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V, M Project Title: 221R-0515HAW Final Construction Control Docum To be submitted at completion of construction by a Registered Design Professional for work per the 8t" edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR, Section Property Address: 51 Winter St Yarmouth MA USA 02675 Project: Check one or both as applicable: Project description: PV Solar RECEIVED MAR 27 2016 _ertlydG UEPARTM ENT Date: 3-15-16 Permit No. 13LD-18-004164 ❑ New construction Installation X Existing Construction I Sage Lopez MA Registration Number: 52470 Expiration date: 0630.2018 , am a registered design professional, and 1 have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans, computations and specifications concerning: [ ] Architectural [X] Structural [ ] Mechanical [ ] Fire Protection [ ] Electrical [ ] Other: _ for the above named project. 1, or my designee, have performed the necessary professional services and was present at the construction site on a regular and periodic basis. To the best of my knowledge, information, and belief the work proceeded in accordance with the requirements of 780 CMR and the design documents approved as part of the building permit and that 1 or my designee: 1. Have reviewed, for conformance to this code and the design concept, shop drawings, samples and other submittals by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. 2. Have performed the duties for registered design professionals in 780 CMR Chapter 17, as applicable. 3. Have been present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work was performed in a manner consistent with the construction documents and this code. Nothing in this document relieves the contractor of its responsibility regarding the provisions of 780 CMR 107. Enter in the space to the right electronic signature and seal Phone number: Building Official Name: Version 06 11 2013 NO. bV470 l �n' ► Email- sage.lopez@sunrunhome.com Building Onicial Use Only Permit No.: Date: Fallon, Rosa From: Joan Schmith <joan.schmith@sunrun.com> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 4:38 PM To: Fallon, Rosa Subject: Final Building Inspection - Solar Installation - 51 Winter St Attachments: Yarmouth Affidavit - 51 Winter St.pdf Hello Rosa, I have attached the Final Construction Affidavit for the solar installation at 51 Winter St. The electrical inspection was signed off on 2/16/18 and there were no structural upgrades. Please let me know if you need anything else from me to close the building permit. Thank you, sunrun Joan Schmith Sunrun Inc. Branch Operations Coordinator P 978-760-3657 ( F 508.597.7355 WWW.sunrun.COM r WY4T•' ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY — BUILDING PERMIT . --�APP CAMONTDOONS UCr.RFPAMRFNOVATEORDAfOIISHAONEOR7WOFAMMYpWQ=m6Town o[Yarmouth Bmlding Departent 1146 Route 28 • South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 508-398-2231 eat. 1261 Fax 508-398411836 �,' T - 6Otem ft 0* Pui0.f0 — / Pt+tinQ smd hdoraarBon Asssers tteprrtrnar e,lorouBo¢ 14. rcr _PianTipe Pem* Fee = A'P lNeIlDue 6dvsaoae _132 / 72 DepmtFtee'd, j /5D pate RMCM ft OM ft' _Phn ft t.tt4metpamenioas O J mor t�tNs� t+�•tro latce,.le. • THIl3�laatoet»11raUte �ttttnitl+tiau6eP;ti:_. ::�., - D88llsdtiet�. . • �' ii • - . at+�etas�;:• 131.. Mil 11mt' •'' Seidit3rttE-SltblydrjtgO&O Use T SB t.t t�fape,ey Yi�e 12 Zanirg trdorm,eore 51 Winter St Yarmouth Port MA 02675 Single Family Zoning DisMa Proposed Use e.a am,lr,a a.le.eaa 11U Front Yard Side Yards Fleur Yard AeTAad Pmvidad Pravidld 1A rheM 9"b Pn s , e•. Oe. S dt 1.5F1*=zN k*=ft CrC, PJAC PdvaM Zbne: Ser.11bt1 T- 2.1 n em N Mea,* ' William Shaw 51 Winter St Yarmouth Port MA 02675 tient (p6q UaftAd&m 414-418-4948 . Tateptoq 1 Address: Stephen Kelly 734 Forest ST STE 400 Marlborough MA 01752 None tp" Q%41111- ipl!:Illllllll 978-793-7881��� � E C rekyiv,s _ Secs7on ....tSenAcea ie Liesa d eensbuctjN Supwv wn Stephen Kelly NatAPOCable CS -040622 734 Forest ST STE 400 Marlborough MA 01 15-5-y:Ucarsl lir nbar 08/01/2019 978-793-7881 mapermits@sunrun.com Evka*,o,m TeMphona Email Address: Harts Contractor: �'• Sunrun Inc 0 734 Forest ST STE 400 Marlborough MA 01752 mapermits@sunrun.com llorAsla.,ae. EmailAddress: 978-793-7881 06102/9018 on*�e�°O 7el�nur . 01 AW Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this applkaWn. Failure. to provide fila affidavit wii result in the denial of the issuance of the building pemdt. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes ..X..... No ........ Seddon &- I0 ' of Mrk (dledt etapppc") Neuf CmbLcdm ❑ N0. Of 8adroarns Nm at -&dm carts Fxlsikl0 ® AeP�(1I 0 I ARram )a Addlfar Q Accessory M19, O Type Oemofitlon other Specify Rooftop Solar Detailed Description of Proposed Work - Please Itemise All Work Being Done: Installation of an interconnected rooftop PV System. 28 330v Panels 9 Sectdbn S- Eatknsbsd Comftstlon Casts Item Estimated Cast (Da tm) in be Check Below co o@W by permit appAeant 1. $5184.00 C3 Camamtryttorj.Cmv*mion Filing .z EfeCate� $12095.00 l• appRa6le) g / Gas Z Mednrlieal (HVAC) ® Chid Comm ��ic8l S. FYe Prohimckn tip M) e.Total.(1+2+3+4+5) $17279.00 1. Totd Sgmm FL It= WAN Kimmel Secftt79#U*rW-TbbeComplet"Wherr orwler's Agent or Contraabm Applies for Bt+ kmn Pdmm 1— . as owner of the Aged Property hereby authodze to act on my behalf. In all matters relative to work authorized by.this building pem* apptleaWm Slgrlaa,ra d cWW om 1 Stephen Kelly , as ownedAuthortzed Agent hereby dedam that the statements and infomladon on the foregoing application are true and accurate. to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pails and penalties of penury. Stephen Kelly Pm ma" E= 9-13-99 2 el 2 /•.7S 20N3 "0 r'or utttce use Only Permit No. Date TOWN OF YARMOUTH AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application MOL c 142A require that the Yeem*uetimk alteration, rmm.Wo% replk modaaia&o. convasioa. ieaprorement, remonl, demolitica or m of m addition to any p vvls&g mmcr•o=ggeed bm7dmg emhoiog at leas cog bat not m@a &W four daellias units or so XU which am add to such rssidmea or bm'i&e be does by registered emhaolar% with arhiu arceptioeu, almg v th other requirana t, r Type of Work Rooftop Solar Est. Cost $17279.00 Address of Worit • 51 Winter Street Owner Name; William Shaw Date of Permit Application: I hereby certify that: Registration is not required for the following resson(s): - Work excluded by law Job under $1,000 Building not owner occupied — Owner own mmt Other (specify) P Notice is hereby given flat: OWNERS PULLING TFIEIR OWN PERMIT OR DEALING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO TILE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER MGL c. 142A. Skied under penaMes ofpex- I hereby apply for a pet*mppit as the agent of the owner: 1 eG_ /,%.� 178937 Date Co or Naa1 Registration No. OR H K— Notwithmmetag the dbove notice, I hereby apply .for a permit as the owner of the above Property: Fate Owner Name TOWN OF YARMOUTH A BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR FORM PLEASEPRIN'f. Job Location: 51 winter St Yarmouth Port Number Owner of Property: William Shaw Street Village Construction Supervisor. Stephen Kelly CS -040622 978-793-7881 Address: 734 Forest ST STE 400 Marlborough MA 01752 Licensed Designee: (If other than Supervisor) Name license N0. 2.15 Responsibility of each license holder. 2:15.1 The license holder shall be fully and completely responsible for all work for which he is supervising. He shall be responsible for seeing that all work is done pursuant to the state building code and the drawings as approved by the building of ficial 2.15.2 The license holder shall be responsible to supervise the construction, reconstruction, alteration. repair, removal or demolition involving the structural dements of building and structur-es only pursuant to the state building code and all other applicable laws of the commonwealth, even though he, the license holder, is not the permit holder but only a subcontractor or contractor to the permit holder. 2.15.3 The license holder sW immediately notify the building official in writing of the violations which are covered by the building permit discovery of any 2.15.4 Any licenseewho shailwiUfuny-viotate subsections or 2.15.3 oranyothersectionof these rules and regulations and any procedures, as amended. shall be subject to revocation or license by the board. suspension of 2.16 All building permit applications shall contain the name, signature and license number of the construction supervisor who is to supervise those persom engaged in construction. reconstruction. alteration, rapers, removal of demolition as regulated by section 109. 1.1 of the code and these rules and regulations. In the event that such licensee is no longer supervisingsaid persons, theworkshall immediately cease until a successor license holder is substituted on the records of the building department. 2.17 The license holder shall be responsible for requesting estin all required be deemed a violation of the permit conditions O°s Failure to do so may I have read and understand my responsibilities under the rules and regulations for licensing construction supervisors in accordance with section 109.1.1 of the state building code. I understand the construction inspection procedures and the specific inspection as called for by the building official INSURANCE COVERAGE I have a arrant lability Insurance poky or its suhstantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MG1 Ch. 152 Yes @ No ❑ it you have checked yn please Indicate the type coverage by cheddng the appropriate box A lability inswance policy Ek Other type of Indemnity C1 Bond ❑ OWNER'S INSURANCE WANER: I am aware that the licensee � � � the inslaance coverage reWred Chapter 152 of the Mass. General laws, and that my signature on this permit application waives tws requirement Check one: caner ❑ AW* U Signature: L/ Building OflicialApproval: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department oflndustrialAccidents I Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www.massgov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Btdlders/Contractors/Electridans/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING ATITHORITY. AvOicant Information Please Print Leeibly Name (Business/Organizadon/[ndividusl): Sunrun Installation Services Address: 734 Forest ST STE 400 . Marlborough MA 01752 Are you as employer! Check the appropriate box: Phone M 978-793-7881 1.29I am a employw with 35 employes (M and/orpert-time}* 2.01 am a sole proprietororpatmetship and have no en ployen woddng forme in any capacity. [No workers' comp. insurance required.] 3.0 I am a homeowner doing a0 work myself [No workers, comp, insurance rKuved] t 4.0 lam a hwww er and will be hiring contractors to conduct an work on my property. I will erase that as contrmmm etdw have vwrkws' compensation hsmanceorarc sole proprietors with no employees 5.0 I am a general coMumr and I have hied the sub-cennacams fisted on the attached sheet. These submMacmrs have employes and have workers• camp, manom er 6.0 We aro a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL e. 151, 11(4), and we have no employees [No workers• comp. insuranx remail.] Type of project (required): 7. 0 New construction 8. Remodeling 9. ❑ Demolition 10 Building addition I LQ Electrical repairs or additions 12.0 Plumbing repairs or additions 13.[]Roof repairs 14. ® Other Rooftop Solar •Arty applicant that cheeks box n.1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers' compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing as work and then hie outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such tCmdrectors that check this box must ended an additional Shea shaving the creme of the sub-commcnm and state whether or not those entitiq have employees. If the sob -contractor have employes, they must provide the¢ workers' comp. policy number. lam an employer that is providing workers' compensation insurance for my employees Belaw is the policy and job site Information. Insurance Company Name.. Zurich American Insurance Company Policy # or Self -ins. Lic. #: WC013696003 R WC013696103 Expiration Date: 10/1/2018 Job Site Address: 51 Winter St City/State/Zip: Yarmouth MA 02675 Attach a copy of the workers' compensation polity declaration page (showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL a 152, §25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to S 1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify under the pains and penal im of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct / •l Phone #: 978-793=7881 ✓ Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by dry or town officiaL City or Town: PermWLicense # Issuing Authority (circle one): ` I. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town, Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone #: CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DDIYYYY) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: M the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. N SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on PRODUCER 4rthur J. Gallagher & Co. nsurance Brokers of CA. Inc. License #0726293 1255 Battery Street #450 ian Francisco CA 94111 INSURED Sunrun Installation Services, Inc. 775 Fiero Lane, Suite 200 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 SUNRINC-tit COVERAGES CFRTIFICATF NIIMRFR• 1369609471 Dev,ennu uuunVD. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE SD WON POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF MM/DD POLICY EXP MM/DD LIMITS C X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS41ADEX❑ OCCUR X S50.000RetenBOn Y LA17CGL23032IIC 10/12017 10/12018 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 REMISES (Es occurrence) $300000 MED EXP one $5.000 PERSONAL S ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: X POLICY EP CT F-1 LOC GENERAL AGGREGATE 82,000,000 PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG 82,000,000 OTHER: I Total Policy Umlt $10,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY$ Fa scc dand ANYAUTO BODILY INJURY (Par pereen) S. OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS AUUNSOLYTOS ONLY ATO ODDLY INJURY(Per sodden) $ Perecddent S $ B uMeRELLA LIAO X OCCUR H17XC5023205 10/12017 10/12018 EACH OCCURRENCE $5 000 ODO X E 33 LIAO CWMS-MADE AGGREGATE $5,000,000 DED I I RETENTION $ A A WORKERS COMPENSATIONWC013896003 AND EMPLOYERS' LMIUTY YIN ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTNEE]NIA OFFICEFUMEMBER EXCLUDED? Y WC013696103 10/12017 10/12017 10/12018 10/12018 X MUTE I I E E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1,DDD.OW E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 (Mandatory In NH) Syyeeee,, deanlM ender DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS MIvN E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (ACORD 101, AddMl l Rereerlre aeNedule, nuy M eMeMd Mmere.paw M requl,sd) WC013696003 - $25,000 Deductible; WC013696103 - FL, HI, MA, NJ, NY, OR, VA, WI only. Named Insureds: Sunrun Inc., Sunrun Installation Services Inc., Sunrun South LLC, AEE Solar, Inc., Clean Energy Experts LLC, Sunrun Solar Electrical Corporation Re: Permitting Within Jurisdiction. Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth MA 02664.4492 At Umu 40 tXU1 DIUJ) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 1988-2015 ACORD 1 ne ACURD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD reserved. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, NIA 02664 508-398-2231 ext.1261 Fax 508-398.0836 Pursuant to K(; -L Chapter 40. Section 54 and 780 CMR, Chapter 1. Section 111-5, 1 hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed workldemolidon to be conducted at 51 Winter St Work Address Is to be disposed of at the following location- Dumpster at 734 Forest ST STE400 Marlborough MA Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by NLG,(., Chapter 111, Section 150A. Signa of Appli tion Permit No. i -.Zs .2a8 Date ACORO CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DA.'�"_""_°°""YY' THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the If SUBROGATION IS WANED, subject to the terms and conditions of the PRODUCER 4r1hur J. Gallagher & Co. nsurence Brokers of CA. Inc. License #0726293 1255 Battery Street #450 ian Francisco CA 94111 INSURED SUNRINC-01 Sunrun Installation Services, Inc. 775 Fiero Lane, Suite 200 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 )a) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endon certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 1369609471 REVISION NUMBER• THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD POLICY NUMBER POLICYEFF MMMD POLICY EXP MMM LIMITS C X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y LA17CGL2303211C 10/1/2017 10/1/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 REMISES aocaaronce $300,000 CLAMSMADE EOCCUR MED EXP (Any we non) $5,000 X 450 OOOReten6on PERSONAL S ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENLAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER X POLICY a] JECTT F-1 LOC GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO $2,000,000 Total Polley Umft $10,000,000 OTHER AUTOMOBILE LIABMY$ Ea a¢Menl ANYAUTO BODILY INJURY (Por canon) $ OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS AV TOS ONLY AUTOS WNLD$ BODILY INJURY (Per Seddon) $ Per axMeM S UMBRELIA Luc X OCCUR H77XC5023205 101112017 10/1/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $5,000,000 X IXCESS LWB CWMS43ADE AGGREGATE $5,000,000 DED RETENTION $ A A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ANYPROPRIETORIPARTNDED? CVTNE ❑ OFFICERAIEMBERIXCLUDEDT NIA y WC013696003 WC013696103 1011/1017 1WM017 10/1/2018 10/12018 X I PE STA TE E.L EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLO`YEEl $1,000,000 (Mandatory In NH) Nye doeoreeunde DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L DISEASE -POLICY LIMB $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (ACORD 101, AddRlonal Remarks Schedule, maybe attached M men ap.m Is required) WC013696003 - $25,000 Deductible: WC013696103 - FL, HI, MA, NJ, NY, OR, VA, WI only. Named Insureds: Sunrun Inc., Sunrun Installation Services Inc., Sunrun South LLC, AEE Solar, Inc., Clean Energy Experts LLC, Sunrun Solar Electrical Corporation Re: Permitting within jurisdiction. Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 26 South Yarmouth MA 02664-4492 ACORD 25 (2016/03) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED 0 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD All dahts resemad. ,�e Tpo�r�vmuntoea`l� ay�CJ/��iz,�acfett3el� Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 10 Park Plaza - Suite 5170 ` Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration .. Re9f**5Dn: 170977 Type: Supplement Card SUNRUN INC. °mheaen: W2r2OT0 STEPHEN KELLY 595 MARKET ST 29TH FL SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 ant a woad, Update Addr a.d ratan ewrl Mart naw fereYue. ❑ Addms [] Renewal O Emplayawal Q Lear Card "URh NCa.am Amh+•RWK>e RedWa.a License er re(hlratlen nfld Mr ptAvidaal m aalf F= .y-y�vOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR heferetheeapirati.adala iffo.adret.ra TC ORMef C*wwa r ARWry &.d S.I.m R.p Imiw* Rpklndan: t7B977 Tvw- IQ?.rk PIrn-S.Iw SI70 Explragam SWDIS Suppl~Cmd Rerroa,MA62116 SUNRUNNC. STEPHEN KELLY WS MARKET ST 29TH FIL SAN FRANCISCO, CA RIOS UaaensertnrP Ne4lalid within mbre _ common•nealth of :dassachusens • Division of Professlonal licensure Hoard of Building Regulations and Standards Constrtnaion Supervisor CS -043622 Expires: 0810112019 STEPHEN A KELLY 16 PARKWAY ROAD STONEHAM MA 02180 '+ Commissioner V"" ronstructton Supervisor Unrestricted _ Buildings of any use group which contain i lets than 15,000 cubic feet (991 cubic metas) of enclosed ! space i' _ Failure to possess a current edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code is cause for revocation of this license. For information about this Ocense Call (61T) 727-3200 or visit wwwmassgovrdpl DocuSlgn Envelope ID: 5B7B6126•D849-4FDA-A6FGAD9E56AEBFAF 0 0 _t� By signing below, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and received a complete copy of the Agreement without any blanks. Such Agreement shall be the complete understanding between the Parties. SUNRUN Iy,LPN SERVICES INC. SignaturI't "ttlnS(�N1t Print Name: Christopher Kleinschmidt Date: 11/17/2017 Title: Deal -Desk -Analyst Federal Employer Identification Number: 26-2841711 IF YOU CHOOSE TO PAY BY CHECK, MAKE CHECKS OUT TO SUNRUN INC. NEVER MAKE A CHECK OUT TO A SALES REPRESENTATIVE. OUR SALES REPRESENTATIVES ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE CHECKS IN THEIR OWN NAMES. YOU MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE TENTH DAY AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE. PLEASE REVIEW THE ATTACHED NOTICES OF CANCELLATION FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. Customer "count Holder 0. S� lam A Shaw 11/16/2017 uate Email Address': bill.shaw@veolia.com Mailing Address: 51 Winter St Yarmouth, MA 02675 Phone: (508) 744-7647 Secondary Account Holder (Optional) gna ure Print Name 'Email addresses wi11 be used by Sunrun for offcia/correspondence, such as sending monthly bills or other Invoices. Sales Consultant By signing be/ow / acknowledge that / am Sunrun accredited, that / presented this agreement according to a lrw6q Code of Conduct, and that / obtained the homeowner's signature on this agreement. 'Mlua. &.ctxxi. Moses Bedwei Print Name 1328041303 Sunrun ID number SUNRUN INSTALLATION SERVICES INC. 1 595 Market Street, 29th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105 1 888.GO.SOLAR I HIC 180120 Contract Version: 1.0 Generation Date: 11/16/2017 Proposal ID: PKK6R674AKND-H 20 0 DocuSl n Envelope ID: E09EB6EA-2697-059E-A125-969B4A5AE89E OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION FORM For Permit Application(s) The sole purpose of this form is to provide Sunrun, Inc. with the necessary permission from the Owner to file permit application(s) for such project work as agreed upon between the Owner and the Owner's Authorized Company and its designated subcontractors. Owner's "'-M-• William A shave Solar Signa Owner's Authorized Company: Sunrun, Inc. Company's Address: 595 Market St 29"' Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105 Affiliation: Contractor Applicable License: State: MA CSLB #969975, NJn13VH07020309 '"S4,-.-sunrun� November 22, 2017 Subject: Structural Certification for Proposed Residential Solar Installation. Job Number: 22111-051SHAW, Plan Set: Rev A, Dated 11/20/17 Client: William A Shaw Address: 51 Winter Street, Yarmouth, MA, 02675 Attn: To Whom It May Concern A field observation was performed to document the existing framing of the above mentioned address. From the field observation, the existing roof structure was observed as Composition Shingle roofing over roof plywood supported by 2x8 Rafter @ 24" OC. The roof is sloped at approximately 30 degrees and has a max rafter span of 15'2" between supports. Design Criteria: 2009 International Building Code w/ 780 CMR Basic Wind Speed Vult =116 mph (Vasd = 90 mph), Exposure B Ground Snow Load = 35 psf After review of the field observation report, the existing roof framing supporting the proposed solar panel layout has been determined to meet or exceed the requirements based on our structural capacity calculations in accordance with applicable building codes. Therefore, no structural upgrades are required. If you have any further questions on the above for mentioned, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Sage Lopez, P.E. Civil Engineer Sunrun, Inc <�— NO.5470 H ► �FC'ISTEPE R,; 133 Technology Dr., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 1 P 949.393.0993 "8,..-sunrun° Structural Calculations for the William A Shaw Residence PV Installation Date: Job Address: Job Number: Scope of Work 11/22/2017 51 Winter Street Yarmouth, MA, 02675 22111-051SHAW These calculations are for the existing roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to existing roof framing. All PV mounting equipment shall be designed and installed per manufacturer's approved installation specifications. Calculation Index Sheet Description 2 Structural Geometry, Live Load, Snow Load, Wind Load, & Dead Load 3 Roof (1) Framing Check 4 Roof Attachment Check, Seismic Check, & Scope of Work Engineering Calculations Summary Code: 2009 International Building Code w/ 780 CMR ASCE 7-05 Snow Load: Live Load: Wind: PV Dead Load: Sincerely, S = 35 psf LL = 20 psf Wind Speed ASD (V) = 90 mph DPV = 3.0 psf Exp. = B Sage Lopez, P.E. 'v P z Civil Engineer_'. o_ —_N! -� � u NO. 470 ti Sunrun Inc A ♦ �y FCISTEPE�etC,,k sIPoo TAI' ,t, 133 Technology Dr., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 1 P 949.383.0993 Structrure Geometrv: Engineer: SVL Date: 11/22/2017 Job: 221R-0515HAW Address: 51 Winter Street Yarmouth, MA, 02675 2 of 4 Mean Roof Height, hn Ns 14 ft Zone 2 (psf) Eave Height, he = 8 ft Pnet3O = Buiding Length,L = 64 ft -27.08 Building Width, B = 32 It -13.66 Module Area 20 Its Equation 30.5.1 Roof Pitch, B = 30 degrees Zone 2 (psf) Live Load: 2.0 Pneoo = Roof Uve Load, Lr = 20.00 psf Equation 4.8-1 Snow Load: Pnet - 0.6 x A x Kzr x Pnetso = 12.94 Ground Snow Load, pg = 35 psf Fig. 7.1 Snow Importance Factor, Is = 1 Table 1.5-1 Thermal Factor, Ct = 1.1 Table 7-3 Exposure Factor, Ce = 0.9 Table 7-2 Roof Slope Factor, 6 As 0.73 Figure 7-2c Flat Snow Load, Pf = Sloped Roof Equation 7.3-1 Sloped Roof Snow Loads, Ps 17.79 psf Equation 7.4-1 Is the width of the roof > 20ft7 Yes Drift Height, hd ss 1.52 ft Figure 7-9 Roof slope for a rise of one, S 1.73 Unbalanced Width = 5.35 ft Fig 7-5 V = 19 pcf Equation 7.7-1 Unbalanced Snow Load = 39.25 psf Fig 7-5 Wind Load: Basic Wind Speed (3s -gust), V = 116.0 mph Figure 26.5-1A VASD = 90 mph Building Occupancy Category = 2 Table 1.5-1 Exposure Category = B Sec 26.7.3 Topographic Factor, Kzr = 1.00 Equation 26.8-1 Adjustment Factor, A = 1.00 Figure 30.5-1 - Edge Zone, a = 3.20 It Figure 30.5.1 Uplift (0.6W) Zone 1(psf) Zone 2 (psf) Zone 3 (psf) Composition Shingle Pnet3O = -22.76 -27.08 -27.08 Figure 30.5-1 Pnet - 0.6 x A x Kzr x Pnet30l = -13.66 -16.25 -16.25 Equation 30.5.1 Downward (0.6W) Zone 1(psf) Zone 2 (psf) Zone 3 (psf) 2.0 Pneoo = 21.56 21.56 21.56 Figure 30.5-1 Pnet - 0.6 x A x Kzr x Pnetso = 12.94 12.94 12.94 Equation 30.5.1 Dead Load: Roof (1): Roof Walls - Exterior Composition Shingle 3.0 psf Wood 