HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 Television Lane RDA, DEP cert mail receiptU.S. Postal Service*
Domestic Mail OnlyrltnEm
oc€nfi€d Mar Rdn bd o€rrry $
B^dult srsEtr n quild t-
EAdr gr$md Rdncld t'..Ey t
rl Rdm Fe.rDr {or.ctqrc)$
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PS Form 3a00, April 2015 PsN 7530{2{oceo47 See Beverse ,or lnstructions
Certified Mail service provides the following benelits:. A rocelpt (t[s poruon ol {\e Cortfi€d Mail h!d). for an elecronlc mt]m l8coipl see a nrt ll. A uniqu€ idenlificr tor }0u maitpisc€. ass.ciaie lor asshttnfi. To cceive a (fupllcab
. Et.ctrnic wrt,ioriotr of &tived or aremDred eum rcceipl for no addlional 106, p.€s€nl his
ddmd USPgD.post narted Cadfied lla! mcript lo $g
. A Bo;d or d6roN limrudino h6 Eio6nis retall ass'oaie'
sionaturer tlat is ;;imd br-rE posdr sflk.' - Reshcted deNrry seryice, $'hlch povidos
d a ffiified oeriod. d€livery io u's addGss€€ speciried by name, or
to $6 addressesb au$orEod ag€ntlnportant Romin&6: - Adult sjonaiure seMce, which requlrE ftor YN may Nrcias€ C€rtfied Mail s€rvlc6 'r.t' siqnse b ba ar toast 21 yeirs o{ aqs (nol
F61.Chss Mail.. Eci.Chss Packag€ Son ce6, ava ald ai r;raiD.
or Pdoriiyuait s€rvrc6. ^.. - Aduli stgnatu,e restrtcted deliv€ry servtco, qtichr Cenfied Mai' selvl€.ls nolavaihnh for -.' ,eqJrcs he signer tobealteast2l ltnls otag€lltena[o1almal. and proudes detivery to be addrcss{o sp€cfi€dr lnsu€nca coverase ls ,rta'rlilabla ,or p06hrso by namo, or to be a{Arsss€o! adnorized aryt
rvifr Cerlilied Mail service. Howev€r, $e Mchase {not avallaue at retail).
of C€'tred Mal seMce d@s nol cnange ihe . To en$le $ai your c€dft€{, Ma[ r€cerpl tsinsu.dc6 coverag€ a nomalical'y hcluded wi$ acceprsd as hial proof st msilng, it slio{td heamcerlBin Priontv Mail ilems. USPS po6trar,; f'yoiJ @ld trke a postnai( on. For an additioMl ree, and wili a l|oper tlir C€ditied Mail ieceipr, ltease pres€nt yor
endorcement on the mailpiece, yGr may rcqu€st Cofi,ied Msjt trem ar a pdl Ofic;" tor
tne ,ollowng seryices: posnnarkns, f you dont n €d a Dostnark on t s- fletum receipt senic-e, whlch piovides a rcc{rd Certitied Uajt eceipt, deraclt rhe bar.odod porton
0t deliwry {includinq the mcipientb slqnllr€l r.6llris hb.t, fix itlD t€ maitpiece, appty
You call requesl a hadcopy relun recerpl or an 'apgopnrtB losEgs, and depo$l [E matptece.
electonic venion For a har{ktpy relum rcc8iit
mmplors Ps Fofln 331 t, ['orrstc Retun '
,l€cdlpr altach PS fom 3811 to you. mailpiece; mfi t S'ry. thtr l!6tpt ior roor ltlqdt.
PS Fom 3800, Apir 2015 lFdi€el PSN 7A3O{2{oG9O4i