HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-99-353I ilii - W1 p� s �,r. � 6� f {°( l i ti RT I f�U�, •� l i h Dpi- +j001` G')rdrVr IVV qkj? Vo�'(q@A''4°OU/ fA J VD D f VVI IT* t i b W UlfP :C- �, oW I I I c, —`,• ,_ Jr��*�^�► ��� 1�- ���o� tNM,V�IV��o�` ('90'(i"'i wlrG <, •� , a1,'s 1 7fry ✓ Yrr. t i C I� + , I/ --•.,+.t _ _ _ _ _ — t ; :� N C V 1 y r �f O— - _ I T� 1--= G 1 441-,� _.., . . ES STRU*~T URt�L ��QT_ ERAL No G --1__. Alloi the work shall conform to the requrrements of the v�_ tg Code and other codes and," 7, ier Install dou floor }orss under al partitionsthatt rUnpar ,lettothe}arstsand u daI1bathtubs a ds wens. - c e panel, t e! e h n s rble e servic 1, The tocat ons of t e heating appIlan , dome t�c waer heater ma,ne r e ... ,. urrementsshall apPY - - regulations m.m.mum. in the event of aconflict the more ,k n req entry, service entry and dehum.d.. r shall be reviewed and a,h the O mer prior to the start of ._. All concrete shatl be a minimum of 28 da 9000Psrstoneconcret . ;• , the work.8. , 2, w nrr rt so nrY shall aIIbeP re ss ur trea ted. All exterior orWaodtr framing and Pti wood COntactco 'Ali totrgsmustbe laced upon undisturbed earth orp properly compacted earth of a minimum t 2 s per a. � n t (power) vented. 2. The heaten pPtrance and the domesrc water heater(rt requrred) d A exterior a1 fasteners, and concrete embedd_d , .s t��.nes, 5ha�1 e galvanized, minimum. filled'trenches. s. Protect all !a frozen earth or intaterf faced s uare foot bearing capacity. Da rce footings c° ,� concrete from freezing as required and lace concrete e ani if the ambient air temperature Is 40 degrees F and ovide and install smoke detector and a CO detector at the heat.n�. , , rA((see note sheet A3). 3. Provide - _ 4. meen floor with am maximum abetween lines of bridging, g, a line of bridging and aabnd rbetwe o Innes of bearing. Installt�r1 hucane t�e-down sud an triple ri hurricane clips atbeann or twhed rising. 9 , - 4_ . The dehumidifier condensate tube shall be run irec_t.l to the exterior r r d of run and the termination on tocatron _ .. _— -- The bottom of a!i footings, foundations etc shall be a minimum of 48.below rade. shall be approved by the Owner prior to itsinstallation .10. • each rooll rafter. . - • ..� *. v _ ,, ,' rens shall be Select Structural n I~ , .a bums and d A Hemlock, no. 2 c horizontal framrn shall b.. Douafas Fir He 9 . All h� framing - 11. ,m f 4 hours has elapsed from the `completionth h foundation wall formwork unt�i a min um o 8 of e Do not strip the p �,>,.. _ -t ,_ a no. 2 r t 6n -the c,1--', �Wali studs shah be KD Eastern Sprue o Fir r manufactured members as noted Douglas F c 9 t r foundation n wall concrete placement. fou d o piQTE. „ r wh n ( m k t ctors and the CO detector shall be wired in such a w^ # . a detector All s o e de e ' nY . r. _ .., � ,+ , .._ A r � _ � i /4 t the roof Hari as a the ..better. All framing 9 . _ �ro . ,_ at s .., Naf s and 3 a tern shall be Structural II C D E , P s heatinstalled,. 12. . .... - r:. z.,.. ,: n M shall a 8X8 X16 ut.nz n Type t Portland Cement Mortar. Brick All concrete meso, units (CMU) b9 YP r ! condition all i the detectors shall sour,,,!. is a„ treated b a smoke or CO coed t on a o e d Y _ - _ .. ry ..,,, ,.,. � sheathing BUILDING CODE minimum. install pfycirps p e th ., r-� : �turer s recommendations at all roots ea g MGL BU „ ,.. - , r•,* -err hall be 314 T&G plywood; glue and nail as per over a framing membe . � _ . s p yti , 9 P edges that do not fan a 9 � �. s Owner ,� ,! ; .. veneer at the fire ia.,e and exposed chimney .:hat! be as per the O� ne aid installed utilizing Type I Portland P xp Y .. temperature below, to , plywood Yw .. rbrick vene r if the ambient air is or is anticipated tiro Cement Mortar. Do not install CMU o e P P P ; the MGL BUILDING CODE minimum. below, 40 degrees F before the mortar has properly hardened and cured. �• I h fastening f �s sha.! not be allowed to Include the o hand r un Waded un d 9 A,Ii driven fasteners steal! be ha o g , 9 13. ,: . All trenching operations must conform to OSHA trenching safety requirements, minimum. 