HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-19-000627 1 • prip . . • ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY-BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yarmouth Building Department or If • 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 1492 ' 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 ■ Massachusetts State Building Code,780 CMR Building Permit Application To Construct, Repair, Renovate Or Demolish a One-or Two-Family Dwelling This Section For Official Use Only • Building PermitNumbernj(/j-(�p GaZ,:' ,DateApplie • • 1St"N stKr5 .. 7 . . . +-.2,- ( rP-I1 E D3 Biilding Official(Print Name) • . Signature,. .: ,. . ..I ; --' • • SECTION 1:SITE INFORMATION • • ,( ' 8 1.1 Propery Address: 1.2 Assessors Map&Parcel Numbe ,� 22 -Pcve, Witt,Vi tousiiA. I )ILDI?'G'---- MlNT ! 1.1a Is this an accepted street?yes_ no� Map Number Parcel Nu be — ! 1.3 Zoning Information: 1.4 Property Dimensions: Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage(ft) — 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided 1.6 Water Supply: (M.G.L c.40,§54) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: • 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: Public❑ Private 0 Zone: _ Outside Flood Zone? Municipal 0 On site disposal system 0 • Check if yes❑ ' . SECTION 2i PROPERTY OWNERSF 2.1 Ownerr of Record: `I Nam"(P{lkIli t.1)i1P.l�l.is ! W . 7Cltvvoah. , M A b2&73 ✓ J • city,State,ZIP 2-n S.Sioir Ave t170-443 .2414 e:ldieiev isPtylitail •eowt. No.and Street Telephone Email Ad ss SECTION 3:,DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORKS(check all that apply) • • New Construction❑ I Existing Building❑ Owner-Occupied ❑ Repairs(s) VAlteration(s) ❑ Addition ❑ Demolition ❑ I Accessory Bldg. 0 Number of Units_ Other 0 Specify: - Brief Description of Proposed Work':RPQa(r ak-tM- war'oar dam/Jett lika1 Ltd ttplact et.�A- of \vnsulak>,opt j$tPa btard/p 4st�, ticudwood bCy 4 tP.`)1Ace,nteu.� /SAVtri /R uS4 Q1A ' Ratl.-{ ✓ : ' • '. . SECTION 4::ESTI 1ATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS. ;. ItemEstimated Casts: t (Labor and Materials) . . .. _ . • ' OfficiallTse Only : 1.Building $ 11-2100 1..Butlding Permit Fee:Q5 0 Indicate hbw fee is'determined: • 2.Electrical $ t Standard City/Towb.ApplfcatiotiFee •.'-. ", .. . ❑.TotalProjeotCost3 6)xmultiplier.. : Y.: 3.Plumbing $ ..---- .' 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ ....--- 5. 5.Mechanical (Fire Suppression) $ Total All Fee§i$. 6.Total Project Cost $ b Check N6 - . CheckAmou t • CashAmouhtj- • 'I�.ii ❑Paid'm Full . . . 29.pinstanding Balance Duei �J!) • SECTION 5:.CONSTRUCTION SERVICES . r - • 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) PS-RD 4/T4t egz2 t6 hslM , Yr1uskime . License Number Expiration Date .Name of CSL Holder 121 SpvvC( List CSL Type(see below) U No.end Street J e Type , .. Description �VIdte,W/x#'ev-1 MIA 01-32-4- Unrested I,(Buildings upto35,000 cu R) City/To State,ZIP Restricted I Put Family Dwelling v M Masonry RC Roofing Covering • WS Window and Siding _ SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances ►e•(bl3•i 't• ',A L' . Co tM. I Insulation Telephone Em. 1 address D Demolition 5.2 Registered" Home Improvement Contractor(HIC) -. . 1 '(b2 �� • 1/5 tisk-e wi i Co tAstrtAG O N , bevy-top M-t14 HIC Registration Number Expiration Date BIC Collrpany Name or HIC Registrant Name i 12t Spvitnr� SF. -- e vle iscettic. ocvv, o. d Sheet • ail address v thie-Wa-tete, MA ova 2+ 5o0.%O1.O105 662 •W13 .0466 • City/Town,State,ZIP Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(NLG.L.c.152.§ 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes lEf." No ❑ SECTION 7a: OWNER Au 1HORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WREN r OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING1PERMIT . I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize See urged CAAA:-I,Ime;ZQ_,HOIn to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) Date / SECTION 7b: OWNER'.OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION / By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information VVV contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. - 2 ?'3p(2-0 lc?) runt Owner's or A orized Agent's Name(Electronic Signature) • Date • • • NOTES: • 1. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work, or an owner who hires an=registered contactor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(EC)Program),will not have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L.c. 142k Other important information on the MC Program can be found at www.masssov/oca Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.mass.zov/dos 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below Total floor area(sq.ft.) (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq.ft.) Habitable room count Number of fireplaces Number of bedrooms Number of bathrooms Number of half/baths Type of heating system Number of decks/porches Type of cooling system Enclosed Open 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" , I"\ The Commonwealth ofMassrachused? r Depar'trnetitof Industrial Accideatts —iq1�a I 1 Office investigationsof 600 Washington Street Boston,MA 02111 '.rr'c www.massgolr/dtra Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit;Builders/Contra ctors/Ltlectr'icinns/Plumb ars Applicant Information Please Print Legjj Dltltn.8(BnsmatarOrgm112alImVJltttiMhi-tall dUa1); ( � Co rn{r'N(/r'r'Rn � ��roY 4�.�j�d., 4 C Address: /2,- •]r I 5/2/1A-Or ,e'(" I City/Statetzi : eJlt`ot 0 4•4'711 r • Ihotso 5-03 go? 070 Are y n an employer?Check t e appropriate box! Type of project(required); 1,Mf 1 am a employer with 4 1. 0 I am it genand conhnotor•and I 6, 0 New construction sh *loyocs(111.and/or porb•into).a have hired the alb•couRnolors •2.0 lam a solo proprietor or pnttnott listed on the altuohod abed. V, L,namadedng I i chip and have no employees These aub•contraotas halo 8, 0 Dcm+(riUon ) I scathing for ma in nay oopaoity, employees tad have workers' 9, 0 Building addition [No worker's'oomp.insurance comp,ingw'onoe,t inquired.] 5, 0 We are a corporation and its 10,0 Illaotrloal repalrsor additions 9,0 I am a homeowner doing nil work offloors bawl o:ccroiscd their 110 Plumbing repairs or additions i myna jNo workers'camp. right of oxompUon pork/GI, 12.n Roof taus . 111.1t11.01(10 tagnited.]t o, 152,§1(41 and we have no olnployeoa,[No wtulcors' 19,0 Other coin ,Insurance required] . i 'Any nppltonulllmt took.Loxat must alio all alt Ino teellon below showing Onto workeu'eomparnattoa polroy loromalim. ' I t Nomoomwnwho mbadt ad.intim/II lndioolh'gd+oy aro dolug all work and gum bis oalsldeoonlmclon mud submit anew tgtdavttlndlaot,g ouch, i 1 ttbnlmalun thatchwk grin bounties attached nn additional sheet showing ikename otthe*ub-eonlmclote and Untewhatker or not those unities have employees,IUcc alb•aunhnola*Lave employer*,they nets!ptuvldr their wurkord comp.policy mem.. I am an employer'that is providing worker.'compensation Ins:umce fop riy empiayeea Below is irta p9Tcey aar/Job site i information. .Q�]Xatsotpnoo CompanyNnmoL It CEAMZCICPn ins CoC , P01109#or$olf-ins,Liu l4_ (QS ID a V00Elizili Pj_._Expiration Date: 'e 43e 20,/9 Yob$1h Address: — City/StatePLlp:_ / Attach a copy of the workers'conuungatiou policy dacloration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). , F Failure to score°average as required under gentian25A of MCiL 0,152 can lead to the Imposition of criminal penal dos of a I line up to$1,500.00 and/or one. rent bnprlsonmont,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORKS ORDER and n feu 1 of up to$250.00 a dtq+against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this ado/milt/417 be forwarded to the 081100 of Inveallgatioas of.the DIA fox ivaurnnee coverage votifondon. Ida bomb"cep*turd p 111e pains and penalties ofperjmyr that Ole ht/invitatton prortrled above is hue and correct, 81ggatute .4-t--J. Date; • est.,.. i Phonedh A �1Q�— 9 62. Offrcrrd use only. .o notrn lta In.ails area,to be completed by ally or towel/14W I city or Town: Berndt/License 1l •^ Issuing Authority(ehvdc one)I � i 1,Board or Health 2,Building Department 3.Ctytfown Clerk d.Electrical Inspector 5,PlumbingXnspcthor 6,Other , CoaltaccPersonlPhone t1;,_u_ _ I t t of Y .y TOWN OF YARMOUTH - e e BUILDING DEPARTMENT • o1inn 'j 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 • % ? 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 • BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to MEL Chapter 40,Section 54 and 780 CMR, Chapter 1, Section 1113, I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at 224 • S -Sea Awe , Wtsf VaWutswk-(,&- NA- 02-(0t3 Work Address Is to be disposed of at the following location: Bui tt Bat biSpO c cc.\ Z 1 Fares{ �voGkta tti. U-i Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Chapter 111, Section 150A. 1 130 Signature of Application Date Permit No. Do Sign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF Integrity Construction&Development,LLC • INTEGRITY 121 Spring Street CONSTRUCTION -CONSULTING Bridgewater,MA 02324 508-807-0705 (Office) 508-659-2300(Fax) 7.19.2018 DIGEMS,CONSTANTINE Property:228 S Sea Ave W Yarmouth,MA 02673-5631 Home:978-443-2614 Cellular:978-430-9881 RESTORATION CONTRACT FOR 228 S.SEA AVE. W. YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Dear CONSTANTINE, Please find attached the scope of work totaling$42,781.39- Final Estimate of July,20, 2018 (attached),totaling$42,781.39. Not including supplements. The scope of work being performed and agreed upon is that created by State Farm Insurance. Integrity Construction& Development, LLC will provide all labor, materials, and supervision for this project. Payments are to be made as follows upon meeting the specific milestones: os 1. Upon Start of Project Projected 7.23.2018 $12,000.00 DS 2. Upon Plaster Completion-Projected 8.10.2018 $9,000.00 3. Upon Paint Completion-Projected 8.31.2018 $9,000.00 G3D 4. Upon Floor Completion-Projected 9.14.2018 $9,000.00 $3,781.39 C9D Or remaining funds 5. Upon Completion of Punch List Items Projected 9.21.2018 including supplements Please see below terms of contract. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me to discuss and then sign and return this contract to me at your earliest convenience. Note that all change orders or agreed upon changes to the scope of work that result in an increase in labor and material costs are isolated outside of this contract, pre-approved by the customer and construction authority, and must be paid for in advance of start of change order project scope of work. Note: There may be a supplement for flooring costs on potentially some additional items. " DOM!Sign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41 B-419D7D5D99EF It is agreed that the wallpaper called for in the reference will be substituted by paint at no extra cost. The color selection of the paint will be made by the owner by August Pt, 2018 and communicated to the contractor in writing. A. Work Stoppage and Termination of Contract for Default INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT shall have the right to stop all work on the project and keep the job idle if payments are not made to INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT strictly in accordance with the Payment Schedule in this Agreement,or if Owner repeatedly fails or refuses to furnish INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT with access to the job site and/or product selections or information necessary for the advancement of INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT's work, and/or if Owner is otherwise in breach of this Agreement.Simultaneous with stopping work on the project, INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT shall give Owner written notice of the nature of Owner's breach of this Agreement and shall also give the Owner a 7-day period in which to cure this breach of contract. Owner to follow this same notice procedure with INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT if Owner alleges INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT is in material breach of this Agreement. If work is stopped due to any of the above reasons (or for any other breach of contract by Owner) and the Owner has failed to cure his default as set forth above,then INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT may, without prejudicing any other remedies INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT may have, give written notice of termination of the Agreement to Owner and demand payment for all completed work and materials ordered through the date of work stoppage, and any other reasonable loss sustained by INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT, including INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT's Profit and Overhead at the rate of 21% on the balance of the incomplete work under the Agreement. Thereafter, INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT is relieved from all other contractual duties, including all remaining items and warranty work. If INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT fails to meet any of the listed milestones by more than two weeks, provided stoppage is not due to weather or unavailable materials, the owner may give written notice of termination of this agreement without any further compensation to INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT. If INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT is delayed at any time in the progress of the work by changes ordered in the work,either by the Owner or by any public authority,by labor disputes,fire,unusual delay in transportation or supply of materials,strike,insurrection,acts of God,or other unavoidable casualty or cause beyond INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT'S control,then the contract time shall be extended for a reasonable period of time on account of such delay or delays, and the contract price adjusted as necessary due to such delays. All home improvement contractors and subcontractors shall be registered and any inquiries about a contractor or subcontractor relating to a registration should be directed to: Director of Home Improvement Contractor Registration Bureau of Building Regulations and Standards One