5.0 psf 5/8 OSB Sheathing 2.0 2x4 Studs @ 16" 2.0 2x8 Rafter @ 24" OC 2.0 Gypsum 3.0 Misc. (Ceiling, Insulation, etc.) 1.0 Misc. (Insulation, etc.) 2.0 PV System, Ppv 3.0 Total Roof DL= 11.0 psf Total Wall DL= 12.0 psf 133 Technology Dr., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 1 P 949.393.0993 c e , i Roof (11 Framing Check: Engineer: SVL Date: 11/22/2017 Job: 221R-051SHAW Address: 51 Winter Street Yarmouth, MA, 02675 3of4 Roof Framing = 2x8 Rafter @ 24" OC Timber Species = Spruce -Pine -Fir #1/#2 Max Beam Span = 15.17 ft b = 1.5 in d = 7.25 In Moment of Inertia, I: = 47.63 In+ Section Modulus, Sx = 13.14 Ins Bending Stress, Fb = 875 psi Elastic Modulus, Emin = 510000 psi CD (Wind) CD (Snow) Cts Cm Ct Wood Adjustment Factors: 1.60 1.15 1.03 1.00 1.00 CL CF Cfu O Cr 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.15 PV Tributary Width, Ww = 2.75 ft PV Tributary Length, Lpv - 4.0 ft PV Tributary Area, At = 11.0 ft' PV Dead Point load, PD = Ppvx At = 29 lb Roof Distributed Load, wDL 14 pIf Load Case: 0.60L+0.6W (CD =1.6 Roof Zone = 1 Pup =PnetxAt+0.6xPDxCOS(0) = 133 lb Mb(vnnd_up) = 467 lb -ft W(wind)= Fb xCD xCLs xCM xQ xCLxCF xCfu XO xCr = 1990 psi Mallowabte = Sx x FV (wind) = 2179 Ib -ft > 467 OK Load Case: DL+0.6W ICD -1.6 Pdewn= Pre xAt+PDxCos(0) = 171 lb Mb(wlnd down) = 1409 Ib -ft Fb' (wind) - Fb xCD xCls xCM xCt xQxCF xCFu xO xQ 1990 psi Mallowable = Sx x Fb' (xnrM) w 2179 Ib -ft > 1409 OK Load Case:. DL+0.75(0.6W)+0.755 (CD =1.6 Roof Snow Distributed Load, wSL - 36 pIf Psnow - Ps x At 169 16 MNWnd_smw) - 191816 -ft Fb'Wnd)= Fb xCD xCts xCM xQ xCL xCF xCfu xQ xQ = 1990 psi MAi.we = Sx x Fb' (snow) = 2179 Ib -ft > 1918 OK Load Case: DL+5 (CD =1.15) Roof Snow Distributed Load, wSL - 36 pif Psnow=Pix At = 16916 Mb(snow) - 1560 lb -ft Fb'(snow)=FbxCD%OsxCM%Q%QXCF%CfuxOXQ = 1430 psi M.Howable=Sx x Fb'(snow) a 1566 lb -ft > 1560 OK 133 Technology Dr., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 1 P 949.393.0993 Rafter Attachments: 0.6D+0.6W (Zone 21 Engineer: SVL Date: 11/22/2017 Job:221R-051SHAW Address: 51 Winter Street Yarmouth, MA, 02675 4of4 Puplin = At x Pnet = 162 Ib Connector Uplift Capcity per SnapNRack Test Results = 500 lb > 162 OK 5/16" Lag Screw Withdrawl Value = 205 Ib/In Table 11.2A- NDS Lag Screw Penetration 2.5 In Allowable Capacity with Co 820 Ib > 162 OK Seismic Check: 7bmcrease=lwmsel+wamyi/wmtal = 36266 0100%-100% = 4.17%•" 34816 ••The Increase in weight as a result of the solar system is less than 10%of the existing structure and therefore no further seismic analysis Is required. Limits of Scope of Work and Liability We have based our structural capacity determination on applicable building codes, professional engineering Inspection and design experience, opinions and judgments. The calculations produced for this dwelling's assessment are only for the proposed solar panel Installation referenced In the stamped plan set and were made according to generally recognized structural anlaysis standards and procedures. 133 Technology Dr., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 1 P 949.393.0993 Existing Dead Load: Solar Dead Load: Arooralsthg = 2048 fta Wpanel = 42 Ib Wroorexwng = 16384 lb Numpanel - 28 Awallexlsting a 1536 ftg Wpaeel—tot - 1176 Ib WwAle)dsung = 18432 Ib Wbw = 274 lb Wmtal = 34816 lb Wamy = 1450 lb 7bmcrease=lwmsel+wamyi/wmtal = 36266 0100%-100% = 4.17%•" 34816 ••The Increase in weight as a result of the solar system is less than 10%of the existing structure and therefore no further seismic analysis Is required. Limits of Scope of Work and Liability We have based our structural capacity determination on applicable building codes, professional engineering Inspection and design experience, opinions and judgments. The calculations produced for this dwelling's assessment are only for the proposed solar panel Installation referenced In the stamped plan set and were made according to generally recognized structural anlaysis standards and procedures. 133 Technology Dr., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 1 P 949.393.0993 .1 -- . - bC.), e;° y TOWN 46 ROUTE BOF , SOUTH YYARMOUTARMOUTH, MA IH _ `-�'- Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 -Fax (508) 398-0836 RECEIVED OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMI ITEEDEC 20 2011 APPLICATION FOR I YAKIVIUUIH CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS OLD KINGS HIGF Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 6 COPIES OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Appiv: Indicate type of Building: Commercial ✓ Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: _New Building _Shed Solar Panels _Other: _ _Addition _Alterations _Reroof_Garage 2) Exterior Painting: _Siding _Shutters- _Doors Trim _Other: 3) Signs/Billboards: _ New Sign _ Change to Existing Sign JAN 0 9 2018 4) Miscellaneous Structures: _Fence _Wall _Flagpole _Pool _Other: rnt"mr ...- Please type or print legibly: SOUTH Y� U H MA Address of proposed work: rJ I (til A t2✓ ST. Map/Lot # / 3 a 7 x RECEIVED Owner(s): All ar or Phone #: owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: Jr 1 Qiwrei-S� Year built: Email: Ma 2cr m vr$ (0SV 1 el r' -Vol , L D ✓11 Preferred notification method: Phone _�LEmail Email Descriptiofi of Proposed Work: Agent/contractor.rvn / / / .S7eDN t�1 A. Kell Phone #: c% J 9^ M7-6Yz3 Mailing Address: Email: 1"7a Z/C/MJTS Co Sarnnvn. G0ol Preferred notification method: Phone Email Descriptiofi of Proposed Work: InSra/&,r,on 0r 4n 14,rcrrannacTeU/ I-av'rto soJ01410-3.5f&^41?ancds 1 are, /Ota'�r'd Ort roc rear Ord 0 /tays4 /3/�cck Signed( wner or agent)_ Z�/)ane/s 33p w,� �lamr 9.zYkwaG Alack ;raw,es, Date: 12,.14.2-017 > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required fr6m the Building Departrpent (Check other departments, also.) > If application is approved, approval is subject to a 10 -day appeal period required by the AcL > This certificate Is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. > All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: 47. Amount Cash/K #� '?.2P 135/ Rcvd by. 491V 45 Days: Date Signed: /V Z d/'9� Approved Reason for Denial: Signed: L _Approved with _Modifications _Denied JAN 0 u nn iJIVuJ / g' -6o0 % 12120151 APPLICATION #: ,..__.. .. y SITE PLAN - SCALE = 3132" =1'-0" 7 T I MP IF C^1I SITE PLAN DETAIL - SCALE = 31128" = IT" PITCH p PL -- PL -- AR -01 30° d Pi. ---- �\ I PL - R _MINI JAN 0 2T3 DEC 2 4 2017 YP,Rti",�,,rH I rtA OLD KING S- HGF GINLONG 2:2 RAPID 'DOWN DISCONNECT RECEIVED JAN Q 9 2018 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA (N) (1) GINLONG 1:1 RAPID SHUTDOWN DISCONNECT site Energy you consume (kWh) -ate-= Solar energy you'll produce (kWh) x Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec on the final up see � �2 Energy you consume (kWh) -ate-= Solar energy you'll produce (kWh) x Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec on the final up see I, I LWe'G Gd YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY RECEIVED LG NeON~2 aa,. jAIV 09201$ sou TH y N CLERK " LG's new module, LG NeCH 2, adopts Cello technology. ARMOUTH Mq Cello technology replaces 3 busbars with 12 thin wires to enhance power output and reliability. LG NeC" 2 pVE 60 cell demonstrates LG's efforts to increase customers values beyond efficiency. It features enhanced warranty, durability, performance under real environment and aesthetic design suitable for roofs. Enhanced Performance Warranty O� High Power Output E LG Ne0Nmx 2 has an enhanced performance warranty Compared with previous models, the LG NeONn" 2 I The annual degradation has fallen from -0.6%/yr to has been designed to significantly enhance its output 1-0.66%/yr. Even after 25 years, the cell guarantees 1.24'opNefficiency, thereby making it efficient even in limited space. more output than the previous LG NeON'ra 2 modules. Aesthetic Roof, Outstanding Durability LG NeON— 2 has been designed with aesthetics in mind; a.n With its newly reinforced frame design, LG has extended thinner wires that appear all black at a distance. the warranty of the LG NeON'aa 2 for an additional The product may help increase the value of 2 years. Additionally, LG NeONn" 2 can endure a front a property with its modem design. load tip to 6000 Pa and a rear load up to 5400 Pa •0e L,a Better Performance on a Sunny Day .'