HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDS-19-1070 (9• i $� 1g TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEYARTMENT °�r 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA 02664 50S-39S-2231 ext n61 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION • Da AJgUr\- 2.1, ? tSe Application Accepted Permit No$.D5'�'-'"!72 Apars nt Insfractons 1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application. . 2) One application f.un is required for each sign. Each sip will be assiped it own pouuit number. 3) Applicant sha11 attarh separate 81/2"x 11" sheets including the following diagrams: A) Design, rinnFncions and colors of thelroposed sip B) Preestanrling Signs:provide certnedplan by a professional land surveyor that descnbes how theproposed sign meets the zoning requitevents included in Zoning Bylaw 3035.6 or 3035.42 (as applicable). A stamped and sealed"as built'will be required before the permit will be issued. C) Attached Sir c: show length of portion of building from e that is occupied by applicant D) Tempusery Signa: show locafion for cig, - 4) Sisji permits are$40.00 Park,payable at the time of appfcatlon- Ad)ss of proposed sign CN A- cy. f'X' _ S.tdarMa_At Historic District Name of Business for proposed sib ASF -P,� XC- Sc NurrL (� Name of Bncineas owner T OcYk /�iN l 9.1Y`f��� R\``- J A\ \tel ( I G.. Pcu` con,_ Mailing Address of Business owner .S E (bay S c , s• ycc rno..M , Mer 62_66il Bnrmess Owner Phone:Business 50Ss -i95( 72-H(k Home Name ofBnilrTing owner Farren CaAt ?,:c�e ER, kr.(--LA Corn r. Phone • SipaBnilder SignMaterials QIa 'e Sign Builder Address ' Phone Singly Occupied Bmlding Business Center TnternalLibt ExtemalLitt h W ar • Freestanrifn c Sign Size: i- 4 ale' >i TS'. - A re c sttx Attached Sian Size: Ten t:lorary Sian Size: L. J R[ _ AUG 21 2018 I Daus: Nover,. \ , 2ekCs - NaveN.bcr It,?oitt euiLoii til-ar,ir=i41 Please complete other sine of Sign Permit Application • All Permits are subject to the approval of the Sin Tricpector • • I hereby agree to confom.to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 governing sip construction and installation. Ifurda aj-ee thattbis sign will not be altered,?&i&d to or changedinany way unless a new permit has been issued. Sign Permits are not validuntil the Bmlriing Commicsioner issues Use rid . Occupwzcy Permit' (where applicable). Freestanding sign permits are not valid mtil the "as-built from a professional land s m veyor has been received_ • Si on aifir,-e of Applicant din-C>le .r� Date 0121 h h Property Owner nthorization: I Daze the Meant to act on my behalf n a,all ms related to this sign application_ (Signe) Date Date_ t/2i I I sppravedby: „ A72a, Date With the follow; 'Cr COW/WI 011.5: • • • I have read and understood the condmons of this Sign Permit listed above: 69 "of $ �\ TOWN OF YARMOUTHUI BOLDING DEPART 1ENT ,� !�! 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA. 02664 508-398-2231 est 12.61 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION • Dat fluau5\- 21. 2O\is Application Accepted Permit No.XIDS /1 DU/O AAAlirannt Insfractons 1) Applicant sha11 cuia le e both sides of application. . 2) One application four is required for each sign. Each sign will be assigned is own p&-mit number. 3) Applicant shall mach separate 8'"x 11" sheets including the following diagraTa: A) Design, dimnaions and colors of the proposed sign B) Freestanding Sire:provide certhiedpTnn by a professional land sm—veyor that descales how the proposed sign meets the zoning requirernent included in Zoning Bylaw 3035.6 or 3035.42 (as applicable). A stamped and sealed"as-built"will be required before the permit will be issued. C) Attached Signe: show length of portion of building frontage that is occupiedby applicant D) Temporary Sign : show location for sip. • 4) Sip permit are$40.00 Parh,payable at the time of applraflon. Address of proposed sign 94 .S\4jr,r. Ave , S•Liarr e„. noider. mstc is Disizi'ct • Mite ofBnsnessfor proposed sign SA-. Ros X Chum Name of 3ni,nes owner Rcrrr,r. C1c-A4r .1.'r C?,\s\•,cc, oI- G.k\ Refer• /Fr. au Ceti-an Marling Address ofBusiness owner 5 {iiar\-gcz. 5-‘, , S. 44rreeC1% ,. P1- CZGro9 Business OwnrPhone:Business ..SOS' �9Fs 2.24a Home • Name ofBrill 6i Ti Li Owner s C<<th.,\tc (:),r?s\Thn? cg, 1 .(1,1\ Ccrer, Phone In&1,1_ ZZ`ilr Sign Bnildrr • SignMaterials p\cS�c Sip.Builder Address ' Phone Singly OccupiedBnilding BDainessCentpr SnternalLight atemalLight FreestanrTin a Sian Size: LIG;b x LW, ) x :'s"a - A -ry,•• 5;3 r\ Attached Sian Size: Temporary Simi__ ( Dates: weave s =----\\U&ckti' 42.11-S.- kb lig AUG 21 2018 11 . BUN-DING fit HARIMi NT Please complete other side of Sip PermitApplirntion • • All Permits are subject to the approval of the Sip-n Inspector • I hereby agree to conform to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 govPming sign consthazdon and installation. Ina-Oar weethatthis sip will not bealtered,added toorrhan;edinanywayunless a new permit has been issued. Sian Permits are not valid unfl the Building Commiccioner issues Use and Occupancy Permits (where applicable). freestanding sip perm are not valid Until the "as built" from a professional land salveyor has been received. Sianatir,-e of Applicant: , . "et.t--C-- . Date S/Zr Property Owner A nth orizaidon: I i anthonze • applicant to act on my behalf in all mat related to this sib application. (Sime) eL\ &G,'L -, Date OZ J I Approved by ,. 4 Date 89j '8 With the folio following conditions: • • I have read and understood the conditions of this Sipa Permit listed above: