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.YF4R. ',,"kt ` ' � Os``o ribTOWN OFYARMOUTHo MIITTA���CES ec* w!; Applic�ationa3 for a Permit to Build No. loa 9 UPON FINAL APPROVAL '\c MAP I7_S _L�OT� F r( FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION. DATE I"_ Y5__ 19 93 The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build * 0, 7/93 according to the following specifications q/ 1. Name of property owner IA N/ � !c Me ,etcr# I R Z rzies Address `7' ca.' 4/��j 1 vF 1 '.� :Ccx}-4'Mt+ 2.Name ofArchitect(if•ny) ..JE( let r Lsegt.( //�5► o.r.J F Tel. 3€3S--GC9V 3. Name of builder _ . k EL a 'ddress '7-"F+ A et_iNP 'k r 4. License No. al i h? Tel. 3 - CO, 954 �' ,aN►S b 5. Name of Mason Address 6. License No. Tel. 7. Construction address /t A4 1t'S'I7iaP,►vez ' ot-v Pd Te Ni.. Ct.c.It w Flood ' District 8. Date of subdivision Approval s:r+ewtet+ 91 nloc. plain zone C Zone K- 4o 9. Private dwelling Estimated Cost .4Q f . DO NOT WRITE 1N THIS SPACE 10. Multi family 0 g,b-43' 09 32), ee.401Cri Type of room No. 9G e. ,FA-775 57-cin y 11. Commercial 0 , /SF1re AloI SF Kitchen 12. Other 0 �£ ,lr4� sitDining Rm. 1 13. No. of stories T72- 1/4/ Living Rm. 1 3 Bed Rm. 14. Foundation — Full S' Half 0 Crawl 0 Slab 0 �g�s 7 Pet 514- 15. Materials — Wood E9�ement 0 Other 0 46) ,r,� wreck. 9 ,t SF I 16. Type of heat — Oil 0 Gas 0 Electric 0 Other 0 ➢tom 76'O-` —Porch / lir17. Garage — 1 ❑ 2lir / / / !7/ . 7675 ____Notitnvef�/1Y I I 18. Swimming pool - Size aP / 3 3- Garage �k a_ 19. Storage shed — Size c-1)�� ' o frS.7SB�Cr �o s45oy / 20. Stove — Wood 0 Coal 0 21. Size of lot: No. of feet front /Fe, i No. of feet rear /g0..Ince No. of feet deep ?do 22. Size of building. No. of feet front d; No. of feet side 3"'z No.of feet rear 410 23. Distance from nearest building: Front Ft. side Ft. side Rear 24. Distance back from line or street A at From rear lot line 5 ate Side line 2-52) i 25. H.I.C.R. No. (( l4R$ LOT RELEASED BY Signature &resew . CL 22 PLANNING BOARD TM 15303 Address 9 C.o' we e4r%..e, Date lij- 14/91 ^ Recast')aD 9125 8G eLC. '" f1O0' " " f"CcoRte PLAµ1Z98CL.C.31551c 9/C/93 P ( BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF APPLICANT: Brian & Donna McGrath BUILDING PERMIT 1/: ADDRESS' 9 Conway Drive, Yarmouth Port TELE. NO. : DATE FILED: BLDG. SITE LOCATIONCot 1464 Marshside Drive MAP11: 128 LOT#: B16 THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION OUTLINES THE PROCEDURAL STEPS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD, ALTER, OR ADD TO A STRUCTURE WITHIN THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT-WILL DETER- MINE COMPLIANCE TO THE FOLLOWING (A) ZONING REQUIREMENTS (B) HISTORICAL DISTRICTS (C), FLOOD PLAINS ZONING. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE APPLICANT THOUGH THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING • WATER DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE OF WATER AVAILABILITY. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE. CONSERVATION COMMISSION: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO WETLANDS ACTS, I.E.: IF LOT(S) BORDER ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS, STREAMS, PONDS, RIVERS, OCEANS, BOGS, BAYS, MARSH • LAND, ETC. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REGULATIONS, I.E. : REQUIRE- • MENTS FOR SEPTAGE DISPOSAL AND OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES. ' FIRE DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONAL SAFETY, PROPERTY PROTECTION, I.E., SMOKE DETECTORS, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, ETC. THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS MUST SIGN OFF, IN THE RESPECTIVE ORDER, PRIOR TO BUILDING 'INSPECTOR ISSUING THE REQUIRED BUILDING PERMIT: REVIEWED BY: /7 ..w • rC R-40 1. WATER DEPARTMENT %/,1h . n, 1. l DATE: ( , • '^ t - 1 N/A: 2. ENGINEERING DEPAR NT: j!',J�;-cab J , r:n• DATE: 4 /21 • h 3. CONSERVATION: \ 1 ;hL. DATE: ;ink N/A: t/' 4. HEALTH DEPARTMENT ` �„a �\ ) DATE: =[01'/.