HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-18-3846 e ?/4'g ot•Y'1Ry ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY- BUILDING PERMIT 3'Z' C APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING o .4 Town of Yarmouth Building Department • ., it 1146 Route 28 •South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 _c• �...., ,;l. 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Office Use Only Planning Board Information Assessors Department Information: r VA PermitNo.YY,D ffOD 1':' _ Plan Type Map La Endorsement Date 116 / 21 Permit Fee $ ►�a+►>< /! h oNinq Oar New Deposit Recd. $ Date SI tan No. I e Property Dimensions: Net Due $ 1-\Sq / U amen LotArea(sf) Frontage OD Lal Coverage Tlti Sadao tog Mae Use Only BUlidhtg Permit Number: : . I Date Issued: )1.--;LAY. Certirtcatei� irperlcyt &fldP drY:! •. Oat, le le . S rot. . required. Section t-Site Intonation I Use Group:R-4 Type:5-a Z /.I peOp'ery � t.2 Zoning information: t1! Q, s 111 Starbuck Ln a i Zoning District Proposed Use 't,.! p� J .1.3 SSIdI tie Setbacks IR) "�? Z t Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard - ;._1 Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided .._____..._. ...._._.,_, 1A Mater Supply trot-a 40L S Se) 1.3 Flood bare worreesore. Ca Tense : Pudic Private ZOOK SFE , . Section 2-Property Ownership/Authorized Agent 21 Ovineof Garnhum Daniel Garnhum ` i i-at h°l^„ V 0 e Name(print) 1 I ling ress 508-775-3020 Signature Telephone Richauppenr° 546A Hfggins-Crowelt Rd W Yarmouth MA Mailing Address. L u' e.. y r.= 508-778-0111 508-778-5 lc-Sn. o't"� Telephone Fax ( ! Apr 9 0 7p1A I Section 3-Construction Services ILii //y7�iry/� 3.1 Licensed Censtnrctien SuyerNsen 'Not Appetite,. •(J0 Richard Tupper llal 546A Higgins Crowell Rd W Yarmouth MA 02673 License Number Adan ,/ CS-069058 r� 508-280-6280 Expiration Date SI.. .47 Telephone 12/31/18 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Carry Rama Richard Tupper 546A Higgins Crowell Rd W Yarmouth Not App cable p A License N 508-778-0111 178400 r Expiration Date Tdeptfone 4/16/18 I oft OVER section4LWtirkenfCompbhrtetitfitInebriate Affidavit-0dt i1d1t321111;(erl Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result In the denial of the Issuance of the building permit Signed Affidavit Attached Yes x No Section t-DeilafpM Oct Pfoposgd Work(dnadt sit aptreeabp)l N.w Caaeumon Q I Na of a erooma l Na d Barrooms 1 Besting eteo.(IQ 1 Repent) Q 1 Alterations Q Menke PI Accessory Bldg. Q Type Demolition `Other Specify: Brief Description of Proposed Work add one story kitchen addition and deck, then remove skylights and add doghouse dormers &enlarge rear dormer. Sieben i-Est&nWd Construction Castel Item Estimated Coat(Dollar.)to be Check Below completed by penile applicant 1.Building `2_6 r A d Q ConeervatkrrCammisalorr Filing 2.Ele.Meal t 29' (If applicable) 3.Plumbing l Gin q (mdly 4.Mednnkal(HVAC) ( Old Kings Mptwey a Historical S.Flre Protection Commission approval • 9.7otats(1 .2+3♦4a5) (If aL L_hls) C7. natal Square Ft.(naesans smessy Sectdn 711•armor Autherfzatian-Tb be Completed When Owner's Agent or Contractor Applies for(Mang Penni 1. .as owner of the subject pmpetly hereby authorize RichardTuooer to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. . see attached swam of Cane one Section 7b-OwnedAuthorized Agent Declaration( Richard Tupper as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and Information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Richard Tu. .er Printn LG PA.64 /�/,r �'1111W 'Pir /Aging Oats 9• II-99 2 of 2 , 34 of YqRTOWN OF YARMOUTH 0 rsce ••°^s•? BUILDING DEPARTMENT — CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR FORM PLEASE PRINT} Job Location: 111 Starbuck Ln Yarmouthport Number Street Village Owner of Property: Daniel Garnhum Richard Tupper CS-069058 508-280-6280 Construction Supervisor: Name License No. Phone No. Address: 546A Higgins Crowell Rd W Yarmouth MA 02673 Licensed Designee: (If other than Supervisor) Name License No. 2.15 Responsibility of each license holder: 2.15.1 The license holder shall be fully and completely responsible for all work for which he is supervising. He shall be responsible for seeing that all work is done pursuant to the state building code and the drawings as approved by the building official. 2.15.2 The license holder shall be responsible to supervise the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair,removal or demolition involving the structural elements of building and structures only pursuant to the state building code and all other applicable laws of the commonwealth, even though he, the license holder, is not the permit holder but only a subcontractor or contractor to the permit holder. 2.15.3 The license holder shall immediately notify the building official in writing of the discovery of any violations which are covered by the building permit. 2.15.4 Any licensee who shall willfullyviolate subsections 2.15.1,2.15.2 or 2.15.3 oranyother section of these rules and regulations and any procedures, as amended, shall be subject to revocation or suspension of license by the board. 2.16 All building permit applications shall contain the name, signature and license number of the construction supervisor who is to supervise those persons engaged in construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal of demolition as regulated by section 109.1.1 of the code and these rules and regulations. In the event that such licensee is no longer supervising said persons,the work shall immediately cease until a successor license holder is substituted on the records of the building department. 2.17 The license holder shall be responsible for requesting all required inspections. Failure to do so may be deemed a violation of the permit conditions. I have read and understand my responsibilities under the rules and regulations for licensing construction supervisors in accordance with section 109.1.1 of the state building code. I understand the construction inspection procedures and the specific inspection as called for by the building official. INSURANCE COVERAGE: I have a current liability Insurance policy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL Ch.152 Yes a No ❑ If you have checked vs, please indicate the type coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability insurance policy ❑ Other type of indemnity ❑ Bond ❑ OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 152j. Mass. General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. �.a Check one: Signature rot±;t or OwnerQ s Agent Owner Agent U Signature: Building Official Approval: For Office Use Only Permit No. Date TOWN OF YARMOUTH AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application MGL c. 142A requires that the 'reconstruction, alteration,renovation, repair, modernization, conversion, improvement, removal, demolition or construction of an addition to any pre-existing owner-occupied building containing at least me but not more than four dwelling wilts or structures which are adjacent to such residence or building' be done by registered contractors, with certain exceptions, along with other requiranents. Type of Work: kitchen & deck addtion, dormers Est. Cost Address of Work 111 Starbuck Ln Owner Name: Daniel Garnhum Date of Permit Application: j 07(9d 7 I hereby certify that: Registration is not required for the following reason(s): Work excluded by law Job under$1,000 Building not owner occupied Owner pulling own permit Other(specify) Notice is hereby given that: OWNERS PULLING THEIR OWN PERMIT OR DEALING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER MGL c. 142A. Signed under penalties of perjury: I hereby apply for a permit as the agent of the owner: `6/ (( 4 -7 Richard Tupper 178434 Date Contractor Name Registration No. OR: Notwithstanding the above notice, I hereby apply for a permit as the owner of the above Property: Date Owner Name • Of'Wilt TOWN OF YARMOUTH F;� BUILDING DEPARTMENT , a SGPi 153. � - 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 HOMEOWNER LICENSE EXEMPTION • PLEASE PRINT: DATE: JOB LOCATION: 111 Starbuck Ln Yarmouthport NAME STREET ADDRESS SECTION OF TOWN "HOMEOWNER" Daniel Garnhum g Mg NAME 111 Starbuck Ln PHONE mouthport WORK PHONE PRESENT MAILING ADDRESS .508-775-3020 CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE The current exemption for`Homeowner' was extended to include owner—occupied dwellings of one or two units and to allow such homeowners to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license,provided that such homeowner shall act as supervisor. (State Building Code Section Definition of Homeowner: Person(s)who owns a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is or is intended to be,a one or two family attached or detached structure assessor),to such use and/or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not he considered a homeowner;such"homeowner"shall submit to the building official,on a form acceptable to the building official,that he/she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. (Section The undersigned 'homeowner' assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code and other applicable codes, by-laws, rules and regulations. The undersigned 'homeowner' certifies that he / she understands the Town of Yarmouth Building Department minimum inspection procedures and requirements and that he / she will comply with said procedures and requirements. HOMEOWNER"S SIGNATURE APPROVAL OF BUILDING OFFICIAL INSURANCE COVERAGE: I have a current liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent, which meets the requirements of MGL Ch.142. Yes I No If you have checked m, please indicate the type coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability insurance policy 1 Other type of indemnity Bond OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter the Mass. General Laws and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. Check one: Signatur of Owner or Owner's Agent Owner Agent J h:homeownrlicexemp oF.Y444 TOWN OF YARMOUTH o BUILDING DEPARTMENT o 'es r. H 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Ntests:: %, 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 54 and 780 CMR, Chapter 1, Section 111.5, I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at 111 Starbuck Ln Work Address • Is to be disposed of at the following location: Nauset Disposal 3 Raybar Ln Orleans Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Chapter 111, Section 150A. 1 U/rt/I 7- Sig ature of Application Date Permit No. a� YRR TOWN OF YARMOUTH toc BUILDING DEPARTMENT O y 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 �y d'x 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508.398-0836 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REGULATORY APPROVALS NOTICE Address of Proposed Work: 111 Starbuck Ln Scope of Proposed Work: Kitrhen and deck addition, remove skylights and add dormers. Date: Based on the scope of work described above, the applicant is required to obtain approvals/sign- offs rom the following departments as checked-off below: Health Dept. --Town Hall Phone No. 508-398-2231 ext. 1241 Conservation Comm.--Town Hall Phone No. 508-398-2231 ext. 1288 / ✓ Water Dept.— 99 Buck Island Rd. phone no.508-771-7921 Old Kings Hwy. !fist. Comm.-- Town Hall phone no. 508-398-2231 ext. 1292 Engineering Dept--Town Hall phone no. 508-398-2231 ext. 1 250 Fire Dept.