HomeMy WebLinkAbout99 Thacher Shore Road DOAD mruNAtMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 2 - Determination of Applicability
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, $40
Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-Law, Chapter 143
A. General lnformation
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Conservation Commission
To: Applicant
Colonial Gas Company (c/o Andrew Shelby)
40 Sylvan Road
Property Owner (if different from applicant)
Tri K SriHadi
99 Thacher Shore Road
Mailing Address
[4ailing Address
02451 Yarmouth PortMA
State 7tp coae City,'ro""
0267 5
1. Title and Date (or Revised Date if applicable) of Final Plans and Other Documents
Figure 4- Site Plan Residential Gas Line 99 Thacher Shore Rd
State Zip Code
Jul 2018
Date Request Filed
B. Determination
Pursuant to the authority of M.G.L. c. 131, S 40, the Conservation Commission considered your
Request for Determination of Applicability, with its supporting documentation, and made the following
Project Description (if applicable)
Eflenslg! S!eIE!1!g gas main through the drivew€y from Thacher Shore Rq to the relsidence
Project Location:
99 Thacher Shore Road Yarmouth Port
Street Address
Assessors Map/Plat Number
$!alorm2 doc. Oeleminatron of App r@biiiy ' rev. 12/14
Parcel/Lot Number
JI {I}If;O
tr Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 2 - Determination of Appticability
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c.
Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-Law, Chapter 143
131 , S40
B. Determination (cont.)
The following Determination(s) is/are applicable to the proposed site and/or project relative to the Wetlands
Protection Act and regulations:
Positive Delermination
Note: No work within the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act may proceed until a final Order of
Conditions (issued following submittal of a Notice of lntent or Abbreviated Notice of lntent) or Order of
Resource Area Delineation (issued following submittal of Simplilled Review ANRAD) has been received
from the issuing authority (i.e., Conservation Commission or the Department of Environmental Protection)
! 1 . The area described on the referenced plan(s) is an area subject to protection under the Act.
Removing, filling, dredging, or altering of the area requires the filing of a Notice of lntent.
E Za. tne boundary delineations of the following resource areas described on the referenced plan(s) are
conllrmed as accurate. Therefore, the resource area boundaries confirmed in this Determination are
binding as to all decisions rendered pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act and its regulations regarding
such boundaries for as long as this Determination is valid.
E 2b. The boundaries of resource areas listed below are lql confirmed by this Determination,
regardless of whether such boundaries are contained on the plans attached to this Determination or
to the Request for Determination.
n 3. The work described on referenced plan(s) and document(s) is within an area subject to
protection under the Act and will remove, fill, dredge, or alter that area. Therefore, said work
requires the filing of a Notice of lntent.
n 4. The work described on referenced plan(s) and document(s) is within the Buffer Zone and will
alter an Area subject to protection under the Act. Therefore, said work requires the filing of a
Notice of lntent or ANRAD Simplified Review (if work is limited to the Buffer Zone).
E 5. The area and/or work described on referenced plan(s) and document(s) is subject to review
and approval by:
Nam e Ordinance or Bylaw Citation
wpalorm2 doc. Delem nato. ol App ebirty'rev 12114
Name of Municipality
Pursuant to the following municipal wetland ordinance or bylaw:
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 2 - Determination of Applicability
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, $40
Town of Yarmouth Wetland B Law, Cha ter 143
B. Determination (cont.)
E 6. The following area and/or work, if any, is subject to a municipal ordinance or bylaw but oqt
subject to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act:
Z T.ltaNoticeof lntent isfiled forthe work in the Riverfront Area described on referenced plan(s)
and document(s), which includes all or part of the work described in the Request, the applicant
must consider the following alternatives. (Refer to the wetland regulations at 10.58(4)c. for more
information about the scope of alternatives requirements):
E Alternatives limited to the lot on which the project is located.
E Alternatives limited to the lot on which the project is located, the subdivided lots, and any
adjacent lots formerly or presently owned by the same owner.
n Alternatives limited to the original parcel on which the project is located, the subdivided
parcels, any adjacent parcels, and any other land which can reasonably be obtained within
the municipality.
E Alternatives extend to any sites which can reasonably be obtained within the appropriate
region of the state.
Negative Determination
Note: No further action under the Wetlands Protection Act is required by the applicant. However, if the
Department is requested to issue a Superseding Determination of Applicability, work may nol proceed
on this project unless the Department fails to act on such request within 35 days of the date the
request is post-marked for certified mail or hand delivered to the Department. Work may then proceed
at the owner's risk only upon notice to the Department and to the Conservation Commission.
Requirements for requests for Superseding Determinations are listed at the end of this document.
n 1. The area described in the Request is nol an area subject to protection under the Act or the
Buffer Zone.
E 2. The work described in the Request is within an area subject to protection under the Act, but will
not remove, fill, dredge, or alter that area. Therefore, said work does not require the filing of a
Notice of lntent.