9 P a sidewaii and roof shingles. I ilii - W1 p� s �,r. � 6� f {°( l i ti RT I f�U�, •� l i h Dpi- +j001` G')rdrVr IVV qkj? Vo�'(q@A''4°OU/ fA J VD D f VVI IT* t i b W UlfP :C- �, oW I I I c, —`,• ,_ Jr��*�^�► ��� 1�- ���o� tNM,V�IV��o�` ('90'(i"'i wlrG <, •� , a1,'s 1 7fry ✓ Yrr. t i C I� + , I/ --•.,+.t _ _ _ _ _ — t ; :� N C V 1 y r �f O— - _ I T� 1--= G 1 ' , �a IT11F Ll _ h f �I TOP , t O RAIL ` - -- 1 t,. t I , 3 1 I . 1 t , � r _ s t k , I ,I i I � , l IT � , 4 I {f I t I l TOP - � I o f , I I I I , x �o I i l I t x� -0SU LOOR TOP O ..DECK- — — I I `p --- n� 3 1st SUBFLOOR PI LI ` AMG I lel r + 1 1 _ i _ _ f P T ✓ — — — L c' —1 R F �' O IL.F F . O EXISTING RAILING AND DECK, �r X —I , + ��- _ , .. rr NCONSTRUCTION' `. - EXISTING BUILDING i=r TOP SLAB- BTTIVI SLAB 1 BTTM FOOTING ` — _ --� SOUTH ELEVATION aft 3 a J11L r . 1 t , � r _ s t k , I ,I i I � , l IT � , 4 I {f I t I l TOP - � I o f , I I I I , x �o I i l I t x� -0SU LOOR TOP O ..DECK- — — I I `p --- n� 3 1st SUBFLOOR PI LI ` AMG I lel r + 1 1 _ i _ _ f P T ✓ — — — L c' —1 R F �' O IL.F F . O EXISTING RAILING AND DECK, �r X —I , + ��- _ , .. rr NCONSTRUCTION' `. - EXISTING BUILDING i=r TOP SLAB- BTTIVI SLAB 1 BTTM FOOTING ` — _ --� SOUTH ELEVATION f � �->•a�..R ��l�. � �Lr.� � _ice lh. , - ` � CE OEEREY KOPER ARCHITECT 7/s 8) - - --- - - C) P.O.- Box 766 C Barnstable, Q able, MA 02630. ,I one/FAX. h _. 508 P � ) 375-1027 , RY . CON ----- —Custom Design And Construction tTOP PLATE 9 1 P.Ot� ' -. --_ . Bo 212 11 Barn stable MA 0263 ! L _ t t hone. 508 362-54 p 56 , I .. l , a f ! X. 508 X62 9334. I i I d f I T b C,�St I , x 11 I TOP I I � - It ( , I j 1 N 58 4 o. : i L il Er M {+ m = URY d SUBFL CAPTAIN` FARRIS HOUSE -t ^, s �1 -- - --- _ -- - Patricia and Stephen en Br w 08 O dM in Street JTLj:� South Yarmouth, Massachusetts 026 4 ... I . I . aft 3 a r f � �->•a�..R ��l�. � �Lr.� � _ice lh. , - ` � CE OEEREY KOPER ARCHITECT 7/s 8) - - --- - - C) P.O.- Box 766 C Barnstable, Q able, MA 02630. ,I one/FAX. h _. 508 P � ) 375-1027 , RY . CON ----- —Custom Design And Construction tTOP PLATE 9 1 P.Ot� ' -. --_ . Bo 212 11 Barn stable MA 0263 ! L _ t t hone. 508 362-54 p 56 , I .. l , a f ! X. 508 X62 9334. I i I d f I T b C,�St I , x 11 I TOP I I � - It ( , I j 1 N 58 4 o. : i L il Er M {+ m = URY d SUBFL CAPTAIN` FARRIS HOUSE -t ^, s �1 -- - --- _ -- - Patricia and Stephen en Br w 08 O dM in Street JTLj:� South Yarmouth, Massachusetts 026 4 ... I . I . 1 _Id w I jm=l — tap chi"rnner/ ._......rte.. .. _._._. •.., _....q. ;. ... ..._...__ee..-.-....-urw i t^ r.Ur) 1V �Ui r W Y �� �� 1G DIM-Vf i�1t#�G II If��v���{� VN,' � I4�00 grade I Y ( ffn — tap chi"rnner/ ._......rte.. .. _._._. •.., _....q. ;. ... ..._...__ee..-.-....-urw i t^ r.Ur) 1V �Ui r W Y �� �� 1G DIM-Vf i�1t#�G II If��v���{� VN,' � I4�00 grade I All sono tubes, forms, etc. will be inspected before back filling. JOIST HANGER INSTALLATIONS WILL NOT BE APPROVED UNLESS MANUFACTURER'S NAILS ARE USED NOTICE An as built plan must be submitted to this department prior to foundation inspection or any further construction. This plan must be on site with the permit and the Licensed Construction supervisor must be present for all inspections, 24 Hour notice Minimum, with call back fee. TOWN OF YARMOUTH PHOTO -ELECTRIC TYPE SMOKE DETECTORSARE REQUIRED BY MASS. STATE BLDG. CODE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF ALL BEDROOMS WITHIN 20' OF A KITCHEN OR BATH. ALL DETECTORS MUST HAVE BATTERY BACK-UP. TOWN OF YARMOUTH REVIEWED FOR BUILDING AND ZON!NG CODE CO".'.PL! ANCE, ERRORS OR OMMISSIONS DO NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY OF 'AS BUILT' COMPLIANCE. DATE: -BUILDING OFFICIAL f[€ G SGP{