HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE83-1376 NOI3lo c)aF. 10.99 ?grE 3 .',:,NMOUlH CONSERVATION COMMISSION NOv 2 0 1996 EGEIVE DEP P',c iar Ob D. p'o.il-J b DEP) GD YARHOUTH Aprlianr CHI F(-K Depart-@eDt of Defenaeodted st! t€eot r.Derlca s{0 Co.coou'r,,ea.I tDof rlag EacbuBetta llotlce ot fnteDt lrDdor tbe NaBBrchus6ttB fstlaDdls ?rotoctl.oa lct, G.L. c. 131,the Town of Yarmouth Uetland Bylarr, andAppllcatlon for r DGputE.Dt ol tbs erDy leruit Part ,t c.Dcrll IDforEltr.oD.:l. loc!tion: Street lddresa 29 Scallop Road, West Yarmouth lot Nuhber N102 Assessors Map 10 2. lroject: Type seawall Descriptio It is proposed to construct an approximate rock retainin wall also beach nourishments 'l Registry! Co Cer Li.f icate Cu:rent EooLunt a Paoe 138564(if tregis:erel Land) 1 epplicant David Chleck .Ld Cre s s c/o Pinametrics ; 221 Crescent Street, Waltham 02154 rel. 617 899-2719 5. Praperty O-:)er as above TeI. AdC:ess 6. R€pres€ntatjve Down Cape Engineering, Inc.508 362- 4 5 41,el. Addles s q3q p ufe 6A Yarm outh ')a' Pave tbe Conservatio, Co:-.nj8sjon rnd the Deprrtr1ent,s negional O{fice cachbeen aeDt, by certifi.ed rail cr hand deliver, i copj.ea of c6:r,pleted tiot j.ce afIDtent, r'ith !upporting planB rDd docuJientr? Yee R r:o El b. Bas the tee been 3ubliittedz ree El xo El c. Total filing fee sub:dtted_700.00$ d. city/Tovn share of riling ree 362.50 6t!te share of filing ,""_337J9 _(lrnl to city/toci) - ($ of lG! lh.r..es ot -tzs. r-i-iior pr €. IB a t'riet 3tatener,t rttached lndiclting hou 15" lpplicant calculrted the fee? F r"r El to Eftective rl /2O t92 3-l R D I I ave been all obtrinable pcrriit:, vsriancee and apprcvals regui'red by loca!' by-Icw' "ot"n'il" E xo El obtained lpplied.for! 9 f a ar,yto G.L 10. Li!tIntent. rdentifying Nu.!]ber,/Letter pcrtion ot the !ite rubject to a-$etlaDdE FSstrict*)n order Pursulnt-c. l3l, SaOA or G.L. c. 130, 5105? y€8 lJ No lst atl plana and rupporting docutente lubtrj'tted rlith thig Notlce of Title, Dat€ 96-015 Site Plan showins proposed rock retaining wall at #35 Scallop Road and #29 Scallop Road West Yarmouth PrePared for J. Kaitz and D. Chleck October 18, 1996 11.check thoBe tesource areas L'ithj.n uhich uork ie proposed: 1a1 {l 8uf1er zone (b) r nlsnd: El sank' El sorderi.ng vegetated Hetlrnd, El f,and UDder tiater Body I satcnayr (c) co!!t!1,! Llnd Under the oceanr coastrl B€ a chr Barri,er Beach' nocky lntertidal shcre' Lend Under 6alt ?ond. Dilh nunr nd subject to rloodj n9 Eordetir,g Ieolated DesigDated ?ort ttear coastal Dune co!stal Bank salt llarshr !.nd Containing she l lfj.shr Land subject to coastal storm flowage La tr D tr D trtr tr x D ts tr D D D .Likely to involve U.S. }:Ty Corp3 o! EngiDeers concurrent juritdiction.6ee Generll Instructj,ons for CotnpletiDg Notice of tntent. Not lppli€d for: Buildins Dermit 3-2 rl2. ls the projectrGceDt EGtin,atepub).i shed by tb 96-01 5 96-01 5 96-0r5 IEs t J No tx i Date PriNo HrP AVAILELE I I (if anY) I'i tdEeli bin cF LiJnlteil habitlt uhich te ind-icated or tlre tirostabitlt Hap of tt!te-!iGted nar€ Eetfands sitdlife (-it lDy) atural Eeritrge rnd EDdaDgered specj.cs Progr&.? If ye8, have you 3ent ! coPy ol the Notice o! fntent to th€ Natural Eeritrge !nd-Endang€rei speciea Progr!.n via tho U.s. Postal service by certif .ied orpriority iraj.l 1oi otheriris€ aent it in e nanner that guarlntsee deliveryuithin ivo daysl no latc! tban the dlte of the titing ot this Notice of Intent sith the conservation coEEriraion and the DEP regional office? vEstlNolI rf ye8 plsrBe lttlch evidence of tirely tail.ing or other dellvery to the Natural E€rit!ge and Endangered speciee Prograri. nted on the EEtihated tJabitlt HaP I S95-19 q6 veget!tioD Topogrrpt y open uater bodie s l inc luding ponds and la}:es; fLoHing vater bodie s ( including strears and rivers)' Public and private surf.ce uater tnd ground L'ater supplies on or sithin 100 feet of site Haxjjnur,r annual ground uater elevltions uith dateB lnd location of test j BouDdarjes of resource areas checked under part:1, iten 1l above Otbe r Han-lrade F.rture-e: structures leuch as buildings, piers, to$ers lnd headualls; Drainlge and flood contrdl facj,litj.es !t the rite andj-Ernediltely off the rite, including culvert3 tnd openchannelr (uith lnvert!!, darns and dikesSubsurtlce reerge dilposrl ayatems Underground uti litieg Plrt ltt 81t. D..crlptloE Indicrte $hich of the following lnfornation has been provided (on . plan, lnDarrative description or .ca lculations ) to clearl.y, cor,.i)letely and accurately des cr j-be cxisting site conditions. IdentifyingNufiber./Letter(of plan, narratj.veor calculations )Natural features soi 1s 3-3 96-01 5 96-01 5 96-015 fdentlfyingNu-hber/Letter(ot pl.n, narrativeor calcuLation8 ) 96-015 RoaC*ays and parking areae Prop"fty baundarie5, eaecncnts and rights-of-L'ey other PlanvieL'and cro8E section of:btru@iera,tolrera lnd headealLs ) Drainage and flood control facilities, including cul.vertB and opln chanDelB(sj.th inverta), dams and dikes subsurface aevage ditposal aystems t underground utilitiea indicating vol.ume rnd cor0pensatory Dtorage lreaa, uhele reguired in lccordancevith Part III, Section f0.57({) of the regulstions. i.