Ashburton Place, Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108 617-727-3200 or 800-223-0933 Unless otherwise noted within this document,this Agreement shall not imply that any lien or other security interest has been placed on the residence. Note: This is a legal document that creates binding obligations. If not understood, please consult an attorney. • DottiSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41 B-419D7D5D99EF B. Dispute Resolution and Attorney's Fees INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT and the Owner hereby mutually agree in advance that in the event that INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT has a dispute concerning this contract, INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION& DEVELOPMENT may submit such dispute to a private arbitration service which has been approved by the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation and the consumer shall be required to submit to such arbitration as provided in MGL c 142A. C.Warranty Thank you for choosing our company to perform this work for you. Your satisfaction with our work is a high priority for us, however, not all possible issues are covered by our warranty. INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION& DEVELOPMENT, LLC does provide a limited warranty against material defects on all contractor- and subcontractor-supplied labor and materials used in this project for a period of one year following substantial completion of all work. This warranty covers normal usage only. You must contact INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT,LLC at the address on page one of this Agreement in writing for warranty service immediately upon discovering an item in need of warranty service. If the matter is urgent,you must also call INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT,LLC and send written notice of the need for warranty service. Failure to notify INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT,LLC of the need for warranty service within ten days of discovery of a warranty item may void this warranty. Additionally,Owner's hiring of others or direct actions by Owner or Owner's separate contractors to repair a warranty item are not covered by this warranty and will not be reimbursed by INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT,LLC. No warranty is provided by INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT,LLC on any materials furnished by the Owner for installation,or materials installed by or labor performed by contractors or subcontractors not hired by Integrity Construction & Development, LLC. No warranty is provided on any existing materials that are moved and/or reinstalled by the INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT, LLC within the dwelling or the property (including any warranty that existing/used materials will not be damaged during the removal and reinstallation process). One year after substantial completion of the project, the Owner's sole remedy (for materials and labor) on all materials that are covered by a manufacturer's warranty is strictly with the manufacturer, not with the INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT,LLC. Repair of the following items and related damages of every kind are specifically excluded from INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT, LLC's warranty: problems caused by lack of Owner maintenance; problems caused by Owner abuse, Owner misuse, vandalism, Owner modification, or alteration; and ordinary wear and tear. Damages resulting from mold, fungus, and other organic pathogens are excluded from this warranty unless caused by the sole and active negligence of INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT, LLC as a direct result of a construction defect which caused sudden and significant amounts of water infiltration into a part of the structure.Deviations that arise such as the minor cracking of concrete,stucco,and plaster;minor stress fractures in drywall due to the curing of lumber;warping and deflection of wood; shrinking/cracking of grouts and caulking; fading of paints and finishes exposed to sunlight are all typical (not material) defects in construction, and are strictly excluded from INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION&DEVELOPMENT,LLC's warranty. e DocSSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-40C4-A418-419D7D5099EF Notice: The signatures of the parties above apply only to the agreement of the parties to alternate dispute resolution initiated by the contractor. The owner may initiate alternative dispute resolution even where this section is not signed separately by the parties. The prevailing party in any legal proceeding related to this Agreement shall be entitled to payment of reasonable attorney's fees,costs,and post-judgment interest at the legal rate. I have read and understood, and I agree to, all the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement above. Docusigned by: 7/23/2018 6:54:33 AM �-LL�-� �, Ken Barnard M1,u (-7aiM.aY 41,1111.31-1 nLosww... DATE INTEGRITY'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME r-Docusion.0 by 7/23/2018 6:53:35 Ni 6att,sjM&Jjttt, 3. Vices Constantine 7. Digenis DATE OWN'E tItI 'URE PRINT NAME DocuSlgn Envelope ID:3C21 AD6A-DOAA-48C5-9820-9E01 C639FC27 • HIC Registration#: 123245 INTEGRITY Federal Tax ID#: 47-436-5277 CONSTRUCTION • CONSULTING Fax: 508-659-2300 121 Spring Street Bridgewater,MA 02324 508.807-070.5(OtBce) 608-217-4120(Fax) www.Bcgllc.com ADJUSTER AUTHORIZATION 7.11.2018 Constantine Digenis 228 S.Sea Ave W Yarmouth.MA 02673 I, Property Owner, of the subject property listed above, hereby authorize the insurance carrier its adjuster(s)and/or their independent adjuster(s) to communicate directly with our contractor, Integrity Construction & Development, LLC and/or their authorized representatives regarding any and all aspects of this claim and repair estimates to the property listed above. Signature: Date: PERMIT AUTHORIZATION Constantine Digenis I, Property Owner of the subject property listed above, hereby authorize and direct Integrity Construction&Development, LLC and/or their authorized representatives to act on my behalf regarding all matters relative to PERMITTING AND REPAIRS and/or to deal directly with all government officials within the Town of Yarmouth regarding any and all aspects of this damage claim and reepaii, Jtgrabovve reference property. ialAS{A!A�IIAL l/iP 1tiS 7/12/2018 6:44:35 AM PDT Signature: —D61F93E5B8lCD4O4.. Date: c, Massachusetts Department of Public Safely 1/1 Board of Building Regulations and Standards License:CS-110899 • Construction Supervisor Its ERIN MUSHROE V� 11 GRACE MEADOWS DRIVE EAST TAUNTON MA 02(10 f '2 t.rtiAv+ � R.._. Expiration; Commissioher 09/2212020 e k o/6 �� y Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation • 10 Park Plaza-Suite 5170 Boston,Massausetis 02116 - Home lmproveme' ntraotor Registration • - {t1�_ —�,rn Type LLC INTEGRRYCONSTRUCTION&DEVEIO ^may' iii!! y�gort 07/03/2019 127 SPR]NG ST. !q1 ,— '> BRDGEWATcR,MA 02324 1:; a�� 6i • w k......Lit_vi Updata Address and return cord. Mark reason for change. SCAt o Ef.4Wtt — oor: n.._lra+l-d__r_.---.. --"--...+- dk'T. oonwmeuoeeS(t / 4fw4ao aeGt I ^ • A__ - . n t Office of ConsmwPlias&&deese Resolaam, C Fb.M,• PROTYPE:L CONTRACTOR Registrationvalid Toren.I tfo use only TYPE LLD aebtathe expiration date.If found return teg _ istr-ja OZtS2Cgn t Office al Consumteats and Business Regulation T n 07 19 l 16 Perk Rau-Sotta6170 INrECaRT'DOIM,Csslp: -^?0PMENT LW 1 Boston,MA 02116 t.ra�n,.tn's.G KENNETH BARNABD z,;;; :t 721 aEwAPRING ST- F�'--"+t;;r` U r Not valid without signature BRIDG-EWATER.MA OT324 Undersecrealy t • ACORIO CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAT IrrI Mf2G 8 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT; If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,suh)ect to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement, A statement on this certificate dons not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: McSweeney&Ricci Insurance Agency,Inc. PHONEFA% 420 Washington Street MEC No Fxo:781-848-8000 I/AJC,NO;781-043-8807 Braintree MA 02185 ADURess; mrireceptIon®mcsweencd.com INSURER(3)AFFORDING COVERAGE HAIL I INSURER A:Nautilus InstianCe Company INSURED INTEGI INSURER a:Lloyds Of London Integrity Construction& Development LLC INSURER C. 121 Spring Street INSURER D: Bridgewater MA 02324 INSURER E; INSURER P I COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:1711394383 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY SE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ABTA L11 TYPE DF INSURANCE DmSUTtft WWI. POLICY NUMBER IMInoFr I IMOCYITPYI LIMITS , A GENERAL LIABILITY NN082270 712/2018 r22oie EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,00 DAMNTED X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREEMISES(Eaa*carrerlce) $100,000 CLAIMS-MADE a OCCUR MED EXP(Any one parson) $500 PERSONALS ACV INJURY $1,000,00 — GENERAL AGGREGATE $20000 GENLAGGREGATE OMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $2,000 ,0 —1 POLICY El' ii LOC $ _ I AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ICO/WIEa INNW SINGLE LIMIT lentl $ — _ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Parma/0 9 ALUM/CEO SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per su en() $ AUTOS AUTOS ONTY , ED PROPERDAMAGE $ HIREDAUTOS _ N AUTOS (Parscddenll $ A X UMBRELLA LUB 1 OCCUR AN042523 8/30/2011 500/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,030 EXCESS LIAR CIAIMS.MADE AGGREGATE $ DED IRETENTION 9 $ I WORKERS COMPENSATION ' NC STALO N- TH- AND EMFLOYERB'LIABtJIY TORYLIMITS ER '( ANYPROPRIETOIN+ARTNERIEXECUTNE a N/A EL EACH ACCIDENT $ II OFFNEAIMEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mcndalory in NH) E.L DISEASE•EA EMPLOYEE$ 1 Ilya;deacdbe under UE•. RIPTION OF OPERATIONS bene El.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT 1 B PoNullen Lleblfly ENP 000034501 5202017 0/30/2015 Emnp4roggrnedal Incident 1,000,00 OeducIble 5,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(Attach ACORD 181,Addlllaoel Remarks Snhadulo,Ifmars*pus b requIrm) Alacrity Renovation Services LLC and Its officers,managers employees and agents are added es Additional Insured to the General LlabTly and Contractors Environmental/Pollution Liability Insurance es respects to liability arising out of ongoing operations performed by or on behalf of the named Insured where required by written contract.Waiver of Subrogation Is provided on the General Liability In favor of the certificate holder where regldrod by v/dtten contract, I permit,or agreement. OL Deductible Is$1,000,Pollution Deductible Is$5,000. I CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE I THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. . I AUTHORIZED PRESENTATIVE I a.+. . /1/4) A tins ( I 611980-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010105) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD I • ACO CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(Mh0DDNYYY) L------ 719/2018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: McSweeney&Ricci Insurance Agency,Inc. PHONE FAX 420 Washington StreetE-M xa Pap 781-848-8600 mc,rvo):781-843-8807 Braintree MA 02185 ADDRFss: mdreception@mcsweeneyncd.com INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL I INSURER a:Nautilus Insurance Company INSURED INTEG-0 INSURER B:Lloyds Of London Integrity Construction& Development LLC INSURER C: 121 Spring Street INSURER 0: Bridgewater MA 02324 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:840606313 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. WW1 ADDL 5UBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR bWD POLICY NUMBER IMM/Df/YYY) (MM/OOM7YY) LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY NNe52270 7/212018 7/2/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE TO X COMMERCIAL GENERAL UABILrTY PREMISES(EaENTED occurrence) S 100,000 I CLAIMS-MADE n OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $5,000 _ PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,030 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 _ GEN'L AGGREGATE("�ILIMIT APPLIES�IPER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG 12,000.000 POLICY I I°Is- 1-1 LOC $ - �.. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ _ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS _ AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ HIRED AUTOS AUTO ED PROPERTY WNAAGE $ '.. (Per acclaenn $ A X UMBRELLAUAB AN042523 8/3012017 8(20/2018 _ I IOCCLIR EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000.000 . EXCESS LIAR CINMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTIONS $ WORKERS COMPENSATION NC STATU- OTH- ANDEMPLOYERS'LIABIUTY YINTORY LIMITS FR t( ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERECUTIVE 0 E.L.EACH ACCIDENT S OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED' NIA (Mandatory In NH) EL DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ DESCRIPTION under Et DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION$below B Pollution LlabIly ENP 0000343.01 8/302017 8/30/2018 En*omentei Incident 1,000.000 Aggregateg1,000,000 A 5.000 1 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,If more spate Is required) First Notice Systems d/b/a Innovation Property,Its parent,its subsidiaries and Its affiliates are added as Additional Insured to the General Liability and Contractors Environmental/Pollution Liability Insurance as respects to liability arising out of ongoing operations performed by or on behalf of the named Insured I. where required by written contract I CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DEUVERED IN First Notice Systems ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. dba Innovation Property 5601 Hudson Dr,Suite 100 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Hudson OH 44236 T� ✓_ I / a. ,'Q/) ©1988.2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010105) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD A f► W CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATEfMMIUDWYYY) 07109/2018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME; David Rust ROGERS&GRAY INSURANCE AGENCY INC PHONE e pat (508)760-46013 FAX Neu E-MAIL drust er5 ADDRESS; ©rO9 graycom 434 ROUTE 134 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAICR SOUTH DENNIS MA 02660 INSURER A: ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE CO 22667 INSURED INSURER B: INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION &DEVELOPMENT LLC INSURER C: INSURER D: 121 SPRING STREET INSURERE: BRIDGEWATER MA 02324 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 289386 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING MY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. POOL SUeR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP /LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE MSD WVD POLICY NUMBER (MMIDDIYYYY) (MMIDDWYYY) LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ DAMAGE TO RENTED CLAIMS-MADE n OCCUR PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ MED EXP(Any one person) $ _ — N/A PERSONAL&AW INJURY $ GEN-II_AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ POLICY O VT- 0 LOC PRODUCTS•COMPIOP AGO $ OTHER: $ COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED accident) ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AMOS N/A BODILY INJURY(Per axMent) f AUTOS NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE f HIRED AUTOS _ AUTOS (Per ac idem) $ UMBRELLALIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ — EXCESS LIAR CIAIMS-MADE N/A AGGREGATE f DED I RETENTION; $ WORKERS COMPENSATION X EMOTE I g"- AND EMPLOYERVJABILITY YIN A OFANFIOERPMEM EREXACLU%Ew09ECUTME WA NM WA 6S62UBOG15211718 07/0312018 07/03/2019 E.L EACH ACCIDENT $ 500,000 (Mandatory In NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 500,000 II yes,desanw under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below El.