HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-93-698 °i .YAC Cr? � ; 4 -7o TOWN OF YARMOUTH' o �� • MFTV.CX[•5 ,....��� g/ Applic�on for a Permit to Build No. 6 98 UPON FINAL APPROVALP / "' ' _ MAP 10Z-�I LOT E L FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION. DATE 1119 13 The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build %// / 75 according to the following specifications q117/93 1. Name of property owner Wiu-tori. E E . Ssar.e.• , 5z Tel. 3 62'31te Address 59 Setouarta. gva , •JATW'•.oUM Po+Ic, (A 2.Name of Architect(if any) Tel. a Name of builder 17 Vrozbh an- 3'R Address -r In 13014n 51 4. License No. (10ba913 Tel. 3es- .81,21-- ' ►-,., fINA 5. Name of Mason Address 6. License No. Tel. 7. Construction address 553 S6‘‘/,4tsr,ti •Rv-.+ / Srt,r.,a„I),, Porth Flood District 8. Date of subdivision Approval plain zone C- Zone (Q�O 9. Private dwelling V:A Estimated'Cost ` . DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE 10. Multi family 0 3S 't-t)o • en_ eimmf/v i'oi"Sr Type of room No. 11. Commercial ❑/ i--4- yaci > 4dei �- ' ,, Kitchen 12. Other c' ' �,'eefat`� ��P �,r;e-p Dining Rm. 13. No. of stories I l''t- entilteLt xc -;:agetsa 6,7.c.,.) 20 .o-° Living Rm. 9114. Foundation — Full 0 Half Irerawl 0 Slab 0 a29� s° Bed Rm. Bath 15. Materials — Wood 0 Cement [Other 0 thticdar?►,1Nc _Decit'� pyint / 16.Type of heat — Oil IB'Gas 0 Electric 0 Other 0 pc$a:,1 = S72 s r Closed porch 17. Garage — 1 0 2 L lr'ca / '3 • eel) Rm. 18. Swimmingpool - Size _I+I� Oido) ‘o-o Sun roommxsi / r---/Pr-•"$14 r Garage A. 19. Storage shed _ Size 'N L'' • : ' " • ° ' " - ' °d•r. Shed- :,4 1 4. 20",StOW3 — Wood 0 Coal 0 • ,, lir , it 93,s 9 Mit- Alterations ,g, 21: Sizeif lot:No:of feet front; 11-5.4. No:of feet rear ' ) 1?.54. • • No,of feet deep.. ,z, . , L ' ., . . . . . 22:,Size of building?No. offfeetfront , 60 .+No,of feet side SS No. of feet rear 6 b 23. Distance from nearest building: Front t' IM, *I Ft. side •52-- Ft. side -100' Rear • — 24.rDistance back from•line br Streetto. + - . f- (Fr m'rear lot line 1S" Side line 3-2- 25. L25. H.I"C.R. No. 1.V^ k_ LOT RELEASED BY Signature V NO(N l�ncs V\ . ° ,A. PLANNING BOARD Address 55 .Seo lace,___ R,,., Date yam,b.,fv. pdnC" t'rva . • (� r r y� a . APPLICANT: 1:41.44,e,-.-. L Ssrcitieraa, SR BUILDING PERMIT 0: &/(747 • ADDRESS: S� SCWlQ6 _te� 2v14 TELE. NO. : 362.371/8 t DATE FILED: • BLDG. 'SITE LOCATION: 53 SGlNwa6�'L Q.m MAP/1: lot- LOW: LI- THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION OUTLINES THE PROCEDURAL STEPS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD, ALTER, OR ADD TO A STRUCTURE WITHIN THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL DETER- MINEE COMPLIANCE TO THE FOLLOWING (A) ZONING REQUIREMENTS (B) HISTORICAL DISTRICTS (C) FLOOD PLAINS ZONING. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE APPLICANT THOUGH THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING WATER DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE OF WATER AVAILABILITY. ENGINEERING DEPARTYaNT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE. CONSERVATION COMMISSION: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO WETLANDS ACTS, I.E.: IF LOT(S) BORDER ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS, STREAMS, PONDS, RIVERS, OCEANS, BOGS, BAYS, MARSH LAND, ETC. