HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-93-654 i , . .F•YAk , i OIG rests'. $4 , ATOWN OF YARMOUTH gfi3�g3 i• MAbi TTACHC 5 � cosy k......, 0.%1 Application for a Permit to Build No. UPON FINAL APPROVAL (EL.- ��af"-1AP •30 LOT 63 FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION. DATE 19 The undersigned hereby applies fora permit to build th-9 q3 a ording to the following specifications / 8a 7//3 Name of property owner Sieve F�e_16 1 Am h er-P LS Tel. Address CorAT I.Name of Architect(if any) ` Tel. O. Name of builder S71/ART EJB-LP t Address 27 &Lb FRRr\ Qb c^.1t 4. License No. O1-F8"MC Tel. -7 /e Ion 5. Name of Mason Address J7License No. Tel. . Construction address _ 0-- _.at=wen.-...al. •- 2S lood District a Date of subdivision Approval plain zone a Zone GI 9. Private dwelling 0 Estimated Cost "lett_ DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE- d- al Type of room No. 10. Multi family 0 g� o/'� c 11. Commercial 0 ;Aka_� Kitchen • 12. Other ❑ �� Y�""�� e , rt.) Dining Rm. Living Rm. 13. No. of stories . _________-1 ° , n ��P Bed Rm. 14. Foundation — Full 0 Half 0 Crawl 0 Slab 0 IsaV0 '" fi & Bath 15. Materials — Wood 0 Cement 0 Other 0 — o_-o `` °--`) -r Deck 16.Type of heat — Oil 0 Gas 0 Electric 0 Other 0 3* 0 -zrz) Closed porch 17. Garage — 1 0 2 ❑ Family Rm. Sun room 18. Swimming pool - Size Garage ) T� 19. Storage shed — Size Qua c¢ Shed �X g �( 20. Stove — Wood 0 Coal 0 73.02--DIC 47o toexeli % Alterations 21. Size of lot: No. of feet front No. of feet rear No. of feet deep 22. Size of building. No. of feet front No. of feet side No. of feet rear 23. Distance from nearest building: Front Ft. side Ft. side Rear 24. Distance back from line or street From rear lot li - Side line 25. H.I.C.R. No. / // // LOT RELEASED BY Signatufe PLANNING BOARD Address Date r BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF AtPLICANT: `57-0K-471-r Q J g L{�}� t�� BUILDING PERMIT 11:: ADDRESS: 37 .OL FftcZ �r . �v TELE. NO. : 7 -105 y - DATE FILED: BLDG. SITE LOCATION: . g LOTH: THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION OUTLINES THE PROCEDURAL STEPS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD, ALTER, OR ADD TO A STRUCTURE WITHIN THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL DETER- MINE COMPLIANCE TO THE FOLLOWING (A) ZONING REQUIREMENTS (B) HISTORICAL DISTRICTS (C) FLOOD PLAINS ZONING. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE APPLICANT THOUGH THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING WATER DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE OF WATER AVAILABILITY. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE. CONSERVATION COMMISSION: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO WETLANDS ACTS, I.E. : IF LOT(S) BORDER ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS, STREAMS, PONDS, RIVERS, OCEANS, BOGS, BAYS, MARSH LAND, ETC. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REGULATIONS, I.E. : REQUIRE- MENTS FOR SEPTAGE DISPOSAL AND OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES. FIRE DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONAL SAFETY, PROPERTY PROTECTION, I.E. , SMOKE DETECTORS, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, ETC. THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS MUST SIGN OFF, IN THE RESPECTIVE ORDER, PRIOR TO BUILDING INSPECTOR ISSUING THE REQUIRED BUILDING PERMIT: - REVI BY: 41. WATER DEPARTMENT DATE: -- - N/A: 2. ENGINEERING DEP P. INT: DATE: N/A: 3/CONSERVATION: a /71� DATE: re^/ 7 — 7 ? N/A: (c HEALTH DEPARTML`I / 4F DATE: P- 23-- q N/A: AUS 'IAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL PERMITS CS. WIRING INSPECTOR: ..9f44 /9Z15 DATE: N/A: 6.7PLUMBING INSPECTO • DATE: N/A: N'. FIRE DEPARTMENT Y.,?j l) ' 0 44eAL.0 8//(/ DATE: 2/1477r3 N/A: PLEASE NOTE ALL STUMPS AND/OR BRUSH MUST BE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE. A SIGNED RECEIPT FROM THE DISPOSAL SITE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT. COMMENTS: fr7/1-7.iie-,..-2���.>u�.4-7,4: �ytw«✓ Baa v;i _zuifWG is �..vs74314/(r BLM/89 • = COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS - • --ate • DEPARTMENT-OFINDUSTRIALACCIDENTS S' 600 WASHINGTON STREET • • James J Camooeu BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02111 Comm•ss pact WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT • • • s-reirck-�l (licensee/permittee) • with a principal place of business/residence ac • - OLk) Fir, c--..►\1kg, (City/Sute/Zip) do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that: -:- - •-• - " • • • [] I am an employer providing the following workers' compensation coverage for my employees working on this job. • • Insurance Company - - - _- ..