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 4000,000 N/A DESCR PTION OF OPERATIONS ILOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached IT more space Is required) Workers'Compensation benefits will be paid to Massachusetts employees only.Pursuant to Endorsement WC 20 03 06 B,no authorization is given to pay claims for benefits to employees In states other than Massachusetts If the Insured hires,or has hired those employees outside of Massachusetts. This certificate of insurance shows the policy In force on the date that this certificate was Issued(unless the expiration date on the above policy precedes the issue date of this certificate of Insurance). The status of this coverage can be monitored daily by accessing the Proof of Coverage-Coverage Verification Search tool at vwQ'w mass.gov/wd/workers-compensatlonflnvestigations/. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. , AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR 97401 cp.-0 C�v Eugene Daniel M.Cr y,CPCU,Vice President-Residual Market-WCRIBMA 1 ©1988.2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Sears, Tim From: Sears,Tim Sent Thursday, August 2, 2018 3:56 PM To: 'erin@iscgllc.com' Subject 228 South Sea Ave Attachments: work in flood zone packet.pdf Erin, I have reviewed your application and we are going to need some more information as we discussed on the phone; 1. Cost breakdown of the work 2. Flood packet filled out including affidavits Please submit these items for review. Thank you Timothy Sears CBO Building Inspector Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext. 1259 mailto:tsears@varmouth.ma.us 1 ECEIVED AUG 0 6 2018 CtURDING D'UPAHTMbNT Sample Notice for Property Owners, Contractors,and Design Professionals TO: Property Owners,Contractors,and Design Professionals FROM: Mark Grylls Town of Yarmouth, Building Commissioner SUBJECT: Notice for Work on Existing building in Special Flood Hazard Areas Substantial Improvement/substantial Damage Worksheets The community's floodplain management regulations and code specify that all new buildings to be constructed in Special Flood Hazzard(SFHAs) (regulated floodplains) are required to have their lowest floors elevated to or above the base flood elevation (BFT). The regulations also specify that substantial improvement of existing buildings (remodeling,rehabilitation,improvement,or addition) or building that have sustained substantial damage must be brought into compliance with the requirements for new construction. Please note that a building may be substantially damaged by any cause, including fire,flood,high wind,seismic activity,land movement,or neglect It is important to note that all costs to repair a substantially damaged building to its pre-damage condition must be identified. There are several aspects that must be addressed to achieve compliance with the floodplain management requirements. The requirements depend on several factors,including the flood zone at your property. The most significant compliance requirement is that the lowest floor,as defined in the regulation/code,must be elevated to or above the BFE. Please plan to meet with this department to review your proposed project,to go over the requirements,and to discuss how to bring your building into compliance. Our regulations define these terms: Substantial Damage means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby cost of restoring the structure to it's before damaged condition would equal exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before damage occurred. • Substantial Improvement means any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a structure,the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the "start of construction" of the improvement This term includes structures that have incurred "substantial damage," regardless of the actual repair work performed. The term does not, however,include either: 6 _ : e� :1 rLc 5 - sva.,?c 9 - Sosr.39g'u31 It I, S 999 SSLOJICSLy4M&0 k4_ uo1 `sag ?n7 o?os' Sx - awn gra 61oit,r e rma(2rn_ (1)Any project for improvement of a structure to correct exiting violations of State or local health, sanitary, or safety code specification that have been identified by the local code enforcement official and that are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions or (2)Any alteration of a"historic structure"provided that the alteration will not preclude the structure's continued designation as a"historic structure." To make the substantial improvement determination or the substantial damage determination we compare the cost of the proposed improvement or repairs to the market value of the building (excluding land, accessory structures, and landscaping). If the resulting ratio equals or exceeds 50 percent, the existing building must be brought into compliance with the floodplain management requirement for new buildings. Cost of improvement or Cost to Repair to Pre-Damage Condition _>50% Market Value of Building Please Note: • You must provide an estimate of the cost to perform the proposed improvements or repairs. If your building has been damaged,the cost estimate must include all work required to repair the building to its pre-damage condition. The cost estimate must include all labor and materials. If the work will be done by a contractor, the contractor's overhead and profit must be included. If the work will be done by the owner or volunteers, market rates must be used to estimate the cost of materials and the value of labor. Attached to this notice is a list of costs that must be included and costs that are excluded. After we review the cost estimate,we may require that it be broken down to show all materials and labor estimates. • You must provide a market value appraisal of the building that is prepared by a professional appraiser according to standard practices of a profession. We will review the appraisal to determine that it accurately describe your building and does not include the value of the land,accessory building,and landscaping. Alternatively, we will use the tax assessment value of your building as the estimate of the market value of the building before the work is performed. If you have any questions regarding this information,please contact the Town of Yarmouth, Building Department(508-398-2231 Ext1261). Requirement for application for Permits for Substantial Improvements and Repair of Substantial Damage Please contact the Town of Yarmouth,building Department(508-398-2231 Ext. 1261)if you have questions about the substantial improvement and substantial damage requirements. Your building may have to be brought into compliance with the floodplain management requirements for new construction. Application for permits to work on exiting building that are located in special Flood Hazzard Areas must include the following: • Current photographs of the exterior(front, rear,sided) • If your building has been damaged,include photographs of the interior and exterior;provide pre-damage photos of the exterior, if available • Detailed description of the proposed improvement(rehabilitation,remodeling,addition.etc.) or repairs • Cost estimate of the proposed improvement or the cost estimate to repair the damaged building to its before-damage condition • Elevation certificate or elevation survey • You may submit a market value appraisal prepared by a licensed professional appraiser or we will use the tax assessment value of the building • Owner's affidavit(sign and dated) • Contractor's affidavit(signed and dated) ,f 700 - to voo r 2A ? co • Substantial Improvement Worksheet for Floodplain Construction (for reconstruction,rehabilitation,addition,or other improvements, and repair of damage from any cause) Property Owner. ??v C6 i iC V� r Address: im Hilo. NJP.c� 'f w - a urt AA-Lc t M It 026)73 Permit No.: Location: K M M Description of Improvements: O1vs{n tA mivl e. 4-pcstb trun_l w ate v ri ;t?resent Vlar'IretValt" •. -- 'p" '�•:>x : >_ .;.:::, ue iifsthaslar's©NLY.�(inrnAaf'.1 prersal+�.adfiusPed; ":., ";"" ,s:; •assessad'velue;'B;=FflR 11:01o'veinent;orifdart�agad '•,:'i'-:'.{^:_( ,:t ^;,,' :i,,:' a"•." {I;:w;:.'.. :,.r >'' a '9ccn ,not9nclutlrn ']agd +alue=.,. ': "', .u''.r^`^'`; ;. $ ;• r., .3;2- a9. 9 s}.;'� 'r�^¢Yq:.'.. ...x, �.:;^.p.:w..>..,-.;�;..:.>..fy:� t. 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WO :1'"10:$_ °.b:'�Jlake.klut" i,,;xa h:r ....,?:v s.re«ac_Ys-i.Zi.�;t_g� «k��iw If ratio is 50 percent or greater(Substantial Improvement),entire structure including the existing building must be elevated to the base flood elevation(BFE)and all other aspects brought into compliance. Important Notes: 1. Review cost estimates to ensure that all appropriate costs are Included or excluded. 2. If a residential pre-FIRM building Is determined to be substantially improved,it must be elevated to or above the BFE. If a non-residential pre-FIRM building Is substantially improved,it must be elevated or dry floodproofed to the BFE. • 3. Proposals to repair damage from any cause must be analyzed using the formula shown above. 4. My proposed improvements or repairs to a post-FIRM building must be evaluated to ensure that the improvements or repairs comply with floodplain management regulations and to ensure that the improvements or repairs do not atter any aspect of the building that would make it non-compliant 5. Alterations to and repairs of designated historic structures may be granted a variance or be exempt under the substantial Improverrient definition)provided the work will not preclude continued designation as a"historic structure.° 6. Any costs associated with directly correcting health,sanitary,and safety code violations may be excluded from the cost of Improvement The violation must have been officially cited prior to submission of the permit application. Determination completed by: Et/t t M UStWb e ( oLk Date: 'b J3 f I Qi Costs for Substantial Improvements and Repair of Substantial Damage Included Costs Items that must be included in the costs of improvement or costs to repair are those that are directly associated with the building. The following list of costs that must be included is not in- tended to be exhaustive, but characterizes the types of costs that must be included: If Materials and labor,including the estimated Structural elemenu and exterior finishes value of donated or discounted materials ont.l: and owner or volunteered labor Windows and exterior doors ■ Site preparation related to the improvementgoofing,gutters,and downspouts or repair (foundation excavation,filling in *Hardware basements)111D / Hardware Demolition and construction debris disposal lAttached decks and porches Labor and other costs associated with TTT demolishing,moving,or altering • rior finish elements,including building components to accommodate oor finishes (e.g., hardwood,ce- improvements,additions,and making ramie,vinyl,linoleum,stone,and repairs wall-to-wall carpet over subflooring) NI Costs associated with complying with any Bathroom tiling and fixtures other regulation or code requirement that stuc- is triggered by the work,including costs gall finishes (e.g.,drywall,paint,to comply with the requirements of the co,plaster,paneling,and marble) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Built-in cabinets (e.g.,kitchen,utility, ■ Costs associated with elevating a structure to entertainment,storage,and bathroom) an elevation that is lower than the BFE Interior doors Construction management and supervision IS nterior finish carpentry Contractor's overhead and profit Sales taxes on materials c " Built-in bookcases and furniture • Structural elements and exterior finishes, 'a', Hardware uding i nutation Foundations (e.g.,spread or continu- IN utility and service equipment,including: ous foundation footings, perimeter walls, chainwalls,pilings,columns,posts,etc.) HVAC equipment Monolithic or other types of concrete Plumbing fixtures and piping slabs Electrical wiring,outlets,and switches Bearing walls, tie beams, trusses Light fixtures and ceiling fans Joists,beams,subflooring,framing, ecurity systems /\ceilings f\i.Interior non-bearing walls Built in appliances Exterior finishes (e.g.,brick,stucco,sid- Central vacuum systems 'ng, painting,and trim) Water filtration,conditioning,and re- circulation systems 4 of 7 SAMPLE NOTICE FOR PROPERTY OWNERS, CONTRACTORS, AND DESIGN PROFESSIONALS Excluded Costs Items that can be excluded are those that are not directly associated with the building. The fol- lowing list characterizes the types of costs that