—Capt. Kelleher, 96 Old Main St. So. Yarm. Phone no. 508-398-2212 Other Appropriate plans and/or application shall be provided to each of the departments checked-off above. Each of these regulatory authorities has their own requirements outside the jurisdiction of the Building Department. All applicable approvals shall be obtained prior to submitting a building permit application to the Building Dept. Thank you for cooperation. Receipt dra `ate ai ? Appr's Signature Date • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts • Department of Industrial Accidents tk_;)fit=r.1 Office of Investigations r= $ 600 Washington Street • -�i�c Boston, MA 02111 Vth -Ira . www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name(Business/organization/Individual): TUPPER CONSTRUCTION CO LLC Address: 546a HIGGINS CROWELL RD City/State/Zip: W YARMOUTH MA 02673 Phone #: 508-778-01121 Are ou an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1. I am a employer with 10 4. 0 I am a general contractor and I employees(full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub-contractors 6. ❑New construction 2.❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. 7. at Remodeling ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have 8. 0 Demolition workingfor me in anycapacity. employees and have workers' insurance.= 9. Building addition [No workers' comp. insurance comp. required.] 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its 10.0 Electrical repairs or additions q ] officers have exercised their 11.0Plumbingrepairs or additions 3.❑ I am a homeowner doing all work P • myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL 12.0 Roof repairs insurance required.] t c. 152, §1(4), and we have no employees. [No workers' 13.0 Other comp.insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. :Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: AEIC Policy#or Self-ins. Lic.#:WCC50055933012017A Expiration Date. 10/3/18 /1/ sib , Job Site Address: i City/State/Zip: /1') � ' iIettni- airs Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify u pains and penalties of perjury that the information providedcorrect above is true and / Signature: Date: / VW/7 Phone#: 508- 78-0111 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: A OR�a CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIOdYYYY) �� 9/29/2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the pollcy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate doss not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER QCT Ashley Pain Southeastern Insurance Agency, Inc. " aal (508)997-6061 trAtbox(502)990.1731 439 State Rd. ADDREEs,apaiva8 southeasternins.ooa P.O. Box 79398 INSURER(s)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAC9 North Dartmouth !A 02747 ulsuRER AArbella Protection Insurance 41360 INSURED msuRERsPoeton Insurance Brokerage Inc Tupper Construction Co LLC INSURER CI 546A Biggins Crowell Road INSURER)): INSURER E: Nest Yarmouth NA 02673 INSURERF: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER2017-19 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILTR TYPE OF INSURANCE Nan Yowl POLICY NUMBER PpJCYEFF PONCYEIP DMRi IrANV 11YYYYl JMMIDDIVYYYI X COMMERCIAL GENERA�LUABIUTY EACH OCCURRENCE S 1,000,000 'IMAIXOA CLUES-MACE N a l OCCUR PREMISES Ei occum«roe S 100,000 952004520/ 11/1/2016 11/1/2017 MED DIP(Any person) S 5,000 _ PERSONAL&ADV WARY { 1,000,000 GEN%AGGREGATE LIMpIIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE 5 2,000,000 POUCY❑7a 0 LOC PRODUCTS•COMP/OPAGO 5 2,000,000 I OTHER- { AUTOMOWLE UAsiurr COMBINED SINGLE UMI! 6 1,000,000 11911444011011 A _ANY ALTO BODILY INJURY(Pr mown) 1 ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS X AUTOS 1020009159 12/1/2016 12/1/2017 BODILY INJURY(Per 11cUda10 5 PROPEX HIRED AUTOS X AUTOS D (Pm w(MMI DAMAGETY { — UArnBw11d mows!BI AO WE $ 250,000 x UMBRELLA WM X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE 5 1,000,000 A .-- EXCESS CAB CLAIMS-MACE AGGREGATE 5 _ DED I IRETENTIONS 4600058360 11/1/2016 11/1/2017PER 2114. 5 WORKERS ODYPENBAWTION ISTATUfE ETR_ AND EAWLOYSRS SILTY YIN ANY PROPRIETOWPARTNERIEXECUTWE NfA EL EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 B 121,174419:41941 OICAUDE07 RCCSOOSS93013O1TA 10/1/2017 10/3/2012 tly1111 E L.DISEASE•EA EMPLOYEE II 1,000,000 DESCRI�PTIONwow N OF OPERATIONS teow EL DISEASE•POLICY LIMIT 5 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OP OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS$VEMCLES(AGGRO 101,Ade0onnI RawAe kties).may M Shad Emon rpe11 N rpulnd) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OP THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Information Purposes Only THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE YWITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Ashley Paiva/AMP C4 «ua3 01988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD INS025°Mann ri ki *ommontoefri r r r • I-,74;.---..o rio Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation ..N.; .1 10 Parc Plaza-Suite 5170 '�u Boston,Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration RegIst atIon: 178494 TVoe: LLC Erct dun: 4/18/2018 TN 418291 TUPPER CONSTRUCTION CO,LLC. RICHARD TUPPER —" -- --- _ 548 A HIGGINS CROWALL RD • — ---'—" W.YARMOUTH,MA 02673 •- •• --- ------ . . —. -- Veda*Address Bard.Kart tAsse Swamp._ sut a 11144611n L Address "' Ramona ^ Enpleyunt s Lest Cot ,4 `trw wanty f / Hnjarista - OUiceatCsamrat ATMs A WassRgardoa Wises srr ghn.asesalidtarlsdMdaslauset* HON ePROVEMENTCONTRACTOR eaten teaasplrstShue. ltRaedntaatat 3 RugsamO ne 176daa Type OfAaaalC/Ma.I,MtslnuWEnfemRsp4asa ,�' es eras_ 4/182016 u.0 IS . , .,, .saaasus TUPPER consmu TION CO,LL RICHARD TUPPER Se A 4OO1N5 CROWELL R0 W.YARMOUTH.MA 02673 Vada strehry . without sipaan . Bunatn PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE,INC 107 Ness Road,Btdis 210 Masa,NY74 120 01T1)274127174 • Lj,� Richard171112% Orn n Sict FOR nEtaitran Hla SOWN NESS 1110 Massachusetts.Department of Puobe Safety Unrestricted'Buildings toy use grows h Bawd of Building Regulators aha St.naaras aoel0ie lee dal 35,000 cubic Seat(991m5 of c,/mtraaluI Airrn 1wr enclosed space. License:CSCNOM s. Menai S T. . 544*ns Catal • watYaowtsKA s , SalmW pass mom*gala tithe MistadtimettsTxpascon State eu4dlryCadebm efarrevoatlsnatthislorve. 1101710111 comm,sstoor Per ON warily Italian vlda wareMossAa ills MrY-24-2017 20:23 From:DANS 5088620346 To:5087785010 Pase:1'l • May 24 2017 08:35AM Tupper Construction Ca 15087785010 page 2 reSiTUPPER CON8TRucrt(N CC. 540A Higgins Crawl)Rd West Vermouth,MA 02073 Phone 0011-7780111 Fax 508.7785010 Registrstian.170434 license 11089050 Date: Orl Attn: Building Department • I hereby authorize Tupper Construction Co.. LLC to pull the permits necessary to complete the project descried on the attached permit application form. Thank you, Owners'Signatures Print owners' Names: D/ :11r IE. P GlellaN 1104 daR Street Address: 111 S T}R iadat 44/ /` i 7R/WilifDef,'/1 de-:-P3.4. TOWN OF YARMOUTH 400 1` HEALTH DEPARTMENT � '/2•_.� r PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: II / Building Site Location: ', L ��� l l )1 1 S a. . radia. ) z b5 Propo mprovemen �� Qb 1 0. 1\ r a), ay.--Q_ Applicant: vP .eX n L Tel. No.(S a C7 Address: (fes i; �� v ^ t l r 3�Y k Date Filed: ( c fiq "Ifyou would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: Q-172.."_, IJ co �Lirtk n Owner Address: ( 1 L 91 sJC_k Owner Tel.No.498 L8 MUL RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: DATE: 4 / /�cC PLEASE NOTE 111 COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: Sears, Tim From: Sears,Tim Sent: Wednesday,August 15, 2018 8:28 AM To: - 'admin@tupperco.com' Subject 111 starbuck In Mr.Tupper, I have reviewed your updated information for 111 Starbuck Ln,and there are some items to address; 1. A floor plan of the area on the second floor dormer addition needs to be submitted (existing& proposed) 2. The footing plan for the kitchen addition seems to show 2 different systems,one with sonotubes and bigfoot, and one with diamond piers.Which one is going to be used? Thank you Timothy Sears CBO Building Inspector Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext. 1259 mailto:tsears@yarmouth.ma.us 1 TOWN OF.YARMOUTI 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-223L'ext. 1261 Far 508-398-0836 Office of the Building'{Commissioner Richard Tupper 546A Higgins Crowell Rd West Yarmouth, MA 02673 January 12, 2018 RE: 111 Starbuck Ln—permit application _ e Dear Mr. Tupper, I have reviewed your application for 111 Starbuck Ln, and regret to inform you that your application has been denied for the following reasons; 1. Foundation for kitchen addition does not conform with Section R403.1 of the Massachusetts State Building Code R403.1 General. "All exterior walls shall be supported on continuous solid or filly grouted nmsomy or concrete footings, crushed stone footings, wood foundations, or other approved structural systems" 2. Floor plan (2 copies)of work area including dormer addition not submitted 3. Framing plans(2 copies)of all work areas not submitted f� 4. Framing plan submitted is lacking detail of outside floor beam attachment to house,as well as detail of opening into kitchen, etc. 5. Deck framing plan needs to show all framing, railings support posts, etc. conform to all code re uirements fid 6. Please provide an email address for future correspondence eicAl Please submit the above items for review. Q OPPS2PCLO.at, Very Truly, Tim Sears CBO Local Inspector Town of Yarmouth NOTES , JOB NO. Y10-18 Garnham4.dwg f IEEE MCD 1. LOCUS IS A.M. 116, PARCEL 21. 1}ec_k. t" 3. LOCUS IS IN FLOOD ZONE X(C) ON PANEL 579J, JULY 16, 2014 a JANQ5'2018 4. OFFSETS SHOWN ARE TO THE CORNERBOARDS ON EXISTING K 'Y1 BUILDINGS, OR TO FOUNDATION ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. HEALTH DEPT. LOT COVERAGE m N/F EXISTING HOUSE 1167±S.F. o_ BASSIL EXISTING SHED, OVERHANG, STEPS 163±S.F. PROPOSED DECK 282±S.F. PROPOSED ADDITION 144±S.F. TOTAL 1756±S.F. LOT COVERAGE--1756±S.F./12,000±S.F.=14.6% '• •6, N/F 14( N/F 14 HARWICH ECUMENICAL COUNCIL BAYRIDGE REALTY, LLC d 4.. 4, Q. S"b QO OS. h o, b •0. .43 Opp ")`4 H-20 LEACHING AP�� h Ca CO ,7ry. b V LOT 14 4: °r,.:, 12F ,000±S.F. Q` =-z 4. ` a� , ;.. GRANELLI s8s t rk .?'. �,a' ?s; „�%/ ` � 44'4' ro OJ A, <� i V ( ? q G c4• ;� 3S / J �^ � r� , V e" o3..� J o. N/F S Syp O pp �b �'�/ ^X43 l}, OZ 'os. S'yc ÷ n F SEPTIC LOCATION FROM �P ASBUILT PERMIT NO. 98-66 I CERTIFY THAT THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WERE MEASURED 69 IN THE HELD ON 7/1/10, 8/12/14, 8/14/14 & 4/17/17. /l& e PLOT PLAN �,1N M OF 44,48., FOR 0+ RONALD ti�N DANIEL P. GARNHAM JAMES Cj CADILLAC y LOT 14, 111 STARBUCK LANE, YARMOUTHPORT, MA .o #35779JULY 6, 2010 SCALE: 1"=30' 4.0 i'-'' ( P 44'DS RV ' ' \- RONALD J. CADILLAC, PLS, RS, P.C. I�� • / // PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR & REGISTERED SANITARIAN REV. 1/03/18--DEC P.O. BOX 258 REV. 4/17/17--PRO•Or ED ADDITION WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02873 REV. 8/14/14--NEW FOUNDATION 02018 BY R.J. CADILLAC (508) 775-9700 NOTES JOB NO. Y10-18 Gamham4.dwg1 0 1. LOCUS IS A.M. 116, PARCEL 21. _ 3. LOCUS IS IN FLOOD ZONE X(C) ON PANEL 579J, JULY 16, 2014 26 C-Fil IE® 4. BUILD GS,HOR TORFOUNDATIONONOE EW CONSTRUCTION.NG FJ a JUN - 2 2017 LOT COVER G m N/ EXISTING HOUSE 1167±S.F. a: YARMOUTH BAS IL EXISTING SHED, OVERHANG, STEPS 163±S.F. OLD KING'S H I��AY PROPOSED DECK 288±S.F. PROPOSED ADDITION 144±S.F. TOTAL 1762±S.F. LOT COVERAGE--1762±S.F/12,000±S.F.-14.7% 'e,r• N/F N/F * 4 HARWICH ECUMENI NCI BAYRIDGE REALTY, LLC ‘het ti APPROVE h� 6? 