-iIdlif e habita: lestoration cr r€pr icaticn ar€os other Point source Di scharoe Description of characteristic! of diecharge fron pointaoulce (both cl.osed and open channelr, uhen point ofdiacharge fall3 uithin resource area checked under part I,lten ll above, !s aupported by ttandard engineeringcalcuLations. data rnd plans, includ.ing but Dot li.Eited tothe folloving: Plrt IIf : Horl D.scriptloD fndicate rrhich of the follol.'ing infon,ation hae been provided (on ! plan, Innarrative de8cription or. calcu lations I to cleally, co-rrpleteLy ind ec-curaielydescribe uor,( propoaed within Gach of-the roaourle areie cheited ln part f,l'teE ll !bov€. Ii11in9, dredging and excavat j.n9, co:npos ition of naterial I D.lirEEli(rr o{ lh. al.rinsge rr.s cc.triUrtihC to tha poini ol dirrhorgr.. Pr'_ard Fos t'd.v.l otr..tnt p.!t rr,.,.t( fr.t,r, tha dr.ih.9. ara!, rt thc Ibint ol ditrhlrgt, lor at h!3tth. l0-y.6r .,! tOO-y.6r freq.,.rry rrorrr; ?..' ar! Foi t -d.yc t olrrnt trta of lnfilt..tioi Gd,rrlfutirE to tht rasqrrca ara. chacl.d l'd.r ?art l.ItF" ll aboy.; '-ttlt|.tt< r!tcr qJrlity chlrtct.rirticr ot pr.. ard post-dcv.toF.nt .-.or, a, th. lDint gfdisch!re.. I 3-a --_- F.rt lV: iiti!6tir[ ttcBurcs ctclrly. q-rolatGly r^3 dacr..t.ly &scrl&, tlth ralcrarEa to a*po.tin! plans r.i crlcul.!ioas rAe.e ,ac rss a ryi (a) Atl ialsur.a ard deBlshs pra+oscd to a+at tha partorr€.ra at.rdlrds tat lorth arder a.ch t.soifc. rra! aP.clti.d ln Plrt tt or P.rt llt ol thc fagut.tio.re; or (b)l.hy th. pr.sL'&tir6 &t lorth rrd.r a..h r6oorc. .r.r rFcif i.d ih part lt gr p.rt tlt ot tbe tctutrt i..6 do ,Fl rFply. t nesource Area Type ! Coastal Beach 0 Xcoa sta ID rnland fdentifying numbe r orlette! of support docurnents Beach nourishment is proposed as a maintenance "asneeded" project, using com patibly-sized sand. Prior to depositing on the beach, the source of sand is to be seive- tested to assure compatibility. Engineer is ro be ietained to inspect/seive test sand. No sand is to be deposited beloMHW. A silt fence shall be sraked in place at elevarion 2,0' to serve as a work limit line and erosion control pro- tection during both beach nourishment and wall-building processes. 96-015 D ycoa s ta tD'inland LSCSF Resource Area 4/pe:Identifying nunber orfetter of Bupport docur1ents Floodzone for this area is listed as Al2, elevation 10 andll. The entire lot lies within this floodzone. The pro- posed rock wall will be approximately the same elevation as the neighboring Charif wall to the south. A returnis proposed for the southerly end and a footpath will beslightly re-routed to fall within the lay-out of the abuttinstrip, not owned by Mr. Chleck. The Chleck wall is propoto tie into, at the northerly end, the proposed Kaitzioclwall (plan and Notice of Intent to be filed concurrently).The