� N/A: v INDUSTRIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL PERMITS 5. WIRING INSPECTOR: DATE: N/A: 6. PLUMBING INSPECTOR: DATE: N/A: 7. FIRE DEPARTMENT: DATE: N/A: PLEASE NOTE ALL STUMPS AND/OR BRUSH MUST BE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE. A SIGNED RECEIPT FROM THE DISPOSAL SITE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT. •� �� Sir /i COMMENTS:S'�. C 1 /hie /„/;LA t ovee Q2A/ZA9-Ec -- On � • 71_7 7.0 sr fre n L - ,jVje rcN a - O c4'cca '/Pc QJarstaltalra So GU I-L. Ja7:flL'!/I/�- ► 1) Beau DrBRIS DiCQocfh- Fenn • e IO rj SS ,/ BLM/89 •/ •N &A A . A• .•; All !t• ,c- • . .. 8�rI93 OtS . TOWN OF YARMOUTH To C 2, "'� ti SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664 MATTAGMCCS BOARD OF HEALTH Brian McGrath Variance from Provisions of Title 5: 9 Conway Drive Regulation: Yarmouthport, MA 02675 Town Amendments: Section: 3.7 Re: Foundation Variance Date: September 23, 1993 64 Marshside Drive As Shown On Engineered Plans By: Certified Plot Plan by Weller & Associates dated 09/14/93 Dated: September 14, 1993 Dear Mr. McGrath : The Yarmouth Board of Health has received your application for a Variance from the provisions of Regulation - - - - of Title 5 of the State Environmental • Code and/or Section 3.7 of the Town of Yarmouth Amendments for Subsurface Disposal of Sewage. Having determined that strict enforcement of the above Regulations in this ' instance would do manifest injustice, and further, that your requested variance does not conflict with the spirit of the State Environmental Code or the Regulations of the Town of Yarmouth Amendments, the variance is hereby granted on this date September 23, 1993 , as follows: A variance is approved to allow the top of foundation to be set at elevation 54.6. This is 1.1 feet above the high point of the fronting road. High point of fronting road at elevation 53.5. This is a total variance of 0.9 feet from the required 2 feet above the high point of the fronting road. • You must provide a 3/4 inch negative grade for fifteen feet surrounding the foundation. You are hereby advised that the variance granted herein will expire in 90 days • from date of issue unless all work authorized by said variance has been completed prior to the date of expiration. In granting this variance the Town of Yarmouth will not be responsible for any water damage to the foundation, septic syst ' 'ning lots. I have read and fully understand the conditions of the above variance and Bruce Murphy, M.P.H. acce.hem as written. Health Officer L / Town of Yarmouth • Date: -/-24:-; ` 3 • cc: Building Department : 1 • /AIM Le=7, V.0 - - '3 - • • . I • 9 _.Y 10 t 1 Y I . 0 p p ,,- v. n r N S I- '1 v 493 r,A• •1 N • MAPs+A • sloe • 3a • °R Ava 3z•9L PREPARED FOR:. Btz164.1 ;v1e426T#I 13-b49-- • CERTIFIED PLOT PLAN Nc51 -: Tit ci rodNicu\-vc,..) tS 1.1 '480v, • LOCAT/ON• YA2 - - -OIs. 4144 i7o"JT i --\-t•_ rte• SCALE 1">3o'' DAT E:`F- 12'KW, REFERENCE: LOT 1c• POH OF 44eN y`'`\ P B. `vP. �M 1 • L. C.P. 311c .;[' STEVEMW, ,,1. FLOOD ZONE "CM -4RU„ /HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE BUILDING 'I1 -SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS LOCATED ON THE 6W00-- ' •=>/GROUND AS SHOWN HEREON AND THAT IT r.va,,.., VCE.S CONFORM TO THE ZONING • • BY•LAWS OF THE TOWN OF `Aer4Ot ri ( WHEN CONSTRUCTED. WELLER & ASSOCIATES ' 7/4 MA/N STREET _�' w'q3 • YARMOUTH, MASS. DATE aunt, ... ...u..... u • BUILDING DEPARTMENT EFS CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR FOR ! PLEASE PRINT: fL J' C YAegkorgfiePesef- „ JOB LOC ITION (oT , 2S fI J I D� �11�E N ��`P'T/'� ( � VILLAGE OWNER OF PROPERTY p�,4 F.' nW'kt'ptr >• 't IS_ I-;er�}-1 '�+- �< CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: p 561 0 f l ! Z� J�-'Cyt�,9Y NAE LICENSE NO. PHONE NO. ADDRESS: ,_ it -.E - her 6r 9 f5 a' LICENSED DESIGNEE': 7...