HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-1667 - COC recordedfiorn M,tT sl Deads Ek 2?L54 Peslf,1 ++dfr?qlf?-23-2l]a5 a 1tl = l]3cr NOT AN OFFICIAL corY NOT AN OEEICIAL co?Y NOT AN OEE ]CI AL COPY NOT Alt OFF IC]AL COPY NOT AN OFFICIAL COPY NOT AN OEE I C IAL COPY NOT AN orr rcIAL COPY NOT AN OEF I C IAL COPY t{ffFachusettiff oartmenlS4nvironm5gftrl Protection Euffieu ot HesouAsP Protectotiwetlands AN YVRArEonmiS&raCesffird.bf @mplhrnce fvffiEXchusettsQ0&Ends ProSBUn Act M.GiEt. 131, S40 Tgp,g of Yarmo,g!fi,Wetland BJ:k!vLq!qp!CLL43 DEP File Number: sE83-1667 Provided by 0EP ffiAri rtr.7- AN OEF ICIAL COPY lmportant; When filling out only the tab key cursor - do not use the retum Hz lo Pond BIilve AN AN OEE CqSUrh yarmougpPY COPY COPY 02664Cily/Town State Zip C,ode zNCfSis certmcatill&tompiiance Nffiued for worirc(plated by a final order of l05nditions issudlo: AN AN OEFE['Td CAEEdCIAL OFFICIAL OEE ICIAL C@e 3t22J2004 COPY COPY sE83-1667 Dated 3. The project site is localed at: 342 Long Pond Drive DEP File Nurtrber South Yarmouth StreetAddress Map 68 CrtlTovr'l Lot 163 Assessors Map/Plat Nuhber ParcdAol Number the final Order of Condition was recorded at the Registry of Deeds for: Kelley Sullivan Property Owner (if differ€nt) Barnstable 18374 146 County Book Page Certificaie 4. A site inspection was made in the presence of the applicant, or the applicani's agent, on: 911s12015 7 \traAfiab..loc . rev. 122309 Date wPA Fm 68, Cetl fi.a€ d CoFptird . P.q. 1 ol 3 OEFICIAL OFFICIAL OFF ICIAL 1 Cd$ts Certificat€qtpftmpliance i?6p!Fd to: Edward Cannino MA 'Effi COPY $ffi3 fornflffi - certffite of Gffitiance fffi _6sp[u sqJtsi\t'cuilflj s B#q€ p&Actdf fi b.fi il s 1, s40 DEP File Numbs: sE83-1607 Bk 29154 Pg3O2 #46079 Massachusetts Departrnent of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands Provided by DEP Teufrrof Ya rme$f,IVetla nd bohew, Chapteof43 B. CertificationNOT NOT NOT NOT CnS* dl tnat aoorviN AN AN OFEICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFEICIALgcElyCompteteja r$ication: lte[ryby certmest{ the work regulated by the above-referenced Order of Conditions has been satisfactorily completed. NOT NOT NOT NOTAN AN AN AN OEE fi I8EftiatBtji-icfligF: lioEftretol $[tifie$fqt1$yfip followin g porlions of work g6py regulated bdlrlabove-refecoQ4 Order of QSSions have been salisractorily completed. The prolect areas or work subject to this patial c€rtification that have NoT been comslelld and are rc1661d from this qlbtare: AN OEFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OEE IC]AL coPY --,- €o3Y C. Authorization lssued by: Yarmouth Q ae aols Conseiratjoo Commission Oale of,ssuance This Certificate must be signed by a maiority of the Conservalion Commission and a copy sent to the applicant and appropriale DEP Regional Office (See http :/lwww.mass.oov/dep/abouuIeqigtlfindvour.htm ). Signatures *r.lj63b.d* . ,6v i223G WPA Fon AS, C.nitctL o{ C..pli.@ . P.pc 2 ol 3 NcE lnvatid Or!6Tf conditionNp8 frereoy cerll*lllthat the work regulated by the AN above-referAiLed Order of N{ditions never lillnmenced. The Order of oFf I C lEbnditoEsE6l#ed otlHoila&ro r@EoclI&!d. No future work subject to COPY regulatiom{)iEf the WetlaOoEflaotection AOoEry commence wilhout flling a new Notice of lntent and receiving a new Order of Conditions. NOT NOT NOT NOTAN Ongoing CAMitions: The fAttwing condifions.bf the Order shall continue: OEF I C I ADplu4)EFf, @I'AEionsG,prltAOS*iO thedfF[@ffLsuch as mainlenance ot COpy monitorin$GfFtshould coreiJtEfor a longegE iid). Condition Numbers: a-\l Bk 29154 P9303 #46079 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands ffi$ rormffi - certffite of cffiliance 565sqdtr setsttdhnds fuelsrtion Act tt'€icra,!,31, S40 To@EDf Yarmo@glyetland Bgclrw, Chaptootttg D. Recordinq ConfirmationNOT NOT NOT NOT Th#lplicant is resN{sible for ensuf,o0 that this CertNate of Compliance is recorded in OhE EdHIy of OElBts@[fiE Lar€EbIrC tchlhe &fE[iC SAbh the land is located. o&9&Yon aotteo rfi 9BIa suumit to1PJ3on."r,"tiof; 8€Xmission UEP l-rle NumDer: sE83-1667 Prcvided by DEP TOIOT AN NOT AN NOT AN OEF ICIAL NOT AN OFF ICIALOFFlrlafF@th OEF I CIAL C(*rf erl,ation Con'gIrl4f COPY .€Es3-1667 PDffi oe advisea\Wthe certiicalH$ comoliancd\9f,he o.oiecl atAN AN AN AN OEEIC]AL OFEICIAL OFFICIAL OFF ICIAL cE6&Lons Pond'BE& Projecl Localion DEP Flle l.lumber NOT NOT NOT NOT Ha4SSen recorded A\he Registry of49$eds of: ANOFEICIAL OFEICIAL OFFIC]AL OFFlCIALCQPY COPY COPY COPYBarnstabte AN OEEICIAL COPY NOT AN OPFICIAL COPY NOT AN OFF ICIAL COPY NOT AN OEF ICIAL COPY NStln',v Poperty Own€r and has been noled in the chain of title of the affected property on: Date Book lf recorded land, the inslrument number which identifies this kansaction is lf registered land, the document number which identifies this transaclion is Doqrmeot Number Signatu.e of fuplicant Pag€ BARNSIABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS John F. Meade, Register $path3h.do.. r.v. 12r3,O9 wPA Fo.i 84, Certfcae o' Crn riar-e . P&e 3 ol3