rock wall will serve to protect against wave andpfotecting the existing dwelling. iloao. flooding damage, 96-015 3-5 Resource Area TYPe: Coastal Bank Ilenti.f)'ing t)urhber or fetter ot auPPort documentB O XcoaetalO t n}and see accompanying narrative ?. CtcErty,c6pl.tcly atd accurrtctY des'ribt, rith r!f'rGn'G to 'LF ortihr ptlns rnd GDtculrtirrs t^crc Pa:'t ttt o{ thrsl regulatioi<. Identif Ying nu:r,ber or letter ot suPPcrt docuJt e nt 8 lrrccsSaly: (r) alt !.ssur.s tnd d.silrs to rcautrt' rorl rithin th' 8uft'r Zon€ ao ts to 'nsl'rc thEl r!id Frl do.s not att.r on lrca sPecilicd lh Plrt t' s'ctio'r lO'02('l)(') of th's' r'gulrlions; or (b) l, tlorl ln th. luff.r zone rill att'r 3wh !n a:'cr, oll ltlsures tid de9i9n5 P'oPoscJ to tEel lhe perlonran:: tt3rda'dt astrt)l isheo lg' the aCjaLt'd i:roui'c area' tP<cilied in Part il o' B coa sta 1D rnl and Reaource AJea TYPe Boldered By lOO-feet Diaeretionary zone: 3-6 Chleck and Ksitz coa8tal Bank narrative Test borings perforoed by Les SEith, coastal Geologist, confiroedglacial Daterlal underlying aeollsn sand depo6it6. Recent decisions by DEP tn regards to Coastal Bank versus Coastal Dune delineatlons Eupport the contention that this iE a coastal Bank and not a duoe. According to DEP, lf there are overlying landforns, as there are in this case, then the '50I rulen is applied. Borings vould be perforoed at I fresh erosionsl scarp dom to the elevation of !lHU.If there ls greater than 50r g18cia1 Eaterial, thes it ls considered to be a Coastal BanL. In this partlcular case, borings indicsted,generally, 1r - 2' of aeolisn oaterial overlying g18cia1 Eaterisl' Since the elevatlon of the borings nas approxlDately 7,0t and l{ean High t{ater is at elevation 2.0', the borings i8dicate grester than 50x glacial Eaterlal underlying the aeolian Eaterial' 0n thls basis' ue are proposing an approxinately 3 foot high rock retalnlng uall to aid in storo dsEage protectlon aqd flood control. The toe uilI stsrtat the bsse of the existing bank and rlse at 8 slope of 2:1 up to elevation 7.01+/-, The uaI1 ci1l be ungrouted and have fllter fabric bscklng lt. DiEturbed vegetatlon landward of the uaIl vll1 be replaced sith salt-tolerant species and tbe grade vi11 be returned to natural elevatlon. Beach nourishoent vill be utllized as necessaryto augoent that uhich ls lost due to littor8l drlft. Beturns are proposed to oinlolze reflective rrsve energy onto adjoinlng propertie6. SEF 19 '9E E!:15 FF] EIqFITH TECH Table l. Chleck Propertl P.ofile (trarsect takeo midJol centered on middle ofh0use) I'est Hole I Berch Scarp Deptlr (fcct) Description 0-t aeolia:r sand I -r.J nredjum grain sand w/ trace ofsilt (glacial-c'rigin) Tsblc 2. Chlcck Propert), Profite (trrnsect t!ker midJot centered on middle ofhouse) Test Hole 2 +10 frotn Bcach Scarp toward House Dept h (feet) Description 0-3 aeolian sand iotermixed wirh msdium sgnd v,'ith trace of silt (soil appears to have been mixed nechanically) Tsble 3. Chleck Properr), Profite (traDsecl talier mid-lot centered on nriddle of lrouse) Test llole l +35 from Beach Scarp toward House Depth (feet) Description 0- l.5 aeolian sand l.5.3 EARTH I TECI{ 5EA 3?1 246S TCr 150E36298e0 P.@5/@? medium grain sand w.i trace of silt (glacial-origin) ,-- Tsbte 4. Chleck Proptrty Profile (traasect takcn mid-lot centered on middle of house) Test Hole 4 +40 from Beach Scsrp toward Housc Dcpllr (feet) Description 0.1.5 aeolian sand 1.5-3 mcdirE gain sand w/ trace of sih (glacial-origin) a EABIH I TECH I 3 4 ?art vt l-ddltlooal lDtorEltloD ,or r DcPrrt-EtDt ot tbc lr&J P'rEtt COI' Apilicetior lio. (to b€ Provided by coE) ( li ar,€ of satert'ay) Nar,eE !nd add-ree eer of ProPerty or'ners idjoining your ProPerty: see attached sheet Dccu:,ent other ploj€ct alternrtives (i.e., other lo."tio''" ani/or construction rretbodc, particularly thoBe that sould Glir''inlte the diecharge of dredged or fill s:aterial into eaters o! uetlaDds) ' el' x ll' drar"'in-os in planvies and crost-section, ahouing the tesource area end the proposed hctivity uithin th€ teaource !re!. Drasings E'rst be to EcrIe tnd Dhould be cfear cnougb lor PlotocoPying. certj.ficatioD i8 required fro:r the Division of tiater ?ollulion control berore tbe Ir€dera1 pernrit can be iesued, certiricatioD rr,ay be obtained by contactjng the Divj.6ion of tiat€r ,ollution coDtrol, I tiinter street, BoEton, Lassachusett3 02108. Hhere tbe lctivity uill take Pllce uithin the area Dnder the t asEacbusetts lpproved coa6tal zone lranage:reDt Progran, the aPPlicant certifieE that hic proposed rctivity co:r,plies r;ith lDd uill be conducted in a r,anner that js ionsjstent !..ith tbe rpproved progi'!,.n. Info:-riation provided sill be used in evaluating the rpplication for a perr"it a::C is i.ade a r,atter of public recorC through igsuance ot a public Dotice. Disclosure of thig intorr"ation is voluntcry; ho$€ver, if necessary jnlor:'-ation is not provj.ried. the application cannot be processed Dor can r penr.it bc iE sued. I hereby c€rtiry uDder tb€ pains and penalties ot perjury that tbe toregoirgNotice ot Intent and accor-panying plans, dccujhentG and eupporting det! rretrue ar,C ccrplete, tc the best oI r,1. Lnor)edoe. sjgnature ot lpplicant re o,lisan eprcDentatj.ve Drte tBXt0c (rast)I trr E2 '[r..ptiod to txc ,orE. (]a5 .r9roy.d tr/ toUS^rIr 6 xty tgEZ', 