-”- a 'cog op i tiff' 0 (IF OTHER THAN SUPERVISOR) NAME LICENSE NO. ,_ 2.15 RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH LICENSE FOLDER: 2.15.1 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE FULLY AND CO2TLETEI.Y RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK FOR WHICH HE S SUPERVISING. HE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT ALL WORK IS DONE PURSUANT TO THE STATE UILDING CODE AND THE DRAWINGS AS APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL • .15.2 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, =-RATIO:: REPAIR, R_`!OVAL OR DEMO:.ITION INVOLVING THE STRUCTURAL _L„!E:.TS OF BUILDING `:D STRUCTURES ONLY PURSUANT TO THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND ALL O HER APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE ONMO.N'wEAL TH, EVEN THOUGH HE, THE LICENSE HOLDER, IS NOT THE PERMIT HOLDER BUT ONLY A SUB- ONTRICTOR OR CONTRACTOR TO THE PERMIT HOLDER. .15.3 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL IN WRITING OF THE ISCOVERY OF ANY VIOL;TIONS WHICH ARE COVERED BY THE BUILDING PERMIT. .15.4 ANY LICENSEE WHO SHALL WILLFULLY VIOLATE SUBSECTIONS 2.15.1. 2.15.2 OR 2.15.3 OR ANY 1HER SECTION OF THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS AND ANY PROCEDURES, AS AMENDED, SHALL BE SUBJECT 0 REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE BY THE BOARD. • .16. ALL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS SHALL CONTAIN THE NAYS, SIGNATURE AND LICENSE NUMBER OF HE CCNSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR WHO IS TO SUPERVISE THOSE PERSONS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTION, RECON- :RUCTION:, ALTERATION, REPAIR. REMOVAL. OF DEMOLITION AS REGULATED BY SECTION 109.1.: OF THE ODE AND THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH LICE::SEE IS NO LONGER SUPERVISING ' ID PERSONS, THE WORK SHALL n2A.EDIAT=LY CEASE UNTIL A SUCCESSOR LICENSE HOLDER IS SUBSTITUTED THE RECORDS OF THE BUILDING DEPAR: NT. HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND MY RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE RULES AND REGULATIONS .FOR LICENSING C: ':- ‘RUCTION SUPERVISORS IN ACCCPflNCE WITH SECTION 109.1.1 OF THE STATE BUILDING CODE. I UNDERSTAIN' .- CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROCEDURES AND THE SPECIFIC INSPECTION AS CALLED FOR BY THE BUILDING FICIAL. • INSURANCUc CCVEr+AGE: I have a current li b:�i!i insurance ::::icyaits substantial ecuivalent which rnee:s the ree_:re..^eats ct Liath.1.52 Yes No If ycu have checked_< ;Lease ..._..ate the:yp_ c average by ehecx:n; the :::.::ria:e bas. A liability insurance pc:icy 0 C:`er type of '.idemnity 0 Sand '? • CWNET'::: :NSURANC=WAIVES:: am :ware that the r:ensee d:t' r t k,v the ins= ve_;e re-uire- • "�-� -y vanztu:e cn ' p_ .aaves -s :e^uiremc-• _,.. . I i.'_ .act • .n,.C.L•.. .. .:..., ��� C..r "$1 ; ceilingCEILING ASSEMBLY Q 5 \ rm__ uim / o rce n c,g ?MAL TOTAL R= TOP SURFACE U= COWS;C.�r� Q` R=0.61 RUR=TOM. 30.0 ' C / r CJ • 9" FIBERGLASS L= 0.033 INSULATION • cl fpr1 Jl ///)fIL�I An nA n n ' CORS:'l \ � \ SHEETROCR 8r g R= 0.45 'u2.� • —BOTTOM SURFACE I/ 04 c- R= 0.61 1/2"'PLYWOOD_ `INSIDE SURFACE WALL ASSEMBLY R •0.62 1 ! R= 0.68 FCIII%TOTAL R= REAR . TION WOOD /� !I }" SHEETROCK U= SHINGLES / —R= 0.45 ��TOM R 12.5 WS: ' R= 0.87 le CND• WS OUTSIDE , ler-3}" FIBERGLASS MIX 20.0 �' SURFACE Veil INSULATION =RIC HEAT' Lk 0.05 R= 0.17 5 �" I a -o1 SCE, =SURFACE RESISTANCE •i J R= 0.61 FLOOR ASSL*{BLY DOORS• J' U� -FINISH FLOOR I+G Ut TOTAL R= « © .i. 1 ^• R= 0.91 U= TWO BEADS /I FE:ULM 20.0 CAULKING 4" PLYWOOD U= 0.05 UNDER PLATE -ll RICHT SIDE ELEVA 1 SUBFLOGR —..-11 R= 0.62 C.W.A.,3 55- OUTSIDE SURFACE ,sR -' t•/ L' i,'i.r 'ti 4../6/1./i;;:2 'UJ R= 0.17 -- / - INDOWS: 1 / —6 i" IBERGLASS �; ‘4...77"--"--?.