HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE83-536, 28 Aunt Edith's Road, Request for COC with photosPou:n ( aloq' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF YARMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMI S SION Acknowledgment of Receipt j lt*fa of AQn- (Name)(Busin s/Compan have received the following document(s) via hand delivery on this coL day of 0r$1,,- 2o /[ at ?"'tS pm/am. r Original Plan to be Copied and Returned SE83 - I Orderof Conditions SE83 - r Extension Permits SE83- r Certificate of Compliance SE83- 5 Z t . ORAD SE83- a Determination of Applicability (Street Address, Owners Name) C-J Signature Yarmouth Conservation Commission . 1 146 Route 28 . South Yarmouth.MA 02664-4492 Tel. (508)-398-2231 Ext. 1288 . Fax (508)-398-0836 . TTD# (508) 398-2231 I, TRANSMITTAL DATE: 9/12/76 FROM: Down Cape EnBineering, lnc. 939 Main Street Yarmouth Port, MA 508-362-4541 TO: Yarmouth Conservation Commission RE: 28 Aunt Edith's Road Realty Trust, 28 Aunt Edith's Road, South Yarmouth Request for Certificate of Compliance Submittal Enclosed:. WPA request for Cert. of Compliance formo Pier as-built plan. Engineer'scertification. photos o filing fee SEP i D 2016 ssrofl REC E Yarmout conServa tion VED tei. (508) 362-454'1 fax (508) 362-9880939 main street rt 6a yarmouth port mass 02675 down cape engineering, inc structuraldesign ste planning designs Septeaber L2, 2OL6 Yalroulh Conservation Co@iasion 1145 Route 28 South YarDouth. !{A 02664 Re for Certificate of Coapl,ianco5 (28 Aunt Edith' s Road, South Iarlouth) Dea! Co@i8sion l{6!b€rs : In January of 1985, the Comiseion iasued an Ord6r of Conditions for th6 above-rof€r€nced site, for the con3truction of a pier. rallp and pil€ supported float. A site visit was made on August 16th and Septeuber 12th for the puryose of cLoaj.ng out tho Order of Cond.itions. An as-buj,Lt of the pier was perforasd. Photographg are enclosed for revier. lhe pj.er j,s 2' short6! than t'hat r'aa plopoaed (132' vg. 13{'). Steps yele added to al1or, fo! public pasaage at high tide. Other diff6lenc6s from the approved plan of recold includ6: . l-he pier raa proposed at the caDe elevation aa the €xistingbulkhead; instead for aoat of its L€ngth it is 2.7' Ioy6! than what t,as proposed . nrere ia a BDaI1 cantilevered platfora at th€ end of the pier . ftre piling di,a.E€ters vary i.n sizo floto 8n to 12 + and appaaato b€ replac€Dent8 for the originals . No closa-bracing . 4"x4" posts used for han&ails instoad of €xt€nding thepiling to sut4)ort theD . No 3"x6" d6ck supports obeerved (2x8's inEtead) With the €xceptj.on of the above, thia is to certify, to th6 beBtof ny kaorledgte and beliaf. that the york raa perfornsd in substantial compliance with the approv€d p]-an (datad NovoEber 1. 1984) and Order of Conditions. we he!6by requeat the isaualce of aCertificate of Corrpliance at tttis tine. lhan* you for your considoration. Very truly yourg, civil engineers & land surveyors OanielA. Ojala, PE., PL.S Arne H Ojala, PE , PL.S Andrew R Garulay,RLA Reques 83-SE t 53 architectuae t \ Daniel A. Ojala/ PE PLs Inc.Down Cape Engineering, cc 28 Aunt Edith's Road R€a1ty Truat, c/o D. Blaz€k-White, Tr. Massach usetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 8A - Request for Certificate of Compliance Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131 , $40 Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-law, Chapter 143 DEP File Number: sE 83-536 Provided by DEP A. Project !nformation 1. This request is being made by: 28 Aunt Ediths Rd. Realty Trust o/o Doris Blazek-White, Tr Covington & Buriing LLP Important: Vvhen filling out forms on the computer, use only lhe tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. Name 850 Tenth St. NW - Suite 7785 Mailing Address Washington DC 20001-4956 City/Town State Zip Code Applicant January 18, 1985 sE 83-536 Dated 3. The prolect site is located at: 28 Aunt Edith's Road DEP File Number Street Address 51 City/Town 95 Upon mmpletion of the work authorized in an Order of Conditions, the property owner must request a Certificate of Compliance from the issuing authority stating that lhe work or portion of the work has been satisfactorily completed. Assessors Map/Plat Number Parcel/Lot Number 4. The final Order of Conditions was recorded at the Registry of Deeds for: Property Owner (if difierent) Barnstable 4396 301 County Book Page Certifiaate (if registered land) 5. This request is for certification that (check one) I the work regulated by the above-referenced Order of Conditions has been satisFactorily completed n the following portions of the work regulated by the above-referenced Order of Conditions have been satisfactorily completed (use additional paper if necessary). E the above-referenced Order of Conditions has la work regulated by it was never started. valid, and the gEg 15 2S1t \NeREc Y arrnOL E D re no lon -.r rsi wp8fom8a de - rev. 529/14 \:---. Phone Number 2. This request is in reference to work regulated by a flnal Order of Conditions issued to: Edward & Frida Burlinq South Yarmouth I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 8A - Request for Certificate of Compliance Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131 , $40 Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-law, Chapter 143 DEP File Number: sE 83-536 Provided by DEP A. Project lnformation (cont.) 6. Did the Order of Conditions for this project, or the portion of the project subject to this request, contain an approval of any plans stamped by a registered professional engineer, architect, landscape architect, or land surveyor? X Yes lf yes, attach a written statement by such a professional certifying substantial compliance with the plans and describing what deviation, if any, exists from the plans approved in the Order. No B. Submittal Requirements Requests for Certificates of Compliance should be directed to the issuing authority that issued the flnal Order of Conditions (OOC). lf the project received an OOC from the Conservation Commission, submit this request to that Commission. lf the project was issued a Superseding Order of Conditions or was the subject of an Adjudicatory Hearing Final Decision, submit this request to the appropriate DEP Regional Office (see http 1/www mass gov/eea/aqenc es/massdepi a bout/contactsi frnd{he massdep-req onal-offrce- for-vour-citv-or-town html) r?afo.m8a doc - rcv 5,29/14 o)Ps (o c)C\ (.o Gt---'o": m ) l F E',,:#llfC I I rif :aI I"-=' -l ,{ -1A lfl .T i-!- 'i 1 .iiL I It { rt)z 'g) P<-t a LO O C\J (! E- @'O r g I Ii ,.td h ; i I I Y I t ': J-l-{ I, ,' 7*g)(:f r@ @F@.Nt@ F "-\ T 1 ] I I 4 l'tttui t4 1t IyI, @J-l t t- rl,t I r--;a I Z i I I / L\1, !lllI n I I: \7-1 I I .! \'\t.J i \T