may be excluded: I Dean-up and trash removal 0 Outside improvements,including II Costs to temporarily stabilize a building so landscaping, irrigation,sidewalks,driveways, that it is safe CO enter to evaluate required fences,yard lights,swimming pools, repairs pool enclosures,and detached accessory structures (e.g., garages,sheds,and gazebos) IN Costs to obtain or prepare plans and Costs required for the minimum necessary specifications work to correct essting violations of health, II Land survey costs safety, and sanitary codes ■ Permit fees and inspection fees ■ Plug-in appliances such as washing • Carpeting and recarpeting installed over machines,dryers,and stoves finished flooring such as wood or tiling • SAMPLE NOTICE FOR PROPERTY OWNERS, CONTRACTORS, AND DESIGN PROFESSIONALS 5 of 7 {�F Y"R TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT :e �, � 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA 02664 %�'` Telephone 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Owner's Affidavit: Substantial Improvement or Repair of Substantial Damage Property Address: 22 A S•Sea k /fit U JE-S'k `/aktelit Ant. '(f jc 02-613 Parcel ID Number//:11 11 -1101 Owner's Name: l " IUIS1/l.b1.t1VL21)01 /1VV1.l S` , ' ` ' A I Owner'sAddrests/Phone: 221 S- .S_ icV�. Weth 1CtitlM_CAA,Hn ,M613)41% -P3 - Contractor: Ivt- ii ij CDV,St ;ti,,t. - ?....1111/AAuslnvva te(¢ Contractor's License Number: CS - 11 OQ)RC1 Date of contractor's Estimate: 13' Ito I hereby attest that the description included in the permit application for work on the existing building all improvements, rehabilitation, remodeling, repairs, additions, and other forms of improvement. I further attest that I requested the above-identified contractor to prepare a cost estimate for all of the work, including the contractor's overhead and profit. I acknowledge that if, during the course of construction, I decided to add more work or to modify the work described,that the Town of Yarmouth will re-evaluate its comparison of the cost of work to the market value of the building to determine if the work is substantial improvement. Such re- evaluation may require revision of the permit and may subject the property to additional requirements. I also understand that I am subject to enforcement action and/or fines if inspection of the property reveals that I have or authorized repairs or improvements that were not included in the description of work, and the cost estimate for that work that were basis for issuance of a permit. Owner's Signature: bnc vcft ' 1 f' • Date: li(UO. 3 20 18 -A;,�--r'. , Notarized: COIN) I I yS ERIN FRANCES allir E I 0 �cp Notary Public 1 I �I�y] i COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS • My Commission Expires I \VI'l 1 June 27,2019 oF•Y ti, TOWN OF YARMOUTH >{ '�` l_ BUILDING DEPARTMENT Y „� !!1 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 �" "'� 508-398-2231 fax 508-398- 36 Telephone ext. 1261O8 Contractor's Affidavit: Substantial Improvement or Repair of Substantial Damage Property Address: ?_TJQ) S • /e.� VVP,Sk- N Catuc1u -1/\, jA f724013 Parcel ID Number: (1 ((ol Owner's Name: 04M5-1-a.lA i v1QII5P.IM Contractor: \let-Qgvi b\ ObatbWViavt. ' 1AU MUSI�I-V o Z Contractor's License Number: Cc' bq et C Date of Contractor's Estimate: l3 I 'cb I hereby attest that I have personally inspected the building located at the above-referenced address by the nature and extent of the work requested by the owner, including all improvements, rehabilitation, remodeling, repairs, additions, and any other form of improvement. At the request of the owner, I have prepared a cost estimate for all of the improvement work requested by the owner and the cost estimate includes, at a minimum,the cost elements identified by the Town of Yarmouth that are appropriate for the nature of the work. If the work is repair of damage, I have prepared a cost estimate to repair the building to its pre-damage condition. I acknowledge that if, during the course of construction,the owner requests more work or modification of the work described in the application,that a revised cost estimate must be provided to the Town of Yarmouth,which will re-evaluate its comparison of the cost of work to the market value of the building to determine If the work is substantial improvement. Such re- evaluation may require revision of the permit and may require revision of the permit and may subject the property to additional requirements. I also understand that I am subject to enforcement action and/or fines if inspection of the property reveals that I have made or authorized repairs or improvements that if inspection of the property reveals that I have made or authorized repairs or improvements that were not included in the description of work and the cost estimate for that work that were basis for issuance of a permit. r Contractor'satrakAL �� Signature Date: IJf3I ` O Notarized: ., PHILIP B. GAUDET, III Ly• t. NOTARY PUBLIC ' ,: , /_ Ai i��'—/� Commonwealth of Massachusetts ` % / My Commission Expires ,',' r. � • , ��a,:? November 28, 2019 DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D705D99EF £StateFarm• Explanation of Building Replacement Cost Benefits Homeowner Policy c Coverage A - Dwelling - 35 Windstorm and Hail cco" `1 To: Name: DIGENIS, CONSTANTINE Address: 228 S Sea Ave City: W Yarmouth State/Zip: MA, 02673-5631 Insured: DIGENIS, CONSTANTINE Claim Number: 214535Z60 Date of Loss: 3/1/2018 Cause of Loss: WIND Your insurance policy provides replacement cost coverage for some or all of the loss or damage to your dwelling or structures.Replacement cost coverage pays the actual and necessary cost of repair or replacement,without a deduction for depreciation,subject to your policy's limit of liability.To receive replacement cost benefits you must: 1.Complete the actual repair or replacement of the damaged part of the property within two years of the date of loss;and 2. Notify us within 30 days after the work has been completed. 3.Confirm completion of repair or replacement,by submitting invoices, receipts or other documentation to your agent or claim office. Until these requirements have been satisfied,our payment(s)to you will be for the actual cash value of the damaged part of the property,which may include a deduction for depreciation. Without waiving the above requirements,we will consider paying replacement cost benefits prior to actual repair or replacement if we determine repair or replacement costs will be incurred because repairs are substantially under way or r : you present a signed contract acceptable to us. The estimate to repair or replace your damaged property is$53,181.39,The enclosed claim payment to you of$6,837.44 is for the actual cash value of the damaged property at the time of loss,less any deductible that may apply.We determined the actual cash value by deducting depreciation from the estimated repair or replacement cost.Our estimate details the depreciation applied to your loss. Based on our estimate,the additional amount available to you for replacement cost benefits(recoverable depreciation)is$14,477.08 If you cannot have the repairs completed for the repair/replacement cost estimated, please contact your claim specialist prior to beginning repairs. All policy provisions apply to your claim. Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM FC0006615 11/3/2015 Page:4 • DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-40C4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 Source-Eagle View 1 roof roof QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX CCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 258. Roofing(Bid Item) 1.00 EA 10,400.00*EN 0.00 0.00 10,400.00 10,400.00 Total: roof 0.00 0.00 10,400.00 0.00 10,400.00 i---14'"" garage roof i f 1,004.18 Surface Area 10.04 Number of Squares R 130.25 Total Perimeter Length 34.63 Total Ridge Length A t 1 �. y.y 6' II QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 14. 3 tab-25 yr.-composition shingle roofing-incl.felt 11.33 SQ PER BID 16. Remove Tear off,haul and dispose of comp.shingles-3 tab 10.04 SQ � • �(� PER BID 19. R&R Roof vent-turtle type-Metal 3.00 EA \� PER BID 28. Remove Additional charge for steep roof-7/12 to 9/12 slope 10.04 SQ NVQ PER BID 29. Additional charge for steep roof-7/12 to 9/12 slope 11.33 SQ PER BID 30. Ridge cap-composition shingles 34.63 LF PER BID 38. Remove Additional charge for high roof(2 stories or greater) 5.00 SQ PER BID 39. Additional charge for high roof(2 stories or greater) 5.00 SQ PER BID 40. Ice&water shield 42.00 SF PER BID Totals: garage roof 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:5 DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D6904DC4-A41B419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 T Roofl l 673.43 Surface Area 6.73 Number of Squares 122.34 Total Perimeter Length 33.49 Total Ridge Length QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 20. 3 tab-25 yr.-composition shingle roofing-incl.felt 7.67 SQ PER BID 21. Remove Tear off,haul and dispose of comp.shingles-3 tab `^, 6.73 SQ `���` 1 - frc\ PER BID 31. Remove Additional charge for steep roof-7/12 to 9/12 slope \\N S Q , 6.73 SQ vPER BID 32. Additional charge for steep roof-7/12 to 9/12 slope Y 1nUN- 7.67 SQ ., ` PER BID 33. Ridge cap-composition shingles Ni V 33.49 LF PER BID 36. Remove Additional charge for high roof(2 stories or greater) 4.00 SQ PER BID 37. Additional charge for high roof(2 stories or greater) 4.00 SQ PER BID 41. Ice&water shield 146.00 SF PER BID Totals: Roofl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area Totals: roof 543.18 Exterior Wall Area 1,677.61 Surface Area 16.78 Number of Squares 505.18 Total Perimeter Length 68.12 Total Ridge Length Total: roof 0.00 0.00 10,400.00 0.00 10,400.00 Level 2 upper roof 30'6' 427.00 Surface Area 4.27 Number of Squares ur roof - 89.00 Total Perimeter Length t r Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:6 ' DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 25. 3 tab-25 yr.-composition shingle roofing-incl.felt 5.00 SQ PER BID 26. Remove Tear off,haul and dispose of comp.shingles-3 tab 4.27 SQ PER BID 27. R&R Flashing-pipe jack-lead 1.00 EA PER BID 34. Remove Additional charge for high roof(2 stories or greater) 4.27 SQ PER BID 35. Additional charge for high roof(2 stories or greater) 5.00 SQ PER BID 42. Ice&water shield 94.75 SF PER BID Totals: upper roof 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CwkSivu. main floor main floor QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 198. Final cleaning-construction-Residential 1,409.11 SF 0.21 0.00 59.18 355.09 355.09 Total: main floor 0.00 59.18 355.09 0.00 355.09 -I,-� Kitchen Height:7'3" �T�E'6"I R'61" g I Wly 289.21 SF Walls 163.65 SF Ceiling I6 I . _ I 452.86 SF Walls&Ceiling 144.69 SF Floor KntheI"^ 48.69 LF Ceil.Perimeter 44.03 LF Floor Perimeter 0 I r Missing Wall 2' 10 7/8"X 7'3" Opens into HALLWAY Missing Wall-Goes to Floor 4'8"X 6'3" Opens into DINING_ROOM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP % 159. Floor protection-corrugated cardboard and tape 144.69 SF 0.61 1.72 18.00 107.98 20/15 yrs (86.39) 21.59 Avg. 80.00% 172. Detach&Reset Range-freestanding-electric 1.00 EA 42.93 0.00 8.58 51.51 51.51 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:7 • DocuSlgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Kitchen QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 173. Detach&Reset Refrigerator-top freezer- 14 to 18 cf 1.00 EA 42.93 0.00 8.58 51.51 51.51 160. 1/2"drywall-hung,taped,floated,ready for paint 163.65 SF 2.32 5.93 77.12 462.72 462.72 161. Crown molding-3 1/4" 35.69 LF 3.58 3.08 26.18 157.03 157.03 DEDUCTION FOR UPPER CABINETS 162. Seal&paint crown molding-two coats 35.69 LF 1.67 0.25 11.98 71.83 20/15 yrs (57.46) 14.37 Avg. 80.00% 163. Casing-oversized-3 1/4" 84.25 LF 2.78 8.43 48.52 291.17 291.17 164. Paint door/window trim&jamb-2 coats(per side) 4.00 EA 34.25 0.95 27.60 165.55 20/15 yrs (132.44) 33.11 Avg. 80.00% 165. Paint wood window- 1 coat(per side) 1.00 EA 40.97 0.20 8.24 49.41 20/15 yrs (39.54) 9.87 Avg. 80.00% 166. Paint door/window trim&jamb- 1 coat(per side) 1.00 EA 23.09 0.17 4.66 27.92 20/15 yrs (22.33) 5.59 Avg. 80.00% 167. Plane and refit door 2.00 EA 82.57 0.00 33.02 198.16 198.16 169. Light fixture 1.00 EA 68.63 2.10 14.14 84.87 84.87 171. Paint door slab only- 1 coat(per side) 4.00 EA 26.53 1.03 21.42 128.57 20/15 yrs (102.86) 25.71 Avg. 80.00% 175. Baseboard-4 1/4" 31.03 LF 3.56 3.59 22.82 136.88 136.88 176. Paint baseboard-two coats 31.03 LF 1.60 0.21 9.98 59.84 20/15 yrs (47.87) 11.97 Avg. 80.00% 177. Wood floor-per specs from independent wood analysis 144.69 SF 10.96* 67.55 330.68 1,984.03 6/150 yrs (79.35) 1,904.68 Avg. 4.00% 178. Sand,stain,and finish wood floor 144.69 SF 4.54 8.68 133.12 798.69 6/10 yrs (479.22) 319.47 Avg. 60.00% 179. Additional coats of finish(per coat) 144.69 SF 1.03 2.08 30.22 181.33 6/10 yrs (108.81) 72.52 Avg. 60.00% Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 8 • DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5099EF State Farm DIGEN1S,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Kitchen QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP % 180. Add for dustless floor sanding 144.69 SF 1.00 0.00 28.94 173.63 6/10 yrs (104.17) 69.46 Avg. 60.00% 181. Detach&Reset Interior door-Colonist-slab only 2.00 EA 18.34 0.00 7.34 44.02 44.02 214. Detach&Reset Door bell/chime 1.00 EA 46.56 0.00 9.32 55.88 55.88 215. Detach&Reset Thermostat 1.00 EA 57.50 0.00 11.50 69.00 69.00 216. Paint-judges paneling-one coat 31.03 SF 3.40 0.29 21.16 126.95 126.95 217. R&R Wallpaper 118.57 SF 2.68 7.26 65.02 390.04 10/7 yrs (312.02) 78.02 Avg. 80.00% 234. Prep wall for wallpaper 118.57 SF 0.46 0.00 10.90 65.44 65.44 238. Paint wood window grid 3.00 LF 1.31 0.01 0.78 4.72 4.72 Totals: Kitchen 113.53 989.82 5,938.68 1,572.46 4,366.22 dEN Height: 7'3" F2'9"42'7"�_.4' 2 a' • 46 250.44 SF Walls 73.52 SF Ceiling 1 =t! pen :: 323.96 SF Walls&Ceiling 73.52 SF Floor 1 y34.54 LF Ceil.Perimeter 34.54 LF Floor Perimeter H .r J^�4.2^ I a QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX CCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 186. Baseboard-4 1/4" 24.54 LF 3.56 2.84 18.04 108.24 108.24 187. Paint baseboard-two coats 24.54 LF 1.60 0.17 7.90 47.33 