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REGULATIONS, I.E.: REQUIRE- MENTS FOR SEPTAGE DISPOSAL AND OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES. FIRE DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONAL +, SAFETY, PROPERTY PROTECTION, I.E. , SMOKE DETECTORS, SPRINKLER SYSTE' ETC. THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS MUST SIGN OFF, IN TIIE RESPECTIVE ORDER, PRIOR TO BUILDING INSPECTOR', ISSUING THE REQUIRED BUILDING PERMIT: REVIEWED BY: •1y 1. WATER DEPARTMENT c4, r (-LOA, '/, ,_ DATE: .'y. - 1i -C 5 N/A: t 2. ENGINEERING DEPARTHENT: ' DATE: i N/A: 3. CONSERVATION: /y . • /, , DATE: , . , : , • N/A: ti .. 4. HEALTH DEPARTMENT i /AI '--- DATE: ,l, -)g - / i N/A: 7 / • INtUSTR AND/OR COMMERCIAL PERMITS14 1 Y , , S. WIRING INSPECTOR: DATE: N/A: 6. PLUMBING INSPECTOR: DATE: N/A: 7. FIRE DEPAREME`T: • DATE: .N/A:. .,. , PLEASE NOTE , ALL STUMPS AND/OR BRUSH MUST BE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE.. A SIGNED RECEIPT FROM THE', t. DISPOSAL SITE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE `BUILDING PERMIT. n COMM T5: 1.,0C-C7.,_- nr_ -C',c)_ cT,T , 1-- 7'* ) nnt ) i-E,r� ,r '1�'C '(' F ji.,.1: - �Y !-AfC'j9(,, pI P-14,--e__ ;•-3c 4.A-Ar i , .. ,• , r . _ —PCA:- I /i.'-G/.', A/C t?e r,,c- r2.04, s 4' ( mc . '•1rC'77C.y f-i:4 (Aa e‘._..4 6:-i 4 (ISE' 't) IZrrHc C'r,"n Cif/t-/t/r=? /f /?, ////N. 4) ' `nC//,' /7/141/"7I/C 4' '5r#L c cT4 ,..',C :0 liLrs./n ///e,sr /2,<-rn/4 c /,=-_ ,�-,V Lr,t 77Afr- F,r%C ryiseF 6-'4,t,&tjC . 2,..- ,c4=-,•l,, L- V 'Cc.'riso KSUL :awio C- "town- . II i''''illai LC I/ t 6- x7 <71/u,t- ( r/LIT/LS a%T2 for r I AS ' . j1 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS R: --c._ E, c� DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS' i • .` 600 WASHINGTON STREET James Camooeu BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02111 . • • Comm:sstoner WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT • • 1, ". \IA Rel tern• 1W)xa ( (licensee/permittee) • with a principal place of business/residence an . (City/State/Zip) do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury,that: . _ _ - _ [J I am an employer providing the following workers' compensation coverage for my employees working on this" job. ;" Insurance Company - Policy Number - gI am a sole proprietor and have no one working for me. • 4 I am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner (circle one) and have hired the contractors listed below w o have\ I_ the following workers' compensation insurance policies: ,. • . "" --- W• 1 UAf&1W., Qyt,+rx Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number. . .." .. . Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Number _ • 0 I am a homeowner performing all the work myself. NOTE:.Please be aware that while homeowners who employ persons to do maintenance,construction or repair work on a dwelling of not more than three units in which the homeowner also resides or on the grounds appurtenant thereto are not generally , • considered to be employers under the Workers' Compensation Act(CL. C. 152,sect. 1(5)),application by a homeowner for a license or permit may evidence the legal status of an employer under the Workers' Compensation Act • , I understand that a copy of this statement will be forwarded to the Department of Industrial Accidents' Office of Insurance for coverage ' verification and that failure to secure coverage as repaired under Section 25A'of MGL 152 can lead.to the imposition of criminal penalties consisting of a fine of up to 51500.00 and/or imprisonment of up to one year and civil penalties in the form of a Stop Work Order and a fine of SI00.00 a day against me. ' Signed this I I —CkPer 3913 day of , 19 Licensee/Permiaet. Licensor/Permi for TOWN OF YARMOUTH • - BUILDING DEPARTMENT • CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR FORM , ' PLEASE. PRINT: " • C {7• ' • • JOB LOCATION: 5�. S(mettt-t e_ tan.) `!pruner.zln R••!fg..• TM . NUMBER . STREET VILLAGE . ' OWNER OF PROPERTY: ' mcyg.IM "._Jt4tey2rrs. i— ' CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: _ 3V� I ,ta/L CMOS', ' . 3Q 1Y�1LzS-SS-t NAME LICENSE NO. PHONE NO. ADDRESS: ' 107 1-501113 ' 7st.S' .�. 75 ,• . •" LICENSED DESIGNEE: • • (IF OTHER.THAN SUPERVISOR) NAME LICENSE NO. 2.15 RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH LICENSE HOLDER: ' •' 2.15.1 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE FULLY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK FOR WHICH HE ' IS SUPERVISING. HE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT ALL WORK IS DONE PURSUANT TO THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND THE DRAWINGS AS APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL • 2.15.2 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, , ALTERATION, REPAIR, REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION INVOLVING THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF BUILDING AND STRUCTURES ONLY PURSUANT TO THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE • COMMONWEALTH, EVEN THOUGH HE, THE LICENSE HOLDER, IS NOT THE PERMIT HOLDER BUT ONLY A SUB— CONTRACTOR OR CONTRACTOR TO THE PERMIT HOLDER. 2.15.3 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL IN WRITING OF THE DISCOVERY OF ANY VIOLATIONS WHICH ARE COVERED BY THE BUILDING PERMIT. . 2.15.4 ANY LICENSEE WHO SHALL WILLFULLY VIOLATE SUBSECTIONS 2.15.1. 2.15.2 OR 2.15.3 OR ANY OTHER SECTION OF THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS AND ANY PROCEDURES, AS AMENDED, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE BY THE BOARD. • ' • . 2.16. ALL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS SHALL CONTAIN THE NAME, SIGNATURE AND LICENSE NUMBER OF ' THE CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR WHO IS TO SUPERVISE THOSE PERSONS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTION, RECON— STRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, RE*SOVAL OF DEMOLITION AS REGULATED BY SECTION 109.1.. OF THE CODE AND THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH LICENSEE IS NO LONGER SUPERVISING SAID PERSONS, THE WORK SHALL IMMEDIATELY CEASE UNTIL A SUCCESSOR LICENSE HOLDER IS SUBSTITUTED • ON THE RECORDS OF THE BUILDING DEPARThENT. • ' ' ' I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND MY RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE RULES AND REGULATIONS \FOR .ICENSING CC:1- STRUCTION SUPERVISORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 109.1.1 OF THE STATE BUILDING CODE. I UNDERSTAN: THE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROCEDURES AND THE SPECIFIC INSPECTION AS CALLED FOR BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. . •, . INSURANCE COVERAGE: I have a currentlabdity insurance pclicy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements cf MGLth.152 " . • - .Yes . ;: No 0 If you have checked yes, please indicate the type c:verage by checking the ap..rcpriate box. ' .`'i` ' ' , ' A liability insurance pc:icy 0 O:her type of :.,demnity 0 •. • Bond 0 •• -" -• • - OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:1 am aware that the licensee dcei nct have the insurance coverage require,::y' Chapter 152 of the Mass. General Lows, arta that my signature cn t.:s permit icaticn waives this requirement. • Check one: - Owner❑ Agent ID Signature m Owner or()snits Agent ' SIGNATURE: V—Lit_& BUILDING OFFICIAL APPROVAL: , . .. for Home Improvement Contractor Permit Application _ Suggested Affidavit • "For Omce Use only - - .NAME OF CITY/TOWN • Permit No. Date • AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application • MGL c..142A requires that the"reconstruction.alteration,renovation.repair.modernization.conversion,inprovement,removal.demolition. or construction of an addition to any pre-existing owner-occupied building containing at least one but not more that four dwelling units....or to structures which are adjacent to such residence or building"be done by registered contractors,with certain exceptions,along with other requirements. Type of Work: 1(t t loofa- ) Ablen 0+-s 1 V F'tt,aGto —EstrCos[_3 ,OOU — Address of Work Si J ,1.herrest_ R.,t Owner Name: /9 Lerte'DriJ S17111rlr:0-.s Date of Permit Application: 19 —kW 1591 .. I hereby certify that: - Registration is not required for the following reason(s): _Work excluded by law " _Job under 51,000 Building not owner•occupicd _Owner pulling own permit _Other (specify) Notice is hereby given that: OWNERS PULLING THEIR OWN PERMIT OR DEALING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER MGL • c. I42A. Signed under penalties of perjury: I hereby apply for a permit as the agent of the owner: 13fise )54) I b1 9 22 Date C ntractor Name Registration No. OR: Afltm.. P)tenx11f Notwithstanding the above notice. I hereby apply for a permit as the owner of the above property: Date Owner Name -------________ -- ---- -- -------------- • . . .„ ..... .... ... . . ... vi N t p :9 _ 7Z - ' -"---:-_ -cam _ -- -. . . �._ W it z� P z MI ulna MEM —ShinVCt`r J 02AIJF---, A . . . LOPES • ------ . ---- , ` — �.w =-‘ 7- • Fi4 4-) • --,c/ U �5i� r/c .• 1 APPROVED YARMOUTH COMMITTEE • % OKHRD . • 3 A.2" Pi l CeS'pr)ALT 1151 1:1 ---": H In s s Lll C,t� 111 �' •' a J�A�PP /'� ^f C"`' � 1,Th 0,ir .� � it-Th. f es- 6s 'c' 1 ;1 . MAP /002 PCL ACRES • 4707 PLAN NO. y'02o D • Prp9.ty'Location: .J WKiI�j s0o, t n r` toy lid SELLING ACCOUNT OWNER • TITLE REF. DATE PRICE NO. , Book/Doc Page/Cert ma 1AM 6-„5k62T3/1 TIl • •c28 /l 0270 • • MRUThRR H. SFrgFl/3/1 4.38q / 9h l/////SS //DO se 5--)25•00 li1I1.L4/ M E Shat-f k) Xt. :5630 317• • 3/47/87 •/, ‘00 c n s88.5— NALMA He 6M11-16-A1 • 6017 1 / Ni/lo//'7 1,00 • • • • MAP IID PCL Y 1 ACRES "5 /7 PLAN NO. 'WO 0 Property Location: /6901 /0167 59 SQUi2a t rut • SELLING ACCOUNT ' OWNER TITLE REF. DATE PRICE NO. Book/Doc Page/Cert HA2TT4. N. Shail 0 4511 027/ 10 175' • • • • 1 ZA se • • 'Fe'u.e€ • C l.or ?A,618 'S F± tl )14 2� / ,• VZ gaftAcat s 3 5 0 -r r • r u ' N m b •1 Jst-it s/ ro014P4T10 Y1.1 53.Z +1 0 d • • •� / 129.00l- i'n/.ei'• $11414 rnr Pewee as+7 'Sc b% .2EL •U . JOB # 86-081A CERTIFIED PLOT PLAN PREPARED FOR: LOCATION: L-2 SQUIRREL RUN YAR SCALE: 1=30 DATE: 10/17/86 REFERENCE: • PB 322 PG 59 WILLIAM SHERMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE BUILDINGS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS LOCATED ON THE GROUND AS SHOWN HEREON. BUILDINGS CONFORM TO SETBACK REQUIREMENTS • OF THE:TOWN WHEN CONSTRUCTED. THE ToPOF TN a Fou,J oanor3 t s 0.e-2 a _014 F Ti-ISFFIC+FN PVan- oFtti�,'�oe.p � �`�" O "N'F+�, down cape engineering or- ARNE tP\ 11 H. • LINIL URVIYORSS LAND SURVEYORS (••J(�C /(7Q till. � b��� ROUTE 6A YARMOUTH MA DATE ` yam" s+vURVEYOR t 1 : . a+Y r,: .. :�:: yd ,• ,;` fit:-:= • • _„ •• i>. I' • J5.,'. .• _ •:.:".7'.:44.!.. 7.'/ 'Ian'✓`1 fS • • . ''..1,;;.;•- •.•• • 'r,'• T''.iY � � "'a:'';, �. ' a,:;T••j,.•.: ....:d ; 1•• • llti i • i ?);/�1 ri .u- r.t. •i'4N' - .r,•'q";'o ✓:n .aq yi�.. _ • •41-:;•'- • • ti,..: 0 .U"Zs'1fE''lt- v I ,F.,, •�. 7zl 'yC'c:�i' •1:',1,—.;-...ii � 't^, ' •' 7/,a�•r • t•-•.••;. t' • M�- . Q�, y; r • 1. [Ti••• i•t•t fl t.ttt*isy 'tr ......i.... '.':: . :11}!/.. - `i✓'. ;::: yr n3Y,•,•.A � • ' •Fr% p��J3• b .-�•• .. •i..:�a: �.. {i. YYyy'. '(l/r e�a+ /., _-Y,r• ...:.•.:'i� tiY;Hg4+ .,�'u=r.,: - V . ., .7„,,,:.„.4, - '+<.i7• �+•. .Fy. - .:.' .,,:a%,.d•;,• • .n;,•',:i.,.i.•.3<i1 ;� :h: - • ,ty.'.n .., Yr, . „, '+t ' i Vit. :i j.:. •n. ' O i%�/ µ• n'(•,1{/.�; i'LP' .�1�• • a -�.. r•,- ""'-,� 2+`T4..�;�t, .�i -.! NF,�'L .':-Ifte: `°:.: :f., • ,... ./.2•;.o, ! 0•y `lr•' N, •4.- . }' .i o;G;.;r• .t: r/Sln •Ila•ly ...�!� :}��.. .-ii.;: V ' . ', _ r_',1 • • • •.'`" :Sr:w. _ .Y. •'t� .,ice. - - . . ' •• H N. p ... - .1.1* � • Application to 2. 3' (V • • • ,. y. ,s Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Committee ggejg ,r.""•-...../ • fa', In the Town of Yarmouth for a CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made in triplicate,for the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter470, Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts,1973.for proposed work as described below and on plans,drawings or photographs accompanying this application for. • 1 . /r CHECK CAT GORIES THAT APPLY: ( J�LI x' 1.Exterior Building Construe lon: & e}}v"� Building Sddition ' t4'Alteration . 1 Indicate type of building:IS4House flGarage ❑Commercial ❑Other �G "3 P 1 .33 r • 2. Exterior Painting: IMA?Lt4 EX13T11.1 ti -- TUB c• 3.4.Structure:insoBillboards:0 New sign ❑ fisting sign 0 clog existing sign 0itp ERK YA PHOUlif T 1. LYFence ❑Wall ❑ Flagpole ❑Other (Please read other side for explanation and requirements). ' TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY . DATE 12 1.10t1 i9 9L a ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK S3 .SQ u1at 2w.11 •1-I?oYt,r - • ASSESSORS MAP NO. 101" } f ' OWNER Mrz1 lfl\pne>ao S1itat. u ILt.):.Jlie7th-e\ ASSESSORS LOT NO. a HOMEADORESS 5c .ScauiMr-e- 'Rvu , ��- 1iorcr TEL NO. 362-3182, • FULL NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING OWNERS. Include name of djacent property owners across any public C. i•' street or way.(Attach additional sheet if necessary). Mt t t. C44RtE$ 1AIE) - 62 Javtrtan• idiot ‘i-ants- 0267$' ..- • M ct_ go otter Rutyowl -56 SQutn+tLL Rv+a t y-cert: crisis. rnrt. 5es:14.1 1\1. 1nec- So Sa.vtitno._ Vo.+, Y-Rag, 02t,7S .. 1.. Rltc. 3DHw 'I$1t7'n\3. HS S0.v.rtmt'L RV.., 1•Pons i o21.75- - - s . NIT. J-intba Kt�1 -51- Sravirt.t, Rua,`, Paul 02675 ._ AGENT OR CONTRACTOR VAKt+v. Rill.lN01G ( �-t,! .,.�.- TEL.NO. 385-2622. ice,- ,T-"., ADDRESS 107 ` ""SCas- Si- "Del-11.11% n...A • . 1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK:Give all particulars of work to be done(see No.8.other side),including materials to be used,if specifications do not accompany plans. In the case of signs, give locations of existing signs and • proposed locations of new signs. (Attach additional sheet,if necessary). - , Avo 2 Cort ti 6ranG Wolin J p 0 vet -- ACO geb11. Swan , e frED.1 cE — Cna vat &I sfrla &oan4c•. lb n\vsic goo kvwRt.C. 3tonacre%— Aov �v/.�+1ru,0,-.� - Ess�+(ttY Ex•oP,.1a 1 t-4.x i - roll 1Jn C /' �" \ ' d-)i 12--�^-_ . Fl3i f Wtt:C>t4rk - too'` Signed New Uwoe..t OFF Stoc } ?ow& or Ce tlwc , M`�t- CZ eni Al 0Y�ner-Contractor-Agent t Space below line for Committee use. I<�'"�VtYtup ,• J • Received by H.D.C. Dat ak a ,r%'` ' Z'' ' /./ / �2/11 Date / / The Certillc*is.hereby' /. ," Date f /moi 1 Time % /-ace-ce,/ " �-'t"��„ c -' . . . 9 t f 1. . ... , : -. i f� . . -:•:tPv' 0 IMPORTANT: If Certificate is approved, approval is subject to the 10 day app �I d e provided in the Act. � O�ED :2.sa:crovee 0 Please return to: Yarmouth Histcric District Committee YARMOUTH COMMITTEE Town Hall, 1143 Ht.28,Seth Yarmouth,Mass.02664 OKHRD TOWN OF YARMOUTH s 26 3G L • OLD KING'S HIGHWAY REGIONAL HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE • SPECIFICATION SHEET APPLICANT'S NAME Li. ?-3) a•bne'sa FOR: m!5DYL IJemu,-ND+.4 fneativo a Ss mc....e. FOUNDATION: Amt'*° Lu•2tst. �" COLOR &4 /to o t. c t 1)I41ft11 amp.: a,a tacrt 4+, 3tt Cly RCs SIDzi : t„J C. Spn ttg_ COLOR: N erritAt_ •L COLOR: get) ROOF MATERIAL: ,Ajflhacr PITCH: 10112 COLOR: ►MTta EANsr 913.2. W NDOWs: D Nv+t c SIZE: Lx)5115.14 C.,sornt..•r U 3149 , LJ t N5P157.44C1 • C TRIM COLOR: Un Irc cecssc> z,, N DOORS: `vmplc,+1 `tAW-) '^l --COLOR: rt SHUTTERS: ? '. OLOR: i,wa ,,//�� Gusit.RS: ►�IVJnttav”. COLOR: LIN CC (E'cur> DECK: NIA 3 Jt)tbvt I t n aciC SIZE: 13/4 01 COLOR: &A7l+no . GARAGE DOORS:. LANI.1'C SIZE: COLOR: STORM WINDOWS & DOORS: pWthiuvv.� COLOR: LiNlnt CE. r) SKYLIGHTS (FLAT ONLY) •Stmlrt--oma SIZE: 13'4 ./q1 COLOR: Slr -Cgclo.n . Sato ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: • )40%.06•• YARMOUTH COMMITTEE ClIeS 9/88:c1 •* TOWN OF YARMOUTH • 2 3G a OLD KING'S HIGHWAY REGIONAL HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 1 • } SPECIFICATION SHEET , i APPLICANT'S NAME L.J. t--31tcsunnna FOR: fA?DYC At_• e-rtf'ri9w:/ AI Wn.SL.A-511t rta..e. , FOUNDATION: ?ovate (c•Rr *- �7 ,� COLOR N Nv+r.at germ4SH.Sz. UAtA= rc Ga: Cat (.a) I tI cm- cCL< SIDING: UC. Sitnact.t= COLOR: NA7vRAt. CHD^IEY: 3'rttc,L COLOR: rttb '. • ROOF MATERIAL: Aieleot-r - PITCH: 1012 COLOR: r'�1ut £�\SS S c •• 9 1L'- r13 WDOWS: D pt... Nv*14 SIZE: EX �"S IN • • Gsornv.- r U 3N91 w I. NS „ P1 st Ll c TRDf COLOR: UXnsri (t'cssr" iCE N .n en*, DOORS: umplcn..t (L; ,%-) :z-1 COOR: pq � ', s SHUTTERS: ^ DA -o CAR: c..i //�� E� U., Gt,tt> RS: Pt.rn�t,�u.. COLOR: ( JN1l CE�t13T> . DEC::: N4A 3wt)%testrnt_ .nactC SIZE: 13'r4 18' COLOR: 1JAJUna t • . GARAGE DOORS:. (..S1-111Lr SIZE: COLOR: • . STORM WINDOWS & DOORS: AWmtuv,-� COLOR: US MC: CE''lsr) -51 3PSKYLIGHTS (FLAT ONLY) •SViJ1'Zorn SIZE: I'Y,c'1'l COLOR: gc _ Saw,.E 3t..o(. A) • , ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: • 1 )46%)36"i X1-11Z- 6lj ' APPROVED, u Jo Ili lAi+iiriiilcc OKHRD • 9/88:c1 •. . 4 • 125.0 2. 6368 Fe•v.cc G • -- 1 l_-_o T Z 24818 5F± +1 Q t V. :Z fort Acr. 0 �y r 35 _c' :a7 n. • r:Q o ';1f �1 r^ o r7 &Lf l✓( �----1 1{{1 � �T. Si, m �- r--.. 'O m $"'R F I c...4,.o.1c. Di_E Y. C7 J 3l.'lf Sr C.1 .14 . 1 .z-- .321-- Ei..ay. 53.z. G till I L 1. I APPROVED YARMOUTH COMMITTEE • OKHRD ti 0 d v• f /+ —__ 125.00 �� ,✓A/ c,r J . MiaP. /ll P _ Fa..c. 4!T 5G?L)11z2EL -1...)1-1 JOB N 86-081A CERTIFIED PLOT PLAN k ,-; PREPARED FOR: LOCATION: L-2 SQUIRREL RUN YAR SCALE: 1=30 DATE: 10/17/86 REFERENCE: - PB 322 PG 59 WILLIAM SHERMAN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE BUILDINGS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS LOCATED ON THE GROUND AS SHOWN HEREON. I BUILDINGS CONFORM TO SETBACK REQUIREMENTS OF THE. TOWN WHEN CONSTRUCTED. • Tilt wc�oF a r cc�THE ro4�-me Foumecnor4 Is O.S• FSEILL�T �` �N of Mtrs�cy down cape engineering or ARNE t. H.CIVIL ENGINEERS CSO /��y/�J p A • LAND SURVEYORS u�` / Si •'" 4.7.-�' I -ROUTE 6A YARMOUTH MA DATE We".URVEYOR c ob'axo con c anoaat tia 92 DEC -3 f?1 :34 TCMN Cf' YARM,?JiN DUAN CLERK 3 TREASUf F ft _—�____ • I H . • I . 1 • �^ Ie112 3 cam ' . Oil I I• - illi • 1 1 .. ......4 Ir...... ...... ......_d ..�., �.� f . . . . Ft,L. � � 79 , , HAS THE CAT GOT._NOUR T44JGUE? Answer these questions with words that begin with "cat" . '1 . Underground caverns for burying. /r 2. A large church. ht./ f 3. Before it was a ;butterfly:. , t 4. A book you can order-, from. Y, 5. A growth in your eye. ' 6. If I throw i a;;ball',•:•you'•shoulds . . 7. Cows, Bulls and Steer. 8. A sailboat with two hulls. 9 . A Christian religion. 10. A terrible tragedy. 11 . It flies and meows like a cat. 12. A thief that climbs outside houses. 13. A section of things that are alike. 14. It swims. 15.. A red mushy tomato sauce. Answer these with parts of a cat. 1 . A story. 2. Part of a needle. 3. Front lights of a car. 4. What a barber shaves. 5. Parts of a saw. 6. A kind of tree. 7. If you stop for a second. 8. A part of a sentence. C '�' i,1csal , fr— • .< k •, . rib Ft) I O tr--1 c fi, �� F 7. 2 "P -- • . 1 I l . . i�n.3. H1t:GW?1Vt .lam 7 gilt./ h • PE: I d C- 330 Z6. ' -a'J ' 03A1-3.3 :id . \ \11' fr ; z ' APPROVED YARMOUTH COMMITTEE OKHRD I t i ANSWER PAGE Has the cat got your tongue? 1 . Catacombs 2. Cathedral 9. Catholicism 3. Caterpillar 0. Catastrophe 4. Catalog 11 . Catbird '/' / j1— \ 5. Cataract 12. Cat burglar 6. Catch it 13. Catagory 7. Cattle s t14. Catfish • r 8. Catamaran Fti �� I 15. Catsup Part of a cat f iJ' . , ,. . ,J ".11 1 . Tail 5. Teeth 2. Eye 6. Fir (fur) 3. Head 7.Pause (paws) 4. Whiskers 8. Clause (claws) Hallowe-nowScramble GhoIt, Ghoul, Goblin, Trick, Treat, Scary, Halloween, Witch, Pumpkin, Creatures, Haunted, Graveyard, Skeleton, / Spiders, Monster. . a r ( 1 rl\ a r.cf `-'L' .L 17 y a- 4,—, — a,—, t• (kJ• r me / sa QHHNO 33UI11Vi00 HWoWHVA / - t3AMI dy -� z�Z� 3(1 TR/ �. O 4�� _ r ,....._.,:wv, i rc, ..._ !lit LionmenumariallialIs"��T � I, NMI k 1 1 irr.. Hl 'I' 111313kat Igo PE: t d £-• 330 16. --- —.-- . OOP u dl1;r:: slia r 0 i � G.W.A. 1?..., IP Fri aS7`r 1 ceiling fps CEILING ASS LY $ PCHAL TOTAL R31.6 1 ewe adila tt • TOP SURFACE U= ;on Z WINDOWS: S • R=0.61 F$Iimm Ma 17 30.0 3 S 9" FIBERGLASS 0033 - - INSULATION • - . 7.-R=30 • cynn 11 i)111lnnnnnnn n Al • =SHEETROCR DOORS: • R= 0.45 Z1 • '12" 1-11GN {Z ' j / -BOTTOM SURFACE • R, 3.5 R= 0.61 1/2"PLYWOOD_ INSIDE SURFACE WALL ASSEMBLY R=•0.62 REAR ELEVATION z I k R= 0.68 PLTCALTOTAL R= 11,3 G.W.A. -424 ribrr WOOD / 1 .........-}" SHEETROCR U= 06 • SHINGLES I R= 0.45 MIMED TOUT. 1, 12.5 • R= 0.87 . I o u I c,,} U 0.08• WINDOWS: RPM OUTSIDE .„,...- 31" FIBERGLASS 9 Vii.INSU ATION > OEAi 2'0 1 0 9 • SURFACE R=il E[EI=HEAT tk 0.05 R= 0.17 I =SURFACE RESISTANCE ' V, / ! • R= 0.61 FLOOR ASSEMBLY 1' V .- FINISH FLOOR PCIAL TOTAL R= DOORS: 3 TWO BEADS j R=. 0.91 U= 1 KEW=IOTL 20.0 CAULKING - } PLYWOOD RIGHT SIDE ELEVATIC. UNDER PLATE 1L " U 0.05 SUBFLOOR j R= 0.62 C.V.A. lea fT ?.OUTBID SURFACE A• I •' l/ l ✓`/; 'CJ i.�L�L'li(.'�'Lu r R= 0.17 / r WINDOWS: 1.+• k, . � ' : INSULATION FOUNDATION • CONCRETE R= 19 WALL ASSDIBLY FOLNDATION i DOORS: (may be used instead • WALL I SUAFAC RESISTANCE of floor insulation) 2 1 R= 1.32 = 8" R= 0.61 PCRAL TOTAL R= I 21.-1 1.48 = 10" ' ' I Z LEFT SIDE ELEVATION U= .04 . 1. ! , E$TlIPID l Fa 12.5 G.W.A. 80 $ F r } INSIDE SURFACE U 0.03 1 IR= 0.68 elk 1 I 1/8" SHEETROCR WINDOWS: 44 I . 1,7R= 0.32 • . t• /.,___1" STYROFOAM G 7.1 DOORS: . 1 4 . tl . . , t .: 4 - t. • • •••' 21 NOTES: • P-rR 1:1E:1TLY INSTALL= STCRM WINDOWS TO BE US= (;;;;;SS .:ALL .UtSA= 3,oU0 4 cc- I JN'.T+'YGn le -P4itr r:..�u.£ ::... ...._.- V 4-1=7. 325 cli F, 1 02 dl f S 3 Say/,rzrr« �, . :EC R1T:c..- 113 i, 19;1.4 L"L 1.4 /2e/9'y • ' t /tfirric � amu- �� _0(frug," zfriy.,__ AteniAA-.-- Ctjjat.\1101_ Wait ‘6 . Fa'4-5t1---- 4atjtr / �p6gt9 §9 MAY 20, 1994 1 WE WILL EXTEND YOUR BUILDING PERMIT #698--1993 FROM MARCH 14, 1994 TO SEPTEMBER i 14, 1994. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING IS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL , THIS OFFICE. ^4J`� (ZJ rpt F RREST E. WHITE INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ) 1 1 , (, - _ ,:.;----4. I _______ t r • ' I F . /N_ . i 1 I c.JOG?it Shop - 57Di iyr - 1 boas i l - LPN NDiv 9 fx/D I , ,________r445A...._ 1 E . . . t i . } / LI I" �, • - - __ t . ✓ ` Z '�7n t 7 ��� _ ---- -�-�_�;-his-J; _--- 4, 4 1 / •Y��x II l1 li I fir. ti r,,.. • 19,,o-'S -r l I) tr: 1 zwis 41 M 8724 A/ - 'r ` `r' 1 - - 7-a,, E 1 z, /stip 6 Or .1 } t " • .