‘ . SULATION FOUNDATION I 1.53:741, CONCRETE r R= 19 WALL ASSDiBLY I FOLNDATION (may be used instead 111 DOORS: WALL �1 ' i -SURFACE RESISTANCE R= 1.32 = 8" t of floor insulation) R= 0.61 put TOTAL R= 1.48 = 10" ' • U I LEFT SIDE ELEVAT: i• I Razt.TFII r'rL F= 12.5 J G.W.A. /©55 INSIDE SURFACE U= 0.08 ! - 7_R= 0.68 ! /%/S�i w • I 1/8" SHEETROCR I WINDO' S: R= 0.32 i l �[ (C3 C9e �1" STYROFOAM I 6 /• ( , 08 FF 7.1 RS: � 43/ NOTES: 1 PE..t1NENTLY INSTAL'IDAs TC.,M !C Li , O„ ' - ^, WINDOWS TO BE USID� /fA/O. s.0.4 ` � A "� ..::ALL AR".'.= 0) ..a________.. , .� ..- s� ••--• 't' = an / k`_ - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS al ��,_ _ DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS • >. 600 WASHINGTON STREET lames J Camooee BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02111 • Co :ss one WORIlRS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT • I, i.. _ al _ .. �►.• • A...--.1 taloa • r .- a (licence/permittee) • wirh a principal place ofbusiness/residence ar. -4-c.:7,0,1/4„„Eta,,, , ,,„,„ e # m _Le LH!". ,,,A,,,_ A 'AiGii-' t (City/State/Zip) do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that: [) I am an employer providing the following workers' compensation coverage for my employes working on this job. 1JsF E C'— / 46 C.qr►+^ &teepees-Nee 385—t t{ 7�.SC. /54 6 8 /o AZ Insurance Company Policy Number :j' "m a sole proprieror/and{la 'e no one working for me. . 1 • I I I am a sok propriete cener..l contacton.homcowner (circle. one) and have hired the contactors listed below who 'nave th- foilowinp workers Ion insuana policies: • s late ititnoscbr1/41 •Ni I? Name of Contractor • . Insurance Company/Policy Number ... ., Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Numb:: • Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Numb:: 0 lama homeowner performing all the work myself. NOTc..•.Please be :wre that while homeowner wbo erpioy persons to do maintenanec.eenstruction or repairwode. 0 2 dweiiine of not more than three units is wait:^b, the homeowner also resides or on the grounds appurtenant thereto are not generally considered to be erpioyers under the WOriert. Compensation Ac.(CL C. 152.sec 1(5)), application by a homeowner for a license or permit may evidence the ie_.1 sinus of an employer under the Workers' Compensation Act. I and^t:.nd that : copy of this statement will be forwarded to the Dena.^^•n•of industrial Accident:' C�e: ci insc:.^,c for coy:race venin;mon a . • to�e ;n:; :Ilk:: urn:e cover-7: s rccu:rce unr.::e^on 25.^.'0: .'.1Gi_ '.5= car. lead .....,,. .! ,.._ .. .....a of c— penalties ccnsis:ng of: Imr.of up to t'e'o'n 00 anC o:imprL'o----t of u: to one yea: and 61ti pen:ities in the form of_ :- O is Ord.. ad a fine of 5100.00 : day an t:: m_. .r07 1, • • • • • • • 0 , G eat In accordance with the provisions of MGL c 40, S 54, a condition of Building Permit • Number is that the debris resulting from this work shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility as defined by MGL c 111, S • 150A The debris will be disposed of in: (Location of Facility) • • • Signature of Permit Applicant • Date • Of YqR� TOWN OF YARMOUTH WATER DIE )A RTlullIENT rec"�'' " 4 102 UNION STREET ati.l YARMOUTH PORT,MASS.02875 (508)382.4974 Date of Issue : Jun 25, 1993 Letter of Water Availability 1. Single Family Dwelling X 2. Duplex Family Dwelling 3 . Condominium Dwelling 4. Commercial / Industrial 5. Other (Specify) - ' Reference; Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, Section 54 To : Town of Yarmouth Building Inspector Please be advised that the Town of Yarmouth Public water supply is available to service lot/parcel(s) B16 Street MARSHSIDE DRIVE as shown on Assessors sheet/map # 128. Issuance of this Letter of Availability is subject to the following provisions/restrictions. (1) • The property owner agrees to comply with all Federal, State, and Local Laws, Rules' and;-Regulations as they pertain to the use of the Public water Supply. ' (2) The Yarmouth Water Department shall have exclusive rights as to the size, number, type and location