20/15 yrs (37.87) 9.46 Avg. 80.00% 188. Casing-oversized-3 1/4" 20.00 LF 2.78 2.00 11.52 69.12 69.12 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 9 • DocuSlgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-dEN QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP Vo 189. Paint door/window trim&jamb-2 coats(per side) 1.00 EA 34.25 0.24 6.90 41.39 20/15 yrs (33.11) 8.28 Avg. 80.00% 190. Paint door slab only- 1 coat(per side) 2.00 EA 26.53 0.51 10.72 64.29 20/15 yrs (51.44) 12.85 Avg. 80.00% 191. Detach&Reset Window drapery-hardware-single rod 2.00 EA 32.90 0.00 13.16 78.96 78.96 192. Detach&Reset Window shade-roll up 2.00 EA 19.47 0.00 7.78 46.72 46.72 193. Paint wood window- 1 coat(per side) 2.00 EA 40.97 0.39 16.46 98.79 20/15 yrs (79.02) 19.77 Avg. 80.00% 194. Paint door/window trim&jamb- 1 coat(per side) 2.00 EA 23.09 0.35 9.32 55.85 20/15 yrs (44.68) 11.17 Avg. 80.00% 182. Wood floor-per specs from independent wood analysis 73.52 SF 10.96* 34.32 168.02 1,008.12 6/150 yrs (40.32) 967.80 Avg. 4.00% 183. Sand,stain,and finish wood floor 73.52 SF 4.54 4.41 67.64 405.83 6/10 yrs (243.50) 162.33 Avg. 60.00% 184. Additional coats of finish(per coat) 73.52 SF 1.03 1.06 15.36 92.15 6/10 yrs (55.30) 36.85 Avg. 60.00% 185. Add for dustless floor sanding 73.52 SF 1.00 0.00 14.70 88.22 6/10 yrs (52.93) 35.29 Avg. 60.00% 218. Paint crown molding-one coat 34.54 LF 1.10 0.17 7.64 45.80 45.80 239. Paint wood window grid 3.00 LF 1.31 0.01 0.78 4.72 4.72 Totals: dEN 46.47 375.94 2,255.53 638.17 1,617.36 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 10 • DocuSfgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A418419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 Hallway Height:7'3" WN !IQ )4•2'6^4-3.7• 147.65 SF Walls 28.59 SF Ceiling • ''6"a,„„,y 3'II" ; 176.24 SF Walls&Ceiling 28.59 SF Floor Ai-217"4''" l'10" 22.74 LF Ceil.Perimeter 20.16 LF Floor Perimeter F 3" n -(i - Missing Wall-Goes to Floor 2'7"X 6'8" Opens into LIVING_ROOM Missing Wall 2' 10 7/8" X 7'3" Opens into KITCHEN Subroom: Closet(1) Height: 7'3" 2 1 50.50 SF Walls 3.01 SF Ceiling 72. LOsk1( F 53.52 SF Walls&Ceiling 3.01 SF Floor \ 6.97 LF Ceil.Perimeter 6.97 LF Floor Perimeter Hall QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 149. Sand,stain,and finish wood floor 31.60 SF 4.54 1.90 29.08 174.44 6/10 yrs (104.66) 69.78 Avg. 60.00% 150. Additional coats of finish(per coat) 31.60 SF 1.03 0.45 6.62 39.62 6/10 yrs (23.78) 15.84 Avg. 60.00% 151. Add for dustless floor sanding 31.60 SF 1.00 0.00 6.32 37.92 6/10 yrs (22.76) 15.16 Avg. 60.00% 152. Detach&Reset Radiator cover-up to 12"tall 4.00 LF 8.42 0.00 6.74 40.42 40.42 153. Detach&Reset Interior door-Colonist-slab only 4.00 EA 18.34 0.00 14.68 88.04 88.04 219. Paint-judges paneling-one coat 81.37 SF 3.40 0.76 55.50 332.92 332.92 257. Paint chair rail-one coat 27.12 LF 1.07 0.12 5.82 34.96 34.96 220. R&R Wallpaper 136.25 SF 2.68 8.35 74.70 448.20 10/7 yrs (358.56) 89.64 Avg. 80.00% wallpaper is continuous from kitchen and 10 additional ft for wallpaper in closet 233. Prep wall for wallpaper 138.73 SF 0.46 0.00 12.76 76.58 76.58 221. Paint the ceiling-one coat 31.60 SF 0.72 0.20 4.60 27.55 27.55 222. Paint door slab only- 1 coat(per side) 5.00 EA 26.53 1.28 26.80 160.73 160.73 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 11 • DocuSIgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Hallway QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 223. Paint door/window trim&jamb- 1 coat(per side) 6.00 EA 23.09 1.04 27.90 167.48 167.48 224. Paint crown molding-one coat 29.71 LF 1.10 0.15 6.58 39.41 39.41 Totals: Hallway 14.25 278.10 1,668.27 509.76 1,158.51 � 11'10' Master Bedroom Height:7'3" I 329.88 SF Walls 129.39 SF Ceiling Mager Bedroom SF Walls&Ceiling 129.39 SF Floor tal 45.50 LF Ceil.Perimeter 45.50 LF Floor Perimeter 1 irr- , 3,i^-4 Subroom: Closet(1) Height:7'3" I128.07 SF Walls 16.14 SF Ceiling iffi: 144.21 SF Walls&Ceiling 16.14 SF Floor j 17.66 LF Ceil.Perimeter 17.66 LF Floor Perimeter P 1 QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 225. Floor protection-corrugated cardboard and tape 145.53 SF 0.61 1.73 18.10 108.60 108.60 226. 1/2"drywall-hung,taped,floated,ready for paint 145.53 SF 2.32 5.28 68.58 411.49 411.49 227. Seal/prime then paint the ceiling(2 coats) 145.53 SF 1.06 1.36 31.14 186.76 186.76 228. R&R Wallpaper 457.94 SF 2.68 28.05 251.08 1,506.41 10/7 yrs (1,205.12) 301.29 Avg. 80.00% 229. Prep wall for wallpaper 457.94 SF 0.46 0.00 42.14 252.79 252.79 230. Detach&Reset Radiator cover-up to 12"tall 9.67 LF 8.42 0.00 16.28 97.70 97.70 231. Detach&Reset Window shade-roll up 2.00 EA 19.47 0.00 7.78 46.72 46.72 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 12 • DocuSlgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41 B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Master Bedroom QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 232. Detach&Reset Window drapery-hardware-single rod 2.00 EA 32.90 0.00 13.16 78.96 78.96 154. Sand,stain,and finish wood floor 145.53 SF 4.54 8.73 133.88 803.32 6/10 yrs (481.99) 321.33 Avg. 60.00% 155. Additional coats of finish(per coat) 145.53 SF 1.03 2.09 30.40 182.39 6/10 yrs (109.43) 72.96 Avg. 60.00% 156. Add for dustless floor sanding 145.53 SF 1.00 0.00 29.10 174.63 6/10 yrs (104.78) 69.85 Avg. 60.00% 157. Detach&Reset Interior door-Colonist-slab only 1.00 EA 1834 0.00 3.66 22.00 22.00 158. Detach&Reset Bypass(sliding)door set-Colonist 1.00 EA 25.89 0.00 5.18 31.07 31.07 Totals: Master Bedroom 47.24 650.48 3,902.84 1,901.32 2,001.52 -n'e• 27/Th Y Living Room Height: 7'3" II e'�JI P' 11 )n 367.98 SF Walls 232.48 SF Ceiling "0 J•�' reamTh:: 1 600.46 SF Walls&Ceiling 232.48 SF Floor - r 56.58 LF Ceil.Perimeter 54.00 LF Floor Perimeter .rte m Missing Wall 3'X 7'3" Opens into STAIRS Missing Wall-Goes to Floor 2'7"X 6'8" Opens into HALLWAY Subroom: Bay(1) height: 8' 104.19 SF Walls 19.67 SF Ceiling \; 123.85 SF Walls&Ceiling 19.67 SF Floor ty 5'-i"8"°b 12.26 LF Ceil.Perimeter 12.26 LF Floor Perimeter Missing Wall 8' 1 3/8"X 8' Opens into LIVING_ROOM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX CCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP % Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 13 • DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Living Room QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX CCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 114. Floor protection-plastic and tape- 10 mil 252.14 SF 0.31 1.58 15.96 95.70 20/15 yrs (76.55) 19.15 Avg. 80.00% 144. R&R Exterior door-metal-insulated/wood-High grade 1.00 EA 443.78 21.91 93.14 558.83 558.83 146. Detach&Reset Door lockset-exterior 1.00 EA 21.96 0.00 4.40 26.36 26.36 143. Install Window drapery-hardware-Large 1.00 EA 42.68 0.00 8.54 51.22 51.22 115. Install Window drapery-hardware 2.00 EA 40.44 0.00 16.18 97.06 97.06 116. Install Window shade-roll up 4.00 EA 8.75 0.00 7.00 42.00 42.00 117. Install Wood bracket-decorative 3.00 EA 27.51 0.00 16.50 99.03 99.03 118. Install Radiator cover-up to 12"tall 15.50 LF 5.72 0.00 17.74 106.40 106.40 245. Prime&paint radiator cover 15.50 EA 39.34 4.74 122.90 737.41 737.41 119. Batt insulation-6"-R19-paper faced 118.44 SF 1.08 4.29 26.44 158.65 158.65 120. 1/2"drywall-hung,taped,floated,ready for paint 118.44 SF 2.32 4.29 55.82 334.89 334.89 drywall is behind judges paneling 121. Casing-oversized-3 1/4" 58.00 LF 2.78 5.80 33.40 200.44 200.44 123. Paint wood window- 1 coat(per side) 4.00 EA 40.97 0.79 32.94 197.61 20/15 yrs (158.09) 39.52 Avg. 80.00% 236. Seal&paint wood window(per side)-Large 1.00 EA 82.19 0.42 16.52 99.13 99.13 237. Paint wood window grid 16.00 LF 1.31 0.05 4.22 25.23 25.23 124. Paint door/window trim&jamb-2 coats(per side) 2.00 EA 34.25 0.47 13.80 82.77 20/15 yrs (66.22) 16.55 Avg. 80.00% 125. Paint door/window trim&jamb-Large-2 coats(per side) 1.00 EA 40.28 0.28 8.12 48.68 20/15 yrs (38.94) 9.74 Avg. 80.00% 126. Paint door/window trim&jamb- 1 coat(per side) 3.00 EA 23.09 0.52 13.96 83.75 20/15 yrs (67.00) 16.75 Avg. 80.00% Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 14 • DocuSlgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A416-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Living Room QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 128. Paint door slab only-2 coats(per side) 2.00 EA 40.08 0.78 16.20 97.14 20/15 yrs (77.71) 19.43 Avg. 80.00% 130. Judges paneling-raised panel-paint grade 20.75 SF 23.32 4.67 97.72 586.28 586.28 131. Chair rail-2 1/2" 20.75 LF 2.78 1.76 11.90 71.35 71.35 133. Wood floor-per specs from independent wood analysis 83.00 SF 10.96* 38.75 189.70 1,138.13 6/150 yrs (45.52) 1,092.61 Avg. 4.00% 134. Sand,stain,and finish wood floor 252.14 SF 4.54 15.13 231.96 1,391.81 6/10 yrs (835.09) 556.72 Avg. 60.00% 135. Additional coats of finish(per coat) 252.14 SF 1.03 3.62 52.66 315.98 6/10 yrs (189.59) 126.39 Avg. 60.00% 136. Add for dustless floor sanding 252.14 SF 1.00 0.00 50.42 302.56 6/10 yrs (181.54) 121.02 Avg. 60.00% 137. Paint-judges paneling-two coats 59.81 SF 5.01 0.90 60.12 360.67 20/15 yrs (288.54) 72.13 Avg. 80.00% 138. Paint-judges paneling-one coat 6.45 SF 3.40 0.06 4.40 26.39 20/15 yrs (21.11) 5.28 Avg. 80.00% 139. Seal&paint chair rail-two coats 66.26 LF 1.59 0.41 21.16 126.92 20/15 yrs (101.53) 25.39 Avg. 80.00% 140. R&R Wallpaper 208.40 SF 2.68 12.76 114.26 685.54 10/7 yrs (548.43) 137.11 Avg. 80.00% 141. Wallpaper 89.92 SF 1.99 5.51 36.88 221.33 10/7 yrs (177.06) 44.27 Avg. 80.00% 142. Prep wall for wallpaper 298.32 SF 0.46 0.00 27.44 164.67 164.67 240. Seal&paint fireplace mantel 6.42 LF 5.86 0.07 7.54 45.23 45.23 241. Crown molding-3 1/4" 20.75 LF 3.58 1.79 15.22 91.30 91.30 242. Seal&paint crown molding-two coats 20.75 LF 1.67 0.14 6.96 41.75 41.75 243. Paint crown molding-one coat 48.09 LF 1.10 0.24 10.62 63.76 63.76 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 15 . DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Living Room QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 244. Paint the ceiling-one coat 252.14 SF 0.72 1.58 36.62 219.74 219.74 246. Stain&finish wood beam 18.00 SF 2.86 0.44 10.38 62.30 62.30 refers to window boxes above window Totals: Living Room 133.75 1,509.74 9,058.01 2,872.92 6,185.09 Halh% r Stairs Ileight: 17' -a. 'E- 0 282.33 SF Walls 31.00 SF Ceiling Ilmihy' 313.33 SF Walls&Ceiling 59.63 SF Floor 23.67 LF Ceil.Perimeter 29.58 LF Floor Perimeter NS Mg' Missing Wall 3'X 17' Opens into LIVING_ROOM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 202. Floor protection-corrugated cardboard and tape 59.63 SF 0.61 0.71 7.42 44.50 44.50 203. Remove Baluster-Square top 9.00 EA 2.32 0.00 4.18 25.06 25.06 204. Install Baluster-Square top 9.00 EA 13.76 0.00 24.76 148.60 148.60 205. Paint balustrade-one coat 9.00 LF 19.12 2.18 34.86 209.12 209.12 206. Paint-judges paneling-one coat 38.50 SF 3.40 0.36 26.26 157.52 157.52 211. Paint stair skirt/apron 12.08 LF 6.55 0.18 15.86 95.16 95.16 refers to plinth blocks-open skirt on living room side 212. Sand,stain,and finish steps and/or risers 75.00 LF 17.28 3.66 259.94 1,559.60 6/10 yrs (935.76) 623.84 Avg. 60.00% 213. R&R Bamboo flooring-stained-pre-finished 59.63 SF 10.51 18.82 129.10 774.63 6/150 yrs (30.98) 743.65 Avg. 4.00% 247. Paint stair skirt/apron 12.08 LF 6.55 0.18 15.86 95.16 95.16 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 16 • DocuStgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A416-419D7D5099EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Stairs QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX CCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% refers to wall side Totals: Stairs 26.09 518.24 3,109.35 966.74 2,142.61 n v 3 ]*-4 6"-'-6 r--r Dining Room Ileight:7'3" =I�: = 353.88 SF Walls 174.42 SF Ceiling to 11 DmingRoom ,I 528.29 SF Walls&Ceiling 174.42 SF Floor "! • f - 52.83 LF Ceil.Perimeter 48.17 LF Floor Perimeter -� 6'4•-_g-3'--3'g'J il 1-6 6'- 1-4'-• Missing Wall-Goes to Floor 4'8"X 6'3" Opens into KITCHEN IESubroom: Closet(1) Height: 7'3" I .I - - 56.73 SF Walls 2.75 SF Ceiling / 59.48 SF Walls&Ceiling 2.75 SF Floor q': r 9 /1 7.83 LF Ceil.Perimeter 7.83 LF Floor Perimeter Stairs 11 ll I I QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 92. Floor protection-plastic and tape- 10 mil 177.16 SF 0.31 1.11 11.20 67.23 20/15 yrs (53.79) 13.44 Avg. 80.00% 84. Detach&Reset Window drapery-hardware 2.00 EA 32.90 0.00 13.16 78.96 78.96 91. Install Window shade-roll up 2.00 EA 8.75 0.00 3.50 21.00 21.00 85. Install Wood bracket-decorative 2.00 EA 27.51 0.00 11.00 66.02 66.02 86. Install Radiator cover-up to 12"tall 11.58 LF 5.72 0.00 13.24 79.48 79.48 87. Batt insulation-6"-R19-paper faced 83.98 SF 1.08 3.04 18.74 112.48 112.48 88. 1/2"drywall-hung,taped,floated,ready for paint 172.56 SF 2.32 6.26 81.32 487.92 487.92 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 17 • DocuSlgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Dining Room QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX CCO&P RCV ACE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 108. Paint wood window- 1 coat(per side) 2.00 EA 40.97 0.39 16.46 98.79 20/15 yrs (79.02) 19.77 Avg. 80.00% 248. Paint wood window grid 6.00 LF 1.31 0.02 1.58 9.46 9.46 95. Casing-oversized-3 1/4" 28.67 LF 2.78 2.87 16.52 99.09 99.09 109. Paint door/window trim&jamb-2 coats(per side) 2.00 EA 34.25 0.47 13.80 82.77 20/15 yrs (66.22) 16.55 Avg. 80.00% refers to doorway and window 110. Paint door/window trim&jamb- I coat(per side) 2.00 EA 23.09 0.35 9.32 55.85 20/15 yrs (44.68) 11.17 Avg. 80.00% I11. Paint door/window trim&jamb-Large- I coat(per side) 1.00 EA 27.15 0.20 5.48 32.83 20/15 yrs (26.26) 6.57 Avg. 80.00% 112. Paint door slab only- 1 coat(per side) 1.00 EA 26.53 0.26 5.36 32.15 20/15 yrs (25.71) 6.44 Avg. 80.00% 113. Detach&Reset Interior door-Colonist-slab only 1.00 EA 18.34 0.00 3.66 22.00 22.00 refers to closet door for sanding 93. Judges paneling-raised panel-paint grade 11.58 SF 2332 2.61 54.54 327.20 327.20 94. Chair rail-2 1/2" 11.58 LF 2.78 0.98 6.64 39.81 39.81 96. Wood floor-per specs from independent wood analysis 52.67 SF 10.96* 24.59 120.38 722.23 6/150 yrs (28.89) 69334 Avg. 4.00% 97. Sand,stain,and finish wood floor 177.16 SF 4.54 10.63 162.98 977.92 6/10 yrs (586.75) 391.17 Avg. 60.00% 98. Additional coats of finish(per coat) 177.16 SF 1.03 2.55 37.02 222.04 6/10 yrs (133.23) 88.81 Avg. 60.00% 99. Add for dustless floor sanding 177.16 SF 1.00 0.00 35.44 212.60 6/10 yrs (127.56) 85.04 Avg. 60.00% 100. Paint-judges paneling-two coats 34.60 SF 5.01 0.52 34.78 208.65 20/15 yrs (166.92) 41.73 Avg. 80.00% Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 18 • DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Dining Room QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 101. Paint-judges paneling-one coat 2139 SF 3.40 0.20 14.58 87.51 20/15 yrs (70.00) 17.51 Avg. 80.00% 102. Seal&paint chair rail-two coats 55.99 LF 1.59 0.35 17.88 107.25 20/15 yrs (85.80) 21.45 Avg. 80.00% 103. R&R Wallpaper 236.05 SF 2.68 14.46 129.42 776.49 10/7 yrs (621.20) 155.29 Avg. 80.00% 104. Wallpaper 31.85 SF 1.99 1.95 13.08 78.41 10/7 yrs (62.72) 15.69 Avg. 80.00% 105. Prep wall for wallpaper 267.91 SF 0.46 0.00 24.64 147.88 147.88 249. Stain&finish wood beam 8.00 SF 2.86 0.20 4.62 27.70 27.70 refers to window boxes above window Totals: Dining Room 74.01 880.34 5,281.72 2,178.75 3,102.97 Garage Height: Sloped 4' 197.53 SF Walls 136.84 SF Ceiling 334.37 SF Walls&Ceiling 111.63 SF Floor ° 58.65 LF Ceil.Perimeter 33.00 LF Floor Perimeter (rage 6" t T Subroom: Garage( (1) Height:8' 8" 508.44 SF Walls 413.21 SF Ceiling Garage' (I) 921.65 SF Walls&Ceiling 413.21 SF Floor 82.17 LF Ceil.Perimeter 58.67 LF Floor Perimeter P1 1-15' X13'3"-• Missing Wall 23'6"X 8'8" Opens into GARAGE QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page: 19 • DocuSlgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Garage QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 82. Floor protection-plastic and tape- 10 mil 524.83 SF 0.31 3.28 33.20 199.18 20/15 yrs (159.34) 39.84 Avg. 80.00% 80. 5/8"drywall-hung,taped,floated,ready for paint 107.71 SF 2.43 4.38 53.22 319.34 319.34 81. Paint more than the ceiling-one coat 733.49 SF 0.72 4.58 106.54 639.23 20/15 yrs (511.39) 127.84 Avg. 80.00% Totals: Garage 12.24 192.96 1,157.75 670.73 487.02 Area Totals: main floor 3,066.83 SF Walls 1,424.66 SF Ceiling 4,491.48 SF Walls and Ceiling 1,409.11 SF Floor 1,514.26 Total Area 412.36 LF Floor Perimeter 1,409.11 Floor Area 254.39 Exterior Perimeter 470.09 LF Cell.Perimeter 2,137.73 Exterior Wall Area of Walls 2,663.08 Interior Wall Area Total: main floor 467.58 5,454.80 32,727.24 11,310.85 21,416.39 2nd floor 2nd floor QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX CCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 200. Final cleaning-construction-Residential 544.24 SF 0.21 0.00 22.86 137.15 137.15 Total: 2nd floor 0.00 22.86 137.15 0.00 137.15 -6'0 -3'-1-1'6"-. Bedroom 1 Height:7'2" .a2 I:, 384.61 SF Walls 165.97 SF Ceiling rm aaeomt 550.58 SF Walls&Ceiling 165.97 SF Floor aiwaya s! j 53.67 LF Cell.Perimeter 53.67 LF Floor Perimeter 11 'F a'i^yn-s't^ 3 Closet(n Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:20 • DocuSlgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 I Subroom: Closet(1) Height:7'2" 111-5'1"-6 120.64 SF Walls 13.19 SF Ceiling CMT F' 133.83 SF Walls&Ceiling 13.19 SF Floor 1 i 16.83 LF Ceil.Perimeter 16.83 LF Floor Perimeter I-r-1 QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP 83. Floor protection-plastic and tape- 10 mil 179.16 SF 0.31 1.12 11.32 67.98 20/15 yrs (54.39) 13.59 Avg. 80.00% 46. Install Window drapery-hardware-single rod 1.00 EA 40.44 0.00 8.08 48.52 48.52 256. Install Window shade-roll up 1.00 EA 8.75 0.00 1.76 10.51 10.51 48. Crown molding-3 1/4" 70.50 LF 3.58 6.08 51.70 310.17 20/150 yrs (41.36) 268.81 Avg. 13.33% 50. Seal&paint crown molding-two coats 70.50 LF 1.67 0.49 23.64 141.87 20/15 yrs (113.50) 28.37 Avg. 80.00% 52. 1/2"drywall-hung,taped,floated,ready for paint 179.16 SF 2.32 6.49 84.44 506.58 506.58 54. 1/2"drywall-hung,taped,floated,ready for paint 94.36 SF 232 3.42 44.46 266.80 266.80 refers to exterior wall 253. Casing-oversized-3 1/4" 10.67 LF 2.78 1.07 6.16 36.89 36.89 254. Paint door/window trim&jamb-2 coats(per side) 1.00 EA 34.25 0.24 6.90 41.39 41.39 250. Batt insulation-6"-R19-paper faced 94.36 SF 1.08 3.42 21.06 126.39 126.39 55. R&R Wallpaper 410.89 SF 2.68 25.17 225.28 1,351.63 20/7 yrs (1,081.31) 270.32 Avg. 80.00% 57. Prep wall for wallpaper 505.25 SF 0.46 0.00 46.48 278.90 278.90 58. Baseboard-4 1/4" 13.17 LF 3.56 1.52 9.68 58.09 58.09 59. Paint baseboard-two coats 61.00 LF 1.60 0.42 19.60 117.62 20/15 yrs (94.10) 23.52 Avg. 80.00% 60. Install Radiator cover-up to 12"tall 9.50 LF 5.72 0.00 10.86 65.20 65.20 255. Prime&paint radiator cover 9.50 EA 39.34 2.90 75.32 451.95 451.95 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:21 • DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 CONTINUED-Bedroom 1 QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP % 62. Wood floor-per specs from independent wood analysis 81.19 SF 10.96* 37.91 185.54 1,113.29 6/150 yrs (44.53) 1,068.76 Avg. 4.00% 64. Sand,stain,and finish wood floor 179.16 SF 4.54 10.75 164.84 988.98 6/l0 yrs (593.38) 395.60 Avg. 60.00% 65. Additional coats of finish(per coat) 179.16 SF 1.03 2.58 37.42 224.53 6/10 yrs (134.73) 89.80 Avg. 60.00% 66. Add for dustless floor sanding 179.16 SF 1.00 0.00 35.84 215.00 6/l0 yrs (129.00) 86.00 Avg. 60.00% 67. Detach&Reset Bypass(sliding)door set-Colonist 1.00 EA 25.89 0.00 5.18 31.07 31.07 68. Paint door/window trim&jamb- 1 coat(per side) 1.00 EA 23.09 0.17 4.66 27.92 20/15 yrs (22.33) 5.59 Avg. 80.00% 69. Paint door/window trim&jamb-Large- I coat(per side) 1.00 EA 27.15 0.20 5.48 32.83 20/15 yrs (26.26) 6.57 Avg. 80.00% 78. Detach&Reset Interior door-Colonist-slab only 1.00 EA 18.34 0.00 3.66 22.00 22.00 79. Paint door slab only- 1 coat(per side) 3.00 EA 26.53 0.77 16.08 96.44 20/15 yrs (77.15) 19.29 Avg. 80.00% 251. Paint wood window- I coat(per side) 1.00 EA 40.97 0.20 8.24 49.41 49.41 252. Paint wood window grid 3.00 LF 1.31 0.01 0.78 4.72 4.72 Totals: Bedroom 1 104.93 1,114.46 6,686.68 2,412.04 4,274.64 Hallway Height:7'5" B Or ri T2'6"-1p 2')^r 216.98 SF Walls 36.71 SF Ceiling wt; v«z.s•-o 253.68 SF Walls&Ceiling 36.71 SF Floor ".= -= ' 31.65 LF Ceil.Perimeter 28.99 LF Floor Perimeter -r-2' - Missing Nall-Goes to Floor 2'8" X 6'8" Opens into Exterior Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:22 • DocuSlgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A418-41907D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 71. Sand,stain,and finish wood floor 36.71 SF 4.54 2.20 33.78 202.64 6/10 yrs (121.58) 81.06 Avg. 60.00% 72. Additional coats of finish(per coat) 36.71 SF 1.03 0.53 7.66 46.00 6/10 yrs (27.61) 18.39 Avg. 60.00% 201. Add for dustless floor sanding 36.71 SF 1.00 0.00 7.34 44.05 6/10 yrs (26.43) 17.62 Avg. 60.00% Totals: Ilallway 2.73 48.78 292.69 175.62 117.07 .3O"..-3'-.-W 1" . Bedroom 2 Height:7'2" 121P. �__TY 330.74 SF Walls 128.93 SF Ceiling a Bedroom2 a 459.68 SF Walls&Ceiling 128.93 SF Floor 46.15 LF Ceil.Perimeter 46.15 LF Floor Perimeter ciosei in II i Subroom: Closet(I) Ileight:7'2" -4'11"-11" 122.09 SF Walls 13.44 SF Ceiling T 135.53 SF Walls&Ceiling 13.44 SF Floor 1 T 17.04 LF Ceil.Perimeter 17.04 LF Floor Perimeter .-71 -I I QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 74. Sand,stain,and finish wood floor 142.37 SF 4.54 8.54 130.98 785.88 6/10 yrs (471.52) 314.36 Avg. 60.00% 75. Additional coats of finish(per coat) 142.37 SF 1.03 2.05 29.74 178.43 6/10 yrs (107.05) 7138 Avg. 60.00% 76. Detach&Reset Bypass(sliding)door set-Colonist 1.00 EA 25.89 0.00 5.18 31.07 31.07 77. Detach&Reset Interior door-birch-slab only 1.00 EA 18.34 0.00 3.66 22.00 22.00 Totals: Bedroom 2 10.59 169.56 1,017.38 578.57 438.81 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:23 • DocuStgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A418-419D7D5099EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE121-4535-Z60 p-Closet(I) I ."Hall-y I'F11 h'1 , •... Storage Area/Room Height:Sloped in 114-- TM - T 275.00 SF Walls 223.54 SF Ceiling $ep _ 498.54 SF Walls&Ceiling 186.00 SF Floor rage59.84 LF Ceil.Perimeter 55.00 LF Floor Perimeter � 156' _ -J 3 111 QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV ACE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 43. Batt insulation-6"-R19-paper faced 186.00 SF 1.08 6.74 41.52 249.14 249.14 45. Polyethylene vapor barrier 186.00 SF 0.34 0.81 12.80 76.85 76.85 allowance as insured had material covering insulation Totals: Storage Area/Room 7.55 54.32 325.99 0.00 325.99 Dmo 0.00 SF Walls 0.00 SF Ceiling 0.00 SF Walls&Ceiling 0.00 SF Floor 0.00 SF Short Wall 0.00 LF Floor Perimeter 0.00 SF Long Wall 0.00 LF Ceil.Perimeter QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% 195. Dumpster load-Approx.20 yards,4 tons of debris 1.00 EA 593.73 0.00 118.74 712.47 712.47 196. Temporary toilet(per month) 2.00 MO 190.04 0.00 76.02 456.10 456.10 197. Taxes,insurance,permits&fees(Bid Item) 1.00 EA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Totals: Dmo 0.00 194.76 1,168.57 0.00 1,168.57 Area Totals: 2nd floor 1,450.06 SF Walls 581.79 SF Ceiling 2,031.85 SF Walls and Ceiling 544.24 SF Floor 610.40 Total Area 217.67 LF Floor Perimeter 544.24 Floor Area 173.27 Exterior Perimeter 225.18 LF Ceil.Perimeter 1,266.67 Exterior Wall Area of Walls 1,450.06 Interior Wall Area Total: 2nd floor 125.80 1,604.74 9,628.46 3,166.23 6,462.23 Area Totals: Source-Eagle View 1 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:24 DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7068-0690-4DC4-A41B-41907D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 5,323.32 SF Walls 2,775.50 SF Ceiling 8,098.82 SF Walls and Ceiling 2,756.69 SF Floor 2,931.52 Total Area 738.76 LF Floor Perimeter 2,756.69 Floor Area 539.06 Exterior Perimeter 843.40 LF Ceil.Perimeter 5,428.50 Exterior Wall Area of Walls 4,919.58 Interior Wall Area 2,104.61 Surface Area 21.05 Number of Squares 683.18 Total Perimeter Length 68.12 Total Ridge Length Total: Source-Eagle View 1 593.38 7,059.54 52,755.70 14,477.08 38,278.62 Labor Minimums Applied QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX GCO&P RCV AGE/LIFE DEPREC. ACV CONDITION DEP% * 148. Finish hardware labor minimum 1.00 EA 128.12 0.00 25.62 153.74 153.74 * 170. Electrical labor minimum 1.00 EA 125.56 0.00 25.12 150.68 150.68 * 174. General labor-labor minimum 1.00 EA 22.39 0.00 4.48 26.87 26.87 *235. Door labor minimum 1.00 EA 78.66 0.00 15.74 94.40 94.40 Totals: Labor Minimums Applied 0.00 70.96 425.69 0.00 425.69 Line Item Totals: 21-4535-Z60 593.38 7,130.50 53,181.39 14,477.08 38,704.31 Grand Total Areas: 5,707.32 SF Walls 2,919.50 SF Ceiling 8,626.82 SF Walls and Ceiling 2,900.69 SF Floor 786.76 LF Floor Perimeter 891.40 LF Ceil.Perimeter 2,900.69 Floor Area 3,091.96 Total Area 5,303.58 Interior Wall Area 5,884.50 Exterior Wall Area 589.73 Exterior Perimeter of Walls 2,104.61 Surface Area 21.05 Number of Squares 683.18 Total Perimeter Length 68.12 Total Ridge Length Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:25 DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D6&D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF Trade Summary Includes all applicable Tax,General Contractor O&P,and Labor Minimums DESCRIPTION LINE ITEM REPL.COST GCO&P ACV NON-REC. MAX ADDL. QTY TOTAL DEPREC. AMT AVAIL. APP APPLIANCES Detach&Reset Refrigerator-top freezer-14 1.00 EA $51.51 $8.58 $51.51 $0.00 $0.00 to 18 cf Detach&Reset Range-freestanding-electric 1.00 EA $51.51 $8.58 $51.51 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL APPLIANCES $103.02 $17.16 $103.02 $0.00 $0.00 CLN CLEANING Final cleaning-construction-Residential 1,953.35 SF $492.24 $82.04 $492.24 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL CLEANING $492.24 $82.04 $492.24 $0.00 $0.00 DMO GENERAL DEMOLITION Dumpster load-Approx.20 yards,4 tons of 1.00 EA $712.47 $118.74 $712.47 $0.00 $0.00 debris TOTAL GENERAL DEMOLITION $712.47 $118.74 $712.47 $0.00 $0.00 DOR DOORS Detach&Reset Interior door-birch-slab only 1.00 EA $22.00 $3.66 $22.00 $0.00 $0.00 Detach&Reset Bypass(sliding)door set- 3.00 EA $93.21 $15.54 $93.21 $0.00 $0.00 Colonist Detach&Reset Interior door-Colonist-slab 9.00 EA $198.06 $33.00 $198.06 $0.00 $0.00 only Door labor minimum 1.00 EA $94.40 $15.74 $94.40 $0.00 $0.00 Plane and refit door 2.00 EA $198.16 $33.02 $198.16 $0.00 $0.00 R&R Exterior door-metal-insulated/wood- 1.00 EA $558.83 $93.14 $558.83 $0.00 $0.00 High grade TOTAL DOORS $1,164.66 $194.10 $1,164.66 $0.00 $0.00 DRY DRYWALL 1/2"drywall-hung,taped,floated,ready for 873.70 SF $2,470.40 $411.74 $2,470.40 $0.00 $0.00 paint 5/8"drywall-hung,taped,floated,ready for 107.71 SF $319.34 $53.22 $319.34 $0.00 $0.00 paint TOTAL DRYWALL $2,789.74 $464.96 $2,789.74 $0.00 $0.00 ELE ELECTRICAL Detach&Reset Door bell/chime 1.00 EA $55.88 $9.32 $55.88 $0.00 $0.00 Electrical labor minimum 1.00 EA $150.68 $25.12 $150.68 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL ELECTRICAL $206.56 $34.44 $206.56 $0.00 $0.00 FCW FLOOR COVERING-WOOD R&R Bamboo flooring-stained-pre-finished 59.63 SF $774.63 $129.10 $743.65 $0.00 $30.98 Sand,stain,and finish wood floor 1,182.88 SF $6,529.51 $1,088.26 $2,611.82 $0.00 $3,917.69 Additional coats of finish(per coat) 1,182.88 SF $1,482.47 $247.10 $592.94 $0.00 $889.53 Note: Slight variances may be found within report sections due to rounding Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:26 • . DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF Trade Summary Includes all applicable Tax,General Contractor O&P,and Labor Minimums DESCRIPTION LINE ITEM REPL.COST GCO&P ACV NON-REC. AJAX ADDL. QTY TOTAL DEPREC. AMT AVAIL. FCW FLOOR COVERING-WOOD Add for dustless floor sanding 1,040.51 SF $1,248.61 $208.10 $499.44 $0.00 $749.17 Sand,stain,and finish steps and/or risers 75.00 LF $1,559.60 $259.94 $623.84 $0.00 $935.76 Wood floor-per specs from independent wood 435.07 SF $5,965.80 $994.32 $5,727.19 $0.00 $238.61 analysis TOTAL FLOOR COVERING-WOOD $17,560.62 $2,926.82 $10,798.88 $0.00 $6,761.74 FEE PERMITS AND FEES Taxes,insurance,permits&fees(Bid Item) 1.00 EA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL PERMITS AND FEES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 FNC FINISII CARPENTRY/TRIMWORK Baseboard-41/4" 68.74 LF $303.21 $50.54 $303.21 $0.00 $0.00 Remove Baluster-Square top 9.00 EA $25.06 $4.18 $25.06 $0.00 $0.00 Install Baluster-Square top 9.00 EA $148.60 $24.76 $148.60 $0.00 $0.00 Casing-oversized-3 1/4" 201.59 LF $696.71 $116.12 $696.71 $0.00 $0.00 Chair rail-21/2" 32.33 LF $111.16 $18.54 $111.16 $0.00 $0.00 Crown molding-3 1/4" 126.94 LF $558.50 $93.10 $517.14 $0.00 $41.36 Judges paneling-raised panel-paint grade 32.33 SF $913.48 $152.26 $913.48 $0.00 $0.00 Install Wood bracket-decorative 5.00 EA $165.05 $27.50 $165.05 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FINISII CARPENTRY/TRIMWORK $2,921.77 $487.00 $2,880.41 $0.00 $41.36 FNH FINISII HARDWARE Detach&Reset Door lockset-exterior 1.00 EA $26.36 $4.40 $26.36 $0.00 $0.00 Finish hardware labor minimum 1.00 EA $153.74 $25.62 $153.74 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FINISH HARDWARE $180.10 $30.02 $180.10 $0.00 $0.00 IIVC HEAT, VENT&AIR CONDITIONING Install Radiator cover-up to 12"tall 36.58 LF $251.08 $41.84 $251.08 $0.00 $0.00 Detach&Reset Radiator cover-up to 12"tall 13.67 LF $138.12 $23.02 $138.12 $0.00 $0.00 Detach&Reset Thermostat 1.00 EA $69.00 $11.50 $69.