'Ihi. docurnt G6rl.i6s . foint Dtpcrtrtnr ot t[. lrn/ .d 3t.tr oti!sstcliulaltt r;pllrrri6 lor a D.rtnit to obr.in Frrirrlo.t lc Frtorn..tiYili.!, in Unitrd 3rrt.! i!t.rr. !hr O{(ir. ol lr.sgrit'nt .dSudgtt(o{?) G.s r;proy.C t},orr q-.3t io.rs r.!uir.d Dy th! LrS lrry torp, ol[niirrtrr. O{5 trb.r O7O2-00]e ..C .rpir.rio., d.r. of g9 S.ptrr.trr lgll.IFll"s,,. fhit .t.t.r:?nt rill D. .rt ln 6 Finr tn . tD 3-? 2. DE te ( /*ta lO0' sbutters to Assessors Uap 10' Parcel N102 N1OI Lorraine f,aitz, 439 DedhaE St. #F, llerton Center' I.{A 02159-3300 N72 lt75 N76 Leo llarcus, 42 Scallop Boad' Uest Yaroouth 02673 Chleck Journey's End Corp.' 14255 US Highuay 1201, June Beach, FL Richsrd lllthar' lre., 6225 Frondosa Dr., Itlallbu, cA 90265-3102 11103 llorosn llorrls, 23 scallop Boaal, Uest YaEouth 02673 N106 Harold Becker, frs., 10 l{arl tJay, llest Ysrnouth N107 GeraslEos Yannatos r 9 llark Uay, tlest Yaroouth ap 9 Parcel: 87 Ben8on s, Cherif Trs', 50 Channel Point nosd' l{est YsrEouth 0 2673 c !! ,! o (j ! I #o ....,..I '., -..- j \,:: ." l, ,14--r-' to' aO o D ht 5'? -- -a- ( B I D :'.-..-.--.,--:-- -- " ni cov€RAcro L MCS: RoA o oc oz @ t: -ll, \J cr Quat(f( o 9J5.ia<) oarE rcEvt3eo NovEMaEF 2. 1995 aa o r? 4r FC,r \!la (-l f 9r t.f a o a /r. i I I i I I Vt € c ! ia.a'ao DA?! X/rP I O€ }'l!rag r^!a c6olo. slltal 2A tt4 ( 'q{ C'';I I I.t i I I I I I I I I I I !I i i I I 8i xl"i I I ! i I i O U rl1l I I C^\ II 0 ? Pine I..c9 Vorts r I4r.37', 30',€B gso 000 FlEr €9 e' 30'{0r9l70" 1s', Mapped, edited, and published by the Geological Survey Cont/ol by USGS, NOS/NOAA and l'{assachusetts Geodetic Survev Planrmetry by photogranmelrrc methods lrom aerrat photoBraphs taken 1939. TogoSraphv bv planetable su'vevs 194O Revrsed horn aerral photographs taken 1973 Freld chected 1974 Selected hydro8raph,c data comprled liom NOS 257 a^d 258trstA,581 (1971). and 339 (1973) Thrs rnlormatron rs not rntended for navrBational pu.poses potvcon c project,on i927 North Amerlcan oatum IO,OOO loot gnd ba:ed on lVassachusetts coord,nate :r!t;-. lOOO.metre Un versal Transverse 14ercator grid, zone I9 a:r | ^r .d cr1!s ?r.as n nh cr" o''i! laqdmark 5" t4 "q' ate shoan t \ "il "." 11M rs\ , !:ll trf I t@0: DEPi FC urv jP 0 rNo l9MGNE_ a NaaTH C€ NTE F O' SE€EI I '.-'p"rah?-i .i ".,;!-, €. \)Bassetts b)t - fund ., 4C' Horse 1. \ li--.]: ;:-i'.T ?o" 9" R ir-e lL---l -a Ltl' 'irl.'I Cr,r u cll ';- 'r, -l; rl"ut", 1\I I I -,r -- !'iirttt ' Eeacr.r \ ,tj t,=) ::j0 Lltll /-\ I B AY '\ FILL\G, TEE CALCULATI ON \\'ORXSHEET CAITS:.Y J t!5 Ptc r31l,rr,t t r,o. l. trjstiht House/re.!6entir) lot (.dditioh, 6:ck. _ _9trs3e,rool,6\rd.o! DE I V!xA\ ) B, Sitr Pr!p.rs..ion (rr',r,ol or v.grtottor, cr.