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/ .tJ b L, • 3 c42 •` WN0 SQz (lit { . Application for a Permit to Build LOT EELEAB5D 1L'Y Fee must accompany this application q r 1 co—el l • G BOPSI D• -/ U N►N , PLAN Yarmouth 19...&.. DATE - -�- P �S 4-a /2- r Ft TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build, according to the following specifications: 1. Name of OwnenZiorteeu(...�ore_? {2.E QL"ti I RUS1 Address rID N• 'AA is.1 u Si. l ,AC - 2. Name of Architect (if any) WO Al E . 3. Name of Buildei jaae,.i po err $t_DC7 Cc,. to t1 . eMS. . 1.fa Sr• S.o '-( Chet • 4. Precinct No. 3 Lot No. Lai 41 1 cl I Plan: Name or No. a.M. s J- a 149 5. Name of Stree#4..cq c.a .J 6. Purpose of Building 521 & c1 C .F Aw‘...t Lc/ _D W CdS1 U, 7. Material 4 a Os2 '} ZTc-tt__ 8. Estimated cost of building 4 %S. 000 't' kg 5(a F T 9. Dwelling tjac5 2 'g ETz,T2oo!"`S 10. Cottage 11J 0 9f I 3"cc'•-a, 11. Heat 1 E S 14%TCL-►Elle in- 12. Basement t1 .r e 5 �a rat Cwetc / O • a ' t V I N c.9 t2ofl 13. Garage Cf E sCfw ttl4' �,s'', 00 CVe Csae2 CArzAc-TE �� d O 14. Store No © 'e. t (C 0 15. Shop NO /DO Q `3 r/ / ' 3 t CO0 16. No. of stories 010 "a." 17. Is there to be a Store in the lower storey Nb _ . 18. Size of Lot. No. of feet front No. of feet rear No. of feet deep 19. Size of building. No. of feet front No. of feet side No. of feet rear 20. Distance from nearest building: Front ft.; side ft.; side ft.; rear 21. Distance back from line or street , from rear lot line , side line Show by diagram the location of propsed building with relationto distances from adjoining lots, onnrrevQerssee side. Name .1..?.. 1%,c' tl� 'd..l..f�l... S. Address Zo N ,.:'Y1.4.G. a gi., (c Clb .{:tAt /I ( Street Name v o Left Side Depth of Lot -i r �. -m z • z - en pa m o 0 Z r m r m 0 r R � t Right Side Depth of Lot • Street Name APPLICANT:- ADIso 3 '12.; W5sWarcrrG o_ BLDG. PERMIT NO. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Lcyj-a 1 aq B ,sroo DATE FILED: 87- Z t49 7 ' r[ THE FOLLOWING CHECK-OFF' SHEET IS DESIGNED TO CLARIFY THE PROCEDURES AN INDIVIDUAL MUST FOLLOW IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD OR ALTER A BUILDING. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL CHECK ON THE FOLLOWING: (A) CON- SERVANCY DISTRICTS (B) HISTORICAL DISTRICTS ( C) FLOOD PLAINS ZONING, AND ;PILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE APPICANT THROUGH THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES. 1. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: A) CHECK WITH THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT IN REFERENCE TO SEPTIC SYSTEMS FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL. • B) CHECK WITH CONSERVATION COMMITTEE IF THE LOT BORDERS ON ANY TYPE OP .WFTLANDS. EXAMPLES: STREAMS, PONDS, RIVERS, OCEAN, BAY, BOGS, MARSH, ETC. 2. COMMERCIAL.:BUILDING: A) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT-FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS, TOPOGRAPHY SITE PLAN REVIEW. B) CONSERVATION COMMITTEE-IF LOT BORDERS ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS. C) PLANNING BOARD-TO SEE IF LOT COMPLIES WITH ZONING BY-LAWS . D) BOARD OF HEALTH-FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS, HEALTH RELATE ACTIVITIES. EXAMPLES: SAUNA BATHS, SWIMJIING POOLS, RESTAURANTS, ETC. E) FIRE DEPARTMENT-FOR PROPERTY PROTECTION, PERSONAL SAFETY, (SPRINKLERS, SMOKE DETECTORS) . REVIEWED BY: 1. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: YES r/bOES NOT APPLY SIGNATUR' e,,.-, iATEIt4,e) 2. CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: YES DOES NOT APPLYI/SIGNATURELA,' ,ATE9114/s/ 3. PLANNING BOARD: YES DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATURE DATE ' 4. BOARD OF HEALTH: /10/YES t.---DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATUR �, �,.,;jg DAT 5 . FIRE DEPARTMENT: YES DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS: • OFY`t'14 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 0cr� . c WATER DEPART ENT 1.e1M , A�.��� 1 • . 'J 102 UNION STREET YARMOUTH PORT. MASS. 02675 WATER COMMISSIONERS THE SOARO OF WATER COMMISSIONER, MEETS EVERT MONDAY AT 7:30 P.M. AT UNION STREET OFFICE FREDERICK J. THACHER ROGER G. E DWARD S. JR. / /�/ THOMAS E. KELLEY //// Date SUPERINTENDENT PAUL WILSON WATER AVAILABILITY MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 40, SECTION 54 Town of Yarmouth Building Inspector, Health Officer Please be advised that the public water supply of the Town of Yarmouth is available to service Lot(s) 1,4q , (street) l3nccc4' �T , as shown on Assessor's Sheet lirlr , with the following provisions: (1) Review and acceptance of the proposed water service location by the Yarmouth Water Department, in reference to Health Office approved plot plan(s) as shown above. (2) The Town of Yarmouth Water Department through its Board of Water Commissioners, has the exclusive right as to the location of any and all water services, fire service lines, or any other attachment to the distribu- tion system. (3) Further, until such location is approved by the Water Commissioners and/or the Water Superintendent or his designee, the public water supply shall be considered not available to any lot, building or other structure requiring this letter to obtain a building permit in the Town of Yarmouth. (4) Field changes made to any structures or additions to theapproved plot plan(s) , especially sewage disposal systems, without express, written permission from the Water Department, shall automatically make this letter of availability null and void. The Water Department will assume no liability for the expense of relocating the structures, or the water service, if a conflict in location arises. (5) The Department will require 48 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, or.holidays, from the initial request for a letter of availability until its issuance. (6) This letter of availability will be valid only for one year from the date of issuance. Reference: % / Name sunk Yarmout W.ter hepar ent Address : -- 1 • • .. -• .',.; ': :-;; ' - . ...‘ = ''1/ - ' •--c= h., ' • : :::. -• J. • ' • -• ;..:. ‘ - ; ....:: '01 ! ). , ,, • c ,,, ',• , ;•• -, 1\ - ... ' r. • i: .. . . ' :: ci; • • ,. ,'..r. , ',- 2 ;.:,: -: .,' ' .4.......; '...: r,:,.. ; . 2' ••••=-4,:::". •., ;; '.... •`• ' ' L's .. ,....2'.;., ' fl• 1,.. ,.. ....; c • ' . 7-, ' -, ' ' , . -lc,' ,', " '-, • ;• :-:.„.-.. . ,•0 )• : :, • ..... ,. :,..., . .7-- 4— C' V,_ : : ' t ?-,-: _1 LIZ (C - ' % - 1:: • /••;.4::. " " 't • : ". ""‘'," ' " r % 03 '4:- " a: `4. Z ''''k '' • v a ta • mi. 'S N, '.- • • .:.:, \ • , , . . , ..•• - . ' 6 - ‘ .. • : : 0(- • ' `, •• al kiti ,•.7::.1. : :13 rigg : Pi 47 31 ' • . : 41 aItSs.. . :/ , = ir5„0/4.. ....., g.c. ! t kr) " : ' ‘'-' to eiCt :.", ":t- `.„ ,.;:„ : 1 „... „-.1,-, ,- ,,.. • , i . . • 7 : Q. 17.1;44. • '•• • ; • I ''' .„ • ‘\1 • V „ ".1 '',.' ' '', ,"; ...•" ' 7." 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