HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-93-616 I Y4 •.. a-�743 ;i$ "� 'o TOWN OF YARMOUTH o Pe a/17/93 MATTACtlEES 4., a �,, wm.. o°� Applic io for a Permit to Build No. _WA__ l i -93 UPON FINAL APPROVAL 0- MAP i 11 LOT 4110 I X59 FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION. DATE 16 AvcviT 19 93 The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build V/ 793 according to the following specifications SYj 7/f3 1. Nameofpropertyowner Mn1• N > A , Se Y Tel. 362-t2124 Address 4 0 :,ov ennac Drzmvt y p 2.Name ofArchitect(if any) Tel. 3. Name of builder d Jl u~. ?aita a0"-- _Address I 01 13ua 1 . rna 4. License No. 00 6oS3 Tel. 305 'ci682- 5. Name of Mason - Address 6. License No. Tel. 7. Construction address "I l) D tv nM) nc DttN v r , MA rt."0 vnA Pons, Yhp 8. Date of subdivision A royal Flood L District R4-0 Appplain zone Zone 9. Private dwelling Estimated Cost DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE 10. Multi family 0 1 ,000 . Type of room No. 11. Commercial 0 rat Kitchen — � o,re--- fa - --3----- - 12. Other — ❑ ----- -- Dining Rm. 13. No. of stories } 'v�- 0 is S,rAt+2) Pt''') Living Rm. Bed Rm. 14. Foundation — Full 0 Half 0 Crawl 0 Slab 0 Bath 15. Materials — Wood0 Cement 0 Other 0 Deck 16. Type of heat — Oil 0 Gas 0 Electric 0 Other 0 Closed porch 17. Garage — 1 ❑ 2 ❑ Family Rm. Sun room 18. Swimming pool - Size Garage 19. Storage shed — Size Shed 20. Stove —Wood 0 Coal 0 Alterations 21. Size of lot: No. of feet front I'7-9 No. of feet rear 118 No.of feet deep 1 IS 22. Size of building: No. of feet front 60 No. of feet side ''I 7- - No. of feet rear 6 O 23. Distance from nearest building: Front 33 Ft. side 1°9 Ft. side N A Rear N lA 24. Distance back from line or street 3 9 From rear lot line 52 Side line 13N z& LOT RELEASED BY Signature ,P.-''f PLANNING BOARD Address 10 'I 10,.E ST? Date lioco•.t,) to • , r Application to e"ly Jw0144 ;�,,� Old King's Highway Regional Historic District.Committee in the Town of Yarmouth for a CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION • Application is hereby made, in triplicate,for the issuance of a certificate of exemption uncle':Section 6 and 7 of Chapter 470, Acts and Resolves,ot Massachusetts, 1973, as amended for proposed work as described below and on plans,drawings,or photo- graphs accompanying this application. TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY DATE AUGV)S ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK L ° tAUPH,.Jl Drett ASSESSORS MAP NO. 111 OWNER mfg)- N L1t11 SIOGt� ASSESSORS LOT NO. I"TU# HOME ADDRESS S, -n4 TEL.N0. 30' Z 2 21 AGENT OR CONTRACTOR ADDRESS I01 &evia is(tem s TINA TEL: NO. 32S"13682 This application is for exemption of proposed exterior construction on the ground that: ❑ (1) It will not be visible from any way or public place. ❑ (2) It is within a category declared entitled to exemption by Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Commission. (Check applicable box) • V PROPOSED WORK: Describe and furnish plan of proposed work,showing location on lot, and, if an addition is involved,show- ing location of existing building.- •• o• . • •. " • • ; ; - „• r7 _ Eric) IR LI i<sk- )14D — �JLrPi.o cAL 1'ta n e�� .ST'?,Ntt,tay. Le,Jti+J e- Yb (tosti- -64 fla 4tr - _DDoC( ' Thrust . fLJIZM flael.Lct&— j'jm4ct.E3 ,\, SUS3S.Trtom VAS 6ZIcr1vtstaO) Gonao-:: ( ,n!DStic. 31- 4 1_o ST,ota9 (re Gr ;u)) 3'o C) 1 i 1-0 ) 0� (SEL AttscAA1 ?tor b1�i.ou SIGNED 069 Owner-Contractor-Agent Space below line for Committee use. Received by H.D.C. The Certificate is hereby Date Time • By Date Approved 0 - The categories of work entitled to exemption are listed on Disapproved 0 the back of this form. 7 ---- . ':C. 4 EXTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES SUITABLE FOR CERTIFICATES OF EXEMPTION FOR RESIDENTIAL USE ONLY e FENCES: 1. Post and rail,split,half round or round;natural finish 2. Square rail;white or natural finish 3. Stockade;natural or gray stain finish;not forward of face of main building - 4.'Picket;white only (Maximum height of all fences,4 feet) HEDGES: natural, not to exceed four feet in height DECKS: constructed of wood,on single family dwellings, built after 1900, at first floor level,at the rear only, railings not to exceed 30 inches in height,not over 50%to be visible from a way;natural finish or color compatible with building involved BREEZEWAYS: enclosure of existing breezeways,consistent with style,material and color of house,excluding sliding glass doors facing street,way or public place FLAGPOLES: on residential property, not over 24 feet high,not leis than 20 feet from way,constructed of wood, with natural finish or painted white,or of aluminum,or of fiberglas or metal painted white ARBORS AND TRELLISES: of lightweight,wooden construction, not over nine feet high 1,411COFS: natural cedar shingles,or asphalt shingles per approved color samples;not over five inches exposure to weather " SIDING: natural cedar,shingles,or wooden clapboards•natural or approved color;not over five inches exposure to weather ' •: . . . .. . i • STORM SASH,STORM DOORS,WINDOW SCREENS,SCREEN DOORS,GUTTERS AND LEADERS: permissible if consistent with style,material and color of building . LIGHT POST: permissible if consistent with style,material and color of building 1 AIR CONDITIONERS: portable,window units at side or rear of building STONE WALLS: construction of field or split stone,not exceeding 30 inches in height •. • • NOTE F 1. All prior bulletins hereby superseded. 2. Conditions contained in certificates of appropriateness shall be binding regardless of any exemptions contained herein. J; ,Ah. ' �v� i 12(4 - 1-1 rts..:) Q i , i j • , O - c+ k. _ i c _ v V t 1 lett u i v .0 i f / I 1 ti 2'g it,, , e5T 1 R> Y I � i R '13Vlt'1 v 1 a I LAN09,.c 7 t + 1 3'0 A is.0 iv, st, �" i �, 1 I �A11�2 Je•MGY9 i 1 _ i Spstatc 19, siASO I 2113.. `rs, -a COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS • DEPARTMENT MENT OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS 600 WASHINGTON STREET James Cannel: BOSTON, MASSACHUSLI IS 02111 • Cornmas,oner \ f WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT • 1, 1- V/Sgtn1'UY•N 1}12421t.t 1. (licensee/permittee) - - - • with a principal place of business/residence an • - [ 0"1- 3tt„a- St r " 4,4,I t caw (City/State/Zip) do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury,that: • [) I am an employer providing the following workers' compensation coverage for my employees working on this job. Insurance Company Policy Number [ ) I am a sole proprietor and have no one working for me. - --. _ - - - - • [ I am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner (circle one) and have hired the contractors listed below -- who have the following workers' compensation insurance policies: - , • - 141.-uJ-, C Ri ne°u Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number . Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number • -- • Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number I am a homeowner performing all the work myself. NOTE:.Please be aware that while homeowners who employ persons to do maintenance,construction or repair work on a dwelling of not more than three units in which the homeowner also resides or on the grounds appurtenant thereto are not generally considered to be employers under the Workers' Compensation Act(CL C. 152,sect. 1(5)).application by a homeowner for a license or permit may evidence the legal status of an employer under the Workers' Compensation Act I understand that a copy of this statement will be forwarded to the Department of Industrial Accidents' Office of Insurance for coverage verification and that failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A'of MGL 152 can lead to the impoiition of criminal penalties consisting of a fine of up to 51500.00 and/or imprisonment of up to one year and civil penalties in the form of a Stop Work Order and a fine of 5100.00 a day against me. G Signed this v day of ' b LvIer , 19 1 3 OO&dS3 Lice^_ceiPermi;:cc' Licensor/Permittar , a Suggested Affidavit for Home Improvement Contractor Permit Application For Office Use Only NAME OF CITY/TOWN Permit No. Date AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application MGLc 142A requires that the"reconstruction.alteration.renovation,repair.modernization.conversion.inprovement.removal.demolition. or construction of an addition to any pre-existing ownerrecumed building containing at least one but not more Ihan,four dwelling units....or to structures which are adjacent to such residence or building'be done by registered contractors,with certain exceptions,along with other requirements. - Type of Work: 9L.p2'in gyp.,yPU CC 015 Sf4rtn.4-e-1 Est. Cost 1 00 0 — Address of Work 91 DnLIP'ant.f ty'' Owner Name: nrCila 1'sctti3 StVtc V Date of Permit Application: IL /til G 1117 I hereby certify that: Registration is not required for the following reason(s): ' _Work excluded by law • ✓lob under 51,000 _Building not owner-occupied _Owner pulling own permit _Other (specify) i Notice is hereby given that: • OWNERS PULLING THEIR OWN PERMIT OR DEALING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLEHOME IMPROVEMENT WORK DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER MGL c. 142A. - Signed under penalties of perjury: I hereby apply for a permit as the agent of the owner: C51 ��f 101922 Date Contractor Name Registration No. OR: Notwithstanding the above notice, I hereby apply for a permit as the owner of the above property: Date Owner Name • . 1