HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-2029 - Extension Permit cert mail recptU.S. Postal Service," CERTIFIED MAIL" RECEIPT (Domesfic Nall Only; l,lo lnsunnce Covenge Provided)IT.!n-IT ITruEru C6dri6d F€6 mE B6tum Fgc€ipl Feo Ei GndoB6ftbnl Foquicd) E R.*rir"a oai** F*(EndoB€trt€nr Flsqi,rrcd) ci Rlchard Grady Grady Consulting 71 Evergreen Street, Suite .l Kingston, MA 02364 EI LN E xlllfi 'L(J:x'rrg-l 6u* EOEE n-. OFFICIAL USE s Fordellvery informailon vialt our v,eballe at www.usps.coml PS Form 3800. August 2006 See Aevers€ lor hsrrucrions Certilied ilail Proyides:. A mailinq Ec€lpt. A unhuo lclentilior for your mailpi€ce a A rocord of deliv€ry kept by lhe Postal Servica for t$,o yea6 lmpo ant Remlnrhr';. Codili€d Mail may ONLY b€ combin€d with First-Chss Mail@ or Priority Maib. Cetulied Mail is ,ol Evailable for any clsss of int6matonal mail.r NO INSUBANCE COVEBAGE lS PROVIDED with Certified Mail. Forvaluablos, pl6as6 consid€r lnaurod or Registsr€d Mail.r For an additional t€e, a Refum RecaiDl mav be reouesled to orovide orool ol dehvery. To obbin Reium Beceipt s€rvlc€, pfeas€ cohplete and attach d BelumRec€ipl (PS Form 381 1 ) lo the articl€ and add appliribl€ postage to cov6r thelee. Endorse mailDi6co 'Retum Rsc€iDt Reaue6ted'. To 6ceiv6 €i fue waiver lor a duplicat€ rglum rec€ipt, a USPSo iostrndrk on your C€rtified Mail rec€ipt isrequrred. a For En additional l€0, d,Elivory may b€ rostrict€d to th€ addressoe or address€e's aulhorized ag€nt. Actuisg the clerkor mark ths mailpioc€ wilh lh6endors€mgnt'Reshdedbivety'. a ll a postma on the Certitied Mail r€coipt is desired, plea6e present ihe arli-cle at th6 post offrc€ lor postmaAing. Ila postmark on th€ C€nilied Mail r€cerpl is not n€edod, delach and affrx lab6l wrth poslag€ and marl. lltlP0RTANT: Sayo lhls rscsipl and prsssnt it whsn maling rn inquiry. PS Fom 3800, August 2006 fPer€6e) PSN 7530-02.000-9047