__ . • - Policy Number., I am a sole proprietor and have no one working for me. - - • [ ) 1 am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner (circle one) and have hired the contractors listed below. •- - who have the following workers' compensation insurance policies: • •• -••" _ • Name of Contractor . Insurance Company/Policy Number.. . • ._• .. . • Name of Contractor - Insurance Company/Policy Number . -• Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number - I am a homeowner performing all the work myself. NOTE:-Please be aware that while homeowners who employ persons to do maintenance,construction or repair work on a dwelling of not more than three units in which the homeowner also resides or on the grounds appurtenant thereto arc not generally considered to be employers under the Workers' Compensation Act(CL C. 152,sect. 1(5)),application by a homeowner for a license or permit may evidence the legal sums of an employer under the Workers'Compensation Act. 1 understand that a copy of this statement will be forwarded to the Department of Industrial Accidents'Office of Insuranri for coverage verification and that failure to iccure coverage as required under Section 25A'of MGL 152 can lead to the impoiition of criminal penalties • consisdhg of a fine of up to 51500.00 and/or imprisonment of up to one year and civil penalties in the form of a Stop Work Order and a fine of S100.00 a day • store. Signed this /C tI..A day of , 19 (33 LiccnseeiPermi;:ee- Lice nsor/Permmor r ,,.310 CMR 10.99 Form 2 OEP File No. • ( o De provided by DEP) _ _- _ YARMOUTH �--__ Commonwealth • =-= < of Massachusetts ___ Apcbcant STEVE FEDELE • Determination of Applicability Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, G.L. c. 131 , §40 • and the Town of Yarmouth Wetland Bylaw From Town of Yarmouth Conservation Commission Issuing Authority To Steve Feria.1P camp (Name of person making request) (Name of property owner) Address 141 Winding Cove Road, Address Same Marstons Mills, MA 02648 • This determination is issued and delivered as follows: by hand delivery to person making reouest on (date) E.X. by certified mad, return receipt requested on August 10 , 1993 (dale) Pursuant to the authority of G.L. c. 131 , §40. the Town of Yarmouth Conservation Commission has considered your request for a Determination of Applicability and its supporting documentation, and has made the Following determination (check whichever is applicable): Location: Street Address 62 Route 28 , West Yarmouth, MA 02673 • Lot Number: 1. The area described below,which includes all/part of the area described in your request, is an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act.Therefore, any removing, filling, dredging or altering of that area requires the filing of a Notice of Intent. 2. _ The work aescnbed below, which induces all/par:of the work cescnbed in your recuest, is within an Area Subject to Protect:cn Under the Act and will remove,fill, dredge cr alter that area.There- fore. said work recwres the filing of a Notice of Intent. Effective 1:,,0'29 21 r✓ vw� 3. 0 The work described below, which includes all/part of the work described in your request, is within the Buller Zone as defined in the regulations, and will alter an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act. Therefore, said work requires the filing of a Notice of Intent. • . This Determination is negative: 1. 0 The area described in your request is not an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act. 2. 0 The work described in your request is within an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act, but will not remove, fill, dredge, or alter that area. Therefore, said work does not require the filing of a Notice of Intent. 3. p The work described in your request is within the Buffer Zone, as defined in the regulations, but will not alter an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act. Therefore, said work does not require the filing of a Notice of Intent. 4. C The area described in your request is Subject to Protection Under the Act, but since the work . described therein meets the requirements for the following exemption.as specified in the Act and • the regulations, no Notice of Intent is required: • Issued by TOWN OF YARMOUTH ConseriaticnCommissicn Signature(s) C°474 :7h. C:C:p (447 / 1/(/Ua4fr • /y This Determination must be signed by a majority of-the Conservation Commission. On this day of 19 9� before me personally c....cared !' i ,7.