� Double -Sided Cell Structure LG NeON'" 2 now performs better on sunny days thanks The rear of the cell used in LG NeON"a 2 will contribute to to its improved temperature coefficiency generation, just like the front the light beam reflected from the rear of the module is reabsorbed to generate a great amount of additional power. ^ About LG Electronics LG Electronics is a global player who has been committed to expanding Its capacity, based on solar anergy business as its future growth engine. We embarked on a solar energy source research program In 1985, supported by LG Group's rich experience in semi-conducto, LCD, chemistry, and materials industry We successfully released the first Mono Xa series to the market In 2010, which were exported to 32 countries in the fallowing 2 years, thereafter. In 2013, LG NeoNTM (previously brown as Mono xe NenN) won'Intersolar Award' which prnced LG is the leader of Innovation in the industry. LG NeON 2 Mechanical Properties Cells 6.70 Cell Vendor LG Cell Type Monocrystalline I Wtype Cell Dimensions 161.7 x 161.7 mm / 6 inches e of Busbar 12 (Multi Wire Bulbar) Dimensions (L x W x H) 1686x1016x40mm. 66.38 x 40 x 1.57 inch' -s- Front Load 6000Pa - RearLoad - 5400Pa 'r Weight 18 kg Connector Type MC4 Junction Box IP68 with 3 Bypass Diodes Cables 1000 mm x 2 ea Glass High Transmission Tempered Glass Frame Anodized Aluminium Certifications and Warranty Certifications IEC 61215, IEC 61730-1 /-2 UL 1703 IEC 61701 (Salt mist corrosion test) IEC 62716 (Ammonia corrosion test) ISO 9001 Module Fire Performance (USA) Type 1 Fire Rating (CANADA) C" C (ULC / ORD 01703) Product Warranty 12 years Output Warranty of Pmax Linear warranty" `• 1) to year'.98X 2) Aher 1Nymr:G55%anW drVtletion 3) 25 ream US% Temperature Characteristics NOCT 45 * 3 •C Pmpp -0.37%rC Voc -0.27%fC Isc 0.03 %/•C Characteristic Curves x LG330NlC-AS Maximum Pow" (Posts) 330 MPP Voltage (Vmpp) 33.7 icoca 9.8 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) _� short circuit current(Isc) 10.45 Module Efficiency .._.__. ............... Operating Temperature nr� Maximum System Voltage 1,000 Maximum Series Fuse Rating 20 24 n Q LG Life, Goad North America Solar Business Team W Electronics USA Inc 1000 Syban Ave, Ergiewood Cliffs. M 07632 Contact IgmLar@Ige.com wew.19w1 rosamm Electrical Properties (STC *) Module LG330NlC-AS Maximum Pow" (Posts) 330 MPP Voltage (Vmpp) 33.7 MPP current (ImpP) 9.8 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 40.9 short circuit current(Isc) 10.45 Module Efficiency 19.3 Operating Temperature -40-+90 Maximum System Voltage 1,000 Maximum Series Fuse Rating 20 Power Tolerance (%) - 0-.3 •5tt(v,m.eTm Cmertxnkt*atirxa 1}I00 W/m'.Amtient rmpneture25Y 15 •Thenannmige &,.rmt ene,a ad En•mined by LG El10rww.tx .2,M abvitte timvim •rMTygral dwge a nedh elrxSnxY! IOeW/m� nrelrtnn to 1000W/m2 s.2mi. Electrical Properties (NOCT*) Module LG330NlC-A5 Maximum Power (Piles) 243 MPP Vohs (V ) 312 MPP Current (IMPp) 7.81 Open Circuit Vohs (V ) 38.1 Short Circuit Current list) 8.41 • NGLT (Iaanwvl Gpenuiq G4 iemperuvel traE�s<ea00w/m', anAMx unpnature zo't, vnM sped IMr Dimensions (mm/in) eb m Product specifications are subject to charge without write. Copynght 02017 W Electromm. All rights reserved, trmationforallemrlife 01/01/2017 "i The SnapNrack line of solar mounting solutions is designed to reduce total installation costs. The system's technical innovations have been proven to drive down costs and improve installation quality on more than 350 MW of solar installations. Pitched Roof Arrays Simplified The SnapNrack Series 100 UL Roof Mount System is an efficient, visually appealing, photovoltaic (PV) module installation system. Series 100 UL is Listed to the UL Standard 2703 for Bonding, meaning that all system components have been Certified by UL for electrical continuity, eliminating the need for additional grounding hardware. The System's components provide an adequate bonding path which has eliminated the need for grounding lugs and washers at each module, and bonding jumpers between splices. The UL 2703 Listing ensures that SnapNrack partners can provide the best in class installations in quality, safety, and efficiency. • All bonding hardware is fully integrated into the components • No grounding lugs required for modules • Rail splices bond rails together, no rail jumpers required • Proprietary SnapNrack grounding lug snaps In the rail channel, no drilling of rail or reaching for other tools required (One Lug per individual row of modules) • Class A Fire Rating Type 1 and 2 modules Patent Pending I r h -D JF, P; 0 20„ Roof System in 4 Simple Steps: I 1) Go to the online Series 100 Configuration Tool (configure.snapnrack.com) and select "Yes” for UL 2703 Listed I 2) Identify Site Conditions (Array Tilt, Building Height, Roof Type, Wind and Snow Loads) 3) Build array in the online Configuration Tool and automatically generate a Bill of Materials. 4) Place order with your distributor. Purchase i material for a single roject or order in bulk for additional savingKECEIVED JAN 0 P 2018 j _ TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA UL LISTED PV Mounting System 2703 \� SnapNrack Bonding ' SnapNrack Adjustable End ��–� Bontling Clamp Top Mid Clamp' SnapNrack Bontling Sre DNrack Atljustable Entl Bonding Clamp Bottom Channel Nut SnapNrack lag SnapNrack Bonding Adjustable Endnd Clamp _ Mid Clamp Insert Stainless Hardware with Split -Lock Washers SnapNrack Bonding Standard Rall Splice SnapNrack Bonding Standoff Clamp Assembly SnapNrack Rubber Rain Collar SnapNrack Mill Finish Standoff SnapNrack Mill Finish Standoff Base (1 -Hole Base Shown) .SnapNrack Bonding – Standoff Assembly Serrated Stainless492 SnapNrack Steel Flange Nut Bonding Channel Serrated StainlessNut • Galvanized Steel and Aluminum Flashing Steel Flange BoltSnapNrack • Clear and black anodized aluminum Degree L Foot rack Ig SnapNrack Bonding L Foot Bass with Flashing Channel Nut Stainless WNut Stainless Fla Flange Bolt All Stainless Channel Nut Bol[ with Split Lock Washer SnapNrack Ground Lug 10-6 AWG Copper Wire - SmpNrack Gmund Lug Assembly (ONE REQUIRED PER ROW OF MODULES) Metal Roof Base Assembly SnapNrack Metal _ Roof Base with Bonding L Foot SnapNrack Bonding Universal End Clamp (UEC) Wave —1 i LIEC Pull Strap :C Wedge 1– Stainless Steel Bolt with Flat Washer SmpNrack Bonding Universal End Clamp Snap' rack- - :-r ;ifs? f'l:)i111C)i1� $u1ilJS7f1> (877) 732-2860 www.SnapNrack.com C Printed on recycled paper using soy based inks, 0 2015 by SnapNrack PV Mounting System. All rights reserved . • s s s . Materials a 6000 Series aluminum • Stainless steel • Galvanized Steel and Aluminum Flashing Material Finish • Clear and black anodized aluminum • Mill Finish on select components Installation • Quick and efficient mounting • Adjustable hardware to ensure clean and level finish • All components bonded to ground with integrated bonding features Calcs. & Certifications • Listed to UL Standard 2703 for Grounding/Bonding and Fire Classification • Class A Fire Rating Type 1 and Type 2 Modules • Stamped Structural Engineering Reports for all 50 States Grounding a SnapNrack Grounding Lug (One Lug per individual row of modules) Warranty • 10 Year material and worksmanship (download full details at snapnrack com) Snap' rack- - :-r ;ifs? f'l:)i111C)i1� $u1ilJS7f1> (877) 732-2860 www.SnapNrack.com C Printed on recycled paper using soy based inks, 0 2015 by SnapNrack PV Mounting System. All rights reserved solar, =oo "FC 2(120,7 ra = AKM6dTH RIM . IING'S HIGHWAY SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters o For North America R" SE3000A-US / SE3800A-US / SE5000A-US / SE6000A-US / SE7600A-US / SE1000OA-US / SE1140OA-US ' :225 4 e es I r a The best choice for SolarEdge enabled systems or Integrated arc fault protection for NEC 2011690.11 compliance - Rapid shutdown for NEC 2014 690.12 — Superior efficiency (98%) J"' I © 3r ("a — Small, lightweight and easy to install on provided bracket RECEIVED G — Built-in module -level monitoringy I�pJ I H — Internet connection through Ethernet or Wireless JAN 0 g 2018 - outdoor and indoor installation — Fixed voltage inverter, DC/AC conversion only TOWN CLERK — Pre -assembled Safety Switch for faster installation SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA —Optional —revenue grade data, ANSI C32.20 USA - GERMANY - ITALY - FRANCE -JAPAN.-CHINA - AUSTRALIA - THE NETHERLANDS -UN - ISRAEL WWW.sDIaredge,J.}'7./� Utility Monitoring, lslanding_ Protection, Country Configurable Thresholds Yes 3/4' minimum /8-3 AWI M P) so I a r o o Single Phase Inverters for North America AWG ran8?............... .............. . ................................................................................... }4:6 AWG ............. ....... SE3000A-US/SE380OA-US/SE500DA-US/SE6000A-US/ Maximum DC Power(STC) ........... 4050 SE7600A- US/ SE1000OA-US/SE11400A-US 6750 8100 10250 - SE3000A-US I SE3800A-US SESODOA-US I SE6000A-US SE76GOA-US SE100WA-US I SE2140OA-US Transformer less, Ungrounded .................... ........ OUTPUT Yes convection Nominal AC Power Output 3000 3800 5000 6000 7600 9980 @ 208V 11400 VA .............................................................................. I ....................... I............................. 50000,@240V.... Nom. DC Input Voltage .............. .................................. Max. AC Power Output 3300 4150 5400 @ 208V 6000 8350 10800 @ 208V 12000 VA .....................................................................:.....5450 Max. Input Lurrentl? Q�,240V... 240V. 10950,�a ............................. AC Output Voltage Min: Nom:Max.lu ..........................9.5......1......13......1.15;5,@240V..I......18......1.......23.......1.305@ ! J 183-208-229 Vac .......................................... ................................. .......... arra. . ................ AC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Maz.m Adc ............... ............................................... Yes J ! J ! ! J ! Ground -Fault Isolation Detection 211-240-264 Vac - 600ko SensitivitK ............................................... ............................................. AC Frequency Min. Nom: Max!u I............. ............... ................. ................ 59.3-60-60.5 ................ ............ ...... .................. ....... a r r a Hz Max. Continuous Output Current 125';... 24 @ 208V 16 25 - . 48 @ 208V 975 ............. ............ . Z1 240V ..............�.......................... 32 42 240V,,, -.....475..- arra.. .....� .A.-.. GFDI Threshold 1 98. @.240V...................................975 A Utility Monitoring, lslanding_ Protection, Country Configurable Thresholds Yes 3/4' minimum /8-3 AWI Yes INPUT - .........---,ring 3/4'minimum/1-3 string AWG ran8?............... .............. . ................................................................................... }4:6 AWG ............. ....... Dimensions with Safety Switch 30.Sx12.5x7.2/775x315..184 Maximum DC Power(STC) ........... 4050 5100 6750 8100 10250 13500 ............................................... 15350 W Transformer less, Ungrounded .................... ........ ............................................................................................ Yes convection Cooling Natural Convection Maze Input Volta.&? ...................... ........................................ - ................. 5�-......... ............................................................ I ....................... .... ...... arra. Vdc Nom. DC Input Voltage .............. .................................. Noise < 25 ...................................................... 325 @ 208V ( 350 @ 240V ------------------ .........arra................. ............ ................... -.-..------- Min. Max. Operating Temperature -13 to+140/ 25 to+60(-40 to+60 version available"') Ran e 6.. .....................................................................................................................................:.......... Protection Rating ionli3R ......................................................... Vdc Max. Input Lurrentl? ..................................arra-.NEMA .................................................. W Eorother rtyional fellings Plea. conbasolarlidOe ruepon. INA hkher.I.Msourte roti WNed: the Rnener,Nilllimn blr Ort,eM mthewlues dated. mRMrNe R.tla Inverter P/N: SExm,1-U5000NNR2 Iror 760]W inv diir:M760M UWDZNNR2). ..........................9.5......1......13......1.15;5,@240V..I......18......1.......23.......1.305@ ? !..I.............. I......A..... Max.lnput Short Circuit Current ......arse ...............................................:...................................................................................................................... 45 Adc Reverse-PolarR Protection Yes Ground -Fault Isolation Detection - 600ko SensitivitK ............................................... Maximum Inverter Efficiency 977 98.2 98.3 98.3 98 98 98 X CEC Weighted Efficiency 975 98 @ 208V 97 97.5 97.5 97 @ 208V 97.5 % ................. ...:arra 98. @.240V...................................975 J? 240V......................... Ni httime Power Consum non 12.5 c4 W ADDITIONAL FEATURES Su ported Communication Interlaces P.........................................................................................................g....... R.S48.5, RS232, Ethernet, Zi Bee (o tional P.......1.........:....................................... Revenue Grade Data, ANSI C12.20 ............. ................-.......................................... .................................................................. Rapid Shutdown—NECC 2014690.12Optional'-) 2014 Yes STANDARD COMPLIANCE - Safety . .......................................... UL3741, UL1741 SA, UL3699Br UL1998, CSA 22.2 ............................................. Grid Connection Standards onne.........ndar ....................................................................................... IEEE1547 Emissions ................................................................... KC part15 class B INSTALLATION SPECI FICATIONS AC outputconduit size/AWGrange, 3/4"minimum /16-6 AWG 3/4' minimum /8-3 AWI .....-...--aria.-....................... DC input conduit size/pof strings/ 3/4" minimum / 1-2 strings/ 16-6 AWG .........---,ring 3/4'minimum/1-3 string AWG ran8?............... .............. . ................................................................................... }4:6 AWG ............. ....... Dimensions with Safety Switch 30.Sx12.5x7.2/775x315..184 30.5 x 12.5 x 10.5 / „HZWxO � ......)...... ........ .:........................ ...................... 775.X.3.1.5. x 260 Wei htwith Safe Switch 51.2/23.2 54:7 24.7 g.............R...................... ............... /..-...........--.-...... .. 88:4 40.1 (.......... ' Natural convection Cooling Natural Convection and internal Fans (user replaceable) - fan (user .................................................. P., ........ ...................... ....................... arra re laceable Noise < 25 ...................................................... < 50 ------------------ .........arra................. ............ ................... -.-..------- Min. Max. Operating Temperature -13 to+140/ 25 to+60(-40 to+60 version available"') Ran e 6.. .....................................................................................................................................:.......... Protection Rating ionli3R ......................................................... ..................................arra-.NEMA .................................................. W Eorother rtyional fellings Plea. conbasolarlidOe ruepon. INA hkher.I.Msourte roti WNed: the Rnener,Nilllimn blr Ort,eM mthewlues dated. mRMrNe R.tla Inverter P/N: SExm,1-U5000NNR2 Iror 760]W inv diir:M760M UWDZNNR2). IN 40.e ion PIN: $E-UWNNNW (rfor 76N)W Mertrr:5E760"$IV2NNW). _ 19) �ISUf15PEC . 4 1 SITE PLAN - SCALE = 3132" =1'-0" pAC—I I MP IC^71 SITE PLAN DETAIL - SCALE = 31128" =1'0" PITCH E AR -01 30 - PL �� a PL .. -� PI P. — a---------_ a —� j a REG !E DEC 2 0 YARMOOLD KING'S GINLONG 2:2 RAPID [AH0 3 ZO'3 sunr�DOWN DISCONNECT 5 HIOH1"JAY #180120 RECEIVEDMFORESf Si PEE .MM RW �REeees6l. V FM M.M.SMI JAN D g 2018 CUSTOMER RESIDENC TOWN CLERK WILLIAM A SHAW SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 51 WINTER STREET, VAD\AnilYU WAA noR7 (N) (1) GINLONG 1:1 RAPID SHUTDOWN DISCONNECT �q'Gpn W W Lu F SCOPE OF WORK GENERAL NOTES LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE # DESCRIPTION • SYSTEM SIZE: 9240W DC, 9000W AC • ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH 2017 NEC, 2009 IBC, MUNICIPAL CODE, AND SE SERVICE ENTRANCE SOLAR MODULES PV -1.0 COVER SHEET • MODULES: (28) LG ELECTRONICS: LG330N1 C -A5 ALL MANUFACTURERS' LISTINGS AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. N A RAIL PV • INVERTER(S): • PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WILL COMPLY WITH 2017 NEC. -2.0 SITE PLAN PV -3.0 LAYOUT (1) NINGBO GINLONG TECHNOLOGIES: SOLIS-1 P9K-4G-US • ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUNDING WILL COMPLY WITH 2017 NEC.Mp MAIN PANEL • RACKING: SNAPNRACK SERIES 100 UL; FLASHED L FOOT. • PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM IS UNGROUNDED. NO CONDUCTORS ARE SOLIDLY SEE PEN DOL GROUNDED IN THE INVERTER. — PV 4.0 ELECTRICAL • (1) GINLONG SOLIS RSD -1G 1:1 RAPID SHUTDOWN • MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703. SP SUB -PANEL STANDOFFS & PV -5.0 SIGNAGE • (1) GINLONG SOLIS RSD -1G 2:2 RAPID SHUTDOWN • INVERTER CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 1741. RACKING CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 2703. ® FOOTINGS • CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN TO PLACE CONDUIT RUN PER 690.31(G). CHIMNEY LC PV LOAD CENTER • ARRAY DC CONDUCTORS ARE SIZED FOR DERATED CURRENT. • 10.45 AMPS MODULE SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT. Q ATTIC VENT • 16.32 AMPS DERATED SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT [690.8 (a) & 690.8 (b)]. SM SUNRUN METER Q FLUSH ATTIC VENT PM DEDICATED PV METER o PVC PIPE VENT INVERTER(S) WITH INV INTEGRATED DC ® METAL PIPE VENT DISCONNECT AND AFCI ® T -VENT ' C AC DISCONNECT(S) SATELLITE DISH 0 DC DISCONNECT(S) FIRE SETBACKS o- -0 COMBINER BOX HARDSCAPE LE jj INTERIOR EQUIPMENT — PL— PROPERTY LINE L[ J SHOWN AS DASHED s u n r u n SCALE: NTS A AMPERE AC ALTERNATING CURRENT AFCI ARC FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER AZIM AZIMUTH #180120 VICINITY MAP COMP COMPOSITION DC (E) DIRECT CURRENT EXISTING T0/FOREV MM , MARL80R0WH, MA 01152 FHONEO M M27 FA W.M.Pl01 7� EXT EXTERIOR CUSTOMER RESIDENCE: - FRM FRAMING INT INTERIOR WILLIAM A SHAW Q ¢ u L1 LBW LOAD BEARING WALL 51 WINTER STREET, MAG MAGNETIC YARMOUTH, MA, 02675 r - 3 MSP MAIN SERVICE PANEL TEL. (508)744768APNi:— (N) NEW .