0 0,5-. JUN 26 2017 h`b Ai'. H 20 LEA(!`141R910tIf .y`'�.., h OLD KING'S Mr WAY W LOT 14 _ c n // N F 12,000±S.F. ,Q`44-e, y ' (( e•v-•• GRANELLI est < s�r°y , ryy SAY r,' / / ��fy`+4' d eatk i/ < / , y• S/ ,'N:s ezi2..) sisk_. ^i1, ry4� F�No/ // OZ os. ':x ÷ F SEPTIC LOCATION FROM �a� E��� ASBUILT PERMIT NO. 98-66 JUN 2 7zo» I CERTIFY THAT THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WERE MEASURED TO ARMOUTH IN�\� ON 7/1/10 12/14, 8/14/14 & 4/17/17. SOUTH Y ERK / PLOT P MA j ,�. . ,,OF �I� ( � FOR � NNALDSAc DANIEL P. G RNHAM moo`' RONALD "6- JAMES to LOT 14, 111 STARBUCK LAN , YARMOUTHPORT, MA CADILLAC y JULY 6, 2010 S ALE: 111..30' .0 #35779 to PP Peas 0 A, .417 117 (ANbSDR tt-414 RONALD J. CADILLAC, PLS, RS, P.0 a 7�'i� PROFESSIONAL UWD SURVEYOR & EGIS1ERED SANITARIAN P.O. BOX REV. 4/17/17--PROPOSED ADDITION WEST YARMOUTH, ACA 02873 REV. 8/14/14--NEW FOUNDATION 102017 BY R.J. CADILLAC (508) 775-900 !7'Aoy 3 2 =�" `'{f- Ii -4 u •3t1i ) j (o — ---C— - -I r — i — _gr. _ ii; e zX�p er �o s x dgv1 e rrai- • v ? / (g) (tlll N N " tbpr► 4 o l D-d L MI M / ,0 N x _- �i�-v�bl�P)b�olr- N • 4 j srMPs [ d iia 2°FAIN, rodsm ,. - 4 ,v / • \•}-/�/ itt cortin.. . pivflN,- MI6( yax �P�tN OF A.}ASg4c•S _� MICHELE to CUDILO a o STRUCTUR4 L m NOS O Q. •1390�FGISIEP\G." R'4' � (�3�J//P FSSN a 4 ,}� 'G fiale14 um MwN, II! S7tadcke . Co, Ml, MA Li -` ?taat Z ) ZtWbinrtoND Plri> br5a (40/1t) 3'!� : xS _ - .-1 r`! --5-- a e to t PlifesT is x 'i rc-_1- v % (g) full `� 14� o l 1311)14 i 4.N L m m NN p tt b&c colt- • N ti TT- _z.xJb "(Z)LtbG�a Lbt . �•$ : 'ti -1 QM (ri i spA-wo) Y ig Z"F1I.N. ND°A g ;tet.:1. •• `=.. vr l/ N�/2// (06)1A.. ..FM)N. VI116OiX E-Q- t eXTL 'Wkt^ V fl O`ti`'• C`�7Q.�� IR��� JI/vC.F-0t*1 / / hb . . . ' Construction ° '1 7:4:1- car ..: i`1 ,� �� dei•withoiut Excavation! : tlw . I , . o _ Ill'oa-fifso- 1.a•� i:' ll 5 - '�.,1 "ante - 1 • r over 2p :: i,,, ,s x ` .. :: y^ ,A Heavy-Duty Foundation System o° rtmenf rhe•Uses Pin Pile Technology rhe tnrerior, • chosenDiamond 1,�- s fit, may:. Install In Minutes...Frame ImmediatelyI I ,� ' • Complete Projects 1 to 2 DaysFaster 5'dr as the foundation � '�, �' - ; Greens ° P 1Ystem for some ` „a, �r,1, L t s T e o�G l •• Low Environmental Impact..a Clean Job Site • °f their n,o5t -�';i r • '`'� Iy, = c i •Can be Removed and Reinstalled demana'ng proiecrs - ;iw or ,q •Proven Performance...Over 20 Year Track Record t •1 .1• di1, �i* 9 x F - S0AO 1,.h fur u c ,1 um,u,5m.rn . '„=lidLEit a i -Erne rra ty Covering Parts and Labor - Nisqually Estuary Boardwalk O STRUCTURAL / 5� U/SS,., it A' ;U .._...,....�-.,.�.,.. ....._o..,_..•., . BtaCked by -a No.34774 rn 7 - 7�7/•F�9us Palerns 5.0]92586910.8347.32e.003 - .` e : 3 o c oad Bearing Capacity omp mon / 1 ti"CCie?' • ^� - - ice. r i1�-� - � �r 90,��FGrsTENE\�4`� D►50 ESR-1895 Code Compliant ` `�pL - s -E•�'•1 - sSroNATLEc -A„.„.,,$ize'b�>4: '°' ..‘DP50 369,, `-:DP5042" "..>:-DP5050" - :.:0P7550" :•: .ti.DP75631_' ` ' ira r Bearing in 2000 psf Sands _ 3600# 3600# 3600# 5150# ; 5850# I-v i �J J ; . i Bearing in 1500 psf Silts/Clays '2700# 2700# 2700# 3870# j 4400# ; ' _ - - r,„,..."ll 1 Equivalent Bearing Area in SF 1.8 1 1.8 • 1.8 2.58 2,93 =F* a rin Parts and•Labor`- r' :1 ' Base Area Comparison 18"Cylinder I 18"Cylinder ' 18'Cylinder 21"Cylinder 23"Cylinder Cave ; _. - - :1 < Uplift ( 670 1 920 i 1175 1215 1380 , 5;4 :;,, 9 Lateral 575 8201070 - 1150 1310 '',1°-:",-,.,��4...-•999ggg Frost Zone Rating 36' I 42" I 48' 48' 60" IY', i Load Chart to be used for Normal Construction Conditions Only.See Manufacturer's Installation Manual for definitions and additional chart notes.DP-50 capacities ` i `- t used in conjunction with ESP-1895 per blue bordered box above shall be limited to residential decks,covered decks,stairs and walkways. 2, Upii�'& exalt 7 Upht M1�tCl1al w J.�ld. �ndPie , : DP50 a ‘ 41 DP50 i'itersedr sed ' I �' • rr ` High Strength Reinforced Concrete Head 1111un r,1 tram,liraily Pin rile Di kY1 Pcorilisnlly i Meets or Exceeds ACI 318Standards I'•• lir D•suulses Loam ch el .1 •fi •Galvanized Pins Meet or Exceed �'� -� Frost Depth Up To 46" Greater ° /� ASTM Standards 1 DP75 �' i / •High Impact Inspection Plugs •Loads Up To 5850# ' i. earing Area ,, g 431 _ ,, ,k •Pin Caps Install After Inspection •50"or 63'Pinsil an Conventional Concrete .1„s - �'? Deck Foo og,s `; ` •Cast-in Galvanized Anchor Bolt to Secure - •Use in Areas with a *!•4'.---,.�'` • Standard Post Brackets - Frost Depth Up To 60" N a + For all applications,refer to the manufar�yier's complete Installation Manual. (� ii • • • 1� W a Y e The Ddornond Pier DP50 is recognized - - 4 - - t•‘4,, -, by the International Code Council(ICC) Documents to Submit Pin Driving BP- iiesti3e ;ik ode for residential applications.The DP50 with a Permit Application For use en most r t* /x� a w • ee rp--x-i,f3# ESR Report(ESR-1895),Performance ,Copy of DP50 ESR Report breaker hammers nlat - intris i�a i y -5. Reports.and the Pier Detail' rr r ay� •, •, # r : .Performance Repots 8 1-1/8- hex -r f -oe?rThitr f-ret;ripx-(a aji 4..,1yt osor - ''� r - COIT117Ilallt Drawing are available on our website... ,"Diamond Pier Detail*Drawing accept Fa -,:'e--h,,:,'t 1 - ... _..., he%shaft. AW Guide to Wcod Con's turban in High Wind Areas: 1 1.0 mph Wind Zone fill Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance no CMR 5331.2.1.1)1 Iii Check Compliance 1.1 SCOPE Wind Speed(3-sec.gust) 110 mph 1Mnd Exposure Category `1 rr B 1 1.2 APPLICABILITY i QlOz U Number of Stories ' 1 (Fig 2) ea S 2 storks _ std Roof Pitch (Fig 2) sties, jrs 12:12 _ Mean Roof Height ` "i ' lb ,------- M1 (Flag 2) � ft s 83' — Building Width,W •_...__„�� .:::.k.a,... t.. — Building Length,L (Flg 3) r 9ft 5 80'- — Building Aspect Ratio(LIV ) (Fig 4) ill 5 3:1 Nominal Height of Tallest Opening (Fig 4) /Ca 5 818' _ a 1.3 FRAMING CONNECTIONS General compliance with framing connections (Table 2) — 2.1 FOUNDATION Foundation Walls meeting requirements of 780 CMR 5404.1 Comate — Concrete Masonry _ 22 ANCHORAGE TO FOUNDATION" 518'Anchor Bolts imbedded or 5/8'Proprietary Mechanical Anchors as an alternative In eonve3e ony Bolt Spacing—general (Table 4) !/bitilknnse jam.'/IGS' In. — Bolt Spacing from end/Joint of plate (Fig 5) /a—1 n.s 8'—12' Bolt Embedment–concrete (Fig 5) in.t 7' _ Bolt Embedment–masonry (Fig 5) in.2 15' — Plate Washer (Fig 5) a 3'x 3'x'/: _ 3.1 FLOORS Floor framing member spans checked (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) Maximum Floor Opening Dimension (Fig S) =ft 512'or L2 or W/2 Full Height Walt Studs at Floor Openings less than 2'from Exterior Walt(Flg 6) Maximum Floor Joist Setbacks Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Sheanvall (Fig 7) _ft s d Maximum Cantilevered Floor Joists Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall (Fig 8) _ft s d Floor Bracing at Endwalls . (Fig 9) Floor Sheathing Type (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) — Floor Sheathing Thickness (per 780 MAR Chapter in. _ Floor Sheathing Fastening (Table 2)..D„d nags at m edge/ in field — 4.1 WALLS Wall Height Loadbearing walls (Fig 10 and Table 5) kb.ft s 10' _ Non-Loadbearing walls (Fig 10 and Table 5) Ll ft s 20' — Wall Stud Spacing (Fig 10 and Table 5) lig_in.5 24'o.c. — Wall Story Offsets (Figs 7 8 8) _ft s d — 4.2 EXTERIOR WALLS' Wood Studs Loadbearing walls (Table 5) 2x ft— In. _ Non-Loadbeartng walls (Table 5) 2x ft 7In. Gable End Wall Bracing' Fun Height Endwall Studs (Fig 10) ,,* , 1�,y _ WSP Attic Floor Length (Fig 11) SY1 A...Zoe - ft kW/3 _ Gypsum Ceiling Length(if WSP not used) (Fig 11) _ft x 0.9W — 2 x a Continuous t ataral Brace®8 ft.o.a..(Fig 11) — •''� ,.SOC Spe ry ePr t OD cfLI , c,•4 Srli�Ler.;!+ ''`�'".38^�ieb:e°) e�` 0 �Ga, t:a Cort ect:cn (- . !'8d ce. .-cr refs; (rebs 5) v — i et MICHELE 1 if STRUCTURAL NryNo:34774 /Z044ll ,a 4�trt„ /filum tr in S'f gvNee fe-D9sok Auto-duiI�� Z�FY -IA WC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas: 11!)mfth Wind Zone Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (780 CMR 5301.2.1.1)1 Loadbearing Wall Connections A' �y Lateral(no.of endnalled 18d common nails) (Table 7) Fes•.. - Sr f Non-Loadbearing Wall Connections Lateral(no.of endnalled 18d common nails) (Table 8) e _ Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but check all openings for compliance to Table 9) Header Spans (Table 9) _tft=in.s 11' _ Sill Plate Spans (Table 9) 3_,ft=In.S 1' Full Height Studs (no.of studs) (Table 9) — Non-Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but checall openings for compliWfg�/nce to Tabl 9) Header Spens (Table 9) -10-ft — in.s 17 Sill Plate Spans (Table 9) ft=1n.t,12' — Full Height Studs(no.of studs) (Table 9) 1C3`�1 — Exterior Wall Sheathing to Resist Uplift and Shear Simuttaneouslyk Minimum Building Dimension,W Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2 , s :'8• Sheathing Type (note 4) — Edge Nall Spacing (Table 10 or note 4 if less) in. — Field Nail Spacing (Table 10) hern — Shear Connection(no.of 18d common nails)(Table 10) — Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 10) Zi— A Zt S -C- 5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Openin ,>8'8•(Design Concepts) Maximum Building Dimension,L — Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2 '$s 8• Sheathing Type Edge Nail Spadng le 11 or note 4 If less) in. — Field Nall Spacing (Table 11) — Shear Connection(no.of 18d common nails)(Table 11) 1 Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 11) t % y 2k 5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening>8'8•(Design Concepts) Wall Cladding Rated for Wind Speed? 5.1 ROOFS Roof framing member spans checked? (For Rafters use AWC Span Tool,see BBRS Website) _ Roof Overhang (Figure 19) ACa ft s smaller of 2'or Lf3 Truss or Rafter Connections at Loadbearing Walls ) . Tf ' r Proprietary Connectors SlfisSe& • Uplift (Table 12) 1.,a QQ4rl 1 Ti 24 Lateral (Table 12) - Shear (Table 12) S• Ridge Strap Connections,if collar ties not used per page 21.....(Table 13).. . T- — — Gable Rake Outlooker (Figure 20) Alit ft s smaller of 7 or L/2 Truss or Rafter Connections at Non-Loadbearing Walls Proprietary Connectors Uplift (Table 14) U>_lb. — Lateral(no.of 18d common nails)...(Table 14) L= -- Roof Sheathing Type (per 780 CMR YChapters 58 59)59) Roof Roof Sheathing Fastening (Table 2) .e.a v(•4..?tycc .be.4 i1eta) Notes: 1. This checklist must be met In its entirety,excluding the specific exception noted in 2,to comply with the requirements of 780 CMR 53012.1.1 Item 1.If the checklist is met in its entirety then the following metal straps and hold downs are not required per the WFCM 110 mph Guide: a. Steel Straps per Figure 5 b. 20 Gage Straps per Figure 11 C. Uplift Straps per Figure 14 d. All Straps per Figure 17 e. Corner Stud Hold Downs per Figure 18a 2. Exception:Opening heights of up to 8 R shall be permitted when 5%Is added to the percent full-height sheathing requirements shown in Tables 10 and 11. 3. The bottom sill plate In exterior walls shalt be a minimum 2 in.nominal thickness.pressure treated#2-grade. ?�E't1w OF 04e, a° MICHELE °s 'ttp .90.I3TEPE°.hP SbA'AI.Ems' 1 . • ecf4 • $1t �� m� No G. I I „; I c 1. • I ! 4. 8d vim. W6? Etta.-- Ie .Durte I I ' 1 1 �'"yrIN IAED%TS EDote I . .1 P*ftES r► twP 11 i I 1 � 131' 1 V Wait. mr[ERsI 3g P I I w � I i j I f1MU1�-- s MIN141. . 0 . . 1 T .... Rink!. < N W6P-- - —•..�_ jfti • WSP ATTACHMENT O NOT To state. Its VERT. AD 4kORIZ. iCT1AG1MENT NOTES: • Wood Structural Panels dull be minim=ddckms of 7/16-and be immThed as follows: --- I. Panels dull be installed with wench axis parallel to ads. fi. All briaetaljoiwisbell=or over and be nailed to framing. iii. On single wary cuvw tAon,pawls shill be atracbed tobacco plates and top toeaberpf the double wir Plat iv. On two Nay c ubueden,upper panels dull be abut to the top member of the upper double top • plate and to band joist at bottom of pond.Upper stacbment of lower panel shaft be made to bad joist and • lower anscbment mode to lowest plate is first floor tuning. v. Horizontal nail spacing at damble top plata,bend joins.and girders ihdl be a doable row of gid.. staggered at 3 Indies on carter per figures below:Vertical and Horizontal Nailing for?mei Madmen GQ,eaft- UbT pa if 1. toot, STRuCIURPL PAaSf4. (w6P) - MitaTAIN& Z- . • I .- Q .I 1 i o .r N .i , , , . . . ex 7a Z Q ul .a 1_— --- -- -- - - - - •_ I. 3Tr p 8d N1d�y a alas. Ct M1WEDIATC *fiMINo Z. . • k w... r iii .r-3 —T.L — �=.C...-.1-__71_77=1=7.2.721. -crx !I: N.• 0 , rz --1. a d 41.4 O?`r•u 0.4. 3 VLWV W6? Dint , . g g 4- e � GENERAL NOTES AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: (Residential IRC Construction) SIC-1 FOUNDATIONS 1.All workmanship to conform to the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code,latest edition. 2. For site location and grading information,see Site Plan,by others. 3. Assumed net allowable soil bearing capacity,q"3000 psf,for a medium sand/gravel composition. Other soils encountered, contact the Engineer of Record. 4. Concrete: Minimum 28 day strength,fc-3000 psi,3/4"aggregate,designed per American Concrete Institute Code,latest issue,maximum slump=4". a.) Anchor bolts ASTM A307 galvanized,min.5/8"diameter,12"long,w/2-1/2"hook spaced per Code Checklist,or in concrete piers w/Simpson ABU-series base;SPACED 2'o/c for slab-on-grade construction(i.e.Garage,Basement,etc.). b.) All walls to have min.2#4 top horizontal,2"clear,to prevent shrinkage c.) All walls longer than 25'shall have vertical control joint with waterstopping between wall joint. FRAMING I.All workmanship to conform to the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code,latest edition. 2.Structural Design Loads: Dead Loads:Actual Weight of Building Components Live Loads:Snow Load -30 psf(plus drift)with applicable reduction ATTIC Storage-20 psf Living Floor-40 psf Sleeping Floor-30 psi' Decks and Balconies-40 psf Wind Load: Criteria used for 110 MPH Exposure B or C as noted per plans 3. Structural Steel: (as required) a. ASTM A572 Grade 50;shop paint with rust inhibitive paint Thru-Bolts: ASTM A307,1/2"diameter,punched holes: 9/16"diameter. b. Welds: Shop weld cap and base plates to columns;shop weld bearing plates to beams;use E70xx electrodes. • Alternatively,field weld by certified welders. c. Deflection Criteria: 11360 total load deflection. 4.Timber Framing: a.All new timber framing:Spruce-Pine-Fir No.2 with Fb-I000psi,E-1.300,000 psi,or better. b.Pressure treated timber(P.T.):Southern Pine with Fb-1300 psi,E=4600,000 psi,or better. c.Laminated Veneer Lumber.All L.V.L.shall be 1.9E L.V.L.with Fb=2925 psi,E=1,900 ksi,Fv=285 psi,Fc_per=750 psi, Fc-par=3035 psi. Parallam(PSL):All PSL shall be min.1.9E ES with Fb12900 psi,E-1,900 ksi,Fv-285 psi,Fuer-730 psi, Fcjae-2900 psi. Note that Microllam and Parallam may be used interchangeably. 1. Deflection Criteria: 11480 Live Load,L/360 Total Load 2. Optional: Provide shop drawing submittal of engineered lumber systems for approval prior to materials purchasing. 5.Metal Connectors: As manufactured by Simpson Strong-Tie Co.shall be handled and installed per manufacturer requirements,with all nail , holes filled,with the size nail as specified by mfgr.or herein. a. Rafter to Ridge Beam: Simpson LSSU-series,or Simpson Straps over top of plywood,spaced 16"o/c; Rafter to Ridge Plate: Collar ties min. lab®16"o/c at top or Simpson Straps over top of plywood spaced 16"o/c b. Rafter ends to top plate: Simpson H2.5A c. Band Joist Simpson straps at 4'o/c: CS-14R-48"centered at band joist 6.Bolts: Bolts in wood framing shall be standard machine bolts unless noted otherwise.Bolt holes in wood shall be 1/32"larger than bolt diameter.Bolt heads and nuts shall bear on standard malleable iron washers,or square plate washers.All nuts shall be retightened at completion ofjob. 7.Blocking: a.Blocking shall be solid blocking,2x minimum,and full depth of member. b.Stud Walls:provide blocking at 8'-0"o/c,maximum height Corners to be blocked at 48"o/c with plywood edge nailing to this blocking for the first 48"of these building corners. c.Nailing Schedule: Solid Blocking to Bearing 2-8d toenails ea.side Blocking Between Studs 2-10d toenails ea.end,or 2-16d end-nails ea.End d, New Framing:Provide 2x blocking for 2 joist/rafter bays and spaced 48"o/c in joist and rafter plane at all edges;attach plywood edges to this blocking 8.Nailing Schedule: All nailing shall be in accordance with the WFCM Table 3.1 unless noted herein specifically. Multiple Studs 16d @ 12"staggered a.All nails shall be common wire nails. b.Sub-bore where;nails tend to split wood. 9. Headers less than 4'-0",use 2-2x6;all others per MA State Building Code. YARMOUTH WATER DIVISION • 99 BUCK ISLAND ROAD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 • PH.: 508.771.7921 FAX: 508-771-7998 • BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION • DEPARTMENTALl� SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET Bldg. Site Location /2! ,.TikOciL Proposed Improvement: -ron cz,C 'b pj 00 G C — Applicant: U n Address `ftp ‘( Q,Q C+fig Tel. #:c29StalSaaeigie Filed: (' RESIDENTIAL AND / OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING Water Department: Determines Compliance of Water Availability and or Existing Location Engineering Department: Determines Compliance for Parking and Drainage Conservation Commission: Determines Compliance to Wetlands Acts; I.e. If Lot(s) Border any Type of • Wetlands, Streams, Ponds, Rivers, Ocean, Bogs, Bays, Marshland, Etc... Health Department: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations, I.e., Requirements for Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities ir-Apart ent: Determines Compliance to State and Town Requirements for Personal, Safety, Property Protection;, i.e. Smoke Detectors, Sprinkler Systems, Etc... ignature of ap 'carit Da1142) PLEASE NOTE: COMMENTS: • Reviewed by:Water Division Date Diamondr l ® • FOUNDATION SYSTEM • NORMAL CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS LOAD CHART IVI �,/,7 Use 6�( a✓ 2b . �yi , it IA 'omprana , IW , . .. IPSO ' .i 1r< eP d „r �` e.0ii!7 .' P 5 -+c,z'. Bearing in 2000 psf Sands' 3600# 3600# 3600# 5150# 5850# Bearing in 1500 psf Silts/Clays' 2700# 2700# 2700# 3870# 4400# Equivalent Bearing Area 1.8 sf 1.8 sf 1.8 sf 2.58 sf 2.93 sf,, Base Area Comparison 18'cylinder 18'cylinder 18'cylinder 21'cylinder 23'cylinder Uplift 670# 920# 1175# 1215# 1380#, Lateral . • 575# 820# 1070# 1150# 1310# Frost Zone Rating 36° 42' 48' 48' 60" NOTES: 1. Values applicable in properly drained, sound soils with a minimum 1500 psf bearing capacity. See IRC Table R401.4.1 for complete soils listing. 2. For simple structures only. No asymmetrical, rotational, overturning, or dynamic loads. 3. For safe sites only. For steep slopes, seismic zones E, sites exposed to hurricanes, floods, or high • water, or sites with historic evidence of conventional foundation failure, special construction conditions • review may be required.Wind design in designated areas per the 2012 IRC may also be required. 4. All capacities use four pins of the specified length per foundation. Length includes that portion embedded within the foundation head. Load capacities shown may be higher when site-specific evaluation is performed. 35. DP-50 uses defined in paragraph 2.0 of ESR-1895 are limited to residential decks, covered decks, stairways, and walkways. For DP-50 uses beyond these types of projects, refer to the Cross Pin Group Test Report(EEI Report No.07-020-8). 6. Minimum 50'Pins are recommended for use of DP-50 where uplift and/or lateral loads govern. • 7. See Diamond Pier Installation Manual for description of sound soils, simple structures, and safe sites. Larger Size Diamond Pier foundations are also available: Models DP-100E and DP-200E. For these larger pier sizes,site-specific soils information,project application and loads must be determined by a registered design professional and provided to Pin Foundations, Inc.,for calculated pier/pin capacities. . - 02014 Pin Foundations,Inc All Rights Reserved 4810 Pt Fosdick Dr NW,PMB 60 PIN FOUNDATIONS INC Toll Free: 866-255-9478 Gig Harbor,Washington 98335 Main Office: 253-858-8809 www ninhn.ndsenne non renewal Fnsll• Infn ninfni indai-inns rnm 6 oE,N) *1 kbt,,xI Il( g1 ,tti k 1 �, Y�1 4 ��¢ AW Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas: 110 mph Wind Zone Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (780 CMR 5301.2.1.1)' 0 Check • 1.1 SCOPE Compliance Wind Speed(3-sec.gust) 110 mph Wind Exposure Category B 1.2 APPLICABILITY • Number of Stories (Fig 2) 1 stories s 2 stories Roof Pitch (Fig 2) L/ -r/L —s 12:12 - _ Mean Roof Height (Fig 2) 633ft 5 33' _ Building Width,W (Fig 3) S 80' — Building Length,L (Fig 3) ft5 80" Building Aspect Ratio(UW) (Fig4) _— Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2 (Fig 4) 54 S 6'8" 1.3 FRAMING CONNECTIONS General compliance with framing connections (Table 2) _ 2.1 FOUNDATION Foundation Walls meeting requirements of 780 CMR 5404.1 , Concrete Concrete Masonry 2.2 ANCHORAGE TO FOUNDATION" 5/8"Anchor Bolts imbedded or 5/8"Proprietary Mechanical Anchors as an alternative in concre a on Bolt Spacing-general (Table 4)&.(.bi �ti� S ♦ in. _ Bolt Spacing from end/joint of plate (Fig 5) 6-I n.5 6"-12" _ Bolt Embedment-concrete (Fig 5) . in.a 7" _ Bolt Embedment-masonry (Fig 5) in.a 15" _ Plate Washer (Fig 5) a 3"x 3"x W 3.1 FLOORS Floor framing member spans checked (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) _ Maximum Floor Opening Dimension (Fig 6) ft 5 12'or 1./2 or W/2 — Full Height Wall Studs at Floor Openings less than 2'from Exterior Wall(Fig 6) Maximum Floor Joist Setbacks Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall (Fig 7) "' ft 5 d Maximum Cantilevered Floor Joists Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall (Fig 8) - ft 5 d — Floor Bracing at Endwalls (Fig 9) — Floor Sheathing Type (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) Floor Sheathing Thickness (per 780 Op Chapter 55) in. — —_ Floor Sheathing Fastening (Table 2).. d nails at „ in edge e/ in field 4.1 WALLS Wall Height Loadbearing walls (Fig 10 and Table 5) ". ft 5 10' Non-Loadbearing walls (Fig 10 and Table 5) 'In' ft 5 20'L — — Wall Stud Spacing (Fig 10 and Table 5) f"-in.5 24"o.c. Wall Story Offsets (Figs 7&8) _ft 5 d _ 4.2 EXTERIOR WALLS3 , Wood Studs Loadbearing walls (Table 5) 2x ft- In. _ Non-Loadbearing walls (Table 5) 2x ft in. Gable End Wall Bracing' Full Height Endwall Studs (Fig 10) _ WSP Attic Floor Length (Fig 11) 4 .... - ft 2W/3 _ Gypsum Ceiling Length(if WSP not used) (Fig 11) - ft e 0.9W 2 x 4 Continuous Lateral Brace @ 6 ft.o.c. ..(Fig 11) -- _,Double Top Plate qs Length (Fig13 and Table 6) Caere,ft _ jr, ., Splice ! � /l S40 lice Connection (no. of 16d common nails) (Table 5) Leo? N,ICHELE yaN cODILo a0/1. 