of all water service lines, fire service lines or appurtenant items connected to the water distribution system. (3) The Yarmouth Water Department reserves the right to require, at the property owners expense, the installation of water mains and appurtenant items to meet water demand requisites within any structure relevant to this Letter of Availability. (4) This Letter of Availability will expire 180 days from the date of issue. I have read and understand the provisions/restrictions of this Letter of Water Availability. f)h n AAA-- Owner (Sign Reference : BRIAN & DONNA MCGRATH : 9 CONWAY DRIVE : YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 7) .� --�� rPrlr► n, ,af n,�9 ) ' Yarmouth Water Deportment t, 95-31 i/d 1 Map • YARMOUTH WATER DEPARTMENT • RESIDENIAL WATER SERVICE APPLICATION Footage NEW RELOCATION REHABILITATION 1 POLE # SERVICE NO. CROSS STREET CONTACT NAME MAIN LOCATION CONTACT TEL # (HOME) (WORK) ,- DIG SAFE # DATE APPLICATION DATE • i (OFFICIAL USE) TO THE YARMOUTH WATER DEPARTMENT: I hereby make application for a residential water service located at MAP # fo2-Rr LOT # 43 /G, HOUSE/UNIT # 61-1STREET/ :ic/6(1 3 ide [De le and agree to pay all charges for the same and comply with all Federal, State and Local Laws, Rules and Regulations as they pertain to the use of the Public water supply. Further, I will hold harmless the Town of Yarmouth Water Department, their agents and employees against all claims, damages, losses and expenses resulting from injury to or destruction of tangible property including but not limited to shrubs, trees and fencing during the installation, relocation or rehabilitation of any Municipal water service. Further, water service excavations will be restored to a rough grade condition. Complete landscaping will be the responsibility of the property owner or owners agent at the property owners expense. NAME: Brian C. & Donna M. McGrath (OWNER) (TYPE OR PRINT) ADDRESS: 9 Conway Drive Yarmrn,thpnrr MA 02675 SIGNATURE: (OWNER) BILL TO: Brian C. & Donna M. McGrath 9 Conway Drive, Yarmouthport, MA 02675 (TYPE OR PRINT) (OVER) RESIDENTIAL WATER SERVICE APPLICATION • I USE 1. Single Family Dwelling 2. Duplex Family Dwelling* *Individual applicationandwater service required for each unit within dwelling. II APPURTENANCES 1. Lawn Sprin�Cler: `• ' ``.yes* no 2. Fire Sprinkler: • - • yes* no 3. Swimming Pool: yes* no 4.. Other (specify)* •*Submit appropriate plans for approval prior to water service installation. III FIXTURES Number Number 1. Sinks 3. Bath Tub/Shower 2. Toilets 4. Garbage Disposal Application to �. C� Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Committee zz "�,k� . , —r11 in the Town of Yarmouth for a st 74 CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made in triplicate,for the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470% Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts, 1973,for proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings or photographs accompanying this application for: • ' CHECK CATEGORIES THAT APPLY: 1. Exterior Building Construction: New Building 0 Addition 0 Alteration 7' • `7-711 ,, " Indicate type of building:LI House 0 Garage 0 Commercial 0 Other 2. Exterior Painting: 0 3. Signs or Billboards:0 New sign 0 Existing sign 0 Repainting existint3sigiAI i I 10 P2 :36 4. Structure: 0 Fence 0 Wall 0 Flagpole 0 Other (Please read other side for explanation I tt TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLYD1vN l LLnn it`EDATEI ) May 25, 1993 • ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK Lot 16, Marshside Drive, Yarmouthport ASSESSORS MAP NO. I.2R OWNER Brian & Donna McGrath ASSESSORS LOT NO. es I(o HOME ADDRESS 9 Conway Drive, Yarmouthport, MA TEL. NO, 362-5863 FULL NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING OWNERS. Include name of adjacent property owners across any public street or way. (Attach additional sheet if necessary). • Edmund J. & Elizabeth McGuire. 