� NTS NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NUMBER: � �_} I is OC ON CENTER 221R-051 SHAW l i1'1LxI - PRE -FAB PRE -FABRICATED DESIGNER: 303-942-2532 PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT L PV PHOTOVOLTAIC ALEX MAYHER 51 Winter St TL TRANSFORMERLESS Barnstable, MA 02601 TYP TYPICAL DRAFTER: U V VOLTS ALEX MAYHER o- W WATTS SHEET REV NAME DATE COMMENTS COVER SHEET ; n � 9�Y5 4 A REV: A 1120/2017 eP Cv � luJ'lf L _.E"f C SY'J,4S PAGE PV -1.0 , f uv�lyu orgy mange oasea on a detailed engineering site audit. Actual system. rebates system location, local climate, and family's consult your one rgy usage. Dopendin g��m/ and httos• meo r a -s Intlans o drttanf/� on the how SR cs pro uced �gLw ,y our systam will be If aatea. weut bwiiun, Uc. Alllrighu a� reserve C o n` z m m o0 /,� �� e r J •{ A C (ZIM 1 7C _o .. Co D 1400 Energy you consume (kWh)-•= Solar energy you'll produce (kWh) 1200 1000 800,• coo a 400 200 - 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May. Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec will vary based on the final Ti is located. vaur SVRtP.m n see /,� �� e r J •{ v r' 7/ see , s s a LG Life's Good LG NeON"2 LG's new module, LG NeON"' 2, adopts Cello technology. Cello technology replaces 3 busbars with 12 thin wires 60 cell to enhance power output and reliability. LG NeC) " 2 demonstrates LG's efforts to increase customers values beyond efficiency. It features enhanced warranty, durability, performance under real environment, and aesthetic design suitable for roofs. DEC 2 0 2017 JAtI0 2r;J T o,puwn five � DVE cI w q&L -rn. D JAN n o 2o18 TOWki CLERK SOUTHYATH, MRMOU Enhanced Performance Warranty QA High Power Output A LG WON- 2 has an enhanced performance warranty. I . `1 Compared with previous models, the LG NeON" 2 The annual degradation has fallen from-0.6%/yr to i ! has been designed to significantly enhance its output -0.55%/yr. Even after 25 years, the cell guarantees 1.2%p i efficiency, thereby making it efficient even in limited spacer more output than the previous LG NeCiNra 2 modules. _ .. Aesthetic Roof Outstanding Durability LG NeOM" 2 has been designed with aesthetics in mind; With its newly reinforced frame design, LG has extended { thinner wires that appear all black at a distance. the warranty of the LG WON— 2 for an additional The product may help Increase the value of 2 years. Additionally, LG NeONTM 2 can endure a front a property with its modem design. load up to 6000 Pa and a rear load up to 5400 Pa Lf Better Performance on a Sunny Day Double -Sided Cell Structure wLG Nel)" 2 now performs better on sunny days thanks The rear of the cell used in LG NeONTM 2 will contribute to to its improved temperature coefficiency. N generation, just like the front the fight beam reflected from the may of the module is reabsorbed to generate a great amount of additional power. About LG Electronics LG Electronics is a global player who has been committed to expanding its capacity, based on spiv energy business as Its future growth engine. We embarked on a solar energy source research program in 1985, supported by LG Group's nch experience in semiconductor, LCD, chemistry, and materials industry, We successfully released the JIM Mono Xe series to the market In 2010, which were exported! to 32 countries In the following 2 years, thereafter. In 2013, LG NeON"' (prewlously known as Mono Xe NeON) won'Intersolar Award; which proved LG is the leader of Innovation in the industry. LG NeON 2 Mechanical Properties Cells 6x10 Cell VerMor LG Cell Typei.. Monoaystalline/N-type Cell Dimensions `I - 3 161.7 .161.7 mm / 6 inches . of Busbar 12 (Multi Wire Busbar) Dimensim{(L x W x H), s�;, 1686 x 1016 x 40 mm 66.38 x40x 1.57inch Front Load 6000Pa Rear Load 540O1a Weight - 18 kg Connector Type MC4 Junction Box IP68 with 3 Bypass Diodes Cables 1000 mm x 2 ea Glass '. High Transmission Tempered Glass t.. --Frame Anodized Aluminium Certifications and Warranty Certificatioas IEC 61215, IEC 61730-1 /-2 UL 1703 IEC 61701 (Salt mist corrosion test) IEC 62716 (Ammonia corrosion test) ISD 9001 Module Fire Performance (USA) Type 1 Fire Rating (CANADA) ClassC (ULC / ORD Cl703) Product Warranty 12 years Output Warr" of Amax Lkwarwarrdnty- 1)1nye Aft 3)M!W 2wy :05s%amid degadmwn 3) 25yeas'.848% Temperature Characteristics NOCT 45 t 3 IC P -PP -037-ArC Voc -0.27%PC Isc 0.03 %PC Characteristic Curves s 10 s V 6 X tm � tro +0 a Q LG North Amerra Solar Business Team LG Elecoonxs USA Inc V1s Good 1000 Sylvan Ave, Englewood Cliffs, W 07632 Contact Igsd @Nge.. wwwlgsolarusamm M -lmgvmirt Rl Electrical Properties (STC e) LG33ON1C-AS Maximum Power(Pmax) 330 MPP Voltage(Vmpp) 33.7 MPP Curterm(Impp) 9.8 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 40.9 Short Circuit Current (15c) 10.45 Module Efficiency 19.3 Operating Temperature -40--90 Maximum System Voltage - 1,000 Maximum Series Fuse Rating 20 Power Tolerance (%) 0-.3 •STC&A dTe Cw6tl ): lrrtl'care l.onew)m',ambieml.mperawn 25 Y, PA11.5 •Pvl.eplr®p4wm.W a measured eM demrmud by LG Ela -.a rts Soo aM abs4Lledmelwn. •The Typ dtl mnoule e(fitlercy a 20PN/m' m nsawnte 1000NIm2 a -20X Electrical Properties (NOCTe) Module LG330NIC-AS Maximum Power (Pmax) 243 MPP Voltage(Vmpp) - 31.2 MPP Curre t QmpP) 7.81 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 38.1 Short Circuit Current (Isc) 8.41 N (Nvr.WOW., COY Tmnperamel yndaee 90001W.. 20' a speed IW, Dimensions (mm/in) Product specifications are subject to charge without notlm. Copyright O 2017 LG Elearonxc All rights reserved. kmnexxi for a Betty UN 01/01/2017 Nd 4 The SnapNrack line of solar mounting solutions is designed to reduce total installation costs. The system's technical innovations have been proven to drive down costs and improve installation quality on more than 350 MW of solar installations. Pitched Roof Arrays Simplified The SnapNrack Series 100 UL Roof Mount System is an efficient, visually appealing, photovoltaic (PV) module installation system. Series 100 UL is Listed to the UL Standard 2703 for Bonding, meaning that all system components have been Certified by UL for electrical continuity, eliminating the need for additional grounding hardware. The System's components provide an adequate bonding path which has eliminated the need for grounding lugs and washers at each module, and bonding jumpers between splices. The UL 2703 Listing ensures that SnapNrack partners can provide the best in class installations in quality, safety, and efficiency. • All bonding hardware is fully integrated into the components • No grounding lugs required for modules • Rail splices bond rails together, no rail jumpers required • Proprietary SnapNrack grounding lug snaps In the rail channel, no drilling of rail or reaching for other tools J li C 2M ly RECEIVED JAN UqY, SOUTH YAN��.�ERK Roof System in 4 Simple Steps: 1) Go to the online Series 100 Configuration Tool (configure.snapnrack.com) and select "Yes" for UL 2703 Listed 2) Identify Site Conditions (Array Tilt, Building Height, Roof Type, Wind and Snow Loads) 3) Build array in the online Configuration Tool and automatically generate a Bill of Materials. 4) Place order with your distributor. Purchase material for a single project or order in bulk for additional savings required (One Lug per individual row of modules) • Class A Fire Rating Type 1 and 2 modules !/` LISTED r7 PV Mounting System Patent Pending 2703 ,�i i Roof System in 4 Simple Steps: 1) Go to the online Series 100 Configuration Tool (configure.snapnrack.com) and select "Yes" for UL 2703 Listed 2) Identify Site Conditions (Array Tilt, Building Height, Roof Type, Wind and Snow Loads) 3) Build array in the online Configuration Tool and automatically generate a Bill of Materials. 4) Place order with your distributor. Purchase material for a single project or order in bulk for additional savings required (One Lug per individual row of modules) • Class A Fire Rating Type 1 and 2 modules !