33 SI 4 STRUCTURAL y kb, No 34774 / /LQ l 6,xtfitwM MP i e HI SwgUc- P-D9 sot/f/1'cf'f o—d Ci t Pi atop-A WC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas: 110 m G Wind Zone Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (780 CMR 5301.2.1.1)1 Loadbearing Wall Connections A ' .1 (�y� Lateral(no.of endnailed 16d common nails) (Table 7) tl`/1" - E 77 Non-Loadbearing Wall Connections Lateral(no.of endnailed 16d common nails) (Table 8) _ Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but check all openings for compliance to Table 9) Header Spans (Table 9) _tit=in. s11' _ Sill Plate Spans (Table 9) 3_ft=in.s 1' Full Height Studs (no. of studs) (Table 9) int Non-Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but check all openings for compli nce to Tabl 9) Header Spans...... (Table 9) ft — in.s 12' _ Sill Plate Spans (Table 9) ft=in. 4,12" Full Height Studs(no. of studs) (Table 9 (3)) _ Exterior Wall Sheathing to Resist Uplift and Shear Simultaneous!? Minimum Building Dimension,W Nominal Height of Tallest Opening . . '13 s '8" 1, Sheathing Type (note 4) Edge Nail Spacing (Table 10 or note 4 if less) in. Field Nail Spacing (Table 10) ' in 1 _ Shear Connection(no.of 16d common nails)(Table 10) Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 10) o r Z.iCOIL- 5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening>6'8"(Design Concepts) Maximum Building Dimension, L 1 — Nominal Height of Tallest Opening '$s 6.8" 1 _ Sheathing Type (note 4) _ Edge Nail Spacing (Table 11 or note 4 if less) in. _ Field Nail Spacing (Table 11) Shear Connection(no.of 16d common nails)(Table 11) Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 11) � % r G f` 5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening>6'8"(Design Concepts) Wall Cladding Rated for Wind Speed? 5.1 ROOFS Roof framing member spans checked? (For Rafters use AWC Span Tool, see BBRS Website) _ Roof Overhang (Figure 19) ft s smaller of 2'or u3 Truss or Rafter Connections at Loadbearing Walls Com, r ZIP Proprietary Connectors �t/'/ t �q s'jf 1r� . Uplift (Table 12) U=-� 1.j4 z'-l--' Lateral (Table 12) L= l ' 6 t Shear (Table 12) S= 77 Ridge Strap Connections,if collar ties not used per page 21.....(Table 13).. . KA T= T Gable Rake Outlooker (Figure 20) A.. ft s smaller of 2'or L12 _ Truss or Rafter Connections at Non-Loadbearing Walls �*` Proprietary Connectors Uplift (Table 14) U= -" lb. _ Lateral(no.of 16d common nails)...(Table 14) L lb. Roof Sheathing Type (per 780 CMR Chapters 58 q 59) _ Roof Sheathing Thickness in..t m elw _ Roof Sheathing Fastening (Table 2) rd qb G., t... (1['... ... {a� Notes: 1. This checklist must be met in its entirety,excluding the specific exception noted in 2,to comply with the requirements of 780 CMR 5301.2.1.1 Item 1. If the checklist is met in its entirety then the following metal straps and hold downs are not required per the WFCM 110 mph Guide: a. Steel Straps per Figure 5 b. 20 Gage Straps per Figure 11 c. Uplift Straps per Figure 14 d. All Straps per Figure 17 e. Corner Stud Hold Downs per Figure 18a 2. Exception: Opening heights of up to 8 ft.shall be permitted when 5%is added to the percent full-height sheathing requirements shown in Tables 10 and 11. 3. The bottom sill plate in exterior walls shall be a minimum 2 in.nominal thickness. pressure treated#2-grade. a�tP�H or4,4 9 qr fil" i ,0 13fh 34)74 y 90 :r'NUAC E� 4Q sS�ONAI�G��� • • I f r4t &t. . Wu\ �1--- ad ohm) ye Er. I to. f I . e ttgtichrt -r 1,41147 14)Kr E. eta I I . ( 1 I' N140.1174 tA,TY?. lAttabtatTIP. , H i 6Th • Iif tI I i Vit- tm tl- - 1.S. AIM. ; 1 a , °' MIK. r . . �• PANW $Dant. < N WSP-- ..— ....•.._. —4Mb). WSP ATTACHMENT O ,WWOT To Sc'Mt - ?-OR VP-RT. MAD 4kORIZ. ATTAciUmNT NOTES: • Wood Structural Panels shall be minimum thickness of 7116"and be installed as follows: i. Panels shall be installed with strength axis parallel to studs. ii. All horizontal joixs'shall occur ova and be nailed to framing iii. On single story construction,panels shall be:trached to bottom plates and cop memberpf the double top Plate. iv. On two story consWetion,upper panels shall be attached to the top member of the tipper double top . plate and to band joist at bottom of panel.Upper attsehmtnt of lower panel shall be made to band joist and • Iowa anachmesu made to lowest plate at rust floor fuming • v. Horizontal nail spacing at double tdp plates,band joists,and girders than be a double row of gd staggered at 3 inches on center pa figures below:Vertical and Horizontal Nailing for Panel Anachsnera ca G us-r p. 2 ef 1 — < c39aa a9M Wilt' 41 �7�0 „:� 0 ci1nPtt p Q • •11 ' , 'v ---2 _ 1_11.; : o I,•Dh. lei I 6(11141931 114tH ' ralSrl t ./.0„.01 V h'11'ON p s." I'• I-- a _ ehl:} 0 I II I . Is: I:— r , -a, , , c, 4) W V -1 , r tzb -it.51 `✓ . . r--_• _— - - -- - - -=_ = --� -- - r r (, K - 9 N11107145 - 0 SM Arca ittifIlootLIS dOoM GENERAL NOTES AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: (Residential IRC Construction) SK-1 FOUNDATIONS 1.All workmanship to conform to the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code,latest edition. 2. For site location and grading information,see Site Plan,by others. 3. Assumed net allowable soil bearing capacity,q=3000 psf,for a medium sand/gravel composition. Other soils encountered, contact the Engineer of Record. 4. Concrete: Minimum 28 day strength,fc=3000 psi,3/4"aggregate,designed per American Concrete Institute Code,latest issue,maximum slump=4". a.) Anchor bolts ASTM A307 galvanized,min.5/8"diameter, 12"long,w/2-1/2"hook spaced per Code Checklist,or in concrete piers w/Simpson ABU-series base;SPACED 2'o/c for slab-on-grade construction(i.e.Garage,Basement walkout, etc.). b.) All walls to have min.2#4 top horizontal,2"clear,to prevent shrinkage cracks c.) All walls longer than 25'shall have vertical control joint with waterstopping between wall joint. FRAMING 1.All workmanship to conform to the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code,latest edition. 2.Structural Design Loads: Dead Loads:Actual Weight of Building Components Live Loads:Snow Load =30 psf(plus drift)with applicable reduction ATTIC Storage=20 psf Living Floor=40 psf Sleeping Floor=30 psf Decks and Balconies=40 psf Wind Load: Criteria used for 110 MPH Exposure B or C as noted per plans 3. Structural Steel: (as required) a. ASTM A572 Grade 50;shop paint with rust inhibitive paint.Thru-Bolts: ASTM A307, 1/2"diameter;punched holes: 9/16"diameter. b. Welds: Shop weld cap and base plates to columns;shop weld bearing plates to beams;use E70xx electrodes. Alternatively,field weld by certified welders. c. Deflection Criteria: L/360 total load deflection. 4.Timber Framing: a.All new timber framing:Spruce-Pine-Fir No.2 with Fb=1000psi,E=1,300,000 psi,or better. b.Pressure treated timber(PT.):Southern Pine with Fb=1300 psi,E=1,600,000 psi,or better. c.Laminated Veneer Lumber:All L.V.L.shall be 1.9E L.V.L.with Fb=2925 psi,E=1,900 ksi,Fv=285 psi,Fcj'er=750 psi, Fcjar=3035 psi. Parallam(PSL):All PSL shall be min. 1.9E ES with Fb=2900 psi,E=1,900 ksi,Fv=285 psi,Fcfier=750 psi, Fcjar=2900 psi. Note that Microllam and Parallam may be used interchangeably. 1. Deflection Criteria: L/480 Live Load,L/360 Total Load 2. Optional: Provide shop drawing submittal of engineered lumber systems for approval prior to materials purchasing. 5.Metal Connectors: As manufactured by Simpson Strong-Tie Co.shall be handled and installed per manufacturer requirements,with all nail holes filled,with the size nail as specified by mfgr.or herein. a. Rafter to Ridge Beam: Simpson LSSU-series,or Simpson Straps over top of plywood,spaced 16"o/c; Rafter to Ridge Plate: Collar ties min. 1x6@ 16"o/c at top or Simpson Straps over top of plywood spaced 16"o/c b. Rafter ends to top plate: Simpson 112.5A c. Band Joist: Simpson straps at 4'o/c: CS-14R-48"centered at band joist 6.Bolts: Bolts in wood framing shall be standard machine bolts unless noted otherwise.Bolt holes in wood shall be 1/32"larger than bolt diameter.Bolt heads and nuts shall bear on standard malleable iron washers,or square plate washers.All nuts shall be retightened at completion ofjob. 7.Blocking: a.Blocking shall be solid blocking,2x minimum,and full depth of member. b.Stud Walls:provide blocking at 8'-0"o/c,maximum height. Corners to be blocked at 48"o/c with plywood edge nailing to this blocking for the first 48"of these building corners. c.Nailing Schedule: Solid Blocking to Bearing 2-8d toenails ea.side Blocking Between Studs 2-10d toenails ea.end,or 2-16d end-nails ea.End d. WIND BLOCKING:Provide 2x blocking for 2 joist/rafter bays and spaced 48"o/c in joist and rafter plane at all edges; attach plywood edges to this blocking 8.Nailing Schedule: All nailing shall be in accordance with the WFCM Table 3.1 unless noted herein specifically. Multiple Studs 16d @ 12"staggered a.All nails shall be common wire nails. b.Sub-bore where;nails tend to split wood. 9. Headers less than 4'-0",use 2-2x6;all others per MA State Building Code. - REScheck Software Version 4.6.2 0 Compliance Certificate Project Kitchen Addition Energy Code: 2015 IECC Location: Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Conditioned Floor Area: 0 ft2 Glazing Area 27% Climate Zone: 5 (6137 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 111 Starbuck Ln. yarmouthport, MA om: ance, •asses s n• I tra•e-o - Compliance: 6.3%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 32 Your UA: 30 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house Is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Envelope Assemblies Gross Area Cavity Cont. Assembly or R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Perimeter Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 144 48.0 0.0 0.026 4 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 84 21.0 0.0 0.057 4 Window 1:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 9 0.310 3 • Wall 2:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 84 21.0 0.0 0.057 3 Door 1:Glass 36 0.310 11 Floor 1:All-Wood joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space 144 30.0 0.0 0.033 5 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4.6.2 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Name-Title Signature Date Project Title: Kitchen Addition Report date: 01/05/18 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 1 of 9 At • REScheck Software Version 4.6.2 Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2015 IECC Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Pre-Inspection/Plan Review Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID - 103.1, Construction drawings and w❑Complies 103.2 documentation demonstratei❑Does Not (PR1J1 energy code compliance for the ❑Not Observable building envelope.Thermal _ " envelope represented on - ❑Not Applicable iconstruction documents. - t1 103.1, Construction drawings and - r❑Complies 103.2, documentation demonstrate d❑Does Not 403.7 energy code compliance for ❑Not Observable [PR3J1 lighting and mechanical systems. "❑Not Applicable jai Systems serving multiple - dwelling units must demonstrate - compliance with the IECC - Commercial Provisions. 302.1, 1 Heating and cooling equipment is Heating: Heating: ❑Complies 403.7 ;sized per ACCA Manual S based Btu/hr Btu/hr ❑Does Not [PR2)P on loads calculated per ACCA Cooling: Cooling: ❑Not Observable 4 ;Manual J or other methods Btu/hr Btu/hr Iapproved by the code official. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 1 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Kitchen Addition Report date: 01/05/18 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 2 of 9 . Section Foundation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 303.2.1 IA protective covering is installed to ['Complies [FO1112 +protect exposed exterior insulation ❑Does Not land extends a minimum of 6 in.below ,grade. ❑Not Observable ' ❑Not Applicable 403.9 ;Snow-and ice-melting system controls ❑Complies [FO1212 ;installed. ❑Does Not ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Kitchen Addition Report date: 01/05/18 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 3 of 9 Section - Plans Verified Field Verified # Framing/Rough-In Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions Si Req.ID 402.1.1, Glazing U-factor(area-weighted U-_ U-_ ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.1, average). ❑Does Not table for values. 402.3.3, ❑Not Observable 402.3.6, 402.5 • ❑Not Applicable [FR2]' 9 303.1.3 U-factors of fenestration products' ❑Complies (FR4]' are determined In accordance ip 9❑Does Not with the NFRC test procedure or } ,❑Not Observable taken from the default table. • a❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.1 Air barrier and thermal barrier 1 ;I❑Complies [FR23]' installed per manufacturer's - - ;;❑Does Not • instructions. t❑Not Observable I ❑Not Applicable 402.4.3 Fenestration that is not site built r _ _ ❑Complies [FR20]' is listed and labeled as meeting ❑Does Not ,a HAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 „❑Not Observable or has Infiltration rates per NFRC - J p 400 that do not exceed code - ❑Not Applicable limits. 402.4.5 :IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures r❑Complies (FR16)2 ',sealed at housing/interiorfinish 3❑Does Not sand labeled to indicate s2.0 cfm - - - „❑Not Observable 'leakage at 75 Pa. I y ❑Not Applicable 403.2.1 Supply and return ducts in attics S❑Complies [FR12]1 insulated >= R-8 where duct is - ,❑Does Not >= 3 Inches in diameter and >= ' & R-6 where<3 Inches.Supply and S❑No[Observable return ducts in other portions of .❑Not Applicable the building insulated >= R-6 for diameter>= 3 inches and R-4.2 - for<3 inches in diameter. - - 403.3.3.5 Building cavities are not used as ❑Complies (FR15]3 ducts or plenums. - v,❑Does Not 4❑Not Observable $ • ;❑Not Applicable 403.4 7 HVAC piping conveying fluids R-_ R- ❑Complies (FR1712 i above 105 2F or chilled fluids ❑Does Not A, ,below 55 2F are insulated to tR- ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.4.1 Protection of Insulation on HVAC - - - . . ;❑Complies (FR24]' piping. ❑Does Not 'a !❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.5.3 ;Hot water pipes are Insulated to R- R-_ ❑Complies (F1118]2 ;>_R-3. ❑Does Not N ,' ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.6 ;Automatic or gravity dampers are. - "❑Complies [FR19]2 i installed on all outdoor air 3❑Does Not ;intakes and exhausts. ^❑Not Observable 2 . 6❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 1 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 I Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Kitchen Addition Report date: 01/05/18 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 4 of 9 1 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 ILow Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Kitchen Addition Report date: 01/05/18 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 5 of 9 Section Plans Verified Field Verified • # Insulation Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 303.1 'All installed insulation is labeled p❑Complies [IN13]' :or the installed R-values ❑Does Not J i provided. &&F ❑Not Observable G❑Not Applicable 402.1.1, Floor insulation R-value. R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.6 ❑ Wood 0 Wood ODoes Not table for values. [IN111 0 Steel 0 Steel ❑Not Observable 0 ❑Not Applicable 303.2, Floor insulation installed per - ❑Complies 402.2.7 manufacturers instructions and i rilODoes Not [IN2]' in substantial contact with the , . 1❑Not Observable 9 underside of the subfloor,or floor -- - 3 framing cavity insulation is in - ^❑Not Applicable contact with the top side of sheathing,or continuous - insulation is installed on the - underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing . members. 402.1.1, Wall insulation R-value.If this Is a R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.5, mass wall with at least Si of the 0 Wood 0 Wood ❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.6 wall insulation on the wall ❑ Mass 0 Mass ❑Not Observable [INV exterior,the exterior insulation a requirement applies(FR10). 0 Steel 0 Steel ❑Not Applicable 303.2 Wall insulation is installed per ❑Complies (INV manufacturers instructions. - p]❑Does Not P❑Not Observable 6 ;❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Kitchen Addition Report date: 01/05/18 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 6 of 9 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value _. Compiles? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID -402.1.1, Ceiling Insulation R-value. R-_ R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.1, 0 Wood 0 Wood ❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.2• ❑ Steel 0 Steel DNot Observable 402.2.6 [F11.11 ONot Applicable 303.1.1.1, Ceiling insulation installed per .. C❑Complies 303.2 manufacturers instructions. _ '❑Does Not [F1211 Blo Blown insulation marked every %❑Not Observable x g❑Not Applicable 402.2.3 (Vented attics with air permeable S P❑Complies [F122]1 ,insulation include baffle adjacent k. ❑Does Not Ito soffit and eave vents that ❑Not Observable extends over Insulation. ❑Not Applicable 402.2.4 Attic access hatch and door ttt R-_ R-_ ❑Complies [F13]1 insulation tR-value of the ❑Does Not adjacent assembly. ❑Not Observable ONot Applicable 402.4.1.2 Blower door test @ 50 Pa.<=5 ACH 50=_ ACH 50 = OComplies [FI17]1 ach in Climate Zones 1-2,and ❑Does Not <=3 ach In Climate Zones 3-8. [(Not Observable ONot Applicable 403.2.3 Duct tightness test result of<=4 cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies [F14]1 dm/100 ft2 across the system or ftl— T ❑Does Not <=3 dm/100 ft2 without air ONot Observable handler @ 25 Pa.For rough-in tests,verification may need to ONot Applicable occur during Framing Inspection. 403.3.2 Ducts are pressure tested to dm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies [F127]1 determine air leakage with fir ft2 ❑Does Not either:Rough-In test:Total ONot Observable leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch ONot Applicable w.g.across the system including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure if Installed at time of test.Postconstruction test:Total leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g.across the entire system including the manufacturers air handler enclosure. 403.3.2.1 Air handler leakage designated r❑Complies (FI24]1 by manufacturer at<=2%of '❑Does Not design air flow. l t❑Not Observable ;,ONot Applicable 403.1.1 ;Programmable thermostats ", rOComplies [F19]2 I installed for control of primary . ❑Does Not heating and cooling systems and - ;❑Not Observable initially set by manufacturer to .I code specifications. - _ ;❑Not Applicable 403.1.2 Heat pump thermostat installed 7❑Complies (F110]2 on heat pumps. - - t❑Does Not ❑Not Observable tONot Applicable 403.5.1 (Circulating service hot water ' i,❑Complies [FI11]= isystems have automatic or lIODoes Not ;accessible manual controls. DNot Observable , ONot Applicable 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 I Medium Impact(Tier 2) 13 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Kitchen Addition Report date: 01/05/18 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 7 of 9 1 , Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value - Complies? Comments/Assumptions Si Req.ID 403.6.1 All mechanical ventilation system ppp i''❑Complies (F125]2 fans not part of tested and listed - j❑Does Not HVAC equipment meet efficacy _- ❑Not Observable and airflow limits. G ,,❑Not Applicable 403.2 :Hot water boilers supplying heat - ., j❑Complies [112612 ;through one-or two-pipe heating ❑Does Not systems have outdoor setbackp ;control to lower boiler water `❑Not Observable temperature based on outdoor _ - y❑Not Applicable ). [temperature. 4 403.5.1.1 j Heated water circulation systems ` • - ?❑Complies [1128] have a circulation pump.The - _ ❑Does Not ,system return pipe is a dedicated - ❑Not Observable $return pipe or a cold water supply , y pipe.Gravity and thermos- ❑Not Applicable :syphon circulation systems are not present.Controls for - - - ;circulating hot water system ;pumps start the pump with signal ;for hot water demand within the ;occupancy.Controls - tautomatically turn off the pump - ,when water is in circulation loop „ _ is at set-point temperature and no demand for hot water exists. , 403.5.1.2 ;Electric heat trace systems - ❑Complies (F129)2 ;comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL ❑Does Not 1515.Controls automatically - ❑Not Observable adjust the energy Input to the - i heat tracing to maintain the - "❑Not Applicable desired water temperature in the - - piping. 403.5.2 'Water distribution systems that t ]I❑Complies [113012 ]have recirculation pumps that ggg - B❑Does Not .;pump water from a heated water ,� supply pipe back to the heated ❑Not Observable 1 water source through a cold 1t�❑Not Applicable ;water supply pipe have a )demand recirculation water _ system. Pumps have controls (that manage operation of the I pump and limit the temperature - - - - j l of the water entering the cold water piping to 104°F. 403.5.4 Drain water heat recovery units I r❑Complies [FI31]2 tested in accordance with CSA - ❑Does Not .855.1.Potable water-side y❑Not Observable pressure loss of drain water heat r❑Not Applicable Observable recovery units<3 psi for - } individual units connected to one or two showers.Potable water- side pressure loss of drain water heat recovery units<2 psi for - individual units connected to - ).three or more showers. 404.1 75%of lamps in permanent ; -- - ❑Complies 111611 fixtures or 75%of permanent t :❑Does Not fixtures have high efficacy lamps. - _ ❑Not Observable Does not apply to low-voltage lighting. ❑Not Applicable 404.1.1 Fuel gas lighting systems have _ ❑Complies (F12313 no continuous pilot light. ❑Does Not J S M4❑Not Observable • ❑Not Applicable 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 1 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Kitchen Addition Report date: 01/05/18 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 8 of 9 f , Section Plans Verified Field Verified # - Final Inspection Provisions Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 4013 I Compliance certificate posted. ❑Complies [F17]2 - t❑Does Not 6❑Not Observable ❑NotApplicable 303.3 Manufacturer manuals for G❑Complies [FI1813 mechanical and water heating ❑Does Not systems have been provided. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High impact(Tier 1) 2 -I Medium Impact(Tier 2) I 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Kitchen Addition Report date: 01/05/18 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 9 of 9 3° .4 TOWN OF YARMOUTHiz. (RECEIVED e m 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 `,. Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 JUN - 4 2017 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITppppD YNS TH EGE KING'SHIGHWAY APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended,for proposed work as described below&on plans,drawings,photographs,&other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 6 COPIES OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS,PHOTOS,&SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That AN*: Indicate type of Building: Commercial_Residential 1)Exterior Building Construction: _New Building _Addition _Alterations _Shed _Solar Panels _Other: OVER 2) Exterior Painting: _Siding _Shutters _Doors _Trim _Other: 6 2017 3)Signs/Billboards: New Sign _Change to Existing Sign YARMOUTH 4)Miscellaneous Structures: _Fence Wall _Flagpole _Pool _Oth :OLD KING' AY Please type or print legibly: ) /- -7 Address ofproposedwork: //1 f,77/J n MC Ir LA f Map/Lot# //O /. / Owner(s)UC/�/t?/ GJ�/�!.t roe A'`i(Af'h Phone#:50- 771=0 c2.70 All applications mus bbe�s"ubmitted by owner or accompa led by letterr�froom owneerrapproving submittalGalof application. Mailing address:/4/ J/&hack 14 �(�t�'1(�(if/�//��/�/ year built / /&S -76 73 " :' ✓ • •. • . -. • • - - : a Preferred notifti :ationn method: Phone Email / Agent/contra or. / C4 fl1 4 l4h/yS�uC'17 / (/�,/() C. Phone#t`c<Z -7 d9'0r (7 Mailing Address; 4p 1g /7159/tZT erova/ 4 /1)/�/f c'zz 3 / (Q? 3 Email: t9C h/ h trG+ CO. C-4 Yh Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work: as e T •r K 3ral e„ (a-&;4-:o r' atti ckC % Y YCr.sZ : R-.- o - Kyk�k1-S,;ada a domiac5 - conA anal £xkera. reof°Center RECEIVED Signed(Owner or ag: • J JUN 2 ] Date: �/�U/!7 - Owner/contractor/ag= a . = .- a permit is required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) > If application Is approved,approval - subject to a 10-day appeal period,fenuireTQk4 > This certificate Is good for one year from approval date or upon date of e�cfr trbfifo SAflj t,y filphever date shall be later. All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MU be a for framing&final inspections. For Committee use only: Approved Approved with_Modifications _Denied Rcvd Date: (s / Reason for Denial: Amount A r -r Rcvd by: u4y if 45 Days: 7-/9-/9 G �/ ff7e. 4.........74/- Date Signed: &oAO7 1/2016 1 APPLICATION#: J 7—/t74/3 3D TOWN OF YARMOUTH �C" OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664 ' . it Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax(508)398-0836 PPRO` 'ED STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING JUN 26 P017 CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED •LAN YARMO OLD KING'S HIGHWAY As property owner/contractor/agent for construction at /// S-I-e2 r back k Lct_n r Map/Lot //fo/d / CIA# /7-L}o'-13 Approval Date: (o-,910-/ 7 I certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.03(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form,which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop-work order or delaying issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. ��C+�IV�� I have read and understand the .'me state ts, ��N 2 )2017 TOwN CLERK Date: y21/1 Si H' SOUTHYRM , MA (Owner/ en dactor/Agent) Signed: an, �U (Chairman, Old King' Highway Committee) MOLD KING'S HIGHWAYFFmmalStatement of Understantang 12.2015.doe Updated 12/2015 GENERAL SPE IFICATION SHEET Project Address: /1/ ,r/'h!{e,� bf) c trrnhatatel- FOUNDATION: Material: ){� ��n xposure(Not to exceed 18"): I CHIMNEY: Material�/Cpolloor'. I 1V(1� GUTTERS: Matedal/Color. ' L2s n',J ROOF: Material: U W I' l Pitch(7/12 min) Height to idge: ' U Color. SIDING: Material/Style: Front: Sides/Rear. La COLOR CHIPS Color: Front: Sides/Rear: TRIM: All windows&doors to be trimmed with: 1x 1x5 (Circle one.) RECEIVED Material: Color. JUN - 2 2017 ' 11 " ,'. i Let—. DOORS: Qty: ° Mterial: V •�lU ` "re..N�27 Color.\ YARMOUTH Style/Size(If not Ilsted/shQw/,� n elevations):P 25 Q) ¢ v OLD KING'S HIGHWAY STORM DOORS: Qty: f TAaterial: Color. GARAGE DOORS: Qty 4i:fart�/ Style: Color. A�'PRoVEpWINDOWS: Qtv/side;: rant: C— Left{ �(1 Right: 4' Rear. ( Color: - JUN 2 6 2017 Manufacturer/Series: 4r 'r� 0 µng /f Material: V t OLD yA U'f 1 RMO H Grilles(Required): Pattern(6/6,2/1,etc.) We Grille Type:True Divided Lite: KING'S HiGHWAy Snap-In: Betweer1Slass Permanently Applied: _Exterior _Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: 111���Jllt� Material: Color. �+/ SHUTTERS: Mall: ° t Style:Paneled Louvered Color:$ nay) RECEIVED SKYLIGHTS: Qty:)it/ Pt Fixed_ Vented Size Color._ JUN 2 72017 DECK: Size: 1 t& Decking Marl: rt Color. -I t SOUTH yAR STH Railing Mat'l: r Style:re.. or 14 Color: / k MA WALLS/FENCES"(Max 6'height): Height: Mat'l: Style: Color. (Show running footage&location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced In area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: Screening: LIGHTS:Qty: Style: Color. Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty. Material: Color. Location(s): .(ddi/tion$I information: Alai - - A(� 1-U - 40\)1 1.. &✓9 54k- J 'batAf 2-Generali, 9/2010 `'3 APPLICATION#: I7 ik7N 3 Itc d w4Y.T ,I� y t tr• r pi ? ,y .•; 1 C�� t e I ',trio r +rYt' G' fir. ii in �` div is .,3fE'+t i,l jy1, ; t 14,1449.i.„ ` .., ' kit: ,,t‘ l' s i.. f I.7.tic_ p Z r cwtle :. I i' i Y j lk IIIIIIII Vi!. 44,:,•1•4* ,.. 4d ; tit,�.I k' ?1.2.1^X. 4 ,, 1 _7{{ II ;t1.1/4--4,74:.; F -4�` TI E ..: ii "sIIIII„ # }r n .� t .. �y Receiver) JUN 2 7P017 SOUTH AR/40,;‘K TH, MA APPROVED JUN 2 6 2017 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY J W ECEWED W JUN — 2 2017 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 1140/3 t . 4s I r: t ;S y ,r r tl. kr . \ w IbMHDIH S.ONI ,�k i - HillOWav,k O7O Ipifilll ;.. 11132 9 g Nnr , a3n®eiddb bw )a313 4O tn°s „ ,. • uozz z Nnrl :4,. .. ,t, , ciaA VI RECEIVED JUN - 2 2017 YARIVitUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY p-A0N3 • r uq ft.. .+f � j S ` 1 ' ' y b • S �YF as l • ' 4.. ,-;, 'P.:CY:14:: 7: seMSINIft: . • r *11 • t , _ /- D 1" - k4. ' • - - V ♦ r " # �� ter. .\yy 4, ••' • • y • A4 w. I . . . $ ... .....,..... ,, • J ~i F, ii • :'i :-T1 •• I 11 S• j41/4�'• a k. 4 Y ( Y' { .4 ' Mii; icR i I " i ,1 • " a i., • tits .1� 9 y m N f ,' ,..,. 1.- Itin"--libp, WI • .. Agri ': . : 7 I : t IP,/ : NsiliNI;c‘‘.::::. •p*C7?.!1;:. — 1-:.: :‘:tr:;;E::•;:i.. .'7.''• i i eal:Li n - •' ,-•-• - . '; r'l ' •=.4...... i., :--)b&.•;•-•._.•• . -- -- . . - : - -_.,- -1:;:ii Pzrta , Tom. 4 iii i\ 4 ti I `l-.41:;.--. l 1t%"' `14 `' ill:...Y, Y- d 1'ri it'v y. /jury! 'k ; . i, t8�� l'i1a �.iALILk . nC1V O O V GS Ljos rttF-3‘.(ED JUN - 2 2017 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY lel -A-043 0 "4-: iI S $ '.44711c,7. t { i.. a 6;'1 kit\ i, , • 1 „110; .4; 'fr 44..! , ,izA , PJiiuffi17T , y ;, A . ,•,, , 1.144,,4 ii JJ 1k t L. :i s k•` i - vwx t iiia : i • ••• itfkk % . rpt 7, ' *. .• j Y• qq! 8 aS� N •+i' i T - ;it + B ; tr , Ai t g ') t!i744 i‘k '� •. �y5 fY 1 ,i,'1 • 1 k .. s . t % c° i�.{ "Ttk�11tIIrot 0/1/00 ivimitfg c f . 1 , i , � 'a,. 1;; i;h l it1 r y k : , y•i! 1,3 t i(�jI n. ?li k 1`. S ,r v.. :ran; 'J w . • i, wr, A I. 1,—! • 1 � ' fit x• � � • Y' R OL 4 66%4 n rt `a s CS- SOS L • ti L2 1�1r�°�� RECE IED ° JUN - 2 "17 YARMOUTH ING'S HIGHWAY OLD K 17friMti 5 ` .., . ..„ I .. . , ., . , I i - ..._ • • , • — , ,-- . It.01/40:, I ' r . _.,.,„,- , • If _ . • . . •Ik i. Al . , . i . " „1„440, i• i .; t • s... 41%4 .4.% ' ili* •• i , . t . ' 1 ' a . ; i .4s11Aa•_Ma_I lit IL a , / t i rIi 1 0 i 1 k f ' 1 fit , 4 "" ,a.e4 .. Slit 4 vs •_••• ,..., r, , ,..,.....r... , ... 1..01 + ...,.. 1 1 - s , • . 14,4. I i ...,,. _., 1 tcal.r. 00- 'Ishii 4+,,,, r 44, -I ,- 1,4 . • 1-4%;„/„.-:,'::e v. - , 6 Anspeatik- -,ov-il•„ -•-.4e - -f^ it' ,c-.4., 4,,tie+;:,1•A2,01!_i_„.t roje07 .roe? -• ',,,.1 •, i, -4,4 ',917i'' 1144ktii''"1 riii^t4tri ff:.1:41Ttr": 0;ei:49"et.;";41r 1#41" 0;'1): 1 • ,c • '"t•I'l Pit*1.4...lt *411/4/0"*Ilitrit 4?..710 tiliVitaletilfi'ittAid *i. ji:',SU.41. .Ir .cir.VI'"...lc'I - ' •• Arits,, ...,04. ,.$ ttitizrw 'at' tr. .1.7 tirt#3•0417,r4. 1.74•;124), snit n `A*44:443,“ tA*114,„(C• 4 l“ itif - -- -_, --•-etc4-,* le • 'I Sa,. ,,.-41 ,,, • •t 11 E407* _ r I, Iral vOlui.. "4,*.Ve A* iii ii31 rn,40,,, e fin-r•O : I flag/ it t.:4#r • d its.‘1• 10$( "lir 3 it 1311:; ;rig. rtrAir-s 1",;,;'-').•-;;,):', 4;*' 'II t -t-. ire -,, .,, . • -wre .1* . As.v.04.4 it,p7.• „0,-. i i,fp,. . , t-r,o,.„4re,,,t.p.11. -,,or _ . . • . . • . ;11t.t..--ci 4-• ...re, 0,44PA ti. 0 i it,. 4 , r, _,,jar _ seri,..e0 Ay .„-, ,.,1*X1/21f' r.:4, •P k P or i - irpt it ft. )7.tsitr”,11 ,.. 4 •>' . '" OA 411, -fri•14#.*214.411yiiieli•11.4 V' eti:. .....- I ,., • it. . '- .4 ,, It,rat., -. yr ...--4 1/4, -- • -' -: ,..••-el", - ' • i'PejV 1 la 474 r bP". ''', ,TiN 1, '...4 4 i . • ', 'C''''• , ' l'"' ' - - A p.gyp 0;4\ .: n 4 6.41O \ps 4)t\:64\ ov (O JUN - 2 2017 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY � 1 IrCi° 43 ii•n - 'y_)g��f":" 't 4. FT},7. 1!7! j"-" A‘‘..";:,; _ .i • ' _ ."'Tp-.irr `s..'?i:t r,e� ' .-ty �" ' `� IjWHIR• � efel � re f . r/e. ; `re . ( r ••yt„ A Rfi � r i ,,,d, . -,f,-- ' r } kh4l "AA§/. , I1... or*, wi • "a,{ffa , 'y - aP $ 2 . i ..��)'iy: r i. c' tf r. re . V.', lva,. " '•'' ' .144 r �. 1- , , .¢ 'y >f ` 't .- -r .-112,.1 4.1., ;- . s '*' e' • � r1M« sr 4. 1.1 41.t.-:',44.41t1,1 y Cs' . - .yi • 1 PR' tat t - Or a.,._ 461 9 Vi,. ett , .�� e• �, 3t4 tI -.1" �ga"ems 4c ;�h it I, IiitiL3l ti1L11I l 1 !_ ! a ' �� / . � > � �_ � r ..: .. _ j F l . al F w N aminsamsami _,, ._,.. , . . , „s., El ..... . ames s..........x_____... .. _ . i 1.`, y r Cry r "T"Ye+.Yy�y.A '-avyj .. e J .; , ♦ 44.44: ... ......`#..„, in r -t ,I r . . kJ:0e%.* __,„......e....4,41/2„,.... . . „, 1 , •0013/4...04,41r,eipow:. • yy At fr lit lei • x"a, syer,..... +y/ . •. ..�,.w' -:... - u..^_••... ^4441"=* ... •++ „, r +✓r �.. >.,w'>. - £hC24r-61 4 AVM HIOo VA "° Lozz — wnc G�°� V 0 i.1de O 0-. Sal \tk4 CI JUN26V v .4 PRMoNGN\NP pyo K\;4--9----- NOTES JOB NO. Y10-18 Gamham4.dwg o _________ _ 1. LOCUS IS A.M. 116, PARCEL 21. rr, Rca 3. LOCUS IS IN FLOOD ZONE X(C) ON PANEL 579J, JULY 16, 2014 �_ 4. OFFSETS SHOWN ARE TO THE CORNERBOARDS ON EXISTING d ..�, ,q� � BUILDINGS, OR TO FOUNDATION ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. mr JUN - 2 2017 LOT COVER 'GE OLD YARMOUTH N/F EXISTING HOUSE 1167±S.F. 0: KING'S HIGHBA$S L EXISTING SHED, OVERHANG, TEPS 163±5.1. PROPOSED DECK 288±5.1. PROPOSED ADDITION 144±5.1. TOTAL 1762±S.F. LOT COVERAGE--1762±S.F/12,000±S.F.-14.7% 'es• N/F N/F N. HARWICH ECUMENICAL COUNCIL " BAYRIDGE REALTY, LLC ; Fa, ,I, °v Sy ' b', h S?o goo °S. it h�or ^N ° H-20 LEACHING h co co•R� 9i_ �N LOT 14 «' • `A , Y N/F 2,000±S.F. a ..i_` °i.� c,,,;,•;;;>, � GRANELLI gate, 4 '�= 44/ ; P & Ni i¢� 4 / 4" N C. IJS/ r f I / N/F ',5% 'Qo S NSA'OZ bo ° "'hS• ge 4,:c,SEPTIC LOCATIONASBUILT PERMIT NO. JON Z s 2017 I INCTHn� DAT ONn7/1/1E 0A¶0NS SHOWN ON 12/14, 8/14/14 &/17/1 PLAN RE MEASURED OLO4441,140w/4 g,O G WAY PLOT P u- •mxY� ,� ��� FOR 7�' "�F"'"Ssqc ANIEL P. G RNHAM / RONALD +0 RECL . E� a JAMES L 14, 111 STARBUCK LAN . YARMOUTHPORT, MA 0 CADILLAC m K'Po #35779., a JUN 2 7 2017 JULY 6, 2010 SALE 1'x30' 4( osuRVEI°� TOWN CLERK 'I'II7 17 SOUTHYARM YARMOUTH, PROFESSIONAL D SURVEYORCADILLAC.LEQPS1ERED SANITARIAN P.O. BOX 2 REV. 4/17/17--PROPOSED ADDITION WEST YARMOUTH, 02673 REV. 8/14/14--NEW FOUNDATION ©2017 BY R.J. CADILLAC (5°8) 775-9 00 . 1 TOWN REVIEWED FOR BUILDINGOF ANDYARMOUTH ZONING CODE COMPLI- ANCE ERROSSEVE THE ��e m6! APPLICANT FROMRSORT THEOMIMIRESPONSIBIIONSLIDOTYNOT OFRELI'AS BUILT' lifer) COMPLIANCE. DATE: JUN 2 20/7 Proposed Phase 2 B LDINc of cwl Yq dog house dormer OLD KING S Ni TH kM to replace skylights Proposed Phase 2 GHWAY -- ,.,��..__ rear dormer FILE CopIIIIIIIIIIISI ....fl y 7ra.l nu, �.u.n.um.m.mnr --- ainn. IMMw luno._ .911111111.11111. Ali...... m...l.\.. �am.m.n►r ovED --- n.....1 ��w .....n...... '�u•1..r -- nnmm� mm.nm..m.. �' API smsm .amn..awiumunm ism. inninnymor��� ml.nunn..e► i i i i t )� i r .MEM rim. -- --- n...... n►-' ..r' 1 I 1 1 '�Y ..._ J� J !rw iiilmn.C.—. 2 6 2017 .nnnnmomRw ?nnmmy_ _...ai�.►- li--�n.m.. I I ant e...e..n..n..�--- .� �1 � I. ii i�� Yr t [ f� �� ��� �' �.. • OLD Y H .—.�.n..nn. n..nn- — Z - n..n..n..n. MOUT .oummom..' YMmunnn AY .. ---r.n..m n..nni ' ti �w KI S HIGHW liklinW -- .n.m. Ilmll..nmll..nll ' n.. mn ■— iJ,nnmm� m.m.m..n.n tljt lj �J �I MOM waw �.--- n..em 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 mi.iuu.iuu.iu,.i li I l 1 1 1 i j i O. IInti J111rI11T��YYYY.n..m. � � m.n..u..nuo ■ 11 IJ 1T f .nn Jllll11JJ NN ------�I�Sw��w •.nandswim .O..Ln.O..nnl. _ I n.. .I. a. an.y.�n�.. II...I...11...11..nll111111111111111111112111121111111 .... 71 \ 4� A !S ,L ii ----- - c �l0AiIt � � t ill ' l w1 ., , � � i lI �I �I , i , l Proposed Phase I REcE ED kitchen addition JUN 27p 17 SOUTI�Y iCL J K Right Elevation H. MA Dan Garnhum ill Starbuck Rd. So. Yarmouth MA DRAWN BY: Rick PAGE #: 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 19-'00'0 DATE: May 30, 2017 . JUN -114 ,21201 2017 Proposed Phase 2 OLD KING S HIGHWgy Di Rear Dormer ■ .rISY.. nn..nnnuuumumnluu - einnnni■►. ■.nn.nn.nn.n■.numuer- .ir.....rn■rn.. n...■■...■..■■..■■.o■.r- AIII.III.III.III.IIIi, viii iiliu•np.■,.. 111111iuul' 1II.■Ilnr-•-•----•-ilmlln►. propsed Phase 2 .i aJ.. . ..amum.nn Na' .nnIu 1111 4111111■■ ..■nonu.i i.nmum._ doghouse dormer suns nnun ' .1nn.nnnni n amino Inu.. 9 4I■I.nI. n.nn.nn■nr' .mm unn.nunn ■■■ uIunn.nn.nn. ei.■nn■.. nunun/r aiuInu.11.ul.n i.umouumn.k. -.ninnnn. ain.r- ms II■n.■IIr ` .mm�mm�nnnunni ■■■ Ilnun.n■Inn1■■Inn.. •.ul.n ,.r ann... ■.nUP- 411•1111111111111•1111•1111•11111M111 nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.n■.. 'mums ..minn.■I■•• nm aiu.nmu■.n■nunnni ■■■ i.uunl.nunuu■nn■.. min --aluminum= NW .Irr .i■II.■II.■.ImhI.■IIII■II■IIII.I II.■IIIIIII■nII.■IIInuIi■IIIII. a�nunulu•1.•I•. aInn■nnm nununnnun■■..■...■...mmnnmm�mmm�m■.•s. - ../n■O.■Inn..■1.■IIIn •Ifl - .ni.III.III.II■.I■I.III.I■I.III.III.III.In.II■.III.In.III.III.III.III.III �' immm�m■.n■.n■m■I�■I!I nnn.n■liI■nnnunn■Im■InnIIn■Innl■mnnnnnnl.n■Innnnnnn I■I.III..I.III..II.III.Iw..... n.nnlnnln■.In■..■■Innlnnlnnl.Im.nn.nn.nnl..■.n■.n■...n.n■In■. ■ .■ .■...■■..■. i■.III.III.III.II■.III.III.III.III 1II..III.II. :::. i.. 111111111111111111111111 i:1.in ■■■ I•Imm fl•III_IlI•III IUl:1lI:1II•IMIl ■■■ iui i .i APPROVED SWUM 11,11 n■IIn■IIn■II •■..II•. ••■a nnnnn ■■■ i�i�uni ii:ii■iiiiiii■iii ■■■ niiiiu.:: JUN 2 6 2017 MINIM MI III..■..I■■ MINIM u. nnnnnn■■I IIIII■n■II■IInmIIniI■1■nIIUIIII■I (nnunnn■■ MINIUM I.I. n.nn.nnl ■■■ Innlnnlnnl umusnn.nnl.Inn ■■■ Inlnnlnnl YAftMOU'iH .......... .o I■I.II■.II■ JI.III.III.III.II■.I■I.III.III.III--------JIII.II■.III — n mn n n nnnnumnnorinnnnwmnunnunnnnnnum■■nnm■unnnnmm�nn OLD KINGS HIGHWAY .u. ■ "UI n■ unmm�.nununmm�m■Innmunnnunmm�mununununnl 1 11 ni 11 1 1 ' 11 111 uuu■.nl.u■nu.uununun■nlnlni.nunl.nl.n■nnnn.11 n nln n n nnll■1■IIIIIII■InIIIlnI.111■...1■..■�■II■1II.■1■I.I1■I.■Int..l...■In.■1■■I.I■I■.I■■I.1u.I1■■ u I'.i v p _ nlnu_Itnununn.nn.nnnnnInn.nnln■Inn.n■.nn.n■Inun■.nnl RECei E0 Proposed Phase I JUN ? 71( lj kitchen and deck addition rSpDtiYuARM 6x6 P.T, post. Dan Gcarnhum 111 Starbuck Rd. Go. Yarmouth MA DRAWN BY: Rick PAGE #: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 DATE: June 02, 2017 1-340y'3 RECEIVED JUN - 2 2017 YARMOUTH OLD KINGS HIGHV�Y� i't plc*, VE Proposed phase 2 JUN doghouse dormers to replace skylights Y 2( ?0/I OLD KING S bit-,WAY A\NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPP7N i i7 , I I I J 1.11.111111111111.11111111111.111111r -" i iii it Wan g i . _ = . . = _ 2 •_1. _ . _ , _ Li— ,... ..... _Lms., . _ . ., ... _ _ ,... . 0 . _ _ _ i , ,,,fl Th, REtet,VE 1,�- 1 ' SUN 7 D Proposed Front Elevation X207 So/ `�TNYew :�rRK .IrbiMA Dan Garnhum . HI Starbuck Rd. So. Yarmouth MA DRAWN BY: Rick PAGE #:1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1-0" l '3 3 DATE: June 02, 2017 I . Proposed Phase 2 dormer addition / 11E r'eo JUN -, 20/7 mm�.n..n Inn.u..n..n..n..mm�. nn..n..n.n..n..n...o.l 11 IfAJ I -1 KAR, 1 H .mia...a.nul Inl.nu..nl.ua.uu.ua....1.11 1.1.O.L1n1...11.11.1.n.1.UaO.. ■.. I I J �� NC'S/-� un.mnnl i.mIMIn.lnmmMmmm�.u.. Ti11� �7�IriT(Al������T(i � �1«((((111111 �. 'HWAY rnOnunml I.n..n..n..n..uuumm III unnnnnnn. mm�nnnun.nnmmmnw u,�p■ n...nlnnln. n.1n11.n..1n1 11121 .1n1. .....n1..n.nninn..1n1.1n1.. ••• 1n11111�I1�� ....1...1...11 1.1...1...1...1.1.11..1...1... 11...1...1.......1.1.11..1.1.1 I I 1 I ■1 fla R R :„1,\ f I 1 1 I Iti 111 I 1�I I�1� \1\ r \ f� h s !j 1i1 1 �1 \ lik illi �( i T i t � l ifi if 1f f i f lfu ii j .. �� � � � � , � �„� �� L„,„ I I I n..n1.1n..... d...n.1......n.. n..n..n..nl 1.1nnu.ln i 111 11 1 1n...1..n1..1n.1.1.1u.1u1 (l nnumninmun En Lul.u.ln.an.am nnnlnnmin nanna....n.. I t I� I 1� nmm�n..nninnlnnl.nm. �I 1 �� mmMmnulnn 11111111110111111111111•1111 nlnnnnnu nmm�n.l mnnnnmm�lnnlnnm.n III :::a::'iiiiio ■■M inmon nuo iii on n::'i::'i niui n::ifr un..nunl.nunmu.nu �� ti ryp Den Iulu..n..1....1.nunm..lan111i:::::IIMII ■■� n II•unIn:i II :n 11 ::::n ll ' I I : MI :.1 I JJ �1iu�iuu.uuu uuuii mmm IMI IIi i*uunS SMI III ii�iu nmm�mi�iumei 1 1t �� I �� t �� 1 �U/�1..n........... 1......1...1...1. ......1.1.1nn.t..n..n...1n.1.. J ll 5l 1 S� '6 ((\ 5 5t ,i*tt ,1,, , s u..1a...a.aa.nauluuuln..l..nin. `.1u..n.uu.l..innu....n..n..nn 1 i nni mannun.l n.gnn.i nineimen.in.iPmgn.mu mi nngnnl. n n.l Yqn..n...nnu.nl...�n..11......1..... ��Y�� ����11.������ uiu J 11 1111 11 1 1 I �ChM(unummnmmNnnunmm�nnuununu. n.nnmm�tnnpnl.npnnmm�n.nm. j17hI uni JnJig II II 1I)III�IIJ 111 fb 1 4 l lL 1f 0f IV DKING'S nnnnn.nnl.a.nn.n..nnlnnnn II '�IDa����n11�i��iM%%W � 1 1I1TT 11I1 1 1 1 I _ I I (1'((f n..nunlnn.nunuln.nun..nlnn 11�� 1111. ■1l1 .11 Ai. TTT 11 11((11 1un.un.u.1..1.. I. iIIMMIAIMIIIMIM llibl1ti1wkIv1IIEMI � - ....n1n.n.nnn.. 1 1.1-IMIM--- ................... 1 (ll 11 1 11(1.1 1 1u..u.l.lnn.nnl -- --- -- ]1 1 11 -- --,m ■ ..1..1...nnnn.. unmunn I 11 .1..1.nn.lO111MM1.. NI 11 ---. 1 n1p1..np1nlnppn.�.■n■n.WWn.. IIS "LIINI wu.w.�.ws.dn ISWIB .�IMM11M 1 I �. i.� � 1 l � \ 5 ` . l%% 1 1 I 1�1 11 � I� MIIMIMINI mnn.n..n..n 11111111 1 ee EiVen ®I ®■1111 Mal N r 720 5(i � S � il \1� ti �j ro V �s ��4 tic � , � d� �,� 1� c� C� r, , ,,, rC C , . � � C iC (iAC C, A $00T c �l h YARb iTy m / 6x6 P.T. posts Proposed Phase I kitchen and deck addition Dan Garnhum Proposed Rear Elevation . 111 Starbuck Rd. So. Yarmouth MA DRAWN BY: Rick PAGE #:4 SCALE: 1/4" = 11-0" DATE: June 02, 2017 17'Pi°4 3 _� lI4 Pro 125-171 P0125452 • O({� 1 00 r\t -Alta 4c.�9F � PO --�� �.1AC — -13 —�� SAC1zs1n •C U Ai I IAAC kJ0 o. AC ÷ n, toec I e )1 C// 1.31 AC t (O �� / q �� P!O 118 es • 1 ) • L 4 � ` A. -25 CD I 0.47 AC ^6)2 1.31 .0 "CY C /_ % I I '� \ �,,1 i . ‘2. 1 e.a ,„ •yam 1OWMCF_YARAIO TH .. ://' a 4 0.2 ,3{{{��� �' ._.ii__ I li 1 ec6i I 3° 725 AC __M.- % �� So MC a J �•• _ - _ ?nix e.)e c �, � O I ;�%"'..mac% ' _I 1 N `TTI .. '•ii i ! I, _ 1119 A •�,� • S • Iain .\ CiSAC .0 ' I // ,\ 5 1A1 AU 0 Ian //,(�1 � /, I �O Q \ 4' (.AC X __J___ _, // \ I >%• 1 9AC \�---- --.- a QS, S , 40 its • •35 Ac O� /,� l 1a^CY �2,„. Cir'pie (y2 C 0. A p/,` CC.40 G1 a % i'' IA1 0y)AC 3 1 I In )0 •.4\43 �a� 03'+ 3 F.N AC ,\ / 14. 1� U' 10 •• �`I'; 100 1 t• 1C saw . •� `-- 1A ! n ROAD rzo tVc •� �tl4i 111 c AC 140 • ////\\\\y��[� `•-....��(\ I/VI 1)9 S.NA+ I�NY_CI•. 6 ( 0]]AC C' \ \�•� �s ✓ C `I sr 0.25 AC 760�V' tam ' 10 \� \1r_ 0 `• N I R Zm 1.)1 ACC e( 2 AC s. C '2 Siom• 0 •\ '�. ..1 e F 11 N ,31 ? o a i'�. y m - I k C OWNOPYMNCR W ,Otis- This ° u I,�I I TOWN OF I O YARMOUTH 4 1. A $ I ! I 74 / 1 3I '•\ 029 AC 0.1 AC / 15.31 AC! I ! .,.w . ) • TOWN OF YARMOUTH IE rJVED� OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITT E . JUN - >1 2017 ABUTTERS' LIST YARMOUTH Q / OLD KING'- HIGHWAY Applicant's (Owner) Name: /( /rAC7f (G1/ar, /(, ,'e/ (60 ad? ®4 Property Address/Location: 1/1 it,butt A )/Qrlr2ou 004f Application #: /7'4ord3 Hearing Date: to-310—/7 Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way)who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Mailings will be sent using addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Please provide the map and lot numbers only. Note: This information may be obtained at the Assessor's Office in Town Hall or on the Town of Yarmouth website:www.varmouth.ma.us (under the Assessor's Department tab). Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: / /• Abutter Information: //l0 07.2 //C -71 te (/ 6 ,20 ki4 CILIA 614 // //lam / 3 /.< /ay //(, APP . ®VED • � C [E0 JUN9g2017 JUN 2 720i YAR „ D SING'g HIGH AY TO+'"J CLERK HW 5""I H YARMJUTH, MA Andy Machado, Director of Assessing 1/2018 3 I 1 115/4 129/ / / GRANELLI KEVIN GRANELLI DEBORAH r./ P O BOX 895 BREWSTER,MA 02631 116/ 13/ / / MASI RICHARD E POBOX412 l/ YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675-0412 Res.{q \ 116/ 14/ / / JUN 1320117 GOLLIFF FRANCIS R GOLLLFF NANCY JANE (r OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 108 STARBUCK LN YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675-2418 116/ 15/ / / LOPEZ JACQUELINE G 102 STARBUCK LN YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675-2418 116/ 20/ / / OZ KONURALP 105 STARBUCK LN YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 116/ 21/ / / GARNHUM DANIEL P _ LEGER LINDA J 111 STARBUCK LN YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly 116/ zz / / ✓ abutting and across the street of the parcel located at: HARWICH ECUMENICAL CNCL FOR HOMELES 111Starbuck Ln., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 PO BOX 638 Assessors Map 116, Lot 21 WEST HARWICH,MA 02671 , 7"1 AndJ achado, Director of Assessing 116/ 24/ / / BAYRIDGE REALTY LLC 16 KINGS WAY HYANNIS,MA 02601 RECEIVED pi3OVeD UN 2 6 2011 JUN 2 7 27TOWN CLERK YARAA OLDKNGS �GHWgY SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA • Tupper Construction Co. LLC .L/�k 546A Higginds Crowell Rd. PJ West Yarmouth,MA 02673 typ. roof const. 2x1Oml6o.c. rafters 2x8 ceiling Joists Rs38 Insulatl-• all Headers over windows to be 3 2x6 w 2 2x6 Jack studs Typ wail construction 24, kd 016 o.c. R-2I in bars poly with sheetrock over extl/2"osb w/housewrap and we over Gable end studs to be continuous to rafters - tit" i existing floor framing 4p\tHgs OF M44,40 40 o= MICHELE y6m CUDILO 0 STRUCTURAL ti No 34774 ct ( . —/J F .� SS/ONAto- s , V1/t oo-71, H4 0 u 23'-135" 12'-115" 10"sono tubes with 24"big root ,2'-9%" 5'-5 1/16" Li U deck framing to be 2x10 pt .l6 00 4' below gstiu %der new adds on sat M 1 i � . i I1 A • ;e ®�IlI®I�l®1®I®®I®1®I®1®1®1�1®1�1®1 V ip % 110111104 1111 11 1I SI IIM I1g115 q11 11/14111111 NINIRIRIgITIpI' IMINNOMM114111I a o 2 E 0 �lil1®1111®1111�1�11�1®I®I�lC®9�1®1®II�I®1 2,..06. x 4c-071;1 ! EI ! 1I 1 I 1 1Ho_ I ! : ii1II= 111,11111111 II0E �� m illEIElnillI ` 11 1 lB��ilII n ° II ! 1 ... Ii ! 1li 1 11111, X11 00 .. I I I 1 I . 4 N: ADDITION OPENING TO! = - P h- •der to be as speed by - x O e4 - M m 4 - _`I• o i• cA - . - \ \t.4 \. /0 O\ C,1 j /W 4 c cyci- IMESNM x I \ \ M uu'uuui ���tH OF MA At MICHELE 1k. - s coot° Q R STRocTUR• v 9 o 34774 x i 9-x, F4/STEP. -1 1 bi ..iii, sir' ; tity44 3'-0° 21-546' x 31'811' P u Or i III a: I e(A° s Nti`" K.::11.) 11: 1-212acZa°41--% :Ix ,. iity r 4 Kis I) 2 S r i Existing Second Floor Dan Garnhum Ill Starbuck Rd. So. Yarmouth MA DRAWN BY: Rick PAGE #: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" DATE: August 17, 2018 2'-536" x 4'-O%" 21-536" x 31.84" 2'-536" x 4'-0%" J' +t A U - U It • I— L_ -----"%%%\\ LL d ( 21-6" 4:±) - K271P p ) 9 I.x x r15 <I r Q 4 Al Y1 .._ST , r? J Proposed Second Floor Dan Garnhum ill Starbuck Rd. So. Yarmouth MA DRAWN BY: Rick PAGE #: SCALE: 1/4' = 1-0" DATE: August 17, 2018