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL IIEAT, VENT&AIR CONDITIONING $458.20 $76.36 $458.20 $0.00 $0.00 INS INSULATION Batt insulation-6"-R19-paper faced 482.78 SF $646.66 $107.76 $646.66 $0.00 $0.00 Polyethylene vapor barrier 186.00 SF $76.85 $12.80 $76.85 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL INSULATION $723.51 $120.56 $723.51 $0.00 $0.00 LAB LABOR ONLY General labor-labor minimum 1.00 EA $26.87 $4.48 $26.87 $0.00 $0.00 Note: Slight variances may be found within report sections due to rounding Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:27 • • DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF Trade Summary Includes all applicable Tax,General Contractor O&P,and Labor Minimums DESCRIPTION LINE ITEM REPL.COST GCO&P ACV NON-REC. MAX ADDL. QTY TOTAL DEPREC. AMT AVAIL. LAB LABOR ONLY TOTAL LABOR ONLY $26.87 $4.48 $26.87 $0.00 $0.00 LIT LIGHT FIXTURES Light fixture 1.00 EA $84.87 $14.14 $84.87 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL LIGHT FIXTURES $84.87 $14.14 $84.87 $0.00 $0.00 PNT PAINTING Paint baseboard-two coats 116.57 LF $224.79 $37.48 $44.95 $0.00 $179.84 Paint balustrade-one coat 9.00 LF $209.12 $34.86 $209.12 $0.00 $0.00 Stain&finish wood beam 26.00 SF $90.00 $15.00 $90.00 $0.00 $0.00 Paint chair rail-one coat 27.12 LF $34.96 $5.82 $34.96 $0.00 $0.00 Seal&paint chair rail-two coats 122.25 LF $234.17 $39.04 $46.84 $0.00 $187.33 Paint crown molding-one coat 112.34 LF $148.97 $24.84 $148.97 $0.00 $0.00 Seal&paint crown molding-two coats 126.94 LF $255.45 $42.58 $84.49 $0.00 $170.96 Paint door slab only-2 coats(per side) 2.00 EA $97.14 $16.20 $19.43 $0.00 $77.71 Paint door slab only- 1 coat(per side) 15.00 EA $482.18 $80.38 $225.02 $0.00 $257.16 Paint door/window trim&jamb-2 coats(per 10.00 EA $413.87 $69.00 $115.88 $0.00 $297.99 side) Paint door/window trim&jamb-1 coat(per 15.00 EA $418.77 $69.82 $217.75 $0.00 $201.02 side) Paint door/window trim&jamb-Large-2 1.00 EA $48.68 $8.12 $9.74 $0.00 $38.94 coats(per side) Paint door/window trim&jamb-Large-1 2.00 EA $65.66 $10.96 $13.14 $0.00 $52.52 coat(per side) Paint-judges paneling-one coat 178.74 SF $731.29 $121.90 $640.18 $0.00 $91.11 Paint-judges paneling-two coats 94.41 SF $569.32 $94.90 $113.86 $0.00 $455.46 Floor protection-plastic and tape-10 mil 1,133.29 SF $430.09 $71.68 $86.02 $0.00 $344.07 Floor protection-corrugated cardboard and 349.85 SF $261.08 $43.52 $174.69 $0.00 $86.39 tape Seal&paint fireplace mantel 6.42 LF $45.23 $7.54 $45.23 $0.00 $0.00 Paint -one coat 1,017.23 SF $886.52 $147.76 $375.13 $0.00 $511.39 Prime&paint radiator cover 25.00 EA $1,189.36 $198.22 $1,189.36 $0.00 $0.00 Seal/prime then paint the ceiling(2 coats) 145.53 SF $186.76 $31.14 $186.76 $0.00 $0.00 Paint stair skirt/apron 24.16 LF $190.32 $31.72 $190.32 $0.00 $0.00 Paint wood window-1 coat(per side) 10.00 EA $494.01 $82.34 $138.34 $0.00 $355.67 Seal&paint wood window(per side)-Large 1.00 EA $99.13 $16.52 $99.13 $0.00 $0.00 Paint wood window grid 31.00 LF $48.85 $8.14 $48.85 $0.00 $0.00 Note: Slight variances may be found within report sections due to rounding Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:28 • • DocuSlgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF Trade Summary Includes all applicable Tax,General Contractor O&P,and Labor Minimums DESCRIPTION LINE ITEM REPL.COST GCO&P ACV NON-REC. MAX ADDL. QTY TOTAL DEPREC. MIT AVAIL. PNT PAINTING TOTAL PAINTING $7,855.72 $1,309.48 $4,548.16 $0.00 $3,307.56 RFC ROOFING 3 tab-25 yr.-composition shingle roofing- 24.00 SQ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 incl.felt Remove Tear off,haul and dispose of comp. 21.04 SQ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 shingles-3 tab Roofing(Bid Item) 1.00 EA $10,400.00 $0.00 $10,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 R&R Flashing-pipe jack-lead 1.00 EA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Additional charge for high roof(2 stories or 14.00 SQ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 greater) Remove Additional charge for high roof(2 13.27 SQ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 stories or greater) Ice&water shield 282.75 SF $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Ridge cap-composition shingles 68.12 LF $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Additional charge for steep roof-7/12 to 9/12 19.00 SQ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 slope Remove Additional charge for steep roof-7/12 16.77 SQ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 to 9/12 slope R&R Roof vent-turtle type-Metal 3.00 EA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL ROOFING $10,400.00 $0.00 $10,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 TMP TEMPORARY REPAIRS Temporary toilet(per month) 2.00 MO $456.10 $76.02 $456.10 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL TEMPORARY REPAIRS $456.10 $76.02 $456.10 $0.00 $0.00 WDT WINDOW TREATMENT Install Window drapery-hardware 2.00 EA $97.06 $16.18 $97.06 $0.00 $0.00 Detach&Reset Window drapery-hardware 2.00 EA $78.96 $13.16 $78.96 $0.00 $0.00 Install Window drapery-hardware-single rod 1.00 EA $48.52 $8.08 $48.52 $0.00 $0.00 Detach&Reset Window drapery-hardware- 4.00 EA $157.92 $26.32 $157.92 $0.00 $0.00 single rod Install Window drapery-hardware-Large 1.00 EA $51.22 $8.54 $51.22 $0.00 $0.00 Install Window shade-roll up 7.00 EA $73.51 $12.26 $73.51 $0.00 $0.00 Detach&Reset Window shade-roll up 4.00 EA $93.44 $15.56 $93.44 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL WINDOW TREATMENT $600.63 $100.10 $600.63 $0.00 $0.00 WPR WALLPAPER R&R Wallpaper 1,568.10 SF $5,158.31 $859.76 $1,031.67 $0.00 $4,126.64 Wallpaper 121.77 SF $299.74 $49.96 $59.96 $0.00 $239.78 Note: Slight variances may be found within report sections due to rounding Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:29 • DocuSign Envelope ID:37807D68-0690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF Trade Summary Includes all applicable Tax,General Contractor O&P,and Labor Minimums DESCRIPTION LINE ITEM REPL.COST GCO&P ACV NON-REC. MAX ADDL. QTY TOTAL DEPREC. MIT AVAIL. WPR WALLPAPER Prep wall for wallpaper 1,786.72 SF $986.26 $164.36 $986.26 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL WALLPAPER $6,444.31 $1,074.08 $2,077.89 $0.00 $4,366.42 TOTALS $53,181.39 $7,130.50 $38,704.31 $0.00 $14,477.08 Note: Slight variances may be found within report sections due to rounding Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:30 • DocuSlgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41 B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 Recap of Taxes,Overhead and Profit CC Overhead(10%) GC Profit(10%) Material Sales Tax Clothing Sales Tax Storage Tax(6.25%) (6.25%) (6.25%) Line Items 3,565.25 3,565.25 593.38 0.00 0.00 Total 3,565.25 3,565.25 593.38 0.00 0.00 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:31 . DocuSfgn Envelope ID:378D7D68-0690-4DC4-A416-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 Recap by Room Estimate:21-4535-Z60 Area:Source-Eagle View 1 Area: roof 10,400.00 22.88% Area Subtotal: roof 10,400.00 22.88% Area: main floor 295.91 0.65% Kitchen 4,835.33 10.64% dEN 1,833.12 4.03% Ilallway 1,375.92 3.03% Master Bedroom 3,205.12 7.05% Living Room 7,414.52 16.31% Stairs 2,565.02 5.64% Dining Room 4,327.37 9.52% Garage 952.55 2.10% Area Subtotal: main floor 26,804.86 58.97% Area:2nd floor 114.29 0.25% Bedroom 1 5,467.29 12.03% Hallway 241.18 0.53% Bedroom 2 837.23 1.84% Storage Area/Room 264.12 0.58% Dmo 973.81 2.14% Area Subtotal: 2nd floor 7,897.92 17.37% Area Subtotal: Source-Eagle View 1 45,102.78 99.22% Labor Minimums Applied 354.73 0.78% Subtotal of Areas 45,457.51 100.00% Total 45,457.51 100.00% Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:32 • . DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 Recap by Category with Depreciation General Contractor O&P Items RCV Deprec. ACV . APPLIANCES 85.86 85.86 CLEANING 410.20 410.20 GENERAL DEMOLITION 593.73 593.73 DOORS 948.65 948.65 DRYWALL 2,288.73 2,288.73 ELECTRICAL 172.12 172.12 FLOOR COVERING-WOOD 14,320.22 5,570.91 8,749.31 FINISH CARPENTRY/TRIMWORK 2,385.68 33.65 2,352.03 FINISII HARDWARE 150.08 150.08 HEAT, VENT&AIR CONDITIONING 381.84 381.84 INSULATION 584.65 584.65 LABOR ONLY 22.39 22.39 LIGHT FIXTURES 68.63 68.63 PAINTING 6,497.40 2,734.71 3,762.69 TEMPORARY REPAIRS 380.08 380.08 WINDOW TREATMENT 500.53 500.53 WALLPAPER 5,266.72 3,555.86 1,710.86 General Contractor O&P Items Subtotal 35,057.51 11,895.13 23,162.38 Non-General Contractor O&P Items RCV Deprec. ACV ROOFING 10,400.00 10,400.00 Non-General Contractor O&P Items Subtotal 10,400.00 0.00 10,400.00 General Contractor O&P Items Subtotal 35,057.51 11,895.13 23,162.38 Material Sales Tax 593.38 169.01 424.37 General Contractor Overhead 3,565.25 1,206.47 2,358.78 General Contractor Profit 3,565.25 1,206.47 2,358.78 Total 53,181.39 14,477.08 38,704.31 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:33 . DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGEMS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 Time & Material Breakdown General Contractor O&P Items Quantity Unit Price Total Cost APPLIANCES Contractor Labor- General Laborer 1.97 HR 43.500 85.86* Labor: 85.86 APPLIANCES Subtotal: 85.86 CLEANING Contractor Labor- Cleaning Technician 11.43 HR 34.170 390.67* Labor: 390.67 Miscellaneous: 19.53 CLEANING Subtotal: 410.20 GENERAL DEMOLITION Equipment- Dumpster-Approx.20 yds,4 ton of debris 1.00 LO 593.734 593.73 Equipment: 593.73 GENERAL DEMOLITION Subtotal: 593.73 DOORS Material- 6d finish nails(based on 5 lb box) 0.15 LB 2.491 0.37 Wood shims 0.11 BN 4.439 0.47* Exterior door-wood or metal-High grade-pre-hung unit 1.00 EA 333.640 333.65* Casing-2 1/4" 18.80 LF 0.780 14.66 Wood screw-zinc plated-#10 x 3", 100 count box 0.11 BX 12.652 133* Material: 350.48 Contractor Labor- Demolition Laborer 0.43 HR 46.490 19.93* Carpenter-Finish,Trim/Cabinet 7.26 HR 68.780 499.58* Labor for Door labor minimum 1.00 EA 78.660 78.66 Labor: 598.17 DOORS Subtotal: 948.65 DRYWALL Material- Gypsum board, 1/2" 1,021.55 SF 0.427 436.20 Metal corner bead 54.05 LF 0.236 12.76 Drywall joint compound-50 lb box 3.39 BX 13.740 46.54* Drywall nails(based on 25 to 50 lb box) 2.57 LB 1.721 4.42 Drywall screws-grabber-(based on 25 to 50 lb box) 5.13 LB 2.410 12.37* Joint tape-500'roll 0.66 RL 4.809 3.17 Gypsum board,5/8"type X 126.13 SF 0.486 61.30 Material: 576.76 Contractor Labor- Drywall Installer/Finisher 19.02 HR 90.000 1,711.97* Labor: 1,711.97 Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:34 DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41 B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 General Contractor O&P Items Quantity Unit Price Total Cost DRYWALL Subtotal: 2,288.73 ELECTRICAL Contractor Labor- Electrician 0.47 HR 100.010 46.56* Labor for Electrical labor minimum 1.00 EA 125.560 125.56 Labor: 172.12 ELECTRICAL Subtotal: 172.12 FLOOR COVERING-WOOD Material- 160- 180 grit sandpaper-per sheet 3.97 S11 0.700 2.78 Nails for hardwood flooring nailer-(1000 count box) 4.69 BX 22.113 103.79* Polyurethane finish for wood floors 15.02 GL 56.804 853.33* Wood filler for hardwood flooring 3.33 GL 33.665 111.96* Sanding belt-walk behind sander, 100 grit 5.17 EA 7.537 38.94* Sanding belt-walk behind sander,20-36 grit 5.17 EA 7.997 41.31* Sanding belt-walk behind sander,50-80 grit 5.17 EA 7.764 40.12* Sanding screen-floor sander, 120 grit 5.17 EA 6.590 34.05* Sanding screen-floor sander,60 grit 5.17 EA 10.130 52.33* Sanding screen-floor sander,80 grit 5.17 EA 8.350 43.14* Sanding disk-floor edge sander 5.17 EA 1.546 7.99 Stain-wood flooring 5.54 GL 43.329 240.17* Bamboo flooring-stained-pre-finished 66.20 SF 4.360 288.63 Wood floor-material per specs from ind.wood analysis 483.72 SF 6.530 3,158.67* Material: 5,017.21 Contractor Labor- Demolition Laborer 2.78 HR 46.490 129.40* Wood Flooring Installer 95.65 HR 77.010 7,365.95* Labor: 7,495.35 Equipment- Hardwood flooring nailing tool 1.92 DA 36.080 69.26* Hardwood floor sander-screen 8.06 DA 41.193 332.07* Hardwood flooring edge sander 4.04 DA 34.010 137.45* Hardwood flooring drum sander 4.04 DA 53.583 216.54* Dustless sanding equipment 1.04 DA 1,000.000 1,040.51* Equipment: 1,795.83 Miscellaneous: 11.83 FLOOR COVERING-WOOD Subtotal: 14,320.22 FINISH CARPENTRY/TRIMWORK Material- 6d finish nails(based on 5 lb box) 3.30 LB 2.491 8.23* Baseboard-4 1/4"finger-joint pine 72.44 LF 1.739 125.97 Crown molding-3 1/4" 133.76 LF 1.293 172.96* Casing-3 1/4" 212.82 LF 1.499 319.01* 1"x 4"MDF 22.66 LF 0.730 16.55* 1"x 8"MDF 11.33 LF 1.350 15.30 Panel cap-stain grade 50.00 LF 1.240 61.99* Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:35 • DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41 B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 General Contractor O&P Items Quantity Unit Price Total Cost MDF panel,3/4" 19.50 SF 1.120 21.85* Chair rail-2 1/2"finger jointed pine 34.04 LF 1.275 43.40 Material: 785.26 Contractor Labor- Demolition Laborer 0.45 HR 46.490 20.88* Carpenter-Finish,Trim/Cabinet 22.00 HR 68.780 1,513.02* Labor: 1,533.90 Miscellaneous: 66.52 FINISH CARPENTRY/TRIMWORK Subtotal: 2,385.68 FINISH HARDWARE Contractor Labor- Hardware Installer 0.37 HR 60.030 21.96* Labor for Finish hardware labor minimum 1.00 EA 128.120 128.12 Labor: 150.08 