/` LISTED r7 PV Mounting System Patent Pending 2703 ,�i Stainless BOIt with Bolt with Split - Split -Lock Washer Lock Washer SnapNrack Bonding • 6000 Series aluminum Adjustable End SnapNrack Clamp Top Bonding Mid Clamp Snap lracktable Bonding ���///"' SnapNrack Adjustable End Bonding Clamp Bottom � Char Channel Nut SnapNrack Bonding • Adjustable hardware to ensure clean and level finish SnaDNrack Adjustable End Clamp. Bonding Calcs. & Certifications Mid Clamp a" f J i rr e • SnapNrack Grounding Lug (One Lug per individual row of modules) Warranty • 10 Year material and worksmanship (download full details at snapnrack.com) i a i 1� rj rack Bonding Insert SnapNrack Bonding Standard Rall Splice Rail StainlessChannell Bolt with Split Lock Washer SnapNrack Ground Lug 10-6 AWG Copper Wire SnapNrack Ground Lug Assembly (ONE REQUIRED PER ROW OF MODULES) SnapNrack / Bonding Standoff Clamp Assembly SnapNrack Serrated Stainless SnapNrack SnapNrack Bonding Rubber Steel Flange Nut Bonding Channel N Channel Stainless Rain CollarChannel Stainless Nut Flange Nut Steel Flange Bol[ SnapNrack Stainless SnapNrack 92 Degree Flange Mill Finish L Foot Bolt Standoff ""o SnapNrack SnapNrack All Purpose Mill Finish L Foot Standoff SnapNrack Bass Cl -Hole SnapNrack SnapNrack Metal Roof Base Shown) Mill Finish L Foo[ Base Assembly L Foot Base Flashing ..SnapNrack Bonding SnapNrack Bonding SnapNrack Metal _ Standoff AssemblyI Roof Base with L Foot Baw with Flashing Bonding L Foot SnapNrack Bonding Universal End Clamp (UEC) Wave —_ UEC Pull Strap -C Wedge "Stainless Steel Bolt With Flat Washer SnapNrack Bonding Universal End Clamp Snapp" rack- ' Scar floun:in� S.^,lotion; (877) 732-2860 www.SnapNrack.com i • Q Printed on recycled paper using soy based inks 0 2015 by SnapNrack PV Mounting System. All rights reserved. Materials • 6000 Series aluminum • Stainless steel • Galvanized Steel and Aluminum Flashing Material Finish • Clear and black anodized aluminum • Mill Finish on select components Installation • Quick and efficient mounting • Adjustable hardware to ensure clean and level finish • All components bonded to ground with integrated bonding features Calcs. & Certifications • Listed to UL Standard 2703 for Grounding/Bonding and Fire Classification • Class A Fire Rating Type 1 and Type 2 Modules • Stamped Structural Engineering Reports for all 50 States Grounding • SnapNrack Grounding Lug (One Lug per individual row of modules) Warranty • 10 Year material and worksmanship (download full details at snapnrack.com) Snapp" rack- ' Scar floun:in� S.^,lotion; (877) 732-2860 www.SnapNrack.com i • Q Printed on recycled paper using soy based inks 0 2015 by SnapNrack PV Mounting System. All rights reserved. , s M 1 ECEi1e �0 solar o DEC 2 020 6°/! Ifum YARMOUT OLD KING'S HI IA�AY SolarEdge Single Phase Inve em ---- o For North America SE3000A-US / SE380OA-US / SE5000A-US / SE6000A-US / SE7600A-US / SE1000OA-US / SE1140OA-US r z The best choice for SolarEdge enabled systems Integrated arc fault protection for NEC 2011690.11 complianre, E�i���ED Rapid shutdown for NEC 2014 690.12 Superior efficiency (93%) ) "" — Small, lightweight and easy to install on provided bracket ,IAN (I p 2018 — Built-in module -level monitoring - Internet connection through Ethernet or Wireless TOWN CLERK J i t Outdoor and indoor installation SOUTH YARMOUTH, M — Fixed voltage inverter, DC/AC conversion only h Y v LTH — Pre -assembled Safety Switch for faster installation — Optional — revenue grade data, ANSI C12.20 USA - GERMANY - ITALY - FRANCE -JAPAN - CHINA -AUSTRALIA - THE NETHERLANDS - UK - ISRAEL WWW SOlaredge us 1�/X09 solar=ooSingle Phase Inverters for North America SE3000A-US/ SE380OA-US / S E5000A-US / SE6000A-US / SE760OA-US/SE10000A-US/SE11400A-US SE3000A-US I SE3800A-US I SESOOOA-US I SE6000A-US I SE760OA-US I SESOOOOA-US I SE1140OA-US OUTPUT . I 9980 @ 208V Nomura AC Power Output ....................................................... 3000 I ... 3800 ......... 5000 ...................................... 6000 760011400 .. ... -@240V. .................. 3/4' minimum / 1-2 strings/ 16-6 AWG VA ........... Max. AC Power Output 3300 4150 5400 @ 208V 6000 835010800 @ 208V 12000 VA ............................................................ ........... 30.5x12.5210.5/ Hx)W 5450 @�V... ...... .10950,@240V.............................. Wei&ht with Safety Switch -------------------512/23.2-----„--------.--„---,---,-54.7/24.7 .... AC Output Voltage Min: Nom: Max.l'I ................ 88.4/40.1 .................................. ! ! 183 - 208 - 229 Vac ................................................................................................................... Convection Cooling ....... .............................................. and internal Fans (user replaceable) AC Output Voltage Min: Nom.-Max.l11 R7 ! ! ! ✓ ! ! Feplaceable) 211-240-264 Vac ........................................... AC Fre9uency Min .Nom: Max.lu ............ ................ ............... ... .............. ................ ............. 59.3.60-60.5 ... .................. .................. .... .-..... Hz Max. Continuous Output Current..--.- 12.5.. 16. I,,,42 - ..I .-.-I. 21@240V,,,,,,,,,,25,,,,,.,I-,,,,,,3�,,,,,, @, 240V, -,I.-„--475..... .. .A .. GFDI Threshold .............................................................................................................................................................................. S A UtilityMonitorin Islandin Protection,Count Conti urable Thresholds Yes Yes INPUT Maximum KP 6050 5100 6750 8100 10250 13500 15350 W . Transformer -less, Ungrounded------.. -------------------------------------------„ Yes Maz. Input Voltage ................................................................................................................................................................................ 500Vdc Nom. DC lnPAVoltage-................ ..... ---------„---,-....... -- 325@208V(350@240V Vdc Max. Input Currentw 9.5 13 16.5 @ 208V 18 23 33 @ 208V 34.. Adc Max, Input Short Circuit Current ............................. 45 kc Reverse:PolarR Protection .......................................................... ....................................................................... Yes Ground -Fault Isolation Detection ........................................................................................................... 600kv Sensitivity ............................................... Maximum Inverter Efficiency 97.7 98.2 98.3 98.3 98 98 98 % . CEC Weighted Efficiency 97.5 98 97 @ 208V 97.5 97.5 97 @ 208V 97,5 % ........................................................................... 9.. @. $40V ................................... 97.5.@..240V. - ............ I ..... ........... Supported Communication Interfaces RS485, RS232, Ethernet, ZigBee (optional) Revenue G2de Data, ANSI C32.20 Optional' Rapid Shutdown — NEC 2014 690.12 STANDARD COMPLIANCE caret UL3741, UL3741 SA UL36998 UL3998, CSA 22.2 ridConne................................................E1541.,.................................................................. Grid Connection Standards IEEE3547 - Emissions FCC oart15 class B AC out ut conduit size/AWG ran a3/4"minimum P............................&............................ 16-6 AWG ........................................................ 3/4"minimum/8-3 AWG ........................ DC input conduit size / p of strings/ 3/4' minimum / 1-2 strings/ 16-6 AWG 3/4" minimum / 1-3 strings/ AWG rang? ............................. 14,,-6 AWG............ Dimensions with Safety Switch 30.5 z 12.5 z 7.2/ 775 z 315 x 184 ........... 30.5x12.5210.5/ Hx)W 77 2315x260 ................................... Wei&ht with Safety Switch -------------------512/23.2-----„--------.--„---,---,-54.7/24.7 .... ................ 88.4/40.1 .................................. Natural Convection Cooling Natural Convection and internal Fans (user replaceable) fan (user Feplaceable) ........................................................................................................................................................................... Noise <25 <50 dBA .............................................................................................................................................................................. Min: Max. Operating Temperature Range,,,,, -13 to +140 / -25 to +60 (-40 to +60 version available'^) 'F /'C ................................................................................................................................................................. ProtectionRating.............................................................................. NEMA3R........................................................ ........... ................... IY For olMr rtabmbeMrys pleue mnYd SoarEaaa fuppOrt. ("Re.Mrarnn's M, may Mu -U hnenerwill 7WW"ft1.r 7WA-Vvalueaata). 14140. a Rraae Inverter -U S OMNIA (000NNRJ Ifor J600W FrverlerY]6tI0a-USWINNR]). IN JO wrsbn P/N: SFneW-U5000NNW por 7fiWWlmerter:YJ600x-USOnLINWI. - '