HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE83-1376 - recorded COCC
A.M. Wllson Assoclates lnc,
August 22, 2016
Town of Yarmouth Conservation Commission
I 146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664-24451
RE Proof of Recording SE83-1376
Certificate of Recording / Chleck Seawall
(our file 2.1845.02)
Dear Commissioners:
Attached for you file, please find a copy of the Cedificate of Compliance issued under you.r
file SE83-1376 as recorded 8/19/16 in the Land Court Section of the Barnstable Registry of
Deeds as doc#1301643.
The Certificate covers construction ofthe ungrouted stone seawall a-nd timber beach
access stairs at 29 Scallop Road and the beach access extension of Mark Way in West
I believe this closes out your file. Your assistance in this matter has been greatly
Arlene M. Wilson, PWS
Principal Environmental Planner
20 Rascally Babbit Boad
Unit 3
Marstons Mills, l\4A 02648
508 42G9792
FAX 508 42G9795
Ross lrevine
Atty. Steve Pizzuti
D'::r:1,fr-r1'643 r:r9-19 -2nA6. 9.4.ii?,AF:NS'TAE,I.I I.AT.ID COUET RE6I STRY
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 88 - Certificate of Compliance
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, S40
Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-Law, Chapter 143
DEP File Number:
Provided by DEP
A. Project lnformation
This Certif icate of Compliance is issued to:
Chleck Family Foundation
When lilling oul
lorms on the
computer, use
only the lab key
lo move your
cursor - do not
use the return
c/o A.M Wilson Associates lnc. / 20 Rascally Rabbit Road, Unit 3
Mailing Address
lrlarstons Mills MACity/Town State Zi? Code
2. This Certificate of Compliance is issued lor work regulated by a final Order of
Conditions issued to:
David Chleck, Chleck Journey's End Corp
12/19/96 sE83-1376
3. The project site is located at:
29 Scallop Boad & beach extention ol lvlark
DEP File Number
West Yarmouth
Assessors l\.4ap/Plat Number Parcel/Lot Number
the final Order of Condition was recorded at the Begistry of Deeds for
Chleck Journey's End Corp
Property Owner (il difierent)
County Book
Doc # 685 261 lLand Court Plan 14426 K Lots 100 and 102
4. A site inspection was made in the presence of the applicant, or the applicant's agent,
wPar.meb aoc .,ev 5129/ i n
WPA Fom AB. :eiincare .r Compl'ance. paqe j ot 3
[\ilassac h usetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 88 - Certificate of Compliance
Ivlassachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c, 131 , $40
DEP File NLrmber
Provided by DEP
Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-Law, Chapter 143
B. Certification
Check all that apply:
X Complete Certification: lt is hereby certified that the work regulated by the
above-referenced Order of Conditions has been satisfactorily completed.
n Partial Certi{ication: lt is hereby ce(ified that only the following portions of work
regulated by the above-referenced Order of Conditions have been satisfactorily
completed. The project areas or work subject to this partial cenification that have
been completed and are released from this Order are:
n lnvalid Order of Conditrons: lt is hereby certified thal the work regulated by the
above-referenced Order of Conditions never commenced. The Order ol
Conditions has lapsed and is therefore no longer valid. No future work subject to
regulation under the Wetlands Protection Act may commence wathout filing a new
Notice of lntent and receiving a new Order of Conditions.
n Ongoing Conditions: The following conditions of the Order shall continue:
(lnclude any conditions contained in the Final Order, such as maintenance or
monitoring, that should continue lor a longer period).
Condition Numbers
C. Authorization
lssued by
Yarmouth 8118/2016
Consetuation Commission Date ot lssuance
This Certificate must be signed by a majority of the Conservation Commission and a
copy sent to the applicant and appropriate DEP Regional Olfice (See
htip: riwwlv. n]ass. eovleea,'aOencres,/massdeoiaboutr'contacls,/ ).
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H Massachusetts Department ol Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 88 - Certificate of Compliance
lvlassachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, $40
Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-Law, Chapter 143
D. Recording Conf irmation
The applicant is responsible for ensuring that this Certificate of Compliance is recorded in
the Registry of Deeds or the Land Courl for the district in which the land is located.
Detach on dotted line and submit to the Conservation Commission.
Provided by DEP
Conservatron Commission
Please be advised that the Certif icate of Compliance for the proiect at
29 Scallop Foad & beach access extension of
lr/ark Way
DEP File Number
Chleck Journey's End Corp
Prope(y Owner
and has been noted in the chain ot title of the affected property on
Dale tsook
lf recorded land. the instrument number which identifies this transaction is
ll registered land, the document number which identifies this transaction is
Document Number
*..kaeb 7c.. ,zr a291 a
Signature of Apphcant
woA r.r- 9e -err.a e rrco-otrancc. o39e r r -1
DEP File Number
Has been recorded at the Fegistry of Deeds of:
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 88 - Certificate of Compliance
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131' $40
DEP File Number:
Provided by DEP
Town of Yarmouth Wetland BY-Law, Chapter 143
D. Recording Confirmation
The applicant is responsible for ensuring that this certilicate of compliance is recorded in
the Registry o, Deeds or the Land court lor the district in which the land is located.
Detach on dotted line and submit to the Conservation Commission'
Conservation Commission
Please be advised that the Certificate of Compliance for the project at:
29 Scallop Road & beach access extension of sE83-1376
Mark Way DEP File Number
Has been recorded at the Begistry of Deeds of:
Chleck Journey's End Corp
Property Owner
and has been noted in the chain of title of the aflected property on:
lf recorded land, the instrument number which identifies this transaction is:
lf registered land, the document number which identilies this transaction is:
Do,:: I riifiL r643 t:tg-19-2.-J16
wpalrnSb do( ' rev 5,29/r4 WPA Fom 88 Cenit.ate or Compr'arce t Page 3 oi 3
9 -- 4tr
I STRYDocument Number r.At\l\l:r I Ftti.LL LAFIU LUt.lf{ I HE-(.]
Signature of Applicant
John F. Meade, Register