�enter:C����Yj���9 • NS�, Flt'St Alfl Compie!ion Datei�HyrjQ�S Expires Instruct#onai Hou • • NSC Bloodbome&Airborne Pathogens 11n2tZoi7 `��hr : �'L[�1E' ��+�'1 �1040998 Instructor Signature insiructor No. : N.SCi—in it for lifep nsc.org/fatraining � ` ����������= � � - :E,���c���.�"�r, � 3�?Q6A0135 73178-OC��C Prin?ed in the USA 829� , ... __.._. .... . _....._ ... . .. ..... ..._. j� Security Contra!No. T �' Ch�p Mason �����.� has crompleted the More life-saving courses from NSC c�,�,Cl�d,h�faM 8 AED • NSC Fi1^St Aid, CPR&AED Tra����q Ger�ter:C�C��Y7'�a�ting • NSC Fil'St Aid - Comp�etion pate:11H2ClM5 • NSC Bloodborne&Airborne Pathogens E"p'��:t�H2lZoi7 ��St���ai Ho�,��� - �— ��—�o� #1040998 instructor S�gnature Instructor Np N.�'��i—in it for life'" nsc.org/fatraining �� �'� �- {;�� ��� � k . x wz�� 300M�J115 ,'3178-0000 Printe�in the USA 82°` 4� � This recognizes that C � (0 O Jonatdan"Damjen"Cnrry •` � has completed the requiremerrts for �� �,�b��tir//Itestaurant Emergencies m a� conducted by � Cape Cod and Isiaads Ctrapter .�`� �� Date Compisted 5/t72010 The American Red Cross recognizes#�is certificate as vatid fo►N/A 1leeKs)from comple8on date. $ I � wwiw.RedCross.org Instroc#or's Signoture �!� r. ,"_��C.') (;'�.:'�'�� Chapter Cape Cod&Islands Chapter Holder's Signature �..;' 3!ack Mo.653998(Rev.5/08� � i i Security Controf No. ♦ ; �Natalie Mason �����9 : has compieted the NSC CPR Course More life-saving courses from NSC c�.n��,cn�d,r►�nt�� • NSC First Aid, CPR &AED Traininq center.C����YT�n�9 • NSC FiYSt AIC) ! Compietion Date17HTJZ0'15 • NSC Bloodbome&Airborne Pathogens E"p'�eStln2tZo�i Instructiona�Hour�:� ��L.�.. �.v? #�10�IQ99S Instructor Signature Instructor No. NS�'i—in it for life" nsc.org/fatraining `�� � ���� �m . ���.��,.���������`� Y 3COM�i t 15 731�8-G60u Printetl in the U�A R2t" I I i 1} _ Security Control No. � Chip Mason � � ����� has compieted the More iife-saving courses from NSC � NSC CPR Course �,��,Ch�d,�ant 8,AED • NSC Fit'St Aid, CPR&AED Trainin�oenter:��d�Trairting • IVSC FIYSt Ald - Completion Date:11ry2fZQ15 • NSC Bioodbome&Airborne Pathogens �'���ttNZtZo17 insiructiona!Haur3� �L�c! ��-�r'� #104Q99$ Instructor Signature lnstructor No N•S�s—in it for life�" nsc.orglfatraining � �„,:�� ��„�� ���.�����; �. _ �.. � _ ,,����,��,t u�. 3GDM0715 ,'3178-q000 Pnnted in the USA $29F � :� ) €�, �`"�s ,�_. �y:i'° ' � `����i��Y��a��,�, � � � ; �.� �� � , < �.U.ti t. � �� � � NSC CPR Course �� �� Adult, Child, lnfant, FBAO & AED '�'`� 3 hour class 4SHA CPR 1910.151 Name: N���e Mason Sec�rity Con;rol No. Seafood Sam's Address: �; , � ,, � Address: 10�Rt 28 � � � � � � City, State, Zin: S•I'armouth,MA 02664 Course Completion Date:����yyp�� Training Center: Ca Cod Pe Safety Training Expiration Datey���yyp�� Instructor Name: �kTodd ; Instructor Number: ��18 � i Natalie Mason has successfully completed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The National Safety Councii saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities and on the roads through leadership, research, education and advocacy. THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF RfPRODUCED F� Securty Conirol No, f + 3 ; f Natalie Mason �� �� ,� � g has c�r-:pieied the NSC CPR Course More life-saving courses from NSC c�z,aa�n,cn�w,IMatn 8 AED � • NSC First Aid, CPR &AED r�a����,�cen�er:CapeCodSa�yTraining : • NSC First Aid cempie+icn Date11N2120i5 • NSC Bloodborne&Airborne Pathogens � "expires;�,�h�t� Instruct�ona�Hour�.hr ' i �'t Lt� �.ti''J �10409'18 �� Instructor S�gna!ure instructor No. �� N.S�'i�111 It fOf�If@`� nsc.org/fatraining � � � �� _ ,_��, �n �s� a= _ � � ,,��, ��,. ���� � ,�� , ti 'r,� � ` � e � , , � �� NSC �PR Course t � ��u Adult, Child, lnfant, FBAO & AED 3 hour ciass OSHA CPR 1910.151 Name; Chip Mason Address: SeafoOd Sam's Security Controi No Address; 1006 Rt 28 �� � �N�� �. � City, State, Zip: S•Z'�outh,MA 02664 Course Completion Date:11H212015 Training Center: Cape Cod Safiety Training Expiration Date:11/12l201T Instructor Name: �k Todd , Instructor Number: ���$ � Chip Mason has successfuily compieted the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The National Safety Councii saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities and on the roads through leadership, research, education and advocacy. � _ _ __ I _ _ _ THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED ;,� �,�� .� �`: � � �� � �� � � �,�, `� secur�ty conc,o�No. � V. � f Chip Mason � �� �;�� �� � Ihas compieted ti�e NSC CPR Course More life-saving courses from NSC c�,ndun,cni�,infairt 3AED • NSC First Aid, CPR&AED -rram��g cente� ��C���YTraining • NSC First Aid Compiet�or;Date:11h212015 • NSC Bloodborne&Airborne Pathogens i �xpires:11�y��� instnictional Hour�hr /2[�t! —�,t�? �1040918 .nstructor Si�na,u�e !rstri�ctcr No. NS�+'�II'1 It fO1� Ilfe` nsc.org/fatraining � � ''-�.4 ..- -.�'� n('s^0 P rari in tF-i.�11SA R?:aF3( ,