63 Marshside Drive. Yarmouthport, MA 02675 (across street) Robert R. Bears, 660 Boca Marina Court, Boca Raton; FL 33487 (Lots 15 & 17 left & right) King's Way Golf Course, The Green Company, 2 John Hall Cartway, Yarmouthport, MA (rear) AGENT OR CONTRACTOR Jeff Nelson d/b/a Nantucket Shaker-Design TEL NO. 432-0288 ADDRESS 9 Commerce Park, South Chatham, MA 02659 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: Give all particulars of work to be done (see No.8.other side),including materials to be used. it specifications do not accompany plans. In the case of signs, give locations of r� sting signs and proposed locations of new sicns. (Attach additional sheet, if necessary). (« friPPROVED ��.. Y RMOUTH COMMITTEE •• CKHRD Signed - Owner-Contractor-Agent Space below Ime for Commalee use. • Received by H.D.C. APPROVED AS AMENDED ON PLANS. • Date • 't}4 __Jbt eruficate is herb _ e ��. t� u. Date / me � r/ � � - ,C /\ Ey . .•.ee OQR_",rifj, 54ANT�EC 1 at sa _.pt•,rc y`.C/� / � F?}; PProved, a uatis subject l0 the 10 day appeal per:ce ' prcviced in the Act. _ ...C.rcvec 0 Please return to: Yarmouth Histcric District Commit:ea • • Town Hall. 1146 H!. 28. South Yarmouth, Mass. 02664 0V�s ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR MAKING AND FILING AN APPLICATION • FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS The four categories for which a Certificate of Appropriateness is required are: (application for demolition or removal is a separate form). I. EXTERIOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (new or existing buildings): An application is regb1red:Wor any exterior of a building to be erected or altered including windows,doors,siding, roof, light etc.,that will be visible fron' any public street, way or public place.The following scale drawings are required in duplicate with application:two plot plah.s(iyaddition-show existing buildings in outline), four sets of elevations.Also required are snap shots of existing buildings,where additions or alterations are to be made. No plot plan is required for addition or alteration which does not touch the ground. 2.EXTERIOR PAINTING:Aq application is required for any portion of a building,structure or sign to be painted that is visible from a public street.way or public place.Color samples must be attached to these applications.An application is not required when repainting existing colors, changing to white, or using colors approved by the Town Historic District Committee. 3. SIGNS OR BILLBOARDS: An application is required for any sign or billboard to be erected within the District,with the following exceptions: a. Existirigsgns or billboards on Novemoer 27t 1974 shall have until November 27, 1977 to secure an approved Certificate of Appropriateness. b. Temporary signs for use in connection with any official celebration or parade or any charitable drive as long as they are removed within three days of the event.Certain temporary signs that the Committee feels does not detract from the Act may be allowed with the prior permission of the Committee. c. Real Estate signs of not more than 3 square feet iirareaxndvjrtisin3 the sale ooental of the premises on which they are erected or displayed. d. A single sign of not more than 1 square foot in abfea'showing the name,occupation or address of the occupant of the premises on which they are erected or displayed in 3 residential zone. . 4. STRUCTURE: An application is required to build or alter any structure within the District which is defined by the Act as a combination of materials other than a building,sign or billboard,but including stone walls,flagpoles,hedges,gates,fences, etc. a GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5. Work on projects requiring approval shall not be started until the Certificate of Appropriateness has been filed with the Town Clerk by the Committee. Approval is subject to the 10 day appeal period provided in the Act. 4, 6. No changes shall be made from the original approved specifications without advance approval of the Commission on an amended application filed with the Committee. 