El 3. The work described in the Request is within the Buffer Zone, as defined in the regulations, but
will not alter an Area subject to protection under the Act. Therefore, said work does nol require
the filing of a Notice of lntent, subject to the following conditions (if any).
n 4. The work described in the Request is not within an Area subject to protection under the Act
(including the Buffer Zone). Therefore, said work does not require the filing of a Notice of lntent,
unless and until said work alters an Area subject to protection under the Act.
wpalorm2 doc . Oeteminalion of Applicab l[y . rev 1 2/1 4
Massachusefts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 2 - Determination of Applicability
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, $40
Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-Law, Chapter 143
B. Determination (cont.)
E 5. The area described in the Request is sub.lect to protection under the Act. Since the work
described therein meets the requirements for the following exemption, as specified in the Act and
the regulations, no Notice of lntent is required:
3ro cmR ro 02 fzxb)(axi)
Exempt Activity (site applicable statuatory/regulatory provisions)
E 6. The area and/or work described in the Request is not subject to review and approval by:
Name of Municipality
Pursuant to a municipal wetlands ordinance or bylaw
Name Ordinance or Bylaw Citation
C. Authorization
This Determination is issued to the applicant and delivered as follows:
n by hand delivery on E[ by certified mail, return receipt requested on
Date Date
This Determination is valid for three years from the date of issuance (except Determinations for
Vegetation Management Plans which are valid for the duration of the Plan). This Determination does not
relieve the applicant from complying with all other applicable federal, state, or local statutes, ordinances,
bylaws, or regulations.
This Determination must be signed by a majority of the Conservation Commission. A copy must be sent to
the appropriate DEP Regional Office (see htto:i/www. mass.oov/eea/aqencies/massdeo/abouvcontacts/)
and the property owner (if different from the applicant).
Signatures:' .;,,--L-a/
wralorm2.do.. Detemrnaton oI AppLicability. rev 1214
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
WPA Form 2 - Determination of Appticability
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131 , $40
Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-Law, Chapter 143
D. Appeals
The applicant, owner, any person aggrieved by this Determination, any owner of land abutting the land
upon which the proposed work is to be done, or any ten residents of the city or town in which such land is
located, are hereby notified of their right to request the appropriate Department of Environmental
Protection Regional Office (see htto://www.mass.aov/eealaqencies/massdeo/abouVcontacts/) to issue a
Superseding Determination of Applicability. The request must be made by certified mail or hand delivery
to the Department, with the appropriate filing fee and Fee Transmittal Form (see Request for
Departmental Action Fee Transmittal Form)as provided in 310 CMR 10.03(7) within ten business days
from the date of issuance of this Determination. A copy of the request shall at the same time be sent by
certified mail or hand delivery to the Conservation Commission and to the applicant if he/she is not the
appellant. The request shall state clearly and concisely the objections to the Determination which is being
appealed. To the extent that the Determination is based on a municipal ordinance or bylaw and not on the
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act or regulations, the Department of Environmenlal Protection has
no appellate jurisdiction.
wpalorm2 doc . Determinalion ot Apphcab hy . rev 1 2]1 4
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
Request for Departmental Action Fee
Transmittal Form
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131 , S40
DEP File Number
Provided by OEP
A. Request lnformation
1. Location of Project
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oul forms on
the computer,
use only the
tab key to
move your
cursor - do
not use the
return key.
a. Street Address b. City/Town, Zip
c. Checl number d. Fee amount
2. Person or party making request (if appropriate, name the citizen group's representative)
l,4ailing Address
C jty/Towl State Zip Code
Phone NLrmber Fax Number (if applicable)
3. Applicant (as shown on Determination of Applicability (Form 2), Order of Resource Area Delineation
(Form 4B), Order of Conditions (Form 5), Restoration Order of Conditions (Form 5A), or Notice of
Non-Significance (Form 6)):
lMailing Address
City/Towll State Zip Code
Fax Number (if applicable)
B. lnstructions
1 . When the Departmental action request is for (check one):
E Superseding Order of Conditions - Fee; $120.00 (single family house projects) or $245 (all other
E Superseding Determination of Applicability - Fee: $120
! Superseding Order of Resource Area Delineation - Fee: $120
Send this form and check or money order, payable to lhe Commonwealth of Massachusefrs, to
Department of Environmental Protection
Box 4062
Boston, MA 0221 1
wpalorm2 doc. Requ6tfo. Oeparlmenlal aclion Fee Transmrnal Fom ' rev 12114
Phone Number
4. DEP File Number:
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands
Request for Departmenta! Action Fee
Transmitta! Form
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131 , S40
B. !nstructions (cont.)
2. On a separate sheet attached to this form, state clearly and concisely the objections to the
Determination or Order which is being appealed. To the extent that the Determination or Order is
based on a municipal bylaw, and not on the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act or regulations,
the Department has no appellate jurisdiction.
3. Send a copy of this form and a copy of the check or money order with the Request for a
Superseding Determination or Order by certified mail or hand delivery to the appropriate DEP
Regional Office (see htto://www.mass.oov/eea/aoencies/massdeo/abouVcontacts/).
4. A copy of the request shall at the same time be sent by certified mail or hand delivery to the
Conservalion Commission and to the applicant, if he/she is not the appellant.
DEP File Number:
Provided by DEP
wpafom2 doc. Requ6l tor Depadmenlal Aclon Fee Transmrtlal Fom . .ev 12114