HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Violation 08-01-2018 TOWN OF.YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28;,South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-223 reit.,1261=Fax;508-398-0836 0 Office of thte BuiIdmg to nmt•ssi•oner w 3 MATTATM LLSr'_ '1 to _^S 14 CV oL" VIOLATION NOTICE V z W Q 6 Et mm Candev Realty 327 Route 28 West Yarmouth,MA 02673 August 1,2018 RE:327 Route 28—Physic Reader-Window Signs and free standing sign Dear Candev realty, It has come to the attention of the Building Department that window signs and a free standing sign have been placed on this property without the benefit of the proper permits.This is a violation of Section 303.4.1.2 of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw; 303.5.3 Window Signs. 1. The word glass when used in this section shall mean glass or any other transparent medium. 2. No window sign shall be displayed in the lower fifty percent(50%)of the glass of a window. The lower fifty percent (50%) of a window is defined as the glass which is below a horizontal line drawn halfway between the bottom and top of the glass. This limitation shall apply only to window signs displayed in windows located within the ground floor ofa building. This limitation is imposed to enhance public safety. 3. Only one (1) window sign is allowed to be displayed in each window. 4. No window sign will exceed in size twenty five percent (25%) of the total glass square footage of the window in which the sign is displayed 5. Window signs may be constructed of any material including exposed gas filled tubes subject to the limitations of the following paragraph. 6. Limitations on window signs which are constructed totally or in part with exposed visible gas filled tubes: A. This type of window sign will be allowed only in the B2 district. B. This type of window sign will not be allowed unless all signs advertising the business, which wishes to display this type of window sign, are in compliance with all of the applicable sign regulations contained within section 303 of this zoning bylaw. C This type of window sign will not exceed nine (9)square feet in size. D. Only two (2) of this type of window sign shall be allowed in the building area occupied by the business wishing to display this type of window sign. 303.5.4 Free Standing Signs. 303.5.4.1 Singly Occupied or Co-branded Business Location. One free standing sign per business property having a maximum face area of twenty four(24)square feet with a maximum face height or width of eight(8)feet will be allowed In the case of double faced signs only one sign will be counted for measurement.All advertising or lettering shall be contained within the face of the sign. No advertising, lettering, or internal illumination shall be allowed on the posts, pillars, arms, or other supporting structure with the exception of street numbers. No part of the sign shall be more than twelve(12)feet in height above the average natural grade at the street. All parts of this type of freestanding sign shall have a minimum 6'setback from any property line. Failure to comply with the provisions of the zoning bylaw may result in penalties as prescribed. 303.11.2 Fines for Permanent and Temporary Signs.Any violator of any of the provisions of this bylaw will be given three (3)business days for correction of the defect or removal of the offending permanent sign, and one (1)working day for correction of the defect or removal of an offending temporary sign. If correction is not made in the allowed time, the owner will be finedffty dollars ($50)per day for the first seven (7)days and two hundredfifty dollars ($250)per day thereafter. Violations of display of signs will be cumulative with consecutive violations accruing fines as outlined above. To remedy this alleged violation make proper application for the required permits, and receive the proper permits for these violations. Questions in this matter may be directed to this department. :%: Local Inspector Town of Yarmouth U.S;Pos • _Sery ce'» CERTIFIED7MA1 ®RECEIP--T ni Do sf/c M�Oh N 9 !For delivery Information;Welt our website id w. wwuspxcomei c OFFICIAL USE ri rR Postage E ra Certified Fee Postmark O Return Receipt Fee Here Cl (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee 0 (Endorsement Reouhedl --_- N j ri Total Poste "' Candev Realty — ci q 327 Route 28 , f` OfPOBox m West Yarmouth, MA 02673 City.Stale.ZI Certified Mail service provides the following benefits: •A Certified Mail receipt(this portion of the mallplece;Include applicable postage to Certified Mall label). cover the return receipt service fee;end •A unique Identifier for your mallplece. endorse the n•ilplece'Return Receipt •Electronic verification of delivery or attempted Requested;or soda retail associate for delivery. assistance.For an electronic return receipt, •A record of delivery(Including the recipient's see a retail associate for assistance.To signature)that Is retained by the Postal receive a duplicate return receipt,present Service°for a specified period. this USPS•-postmarked Certified Mall . receipt to the retail associate,who will Important Reminders: provide a duplicate return receipt for no •You may purchase Certified Mall service with additional fee. First-Class Mall*,First-Class Package -Restricted delivery service,whichrovides MaeService•,or Priority