€-v5,.lo'\ ?rolir.9 -h?re hrne con5tr.,Ctign trh,t D t uP:s€ 3 !,'ider th.is \l: ; C. Control of ou!BBnct v!getation b) t.no\.rlr h!rb- _ _icid.s' ltc. r'jthin G P.so.rrct lrcE ?ip lolperrlra.lt to )10 CHe l0.t)(() D. h.!!Jrc?.1r.. Ini:rorr-1r.1t D.rrsusnt to !10 lHF10.5) (a) othcr tr,c-. :I n)sr? t. 5iElla Sy3fI119 cr c-] !,a:t ther?)r/repairs,r.:) 6.ehent I UPCHi) 1..'" f. l'1on: tDring rells./*el I I0IAL CAI tooct I A:ttIttttS CAltioe\ 2 12tD ptR Aa vlIy A. tAaH ^ti{ Eih91r le-rl} ho,,rse (SrH) tr(:tU)l\i a j t. prepsrEt jon I re!cat ioi/6ctrrtion bssins,utilitirs, S:PtlC Sy5TtH, rosd,r!y./drjv!ir) Dtherth6. those pJrEue-1t to lt0 CHa 10.5)i)c).1f r.vl.,rJ ui6er . Sln-6Lf NCI B. P.t!ih9 lot/ A\Y sirr C, Ea s:h NouriBt'rne,.rt _$2J0.q.0 D)!rl!, ro!5rr)s/drlvcrsyr liJT.,rbJ.ct to rl0 CHql0.t)ir.) 3rA!r ri3r BI SIJElt i0 l9)tII0\Ar ffts1l !Eid..trvitlr! .r. arvjc..d r,,)d.t . SIii:L[ ti9l t. [r.strurtion of tifi nC{)dlY,DtlllrlY rithln th.SJtlruoie or forst.l f locaro.rr lr!I tavta-6b1" enoe. rl0 CtrP 10.t, ().) .rd till .!socl.t.d rith. Srli D. Hl?ltDOUS YiSIt fLtfuiUP (crcrpt rs aot.d ln cr t.gcrr a) l0lAi. c^Ttc0PY, acltvlrlts frrto:j?rrr t ?Zt p!8 4!IIrtty a. tAc'i rtlrlNf ttr-rthr/c8055tric tt6IrtD PnDltcI r:CtSS ?OID;Ay,/Dcl\'[uA'l un6er rl0 CHF. l0.t) (]c) -.s5.ci.t.d.itrr C0e'1!ilt Al r lt$U5fRlA!, ti,isllIU-tloul DirtL02rll\I OF' i!StDtt A! sUBDlvlsl0\to\SlALJ:Il0\. (.!r. crt.9orr 29 fo. SrH drlv.rBr!.) B. Ilooa Control Struitur.E (constr.rEtloh! 8!PAlf,, _a'rdlor n.dj irrc6t ron) C. lr\)llLt s-public ! prtystc D. sAf) I GR{Vtr 0PIRAItoNS f. \[r r.il106, lines or fxIttSl0{S ol trlSTlric llnes t. Control of \UlSl\-:t vtc!fAll0\ u,ldtr llolr{Rlo.r)(a) othlr thln on . SrH lol c. BRlDits (constr,Jction, r..onBtrocuoh, rrp.n!ton,_nEintrnsic.) Assortatt0 ilth . srfi lot H. Rs!sin! or lo,ering xATtR Ltlfl.s l. rtItncll0\ 0r F!S0uq;t ap[A e div.rsion ot rrt.r 6ssoEi!tcC rith ltii.l?DlUS HASIt f,LtAriuP, aorF trsquito control groj?Etst ot for A\Y 0lXfr PJRPOSirrcl trPetSSLy lD!r\llrttD It s!ri!f,I lri tltlS ftt scn!ou.t J. DqtDi,lril l!lt!luts not re3crl.t.d rlth . iilydocl, pirr or oth.r !trrrctur. d..crlb.d ln crteg:il-5 I0lll CAItc0Ry a AETtrtrtts Crrl0oqY , t2 PtF LtN:rp rO]ll tDllt rttl r.rl lO Bt ttssIna\ t5! r,!t )tJF.t IH(\ l.locl225' of wall @ $2.00 per footl. to'lEtruct ion, reco-r::ruct tor, n!PAIRT or rcp)r:r-$450,00 "eit of Dl:(s, plta:, n:vtl{\ts; Dlxts. or oth?r- -r'\ljn.rring 6trurtur.s oi [0r5ltt or t{:r\) ntSCUF:t ARTAS lnclu6.lng th? 9l..e.r.nt or ntF-RAt o! oth.rGrr,rrlal on coBEt.l or lnlrrd r.DDrrlc. araa6 Iol^t cr.ttGoRY , Ar I I t,luts 450-00_ r_zQ!.Q!