7. A separate application must be filed with each project requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness. 6. Under heading of "Detailed Description of Proposed Work" give detailed data on such architectural features as: foundation,chimney,siding,roofing,roof piton.sash and doors,window and door f rames,trim,gutters-leaders,roofing and pz•nt color. 9.Unless application is complete and legible and all material required is supplied,application will not be accepted or acted ucon. Copies of the Act establishing the Regional Historic District may be obtained at the Town Hall. a L 0 d h ao 0_ N Is g- • „¢ p } 'LA- c• i a w CCI 9 r R" r"r rt! oiii. p- a � � '93 JUN 10 R2:37 --5- il -41 ` IOKN OF YARMGUri: t0 IOWN CLEN, & till I: J 3 .> 0 � . ..61c;":".: /:////,' / X R.;. 2r u /-,e / Ir �s r. 0 3 3 lir it )... r \S\ P (s1 J=, J - OLD KING'S HIGHWAY REGIONAL HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE i. - 1374 SPECIFICATION SHEET `�� 4 PPLIC?NT'S ?Myr Brian & Donna McGrath FOR: Lot 16, Marshside Drive 9 Conway Drive, Yarmouthnort. MA Yarmouthnort, MA 02675 F.\ FOUNDATION: , Concrete COLOR q l e . vs SIDING: Red Cedar Clapboard Front COLOR: taupe Balance of House White Cedar Shingles da'•,io..,w Moan. 10 V7& CEIHN I: Brick (New) HardCOLOR: Red/Brown x , ROOF MATERIAL: Architectural Asphalt ?ITCH: 10/12 COLOR: Slate _ . _ Porch 7/12 • 147LMOWS: Andersen SIZE: 28 x 52 rice s✓iwi" I. TRIM COLOR: 17 5- _ TR 4,4 pe 1/A iR 'MC' C.' DOORS: Frgpt: 6JPane12, . J COLOR: Hun+or Grena • Side: 9-Lt.-Pattern Lfl''^9imut Monte 5��._RS: f o , bl��;PG� `t` N ` COLOR: H'n+a.e Gra-Ail V t I , )? GOITERS: AluminumT 0 COLOR: j: r. 6fi1 J DEM Rear SIZE: 12 x 16 COLOR: T . Paints • . C-.__G'c DOORS:. Raised Panel SIZZ: (2) 9 x 8 COLOR: Husil-tr Gnw. • STORM WINDOWS & DOORS: Front: Wood COLOR: Side: Screen S TLIGHTS (FLT ONLY) '2 Garage SIZE: 32 x 57 COLOR: Bronze Velux ADDITIONA? INFOS_u4T_ION: A `S0 es i7 a Tai,tQ a' 'T -fit 5 1 +z f l a-74 . il • li . / 9/55 :c.1 OLD KING'S ,EIGcWAY REGIONAL HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ___ 3g7 SPECIFICATION SHEET 'APPLICANT'S NAME Brian & Donna McGrath FOR: Lot 16, Marshside Drive 9 Conway Drive, Yarmouthport, MA Yarmouthwort, MA 02675 11H474 FOUNDATION: Concrete COLOR SIDING: Red Cedar Clapboard Front COLOR: Yaupn Balance of House White Cedar Shingles Oan+,,.i„ motive_ l0 974. CETMYEY: Brick (New) Hard COLOR: Red/Brown 0 . t ROOF MATERIA: Architectural Asphalt PITCH: 10/12 COLOR: Slate Porch 7/12 —, t,_7N5: Andersen SIZH: 28 x 52 1. TEEM COLOR: Taµpe IA 97C q75- DOORS: '75DOORS: '‘ Front: 6 Panel COLOR: Hun-kr Green Side: 9 Lt. fXattern L a`n7emoi Moe M '; btilmo c 00"�� 'SJF `Si c.-7.7-7-7Rs: N �a ltJ v YT�`�SpU1HCOMGIITTEE COLOR: Hun+er Green a x;�: cam..- QY.HRO G:__PS: Aluminum -L • COLOR: ... , • ll,. J Z S. DEGY.: Rear Ch k o • SIZE: 12 x 16 COLOR: i° r.. n Moor . G:=_GE DOORS:. 'Raised Panel SI'-'-: (2) 9 x 8 COLOR: Ni—+u Graven �_-- STORM WINDOWS & DOORS: Front: Wood COLOR: Side: Screen SK LIGHTS (FLAT ONLY) 2 Garage SIZE: 32 x 57 COLOR: Bronze Velux :DDITIONM INFO R•LA=ION: AtSo , arbor a-Ka a/ fI ,fr..e ' -Re-pi. c..,?.._ j --t___ S i 1[e flet-rt nr rnVYGl YARMOUTH COMMITTEE • OKHRD 1 S/SE:c1 I 113.611► CE CO. 133 UPPER COUNTY ROAD • SOUTH DENNIS. MA 02660 • 394.4800 • v Ti t Ii Iii I li LIII ttillIItIl IIItIIIIULiil1 SOUTh COTr1A"�InEE � _ • _ MIIII111111111111\111\ CKHAD •43[y... 0\ • a • 11.? p� ON CAPE COD 'PICKET '"ita VVV •'Y J.r 1:r 4.11.2r 2e . "` '••tx,r ; ,v1Ser•iw --., .:3. it As- • • .'w p. r_ "s-z. -w' L` I `i -. i��'"{ °ry - s • :.:.ir4 .+'� rr <. s tater.'c c:t* 1: 5 i '•,•-• t,.�. • .x1 1. :: +. - _;.: ., a`p 4 • . i � � I 7,: =Mt•I �• iii• • ,i;l, l_..- . 1 1. ti �j I 1 it t • !,. • :•.