HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOC002No. FEE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �SBoard of health, "(4 rM 0-,) I -L-A MA. LICA 'ION FOP, DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Applica 'Complete System Q Individual Components t nor a Permit to Construct(.) Repair(.) Upgrade.K Abandon( IiA Location )-to 1 I Owner's Name -qUj Irus Map/Parcel#res -7 (0 Adds C%+-401$ r, . ........ Lot# Telephonelf Installer's Name Pi /3uoncl LAdtd Designer's Name r 3 61 Address 1 Z Vj , C,,.,j,-, I Telephone# Telephone#.5-dIw:]��—U . .......... 0AJ4- 0 Zf.- 10 /2-e '\ Type of Building St d-CIrl h - Lot .size eS-700 sq. ft. Dwelling - No. of Bedrooms r? Garbage grinder Other - Type of Building -j I No. of persons Showers Cafeteria --- Other Fixtures ri Design Flow (min. required) ired) gpd Calculated design flow Plan: Date Z 1-7 Number of sheets Title )n'bia-cl S -W Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluator Form No. - Design flow provided 1'7 7 G gpd Revision Date 'a Q Name of Soil Evaluator e f 1513fngA-Date of Evaluation 12-1 toJ:�t v DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS -a Cf / S,-? X- !; I / e— The undersigned agrees to install the e described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place thesyst er on until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. Signed Date 7 Inspections J, Description of Work: The undersiLmed her by: VJ ' E 5 1.& at, Ll 10 has been installed application No: I Installer COMMONWEALT14 OF MASSACHUSETTS Dec AIA �,000 pew"', Board of Henula, of 1 -7) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE El Individual Component(s) 9<Complete System ay cer that the Sewage Disposal System;. Constructed Repaired Upgraded (X), . i I with the -ovisions o 31.0 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the ixpproved design plans/as-built plans relating to dated Approved Design Flow�3- ria (gpd) Designer: =may c Ittl (A] r Al hAs Inspector:Ql-�j X60�%� Date: -Zd The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a gudZee thaVthe system will function as designed. No. FEESl�-). COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, YAr,,yj o-, j MA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby granted to.; Construct( ) Repair( ) Upgrade,>-) Abandon( )anindividual sewage disposal system at as described in the application for I I I � f Disposal System Construction Permit No.. dated lei�' p '14 0 r must be met. Provided: Construction shall be completed within Qa-fe�years 0 KSedate of this per i#. All local c nditSi 4 0 bns,m ve Form 1255 Re, 5/96 A.M. Sulkin Co. Chd-kitoard of Health ostown, MA Date Z ,-7