1146 Route 2S, South Yarmouth,MA. 02664 508-39S-2231 est. 32
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Date F1/13I/ r Application Accepted Permit No.-CS-1Q'
APplirant Instructions
1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application.
2) One application form is required for each sign- Each sign will be assigned its own permit number.
3) Applicant shall attach separate 8 1/2"x 11'.' sheets including the following dia, 'am :
A) Design, dimensions and colors of the proposed sign
B) Freestanding Signs:provide certified plan by a professional land surveyor that describes how the proposed
sign meets the zoning requirements included in Zoning Bylaw 303.5.6 or 3035.4.2 (as applicable). A
stamped and sealed"as-built"will be required before the pezmit will be issued.
C) Attached Signs: show length of portion of building frontage that is occupied by applicant.
D) Temporary Signs: show location for sign
• 4) Sign permits are$40.00 each, payable at the time of appliration.
Address of proposed sign 3 `12- T-f '2 N y.f4pmcw1h Historic District
Name of Business for proposed sign Latf h ;C_ RP,Ac-4 in 9 S
Name of Business owner Ci- Ar ( {15Q2:
Mailing Address of Business owner 120 H /Yl A v/l SA- rCR–000Nye is 144 cCcO 1
Business Owner Phone:Business C.)9, 2s) R 2204 Home
Name of Smarting Owner Phone
Sign Builder "' ip�� J `� ,as Sip MaierialsCorop/Q '+
Sign Builder Address 6 S O Rt--- 2$ w , Yo r.H o«,41, ' Ph ne° 05-34 .
Singly OccupiedBuilding k_ Business Center InternalLight ExtemalLight
it• Freestanding. Sian Size: 4 7 .0 y t r
271 51. ,. /_arMir �= -_: d ^=fit 1 E D
Temporary Sian Size: AUG 13 2018
B13iipye+ MEN7
Dates: "Y �Y IL
Please complete other side of Sign Permit Application
All Permits are subject to the approval of the Sign Tricpector '
I hereby agree to conform to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 governing sip
consmuction and installation. I further armee that this sign will not be altered,added to or changed in any way unless
a new pewit has been issued. Sign Permits are not valid until the Building Commissioner issues Use and
. Occupancy Permits (where applicable). Freestanding sign permits are not valid until the "as-built' from a
professional land surveyor has been ce .
/ N /
Signature of Applicant: ( \ Date Act)
u q 13,. 0125
Property Owner Authorization: I hr b authorize the a .licant to act on my behalf in all maat+Prs related to this
sign application. (Siriatnre) Date hi/ i3, 201
Approved by / 72-Z5r
Date 8// /6
/ •
With the following conditions:
--- --
I have read and understood the conditions of this Sip Permit listed above:
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it-4'z::_ - 24-1 Double Sided Road sign
- , ;);..-j-e‘4\-::-4/1 :. -. *,stscii\ii i
-, Size: 47"x 47 "
„isr-, ,,,,. .. .. .: , .0 Material: 10 Mil Coroplast
. . k.! k .r W/ Graphics Applied
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2498-2429 , .
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