HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-Permit-ComplianceNo. _W-x-1e'Gn3D EEE' Q --s3 OMIMONWEALTH Of MASSACHUSETTS at'�0 Board of ITealth, YQ r M C u +_L'� MA. r ' ]LIGATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Applicat n or a Permit to Construct(.) Repair(.) Upgrade4 Abandon( 'Complete --System 0 Individual Components Location Lf1 Owner's Name Map/Parcel# Address Lot# r j-C� (c Qjck�,-iC Ij.S (n Telephone# Installer's Name Pi 1. voyw SEQw*--- t P ---n �-7 Designer's Name h � , Qs; ..0 p �►1( Address �&4- bA Address 1 C'Col t [Q( VZA Telephone# S —(� — S �� Telephone# �C-� '7-f 5 f E_0} Type of Building 2-eS l C&tl Lot Size of .STICK sq. ft. Dwelling - No. of Bedrooms '2— ` 5 vl Garbage grinder { Other - Type of Building _ r No. of persons Showers ( ) , Cafeteria { ) Other Fixtures /" i A Design Flow (min. required) '�� Q gpd Calculated design flow _ Design flow provided gpd Plan: Date % -41 F / 1-7 Number of sheets _ 3 Revision Date Title Desci Soil Evaluator Form No, DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS Name of Soil Evaluator Jr- l -P/ ItiIL 6n{aFR Date of Evaluation The undersigned agrees to install the bye described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the :provisions -of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place cyst " err ion until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed Date S 7 rw t i Inspections /A `/ ? z— t� s �y No. d t S �.. 4 C� � �1 �y, �c f,} E COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, MA. CERTIFICATE Of COMPLIANCE Description of Work; ❑ Individual Component(s) g(Complete System The u;�n�ders,,irg�ned hereby certif that the Sewage Disposal System;., Constructed ( ), Repaired ( ), Upgraded )<' Abandoned 11 Ll has been iistailed�acr dP� —T ��~� ante with the 'ovisions o 3] 0 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No:dated /r. Approved Design Flow(gpd) „ Installer C... i/ -S vw w`. '�/, ��. gn il�1 p, ✓✓C,�! 1 Date: 7 Designer: ='.6r1r. � n -24's �✓y (tU .n �At � Inspector: The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a gua6?nt e he system will function as designed. _:_-_ :'' _.. ,_ -. >...�_ meg._,..,: r:. ___. r-. " �_.-- ., � ..,�- •' ._ f .No. )�1�.Slt _' J C�a ) � 1bVc-)tllo. FEE! i j COMMONWEALTH Of MASSACHUSETTS 4 1. Board of Health, YGt �r lh cn., P" -t^ MA.. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to; Construct( ) Repair( ) Upgrade Abandon( ) an indiv=idual sewage disposal system at as described in. the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. } '" � dated C. Provided: Construction on shall be completed within tlar�ear, h date of thispe 11 All local co , ns must be "met. IV _kft Form 1255 Rev. 5196 A.M. Sulkin Co. Charlestown, MA �1 Date / Oard Of Health (--,/ CIA i9� r° r14! .:rt fault"'.' d