-211 ori .1i «3 , to me known to be the person describec in, and vino executed. the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he:sre executed the same as h:s;ter tree act and deed. Ntry Public My commission expires This Determination coes not relieve the acc!cant from complyln^y with all other applicable feeeral.state or coal statutes.orcinan:es. by-laws or reeulaUons This Determination snail be vain:for three years form the tate of issuance Tne tip:::cat the owner.any person aggrieve:by this Determination.any owner of an souping the Ian:upon wn:cn the oro::see wort Is to oe cone,or any ten resioents of ire city 0'town in which such Ian::is locale:.are mere:y no:also of trim r.ont to revues:the DePa anent of Environmental Protection to issue a Superse:in^e Determination of A.:oncacuity.orono:no the reouest is mace oy cen:he:mail or nano oeirvery tc the De:arment,w:::the a::co::a:e film_tee an:Fee Transco:;at Form as provicee in 310 OMR U.C3,7f wlrn:n ten cars!rpm the tate of issuance of Mus De:e•cf:nation..Appy of me revues:snap a:the same time oe sen:by certifies ma't c:hart:Delivery I:the Conservation Commission an:the a:!:can:. 2•2A TOWN OF YARMOUTH �,. • BUILDING DEPARTMENT • CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR FORM . PLEASE PRINT: JOB LOCATION: • . ' 2l. 9–g \i/PriCIN0 Up"14— • . NUMBER • ' STREET 7 ., VILLAGE OWNER OF PROPERTY: ' • " C-.e-- ' C(e• �� • • CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: E TtJ ' C Utt.44 &-)� �I®ai�' ?7A" 4951-- NAME . LICENSE NO. . PHONE NO. ADDRESS: • r _]" •OL9 P-( O V\ :R .-' ..c.--v t I .. . LICENSED DESIGNEE: • . Cr4i ' (IF OTHER.THAN SUPERVISOR) NAME LICENSE NO. 2.15 RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH LICENSE HOLDER: ' • . - • • 2.15.1 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL. BE FULLY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK FOR WHICH HE IS SUPERVISING. .HE•SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT ALL WORK IS DONE PURSUANT TO THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND THE DRAWINGS AS APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL . . 2.15.2 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION INVOLVING THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF BUILDING AND STRUCTURES ONLY PURSUANT TO THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE COMMONWEALTH, EVEN THOUGH HE, THE LICENSE HOLDER, IS NOT THE PERMIT HOLDER BUT ONLY A SUB– CONTRACTOR OR CONTRACTOR TO THE PERMIT HOLDER. • 2.15.3 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL IN WRITING OF THE DISCOVERY OF ANY VIOLATIONS WHICH ARE COVERED BY THE BUILDING PERMIT. 2.15.4 ANY LICENSEE WHO SHALL WILLFULLY VIOLATE SUBSECTIONS 2.15.1, 2.15.2 OR 2.15.3 OR ANY OTHER SECTION OF THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS AND ANY PROCEDURES, AS AMENDED, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE BY THE BOARD. . 2.16. ALL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS SHALL CONTAIN THE NAME, SIGNATURE AND LICENSE NUMBER OF THE CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR WHO IS TO SUPERVISE THOSE PERSONS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTION,' RECON– STRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REMOVAL OF DEMOLITION AS REGULATED BY SECTION 109.1.: OF THE CODE AND THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH LICENSEE IS NO LONGER SUPERVISING SAID PERSONS, THE WORK SHALL IMMEDIATELY CEASE UNTIL A SUCCESSOR LICENSE HOLDER IS SUBSTITUTED ON THE RECORDS OF THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. . I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND MY RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE RULES AND .REGULATIONS ,FOR LICENSING CC:I- STRUCTION SUPERVISORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 109.1.1 OF THE STATE BUILDING CODE. I UNDERSTAN: THE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROCEDURES AND THE SPECIFIC INSPECTION AS CALLED FOR BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. . INSURANCE COV RACE: I have a current bait/ insurance policy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGLth.152 Yes ' . No ❑ • If you have checked.= please ' dicate the type c average by checking the apprcpriate box. A liability insurance pciicy Other type of :ademndy 0 Bond 0 • OWNER'S0`aI URANCE % ER: I am aware that the ucensee does rot have the insurance coverage required ty. ptec `�i• ' . ',anentL'ws• ano that my signature cn th:s permit acplicaticn waives this re iren:er..L i i Ckk one: tri s Owne J Agent • Sgrt, ire at Q..ner or()toner s Agent SIGNATURE: . ' BUILDING OFFICIAL APPROVAL: ' PLOT PLAN FOR LOT # • Indicate location of garage or accessory building Additions with dashed lines Sewerage disposal (cesspool) ® _ • Well of I (lot , ft. rear) I — — — • Abuttor's I Abutt Name I Name Lot # Lot # REAR YARD , If this is a • If thi corner lot, 1 ft. corn •write in name • write of street. ( A - • - - name ley i a ..other' •Irt " ' .." • o sine 'V • • • SIDE YARD SIDE YARD • HOUSE /n FT. 0 FT.0, •C2• • • A I • SET BACK • . o ft. 4 • I • • (lot ft. frontage) .• i , . -9 • / N / (NAME OF STREET) • l \ < • • . , • / \ -Information S jU A-14- !of t.A t. ` Kim / \ \ Supplied by