Maservice. delivery to the addressee specified by name, •Certified Mall service Is natavailable for or to the addressee's authorized agent. International mall. Include applicable postage to cover the _ •Insurance coverage Is not available for restricted delivery fee and endorse the purchase with Certified Mail service.However, mailpiece'Restricted Delivery;or see a the purchase of Certified Mall service does not retail associate for assistance. change the insurance coverage automatically •To ensure that your Certified Mall receipt is Included with certain Priority Mall Items. accepted as legal proof of mailing,R should ' •For an additional fee,you may request the bear a USPS postmark.If you would like a following services: postmark on this Certified Mail receipt,please -Return receipt service,which provides you present your Certified Mall Item at a Post with a record of delivery(including the Office"for postmarking.If you don't need a recipient's signature).You can request a postmark on this Certified Mail receipt,detach hardcopy return receipt or an electronic We barcoded porton of this label,affix it to the version.For a hardcopy return receipt, mailpiece,apply appropriate postage,and ' complete PS Form 3811,Oomesdc Refum deposit the mailpiece. Receipt attach PS Form 3811 to your uiwoicfaan San Ws receipt for your records. PS Form 3800,July 2014(Ramose)PIN rgn-n2-00O-9O41 TOW Y-in'ARMOUTH 1146 Route 28✓1rv';Sbuth,:Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231,' t'st.;126EP xx508-398-0836 c b .;. „ ,. , a Office of th e',Buiuding Commissioner : L �MAT :.H IALCSE,:.,� 1� 1 -i ' J� � VIOLATION NOTICE �" r e j' e Candev Realty J1l'V�(P",,,/� fi j Al 327 Route 28 I / f F! West Yarmouth,MA 02673 _ �/f 1"I � August 1,2018 RE: 327 Route 28—Physic Reade Vindow Signs and ee s I ding C Dear Candev realty, It has come to the attention of the Building Department that window signs and a free standing sign have been placed on this property without the benefit of the proper permits.This is a violation of Section 303.4.1.2 of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw; 303.5.3 Window Signs. 1. The word glass when used in this section shall mean glass or any other transparent medium. 2. No window sign shall be displayed in the lower fifty percent(50%)of the glass of a window. The lower fifty percent(50%) of a window is defined as the glass which is below a horizontal line drawn half way between the bottom and top of the glass. This limitation shall apply only to window signs displayed in windows located within the ground floor of a building. This limitation is imposed to enhance public safety. 3. Only one (I) window sign is allowed to be displayed in each window. 4. No window sign will exceed in size twenty five percent(25%) of the total glass square footage of the window in which the sign is displayed. 5. Window signs may be constructed of any material including exposed gas filled tubes subject to the limitations of the following paragraph. 6. Limitations on window signs which are constructed totally or in part with exposed visible gas filled tubes: A. This type of window sign will be allowed only in the B2 district. B. This type of window sign will not be allowed unless all signs advertising the business, which wishes to display this type of window sign, are in compliance with all of the applicable sign regulations contained within section 303 of this zoning bylaw. C. This type of window sign will not exceed nine (9)square feet in size. D. Only two (2) of this type of window sign shall be allowed in the building area occupied by the business wishing to display this type of window sign. 303.5.4 Free Standing Signs. 303.5.4.1 Singly Occupied or Co-branded Business Location. One free standing sign per business property having a maximum face area of twenty four(24)square feet with a maximum face height or width of eight(8)feet will be allowed. In the case of double faced signs only one sign will be counted for measurement.All advertising or lettering shall be contained within the face of the sign.No advertising, lettering, or internal illumination shall be allowed on the posts, pillars, arms, or other supporting structure with the exception of street numbers.No part of the sign shall be more than twelve (12)feet in height above the average natural grade at the street. All parts of this type offreestanding sign shalt have a minimum 6'setback from any property line. Failure to comply with the provisions of the zoning bylaw may result in penalties as prescribed. 303.11.2 Fines for Permanent and Temporary Signs.Any violator of any of the provisions of this bylaw will be given three(3)business days for correction of the defect or removal of the offending permanent sign, and one (1)working day for correction of the defect or removal of an offending temporary sign.If correction is not made in the allowed time, the owner will be finedfi ty dollars($50)per day for the first seven (7)days and two hundredfffty dollars(8250)per day thereafter. Violations of display of signs will he cumulative with consecutive violations accruing fines as outlined above. To remedy this alleged violation make proper application for the required permits, and receive the proper permits for these violations. Questions in this matter may be directed to this department. Very Truly, Brad Inkley Local Inspector Town of Yarmouth