FINISH HARDWARE Subtotal: 150.08 IIEAT, VENT&AIR CONDITIONING Contractor Labor- Heating/A.C.Mechanic 3.05 HR 125.010 381.84* Labor: 381.84 HEAT, VENT&AIR CONDITIONING Subtotal: 381.84 INSULATION Material- Insulation-R-19"Kraft"faced batt 504.98 SF 0.550 277.74 3/8"Staples- 1000 count box 0.71 EA 3.201 2.28* 6 mil Polyethylene film(8'x100') 0.26 RL 50.000 13.02* Material: 293.04 Contractor Labor- Insulation Installer 3.13 HR 91.670 286.78* Labor: 286.78 Miscellaneous: 4.83 INSULATION Subtotal: 584.65 LABOR ONLY Contractor Labor- Labor for General labor-labor minimum 1.00 EA 22.390 22.39 Labor: 2239 LABOR ONLY Subtotal: 22.39 LIGHT FIXTURES Material- Light fixture 1.00 EA 33.642 33.64 Material: 33.64 Contractor Labor- Electrician 0.35 HR 100.010 34.99* Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:36 * DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A41B-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENMS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 General Contractor O&P Items Quantity Unit Price Total Cost Labor: 34.99 LIGHT FIXTURES Subtotal: 68.63 PAINTING Material- Caulking-acrylic 9.88 TB 1.980 19.57* Latex paint 10.79 GL 33.163 357.94* Painter's putty 0.97 GL 18.300 17.73* 160- 180 grit sandpaper-per sheet 32.10 SH 0.700 22.47 Sealer-stain blocker-latex based 0.45 GL 22.518 10.12* 10 mil Visqueen vapor barrier(20'x 100') 0.66 RL 162.140 107.74* Masking tape,3/4"roll 1.66 RL 3.360 5.59* Corrugated cardboard roll(per SF) 397.01 SF 0.150 59.55 Masking tape,2"x 60 yard-Painter's tape 1.13 RL 6.100 6.92* Oil based or water-oil hybrid paint 2.10 GL 54.018 113.17* Paint thinner(mineral spirits) 0.57 GL 12.548 7.14* PVA-latex drywall primer/sealer 0.43 GL 16.000 6.85* Oil based or water-oil hybrid sealer/primer 1.37 GL 26.710 36.69* Oil based stain 0.05 GL 33.690 1.84* Polyurethane finish 0.18 GL 42.000 7.66* Material: 780.98 Contractor Labor- Painter 66.87 HR 85.120 5,691.71* Labor: 5,691.71 Miscellaneous: 24.71 PAINTING Subtotal: 6,497.40 TEMPORARY REPAIRS Equipment- Portable toilet 2.00 MO 190.040 380.08 Equipment: 380.08 TEMPORARY REPAIRS Subtotal: 380.08 WINDOW TREATMENT Contractor Labor- Hardware Installer 8.34 HR 60.030 500.53* Labor: 500.53 WINDOW TREATMENT Subtotal: 500.53 WALLPAPER Material- Wallpaper adhesive 6.37 GL 16.579 105.68* Wallpaper(per single roll) 71.24 RL 19.387 1,381.19* Wall sizing 5.95 GL 28.440 169.20* Material: 1,656.07 Contractor Labor- Wallpaper Hanger 65.32 HR 55.280 3,610.65* Labor: 3,610.65 WALLPAPER Subtotal: 5,266.72 • Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:37 DocuSign Envelope ID:378D7D68-D690-4DC4-A416-419D7D5D99EF State Farm DIGENIS,CONSTANTINE 21-4535-Z60 General Contractor O&P Items Quantity Unit Price Total Cost Material 9,493.44 Labor 22,667.01 Equipment 2,769.64 Miscellaneous 127.42 General Contractor O&P Items Subtotal 35,057.51 Non-General Contractor O&P Items Quantity Unit Price Total Cost ROOFING Miscellaneous: 10,400.00 ROOFING Subtotal: 10,400.00 Miscellaneous 10,400.00 Non-General Contractor O&P Items Subtotal 10,400.00 General Contractor O&P Items Subtotal 35,057.51 Material Sales Tax 59338 General Contractor Overhead 3,565.25 General Contractor Profit 3,565.25 Total 53,181.39 f R. EathdiditAL Dowsgn*d byn 9. 7018 6:53:35 Am 07Ditantine 3. Digent s D94F385861CD484.. 0I Docuslgn.d by: 624, bdituar). 7/23/2018 6:54:33 ANom Barnard 4F9183F78C6940C... Date: 7/20/2018 9:16 AM Page:38 1/4%\si Servpro of the Mid and Outer Cape franchise 9377 9.. 41 Rockwood Road Marshfield,MA 02050 office@servproofmoc.com 4 a'' demo i� S Phone: 508-778-7378 Fax: 508-778-7379 Franchise 9377 ki91,1, 19I,Lte2 8/2/2018 4:23 PM Insured: CONSTANTINE DIGENIS Estimate: CONSTANTINE D Property: 228 S Sea Ave Claim Number: 214535Z60 't2-1209 .3 W Yarmouth,MA 02673-5631 Policy Number. 210236644 Home: 978430-9881 Price List: MABO28_JUN18 Type of Loss: Water Damage Restoration/Service/Remodel Deductible: $0.00 Date of Loss: 3/1/2018 Date Inspected: 627/2018 Summary for Dwelling Line Item Total 11,443.36 Material Sales Tax 38.58 Storage Tax 16.47 Replacement Cost Value 11,498.41 Less Deductible (0.00) Net Payment BSFB Balcom,Tom ALL AMOUNTS PAYABLE ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS,CONDITIONS AND LIMITS OF YOUR POLICY. CONSTANTINE DIGENIS 8/1t2018 11:34 AM Recap of Taxes,Overhead and Profit GC Overhead(0%) GC Profit(0%) Material Sales Tax Clothing Sales Tax Storage Tax(6.25%) (6.25%) (6.25%) Line Items 0.00 0.00 3858 0.00 16.47 Total 0.00 0.00 38.58 0.00 16.47 CONSTANTINE D Page:2 CONSTANTINE DIGENIS 8/1/2018 11:34 AM CONSTANTINE D DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 6. Equipment setup,take down,and 6.00 HR 50.17 0.00 301.02 monitoring(hourly charge) 8. Haul debris-per pickup truck load- 2.00 EA 195.85 0.00 391.70 including dump fees Debris that was hauled away by us that did not fit into the dumpster 9. Content Manipulation charge-per hour 20.00 HR 43.50 0.00 870.00 Time to move contents to on site storage container 12. Padlock and hasp 1.00 EA 35.71 1.27 36.98 24. Containment Barrier/Airlock/Decon. 160.00 SF 0.69 0.70 111.10 Chamber 56. Carbon vapor filter(for air scrubber)- 16" 1.00 EA 73.84 3.56 77.40 x 16" 62. Dumpster load-Approx.30 yards,5-7 tons 1.00 EA 741.15 0.00 741.15 of debris 66. Job-site cargo/storage container-20'long- 3.00 MO 87.83 16.47 279.96 per month 67. Job-site cargo container-pick up/deL(each 2.00 EA 120.28* 0.00 240.56 way) 16'40' Total: CONSTANTINE D 22.00 3,049.87 Main Level iso- 3 Living Room Height:7'2" l 412.69 SF Walls 204.44 SF Ceiling u�"r s,,, A 617.14 SF Walls&Ceiling 204.44 SF Floor I1 I 57.33 LF Ceil.Perimeter 57.33 LF Floor Perimeter IP DESCRTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 26. Tear out non-salt'solid/eng.wood fir& 56.00 SF 3.08 0.42 172.90 bag for disposal 29. Remove Baseboard electric heater- 10' 1.00 EA 14.68 0.00 14.68 CONSTANTINE D Page:3 CONSTANTINE DIGENIS 8/1/2018 11:34 AM CONTINUED-Living Room DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV • 38. Apply anti-microbial agent to the surface 56.00 SF 0.22 0.11 12.43 area 49. Dehumidifier(per 24 hour period)- 4.00 EA 103.29 0.00 413.16 XLarge-No monitoring • 1 dehu 4 days 52. Negative air fan/Air scrubber(24 hr period) 1.00 DA 77.50 0.00 77.50 -No monit. 57. Clean floor-Heavy 204.44 SF 0.54 0.13 110.53 Totals: Living Room 0.66 801.20 p-s s^-+ Front Hall Height:7'2" 4'W' t i 142.76 SF Walls 24.54 SF Ceiling am 167.31 SF Walls&Ceiling 24.54 SF Floor 19.83 LF Ceil.Perimeter 19.83 LF Floor Perimeter DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 28. Tear out non-salt'solid/eng.wood fir& 15.00 SF 3.08 0.11 46.31 bag for disposal 37. Apply anti-microbial agent to the surface 15.00 SF 0.22 0.03 3.33 area 58. Clean floor-Heavy 24.54 SF 0.54 0.02 13.27 Totals: Front Ball 0.16 62.91 CONSTANTINE D Page:4 CONSTANTINE DIGENIS 8/1/2018 11:34 AM . .... id'9 Dining Room Height:712" _is., - 1 394.70 SF Walls 187.78 SF Ceiling Dining Room Z . 582.48 SF Walls&Ceiling 187.78 SF Floor I54.83 LF Ceil.Perimeter 54.83 LF Floor Perimeter DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 27. Tear out non-salv solid/eng.wood flr& 42.00 SF 3.08 0.32 129.68 bag for disposal 32. Remove Baseboard electric heater- 10' 1.00 EA 14.68 0.00 14.68 36. Apply anti-microbial agent to more than 229.78 SF 0.22 0.43 50.98 the ceiling 48. Dehumidifier(per 24 hour period)- 4.00 EA 103.29 0.00 413.16 XLarge-No monitoring I dehu 4 days 51. Tear out wet drywall,cleanup,bag for 187.78 SF 0.94 3.05 179.56 disposal 53. Negative air fan/Air scrubber(24 hr period) 1.00 DA 77.50 0.00 77.50 -No monit. 59. Clean floor-Heavy 187.78 SF 0.54 0.12 101.52 63. HEPA Vacuuming-Detailed-(PER SF) 187.78 SF 1.01 0.00 189.66 Totals: Dining Room 3.92 1,156.74 1--'5.- ' Kitchen Height:7'2" 370.71 SF Walls 163.64 SF Ceiling Kitchen _ 534.34 SF Walls&Ceiling 163.64 SF Floor - 1 51.50 LF Ceil.Perimeter 51.50 LF Floor Perimeter DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 33. Tear out non-salt'solid/eng.wood fir& 56.00 SF 3.08 0.42 172.90 bag for disposal • CONSTANTINE D Page:5 CONSTANTINE DIGENIS 8/1/2018 11:34 AM CONTINUED-Kitchen DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 34. Tear out non-salvageable vinyl,cut&bag 163.64 SF 1.23 1.02 202.30 for disposal 35. Apply anti-microbial agent to more than 327.28 SF 0.22 0.61 72.61 the floor 46. Dehumidifier(per 24 hour period)- 4.00 EA 103.29 0.00 413.16 XLarge-No monitoring 1 dehu 4 days 50. Tear out wet drywall,cleanup,bag for 163.64 SF 0.94 2.66 156.48 disposal 54. Negative air fan/Air scrubber(24 hr period) 1.00 DA 77.50 0.00 77.50 -No monit. 60. Clean floor-Heavy 163.64 SF 054 0.10 88.47 64. HEPA Vacuuming-Detailed-(PER SF) 163.64 SF 1.01 0.00 165.28 Totals: Kitchen 4.81 1,348.70 -r r- Den/Side Room Height:7'2" _7.7_.T 253.63 SF Walls 76.18 SF Ceiling an/Side Roon a329.81 SF Walls&Ceiling 76.18 SF Floor I35.24 LF Ceil.Perimeter 35.24 LF Floor Perimeter DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 39. Tear out non-salt'solid/eng.wood flr& 56.00 SF 3.08 0.42 172.90 bag for disposal 40. Tear out non-salvageable vinyl,cut&bag 76.18 SF 1.23 0.48 94.18 for disposal 41. Apply anti-microbial agent to the floor 76.18 SF 0.22 0.14 16.90 CONSTANTINE D Page:6 CONSTANTINE DIGENIS 8/1/2018 11:34 AM CONTINUED-Den/Side Room DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 47. Dehumidifier(per 24 hour period)- 4.00 EA 103.29 0.00 413.16 XLarge-No monitoring 1 dehu 4 days 55. Negative air fan/Air scrubber(24 hr period) 1.00 DA 77.50 0.00 77.50 -No monit. 61. Clean floor-Heavy 76.18 SF 0.54 0.05 41.19 Totals: Den/Side Room 1.09 815.83 m'r Bedroom Height:7'2" 6' 417.08 SF Walls 207.54 SF Ceiling 624.62 SF Walls&Ceiling 207.54 SF Floor [...157.94 1.F Ceil.Perimeter 57.94 LF Floor Perimeter DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 68. Tear out wet drywall,cleanup,bag for 207.54 SF 0.94 3.37 198.46 disposal 69. Apply anti-microbial agent to the ceiling 207.54 SF 0.22 0.39 46.05 70. Clean floor-Heavy 207.54 SF 0.54 0.13 112.20 Totals: Bedroom 3.89 356.71 Area Totals: Main Level 1,991.58 SF Walls 864.13 SF Ceiling 2,855.70 SF Walls and Ceiling 864.13 SF Floor 959.02 Total Area 276.68 LF Floor Perimeter 864.13 Floor Area 292.68 Exterior Perimeter 276.68 LF Ceil.Perimeter 2,399.43 Exterior Wall Area of Walls 1,99168 Interior Wall Area Total: Main Level 1453 4,542.09 CONSTANTINE D Page:7 CONSTANTINE DIGENIS 8/1/2018 11:34 AM Second Floor .---14.r r Bedroom 1 Height:7'2" x-13'6" 383.18 SF Walls 177.09 SF Ceiling 560.27 SF Walls&Ceiling 177.09 SF Floor 53.23 LF CeiL Perimeter 53.23 LF Floor Perimeter I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 19. Tear out wet drywall,cleanup,bag for 272.88 SF 0.94 4.43 260.94 disposal 20. Tear out and bag wet insulation 272.88 SF 0.72 1.71 198.18 21. Apply anti-microbial agent to part of the 327.88 SF 0.22 0.62 72.75 walls 22. Clean floor-Heavy 177.09 SF 0_54 0.11 95.74 25. Tear out non-salv solid/eng.wood flr& 55.00 SF 3.08 0.41 169.81 bag for disposal 45. Dehumidifier(per 24 hour period)- 4.00 EA 103.29 0.00 413.16 XLarge-No monitoring 1 dehu 4 days 65. HEPA Vacuuming-Detailed-(PER SF) 272.88 SF 1.01 0.00 275.61 Totals: Bedroom 1 7.28 1,486.19 Area Totals: Second Floor 767.18 SF Walls 321.09 SF Ceiling 1,088.27 SF Walls and Ceiling 321.09 SF Floor 355.72 Total Area 101.23 LF Floor Perimeter 321.09 Floor Area 106.57 Exterior Perimeter 101.23 LF Cell.Perimeter 914.28 Exterior Wall Area of Walls 767.18 Interior Wall Area Total: Second Floor 7.28 1,486.19 Basement CONSTANTINE D Page:8 CONSTANTINE DIGENIS 8/1/2018 11:34 AM .-24 8'-8 III840.34 Basement Height:7'6"SF Walls 768.73 SF Ceiling 1,609.07 SF Walls&Ceiling 768.73 SF Floor 112.05 LF Ceil.Perimeter 112.05 LF Floor Perimeter DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 1. Add for personal protective equipment- 3.00 EA 18.41 3.45 58.68 Heavy duty 2. Respirator cartridge-HEPA only(per pair) 3.00 EA 10.49 1.97 33.44 3. Negative air fan/Air scrubber(24 hr period)- 2.00 DA 7750 0.00 155.00 No monit. 4. Carbon vapor filter(for air scrubber)- 16"x 1.00 EA 73.84 3.56 77.40 16" 11. Dehumidifier(per 24 hour period)- 8.00 EA 103.29 0.00 826.32 XLarge-No monitoring 2 dehus 4 days 14. HEPA Vacuuming-Detailed-(PER SF) 384.37 SF 1.01 0.00 388.21 15. Apply anti-microbial agent to the ceiling 768.73 SF 0.22 1.44 170.56 * 16. Application for mold stain removaL 384.37 SF 0.76 0.48 292.60 18. Deodorize building-Hot thermal fog 5,765.48 CF 0.06 0.00 345.93 Fogged with an anti-microbial. Totals: Basement 10.90 2,348.14 Area Totals: Basement 840.34 SF Walls 768.73 SF Ceiling 1,609.07 SF Walls and Ceiling 768.73 SF Floor 806.52 Total Area 112.05 LF Floor Perimeter 768.73 Floor Area 114.71 Exterior Perimeter 112.05 LF Ceil.Perimeter 975.06 Exterior Wall Area of Walls 840.34 Interior Wall Area Total: Basement 10.90 2,348.14 Attic CONSTANTINE D Page:9 CONSTANTINE DIGENIS 8/1/2018 11:34 AM �-rE Attic Height:Peaked 246.00 SF Walls 188.82 SF Ceiling 434.82 SF Walls&Ceiling 144.00 SF Floor 55.47 LF Ceil.Perimeter 48.00 LF Floor Perimeter DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TAX RCV 42. Tear out and bag wet insulation 35.00 SF 0.72 0.22 25.42 43. Apply anti-microbial agent to the surface 35.00 SF 0.22 0.07 7.77 area 44. Clean floor-Heavy 72.00 SF 0.54 0.05 38.93 Totals: Attic 0.34 72.12 Area Totals: Attic 246.00 SF Walls 188.82 SF Ceiling 434.82 SF Walls and Ceiling 144.00 SF Floor 160.44 Total Area 48.00 LF Floor Perimeter 144.00 Floor Area 50.67 Exterior Perimeter 55.47 LF Ceil.Perimeter 302.24 Exterior Wall Area of Walls 246.00 Interior Wall Area Total: Attic 0.34 72.12 Line Item Totals: CONSTANTINE D 55.05 11,498.41 Grand Total Areas: 3,845.11 SF Walls 2,142.77 SF Ceiling 5,987.87 SF Walls and Ceiling 2,097,94 SF Floor 537.96 LF Floor Perimeter 545.43 LF Ceil.Perimeter 2,097.94 Floor Area 2,281.71 Total Area 3,845.11 Interior Wall Area 4,591.00 Exterior Wall Area 564.62 Exterior Perimeter of Walls r iM'aJ21k/Wo 2O9 .3 CONSTANTINE D Page: 10 22b SAve 54- Row vitc`ske' viL ex\ 1.50 IA Wall wts ate\ W TOWN OF YARMOUTH -'2 11 t err ANCE. FOR BUILDING AND ZONING CODE COMPLI- -_ ._ ANCE. ERRORS OR OIVISSIONS DO NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY OF'AS BUILT' e'Ce g= COMPLIANCE. D 1c— Qi DATE: Ia..)./r V./kk ��( `\ OFFICIAL • FILE COPY ,60,v¢.› L ayes-