_ ?tc50'r tlLCtrLllSalah B. ()lllrrtt il3r,9H'bfg6"bilgfJ"u.ing, rn.. 193p6s5 939 Route 6A, Yarmouth 02675 - D. Cosstal Artivitirs pr.s!re.rt to )10 C|lp tO.2((7r-r). l.rr.lud,hg 76-! lect ric Grnereiton f rcil iUeil-,b-Pu:Iic Utllit:es, ?c-Eoest.l Linit.d proj€cts i n.l lJJ jn9 F! Pil P/H:, I \'t t\A\at or t IlSt tfi! pi;rs,b.rj l6in93 culvBrlE, .ta. t. LlqlIED PilJiCI ACt lr ltlIS oursurrt ro flo t]rFl3.r) (.-d) r\) !lo ci:. to.i) (r-l) pir iootprlnt- F. ir:{ .!r.lcultL,tc I/!Q...jEc,rl turG: proj!ct! G, Ia:r' YtIl,A\) DfilI!r'tr CRjSSln: .!!cci!trd rtth. SrH pJr3Js'1t to )lO C|1r .10.9)();) H. A\Y p:.nt so rrce dis:\4rCc !. r'.\ 0lh!l n:llfllr n.t 6psi:rib.6 !n c.t.glri.s),),( 4, 'l0l a- crltcctY 2 A:1!rlrtts certc!:.\ ) t:25 PtR A:tlflIY A. 3llt PRiPARAITD\ for A\y d.yllopnlnt oth?r thrntor . SrH t|iCtU)t\l r.hovrt ol icattrtton,.rc.v.tlo'r I gr.dlhg ,\!n actu.! ion;tr,rriton trNII Dropo!r6 undrr thl! NDt lol^t f lr lx! ftt cArcurr.|to B. l0\SI8u!ll0N Or f^!B BUILDINE itthin roE!!ctrl, _inEJst!illr ln!tit,..,t lorel, e1 rprrtntnt/conoo/ - -tcr-1hoJs! t)r. of O?,rlcii\rnt, A\f pAlI o, t\ichtc rn ..B:irrtR lD\i or FtSgUqCt en!A. A!sDEi.t.d..tivju?!r ajt? FrttBlrti0n r.t.nuon/drt.nuonb!sln.co.\.ttuctlo,\,3?:tlc r)!t"1!, p!r! ln9 toi. Iu"lIltlt6, p:lnt !cJrc. dir:hrrgti, rr,crige tttrt.3r1 5l c\a onr//,-6 -lb ItrtPHt\t xurr3tR 5 0g 362-4541 t{dTICE of rNfEN? ttE ?RINS}{r1:rAr' roRY DEPAX?IIENT Of DNI'InoI'XENTA! DRoTEC': ol: DTVISION Or liETr4j.*DS lliD FA,ERTiAYS liortcE or llitEriT (NoI) l,tlrc^lir t DESe Da vid Chleck c/o Panametrics Gtr..t 221 Crescent Street St.te Sf.Bre c: t::ini }e:i: S 7 .54 clty/roarn Waltham Stato MA t!9 ccf,e 02154 Dhon. Nulbc r 617 899-27 t9 tRotECT LocATIoN. Str'eatTLet llunbe r 29 Scallop Road city west Yarmouth DEP trLE riuEEER (i! rvailable)--- NOT TTL:NG FEE ?ot!l NoI tiling fee:7 .00 lilD€ Same Clty/roYn 6trtG- liP Code- DM!ll-p-E! TotlL Diputcd tee 3 S- (ds det€:njl€d in N2tice of :nsu:5ic!ert tGc iet'-e: :r;r'o c --,.4 e I-. at j ci c:_:!.ria3lo:- ) State Sharc a! Fe€r 5- ll12 ot totrL disPutcd tce) city/ToH shlr€ of Fee:S- lll2 o, tot.l disPut d teel ?AOPERTY Oh.}iER ' I 3ll 12 o, 1ee ir, e:rccss ,: $25.0!-) city./roL-rr sbarc of tiliDg ree: 3 362'50 3 I INSTRUC'IONS: scnC thir tee Transnittll forD and a checl or Done)i ord€r, plyablc tD tleCort-"onveelth of NaEsacbutett!, to thc DEp locl Dox e!3 Dlpt. of Environr,rental DrotGctionlox a062 Borton, l{,' 02 2l l. Attrch . e!!I ot thltcoD t G:-vati,on corcrirri ltt.ch . lgEI of thlt torll rnit . egDI of the DEE chccl to .!ch of tb€Iotice of tntcnt torar .ubtrdttcd to thc DE? 8.gioDr1 officc. torE td thc trotlcr o! IntcDt rubEittGd to th locrl oD. 2 ltl20t92 i 3tt.cl---