•1 'S }f,r`�3. • 11 I ►i = I � r; i1l.• . : -; - moi :-� �. it.,S`-. •••1l.:�I0UVt•c:- I•`+ ` 'I _ . - r --� W1I ,1.13..., , If f•Y:•• IC 1•`:- Igo.oo 33 1-01- 1 Co Ao1 Palo I DmVY 1 � 1 1 \ N . 1 I 1 I os=cK. I I 1 I to 1 I �° til 1- g I 1 ..\.:\, '' ��act �\ � n Q I � '\ 9 V I \\ \` ;\\ 2 ' v N ; I . 1 il Ii. 1 I 0 1 I I I I 11 1I 1 I i I , 1 I I1 1 1 1 I „a MA1� e st t,21�/a i � � 1 i SY- or: LAQ0 1 rS • ENWs^ Ler lss Jsvl;,tR;' P°. ,• �1a�t�C .NA. I 13.1 IAN) P1442A114 . 6 - Z-1,3 • F.o,2'ctt *�1a-tl,n�. 75 So . f s 4 :E: G �e L-1 ts IJar • r.32-r.32- o - -rGG�I�.. l� ��G I�J• \ \ / of- .A 440..r...14.-::_.,t1.G 1 -r .=� Vrio.Go I-kit:. r G<val�s� �F se Limo _ 'cam • 1-1 To fc'L` Z OIY 0,-- 'JI�v, ^, N �1 �Jn — — i \ y SC I L _ - - -- 53.- 3 " L I \ Lor r I14'5-----411 c f u [ \ �� - ' foo 4q.� 4°1.26 46.15 &1�s..a_ �• ^\ o Expa)s� NdCE. A` I �'ID tr.-4.4 Q&� ' furl e cl... .00 -_- 1 • n' O ___ . \ \ \\\' \o \ I L •l?FL,C11 ''(1<:iCU,/LCI�E o .1.• 3'. 0 1 \'O.F \ '. , \ ' \ 1 \.1 11c- s �T Vo1z SOIL—. E-,c.6.( -, �,.>� I II . \\\ \\\\ I �1rTh 1 \ 1 n E- t A-1-s, �: .ss.o \ \ OA• 5 1 �2 �}-.l`19I 7Q1� oto: (5�4x-flR�.s >< no C '.p 9�G� ' -.\ «.. Sloe F1.1 wpa _5>_ IL ooz_t 550 r. ,. i5ox - C.ZSGpo N I . o E,.IT.JFc :P.r14p Ycurla.ljs{a ,- c.r�r.�J"�-. 1 Pr (� VA---4-c. .'7+: ._ 'I:k /'w) Elm: 1000 GL�L. 'r '-El .-�(tG�tale-- V I 1\ / ' ij,0 1 If. � t�: 1 G (. G, 1 1 , 1 I' N. .]S5,1c. 48.0 z4l \ I I / So. • 14-all \ '1 \ .. la • �� aA�H N • \ . \ G 1 rL/ I > /; / So \\ �''0 5�� —1 —u — . i I`'lAQ S1f," -nr2p/a. 1 40.0 Imo. I. 5� 37.� _° ��i , b TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH 6 -1 b)e.. ADVISORY LETTER #25-A TO: COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS DISPOSAL WORKS INSTALLERS • FROM: BRUCE MURPHY, HEALTH AGENT FORREST E. WHITE, BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE: MARCH 5, 1987 REF: DISPOSAL OF STUMPS & BRUSH FROM BUILDING SITES NOTE: THIS ADVISORY LETTER SUPERSEDES ADVISORY LETTER #25, DATED AUGUST 23, 1985 ON NOVEMBER 18, 1986 THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN VOTED TO PROHIBIT ALL STUMPS AND BRUSHES LOADED BY MACHINE FROM BEING PUT INTO THE LANDFILL, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1987 PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT, AS OF THIS DATE, WHEN APPLYING FOR A BUILDING PERMIT THE APPLICANT MUST PRESENT AN AUTHORIZED STUMP/BRUSH DISPOSAL RECEIPT INDICATING WHEN • ALL STUYTS AND BRUSH, CLEARED FROM THE LOT(S) , HAVE BEEN DISPOSED OF, AS IT IS NOT REQUIRED THAT ALL SUCH MATERIALS MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE TO REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ENGINEERING (DEQE) , UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS: CHAPTER 111 - SECTION 150A. WITH REGARD TO DISPOSAL SITES, ALL SIGNED DISPOSAL RECEIPTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE HEALTH AGENTS OF EACH RESPECTIVE TOWN, AFTER THE ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT. AFTER ISSUANCE OF•A FOUNDATION PERMIT, AND PRIOR TO OBTAINING A BUILDING PERMIT, THE SIGNED STUMP/BRUSH DISPOSAL RECEIPT, WHICH INDICATES THE SITE OF DISPOSAL; MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. IF THE APPLICANT DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNED RECEIPT INDICATING LOCATION OF DISPOSAL, NO BUILDING PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED. • ANY QUESTIONS, RELATIVE TO THE AFOREMENTIONED, MAY BE DIRECTED TO EITHER THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE HEALTH AGENT. - MAP: g cc PARCEL: i; 4/- LOADS: DISPOSAL DATE(S) : CONSTRUCTION SITE: 1 r F ii • S. a1., ,� P nrly v PRIVATE DWELLING : V MULTI-FAMILY: COMMERCIAL: OTHER: 7Th OWNER OF PROPERTY: ^1 r it :4 ;I + ': l (1 1'i Ay�4() 1 TELE: 62- ni NAME OF CONTRACTOR , i / • I r r,t / , .,. n1.1 P . CLEARING SITE: TELE: DISPOSAL. SITE FOR S "IPS/BRUSH: l (,4-ec7 SIGNATURE OF GA E ATTENDANT AT DISP% AL SITE DATE: